Ladies: Do you accept friend requests from guys on MFP?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I don't. I just feel like men and women's bodies are way too different for me to be accepting requests from the opposite sex. Might get some flack for that, but that is just what I do personally not trying to offend anyone. I just wanted to know if there were other girls like myself who do not accept friend requests from males on MFP. If so, what's your reasoning behind it?

    I can completely respect not accepting friend requests from males (I don't send friend requests TO females)...but not for the reason you gave. The only real difference between our bodies from a fitness perspective is hormonal. And they still work the same despite that.

    The women I've helped with their weight loss and fitness goals would certainly argue this point with you till the cows came home :).

    This one I had to stalk like a bloodhound after a wounded deer. :tongue:


    I wasn't that bad was I?? Besides, what fun is catching something without a good chase?!
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I do unless they seem creepy.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I do unless they seem creepy.
    Mmmmm friend request sent...
  • coachchevye41
    I accept as long as they are not creepy. :)
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have a number of male friends and we do support each other. Yes our needs are different but it's still calories in, calories out and healthy eating so who really cares.

    ^ Yeah this!

    I have both types, Country and Western!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I definitely friend guys here, particularly if they have a good sense of humor (which they do!)

    When I was new to MFP, I figured I would friend women who were close to my age, with similar weight loss/fitness goals. But, as time went on, I saw that ease of communication mattered a lot to me. So, I tend to friend people I like and those people tend to be diverse in many ways.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I do. I have always had more male friends than female in real life, but my friends list on mfp is opposite. My husband has always known this, he is secure and knows I'm around for the long haul.
  • xipow
    xipow Posts: 58
    I accept from human beings who have similar goals and ideas about fitness. I like those who do weight training and cardio combined. I like those who try to eat clean. I hope some of their knowledge and motivation will influence me to do better. I like to be friends with highly motivated people. If they have tenacity and are struggling for self mastery, I want them as a friend.
  • thirtytwopostcards
    I accept from anyone really. Everyone is able to help motivate and encourage others the same so why not?
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I would if any sent me requests. I have no problem with it, it's not like I'm here to get to know them as more than someone else looking to lose weight/get healthy with. Would be like if I was one of those mall walkers and refused to be in any group with guys in it. Kinda dumb.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I don't. I just feel like men and women's bodies are way too different for me to be accepting requests from the opposite sex. Might get some flack for that, but that is just what I do personally not trying to offend anyone. I just wanted to know if there were other girls like myself who do not accept friend requests from males on MFP. If so, what's your reasoning behind it?

    I can completely respect not accepting friend requests from males (I don't send friend requests TO females)...but not for the reason you gave. The only real difference between our bodies from a fitness perspective is hormonal. And they still work the same despite that.

    The women I've helped with their weight loss and fitness goals would certainly argue this point with you till the cows came home :).

    This one I had to stalk like a bloodhound after a wounded deer. :tongue:


    I wasn't that bad was I?? Besides, what fun is catching something without a good chase?!

    I'm used to being the chasee. Wouldn't have been so bad if I could have counted it as cardio...
  • lilbrowngirlsj
    lilbrowngirlsj Posts: 45 Member
    I do, as long as they don't seem flirty or creepy.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do because i don't have weird gender issues with males.

    i really had no idea it was such a big thing with certain people.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I would, but there's only very few that are actually requesting lol - the ones on my friends list are ace and super supportive though! Love you guys :P (and gals as well of course)
  • TheOriginalGinging
    I'm with all those who will give and take encouragement and support. I reached 10 lbs lost today and out of 30 "friends" have only heard from 3--insert tiny violin here.... :wink:
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    I never accept friend requests from girls. When they find out I'm Italian, they become way too forward and make me feel like I'm a sausage with feet.

    Girls, I am not an object :mad:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Sure I accept friend requests from everybody. If some guy ever tries to creep on me, they WILL get blocked, no biggie. I'm a happily married woman with a great husband who has healthy self esteem, he also trusts me and knows I would never do any hanky-panky, flirting, or whatever it is some women on here are afraid they'll do if they friend men. LOL
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    some of my men friends have been invaluable in helping me figure stuff out. Our bodies are different, but not all that different.

    No, they're pretty much the same. Especially when it comes to food.

    You got boobs, we got balls.

    Um. I guess I was thinking in terms of how much we can squat and how much we weigh and how much we can eat. But thanks for noticing my boobs.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Support is support no matter if it comes from a girl or guy..just my opinion
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I don't for two reasons.

    1. I am married and have five sons (plus one daughter) I am around males all of the time and I really want a Girls Only Zone where I can be goofy and perverted, but not seem like I am being sexual or trying to hook up with anyone.

    2. My husband does prefer me not to have male friends. He says that he knows how men think and they will try to flirt and hit on me. Now, I had already decided to keep this my girl zone anyway, but I am also doing it because he is my sweetie and if it makes him more comfortable...then that is good!

    Your husband sounds like he has trust issues

    He has no trust issues. But when you have been with someone for over 24 years, you will couples split from things that seemed innocent at first. No one goes into a "chit-chat"/friendship relationship thinking it will go further. It always starts out innocently. So, we have decided to protect ourselves before this even has a chance to start.

    He is a professor and will only talk with female students with his office door open. Not that I do not trust him or he does not trust himself, it is just a safer way to protect yourself from potential dangers.

    Considering that I have been happily married to him for 22 years and have been with him for over24 years, I am not going open myself up to something that could destroy our relationship (ie: chatting with men or having them on my FL and then talking to them too much or texting them, or eventually sexting them)

    And to those that think that there is no flirting going on here... :huh: