Positive comments on unhealthy diaries



  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I personally only look at food diaries occasionally to give me ideas. B/c I love carbs. I have a hard time with protein b/c I'm not a big meat eater unless it's Mexican food.

    It really is none of my business what people chose to put into their mouths food or drink. We are all different.. All here for different reasons. It is not my place to judge others and what they chose to do. If they want to eat clean that's great I will support it.. If they are eating junk yet still losing by all means if it works for them great.
  • bporter30080
    For me, I always try to leave a comment on people's diaries/exercises. I intentionally keep a smaller group of friends for that explicit purpose. And sure, I don't always agree with the choices that my friends make. Like my one friend has her calories set to 800 a day. But you know what? She works just as hard to meet her goals as I do. It is not my position to tell her she has to eat more. It's my job to encourage her to keep striving to be healthier. So when her diary reads a total of 700 or so calories, I give her that little "way to go!" And I'm guilty of bad eating too. I know that fast food appears in my diary way too often. Do I want my friends to stop commenting on my diaries or to start criticizing me for it? NO! Because that doesn't help anyone. If they did that, I would feel completely ashamed, and (like I'm sure a lot of us do) I either eat way more or absolutely nothing when I'm upset. So sure, eat that whole pizza for lunch, but you're still getting a way to go from me because you spent 3 hours in the gym working it off. Relax people, we're here to support each other, not critique every calorie!

    Hmmm i'd have to say youre encouraging unhealthy behavior. Let me clarify: 700 is just not enough cal, for anyone, not even for your body function properly, and thats brain function, digestion,etc. Shes starving herself, does she have an eating disorder? I'm not saying youre being a bad friend, not at all, but maybe you need to make her aware of her lack of cals bc thats how you feel ("it is not my position to tell her she has to eat more" ) good luck!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I keep my diary open so that people can get ideas of what things are fun to eat that work for me that they might want to try. Food is such an individual thing. I do love to look at diaries to get ideas on foods to eat also.

    I think that it is sad that so many people go to the effort to track their calories and yet they are suffering from such malnutrition through their choices. For the same effort, they could enjoy much better health. Eating right is the key to avoid most illnesses. I did not realize this a couple months ago.

    I don't look at diaries unless someone asks me. I'm not their mom, or the diet police. I figure grownups can look after themselves.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Who cares? It's their body. It's an awesome accomplishment to just meet your calorie goal. That deserves a "wtg" or "awesome" from me, whether it was healthy food or "junk".
  • bporter30080
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....
  • mlynnea03
    mlynnea03 Posts: 41 Member
    no one is good all the time. i think, as long as my pals are keeping within their goals & exercising, they deserve some encouragement. after all, it does take some courage to log junk food around these parts. i applaud them for being honest, even if their health choices could be a bit better.

    I can't agree with you more. I am learning so much everyday just by looking at the numbers. Sometimes I say I'm not going to post something, but I know I need to face the facts. Seeing the numbers is what helps me to make better choices. I am nowhere near perfect, but I'm much better than last year.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    Getting all your calories from ice cream (which nobody is doing) may trigger hunger respones or craving but it won't force you to eat more. What you put in your own body is entirely your own decision. 200 calories of ice cream is not going to magically turn you into a binge machine.
  • bporter30080
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    That's irrelevant to weight loss, calories in vs calories out is what matters for weight loss.

    Actually its not irrelevant to weight loss. we can agree to disagree though thanks.
  • Furbuster
    Furbuster Posts: 254 Member
    Remember not everyone on this site is *just* here to hit a calorie goal. It's about nutrition choices too. If someone wants to say to me that they think I should increase my protein for example I have no problem with that. If I am eating crap and and someone (tactfully) points it out I have also no problem with that.

    As I said before....why open my diary otherwise? Seems odd to open it for people to read then only expect a wtg everyday (and after the 10th wtg it has no meaning anyway).

    That's my opinion anyway. Maybe because I am from the North UK and have different ways!
  • bporter30080
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    Getting all your calories from ice cream (which nobody is doing) may trigger hunger respones or craving but it won't force you to eat more. What you put in your own body is entirely your own decision. 200 calories of ice cream is not going to magically turn you into a binge machine.

    you just said "calories from ice cream may trigger hunger responses or craving, but won't force you to eat more" hunger responses= eating more.....Noone say eating ice cream turns into a binge.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    Getting all your calories from ice cream (which nobody is doing) may trigger hunger respones or craving but it won't force you to eat more. What you put in your own body is entirely your own decision. 200 calories of ice cream is not going to magically turn you into a binge machine.

    you just said "calories from ice cream may trigger hunger responses or craving, but won't force you to eat more" hunger responses= eating more.....Noone say eating ice cream turns into a binge.

    ... So once you're a bit hungry you lose all self control and eat more? That's called a binge.
  • bporter30080
    Remember not everyone on this site is *just* here to hit a calorie goal. It's about nutrition choices too. If someone wants to say to me that they think I should increase my protein for example I have no problem with that. If I am eating crap and and someone (tactfully) points it out I have also no problem with that.

    As I said before....why open my diary otherwise? Seems odd to open it for people to read then only expect a wtg everyday (and after the 10th wtg it has no meaning anyway).

    That's my opinion anyway. Maybe because I am from the North UK and have different ways!

    I totally agree. We all have goals here, and issues with food, dieting,workouts or w/e it may be. If someone has their diary available they don't mind ppl reading it and possibly critiquing. Its alot of info ppl don't know and its ok to share what you know bc maybe they don't. I won't congradulate repeated bad behavior, i will give suggestions and encouragement to hop back on the wagon.
  • bporter30080
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    Getting all your calories from ice cream (which nobody is doing) may trigger hunger respones or craving but it won't force you to eat more. What you put in your own body is entirely your own decision. 200 calories of ice cream is not going to magically turn you into a binge machine.

    you just said "calories from ice cream may trigger hunger responses or craving, but won't force you to eat more" hunger responses= eating more.....Noone say eating ice cream turns into a binge.

    ... So once you're a bit hungry you lose all self control and eat more? That's called a binge.

    lol who said losing all control, i think youre magnifying it a bit. Noone is binging (sitting in the fridge door scarfing down everything in site) I'm saying that cals from ice cream won't make you full, or satify you, once it spike youre blood glucose level then drops, which happens quick bc its simple carbs...youre hungry again. No binging
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    yeaahhh, it never once occurred to me that people on MFP were judging MY diary. I def don't do this to others. I log for me, for my information, to have a record to look back on and compare with gains and losses and see how they correlate. There may be a support system here, but we're each accountable only to ourselves and it's odd to me that anyone would be bothered by someone else's choices.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    Getting all your calories from ice cream (which nobody is doing) may trigger hunger respones or craving but it won't force you to eat more. What you put in your own body is entirely your own decision. 200 calories of ice cream is not going to magically turn you into a binge machine.

    Yes, there are certain foods that increase cravings, but if you stick to your calorie goal it doesn't matter, as you already know. 200 calories won't magically turn in to 400 calories.

    But..but.. it's totally impossible to resist hunger urges! Ice cream will FORCE you to eat more! I mean, it's not like we have self control or brains capable of going beyond pure instinct, right?
  • bporter30080
    i'm baffled at those that think cals=cals. 200 cals of ice icream is NOT the same as 200 cals of pure protein or veggies. You have to think of the effect it has on the body (ie blood sugar and nutrients) 200 cals of ice still triggers the body thats its starving bc it wouldn't get the vitamins/minerals it needed. Thats why ppl eat more when they eat bad food, your cells aren't being nourished with what it need so it triggers your body to eat and eat more. I hope this helps....

    That's irrelevant to weight loss, calories in vs calories out is what matters for weight loss.

    Actually its not irrelevant to weight loss. we can agree to disagree though thanks.

    If you can't prove other wise, then what i said still stands.

    Well it can stand but doens't make it true now does it. We can agree to disagee
  • MeliJean78
    MeliJean78 Posts: 249
    Just lie to me, baby.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    and its posts like this that made me make my diary private. . not all of us think carbs are the devil.. and some of us still eat pizza and ice cream... and drink wine or beer.... oh and heaven forbid we are human and have fast food.....

    I am not saying I eat junk food all the time.. but you best believe if I want to have ice cream every day this summer.. I will have ice cream every day this summer and sometimes twice on sunday... Some people take nutrition very seriously which is great... but this is a life style change for me.. not so much about losing weight - which honestly is a nice side effect... but part of my life is going to include "forbidden" foods... and you know why? because I flat out refuse to go through the rest of my long long life with out having another glass of wine... or a bottle of beer or ice cream... because sometimes its the simple things that make life better.

    Also you can still lose weight if you eat crap every day...its the whole calories in vs. calories out.
  • bporter30080
    Just lie to me, baby.

  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    Remember not everyone on this site is *just* here to hit a calorie goal. It's about nutrition choices too. If someone wants to say to me that they think I should increase my protein for example I have no problem with that. If I am eating crap and and someone (tactfully) points it out I have also no problem with that.

    As I said before....why open my diary otherwise? Seems odd to open it for people to read then only expect a wtg everyday (and after the 10th wtg it has no meaning anyway).

    That's my opinion anyway. Maybe because I am from the North UK and have different ways!

    I totally agree. We all have goals here, and issues with food, dieting,workouts or w/e it may be. If someone has their diary available they don't mind ppl reading it and possibly critiquing. Its alot of info ppl don't know and its ok to share what you know bc maybe they don't. I won't congradulate repeated bad behavior, i will give suggestions and encouragement to hop back on the wagon.

    I agree with ya'll. I'm sorry, but I've started deleting friends who complain about not losing weight, but then I see their diary and it's full of diet coke, and they've swapped a big mac for a smaller hamburger. It's not only about how much, but what you eat. Weight is only an indicator of what's going on INSIDE. And being obese tends to mean you have a higher chance of diabetes, heart problems, etc. This exists because of the foods you eat, and the weight you gain is a result. The weight problem is just a visual for what your body is going thru on the inside too.
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