RANT: I wanted to punch his face.



  • Rastrohman
    Rastrohman Posts: 4 Member
    Attractiveness and beauty are qualities that serve humankind better when displayed on the inside, not the outside. He sounds like a very ugly person inside, filled with hate and intolerance and probably a whole lot of other negative and unhealthy feelings. It's up to you to show him that, while your weight loss is fractionally aimed at making yourself appear more physically attractive, your goal is to make your entire self a healthy and attractive person, both inside and out. If your heart is made of gold, nothing he could say to you could change that.
  • yougojo170
    yougojo170 Posts: 62
    Take it from where it comes from. He is ignorant and must have low self esteem so he has to put someone down in order to make himself feel better. Don't lower yourself to his level by even letting him know it bothered you. You are doing something good for yourself. Never feel bad about that. :wink:
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    How do you even know he was talking about you? If he was walking with 2 other people you could have just heard a snippet of whatever conversation he was having.And just because they laughed does not make it about you...
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Made me lol while drinking my coffe! Ha ha ha, I'm still laughing every time I get that picture in my head.
    You should have said " I know RIGHT!" Smacked your *kitten* and kept on running... idiots...
  • Thought this was funny and kind of relates. Sometimes when I'm doing my dvd workouts my family laughs and this is what I have to say to them...


    I know he wasn't on the couch, but you did pass him up. :wink: I'm proud of ANYONE I see walking/jogging. Most of us probably do not look glamorous but that's okay, at least we're out there doing it. Hold your head high, keep going, and ignore the stupid idiot's of our world!
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    I was jogging with a friend today (and before I go any further, you have to understand that I NEVER jog in public, always stay inside on the treadmill, so this was a big step for me). So we were jogging back and we live on a fairly busy street, there's this guy with two girls walking in front of us, as we pass them by we hear the guy sarcastically say, "well THAT'S very attractive."
    Totally just pissed me off, I mean how rude do you have to be? I legit wanted to go back and punch his face.

    people are just nasty to the core - take no notice of him x
  • mpaige1969
    mpaige1969 Posts: 52
    As the saying goes "some people deserve a high 5, in the face, with a chair", that guy is one of them!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    You should have said " I know RIGHT!" Smacked your *kitten* and kept on running... idiots...

    I like ^^^THIS retort the best.... :)
  • JoeGa
    JoeGa Posts: 25
    should have just waved at him...the middle finger wave....
  • People are just A-holes!
    A few punk kids once threw french fries at me one time out walking. Totally crushed my spirit.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Are you sure he was talking about you? Sometimes our own insecurities make us think that everything people say or do is about us... He could have been in the middle of a conversation and it just happened that he said something that cuold have been misunderstood as rude towards you....

    On that note, if he DID say it to you then he is just a D-Bag...don't let him or his stupidity keep you from getting fit! From your picture you are a beautiful girl...don't let him get to you...and no matter what you look like anyways - you are working out!

    This is why I love this picture.

  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    You should have said " I know RIGHT!" Smacked your *kitten* and kept on running... idiots...

    haha, I LOVE this.

    &aside from that DB, I totally did have fun jogging outside with a friend, i'm gonna try and make this a twice a week thing!

    BAHAHA I loved it too!
    I checked out your profile pics and the ones that are you are great!
    You look fabulous girl - maybe he actually truly meant it!
  • BigHef32
    BigHef32 Posts: 10
    I was jogging with a friend today (and before I go any further, you have to understand that I NEVER jog in public, always stay inside on the treadmill, so this was a big step for me). So we were jogging back and we live on a fairly busy street, there's this guy with two girls walking in front of us, as we pass them by we hear the guy sarcastically say, "well THAT'S very attractive."
    Totally just pissed me off, I mean how rude do you have to be? I legit wanted to go back and punch his face.

    Should have just said "Thanks... you too" and kept on going. ... or gone back and punched him in the face. Either would have been OK in my opinion. :)
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    You should have said " I know RIGHT!" Smacked your *kitten* and kept on running... idiots...

    Love this too! Just keep doing what you are doing! I've been running pretty hard since Dec and I feel like a clumsy idiot every time I go out. One time I had a group of teenagers start laughing obnoxiously and one of the boys started running beside me with really exaggerated movements. I just said "awesome, I needed a running partner--I've got 4 more miles to go, come on" and he slowed down real fast. *kitten*!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I was jogging with a friend today (and before I go any further, you have to understand that I NEVER jog in public, always stay inside on the treadmill, so this was a big step for me). So we were jogging back and we live on a fairly busy street, there's this guy with two girls walking in front of us, as we pass them by we hear the guy sarcastically say, "well THAT'S very attractive."
    Totally just pissed me off, I mean how rude do you have to be? I legit wanted to go back and punch his face.

    Yeah, that would have warranted a big FU
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    maybe he meant it. You are a lovely girl and if he didn't, who cares. You are getting stronger and better and you are not doing it to impress stupid jerks who are walking while you, strong one, are running. Guess the joke's on him.
  • JPO1980
    JPO1980 Posts: 34 Member
    I was jogging on the treadmill one day at the fitness club. I saw a dude staring at me. I have to hold "the girls" 'cause they're so big. I thought he was staring at that. Then I realized my backside was feeling cool. I reached around. My drawstring pants had fallen down below my cheeks, but because I was wearing beige spandex tummy control to hold in my floppy belly (2 abdominal surgeries for tumor & hernia, I HAVE to wear this) I didn't feel the breeze right away. SO here I am, 30lbs overweight, holding my boobs, pants below my butt cheeks showing my tan spanx & I don't even know it.

    THAT was attractive <giggle>

    Hope I made you laugh. I had to stop my workout I was laughing so hard after that happened.

    I just spat my coffee over my keyboard - ROFL :laugh:
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    Love this too! Just keep doing what you are doing! I've been running pretty hard since Dec and I feel like a clumsy idiot every time I go out. One time I had a group of teenagers start laughing obnoxiously and one of the boys started running beside me with really exaggerated movements. I just said "awesome, I needed a running partner--I've got 4 more miles to go, come on" and he slowed down real fast. *kitten*!

    Priceless! I admire your confidence and spontaneous verve!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Yep...a punch in the face with your foot would have gone over great in this situation. Eff him and don't let him ruin any part of your day. Christina Agueilera was right when she sang YOU are beautiful, no matter what 'they' say. Keep rocking it!!!
  • I've had a few rude comments like that, and you know what? Screw them. Pretend they're talking about somebody else.