Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • I see both sides of the story. I hate when girls use their period as an excuse to not workout t all, but then again if they are in real pain it may not even be worth trying to workout. ( form would be terrible and it could make them have worse cramps) Also, it is a little uncomfortable to workout when there is gallons of blood pouring from underneath you.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    TOM is gross.

    Look out ladies, this one is a keeper.
  • aprilgraciete
    aprilgraciete Posts: 37 Member
    I guess I haven't really heard that excuse all that much. I guess I don't usually ask people to explain to me why they aren't working out lol. I do know that there are many women that have HORRIBLE cramping from different conditions like endometriosis and such. ALso, some women bleed like crazy.....I imagine it is pretty hard to exercise while gushing with blood. So that kind of makes sense as to why some women take a few days off. I have been pretty lucky and ever since having my twins my cramping is much better. At least the twins did something good to my body lol.

    On a side note, I read somewhere that a woman burns more calories right before her tom. It is an extra 100-300 calories per day. I think it is on day 26 or something of her cycle. So that would be a great time for a run. Anyways, just a useless fact for anyone reading.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    My particular favourite is when the excess sweat from the pad mixes with the blood and starts to smell like rotting meat.

    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Oh AND, it's actually mostly women who propagate this - because if we stick up for one another, men will apparently like us less, I guess?

    OH! I Forgot about TAMPON CHAFFING!!! I get so worked up about my maxi-pad rash that I forgot about that. Yeah...when the tampon starts to get pushed out because I'm trying to run 7 miles.... that's uncomfortable. And you wanna just reach down there and push it back in, but there's no public restrooms on this road and you don't want to be seen in public shoving your finger up your bloody girl bits....so you end up walking bow legged for a few days because your vag opening is chaffed :)

    The other thing i love is when the blood starts to crust in my spandex crotch while I'm running.

    I'm serious about this stuff actually. I'm not trying to be funny. I was trianing for a marathon and I bled right through my tampon. The blood dried in my crotch of my spandex and then the dried blood chaffed my thighs causing more bleeding. It put me out of exercising longer to recover from the WOUNDS than it would have to just take it a bit easier that week. But I thought maybe running with a maxipad would help...that caused a rash. I lost way more time in recovery than I would have if I just took it easy that week.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I use to consider my period week a rest week from exercise and sex. This made my man unhappy.. Now I workout to ease the cramps and he has renamed it BJ week. ;)

    This made me LOL for real.

    Me too. Sorry, but that's the LAST THING I feel like doing when I'm feeling like ****.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    You know what OP? F.U! Ain't read the other posts but like I give a *kitten* what you think, if I want to take a day to myself I will, WTF has it got to do with you? My life bothers you so much???? Do what you're doing and I'll do what I do. BTW if that's so important to you your life must be pretty dull and pathetic
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    TOM is gross.

    I guess being gay helps you to not have to deal with it?

    What does being gay have to do with it?

    That just means you have to deal with it twice a month! Lol

    That original quote was from a guy. I assume that any guy who can't handle periods is either gay or 13. If you want to have sex with it, you have to be prepared to deal with its bull****.

    Ah okay! And that's so true. :flowerforyou:

    Oh and my input, I don't need an excuse. I just say I don't feel like it, period or not. F what anyone thinks.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I always find this a lame excuse as well. I start my periods on Mondays (thanks, birth control!) which also happen to be my long run days. I go for 7+ mile runs regardless. I've lifted, I've pole danced, I've been swimming. I don't let it hold me back.

    Besides, I've found working out, even during my period, actually gives me more energy and reduces my cramps. So they're basically missing out a better period because they refuse to go do a light workout.

    I get some people have atrocious periods. Mine used to give me killer cramps and were unreasonably heavy, plus my energy crashes during the week too. The right birth control helped with that, and what that didn't take care of, healthy living has. You don't have to suffer in pain, ladies!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    On a side note, I read somewhere that a woman burns more calories right before her tom. It is an extra 100-300 calories per day. I think it is on day 26 or something of her cycle.

    Interesting! Maybe that explains why many of us get really hungry right before our periods start.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    My particular favourite is when the excess sweat from the pad mixes with the blood and starts to smell like rotting meat.

    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Oh AND, it's actually mostly women who propagate this - because if we stick up for one another, men will apparently like us less, I guess?

    OMG. I thought I was THE ONLY One that suffered tampon rash!!
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I'm so comforted right now just knowing that there're other people like me out there. No one I know has TOM issues like I do... The horrible pain, the blacking out, water retention, excessive bleeding!
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    not always a pain thing it could be a flow thing. Unless you have a problem you really can't compare yourself to others.
  • germ881
    germ881 Posts: 7 Member
    I use to consider my period week a rest week from exercise and sex. This made my man unhappy.. Now I workout to ease the cramps and he has renamed it BJ week. ;)

    This made me LOL for real.

    Me too. Sorry, but that's the LAST THING I feel like doing when I'm feeling like ****.

    LOL, I refuse to believe I am one of few here who actually gets some serious urges around TOM. Talk about frustration.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    I would like to suggest to everyone on this thread to start using the forums for something useful. Like helping women who have difficulty exercising during their TOM find a solution rather than playing a blame game and calling them lazy.

    Many women bleed heavier if they exercise on their period and it can cause severe health problems and bodily trauma. About 60% of women face this problem. Only about 10% of women see relief or a positive response from exercise during their TOM.

    For those women out there who aren't exercising during their TOM, go see your gyno. Talk to them about it. There are ways they can help you get through the pain and the heavy bleeding and the terrible times. I know. I used to suffer from menorrhagia and I could barely get out of bed during my TOM because it exhausted me to the point that I couldn't even eat or get up to go to the bathroom. My gyno helped me find the right medications and set up the right nutritional plan (yes, nutrition can affect your TOM) and I went to a homeopath who also helped me. And now I do significantly better and am able to exercise most of the time during my TOM.

    Don't listen to those who tear you down simply because they have it easy when their TOM comes around. And remember, you're like more than 60% of women. You're not abnormal. You're not lazy. You're not making up excuses. Exhaustion from your TOM is perfectly normal. As a side note: ladies, your TOM makes you burn more calories because it heats up your body. That can and DOES lead to exhaustion for MANY women. Sleep with a cold pack. Drink an extra few glasses of water. Avoid caffeine (I know...that's nearly impossible) because it makes things worse not better. And just remember, if you take care of your body, and you really try to resolve your TOM affliction, you eventually will be able to exercise during your TOM and it may even make you feel better.

    I'm not doctor, so I have to say that some women may never be able to exercise on their TOM. That's just how it is. Consider it a break and just eat healthy. And ignore people who rant and rave about you being lazy. I'm sure they would NEVER want to trade places with you if they had ANY IDEA what reality felt like for MOST WOMEN.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I hate it too!!!!! hahaha! I even wrote a blog about it. It really is a big pet peeve of mine. <http://www.fitfoodandfuninthesun.com/2012/06/feelin-menstru-riffic.html&gt;
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I use to consider my period week a rest week from exercise and sex. This made my man unhappy.. Now I workout to ease the cramps and he has renamed it BJ week. ;)

    This made me LOL for real.

    Me too. Sorry, but that's the LAST THING I feel like doing when I'm feeling like ****.

    LOL, I refuse to believe I am one of few here who actually gets some serious urges around TOM. Talk about frustration.

    ^Ugh, that's so me. It's like all the hormone changes make me want to jump anything that moves.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    I think the OP was a little too generalized. I have a sister who is incapacitated for 2 days ever since she first started. I get bad migraines occasionally, but thankfully they don't happen often and my cramps are pretty mild, so I am blessed. Working out for me during TOM does help tremendously with the cramps. However, there are women I know who use their TOM for an excuse from life. THOSE girls annoy me. One used to work at my office. She called in sick 3 days every month, which I was sympathetic to due to my sister. HOWEVER, then I saw her out dancing one night on a day she called off sick. These are the women that I find pathetic. If you can't go to work for 3 days, you shouldn't be out dancing. So I do think some women take advantage of the excuse, but their are several who are not just whining.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    lots of females use their TOM to get out of everything.
    i don't get it.

    they also use birth control as an excuse too.
    it's like no, your birth control didn't MAKE you fat.

    my sister doesn't SHOWER during hers! I knew she was the poster child for lack of motivation, but DAMN....
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I always find this a lame excuse as well. I start my periods on Mondays (thanks, birth control!) which also happen to be my long run days. I go for 7+ mile runs regardless. I've lifted, I've pole danced, I've been swimming. I don't let it hold me back.

    Besides, I've found working out, even during my period, actually gives me more energy and reduces my cramps. So they're basically missing out a better period because they refuse to go do a light workout.

    I get some people have atrocious periods. Mine used to give me killer cramps and were unreasonably heavy, plus my energy crashes during the week too. The right birth control helped with that, and what that didn't take care of, healthy living has. You don't have to suffer in pain, ladies!

    I wonder what gym you lift at...and would you mind my bloody spandex all over your bench before your turn???

    I'm glad birth control worked for you. It doesn't work for everyone.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I use to consider my period week a rest week from exercise and sex. This made my man unhappy.. Now I workout to ease the cramps and he has renamed it BJ week. ;)

    This made me LOL for real.

    Me too. Sorry, but that's the LAST THING I feel like doing when I'm feeling like ****.

    LOL, I refuse to believe I am one of few here who actually gets some serious urges around TOM. Talk about frustration.

    My husband wouldn't care if we did.. On the last few days.. sometimes yes, but the first two, especially when I have the cramps from hell.. No.
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