Sayings That You Just Don't Get..



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    A friend at work is constantly interjecting the words, "You know what I'm saying?" throughout every conversation we have. I have even tried saying back each time, "Yes. I know what you're saying." But she never blinks. Just keeps on talking and talking and saying that phrase! I start smiling as soon as she starts talking because everybody else in the office gets what I'm doing. :happy: :happy:

    Oh, we must have the same co-worker! I work with a lady that says that and "you know" or "I mean" in EVERY sentence she says. It is so annoying... but another co-worker and I make a game of seeing how many times she says it in any given conversation.
  • nwilson91
    nwilson91 Posts: 70
    my family version is "you can't have your cake and penny too". Which makes more sense than either of the others quoted here.

    My family is British.......that comes from the tradition of baking a cake with pennies in it, usually for birthday parties. :smile:

    So don't you have to have a piece of cake to get a penny? Now I'm more confused.
  • DanRyan44
    DanRyan44 Posts: 6 Member
    I hear...
    Colder than a witches tit...

    The phrase is.. "it's colder that a witches tit in a brass bra."

    Why the hell would ANYONE wear a brass bra?
  • gr8dayao
    gr8dayao Posts: 27 Member
    Most of you are missing the point of the post. What you are posting makes sense. In other words, the "sayings" make sense. The only ones that don't is when they are not correct, such as "I could care less" is a great example of idiocy.

    Since we've gotten off track from the intent here, I think the only one that I really hate is "I know right?" If someone says that, I always want to punch them in the face. Especially, if they are over 40. A 20 year old, I can understand because 20-year-olds are idiots. But, for anyone over 40 to walk around saying, "I know right?", you should be killled immedaitely, or at least maimed badly.

    A saying that goes with your thought on this subject: some people are alive simply because it is illegal to kill them.
  • nwilson91
    nwilson91 Posts: 70
    Six to one half dozen or the other

    And I probably didn't say it right because I just think it's weird.

    That one I get: Six of one is the same as half dozen of the other - it's all the same thing...

    The one I say a lot to annoy people is "I'm not SAYIN', I'm just sayin'." Drove my ex up the wall!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    The ones that totally "get my goat" are the people that say they're going to "take a pee" or "take a poop". Are you really TAKING these?

    I always tell them they're very lucky since I recently left both!
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    "wait till the cows come home".... we do NOT live on a farm.... and "reckon" Your reckoning what?
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    My pet peeve is people who "Do the math" meaning to add up something.
    Maths people it's maths.

    Actually, in America it's just "math" or it can be "mathematics" ... but most of us simply say "math".

    The one that really irks me is "I'm going to try and do xyz." If you're attempting something and you're not entirely sure you're actually going to succeed, then you're "going to try TO do xyz".
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    a BUTT-LOAD never made sense to me. I thought is was a funny expression of saying BOAT-load until i found out a "butt" is an old English unit of measurement.

    is that similar to a **** load of stuff?
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You can lead a gift horse to water, but you can't look him in the mouth...????:noway:
  • Matthewgd24
    "the whole nine yards"

    ...if you ever used that saying, stay away from me, hahah

    and "put on your thinking cap" not 5 years old lol
  • shewolfh2
    shewolfh2 Posts: 11
    "I could care less". Well yes, You could care less in fact. It should be "I couldn't care less."
    It burns my *kitten* to see it!

    I could care less about your *kitten* :P

    I ain't no _blank_. That one makes me giggle. Slang, I love you.

    "I ain't got no___" or "I ain't got none" gets me much worse than "I ain't no ___". Makes me just want to smack a person for sounding so ignorant!
  • Dawn_is_getting_healthy
    When people misuse "literally." The numbers were NOT literally jumping off the page at you. The pounds are not literally falling off your body.

    This. I was on a bus a couple of weeks ago, and there was a girl sitting behind me who told her friend that she had literally died of embarrassment at a party the previous evening. I had to text my fiance to tell him that I might not make it home because there was a zombie on the bus.

    Dang it! You just made me burst out laughing at work! Now I have to go get busy again!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    You can lead a gift horse to water, but you can't look him in the mouth...????:noway:
    I know you're joking, but many don't know the history of the "never look a gift horse in the mouth" saying.

    One assesses a horse's value by determining age, sometimes by checking the length of their teeth. The saying implies that you shouldn't determine the value of a present given to, but just appreciate it for what it is.

    I won't even touch the people that say "never LICK a gift horse in the mouth"....
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Basically is a word that should be removed from every sentence! it has no purpose!
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    "Just the tip" OH COME ON! I know you better than that!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I have a new assistant that I currently training...and every thing I try to explain...I get 42- "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahz..." as she bats her eyes and flips her hair...I honestly want to tell her to shut the F-UP and flick her in the face....
  • Tender78
    Tender78 Posts: 119 Member
    3 little words that go right through me...."I'm just sayin'," My 9 year old niece says this whenever she gets in trouble for talking back or being snarky or trying to be her little brother's boss. Same goes for several CNAs I work with when I reprimand them for something. I'd like to punch someone (NOT my niece) in the mouth when I hear them say this.

    Also, I used to work for At&t wireless warranty...I wanted to reach through the phone and smack someone everytime they'd call and phone wont cut on. I'm sorry, why should your phone be cutting anything?? I finally got to the point where I would say, I'm sorry, I don't understand what that means? Please be more specific...what are you trying to cut with your phone?

    I also HATE "let me axe you a question".
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I absolutely DO NOT get it when customers stand in my shop doorway and ask..."is it ok to look around?" I have both my doors wide open with my OPEN sign up, the lights on for ABSOLUTELY no-one to come in and browse and buy stuff....

    Of course you are ok to come and browse at your leisure, you IDIOT. Would I open a shop for no reason? Do you go to your local Wilkinson Store or Walmart and say at the entrance "is it ok for me to come in and look around?" Geez people.

    Or the other question is..."do you make the chocolates here on the shop premises?" Are you Blind?.....This is a tiny shop, there is one door which is the same door to go out. Are there any stairs? Nooooo......are there kitchen facilities?....Nooooo.
    So the answer is NO. Unless of course there is a secret door to Willy Wonkers Chocolate Factory, that I am not aware of. Please people, look at your surroundings before you open your mouth next time....

    Note - realise none of the above are actual sayings particularly - it just bugs the hell out of me!
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Basically is a word that should be removed from every sentence! it has no purpose!

    haha! I use that word all the time but I do agree with you. Basically if it were that basic, I wouldn't feel the need to explain myself. :laugh: :laugh: