Strangest Thing You Ever Seen At The Gym



  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Sad But True:

    I was on the elliptical next to a tread mill. We were both minding our own business and working out hard. The guy next to me was running his @ss off. Suddenly I hear a loud noise coming from that direction (like the sound of weights being dropped). I turn to my left to see this poor guy draped over the treadmill display.

    I asked him if he was okay (as he grunted "Yes") and I asked him "What happened?"

    Turns out that the treadmills were known to malfunction - and a sign was quickly posted after this - that they might "turn off without warning". Apparently the poor guy was running full spead and the machine abruptly turned itself off......and he ran right over the display.

    Oy, a few weeks ago I was using the treadmill in the gym at work. While I was down there, a huge thunderstorm passed through the area. I was going for about 20 mins and then the lights flickered. I slowed the machine down a bit at that point in time, and then *poof* I was in complete darkness! Thankfully, the treadmill slowed to a stop - and didn't stop abruptly.. but it was still a lurch forward for me.

    Strangest thing I've seen was at the work gym..well more annoying than strange. A coworker was shadowing her supervisor during a workout. She would use each machine he used. She's a tiny thing though, and he is pretty strong. He left the lateral pull down machine and she went right over to it. He had it set at max weight. She obviously couldn't pull down the bars so she lifted her legs up and started swinging/twisting in the air. Then let out an obnoxious laugh (think "Fran the Nanny) and said "ohhhhh...I foooorgoooot to fix the weights!!!"
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Ohhhhh, I remember one more, from a group fitness class I did. This woman would queef or fart (not sure because it didn't sound like a normal fart...) after every set of burpees or plank jacks.
  • MissMarley137
    I haven't seen this personally, but I heard about it from a friend just yesterday..

    This rather well built guy was lifting weights and grunting a fair bit. (As you do? ) Once he'd finished, he walked over to the mirror, and RIPPED HIS SHIRT OFF. With his hands, growling. Like the Incredible Hulk.


    Totally awesome. I would love to go to a gym just to do that!!!
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Not to bash family buy I agreed to do Zumba classes with my mother. She is dangerously obese and is doing an amazing job, she has lost over 80 lbs and I commend her but in the beginning she would do her best to keep up and when she couldn't she would lean against the wall and make comments to us "Pick your feet up higher" and other correcting remarks. She still tries to strike up a conversation while the music was blaring.


    Less socializing, more sweating mom. With my busy schedule I am only able to make it twice a week to support her but it irks me when I feel that she should be trying harder. I can't say a word because I want to remain positive when I do see her but it gets difficult to retain my composure.
  • torvy75
    torvy75 Posts: 2
    I think I provided the strangest things that someone ELSE has seen at the gym - I had finished my workout and was getting changed when a man's seeing-eye dog accidently led him into the wrong change room. I had every intention of letting him know & leading him to the men's change room, but I was buck naked and I didn't want to make him more embarassed by saying "Sir, you're in the wrong change room, I'll help you to the right place - right after I put my clothes on, because I'm nude, so just hang tight Mr. Blind Man while I get dressed quickly in front of you..."

    So I tried to get my clothes on as fast as I could without making much noise, so it would seem like I walked out of the bathroom and noticed him, or something. Except, in the meantime, another lady had come in and saw him and was all "Oh my, you have the wrong room, here, let me help you to the men's change room" and grabbed his arm & let him out and then shot me a look like I was some horrible, perverted fiend. And really, from her point of view, it probably looked like some naked perv was doing a twisted mind *kitten* on a defenseless man with a disability. I wanted to die ...
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    My favorite was a guy sitting on the stair master reading a body building magazine - he was dressed in slacks and a button down and did not look like he had ever lifted a weight in his life. He left without ever working out.
  • tapout22002
    Okay, I have one...a young lady on the stair master slowly walking up the steps when a disco song comes on and she starts dancing while stepping...twisting/turning/lip synching. It was hilarious. Then she saw me watching her...ackward.
  • MissMarley137
    I'm pretty sure I'm one of the strange ones - I'm a Zumba Instructor and usually wear the loud colored outfits. I get really funny looks!

    Our classroom has a couple of windows on one - right in front of the drinking fountain - so when people go to get drinks they usually pause and watch our class for a bit. Last week I encouraged all of the ladies to go up to the window and stare out at the people working out. We all got a great giggle out of it...I know lots of them are self-conscious about people looking in. This way they got to turn it around for a bit! :D

    I know, I'm just mean.

    That is so fabulous! People like you make the world a better place... I might even consider trying a zumba class one day if I had an instructor like that.
  • tapout22002
    That's happened to me, thankfully at home. The machine's breaker pops and it's supposed to be a safety feature that causes it to stop very quickly so you don't fly off the back. The breakers typically only pop at high speed.
  • SIG9
    SIG9 Posts: 4
    50 something lady who RUNS the stairmaster. The whole time she's grunting, swearing and screaming so loud it can be heard from thirty feet away over the gyms blaring music. The first time I heard her I thought she was going to die.

    She's a regular and when she's done she CAN"T WALK. I mean she limps out like a ninety year-old with a walker. She's fit... I'll giver her that. Just a little OCD.
  • PurpleEpiphany
    I've only been going for just under three weeks now, but the other night two guys and a girl came in, all young and looking reasonably fit. The guys seemed to have been there before, but the girl was a bit lost. She was tiny, like around five feet and maybe ninety pounds, just really petite. Here's the hilarious thing: She couldnt' get the elliptical started on her own. I'm not talking once she set the resistance, I'm talking to get the machine to turn on. One of the guys with her literally had to stand on the backs of the pedals and help her get it started. When they finally got it going, I wanted to cheer, but I thought that might make her feel self-conscious :) Still, I thought it was pretty awesome that she didn't give up.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    On the weekends at my gym, there's this girl that comes in, who rolls with her White Ducati bike. Funny thing is, when she's on the stationary bike or treadmill, she actually wears her white helmet while working out.

    LMFAO! Maybe she's afraid of wrecking!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    50 something lady who RUNS the stairmaster. The whole time she's grunting, swearing and screaming so loud it can be heard from thirty feet away over the gyms blaring music. The first time I heard her I thought she was going to die.

    She's a regular and when she's done she CAN"T WALK. I mean she limps out like a ninety year-old with a walker. She's fit... I'll giver her that. Just a little OCD.

    If I ran on the stairclimber, I would totally have to grunt the whole time too. But that *would* be hysterical to watch.

    Hopefully, people that are intimidated to go to the gym are reading this. People! THESE are the type of people gym goers ever pay attention to! Hahaha!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    A couple months ago I was a couple come in to the gym. I had seen the gym before but the girl was new. She decided she wanted to do squats so they went over to the squat rack where she stated she couldn't lift the bar. Then proceeded to go get a 40lb curl bar (5lbs less than the squat bar) and state she couldn't pick it up over her head to get it to the back of her shoulders to squat it. So her boyfriend helped her she did a good set (with her knees going past her toes) then just kinda whined until her boyfriend came back to help her set it down. The second time she managed to get it over her head by herself but couldn't set it down. I wanted so say I didn't know the gym offered a babysitting service.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    There is a gay man from our gym that always makes posts on Craigslist's "missed connections" forum. He's always looking for some hot/hung guy he spotted in the locker room. I have no idea who it is in real life although he describes himself at length nearly every time. Some of his requests get a little x-rated and a lot hilarious. It's anonymous but I can tell its the same guy by the way it's worded. He posts these kinds of things 2 or 3 times a week.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I think I provided the strangest things that someone ELSE has seen at the gym - I had finished my workout and was getting changed when a man's seeing-eye dog accidently led him into the wrong change room. I had every intention of letting him know & leading him to the men's change room, but I was buck naked and I didn't want to make him more embarassed by saying "Sir, you're in the wrong change room, I'll help you to the right place - right after I put my clothes on, because I'm nude, so just hang tight Mr. Blind Man while I get dressed quickly in front of you..."

    So I tried to get my clothes on as fast as I could without making much noise, so it would seem like I walked out of the bathroom and noticed him, or something. Except, in the meantime, another lady had come in and saw him and was all "Oh my, you have the wrong room, here, let me help you to the men's change room" and grabbed his arm & let him out and then shot me a look like I was some horrible, perverted fiend. And really, from her point of view, it probably looked like some naked perv was doing a twisted mind *kitten* on a defenseless man with a disability. I wanted to die ...

    best story ever
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    Bump! These are great!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I was doing cardio and a lady on a stationary bike kept complaining how hard it was and was pedaling super slow like she was on some crazy resistance and when i peeked over she didnt even have the thing on...
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    The funniest/saddest thing at the gym was something I *heard*, but didn't see. I was shooting hoops with my friend in the adjoining gym, and we could hear someone really galloping away on the treadmill in the fitness room next to us. Suddenly the lights went out, and all of a sudden we heard what sounded like the squeak of rubber soles on a hard surface, and the distinctive sound of someone faceplanting in the fitness room. We made our way over to the fitness room to help them, but when we got there, no one was around. I don't know if I could have kept a straight face while treating them!

    The other thing that was amusing was when a football player was making this big production about benching some weight...and then this older guy with a walker asked if he was doing screwing around. The football player shot up off the bench like he'd been tazed. The old guy looked at the bar, scoffed, added two more plates to each side, and then threw that damn bar around like nobody's business. That player looked mortified.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I went to the locker room to use the washroom. As i walk by I catch someone out of the corner of my eye on the weigh scale. Back was turned to me so i couldn't really tell but Man! This "lady" had some manly looking legs and "she" was huge! I was a little concerned so just stood there to see what the reactions of the people around me were. There was probably 4 other women in the change room. They all looked a little disturbed too. I left the change room and found a lady that worked at the gym. I actually interrupted her conversation. She knew something was really wrong just by the perplexed look I had on my face. I said "I think there's a guy in the ladies change room". Sure enough, we walked back in there and there he was...still on the weigh scale. She approached him, told him he was in the ladies change room and he says "How do i get this scale to work?" LOL the lady proceeds to tell him how to work the scale and they start talking about Body mass index! Hello??! Meanwhile, people are waiting to change! we still laugh over this.

    Ever consider she could be a transgender pre-hormones/surgery?
    Please think before laughing at people, if this is the case SHE had every right to be in that room with you.

    On the other hand, it could have been a crazy guy in a dress.

    You don't know either way, so maybe don't make assumptions, posts like this can make transgenders very afraid to use public bathrooms and changing rooms, just a heads up