

  • I'm diabetic and I was shown to the door.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    The rule of thumb I've always lived by is don't eat fruit 6 hours before bed.

    Why not? would you turn into a grapefruit or something?

    Because fruit generally carries a high G.I. and can spike insulin. Great for post workout and energy through the day, as a late night snack... eh... still better than a cheeseburger
    GI is useless, and protein spikes insulin even higher than sugar does. None of that matters in a calorie deficit.

    Um, actually a lot of fruits are listed as having a low GI..............
  • but, is snickers fat good fat or bad fat/?]
    Calories are calories, the source is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to energy. I understand the point the point of your example, but honestly, a Snickers bar will keep you energized longer than apples due to the fat content in the Snickers. As for how it's absorbed, all of that is already calculated into your TDEE. TDEE is BMR + TEF+ Daily Activity (NEAT + Exercise.) TEF is the Thermic Effect of Food, how many calories that food takes to digest. It's already factored into your day. And changing macros does not honestly have much of an effect on overall TEF, unless you make DRASTIC, and wholly unrealistic comparisons (90% carbs vs 90% protein, or 90% fat vs 90% carbs, or some other such odd combination that would be impractical to eat in the real world.)

    Also, for comparison, 3 apples would have the same number of calories as a Snickers bar (about 270 calories,) but more than double the amount of sugar. (60 grams vs 28 grams.) So speaking from a strictly energy point of view, the Snickers bar would be a better choice. Obviously the apples are better from a nutritional point of view. This is what is meant by balance, context, and dosage. Anything can be healthy or unhealthy on any particular day, depending on the rest of the diet that day.

    hmmm thanks!
    Yeah I am still confused why weight watcher's platform on fruit and veggies as 0 points (protein, carbs, fat, and fiber) and they have overlooked sugar. Not that I'm picking on WW just trying to understand the science behind it and the science behind sugar as I know that is one of my problems with my weight.

    And see I would think I should pack 3 apples as a snack say from 1-5pm put some cinnamon on them rather than buy a snickers. So yes depending on what I'm eating the rest of the day does apply but wouldn't it be better to space 3 apples out say within 4 hours versus eating a snickers within 20 seconds lol. Because this is what's misleading I know for me trying to find a balance.
    Nutrient timing is irrelevant. The human body is actually incredibly efficient at processing, storing, and utilizing energy. Daily nutrient totals are what matter, when you eat them doesn't. Eating all your calories at once, or spreading them out throughout the day, are handled exactly the same way by the body. It processes what it needs immediately, stores the rest, and then releases what it stored as needed. It's a constant 24/7 process that never stops, as long as you are alive. So again, using your example, spreading the 3 apples out, or eating the Snickers bar all in one go, would both give the body 270 calories worth of energy.

    If you burn 100 calories per hour (just an easy, hypothetical round number) and eat the Snickers bar, the body will use those 270 calories to run body functions for 2.7 hours, then draw from fat stores for the remaining 1.3 hours. If you eat 3 apples and spread it out, your body will use the 90 calories from the first apple to run it for 54 minutes, then draw from fat stores until you eat the second apple, then use the 90 calories from that apple for about 54 more minutes, then draw from fat stores until you eat the 3rd apple, and then use the 90 calories from that apple for another 54 minutes, before going back to the fat stores for energy (54 minutes times 3 would equal 162 minutes, which is 2.7 hours.)

    In both examples, in a 4 hour period, you burned 270 calories from food, and 130 calories from fat. Neither way is better than the other. Those types of decisions should always be made based on overall nutrient needs. If you've had plenty of fiber, and are a bit high on sugar, and a little low on fat and protein, then that might be a case where a Snickers bar would be a "healthier" snack.

    This! Excellent explanation!
  • Absolutely ridiculous! People can't lose weight because they are eating highly processed foods, refined sugar (cookies, pastries, sugary cereals, sodas, etc.), too much meat and not enough of the right foods. If you stick to a natural whole foods diet consisting of fruit, veggies, whole will lose weight. I can eat up to 6 bananas a day, lots of apples and various other fruits. I weight 93 pounds! I'm not trying to lose, but when I started a plant based diet, I easily dropped 10 pounds. I eat more now than I ever have and have no problem maintaining my weight.

    No one knows was they are eating when they eat any processed foods Eating whole foods is the only way of knowing exactly what you are introducing into your body, and that's a good thing.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I actually gained 20 lbs doing the advice from 30bananas a day back in Jan.

    Did not work for me. I went from 112 to 135.

    Maybe it works for some people but it definately was a fail in my book.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    at the risk of continuing a zombie thread ... you realize that a banana has at least 100 calories, right? maybe 120. so 30 a day??? that's 3600 calories. are you surprised you gained weight?
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    at the risk of continuing a zombie thread ... you realize that a banana has at least 100 calories, right? maybe 120. so 30 a day??? that's 3600 calories. are you surprised you gained weight?

    I was in a VERY different place in my life when I tried the 30bananasaday plan though.

    i bought into the whole thing at the time.
    Anyways, let me go back to eating my bacon...

    And I've NEVER felt better!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    subbing bacon for bananas is always a good move.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    What about wrapping the bananas in bacon?
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    What about wrapping the bananas in bacon?

    Bacon with anything sounds good.

    Don't tempt me...I may try this..

  • jessmeowww
    jessmeowww Posts: 17 Member
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    What about wrapping the bananas in bacon?

    Bacon with anything sounds good.

    Don't tempt me...I may try this..

    Salty + sweet, amazing combo.