Strangest Thing You Ever Seen At The Gym



  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member

    Ever consider she could be a transgender pre-hormones/surgery?
    Please think before laughing at people, if this is the case SHE had every right to be in that room with you.

    On the other hand, it could have been a crazy guy in a dress.

    You don't know either way, so maybe don't make assumptions, posts like this can make transgenders very afraid to use public bathrooms and changing rooms, just a heads up
    This brings up a good topic. We have a transgender coworker. She uses the men's room. Which is appropriate?
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    Ever consider she could be a transgender pre-hormones/surgery?
    Please think before laughing at people, if this is the case SHE had every right to be in that room with you.

    On the other hand, it could have been a crazy guy in a dress.

    You don't know either way, so maybe don't make assumptions, posts like this can make transgenders very afraid to use public bathrooms and changing rooms, just a heads up
    This brings up a good topic. We have a transgender coworker. She uses the men's room. Which is appropriate?

    I would say, the room of the gender they identify with. I consider a transgender woman a woman like any other, therefore she uses the womens room, and the same for men - a transgender man is a man, and should use the mens room. It is of course their choice, but I imagine if you identify as being female, you would want to use the female room like all other females.


    Sadly, this is often the reality...^
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    This might be one of the funniest threads ever.

    I've seen so much funny $#!+ at my gym its hard to say, but this one made me laugh the hardest

    The first Monday of every month they give away free pizza, which in itself is funny for a gym to do, and this 400+ lbs dude who was STRUGGLING on the elliptical beside me at 3.0 speed smelling like a mix of must, *kitten* and funky nuts, saw them bring the pizzas in and jumped off the elliptical and started inhaling pizza slices right at the counter where the pizzas were. Then a couple of bloods(as in gangbangers) were watching him and one them said real loudly "Dang homie how many slices ya gonna eat big boy!!". I almost twisted my ankle falling off the elliptical.

    Yes I'm mean and in my Wakka Flocka voice " I don't really care!"
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I had no idea this thread would be so funny!!!
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    In Pilates class a man wearing khakis and a polo shirt (and yet some how still looked homeless) ran in looking panicked, grabbed a mat, tried a few poses but mostly laid on his mat next to me, staring down my shirt and as soon as class was over he ran back out at full speed. I always wondered if he was in a hurry or some one was trying to chase him out of the gym for being weird. He talked a little through class and seemed really off.
  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    I finished using a recumbent bike at my gym, and the screen flashed 'SLUT! 20:00 min'. I laughed so hard, it made my whole day.

    Must be Swedish
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    The strangest for me at least, which was more peculiar than anything, was one smaller guy maybe late 20's early 30's doing nothing but rear delt exercises for over a hour. Never seen anyone hit their rear delts so much at one time and he would do this multiple times a week. It was just odd to me.
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    I went to the locker room to use the washroom. As i walk by I catch someone out of the corner of my eye on the weigh scale. Back was turned to me so i couldn't really tell but Man! This "lady" had some manly looking legs and "she" was huge! I was a little concerned so just stood there to see what the reactions of the people around me were. There was probably 4 other women in the change room. They all looked a little disturbed too. I left the change room and found a lady that worked at the gym. I actually interrupted her conversation. She knew something was really wrong just by the perplexed look I had on my face. I said "I think there's a guy in the ladies change room". Sure enough, we walked back in there and there he was...still on the weigh scale. She approached him, told him he was in the ladies change room and he says "How do i get this scale to work?" LOL the lady proceeds to tell him how to work the scale and they start talking about Body mass index! Hello??! Meanwhile, people are waiting to change! we still laugh over this.

    Ever consider she could be a transgender pre-hormones/surgery?
    Please think before laughing at people, if this is the case SHE had every right to be in that room with you.

    On the other hand, it could have been a crazy guy in a dress.

    You don't know either way, so maybe don't make assumptions, posts like this can make transgenders very afraid to use public bathrooms and changing rooms, just a heads up

    That did cross my mind so I made sure i was certain before I went to get someone. He was definitely a guy, hard to tell though because his back was to me. And he wasn't wearing a dress, just workout clothes and trying to figure out the weigh scale.
  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    I have to fess up - I'm sure my friends and I were a strange sight when we were training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon and went to the gym in our tutus and tiaras to give them a test run on the treadmills to make sure everything would stay in place. There were 4 or 5 of us running next to each other on the tradmills all wearing VERY sparkly stuff. A lot of folks knew what we were doing but we still got some might funny looks! (It was too cold to run outside and try it although we did run through the neighborhood once also to give everyone a good laugh!) :laugh:

    BTW - the gym manager couldn't get all the glitter off the treadmills for WEEKS! LOL.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I have to fess up - I'm sure my friends and I were a strange sight when we were training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon and went to the gym in our tutus and tiaras to give them a test run on the treadmills to make sure everything would stay in place. There were 4 or 5 of us running next to each other on the tradmills all wearing VERY sparkly stuff. A lot of folks knew what we were doing but we still got some might funny looks! (It was too cold to run outside and try it although we did run through the neighborhood once also to give everyone a good laugh!) :laugh:

    BTW - the gym manager couldn't get all the glitter off the treadmills for WEEKS! LOL.

    That is funny!!
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    Its not in the gym but I have seen soooo many people cross the street walking along side pushing their bicycles. Just ride it!
    Where I'm from it's illegal to ride your bike in a cross walk. If you want to cross there, you have to dismount and walk it across. Otherwise, you follow the same rules of the road on a bike as you would in a car.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Bump to read tonight
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    A very obese woman eating a protein bar while walking on the treadmill

    A woman working out in a tube top that you would wear if you were going clubbing

    I've been very tempted to do this, and I have eaten half of a fiber one bar in the locker room before. Sometimes I come right from work and don't have a chance to grab any sort of dinner first, and end up feeling kind of low blood sugar/crashy and don't want to abort the workout plan and go home just to eat. So perhaps this is what she was doing. Or otoh maybe she as one of those folks who think a little walking means you need to eat tons of protein
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    A guy doing bicep curls with large hand weights. Everytime he raised his arm he kissed his bicep.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    The funniest/saddest thing at the gym was something I *heard*, but didn't see. I was shooting hoops with my friend in the adjoining gym, and we could hear someone really galloping away on the treadmill in the fitness room next to us. Suddenly the lights went out, and all of a sudden we heard what sounded like the squeak of rubber soles on a hard surface, and the distinctive sound of someone faceplanting in the fitness room. We made our way over to the fitness room to help them, but when we got there, no one was around. I don't know if I could have kept a straight face while treating them!

    The other thing that was amusing was when a football player was making this big production about benching some weight...and then this older guy with a walker asked if he was doing screwing around. The football player shot up off the bench like he'd been tazed. The old guy looked at the bar, scoffed, added two more plates to each side, and then threw that damn bar around like nobody's business. That player looked mortified.

    LOVE IT! Especially the second one.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I went to the locker room to use the washroom. As i walk by I catch someone out of the corner of my eye on the weigh scale. Back was turned to me so i couldn't really tell but Man! This "lady" had some manly looking legs and "she" was huge! I was a little concerned so just stood there to see what the reactions of the people around me were. There was probably 4 other women in the change room. They all looked a little disturbed too. I left the change room and found a lady that worked at the gym. I actually interrupted her conversation. She knew something was really wrong just by the perplexed look I had on my face. I said "I think there's a guy in the ladies change room". Sure enough, we walked back in there and there he was...still on the weigh scale. She approached him, told him he was in the ladies change room and he says "How do i get this scale to work?" LOL the lady proceeds to tell him how to work the scale and they start talking about Body mass index! Hello??! Meanwhile, people are waiting to change! we still laugh over this.

    Ever consider she could be a transgender pre-hormones/surgery?
    Please think before laughing at people, if this is the case SHE had every right to be in that room with you.

    On the other hand, it could have been a crazy guy in a dress.

    You don't know either way, so maybe don't make assumptions, posts like this can make transgenders very afraid to use public bathrooms and changing rooms, just a heads up

    um......NO. men use the mens room, and women the womens room, trans-crossed-gender-post-op-vesdite...whatever.

    If your DNA says your a man- mens room<---,

    How about you consider the feelings of a real woman. This is not only rude to tell her that its down right uncomfortable. a man is a man no matter how you cut it up and vice versa. I am not comfortable with any kind of man in my restroom. plain and simple. Beside the story is funny no matter how you put it. And this aint the place....good God! REALLY!:noway:

    Um. What makes you a real woman? Because I am pretty sure that that was some borderline hatespeech right there.
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I went to the locker room to use the washroom. As i walk by I catch someone out of the corner of my eye on the weigh scale. Back was turned to me so i couldn't really tell but Man! This "lady" had some manly looking legs and "she" was huge! I was a little concerned so just stood there to see what the reactions of the people around me were. There was probably 4 other women in the change room. They all looked a little disturbed too. I left the change room and found a lady that worked at the gym. I actually interrupted her conversation. She knew something was really wrong just by the perplexed look I had on my face. I said "I think there's a guy in the ladies change room". Sure enough, we walked back in there and there he was...still on the weigh scale. She approached him, told him he was in the ladies change room and he says "How do i get this scale to work?" LOL the lady proceeds to tell him how to work the scale and they start talking about Body mass index! Hello??! Meanwhile, people are waiting to change! we still laugh over this.

    Ever consider she could be a transgender pre-hormones/surgery?
    Please think before laughing at people, if this is the case SHE had every right to be in that room with you.

    On the other hand, it could have been a crazy guy in a dress.

    You don't know either way, so maybe don't make assumptions, posts like this can make transgenders very afraid to use public bathrooms and changing rooms, just a heads up

    um......NO. men use the mens room, and women the womens room, trans-crossed-gender-post-op-vesdite...whatever.

    If your DNA says your a man- mens room<---,

    How about you consider the feelings of a real woman. This is not only rude to tell her that its down right uncomfortable. a man is a man no matter how you cut it up and vice versa. I am not comfortable with any kind of man in my restroom. plain and simple. Beside the story is funny no matter how you put it. And this aint the place....good God! REALLY!:noway:

    Um. What makes you a real woman? Because I am pretty sure that that was some borderline hatespeech right there.

    ^ No kidding. This ain't the place for (genderphobias of any kind) indeed!

    Just got a text pic from a friend who is still on campus. It's a pic of one of the baseball players asleep on the lift bench, two dumbbells laying on each side of him on the floor. She said he'd been balancing them outstretched and just slowly dozed off. They rolled out of his hands and landed lightly on the floor. :)
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,120 Member
    The parrot outdoes the strangest I've seen. That's just bizarre!

    There used to be a creepy guy who kinda looked like an overweight version of Jack Nicholson, complete with the crazy eyes and extra wide smile. He always seemed to be in the gym whenever I came in and he would still be there when I left... He would wander around and there never seemed to be a pattern to his exercises. At that point, I was bodysculpting so I hit the weights with purpose, did what needed to be done and left.

    The only time he ever spoke to me, he asked if I could spot him for a bench press. I had just finished my set so I agreed. He flopped down on the bench. I moved into position to spot. He grabbed the bar but didn't even attempt to lift it. Instead, he dropped his hands and said "Never mind" and got up and went to the locker room. From that day forward, when I saw him at the gym, he pointedly avoided me.

    Like I said, I lifted with purpose so it wasn't an issue... just bizarre...

    I think he got exactly what he wanted, not to be gross but he got a great view and headed to the locker room to "take care of it"...there is a reason he seemed creepy to you HE IS.
    I hadn't thought of that. That just made my story go from bizarre to unsettling...
  • Smileyawaw
    Smileyawaw Posts: 23 Member
    After a swim one day I went into the steam room but 2 minutes later this woman walks in buck naked (no towel or anything!) and proceeds to sit down and eat an orange - naked - in the steam room - I couldn't understand this at all. VERY weird!