Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • ashlye08
    ashlye08 Posts: 22 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.

    Rant over.

    This is funny because exercise is one of the most recommended ways to combat the bloat and cramps! lol it annoys me too don't worry.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Um, I'm sorry, but some of us are absolutely wrecked by our TOM. Seriously, for the week before I can barely get out of bed because of the horrible cramps, and my stomach is so upset I dont trust myself to be more than five seconds away from a toilet. Some women like me DO have an excuse... you know, that whole CANT MOVE thing. yeah, it happens. Sorry youre a perfect little princess and can't seem to grasp that everyone's body is different.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    As others have pointed out, flow is more of a factor than pain.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I'm just throwing this out there. No one should be judging peoples pain level. Some people get it worse than others. I mean for me I push through and maybe not work out quite as hard but I still do. Usually I feel better at the end, but when your *****y and tired from it it is hard to get yourself going. But to the OP I don't think you should be judging.
  • mjcorbs228
    mjcorbs228 Posts: 21
    Although exercise helps, you cannot hold anything against someone for wanting a day or two of doing absolutely nothing to be in pain, feel like a ball of poop, and be completely hormonal.

    Its not even the cramps for me sometimes. Its just the "I do not want to move or do anything I hate the world and the world hates me" kind of days.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    TOM is gross.

    Yep. Being a woman is often a gigantic cosmic joke. It's no surprise at all that we were invented by a man.

    Anyone notice that working out has made their flow heavier? OMG... Mine is much heavier... & a full day shorter!

    We were invented by a man, were we?
  • I sometimes get really painful TOM's and when I do I go for a run and it seems to get rid of any cramps and keeps them away and when those happy endorphins kick in I don't feel as crappy as I normally would if I didn't. But sometimes I lose the will to exercise when I feel like my insides are being shredded, it just varies from month to month.

    I am more than happy to use it as an excuse and anyone can criticise me and they can also learn I don't give a crap about their opinion of me. :bigsmile:
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    I think it depends on the person, some people get it easy, I get lots of pain, nausea, dizziness, hot and cold flushes and diarreah (i know that's spelt wrong) and others like my aunt can't even get out of bed.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.

    Rant over.

    It sounds like someone is having her TOM.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Orgasms. That is all.
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me

    These two phrases are mutually exclusive. If it never stops you, then be glad that you clearly have no idea what "some of the worst cramps" feel like. No idea. You feel like there are hooks and blades in your abdominal cavity, slowly being dragged downward. You feel like knives are being stabbed into you and twisted around. And that's while laying down, after taking 2-4 pain relievers. Standing up straight feels like you're being pulled in two. You become light headed, and your legs feel barely able to support your body. Every step is a feat. Holding down a meal is another feat. Crying out of pain and frustrated helplessness is not infrequent. That's what some of the worst cramps feel like. And if someone ever dared criticize me for curling up with a book and taking a sick day on a day like that, I would make them regret it for a long, long time.

    Count your blessings, and don't take cheap shots at other women just to make yourself feel superior.

    I love you.

    On the one hand, I have an implanon, so I get my period rarely, but when I do it is like that scene in The Shining, only with more anemia and fainting.

    On the other hand, I have one female friend who absolutely despises doing anything that doesn't involve drinking and whingeing about being "soooooo faaaaaat" and she uses her TOM as an excuse for absolutely everything. I'm sorry, but if you tell me you're too sore to come for a freaking WALK, then go to the pub that same day, I am calling BS. And laziness.
  • betinafrantz
    betinafrantz Posts: 31 Member
    I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me

    These two phrases are mutually exclusive. If it never stops you, then be glad that you clearly have no idea what "some of the worst cramps" feel like. No idea. You feel like there are hooks and blades in your abdominal cavity, slowly being dragged downward. You feel like knives are being stabbed into you and twisted around. And that's while laying down, after taking 2-4 pain relievers. Standing up straight feels like you're being pulled in two. You become light headed, and your legs feel barely able to support your body. Every step is a feat. Holding down a meal is another feat. Crying out of pain and frustrated helplessness is not infrequent. That's what some of the worst cramps feel like. And if someone ever dared criticize me for curling up with a book and taking a sick day on a day like that, I would make them regret it for a long, long time.

    Count your blessings, and don't take cheap shots at other women just to make yourself feel superior.

    Same, also I've been having it so intense its giving me blood problems such as lack of iron and hemoglobin leading to anemia (:

    I see a lot of people (who agree) have been thinking only about the cramps side and how exercise its supposed to help. But they probably don't have it so strong you dont even feel comfortable to go outside because you think any small mistake will make a, literally, bloody mess! And I dont know about them but I dont think I can possibly exercise feeling that much pain and that unconfortable at the same time...
  • This is just as stupid a post as someone *****ing about someone else using cleaning as a form of exercise. People's hormones can make them feel really gross. If they don't want to exercise during TOM that is fine! Go mind your own freakin' business.

    People say stuff about people using cleaning as a form of exercise? I clean houses for a living and let me tell you, I definitely burn a few calories. I clean a 6,000 square foot home in 3 1/2 hours with no breaks. I wear a sports bra and come out sweating. I agree, some people need to mind their own business.

    As far as the TOM subject. I don't have a horrible TOM but my daughter has vomiting, dizziness and painful cramps. Everyone is different so those of us who don't have bad TOM's can't speak for those that do. I don't really see what the big deal is if someone needs to take a few days off each month because they have a horrible TOM.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member

    you must really know everything about everyone and how they react physically to monthly events.

    While it's not an excuse for me, it's really obnoxious of you to assume that everyone has the same TOM as you. I know people who are bedridden during the first few days.

    But good for you for trying to act all "i'm super hard core, nothing stops me from working out!" Now no one cares about your work ethic, but rather finds you to be an *kitten* instead. Kudos!
  • germ881
    germ881 Posts: 7 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.

    Rant over.

    Considering my cramps usually ended with a trip to the ER before starting birth control, I disagree. There is no universal measure of pain. Your 10 out of 10 may be someone else's 10000E+10 out of 10.

    Besides, if someone decides to not exercise because of TOM ("legitimate" excuse or not)...big...frickin...woop. It wouldn't be anyone's business but that person.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 434 Member
    You do know not everyone is the same. Just like people don't lose weight the same way. You need to calm down and get over your attitude. Does it matter, are you them? Are you in their body, then how do you know how bad it gets? NO!

    Have a nice day.

    This!! I experience excruciating pain during the first few days of my menstrual cycle! And I've tried just about almost every little suggestion to ease it but nothing helps (INCLUDING EXERCISE, that's nice if exercise helps ease your cramps but I'm not you hun!), my doctor attempted to get me on a birth control that would stop my cycle but many of those have terrible adverse affects! But what is it to you? I swear the nerve of some people, focus on yourself, stop being such a shrew
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I can't work out when my lower body is busy trying its best to impersonate a very leaky tap. Also, I see black spots just sitting and standing on those days because of the horrible pain. So nope, its not just an excuse.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    TOM is gross.

    I guess being gay helps you to not have to deal with it?

    What does being gay have to do with it?

    That just means you have to deal with it twice a month! Lol
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I get horrid pains, but guess what I make myself workout and I actually feel better afterwards :-)

    Most of the time, I agree.. but once in awhile, its just horrible.
    I only had minor contractions with my son, and my period cramps have been worse!

    I was diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis, as well as fibroids when my son was little. When I was in labor with him--with pitocin-induced contractions one-on-top-of-the-other--the thing that struck me was how similar those contractions were to the cramps I had as a teenager...when I already had yet undiagnosed reproductive dysfunction. During those years exercise most definitely made my symptoms worse...they made my flow heavier (I was already soaking everything in sight in an hour or two, plus my pants on a few occasions--that was fun as a middle-schooler) and gave me cramps that put me in a cold sweat and sent shooting pains down my quads. I also was anemic and weak a lot, which made running track and playing soccer really a struggle.

    Years ago I had thermal ablation and had the worst of my endometriosis adhesions laparoscopically removed. I had internal organs that were literally fused together and causing pain, as well as bladder and bowel dysfunction every day of the month. It made a world of difference in terms of pain, flow, and anemia issues...but this was after struggling from the age of 12 into my early 30s.

    It makes me really disgusted when women attack other women. Are there women with relatively easy periods who use their cycles as a cop-out? Sure there are. But just as many of us battle our reproductive systems the best we can. Yesterday I was in the middle of my period and completed my first 100 mile bike ride of the season. Rather than mess around with tampons (let me tell you, that string can be a literal pain when sitting on a bike saddle for that many hours) I used a menstrual cup. For women whose biggest issue is heavy flow, I really encourage giving them a try. They provide a really great means to get workouts in without looking like a crime scene. Fortunately I don't deal with bad cramps anymore, as that would be a deal breaker. I won't take NSAIDS and engage in endurance sports with risk of dehydration, as the combination can lead to renal failure. That's certainly no cop-out, it's common sense and self-preservation.
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