Strangest Thing You Ever Seen At The Gym



  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    I was in the locker room after my workout when an older woman, short and stout comes barging through totally naked and heads for the hand dryers which were mounted higher and she proceeds to dry her hair under them ... ok, not too wierd. I take a second look thinking she might have put on some clothes before drying her hair when I notice a giant kotex crammed between her legs sticking out beneath her butt crack. Ewww ... the image burned into my brain forever!

    Anyone know how to unread something? Anyone?

    My EXACT thoughts. This post should have had a disclaimer. I finished it and gagged...Lol!
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    During a pump class, someone walked over to their gym bag and started eating a protein bar. Another time, during step aerobics, a person went to speak to the person behind her . She stood around speaking to the person who continued doing the class. Also texting during Pilates

    There are power bars that have it written on their package that they can be eaten "during" exercise. I actually have some. They are the Triple Threat ones, but I never have the time to actually eat them during my workout. I eat them right before...
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Strangest thing I've seen at a I was leaving one day, upon exiting the men's locker room, I noticed an elderly Japanese man walking up and down the hallway stark naked! Apparently, completely unmindful of the fact that the group exercise room which had windows opening on the hallway was in session with an aerobics class loaded with women and young teens. Just then a young Japanese/American man entered the hallway and the elderly man shouted something at him in Japenese, grabbed the young guy's towel and went back into the locker room. The young guy looked at me with a shocked expression and said "That guy just stole my towel!" I asked what the man said. The young man said he had no clue, he didn't speak a word of Japanese.

    This made me chuckle. When I get old, I am going to do weird **** like that all the time.
  • MissMarley137
    The parrot outdoes the strangest I've seen. That's just bizarre!

    There used to be a creepy guy who kinda looked like an overweight version of Jack Nicholson, complete with the crazy eyes and extra wide smile. He always seemed to be in the gym whenever I came in and he would still be there when I left... He would wander around and there never seemed to be a pattern to his exercises. At that point, I was bodysculpting so I hit the weights with purpose, did what needed to be done and left.

    The only time he ever spoke to me, he asked if I could spot him for a bench press. I had just finished my set so I agreed. He flopped down on the bench. I moved into position to spot. He grabbed the bar but didn't even attempt to lift it. Instead, he dropped his hands and said "Never mind" and got up and went to the locker room. From that day forward, when I saw him at the gym, he pointedly avoided me.

    Like I said, I lifted with purpose so it wasn't an issue... just bizarre...

    How bizarre, how bizarre...

    HA! I hope that actually was a reference to that song and I'm not just imagining things. But that's how I read it and it cracked me up here at work. Turned a couple heads....
  • MelHoneyRocks
    Well, I guess it's not super strange, but people texting while working out, half-assedly I might add. I was just thinking, wow, way to waste your time!

    also wastes my time, I've had this happen at my gym and the person is usually using the equipment that I need to use. Stinks....

    I often have to respond to work emails while I am working out ...nothing bothers me, I am not there for anyone else but myself.
  • johnnys30
    johnnys30 Posts: 64 Member
    Its not in the gym but I have seen soooo many people cross the street walking along side pushing their bicycles. Just ride it!
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    We have a lady who wears a bathing suit to the gym because our gym has a pool, she is about 70 yrs old and just wears a skimpy cover up... needless to say we always have to wipe the equipment because she thinks it is ok not to have shorts on.....
    for the rest of us gross
  • workoutgirl23
    A woman trying to read a small print Novel while running full speed on a treadmill.
    DEBAUD Posts: 22 Member
    A girl in clogs walking on a treadmill. This same girl does stair steps off the back of the elliptical that is maybe 2 inches off the ground.
  • havegoodgetgive
    Guy in the locker room in full makeup wearing pink panties, hose, and high heels...not a costume, general occurrence.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    At the gym at my old apartment, there were several regulars I would see at least twice a week... one of them wouldn't do anything but run on the treadmill every time. Nothing wrong with that. The problem was that he didn't seem to know what deodorant or a washing machine was. He would come in the same outfit every time (which I often did, too, but I did laundry so my clothes weren't stained and reaking like his) and he would run his *kitten* off as fast as he could for like an hour. He smelled so bad that the entire cardio area was pretty much unusable while he was there. It was putrid. If I wasn't already in the weight area, I would quit my cardio warm up and jump straight into weights just to avoid that stench. It was awful. Blechhhhh

    At the same gym, I also witnessed several kids who weren't even supposed to be in the gym that were unsupervised trying to use equipment. One heavier female child would get on the elliptical and get it to spin and then she would just ride one side down and repeat. I was super annoyed with them. Another time a kid was in there and started asking this dude on weights all these asinine questions and the weights dude was like, "don't you have homework to do?"

    And the last thing I saw was more nasty than strange, but when I had a Lifetime membership, there was this old asian lady that would sit buck *kitten* naked in the steam room and shave EVERYTHING. It was super nasty and I never used the steam room again after she came in there while I was in it and did that. :noway:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    A very obese woman eating a protein bar while walking on the treadmill

    A woman working out in a tube top that you would wear if you were going clubbing
  • MissMarley137
    I guess it's not really IN the gym, but people work out and then they go out and light up a cigarette! I don't get it!!

    Used to do this. You'd have to be a smoker to understand.

    Hear Hear! I don't even pretend to think it's good for me, but it feels ssssooooo good. I'll quit soon, but one thing at a time, right?
  • stinastudios
    stinastudios Posts: 117 Member
    There is a regular at my gym, a beefy guy in his late forties, that grunts every single time he does anything. Loudly. Like porn star grunting. He doesn't even lift that much weight, but every single rep he's grunting and growling and then flinging the weights on the ground. I'm not a prude but it's pretty obscene when I have to listen to him in the background for very long.
  • KM11102011
    KM11102011 Posts: 41
    The door connecting to the women's only area opened to a large fully functioning Texas Hold'em game; cigarette smoking and all...
    Of course, you had to be a member of the gym to play...loads of strange walked though that gym's front door.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member

    i walked into the cardio room and see this chick sitting there on a bike/ peddler- and she looks at me real quick - i noticed she had snacks and a drink on the floor- she quicly picked them up and turned back around, the whole time im on the eliptical 20-30 minutes, i could see her in the relfection of the tv (cause i never turn it on) she would look at me evryonce and a while and turn back to watch tv, she never exercised, and when i left i snuck this picture. She just sat there on the bike and snacked and watched tv....really wierd.

    Maybe her doctor told her she needed to go to the gym.
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    I went to a small local gym relatively late one night walked into the "cardio area" and there was an old man .... naked ... well that's a lie (he had a t-shirt on) .... on the elliptical ... :huh:

    apparently no one noticed because the "cardio area" was in a room away from the front desk...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member

    My boyfriend goes to a fancier gym with a pool, hot tub, steam rooms, etc, and he has seen a group of older (60-ish) guys jerking off in the steam room together. I dunno if that's strange or just incredibly rude and kinda gross... but I guess it really is fun to stay at the YYYYYYYYYYMCA.

    We have 3 big gyms here in town and one of the 24 hour gyms is a known meet-up place for gay men late at night.

    I don't go there because the employees steal from lockers and they don't clean the tanning beds. Plus the owner is a perv.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'm one of the strange ones - I'm a Zumba Instructor and usually wear the loud colored outfits. I get really funny looks!

    Our classroom has a couple of windows on one - right in front of the drinking fountain - so when people go to get drinks they usually pause and watch our class for a bit. Last week I encouraged all of the ladies to go up to the window and stare out at the people working out. We all got a great giggle out of it...I know lots of them are self-conscious about people looking in. This way they got to turn it around for a bit! :D

    I know, I'm just mean.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Having issues here-the biker chick with the helmet-lmao at work!! There's an Asian women at my gym, that does mountain climbers like a mad women, and uses the kettle bell so wrong, that I almost got up and said something. She left, I'm assuming of a broken back.....