Over 200 Club (Open Group) Back to School Week 1



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    jlb123, glad to see that you are on the right track. I like to cook as well, but only if it is "fun" to cook. N o boring food. It is exciting to make something that normally would be taboo during weight loss and make it good and good for you!!!!.

    Okay, I have decided to go back to posting everyday My calories, my water, and my exercise here it goes


    Did I stay within my cals-NO
    drink enough water-NO

    Maybe I will do what I am suppose to do today because I want to answer yes to all three questions tomorrow. I am catching my self regressing back to my old ways. Not gonna happen. My mom keeps telling everyone how I have lost weight and look so good, I look like I have lost more than 35 pounds. so I do not want to dissapoint myself or my mother. I can do this, I am going to do this, am doing it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks girls that was my pep talk for myself thanks for listening. Have a great Tuesday.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    do you guys have room for one more?
    Sure welcome!!! Weigh ins on Fridays and challenges every week. this weeks was 15 minutes of strength training every day Good Luck and keep us posted
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    jlb123, glad to see that you are on the right track. I like to cook as well, but only if it is "fun" to cook. N o boring food. It is exciting to make something that normally would be taboo during weight loss and make it good and good for you!!!!.

    Okay, I have decided to go back to posting everyday My calories, my water, and my exercise here it goes


    Did I stay within my cals-NO
    drink enough water-NO

    Maybe I will do what I am suppose to do today because I want to answer yes to all three questions tomorrow. I am catching my self regressing back to my old ways. Not gonna happen. My mom keeps telling everyone how I have lost weight and look so good, I look like I have lost more than 35 pounds. so I do not want to dissapoint myself or my mother. I can do this, I am going to do this, am doing it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks girls that was my pep talk for myself thanks for listening. Have a great Tuesday.
    You are doing this and just remember we all make mistakes and poor choices.If we learn to fix them then we are going in the right direction.Babies steps first then walking then running.GET IT!!! I won't let you give up or be disappointed in yourself just like you didn't let me gve up you stuck by me.And I am forever grateful for that .You truly are my guardian angel Momma and thats why I am fighting to win this battle and you will too
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    jlb123, glad to see that you are on the right track. I like to cook as well, but only if it is "fun" to cook. N o boring food. It is exciting to make something that normally would be taboo during weight loss and make it good and good for you!!!!.

    Okay, I have decided to go back to posting everyday My calories, my water, and my exercise here it goes


    Did I stay within my cals-NO
    drink enough water-NO

    Maybe I will do what I am suppose to do today because I want to answer yes to all three questions tomorrow. I am catching my self regressing back to my old ways. Not gonna happen. My mom keeps telling everyone how I have lost weight and look so good, I look like I have lost more than 35 pounds. so I do not want to dissapoint myself or my mother. I can do this, I am going to do this, am doing it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks girls that was my pep talk for myself thanks for listening. Have a great Tuesday.
    You are doing this and just remember we all make mistakes and poor choices.If we learn to fix them then we are going in the right direction.Babies steps first then walking then running.GET IT!!! I won't let you give up or be disappointed in yourself just like you didn't let me gve up you stuck by me.And I am forever grateful for that .You truly are my guardian angel Momma and thats why I am fighting to win this battle and you will too
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Ok, so I have been doing bad on posting everyday, need to make a better effort!!

    Cals: Under by 300

    Water: Tons because I have been drinking a lot of tea (got sick again ugh)

    Proud: Sick on my day off, but still managed to get a lot of stuff done that needed to be done..while still getting time to myself..and my tea hehe.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    thanks awestfall, you are so sweet and you are one of the reasons I love to come to this website.

    drea, sorry to hear that you have been sick. Hopefully, you are well today.


    Exercise-Kinda, I was so busy yesterday. My daughter had a doctors appointment so I took the stairs, up and down 3 flights. Then I had to go to walmart parked at the farthest out parking spot. Went to other daughters volley ball game and parked a block away from school. So I say Kinda, I tried to squeeze it into my busy day. Also I scrubbed and mopped my house. so I am sure all of this added up to a some real exercise.
  • melisss
    ahhh, Ok I do not know what is wrong with me... but I havn't logged any of my foods for the last 3 days and haven't ate very well either(probably why I didn't record it). I am scared I that I will of gained weight for fridays weigh in! Does anybody else do this sometime or do I just have no will power!

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Ok so I feel better, a little head cold..I have been drinking TONS of tea so it must have detoxed me.

    under on cals
    over on water
    proud that i feel better and have been takin care of myself.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ahhh, Ok I do not know what is wrong with me... but I havn't logged any of my foods for the last 3 days and haven't ate very well either(probably why I didn't record it). I am scared I that I will of gained weight for fridays weigh in! Does anybody else do this sometime or do I just have no will power!

    I had lost 45 pounds from the beginning of this year until probably May and I just started eating poorly and I gain 20 of that 45 back of the summer.I was so disappointed in myself and now I am back to losing.YOu can't pnder on it just find the strength within and tell yourself you are worth feeling and looking GREAT!! If I can do it I know you can.I don't always log my food but I do always make sure if I do eata little crazy to make up for it with some hardcore exercise.If you mess up fix it that day is my theory.We all make huge mistakes thats why we are here to fix them.GOOD LUCK and if you need some help along the way we are all here for you.:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well I know its not Friday just yet but I am down another 2 pounds and I will take it.How is everyone else trucking along?Momma where you at ? How are you doing?Andrea sorry to hear you are sick I have been sick this past week too and its no fun.Hope you feel better.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm back after a couple of long days with my Aunt's wake and funeral. It was good though to reminisce with so many people about what a kind, giving person she was - and to spend some time at her farm (which was my grandparent's farm too before they passed). Although I had a tough time going in the house because of so much in there to remind me of my Aunt. At first I walked in one door and right out the other! But it will get easier.
    Anyhow, I'm back to my routine and hopefully back to weight loss. I haven't gotten in enough exercise so far this week ... but got back on track this morning with my step class. I ate poorly the last few days - comfort eating I guess. So I need to get back on track with making better food choices too. I'm hoping that the scale is kind tomorrow, but I'm not expecting any loss.
    Have a good day everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • melisss
    thanks, today i'm not feeling so great I think it was a backlash of all the crappy food I was eating, so i have some fruit and water, then I'm going to get some chicken soup at lunch, I did weigh myself this morning...down a pound so I feel pretty good and on sunday I am going to start couch to 5 k.

    Thanks for the support i need it & a good kick in the butt lol ! And I also wish everyone all the best of luck with their weightloss goals :happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    your welcome and keep it up we are here rooting for you
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok girls here is the new thread and see you tomorrow at weigh ins.I know veryone is going to do so well.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Gals, I am here. So Busy today. My oldest girl is 16 and I am officially 39 my last birthday in my 30's is today. Thought I would check in. I weighed myself today, I do not want to do it tomorrow. My weight loss is 0. 0% weight loss. I am okay though! I was retaining 2 pounds of water weight and it is gone but I am not counting it as a loss because I was actually up 2lbs due to the water weight.

    ♦Melisss, we all struggle the fact that you lost 1 pound tells me you are in the right direction. Going down down down at what ever pace you need. We all have to realize that we are too important not to get healthy. There are so many people who care about us, we need to get healthy for them and for ourselves. Besides, we want to see you succeed!!!!!!!!!!! I know you can do this!!!!!!!!!!!

    ♦awestfall, you are coming back quick good for you I am so proud. You are so motivated again. You are going to be back up to 47 pounds lost in no time. YAY

    ♦lstpaul, we are glad that you are back and getting on track. You are going to need time to grieve. Everyone is around and helpful before the funeral but afterwards they all dissapear and expect you to move on. You do not have to. Take the time you need to grieve. I do not know if that is what is happening to you. But when my dad died I was 21 years old and everyone acted like I was suppose to recover because the funeral was over. So I always want to relay to people who have something like this happen, that It is okay if you are grieving. Anytime you want to talk about it, I will be glad to listen. I hope everything is going better for you though. You are still in my prayers.

    ♦Andrea, hope you are feeling better!! How is that sweet nephew of yours doing? Is your sis ready to get moving with ya? Did you have a good time in Santa Cruz? OOOh I love it there. Talk to ya soon

    ♦trikstar, we are still wondering where you are? Come back to us

    ♦Jenn, I know you are going to have big time weight loss tomorrow, you always do. Good luck
  • melisss
    thanks Momma2four, and happy birthday hope you have an awesome day!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ok girls here is the new thread and see you tomorrow at weigh ins.I know veryone is going to do so well.

    Thanx a