for anyone considering the Couch to 5K...



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good luck everyone. I love to come back to this thread and see what everyone has posted. We're all doing a great job. AlyssasMommy, I know what you mean about feeling like a runner. I never would have thought I would ever in a million years be a runner but that's what I consider myself now. It's a great feeling! :happy:

    Jenne, I know what you mean about enjoying running too. This program is so addicting. :happy:

    m2k let us know how this afternoon goes.

    Keep up the good work everyone. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    btw, Amy I love the verse under your ticker. That's a GREAT verse. :flowerforyou:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    actually I read a book called "The Spiritual Art of Running" which helped a lot... it's about using running as a meditation time, whatever that might mean for you. :wink:

    I am wrapping up week 7. Now that I'm on the longer runs I'm thinking about dropping the podcasts and just finding songs I like with the right lengths to keep up the 5 min walks and appropriate running time. We'll see how it goes!

    Thanks for that suggestion Amylynne - I was trying to shift into a meditative mode, so I think that book might be a great help. Thank you!!! I just did an extra day on week 4, so now week 4 is DONE! I'm ready to face week 5 on Wednesday. :)

    So awesome that you're on week 7.... I haven't had the courage to see how far that is - but I'm totally impressed that you're there, kicking booty and taking names!

    Everyone here - I'm so proud and grateful to be a part of this group.EVERYONE on this thread is an inspiration and support.
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    thanks everybody!! I can't wait to log on and get caught up with you ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    I bought new shoes Saturday which made a HUGE difference! Keep up the good work everyone you keep me motivated!

  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I finished week 5 run 3 (the dreaded 20 minute run) and I did itwith only a few 30 to 60 second walks thrown in. I felt like a rockstar by the time i finished but I threw in an extra 3 minutes of running to make up for the few pauses in speed that I had :)

    I am excited to do week 6 because I know that I am past the 1/2 way mark and things are starting to get serious!!!!

    I hope everyone had a good run or two this beautiful weekend :)
  • AlyssasMommy
    :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    I went to the gym in my apartments tonight and the treadmill was out of order.I was really looking forward to running. I could not run outside because it was 10 pm. They better have it fixed by tomorrow!!! I ended up working out on the elliptical and it turned onto being a pretty good workout. I am moving to a new place on Thursday with an amazing gym. I hope I don't have to wait until then to get on a treadmill.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I finished w4d3 last night. YAY ME!!! i was having serious doubts while I was running the first 3 minutes. I thought to myself, "there's no way I'm going to be able to finish this". :noway: Then on the first 5 minute run, I almost started walking before I was done but I just kept pushing myself. Then when I finished that I just kept telling myself I was half way done. I got through the second 3 minute run then during the second 5 minute run I just kept concentrating on the tree tops and when there were no trees, I kept concentrating on the sky. :laugh: Finally Chris said "you did it!" and I'm thanking God and praising Him for helping me get through it. :happy: WHEW!! There's no way I could have done it without God. :noway:

    How exciting and exhilarating to be able to finish! On to week 5 on Thursday! This just continues to be so exciting! I remember being completely exhausted walking up a flight of stairs (22 steps) and now I'm running for 3 and 5 minutes at a time.

    Everyone keep going because you can do this. I know you can! Good luck and keep posting! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    MommaRed - Such an inspiration!!!! Good for you finishing week 4. I think you will really enjoy week 5 as well.

    I haven't been too successful this week. Feeling soooo drained. Just must be at the low point of my energy cycle. I'm hoping in a couple of days to be back on my game. I've been running but still sticking with Week 5 day 1, it is all I can do to complete it, but at least I'm keeping up with it. It is very satisfying to run 5 minutes at a time. I'll progress when my body is ready.

    Really tired of the rain here, I'm sure that has something to do with my energy level too, just so dreary, need some sunshine!!!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I had started this program almost a year ago, but let me life lead me away from it. I started up again last night and found that using a podcast made it INFINITELY easier to handle. Staring at the clock gets in your head, but being able to just walk or jog and go until you hear a voice is great.

    I am using the Robert Ullrey podcast- but I don't like it. The volume levels are horrible and I have to turn it up WAY too loud to hear his voice over the music. Can anyone recommend some other podcasts? I am pretty much a pop/rock girl but am willing to try anything to keep me motivated on this!
  • jenne
    I didn't really like Roberts Podcast either for the reasons you stated. I've been using Susies which you can find here:

    Be aware that it's hip hop mixes and there is no holding back with the swears, etc. Personally I love the mixes but if you are offended by certain things it might not be the podcast for you.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I use the Christian Indie Tracks but you could Google c25k podcasts and you can find other websites that way. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Ha!! Language doesn't bother me at all. Not that I use it inappropriately, but half the time I don't even hear it anymore. And when I do? I usually giggle :()
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I didn't really like Roberts Podcast either for the reasons you stated. I've been using Susies which you can find here:

    Be aware that it's hip hop mixes and there is no holding back with the swears, etc. Personally I love the mixes but if you are offended by certain things it might not be the podcast for you.


    Very nicely put - I use Susies podcasts as well. Some songs I find myself laughing, thinking, really??? they can say that ??? But the music is great, very motivating.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    M2kJenn - you go! It's so good that you're just being patient with yourself and repeating until your body knows it's ready to advance. I repeated another day of week 4 before going to week 5 and am so glad I did it. I did week 5 day 1 today - yessss! Will try day 2 on Thursday.

    Mommared - nice use of tree tops and sky - sometimes I look for hibiscus bushes and count the different colors of flowers - anything to keep me distracted from how much longer there is....

    Which brings me to the GENIUS idea I had this morning. (Well, if it's not brilliant, it's pretty darn close). I was actually thinking about all of you -- and then I was INSPIRED!

    I'm wondering who in this thread would consider a runner's / dreamer's retreat in Hawaii? I live here and could check out a few places that we might be able to get group accommodations (separate or double rooms). Call me crazy - but as i was running this morning, and thinking of how we "run together" in this thread - it could be a great reward for accomplishing our goal(s) to have a vacation and, fit in a real group run or two! :)

    Let me know if anyone's crazy enough to consider it - and what time frame you would be thinking of - (If I had to hop on a plane, I'd need several months to save the money and work it out at work...)
    If there's even 2 or 3 people, I would be glad to look into accommodations, etc.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    smiles4miles - What an amazing idea. How lucky you live in Hawaii!!! It would be an amazing adventure, can't say for sure I would be able to budget it, but such a nice thought for you come up with.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    That's a great idea. Sounds like fun even though I wouldn't be able to afford something like that. If anyone else is able to and wants to do it, be sure and post pics. :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have a confession and a warning for everyone. heh.

    I've been 'cheating'. I've been running Week 2 on the days that I'm not running my current week. Today I ran W4D2 and I barely made it through the 5 minute run - because I had run W2 twice yesterday - once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Argh.

    I thought I was going to get stronger faster, but my knees are killing me. Not good. I need to take tomorrow off completely. I know if I don't I'm going to do some real damage and not be able to do this at all.

    I'm kinda addicted to this, but how did it happen so quickly???

    Argh. okay I said it now I have to take tomorrow off. All the way off. :ohwell:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member

    I'm wondering who in this thread would consider a runner's / dreamer's retreat in Hawaii? I live here and could check out a few places that we might be able to get group accommodations (separate or double rooms). Call me crazy - but as i was running this morning, and thinking of how we "run together" in this thread - it could be a great reward for accomplishing our goal(s) to have a vacation and, fit in a real group run or two! :)

    That would be a dream... but as a single mom not really in the realm of reality for me. But you never know, maybe one day! That is a cool idea!:smile:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    awww that is such a neat idea. I cant say that I would be able to afford it this year with planning my wedding next september (gotta save for that) but I think its a great idea and i love that you thought of all of us!!!

    i ran week 6 day 1 today on the treadmill because i had to work early today and didnt want to run outside after worki at 3pm (HOOOOTTTT) so I did it inside...and it was a tad bit easier, but I have realzied that I love to run outside more even though its harder on my body. i found i was gettting bored and looking at the timer on teh treadmill all run long!!!

    i am looking forward to the run outside friday morning! Tomorrow is a 'rest' day from the running. still going to do some cardio and weights just no running. i find if I run every day my knees start to hurt too!

    good luck to everyone tomorrow :) Im off to a bridal show for the night he he..maybe I'll find soemthing exciting to decorate with or work towards :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am using the Robert Ullrey podcast- but I don't like it. The volume levels are horrible and I have to turn it up WAY too loud to hear his voice over the music. Can anyone recommend some other podcasts? I am pretty much a pop/rock girl but am willing to try anything to keep me motivated on this!

    Do you have an iPhone? There's an awesome C25K app that lets you play your own music in the's so great. And it tells you when t run and walk and when you're halfway done. That way you don't have to keep looking at the clock. So worth the $1.99.
  • noexcuse
    just did my first day on the program. seem okay,i will see in the am. I would like to do exercise everyday so can i put in a walk on the off days? i downloaded the pod cast by mia, good music.