Positive comments on unhealthy diaries



  • bporter30080
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of icecream and workout and lose weight correctly.

    And i wonder how twinkie mans blood glucose levels are...i don't have to look at that to know hes body was still starving.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)
  • bporter30080
    Remember not everyone on this site is *just* here to hit a calorie goal. It's about nutrition choices too. If someone wants to say to me that they think I should increase my protein for example I have no problem with that. If I am eating crap and and someone (tactfully) points it out I have also no problem with that.

    As I said before....why open my diary otherwise? Seems odd to open it for people to read then only expect a wtg everyday (and after the 10th wtg it has no meaning anyway).

    That's my opinion anyway. Maybe because I am from the North UK and have different ways!

    I totally agree. We all have goals here, and issues with food, dieting,workouts or w/e it may be. If someone has their diary available they don't mind ppl reading it and possibly critiquing. Its alot of info ppl don't know and its ok to share what you know bc maybe they don't. I won't congradulate repeated bad behavior, i will give suggestions and encouragement to hop back on the wagon.

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    High five lady!!!
  • bporter30080
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.

    Youre joking right? (blank stare)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)

    Ooohnoess "skinny fat". Don't worry, I'm not concerned about having a body type that pleases you.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.

    That is EXACTLY how it works. You have to feed your body a certain way, or the first thing it eats is muscle. That's Nutrition 101... Protein=good.
  • bporter30080
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.

    That is EXACTLY how it works. You have to feed your body a certain way, or the first thing it eats is muscle. That's Nutrition 101... Protein=good.

    I love you.....
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I stopped commenting on peoples food diaries all together. I have almost always felt strange approving of someones eating for the day. If someone eats a cheeseburger that day, I have not one single bad thought about it. It is not at all realistic to think people are just going to be eating clean all the time. I know I don't and if someone has issues with that, oh well.
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    It's one day at a time one hour at a time. This is a learning process. I will praise anyone regardless of what they ate because I know they can see my food diary and maybe they will say oooooo that fruit and yogart parfait sounds good let me try it. Or Wow she had 10 cups of water maybe I should up mine.

    What people need to understand their are people who are not just addicted to food but also don't know how to change. There is a learning curve and some people have it easier than others.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)

    Ooohnoess "skinny fat". Don't worry, I'm not concerned about having a body type that pleases you.

    Lol I could go MUCH meaner now, but I'm not going too. Clearly, you feel the need to defend yourself. You're one of those that needs someone to validate that your "trying" or whatever. That's fine, but this post is about people posting clearly wrong comments on people's diaries. If someone takes in 5k calories in a day, you're not going to see a "good job". You SHOULD have a friend on here messaging you tho and asking what's up and how things are going. Seeing if you need some encouragement. Anything less is false hope.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.

    Youre joking right? (blank stare)

    Not enough calories is what causes muscle loss.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)

    Ooohnoess "skinny fat". Don't worry, I'm not concerned about having a body type that pleases you.

    Lol I could go MUCH meaner now, but I'm not going too. Clearly, you feel the need to defend yourself. You're one of those that needs someone to validate that your "trying" or whatever. That's fine, but this post is about people posting clearly wrong comments on people's diaries. If someone takes in 5k calories in a day, you're not going to see a "good job". You SHOULD have a friend on here messaging you tho and asking what's up and how things are going. Seeing if you need some encouragement. Anything less is false hope.

    Are you having fun making assumptions? You know what they say about those...
  • bporter30080
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of icecream and workout and lose weight correctly.

    And i wonder how twinkie mans blood glucose levels are...i don't have to look at that to know hes body was still starving.

    Doesn't say anything about his blood glucose level, but it does say this

    "Haub's "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20 percent and his "good" cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20 percent. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent."

    He did become "healthier" about the muscle loss that is a possibility. It's pretty vague though this topic, we're talking about "weight loss" now it's going in to "fat loss"

    People also have to keep in mind, obese people usually can't make a 180 in their diet and be successful. They should start off with cutting down on their normal diet, and start to increase better food. This is another reason why someone's diet can look bad to some people.

    I think its safe to assume that ppl on this site who want to lose weight prob wants to lose fat. I don't know anyone who wants to lose muscle. Anyone can lose weight but are they healthy? are they losing fat or muscle? its not about fitting a pair of jeans,, you can fit a pair of jeans if you lose 15 lbs of muscle. People needed to put weightloss and healthy on the same playing field. I just assumed ppl wanted to lose weight to become healthier but after reading some of the comments, ppl want to lose weight regarless of if theyre healthy or not.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I don't comment on bad diary days unless I know the person a little better and then I might tell them "eat more, mister!" or "more protein!"

    but in general, I don't comment on the bad diaries, and usually if someone consistently eats low, I usually delete them because it makes me sad.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I do eat a lot of junk food, but staying under my cal goal is difficult and a big deal to me. It's the positive support that keeps me on this site, no matter how ****ty I ate. It means a lot to me that people still support me despite what I eat. If I'm disciplined enough to keep under my cal goal, why shouldn't I deserve a thumbs up? Not everyone wants to restrict themselves to healthy food only. This site is meant to help you lose weight by tracking calories, not by learning how to eat a different way.
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.

    That is EXACTLY how it works. You have to feed your body a certain way, or the first thing it eats is muscle. That's Nutrition 101... Protein=good.

    You do realize protein is filled with uric acid right?

    And you DO know that trying to argue the fact that protein isn't the building blocks of muscle is going against YEARS of research and proven results? But, you're right. To each his own, blah blah, whatever. You've all found ways of justifying eating whatever you want since you're seeing results by eating only 5 twinkies instead of 8. It's cool.

    BTW...I saw your earlier post about the obese having to make slow changes, and I couldn't agree with you more. However, you should not make a change from an empty calorie diet, to a slightly better, but still calorie dense diet and then stay. It's constant improvement. I still enjoy the occasional beer, and have a glass of wine most nights. Changing your lifestyle doesn't mean giving up everything.
  • bporter30080
    ok cal in vs. out still lose weight right? yeah but if its all crap youre losing muscle. and that NOT a healthy weightloss. so cal in vs/ cal out isn't the only thing that counts for losing weight healthily. sorry it just isn't. sorry if anyone doesn't like to hear this but you can't eat 1200 cals of ice and workout and lose weight correctly.

    Dude, you don't magically lose muscle just because you have poor nutrition. That's just not how it works.

    That is EXACTLY how it works. You have to feed your body a certain way, or the first thing it eats is muscle. That's Nutrition 101... Protein=good.

    You do realize protein is filled with uric acid right?

    And uric acid is excreted in the urine....what are you getting at sir?
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.

    Go ahead and delete me if you're on my list! :laugh: I've lost my weight while still eating all the junk food I want.

    And when you get to your "goal weight" , you're going to be "skinny fat", but I doubt you'll even be skinny. So, go on and enjoy the junk food :)

    Ooohnoess "skinny fat". Don't worry, I'm not concerned about having a body type that pleases you.

    Lol I could go MUCH meaner now, but I'm not going too. Clearly, you feel the need to defend yourself. You're one of those that needs someone to validate that your "trying" or whatever. That's fine, but this post is about people posting clearly wrong comments on people's diaries. If someone takes in 5k calories in a day, you're not going to see a "good job". You SHOULD have a friend on here messaging you tho and asking what's up and how things are going. Seeing if you need some encouragement. Anything less is false hope.

    Are you having fun making assumptions? You know what they say about those...

    Trust me, I know, and I'm not the one being made an *kitten* of here. :)
This discussion has been closed.