Strangest Thing You Ever Seen At The Gym



  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I find it funny when I see people working out and drinking a coffee.........but I've seen it alot so IT happens ??? :huh:

    alot of people use coffee as a pre workout

    Puts my hand up - Me!! My trainer actually has a Nespresso machine at the gym and makes me my morning cuppa when I arrive - he knows there is no way he will get anything out of me at 6:30am if I have not had my caffeine fix - I can train on an empty stomach - but do need my caffeine!!
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Given by the stares I get... Probably me, walking backwards on the treadmill!
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    There was a woman in REALLY short shorts on an elliptical in front of me. Her tampon string wasn't quite tucked in her panties...obviously.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member

    Just got a text pic from a friend who is still on campus. It's a pic of one of the baseball players asleep on the lift bench, two dumbbells laying on each side of him on the floor. She said he'd been balancing them outstretched and just slowly dozed off. They rolled out of his hands and landed lightly on the floor. :)

    that could be narcolepsy (a condition where people randomly fall asleep in the middle of whatever they're doing) I hope if he does have that that whoever's spotting for him knows about it as it could be dangerous :/

    alternatively maybe he was just exhausted and sleep deprived.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    We have a few military folks who run in body armor and gas masks -- I totally get the "train as you fight" mentality, but it still catches me off guard every time I see it.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Once in the locker room I was putting on my makeup in front of the mirrors when I catch sight of this BABY toddle in behind me to climb up on one of the toilets in the stalls and take a piss. Looked to be about a year old and she had no diaper on, just a top. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I literally froze! I was thinking, WTH? and do I help this kid before she falls in? And where is her mother?? What do I do? By the time these thoughts finish racing through my head, this BABY was done and plopped down off the toilet! Then her mom comes around the corner and was like, did she go? I told her to go! Um, what??? So of course I had to ask questions, and it turned out the girl wasn't even a full year old yet!!! She was turning one at the end of June (this happened early last month). I asked her how on earth did she potty train her so early (I didn't think a 12 month old was even psychologically ready to be potty trained let alone physically ready) and the mom said that she NEVER used diapers and had been holding this kid over the toilet since she was a newborn. She also said she toilet trained her cat!!

    I asked her wasn't she afraid her baby would fall in the toilet but she said no, she knows how to climb on and everything. She was mad though that the gym made her put a swimming diaper on her daughter in the pool.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    There was a woman at the gym yesterday, wearing street clothes, who got on the leg press, set it to the lowest weight, did 3 reps and got off. That's all she did the entire time she was there. She was walking around with her husband, who was wearing a weight belt, but not doing any weightlifting.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    Not unusual at all but everytime I see a dude with his pork sword flopping around in his gym shorts I can't help but stare. Its like a train wreck.

    The other day though one of those guys, who is an older gentleman, was sitting on the weight bench across from the treadmill I was on and had his legs spread. Well he had on boxers and there was a turtle head poking out the leg. Some things cannot be unseen. Yet I still look.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    not really strange but pretty damm funny if you ask me.

    I was just doing my cardio thing, running along on the treadmill, doing a bit of people watching while i was at it.
    There was a big dude standing in front of the mirror doing squats. (YOU all know they type of dude i talking about, mr "i love myself", I'm only here to get hot chicks , grunting at every single rep... THAT guy....)

    s he was off grunting away and this girl come up with some lovely little pink handweights (yup, one of those girls.. amazingly tight pants, g-string hanging out over the top, short cropped sports bra that leaves nothing to the imagination, boobs hanging out, reeking of perfume and face full of make up, hair all quiffed and teased)

    anyway they were perfect for each other.

    So she started dong bicep curls next to him, glancing over every now and then, and his grunting just got worse and worse, he got some weights, you know the deal... basic 2 gym d0uches

    so he ups his weights by about 20kg and starts getting more grunty, more sweaty, red faced, and goes down for a squat.....

    and lets a HUGE one rip.... all throughout the gym... it took everything i had not to laugh and fall off the treadmill. The look on her face (and yes, she left very quickly after that).. was priceless.
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    While walking on the treadmill at the gym tonight, I saw a man working out with his parrot on his shoulders. A staff person called the gym owner and the guy was asked to leave.

    What is the strangest thing you ever seen at the gym?

    was his name Co Co Beware! (someone will get it.)

    Wasn't he a WWE (WWF back in the day) wrestler?
  • slade37
    slade37 Posts: 23 Member
    its called addiction
  • slade37
    slade37 Posts: 23 Member
    I guess it's not really IN the gym, but people work out and then they go out and light up a cigarette! I don't get it!!

    its called addiction.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Funniest thing ever,,, my 38 year old brother walking less than 2 inches from the front of my cardio machine ignoring me with a look on his face like he has a 45 shoved up his rectum. Now that was some funny!!! Guess his profession?
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    The ladies room was under construction and rather than use another ladies room down the hall a bit a lady changed into her swimsuit right there in the fitness area. Nude top to bottom. At the time there were only ladies in the gym,but there is a huge sign that says the gym is under visual surveilence
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I don't pay attention at my gym. I am probably the weird one then I guess.

    I do think it is odd that out of 12 pages of posts there are 4 or 5 that mention "Asian", "Chinese" or "Japanese" and no other ethnicity. Hmm, kind of makes you think about stereotypes amongst other things.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    The other night at the gym there was a guy doing the circuit weights who was carrying around his McCafe Moccha Latte (or whatever the hell it was). I was just surprised to see someone with something other than water at the gym. :drinker:
  • jamies76
    jamies76 Posts: 30 Member
    I wish we had some of these characters at my gym. They'd make a great distraction for the members who are far too interested in watching others instead of concentrating on themselves!

    But then maybe I'm expecting too much. I'm used to yoga studio environments where (most) people are mature and accepting of all bodies as natural and keep their eyes and attention on their own practice.

    It sucks having awesome peripheral vision! :D
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I find it funny when I see people working out and drinking a coffee.........but I've seen it alot so IT happens ??? :huh:

    alot of people use coffee as a pre workout

    Puts my hand up - Me!! My trainer actually has a Nespresso machine at the gym and makes me my morning cuppa when I arrive - he knows there is no way he will get anything out of me at 6:30am if I have not had my caffeine fix - I can train on an empty stomach - but do need my caffeine!!

    In my old gym there was a free coffee machine and a group of us doing 6:30am spin. We all used to undulge in a cheeky black coffee before spin. :bigsmile: