Positive comments on unhealthy diaries



  • bporter30080
    what's funny, I have lost over 100lbs. Anyone of my friend's would tell you, I have a free day about once a week where i just eat junk, 5,000-6,000 calories. It's what i needed to do to help me lose the weight.

    Now there is a point of no return where the free days are preventing weight loss, so now i am going to "cheat meals"

    cheat days are much needed lol. atleast for my sanity..hahaha

    Yes they are, but lets go to cheat meals. Would you not comment on someone if someone ate good most of the day, but during lunch they had some fast food?

    I will only comment if they continuously ate like that,if i see their goal is to lose weight and the past 5 days they had macdonalds... i will not say good job but instead encourage them back on the wagon. Now if they ate fast food once that day and went back to regular eating goals then I won't need to say anything. granted i don't need to comment daily but if i see an incredible day or week i will say something.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    I know in my case, the calorie goal is the most important thing for me. I am far from a clean eater, hell, I save calories for ice cream most days. Something to remember, the same person who makes bad choices but comes in at 1300 calories today may have made more bad choices and eaten 2500 calories three months ago. In my case, I may decide to have frozen pizza, but I feel good about myself for sticking to the 1/3 of a pizza rather than eating the whole thing.

    So spot on for me. This week was "fast food week" because I wasn't able to go grocery shopping until the weekend. I did keep the calories within reason and made sure I exercised enough to stay on target. That is a HUGE improvement over the way things used to be.

    I'm also continuing to lose weight so I don't worry too much about the clean eating fanatics.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)

    Ooohnoess "skinny fat". Don't worry, I'm not concerned about having a body type that pleases you.

    Lol I could go MUCH meaner now, but I'm not going too. Clearly, you feel the need to defend yourself. You're one of those that needs someone to validate that your "trying" or whatever. That's fine, but this post is about people posting clearly wrong comments on people's diaries. If someone takes in 5k calories in a day, you're not going to see a "good job". You SHOULD have a friend on here messaging you tho and asking what's up and how things are going. Seeing if you need some encouragement. Anything less is false hope.

    I love how at 23 you know everything... some people really do not care about skinny fat... does that mean she is stupid? nope it means that at this point in losing weight she really just doesn't care. Who are you to judge? perhaps he goal is a certain pants size, or a certain body fat percentage number... NOT all of us are concerned with what others want us to look like we just want to be happy with what WE see in the mirror.

    1. I never claimed to know everything, but yes, I educate myself on things that are important. Like my health. That's important, and I want others to realize that too. 2. When did I EVER call her stupid?? That didn't even make since. 3. You're comment about the mirror has already been addressed earlier. It's myFITNESSpal, not mySKINNYpal. The point has already been made that it is about a HEALTHY life, not a skinny one. If that's not your goal, it's like saying you'll eat twinkies and ding dongs, but weigh 130 lbs, and then have a short life expectancy because you're nutrition sucks. Why do that? There's no point...

    Sense*** not since..

    also I am glad you educate yourself on things that are important... but for me losing weight - right now is for my HEALTH..being 4'9 and 200+ pounds is bad for ones heart... and that is why I joined this site...its for my health... not because I want to look like she hulk... and no I am not saying anything bad about anyone with muscles.. .I have many friends on here that are hot.. and have tons of lady muscles, but at this point lady muscles are not my biggest concern.... Just because its my FITNESS pal.. you can be skinny and healthy... does not mean anything... Do I want to work on my fitness level?? Sure.. at this exact moment its not my number one goal... sue me.. I am using this site to LEARN...

    Oh and PS. When I weigh 130 pounds I will not eat ding dongs and Twinkies... but that's because I do not LIKE ding dongs and twinkies.. I didn't get fat eating ding dongs and Twinkies. But when I weigh 130 pounds you bet I will still drink wine, and beer and eat ice cream and pizza too..

    I do not eat clean... and you know why? because I do not want to... its that simple.. I can be healthy and still enjoy the small things in life - there is nothing saying I can't.

    Good for you for making changes and realizing it is important for your health to lower your weight. In this case, what I said earlier about making small changes would make sense. I'm not telling anyone to eat clean, I'm not forcing that on anyone. I just don't think it's logical for someone to think they are getting the nutritional value they need out of eating fast food and junk food ALL the time. And to tell someone "good job" when they have that goal, and then consistently eat that way is counterproductive. My point is there is SO much more to being healthy than just calories. Beer, wine, pizza...that's great. I have a beer pretty much every weekend and enjoy a glass of wine almost every night. There's nothing saying you can't.

    And thanks for correcting my spelling mistake. I'm a Grammar nerd, and it would have bothered me if I had proofread :)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Well i can't comment on mental health but i can focus on physical health. assuming that we are talking about weightloss which is our goal right? Lets focus on physical- eating heathy and working out. Some injuries happen but i wouldnt necesarrily compare a injury to someone who eats junk food everyday to lose weight.

    I think you want to even the playing field of : that person sprained their ankle, they aren't healthy.....that person eat s junk food everyday, they aren't healthy.......its just not the same thing. Noone is on a moral high-ground, i have my issues but if i can help someone i will. and it just seems your thought process on losing weight is a bit diff.

    I'll state this again... healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss. It really does not matter where your calories come from from a pure weight loss standpoint. The only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. Other things may hellp, like eating foods that keep you full longer, or filling up with water, or filling up on veggies instead of more calorie-dense and less nutritional stuff.. but these things don't cause the weight loss, they just help you reach your calorie goal.

    The point isn't to "even the playing field", the point is that health is a personal choice with MANY dimensions, far more than one can see from a food diary. If someone's goal on my friend's list is to lose weight, I'm not going to pretend to know what's best for their health when that's not even the reason they're logging to begin with. If they're within their calorie goals, that's good enough. I'm not the health food judge, I'm not the food police. Their health is multidimensional and me scolding them for not eating more broccoli isn't going to add any years to their life.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    what's funny, I have lost over 100lbs. Anyone of my friend's would tell you, I have a free day about once a week where i just eat junk, 5,000-6,000 calories. It's what i needed to do to help me lose the weight.

    Now there is a point of no return where the free days are preventing weight loss, so now i am going to "cheat meals"

    I also have cheat meals, and I enjoy them. Last one was a couple weeks ago at Applebee's and I had Blackened Steak Penne. It's nice every now and then, but I find the longer I maintain my style of eating clean foods, the less I crave those. My new favorite snack is actually reduced fat cheese sticks. It feels bad cause it's cheese, but because I practice moderation, I feel good about it :)

    For some reason this reminds me of learning how to swap out unhealthy choices for healthy choices. I got to learn to make some good healthy deserts.

    Skinnytaste.com has some bomb *kitten* cupcakes and stuff :) And it uses stuff out of a box so it's easy. My favorite are the Pina Colada cupcakes and the Pink Lemonade ones-those are my daughters favorites too :)
  • bporter30080

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)

    Ooohnoess "skinny fat". Don't worry, I'm not concerned about having a body type that pleases you.

    Lol I could go MUCH meaner now, but I'm not going too. Clearly, you feel the need to defend yourself. You're one of those that needs someone to validate that your "trying" or whatever. That's fine, but this post is about people posting clearly wrong comments on people's diaries. If someone takes in 5k calories in a day, you're not going to see a "good job". You SHOULD have a friend on here messaging you tho and asking what's up and how things are going. Seeing if you need some encouragement. Anything less is false hope.

    I love how at 23 you know everything... some people really do not care about skinny fat... does that mean she is stupid? nope it means that at this point in losing weight she really just doesn't care. Who are you to judge? perhaps he goal is a certain pants size, or a certain body fat percentage number... NOT all of us are concerned with what others want us to look like we just want to be happy with what WE see in the mirror.

    1. I never claimed to know everything, but yes, I educate myself on things that are important. Like my health. That's important, and I want others to realize that too. 2. When did I EVER call her stupid?? That didn't even make since. 3. You're comment about the mirror has already been addressed earlier. It's myFITNESSpal, not mySKINNYpal. The point has already been made that it is about a HEALTHY life, not a skinny one. If that's not your goal, it's like saying you'll eat twinkies and ding dongs, but weigh 130 lbs, and then have a short life expectancy because you're nutrition sucks. Why do that? There's no point...

    Sense*** not since..

    also I am glad you educate yourself on things that are important... but for me losing weight - right now is for my HEALTH..being 4'9 and 200+ pounds is bad for ones heart... and that is why I joined this site...its for my health... not because I want to look like she hulk... and no I am not saying anything bad about anyone with muscles.. .I have many friends on here that are hot.. and have tons of lady muscles, but at this point lady muscles are not my biggest concern.... Just because its my FITNESS pal.. you can be skinny and healthy... does not mean anything... Do I want to work on my fitness level?? Sure.. at this exact moment its not my number one goal... sue me.. I am using this site to LEARN...

    Oh and PS. When I weigh 130 pounds I will not eat ding dongs and Twinkies... but that's because I do not LIKE ding dongs and twinkies.. I didn't get fat eating ding dongs and Twinkies. But when I weigh 130 pounds you bet I will still drink wine, and beer and eat ice cream and pizza too..

    I do not eat clean... and you know why? because I do not want to... its that simple.. I can be healthy and still enjoy the small things in life - there is nothing saying I can't.

    Hello, you said you are 4'9 and 200+ and want to get healthy bc of the strain on the heart.....why don't u eat clean then to lose weight? curious. and by clean i'm saying majority of the days, enjoying the small things every now and then is perfectly fine.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    no one is good all the time. i think, as long as my pals are keeping within their goals & exercising, they deserve some encouragement. after all, it does take some courage to log junk food around these parts. i applaud them for being honest, even if their health choices could be a bit better.
    THIS! We all need encouragement, and when friends post the truth on their down days, I know they need even more encouragement to help them along. Nothing succeeds like success!
    I don't say, "Great food choices", obviously! But I do encourage! They do the same for me. Great MFP people!

    I often feel the same way. I've lost friends for commenting if they were repeatedly too low on calories. I don't mind if someone comments that mine are too low. I know they often are. There's a reason behind it and it's not a choice for starvation. I'll even comment if my own day sucked. But if it's all junkfood etc...I won't comment at all most of the time or I make it a careful and encouraging comment.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    what's funny, I have lost over 100lbs. Anyone of my friend's would tell you, I have a free day about once a week where i just eat junk, 5,000-6,000 calories. It's what i needed to do to help me lose the weight.

    Now there is a point of no return where the free days are preventing weight loss, so now i am going to "cheat meals"

    I also have cheat meals, and I enjoy them. Last one was a couple weeks ago at Applebee's and I had Blackened Steak Penne. It's nice every now and then, but I find the longer I maintain my style of eating clean foods, the less I crave those. My new favorite snack is actually reduced fat cheese sticks. It feels bad cause it's cheese, but because I practice moderation, I feel good about it :)

    For some reason this reminds me of learning how to swap out unhealthy choices for healthy choices. I got to learn to make some good healthy deserts.

    Skinnytaste.com has some bomb *kitten* cupcakes and stuff :) And it uses stuff out of a box so it's easy. My favorite are the Pina Colada cupcakes and the Pink Lemonade ones-those are my daughters favorites too :)

    I am now beyond heartbroken that I don't have an oven. I want to try those cupcakes!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    what's funny, I have lost over 100lbs. Anyone of my friend's would tell you, I have a free day about once a week where i just eat junk, 5,000-6,000 calories. It's what i needed to do to help me lose the weight.

    Now there is a point of no return where the free days are preventing weight loss, so now i am going to "cheat meals"

    I also have cheat meals, and I enjoy them. Last one was a couple weeks ago at Applebee's and I had Blackened Steak Penne. It's nice every now and then, but I find the longer I maintain my style of eating clean foods, the less I crave those. My new favorite snack is actually reduced fat cheese sticks. It feels bad cause it's cheese, but because I practice moderation, I feel good about it :)

    For some reason this reminds me of learning how to swap out unhealthy choices for healthy choices. I got to learn to make some good healthy deserts.

    Skinnytaste.com has some bomb *kitten* cupcakes and stuff :) And it uses stuff out of a box so it's easy. My favorite are the Pina Colada cupcakes and the Pink Lemonade ones-those are my daughters favorites too :)

    okay thanks, i'll check it out.

    Skinnytaste.com has some amazing recipes period! I used the fish taco recipe tonight.
  • bporter30080

    Well i can't comment on mental health but i can focus on physical health. assuming that we are talking about weightloss which is our goal right? Lets focus on physical- eating heathy and working out. Some injuries happen but i wouldnt necesarrily compare a injury to someone who eats junk food everyday to lose weight.

    I think you want to even the playing field of : that person sprained their ankle, they aren't healthy.....that person eat s junk food everyday, they aren't healthy.......its just not the same thing. Noone is on a moral high-ground, i have my issues but if i can help someone i will. and it just seems your thought process on losing weight is a bit diff.

    I'll state this again... healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss. It really does not matter where your calories come from from a pure weight loss standpoint. The only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. Other things may hellp, like eating foods that keep you full longer, or filling up with water, or filling up on veggies instead of more calorie-dense and less nutritional stuff.. but these things don't cause the weight loss, they just help you reach your calorie goal.

    The point isn't to "even the playing field", the point is that health is a personal choice with MANY dimensions, far more than one can see from a food diary. If someone's goal on my friend's list is to lose weight, I'm not going to pretend to know what's best for their health when that's not even the reason they're logging to begin with. If they're within their calorie goals, that's good enough. I'm not the health food judge, I'm not the food police. Their health is multidimensional and me scolding them for not eating more broccoli isn't going to add any years to their life.

    sigh....."healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss" if you want to lose muscle go right ahead dear. We don't see eye to eye thats fine, but i will say you have ALOT more info to learn on proper nutrition, FAT loss and being healthy bc you have greatly misinformed and i don't see me saying what i'm saying tonight will click. Best of luck to you are youre goals..
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    what's funny, I have lost over 100lbs. Anyone of my friend's would tell you, I have a free day about once a week where i just eat junk, 5,000-6,000 calories. It's what i needed to do to help me lose the weight.

    Now there is a point of no return where the free days are preventing weight loss, so now i am going to "cheat meals"

    I also have cheat meals, and I enjoy them. Last one was a couple weeks ago at Applebee's and I had Blackened Steak Penne. It's nice every now and then, but I find the longer I maintain my style of eating clean foods, the less I crave those. My new favorite snack is actually reduced fat cheese sticks. It feels bad cause it's cheese, but because I practice moderation, I feel good about it :)

    For some reason this reminds me of learning how to swap out unhealthy choices for healthy choices. I got to learn to make some good healthy deserts.

    Skinnytaste.com has some bomb *kitten* cupcakes and stuff :) And it uses stuff out of a box so it's easy. My favorite are the Pina Colada cupcakes and the Pink Lemonade ones-those are my daughters favorites too :)

    I am now beyond heartbroken that I don't have an oven. I want to try those cupcakes!

    I know there's a way to convert recipes into microwave mug recipes. Google it, and then you can have your cake and eat it too :) Pretty much all of her desserts are under 190 cals too, so they make a perfect treat that you don't have to feel too guilty about :)
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member

    Well i can't comment on mental health but i can focus on physical health. assuming that we are talking about weightloss which is our goal right? Lets focus on physical- eating heathy and working out. Some injuries happen but i wouldnt necesarrily compare a injury to someone who eats junk food everyday to lose weight.

    I think you want to even the playing field of : that person sprained their ankle, they aren't healthy.....that person eat s junk food everyday, they aren't healthy.......its just not the same thing. Noone is on a moral high-ground, i have my issues but if i can help someone i will. and it just seems your thought process on losing weight is a bit diff.

    I'll state this again... healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss. It really does not matter where your calories come from from a pure weight loss standpoint. The only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. Other things may hellp, like eating foods that keep you full longer, or filling up with water, or filling up on veggies instead of more calorie-dense and less nutritional stuff.. but these things don't cause the weight loss, they just help you reach your calorie goal.

    The point isn't to "even the playing field", the point is that health is a personal choice with MANY dimensions, far more than one can see from a food diary. If someone's goal on my friend's list is to lose weight, I'm not going to pretend to know what's best for their health when that's not even the reason they're logging to begin with. If they're within their calorie goals, that's good enough. I'm not the health food judge, I'm not the food police. Their health is multidimensional and me scolding them for not eating more broccoli isn't going to add any years to their life.

    sigh....."healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss" if you want to lose muscle go right ahead dear. We don't see eye to eye thats fine, but i will say you have ALOT more info to learn on proper nutrition, FAT loss and being healthy bc you have greatly misinformed and i don't see me saying what i'm saying tonight will click. Best of luck to you are youre goals..

    Agreeing with you. We are the "clean eating fanatics". It would be nice if people could see clean eating really isn't that different from normal eating. I can make pretty much anything into a clean meal now. And I love it, it tastes awesome, and I'm getting results :)
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    what's funny, I have lost over 100lbs. Anyone of my friend's would tell you, I have a free day about once a week where i just eat junk, 5,000-6,000 calories. It's what i needed to do to help me lose the weight.

    Now there is a point of no return where the free days are preventing weight loss, so now i am going to "cheat meals"

    I also have cheat meals, and I enjoy them. Last one was a couple weeks ago at Applebee's and I had Blackened Steak Penne. It's nice every now and then, but I find the longer I maintain my style of eating clean foods, the less I crave those. My new favorite snack is actually reduced fat cheese sticks. It feels bad cause it's cheese, but because I practice moderation, I feel good about it :)

    For some reason this reminds me of learning how to swap out unhealthy choices for healthy choices. I got to learn to make some good healthy deserts.

    Skinnytaste.com has some bomb *kitten* cupcakes and stuff :) And it uses stuff out of a box so it's easy. My favorite are the Pina Colada cupcakes and the Pink Lemonade ones-those are my daughters favorites too :)

    okay thanks, i'll check it out.

    Skinnytaste.com has some amazing recipes period! I used the fish taco recipe tonight.

    Try the Thai Coconut Shrimp Curry. Freaking amazing! Everyone in my house loved it :)
  • bporter30080
    I just posted a Paleo cookie recipe in the recipe section. OMG so good. i made paleo brownies too. granted its not Betty crocker but it gives me my fix without the grains, gluten, soy or dairy.

    Paleo = grain, gluten,soy, dairy free (fyi for those that wanted to know)
  • bporter30080

    Well i can't comment on mental health but i can focus on physical health. assuming that we are talking about weightloss which is our goal right? Lets focus on physical- eating heathy and working out. Some injuries happen but i wouldnt necesarrily compare a injury to someone who eats junk food everyday to lose weight.

    I think you want to even the playing field of : that person sprained their ankle, they aren't healthy.....that person eat s junk food everyday, they aren't healthy.......its just not the same thing. Noone is on a moral high-ground, i have my issues but if i can help someone i will. and it just seems your thought process on losing weight is a bit diff.

    I'll state this again... healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss. It really does not matter where your calories come from from a pure weight loss standpoint. The only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. Other things may hellp, like eating foods that keep you full longer, or filling up with water, or filling up on veggies instead of more calorie-dense and less nutritional stuff.. but these things don't cause the weight loss, they just help you reach your calorie goal.

    The point isn't to "even the playing field", the point is that health is a personal choice with MANY dimensions, far more than one can see from a food diary. If someone's goal on my friend's list is to lose weight, I'm not going to pretend to know what's best for their health when that's not even the reason they're logging to begin with. If they're within their calorie goals, that's good enough. I'm not the health food judge, I'm not the food police. Their health is multidimensional and me scolding them for not eating more broccoli isn't going to add any years to their life.

    sigh....."healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss" if you want to lose muscle go right ahead dear. We don't see eye to eye thats fine, but i will say you have ALOT more info to learn on proper nutrition, FAT loss and being healthy bc you have greatly misinformed and i don't see me saying what i'm saying tonight will click. Best of luck to you are youre goals..

    Agreeing with you. We are the "clean eating fanatics". It would be nice if people could see clean eating really isn't that different from normal eating. I can make pretty much anything into a clean meal now. And I love it, it tastes awesome, and I'm getting results :)

    OMG thats my specialty! turning everything i want to eat into a healthy version of it. i always say "everything has a substitue" I still enjoy my foods when i'm on a maintenance plan. When i'm cutting i'm more stricter. I'm getting my bf more into healthy eating, he can't tell the diff between ground turkey or ground beef, fat free sourcream vs full fat. it about the healthier choices.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I'll state this again... healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss. It really does not matter where your calories come from from a pure weight loss standpoint. The only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. Other things may hellp, like eating foods that keep you full longer, or filling up with water, or filling up on veggies instead of more calorie-dense and less nutritional stuff.. but these things don't cause the weight loss, they just help you reach your calorie goal.

    I'm a newb with some things, but even -I- know that this is BS. Weight is also not THE only number. You want a healthier body composition to help lose actual FAT. I'm not here to lose weight. I'm here to lose fat and become healthier in the process. Water is necessary. Veggies are necessary, though they lack in calories, and have a lot of great nutrients. Protein is imperative....unless you don't want to lose actual fat.

    That said, we're not all here for the same reason. I know that. Some people are also easily discouraged if they have to make their diet too exacting. Some of us have monetary issues. There are a lot of factors that contribute to how we eat. I will say, in what -I- eat, I will keep striving to make it better and healthier even within my own means. Look up "How important is weight" and you'll find a lot of in depth explanations for why weight is actually a detrimental number to use as your only measuring factor. I've only lost 8 lbs, but I'm already going down in size and starting to feel the muscles underneath the chub.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member

    Well i can't comment on mental health but i can focus on physical health. assuming that we are talking about weightloss which is our goal right? Lets focus on physical- eating heathy and working out. Some injuries happen but i wouldnt necesarrily compare a injury to someone who eats junk food everyday to lose weight.

    I think you want to even the playing field of : that person sprained their ankle, they aren't healthy.....that person eat s junk food everyday, they aren't healthy.......its just not the same thing. Noone is on a moral high-ground, i have my issues but if i can help someone i will. and it just seems your thought process on losing weight is a bit diff.

    I'll state this again... healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss. It really does not matter where your calories come from from a pure weight loss standpoint. The only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. Other things may hellp, like eating foods that keep you full longer, or filling up with water, or filling up on veggies instead of more calorie-dense and less nutritional stuff.. but these things don't cause the weight loss, they just help you reach your calorie goal.

    The point isn't to "even the playing field", the point is that health is a personal choice with MANY dimensions, far more than one can see from a food diary. If someone's goal on my friend's list is to lose weight, I'm not going to pretend to know what's best for their health when that's not even the reason they're logging to begin with. If they're within their calorie goals, that's good enough. I'm not the health food judge, I'm not the food police. Their health is multidimensional and me scolding them for not eating more broccoli isn't going to add any years to their life.

    sigh....."healthy eating is not a necessity for weight loss" if you want to lose muscle go right ahead dear. We don't see eye to eye thats fine, but i will say you have ALOT more info to learn on proper nutrition, FAT loss and being healthy bc you have greatly misinformed and i don't see me saying what i'm saying tonight will click. Best of luck to you are youre goals..

    Agreeing with you. We are the "clean eating fanatics". It would be nice if people could see clean eating really isn't that different from normal eating. I can make pretty much anything into a clean meal now. And I love it, it tastes awesome, and I'm getting results :)

    OMG thats my specialty! turning everything i want to eat into a healthy version of it. i always say "everything has a substitue" I still enjoy my foods when i'm on a maintenance plan. When i'm cutting i'm more stricter. I'm getting my bf more into healthy eating, he can't tell the diff between ground turkey or ground beef, fat free sourcream vs full fat. it about the healthier choices.

    Same here...I don't even think he's noticed I've pretty much cut red meat and pork from our eating plan almost entirely :)
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    You know, I've had friends that I've almost unfriended because of their eating habits, but I didn't and the strangest thing happened.

    One gal in particular went from eating only processed packaged food with absolutely no fruit or veg to eating a clean diet. I was alway encouraging even though her diet wasn't my kind of diet. She was on her own path, and eventually her path took her somewhere healthy. I doubt that it was specifically my encouragement, but if she was berated or trivialized by people that thought her choices were poor, would she have made better choices or hid in shame? No one knows. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt and hope that maybe they will choose better sooner or later.

    Having said that, when I was invited to join an 800 calorie diet, I told that gal she was bat *kitten* crazy and she unfriended me ASAP. C'est la vie!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You know, I've had friends that I've almost unfriended because of their eating habits, but I didn't and the strangest thing happened.

    One gal in particular went from eating only processed packaged food with absolutely no fruit or veg to eating a clean diet. I was alway encouraging even though her diet wasn't my kind of diet. She was on her own path, and eventually her path took her somewhere healthy. I doubt that it was specifically my encouragement, but if she was berated or trivialized by people that thought her choices were poor, would she have made better choices or hid in shame? No one knows. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt and hope that maybe they will choose better sooner or later.

    Having said that, when I was invited to join an 800 calorie diet, I told that gal she was bat *kitten* crazy and she unfriended me ASAP. C'est la vie!
    Yep, this! You described me to a T. I was logging food and found out just how hard I was going to have to change my lifestyle to be healthier. It does take time and it does take ENCOURAGEMENT! Sometimes one step at a time and sometimes for me it was one 'comment' at a time that got me where I am today! I now eat fairly clean but not always because it's not always possible to cook every single meal from scratch. I am doing, I'd say 80% better than I was when I started and I've lost almost 40lbs with 20 more to go.
    People come here for help, so I try to help them!
  • jessicae1aine
    This kind of thing, frankly, pisses me off.

    Why do you CARE what other people are posting on SOMEONE ELSE'S diary? It is absolutely none of your business. You don't know that person's story. Maybe they are a regular over-eater and getting under calories is a HUGE first step for them, whether they're healthy food choices or not. Maybe they're just learning to adapt to healthier eating; their food decisions could be infinitely better than they were a month ago, or even a week ago.

    If you don't like it, just keep your mouth shut. It's not that effing hard.
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