Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • pamfm
    pamfm Posts: 93 Member
    I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me

    These two phrases are mutually exclusive. If it never stops you, then be glad that you clearly have no idea what "some of the worst cramps" feel like. No idea. You feel like there are hooks and blades in your abdominal cavity, slowly being dragged downward. You feel like knives are being stabbed into you and twisted around. And that's while laying down, after taking 2-4 pain relievers. Standing up straight feels like you're being pulled in two. You become light headed, and your legs feel barely able to support your body. Every step is a feat. Holding down a meal is another feat. Crying out of pain and frustrated helplessness is not infrequent. That's what some of the worst cramps feel like. And if someone ever dared criticize me for curling up with a book and taking a sick day on a day like that, I would make them regret it for a long, long time.

    Count your blessings, and don't take cheap shots at other women just to make yourself feel superior.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    Am I the only person who has had dibilitating cramps that made me want to die?? It seems to be every 3rd month or so.. but it is horrible. I envy women who have the perfect period and never have cramps..
  • Hannah645
    Hannah645 Posts: 75 Member
    I can't really judge them because I myself used to come up with some ridiculous excuses to not work out.
  • Very open-minded post, clearly.

    Well, the TOM excuse is sort of relevant when if you so much as shift yourself the wrong way you end up with a scarlet Niagara Falls in your pants through the duration of a week AND every half hour, and I'd much prefer to keep that situation at home considering it's gross and embarrassing and exhausting without the added task of exercise mixed with it.

    But hey, whatever floats your boat. :huh:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    When I exercise hard, the cramping is less, and so is the "murder scene" side effects. Therefore, it benefits every one more if I DO exercise during my TOM.
  • I get horrid pains, but guess what I make myself workout and I actually feel better afterwards :-)
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    If you have a condition like PCOS (which I do) or Endometriosis, periods can be down right incompacitating. I'm sure there are some women out there who use a regular TOM as an excuse, but you know what, it's their prerogative because lets face it, periods suck.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    sounds like you're on your TOM right now.
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    You feel like there are hooks and blades in your abdominal cavity, slowly being dragged downward. You feel like knives are being stabbed into you and twisted around. And that's while laying down, after taking 2-4 pain relievers. Standing up straight feels like you're being pulled in two. You become light headed, and your legs feel barely able to support your body. Every step is a feat. Holding down a meal is another feat. Crying out of pain and frustrated helplessness is not infrequent.

    Yeah...those kinds have landed me a stay in the hospital a night or two before. One time on Halloween. But the best part was I was still 17, so they had to put me in the pediatric unit, so I got all kinds of candy and stuff! :)
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me

    These two phrases are mutually exclusive. If it never stops you, then be glad that you clearly have no idea what "some of the worst cramps" feel like. No idea. You feel like there are hooks and blades in your abdominal cavity, slowly being dragged downward. You feel like knives are being stabbed into you and twisted around. And that's while laying down, after taking 2-4 pain relievers. Standing up straight feels like you're being pulled in two. You become light headed, and your legs feel barely able to support your body. Every step is a feat. Holding down a meal is another feat. Crying out of pain and frustrated helplessness is not infrequent. That's what some of the worst cramps feel like. And if someone ever dared criticize me for curling up with a book and taking a sick day on a day like that, I would make them regret it for a long, long time.

    Count your blessings, and don't take cheap shots at other women just to make yourself feel superior.

    I guess I'm not the only one!
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    without fail, if I get up and go to the gym I always feel better. reduces bloating and cramping. I always had the kind of cramps that I would take pain meds and knock myself out, but they have improved with exercise.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    Wow, why do you care?

    Wow, why do you care to even reply?

    Sounds it's your TOM now or is this always your personality?
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Ok, OP I get what you're saying. I do. I know some people really do take it to the extreme and use TOM as an excuse. Some people will go through baffling excuses not to do something and have the "oh poor me look how sick and hurt I am" act. I know there are a big handful of people who I would argue enjoy their diseases because it gives them attention. But most people don't.

    My period has gotten so painful in the past year it's ridiculous. I actually stayed home from work from it on day 2 this past month! It sounds utterly ridiculous, but I thought I was going to puke from nausea and the cramps were SO bad I didn't get out of bed, along with the headache that felt like a knife through my head. I'm really not overexaggerating! It was excruciating. So I mean...it does happen. To echo what everyone has said, it's different depending on the woman and what her body feels like doing.

    Though I do think people could have been a touch nicer to you on here...
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    TOM has never been a big deal to me - just a minor annoyance. I don't know anyone personally who has major TOM problems. (My sister gets migraines and one of my cousins bleeds heavily, but that's about it.) I never understood what all the big drama was about. For me, any cramping is usually alleviated by physical activity. I guess I'm just lucky though.

    I never knew about all the diarhhea and vomiting and stuff that I just read about in this thread! That's horrible! I feel for all you ladies who go through this torture! If I was vomiting, bleeding buckets and curled up in a ball of intense pain, unable to even go to work, I wouldn't want to work out either! :heart:
  • marylovehellokitty
    marylovehellokitty Posts: 146 Member
    I still work out but exercise don't help my cramps!
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    TOM is gross.

    I guess being gay helps you to not have to deal with it?
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    Some people get debilitating cramps and have trouble leaving their beds, for them exercise is absolutely out of the question and reasonably so. Either way, I don't see why it bothers you... how and when other people exercise doesn't affect you at all.

    Also, birth control can most definitely make you gain weight and to say it can't is ignorant and a little catty. It can also make you lose weight, but that side effect isn't talked about as much.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    I get horrid pains, but guess what I make myself workout and I actually feel better afterwards :-)

    Most of the time, I agree.. but once in awhile, its just horrible.
    I only had minor contractions with my son, and my period cramps have been worse!
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me

    These two phrases are mutually exclusive. If it never stops you, then be glad that you clearly have no idea what "some of the worst cramps" feel like. No idea. You feel like there are hooks and blades in your abdominal cavity, slowly being dragged downward. You feel like knives are being stabbed into you and twisted around. And that's while laying down, after taking 2-4 pain relievers. Standing up straight feels like you're being pulled in two. You become light headed, and your legs feel barely able to support your body. Every step is a feat. Holding down a meal is another feat. Crying out of pain and frustrated helplessness is not infrequent. That's what some of the worst cramps feel like. And if someone ever dared criticize me for curling up with a book and taking a sick day on a day like that, I would make them regret it for a long, long time.

    Count your blessings, and don't take cheap shots at other women just to make yourself feel superior.

    ^^ That. Especially the last sentence.
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