Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    TOM is gross.

    I guess being gay helps you to not have to deal with it?

    What does being gay have to do with it?

    That just means you have to deal with it twice a month! Lol

    That original quote was from a guy. I assume that any guy who can't handle periods is either gay or 13. If you want to have sex with it, you have to be prepared to deal with its bull****.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    For real. Exercise helps with cramps anyways.


    This is VERY true! I can vouch for this personally.
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    I am totally CRACKING UP! Oh, I have had those moments...ahhh, memories.
  • MrsApprehensive
    MrsApprehensive Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes it's about flow, not pain. Lots of women out there are scared to death something might move and cause a crime seen in their workout pants. I agree in lots of cases, it's just another excuse. For women who kill it regularly and need a few days off with Flo? I don't have a problem with it. Look at the rest of the month before you judge.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Tom is my husband and he is always around.
  • kathy065
    kathy065 Posts: 3 Member
    I really appreciate the person starting this topic. Before now I really thought I was over reacting and perhaps on my own with my flow issues. So reading here has been very educational.

    I have used a menstrual cup to be able to tell the doc exactly how much there is - normal flow for normal periods is 80 ml over the course of the week, I go for 80ml plus before dinner time. I couldn't play golf as I was too far away from a bathroom. Long car trips (over 1/2 hr) were out. It is just safest staying at home.

    I also didn't realise about the vomiting and diarrhea plus severe pain levels. I really feel for you girls.

    So there you go, maybe we could all have a little more empathy instead of being judgemental, with just a little bit of education :)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I disagree. When I had my TOM, any exercise caused a MUCH heavier TOM. So I wouldn't exercise, or do much else for that matter, from day 2 to day 8.... This went on for several years. I finally had to have a hysterectomy because it was so bad. So if somebody tells you they can go exercise because of TOM, it could be true. Like me, they might be trying to avoid any possible embarrassment, if you get my meaning.
  • carrotstick2012
    If you can get out and exercise anyway then you can't 'get some of the worst cramps'. And exercise, birth control pills, you name it doesn't help every woman.

    I say - women, you know your bodies and limits. Listen to them. You'll know if you are making excuses or if you need to rest for a while.
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    Eh.... Before I went on BC my monthly would cause me to throw up, a lot..... can't work out while throwing up.

    Same thing with me.
    Really bad cramps, and I would get nauseous. Everyone experiences different problems during that time of the month, and some of these issues make it very impractical to do any exercise. It's very rude of you to just assume that it's an excuse for being lazy. I'm sure some are, but that is not everyone. :/
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    I am totally CRACKING UP! Oh, I have had those moments...ahhh, memories.

    there's nothing i love more than wiping down the weight bench when I'm done and seeing red :)

    except the face on the guy waiting to use it next when he sees it too :)
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    My particular favourite is when the excess sweat from the pad mixes with the blood and starts to smell like rotting meat.

    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Oh AND, it's actually mostly women who propagate this - because if we stick up for one another, men will apparently like us less, I guess?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I use to consider my period week a rest week from exercise and sex. This made my man unhappy.. Now I workout to ease the cramps and he has renamed it BJ week. ;)

    This made me LOL for real.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    You're right, even though I work out HARD 6-7 days a week, when I take a day off due to excruciating pain I must be soooo lazy and making excuses... seriously?!

    I ENJOY working out. And I do it some days during TOM. But I am also blessed enough to get horrible migraines with TOM often (meds don't help). I have to be in a dark room, and I can't stand up without feeling like vomiting/actually vomiting. I've missed work from it before, and you damn well better believe I'll miss my daily workout.

    Also, this:
    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    Get over yourself.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    I am totally CRACKING UP! Oh, I have had those moments...ahhh, memories.

    there's nothing i love more than wiping down the weight bench when I'm done and seeing red :)

    except the face on the guy waiting to use it next when he sees it too :)

    Dying laughing right now
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    Seriously. I think it's important to remember that everyone has different types of cycles, and while some people may be able to work out on their heavy days, for some of us it's not necessarily the wisest idea.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I can see both sides of this. When I was in my teens and twenties I used to get the monster periods that many of you have described -- diarrhea, fever, chills, debilitating cramps that would double me over and I could hardly move or would just about pass out from the pain, back pain, extremely heavy flow, plus they would sometimes last for 10 to 12 days. But back then I never worked out even when I felt perfectly well. Now my periods are pretty uneventful -- they just gradually got better with age -- but I'm obsessive about working out and and I never let anything get in my way. I think if had those same periods now, as crazy as it sounds, I think I would still try to do some sort of workout. I don't think I could take 10 days off every month. It would have to be at home with a bathroom nearby, I'd have to take some heavy pain killers, and I would certainly reduce the intensity. That's just me though. I still get mild to moderate cramps sometimes and exercising does alleviate them. All that being said, I certainly would never judge anyone who wanted to skip a workout for any sort of ailment. We all have different bodies and differing levels of pain tolerance.
  • germ881
    germ881 Posts: 7 Member
    For real. Exercise helps with cramps anyways.


    This is VERY true! I can vouch for this personally.

    I found that exercising consistently helped lessen the pain and general PMS symptoms, but the pain still came and in full force. Exercise means squat diddly if one cannot physically get out of bed. Kind of hard to go running for 20 mins if just taking 20 steps hurts.

    God bless my birth control pills..*clasps hands together*
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I use to consider my period week a rest week from exercise and sex. This made my man unhappy.. Now I workout to ease the cramps and he has renamed it BJ week. ;)

    Oh god, you made me laugh so hard, I'm hiccuping!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Wow, why do you care?

    Wow, why do you care to even reply?

    Sounds it's your TOM now or is this always your personality?

    Haha! I was thinking the same thing. It def sounds like PMS and spending too much time on the boards.
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