Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Whilst I agree people should be able to eat/drink whatever they like, why should it be free?? We do have free refills in the UK but not everywhere and I see it as a bonus rather than a god given right. Just my view.....

    Do we??? I've never seen them. I thought they were an American thing?

    Sorry to jump in, but Harvester and Toby Carvery do as well. I think it's becoming pretty standard in chain restaurants. I'd be really peeved if they were baned.

    Yay!! Get fat for free. :huh:
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Telling us what/how much we can drink is just one tiny step toward our country becoming a communist nation....

    So to a child's point of view, responsible parents are 'communist parents' becasue presumably they don't just allow them to eat everything and anything they want.

    Whoa, there's just no comparison there. The government isn't my Mommy and I'm no child, Parents make decisions for children because they aren't capable of carefully weighing and making the choices themselves.

    So... shall we say that the government makes decisions for me because I cannot be trusted to make the right one myself?

    Whew, good thing they don't let me vote or drive a vehicle.

    Anyway, the argument isn't as much about telling someone they cannot have the refill as it is about telling the business they cannot sell it. If that's how a resturaunt would like to operate, and the customer enjoys it... then it shouldn't be an issue.

    People will still continue to drink massive amounts of soda if they really want to. They'll just pay more for it.. and the government will be able to get more tax revenue from said purchases.

    I don't really drink soda.. but, to me, it just seems shady that THIS is what we going after, when there are so many larger issues.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!

    Uhhh, how did Michelle Obama ban McDonalds from giving out caramel for apples? She doesn't have the authority to do that.

    It's called political pressure.

    Taking away a little caramel, meanwhile stuffing her big fat face with burgers, shakes, ribs, etc. She's a hypocritical b! who used her position to bully a company into changing their menu. In reality, it'll make kids fatter-now their parents buy them a happy meal and a side of fries, so they're just adding more food to it. But at least they're making an extra sale and the gub'ment can dip their paws into the taxes...

    stuffing her big fat face?

    are we looking at the same person..

    shes beautiful.

    And by the looks of her she doesn't eat 1700 meals everyday...

    You're getting your information from Yahoo! Shine? There's your first problem right there
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I am right there with you. Also, soda isn't free for the restaurants either. I think it's only right for us to pay for seconds or thirds.

    But don't think that it costs anything compared to what we pay per glass. It comes in bulk, and they make a good little profit off of it.

    Not that it bothers me, I have no issue with them profiting, they should.. I'm just saying that this idea isn't being tossed around to save money for the resturaunt.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    Frugamom is starting sound like another jealous hater!

    I am a hater of the government trying to get too big for their britches, and I am a hater of hypocrites, and I am a hater of our government wasting our money while we go deeper and deeper into debt.

    You got me.

    You need to expand your horizons a litlle and look at reality. Get out of the republican echo chamber.

    Answer pelase...

    1. Name the freedoms you've lost under obama
    2. Tell me how much more you pay in taxes under obama
    3. Quantify for me how much more debt we're under from obama that's not a hangover from GWB's recession and wars
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    If "free drinks" is something a restaurant offers as part of their "service". Then so be it.

    We are not taking advantage of the system if we "don't pay" for another drink which is usually $2.50 for the first one anyway and filled with ice.

    So buffets will be limited too.... pop is not the end of the world... How about we limit the amount of cigarettes in a package etc....

    This stuff is just a waste of everyones time and we wonder why we don't have world peace lol
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    So just because you want something, it's supposed to be handed to you? Would you hand a kid his 5th piece of candy just because he "wants" it? Certainly would not "need" it.

    What is with people comparing the parent/child relationship with the government/citizen relationship? It is NOT the same!

    I also give my son a bed time and make him at least "try" to "go potty" before leaving the house... But don't see any need in the government stepping in to make those decisions for me, maybe the difference is.... I'm an adult!

    And, most people are not saying they are "entitled" to a free refill.. they are saying that the goverment should not be able to tell resteraunts they can not give free refills, just like they shouldn't tell them that they must give free refill, it should be up to each individual business. It's silliness.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    So just because you want something, it's supposed to be handed to you? Would you hand a kid his 5th piece of candy just because he "wants" it? Certainly would not "need" it.

    What is with people comparing the parent/child relationship with the government/citizen relationship? It is NOT the same!

    And, most people are not saying they are "entitled" to a free refill.. they are saying that the goverment should not be able to tell resteraunts they can not give free refills, just like they shouldn't tell them that they must give free refill, it should be up to each individual business. It's silliness.

    It's an analogy. A government official feels the need to step in because the public as a whole has proven that they cannot control themselves. It is everyone's choice whether or not they want more but some seem to be unable to make the educated decision, hence obesity. And yes nobody used this exact phrase "I am entitled to a free refill" but the way they were talking yesterday it seemed that they kinda just expected to be handed what they want, just because it has already been handed to them before.
  • bunnylvr
    bunnylvr Posts: 78
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!

    Uhhh, how did Michelle Obama ban McDonalds from giving out caramel for apples? She doesn't have the authority to do that.

    OF COURSE SHE HAS THE POWER. she's practically the witch queen of new orleans. she practices hoodooo in the basement of the white house. SHE IS AN EVIL WOMAN who wants america to MOVE. it's the same goal as EVERYONE ON THIS SITE but vote agin her and her husband cos she's married to a muslim devil who won't rest until the very fabric of 'merica is shredded in the dirt. STOP THEM NOW.

    Please tell me this is sarcasm.........
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Every time I hear a stupid idea like this, I am reminded to always vote Republican.

    Absolutely, it is really not OK to ban drink refills, but it is OK to try and ban abortions. Yeh, drink refills are definitely the more important issue here.


    (Some of my posts have been taken the wrong way lately... so disclaimer here :bigsmile: My post it isn't a personal dig at you, i'm sure you vote republican for a variety of other reasons. Just pointing out the irony of your post given the republican ideals!)

    Or Sodomy. Sex toys. Marriage equality and the list goes on and on. While I would agree that banning free refills is an over step, Republicans take the cake as far as banning things go imo.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    So just because you want something, it's supposed to be handed to you? Would you hand a kid his 5th piece of candy just because he "wants" it? Certainly would not "need" it.

    What is with people comparing the parent/child relationship with the government/citizen relationship? It is NOT the same!

    And, most people are not saying they are "entitled" to a free refill.. they are saying that the goverment should not be able to tell resteraunts they can not give free refills, just like they shouldn't tell them that they must give free refill, it should be up to each individual business. It's silliness.

    It's an analogy. A government official feels the need to step in because the public as a whole has proven that they cannot control themselves. It is everyone's choice whether or not they want more but some seem to be unable to make the educated decision, hence obesity. And yes nobody used this exact phrase "I am entitled to a free refill" but the way they were talking yesterday it seemed that they kinda just expected to be handed what they want, just because it has already been handed to them before.

    I do agree, that as a nation, there is a sense of entitlement.. I see it in the younger generation especially.. however I don't think this will cut down on soda consumption. I think it will cause a lot of grief for servers and resturaunt owners trying to explain to customers why they can no longer offer them a free refill, even though they'd like to. I still see people drinking the same amound of sodas.. they'll just buy them seperate... I don't see this helping, it just looks like useless legislation, and a waste of time.
  • stephenglover
    stephenglover Posts: 87 Member
    I keep reading posts here and laugh, Government is not who chosses this. The business are or should be, I remember when the only free refill was a sweet tea. Yes I am from the south. I could care less if the company decides to charge for it but then people will start drinking water, guess what? It will not be free anymore, not sure if other countries charge for water or not. The same costs go into bringing you out a glass of water as brining you a drink, from an overhead stand point for a business.

    You use to get free air at a gas station now they charge because they want to not were told to. Not a arguing point here on the subject just a business point.

    For the ones stating it is health care related costs, I guess the cost of a tylenol in a hospital being 12 bucks has nothing to do with costs. Many other reasons could be listed and I don't think a Drink will make as much of an impact as many other things could.

    Also on healthcare, anyone on a Government program should be made to take drug tests, the crack or whatevevr drug they may be on drives our healcare costs up to. I pay for my healthare and would love to see people make better choices but Government control is not the way.

    And what would you all think if they say our computers are making us fat and take them away so you will get out more and be active, guess that want go ove so well with some.
  • bunnylvr
    bunnylvr Posts: 78
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!

    Uhhh, how did Michelle Obama ban McDonalds from giving out caramel for apples? She doesn't have the authority to do that.

    It's called political pressure.

    Taking away a little caramel, meanwhile stuffing her big fat face with burgers, shakes, ribs, etc. She's a hypocritical b! who used her position to bully a company into changing their menu. In reality, it'll make kids fatter-now their parents buy them a happy meal and a side of fries, so they're just adding more food to it. But at least they're making an extra sale and the gub'ment can dip their paws into the taxes...

    Michelle Obama herself did not ban caramel from being given away with apples. As I said before, she has lacks the power to make that decision. MCDONALDS decided decided FOR THEMSELVES to stop giving out caramel with apples and Michelle Obama approved of their decision.

    It's not as if Michelle Obama stormed into McDonalds headquarters and said "I FORBID YOU TO GIVE AWAY CARAMEL WITH APPLES!"

    Even if McDonalds did cave to political pressure it was still THEIR CHOICE as a corporation to do so.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    OF COURSE SHE HAS THE POWER. she's practically the witch queen of new orleans. she practices hoodooo in the basement of the white house. SHE IS AN EVIL WOMAN who wants america to MOVE. it's the same goal as EVERYONE ON THIS SITE but vote agin her and her husband cos she's married to a muslim devil who won't rest until the very fabric of 'merica is shredded in the dirt. STOP THEM NOW.

    Please tell me this is sarcasm.........

    it's real. why do you think you never see kittens running around the rose garden? they're being sacrificed in a secret chamber under the white house. Be very afraid
  • bunnylvr
    bunnylvr Posts: 78
    OF COURSE SHE HAS THE POWER. she's practically the witch queen of new orleans. she practices hoodooo in the basement of the white house. SHE IS AN EVIL WOMAN who wants america to MOVE. it's the same goal as EVERYONE ON THIS SITE but vote agin her and her husband cos she's married to a muslim devil who won't rest until the very fabric of 'merica is shredded in the dirt. STOP THEM NOW.

    Please tell me this is sarcasm.........

    it's real. why do you think you never see kittens running around the rose garden? they're being sacrificed in a secret chamber under the white house. Be very afraid

    Lol, okay, definitely sarcasm. I am relieved, because people actually believe this crap.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    they should definitely drop the price then. I'm not continuing to pay $3.50 for a glass of ice cubes with a sprinkle of pop......if they only fill it once.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Every time I hear a stupid idea like this, I am reminded to always vote Republican.

    I'd rather the government telling me what to do about my soda than telling me what to do with my uterus.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm not from the US but I doubt this as a solution to the ever rising obesity epidemic there. Instead the food industry should work out on switching back to the normal serving sizes of the food & drinks. Over the years, the serving sizes in most restaurants in the US are just getting bigger. They should get rid of the biggie sized drinks & other super-sized items. But banning free refills is definitely harsh.
  • Fannyannefeisty
    Do you really think there has been a time in the last century when the government HASN'T at the least influenced, at worst conspired to change without you knowing, what you eat?

    Are you aware what food lobbyists do? Do you know the power and influence they have over your government? Do you know the lengths your government will go to in influencing global health/food agencies?

    At least banning free refills is honest, upfront and out in the open.

    Oh and those who ***** on about communism make me howl!!!!!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I love how an offhanded remark from a mayor of a small city within a single state can cause such angst and gnashing of teeth. How about that proposed ban on unsweetened tea as proposed by a mayor in Arkansas last year?

    If you live in Cambridge, feel free to send this mayor an angry letter telling him how stupid an idea this is. Otherwise, this is not a "slippery slope" that is going to end up with a federal ban on soft drink refills anytime soon. Save your ire for the real losses of freedom.