Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    OK, I hate using age to discount someone's opinion, but your screen name makes me think you're 21? At 21 I had periods I could exercise through no problem. Now, 10 years and 2 kids (delivered with NO pain meds, so I can obviously tolerate pain) later I have insane periods with flow that has me soaking through a maximum absorbancy tampon AND pad every 2 hours. So no, I don't feel like doing much other than sitting on the couch. I still have 2 kids to run after, but I'll leave optional exercise for later.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    On a side note, I read somewhere that a woman burns more calories right before her tom. It is an extra 100-300 calories per day. I think it is on day 26 or something of her cycle.

    Interesting! Maybe that explains why many of us get really hungry right before our periods start.

    No, that's your body wanting you to eat more to prepare for pregnancy.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I REALLY hate when women use their period as an excuse to not do something. "I can't go biking today. I started." Really? I get some of the worst cramps, but it never stops me from doing something. SUCK IT UP and quit being such a baby. Seriously.
    Rant over.
    A little arrogant to think you know what every woman goes through when she's on her period. Why don't you worry about your own flow and pain and let others (and perhaps their doctors) worry about their bodies. K? Thanks.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    I too have the excessive bleeding thing going on ( I don't clot well at all) Nothing like standing up and feeling the blood flow out of you and down your leg.
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    My particular favourite is when the excess sweat from the pad mixes with the blood and starts to smell like rotting meat.

    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Oh AND, it's actually mostly women who propagate this - because if we stick up for one another, men will apparently like us less, I guess?

    OH! I Forgot about TAMPON CHAFFING!!! I get so worked up about my maxi-pad rash that I forgot about that. Yeah...when the tampon starts to get pushed out because I'm trying to run 7 miles.... that's uncomfortable. And you wanna just reach down there and push it back in, but there's no public restrooms on this road and you don't want to be seen in public shoving your finger up your bloody girl bits....so you end up walking bow legged for a few days because your vag opening is chaffed :)

    The other thing i love is when the blood starts to crust in my spandex crotch while I'm running.

    I'm serious about this stuff actually. I'm not trying to be funny. I was trianing for a marathon and I bled right through my tampon. The blood dried in my crotch of my spandex and then the dried blood chaffed my thighs causing more bleeding. It put me out of exercising longer to recover from the WOUNDS than it would have to just take it a bit easier that week. But I thought maybe running with a maxipad would help...that caused a rash. I lost way more time in recovery than I would have if I just took it easy that week.

    Hey! You can't take a few days off! You have to keep going, no matter how much pain, discomfort or embarrassment it causes you! WE HAVE TO PRETEND WE'RE MEN!
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member

    LOL, I refuse to believe I am one of few here who actually gets some serious urges around TOM. Talk about frustration.

    ^Ugh, that's so me. It's like all the hormone changes make me want to jump anything that moves.

    Me too! I hadn't noticed till my husband pointed it out to me for about 4 months in a row. Its annoying really. First the serious urges and a day later, the debilitating pain.:grumble:
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I feel so much better reading these posts.

    I had debilitating TOM's up until I started birth control and I suffered much of what has been described here.

    I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who has been incapacitated by this and I'm also so relieved that BC got rid of so many of the problems. Not all, sadly, but most.

    The OP should count herself lucky that she doesn't have to experience half of this stuff.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    While its true that exercise helps cramps it's not just about the cramps. Some women bleed a LOT on the first few days of their period that any extra movement is...messy.

    No one wants to look like a stuck pig in front of everyone...
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    I too have the excessive bleeding thing going on ( I don't clot well at all) Nothing like standing up and feeling the blood flow out of you and down your leg.

    Ah, the gush.. The worst gush is when you get up in the morning.. ugh.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    OK, I hate using age to discount someone's opinion, but your screen name makes me think you're 21? At 21 I had periods I could exercise through no problem. Now, 10 years and 2 kids (delivered with NO pain meds, so I can obviously tolerate pain) later I have insane periods with flow that has me soaking through a maximum absorbancy tampon AND pad every 2 hours. So no, I don't feel like doing much other than sitting on the couch. I still have 2 kids to run after, but I'll leave optional exercise for later.
  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    This post (and comments) are funny AF. #thatisall
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Plus exercise helps with the cramping :)
  • kristinacottle
    And I'm still not going to exercise on my period, so... lol.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but during the first few days of my period, I end up with diarrhea and stomach cramps along with the uterine cramps- not to mention I will bleed heavy enough to soak a tampon and a pad in less than an hour. So, yeah. Big ol' middle finger to anyone who tells me it's just an excuse.

    I am fairly certain the OP didn't mean women with a flow THAT bad...
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I would like to suggest to everyone on this thread to start using the forums for something useful. Like helping women who have difficulty exercising during their TOM find a solution rather than playing a blame game and calling them lazy.

    Many women bleed heavier if they exercise on their period and it can cause severe health problems and bodily trauma. About 60% of women face this problem. Only about 10% of women see relief or a positive response from exercise during their TOM.

    Thank you. I agree.

    All i can say is BC pills did help, but then I had a reaction to them. So I had to stop taking them. Back to square one.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Don't even say vagina in Michigan (where I live)! :laugh:

    Seriously, tampon string chafe is nothing to sneeze at. I've drawn blood (of the labial source, not uterine lining) from that when on my bike...even while wearing bike shorts and using chamois cream.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm on medication because mine is so bad....I've suffered from anemia over the years because of it. I usually take one day off from exercising. I feel like complete **** that whole week and I'm not going to feel guilty if I don't feel like exercising when the ***** is in town....consider yourself lucky OP.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member

    Ah, the gush.. The worst gush is when you get up in the morning.. ugh.

    When I wake up, right before I get off the bed and stand up, I scream for my husband to get out of the bathroom if he's in it because of the disgusting morning gush...
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Don't even say vagina in Michigan (where I live)! :laugh:

    Seriously, tampon string chafe is nothing to sneeze at. I've drawn blood (of the labial source, not uterine lining) from that when on my bike...even while wearing bike shorts and using chamois cream.

    I wouldn't try sneezing while wearing a tampon. I've had, we'll say...issues, there.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    lol you obviously dont get the worst cramps ever if they dont stop you from working out.
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