Ladies: Do you accept friend requests from guys on MFP?



  • issyme
    issyme Posts: 40 Member
    Absolutely, we're all in this together, I'll take support and encouragement from anyone who wants to offer it.
  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    I accept all friend requests from males and females.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Funny people with whom I enjoy socializing don't always match my gender. I don't want to miss out on fun opportunities just because someone happened to be born with different body parts.

    Besides, the awesome party that is being friends with me is something that no one should miss out on. Good times are had by all.
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    Wrong, her husband is in a position where he needs to protect himself. Not because he can't control himself but because if he always has an open door policy, it will make it that much harder to prove misconduct accusations by someone looking to cause problems.

    I'm not familiar with the US school system... what do you mean by "causing problems?" Are you saying that female students in the US falsely accuse professors of sexually molesting them in their own offices? (I don't think that's what TinkrBelz was talking about, though).
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    What an absolutely ignorant statement.

    Did you even read what she wrote?

    Did you?

    I'm giving her a reality check based on what she wrote and how she phrased certain things. It may be harsh and not really my business, but it's meant as constructive criticism and I only have the best intentions.

    I'm reminding her that she does have the power to prevent unwanted things from happening, and so does her husband. Avoiding contact with the other sex is never the deciding factor that will prevent you from cheating -- self-control and taking responsibility for your actions are.

    She has control over how much flirting she does, just as her husband does, and both can stop when it's getting too intense. Avoiding most contact with strangers of the other sex to prevent cheating is like saying that they have no control.

    I'm not telling anybody how to live their lives, just pointing out something and hoping it will prove useful.

    I can appreciate your intentions.

    I can also appreciate that at your tender age, you have very little experience with the world and how it works. It has nothing to do with preventing yourself from cheating (although, the BEST prevention is not putting yourself in the position to have to choose. Common sense 101). What you can't seem to comprehend, is that they ARE taking responsibility for their actions. They ARE acting with self control. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean its not happening.

    So...which part of this did you not comprehend?:
    Not that I do not trust him or he does not trust himself, it is just a safer way to protect yourself from potential dangers.

    Do you have any clue how easy it is for a pissed off female student (whether pissed at a grade, or because he won't return her affection) to ruin a mans life, and career forever? do not.

    Do you have any idea how easy it would be for that student to cause problems in a marriage, PARTICULARLY one without the safeguards and precautions they take in theirs. do not.

    Again, I appreciate your intentions...but until you've walked more than a couple miles in other peoples should probably remove that chip and stop being so judgmental. Not everyone defines trust as you do. That doesn't mean they aren't trusting. Not everyone defines their relationship as you do. That doesn't mean their relationship is flawed, or doomed for failure. They've kept it together for 24yrs.

    That's one less year than you've been ALIVE. I think that they know a bit more about how things work than you do.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member

    Do you have any clue how easy it is for a pissed off female student (whether pissed at a grade, or because he won't return her affection) to ruin a mans life, and career forever? do not.

    Do you have any idea how easy it would be for that student to cause problems in a marriage, PARTICULARLY one without the safeguards and precautions they take in theirs. do not.

    Again, I appreciate your intentions...but until you've walked more than a couple miles in other peoples should probably remove that chip and stop being so judgmental. Not everyone defines trust as you do. That doesn't mean they aren't trusting. Not everyone defines their relationship as you do. That doesn't mean their relationship is flawed, or doomed for failure. They've kept it together for 24yrs.

    That's one more year than you've been ALIVE. I think that they know a bit more about how things work than you do.

    So this. *****es be crazy. I should know, I am one :wink:

    Damn, ****ed up the quotes. But you get the sentiment.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    ...and to some the ladies who said they deny creepers...pfft. You know who you are.

    I haven't received any creeper requests today. Still waiting...
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Wrong, her husband is in a position where he needs to protect himself. Not because he can't control himself but because if he always has an open door policy, it will make it that much harder to prove misconduct accusations by someone looking to cause problems.

    I'm not familiar with the US school system... what do you mean by "causing problems?" Are you saying that female students in the US falsely accuse professors of sexually molesting them in their own offices? (I don't think that's what TinkrBelz was talking about, though).

    If that's not what she was talking about, I assure you her thoughts were running in a similar vein. Yes, female students have been known to bring false accusations against professors and teachers. It does not end there. Sexual harassments lawsuits ran rampant throughout the US for while, where the burden of proof rested with the accused.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Yes.. I'm looking for a husband :)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I don't. I just feel like men and women's bodies are way too different for me to be accepting requests from the opposite sex. Might get some flack for that, but that is just what I do personally not trying to offend anyone. I just wanted to know if there were other girls like myself who do not accept friend requests from males on MFP. If so, what's your reasoning behind it?

    I like having friends of both genders, however I can see why you wouldn't want guys on your friends list.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Do you have any clue how easy it is for a pissed off female student (whether pissed at a grade, or because he won't return her affection) to ruin a mans life, and career forever? do not.

    Do you have any idea how easy it would be for that student to cause problems in a marriage, PARTICULARLY one without the safeguards and precautions they take in theirs. do not.

    Again, I appreciate your intentions...but until you've walked more than a couple miles in other peoples should probably remove that chip and stop being so judgmental. Not everyone defines trust as you do. That doesn't mean they aren't trusting. Not everyone defines their relationship as you do. That doesn't mean their relationship is flawed, or doomed for failure. They've kept it together for 24yrs.

    That's one less year than you've been ALIVE. I think that they know a bit more about how things work than you do.

    So this. biotches be crazy. I should know, I am one :wink:

    Damn, ****ed up the quotes. But you get the sentiment.

    There you go hun, lol.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :blushing: yup, all the time, even made a request to a few to
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I don't really reject anyone unless they are creepy. I don't see what's the big deal.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    yup, cuz I am sure there a lot of dudes who can help me with exercise/ nutrition advice. Now just the matter of reeling them in... :bigsmile:
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    my only true friend in real life is a male, just works out better that way for me. i used to not add males on here, but now i do. i look up to some of the men on here like older brothers or fathers. honestly the most supportive and amazing/caring friends ive had have been males. they offer some great advice too, both on health and other issues that girls may not be able to answer. its not all about flirting and stuff- the creepy crap i could do without. nothing wrong with having something to try to work hard/ impress for. sorry to say but if they look creepy i usually dont add them. and never without a message.
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    I like having guy friends because they're honest, like if I eat too much ice cream I have had a guy friend tell me I should cut back where as my female friends wouldn't post that or they'd say good day or something. I think guys are a little more honest and can be pretty helpful.
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I have mostly female friends but do have a few guy friends. I think that all of my friends are trying to be their best, regardless of gender.
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    Funny! :-)
  • mollysonnotice
    I sure do. I actually find the guys on here pushing me to workout and eat healthier moreso than a lot of the women I have as friends. No, I'm not up for a pervy guy, but that's not what its like for most of us. We are just encouraging each other and though we have very different bodies, encouragement and accountability dont require similar bodies or goals
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    i may be sorry for asking this but to all the women that said, "sure unless he is creepy!". so am i creepy? :p