Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    For real. Exercise helps with cramps anyways.

    You said what I was going to say....at least for me...exercising helps with cramps.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    I only workout when I ovulate.

  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    lots of females use their TOM to get out of everything.
    i don't get it.

    they also use birth control as an excuse too.
    it's like no, your birth control didn't MAKE you fat.
  • beccaboo0713
    While its true that exercise helps cramps it's not just about the cramps. Some women bleed a LOT on the first few days of their period that any extra movement is...messy.

    No one wants to look like a stuck pig in front of everyone...
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i had mirena for 5 years and had no periods..it was awesome. but its been taken out and my symptoms are worse than they were before, so im not a big fan of exercising during ToM. go ahead about ***** about it, but its not going to change anything ;)
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Working out sometimes is hard for people have that have severe cramps...
    now eating too much food and blaming it all on your period is not ok.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    TOM is gross.

    Yep. Being a woman is often a gigantic cosmic joke. It's no surprise at all that we were invented by a man.

    Anyone notice that working out has made their flow heavier? OMG... Mine is much heavier... & a full day shorter!
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    Some women have a MUCH heavier flow than other women. And sometimes my cramps are so unbearable that the only thing I can think of doing is taking a double dose of 800 mg ibuprofen and praying that I pass out. Neither of those symptoms puts me in the mood to even think about exercising. It ain't gonna happen. If that makes me weak than oh freakin' well!
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    I have been on BOTH sides of this.

    Used to be so bad that I was in the bathroom every 15 minutes. Either getting sick or just sitting there. Cramps so bad, I couldn't breathe. So...I would NOT be able to do anything. And if I tried, there was a big mess.

    Now (after having my uterus "thinned") I have better luck with it.

    Endometriosis is nothing to "suck up" and put up with. It hurts. There isn't much to describe the pain.

    I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Different people have different pain tolerances. Hell, some just don't feel like doing *kitten* while on it and I don't blame them. I sure as hell don't. Even when I do exercise on it, I am dreaming of going home and laying on the couch with a heating pad and a blanket.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    Luckily now that I'm on a BC my body agrees with and my cycle has evened out, I have super light periods and cramps maybe only one day, so it doesn't impact my workout schedule much at all.

    However, before, I had super horrible, heavy TOMs. When you have to stop mid-workout to change your stuff, it's really not the best feeling.

    Basically, every woman's cycle is different. It's not up to any one person to judge what they do or don't feel up to during that TOM.
  • aleham
    aleham Posts: 44
    I like to take it easier on myself and do some yoga during my period because it really helps, but honestly, I've tried doing my usual high-impact exercises when I'm on the rag and it's just incredibly unpleasant and painful.

    Everybody is different. Not everyone works out daily, either. Some people only work out 3-4 days a week, so skipping exercise during this time may not impact on their regular schedule anyway.
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.

    Rant over.

    I see both sides of this argument. I've been one that's had terrible cramps and been unable to move- for me it's not just the cramps, migraines accompany TOM.... And though I agree with "work out and it'll help you out", it appears the tone of the initial post went askew....
    HOWEVER-- I don't feel that's any reason to call you any names-- c'mon people!
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member

    Basically, every woman's cycle is different. It's not up to any one person to judge what they do or don't feel up to during that TOM.

  • CruzZ8
    CruzZ8 Posts: 71
    I go for light walks when I'm on it, but I understand that women handle pain differently and that
    some women get severe cramping, and I doubt that they're really worried about exercise while in so much pain. To each his own
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    lots of females use their TOM to get out of everything.
    i don't get it.

    they also use birth control as an excuse too.
    it's like no, your birth control didn't MAKE you fat.

    it's a proven fact that changing around hormones in your body CAN actually make you gain weight, depends on the person.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I admit, my tom is heavy (thankfully after pregnancy it got a little lighter and a day shorter) but i still exercise because i find it if i don't then i get more depressed (it hits really hard during my tom) and cramp worse. Just my 2 cents :)
  • cdnwinter79
    wooooooooooooww! Judgemental much???
    Have you considered the fact that other women may not like to exercise during their time is because it EFFFFING HURTS! Before I went on BC, I was in bed for 2 days every month because the pain was so bad I couldn't move without throwing up. Now after going off of BC, I don't have as many problems, but I still don't want to exercise on that one day that I'm all crampy.
    It's one, maybe two days out of the week that someone won't exercise, big effing woop! I'm sure you don't exercise every single day of every single week. Geeze.... calm down and mind your own business.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    what makes you think cramping is the only reason why some women don't exercise? some have really heavy periods and "gush" so any movement, let alone exercise is like a flood. i did until i got on an IUD. don't be judgmental.
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    lots of females use their TOM to get out of everything.
    i don't get it.

    they also use birth control as an excuse too.
    it's like no, your birth control didn't MAKE you fat.

    it's a proven fact that changing around hormones in your body CAN actually make you gain weight, depends on the person.

    I was thin. I was 130 pounds. I was HEALTHY, then I got the shot. My thyroid stopped working and I gained over 100 pounds in the blink of an eye and spent YEARS finding a doctor that would listen to me and test for the right things.

    The ONLY thing that changed from me being healthy and thin to being sick and fat was that shot. No one will ever convince me it wasn't what did it. Ever.

    I am on the right meds now...I am losing weight and I will never touch BC again.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member

    Basically, every woman's cycle is different. It's not up to any one person to judge what they do or don't feel up to during that TOM.


    co-sign. this sexist bull**** can suck it!
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