30 Day Shred Group Sept 1st!!! Here we go!!!



  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I didn't shred last night - but I am planning on doing it tonight. I weighed in last night and gained a 1 lb.! Whatever, I am not going to worry. I have been doing well and will get to my pre-pregnancy and beyond with my weight loss I just know it.

    To all those feeling like they are slacking, you really aren't. Everyone is at their own fitness level and it is best to go at your own pace whatever that is. Rome was not built in a day...

    BL was good the other night but I was shocked by Tracy - I so hope she gets booted next week. I feel bad for Mo, though... uggh.

    Skywalker - you are doing awesome with those measurements! The way I am trying to think of things is if there is a loss in measurement or even in lbs. whatever way it has to be good, right? I know I gained a lb. but, I have lost inches so I am not overly concerned. My clothes are fitting so much better and everyone is telling me how great I look....

    Keep up the great work everyone! Happy October...it's freezing!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon,

    April_mesk: Where are you from? It's cold (42 degrees) and raining here in Minnesota...brrr! It was a bit miserable feeding horses this morning. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I keep telling myself that I'm doing alright because I can see/feel changes, even if I haven't done much actual shredding.

    At least if we exercise inside today, it will keep us warm!

  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Good afternoon,

    April_mesk: Where are you from? It's cold (42 degrees) and raining here in Minnesota...brrr! It was a bit miserable feeding horses this morning. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I keep telling myself that I'm doing alright because I can see/feel changes, even if I haven't done much actual shredding.

    At least if we exercise inside today, it will keep us warm!


    I am from Gardner, Massachusetts. It was 40 something this morning. Just seem so cold and couldn't get warm. I know it will get colder, though. So not looking forward to minus degree temperatures and that 4 letter word I won't mention. There are other things I do besides shredding so, I know I am getting in enough. I love to vary up my routines. It keeps you stimulated and shocks your body to make a change. Good luck!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks april_mesk :smile: I agree that as long as I'm seeing progress, whether it's measurements or lbs, I'm happy. slow and steady.

    To everyone,
    I think we're all doing great. No one here is a slacker. We're all making positive changes and improving our health. I started feeling like a slacker when I was sick over the weekend, but then I reminded myself that taking a few days off to recover was not going to cause me to gain back the 44 lbs I've lost so far. I'm taking today off too because my cold is lingering and I feel worn out today :frown: , but I'm not going to feel guilty about it. :happy:

    It's cold and rainy in Pennsylvania too. I think our high today was in the low 50s. As for that 4 letter word... I love it!! I work in a local school district and I :heart:love:heart: snow days!!! :laugh: I can live without the sub-zero temperatures though. :tongue:

    Happy Shredding, everyone!!! :drinker:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    day 6 of level 2 (day 25 overall!)... i am really starting to be able to feel the results in my core - all the plank pose is killer but apparently it really pays off! it really is just my shoulders that i feel cant catch up to the intensity... maybe soon? i am still doing everything with anita, so i know i have a long ways to go on level 2 before i am going stuff with natalie.

    However.... I lost 3 pounds in the past week and a half officially ending my plateau! I am down from 151 to 148 and couldn't be happier :)

    im in boston, so i feel your *cold* pain - lows in the 40s here, highs barely at 60 :( SOOOO not looking forward to that four letter word and the sub-zeroness... it already feel cold!!!

    i also agree that everyone is doing awesome! we all progress at our own rates, its not a competition at all. each of us has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to our personal fitness level, and we have to work from there. also, life is time consuming - don't beat yourself up for taking a day off to be with your family! when it comes down to it, that is super important too. The fact that we have all made a conscience decision to be healthier and more fit is great all by itself!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Last night, I didn't do any "traditional" exercising, but I was moving nonetheless. I played three games of Wii bowling with my family and then two rounds of Wii boxing with my sister....we were sweating after that!

    Then, I did something I haven't done in years...I hula hooped! It was harder than I remembered it being but surprisingly, it didn't take long to get back in the swing of it. I can't wait to do some more with my HRM on to see how many calories it burns. I've seen several claims that it burns 100 calories for every 10 minutes you do it. How great would that be??

    Happy exercising!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    well i havent done the shred in forever and was planning on getting some in this week when I got done with a friend visiting and then going to WI...
    ...but I came home and now Im sick so f that.

    I feel like by the time Ive gotten in 30 shreds that the times Ive gone without is just gonna leave me at being close to breaking even lol
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    hey you level 3ers - what is targeted in that workout? and how does it compare to level 2?

    Level 3 does a lot of strength training in the cardio workouts too. I think all the moves target the core the most. I like it! Level 2 seems to make me more out of breath but level 3 just hurts all my muscles. I took yesterday off, on wednesday I just did level 2 and my lower back was sooo painful I couldn't walk afterwards. The pain seems to be coming from my glute muscles which may be sooo tight from the jumps at the end of level 3. So I took a rest day yesterday and I am going to try to shred today because it does help if I keep moving. Good luck to everyone this weekend. It is freezing in Chicago too so I will warm up with a workout!!!

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  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    it is freezing here in chicago indeed.

    Wow, Ive fallen so far behind you people are on level 3 already?
    I think as soon as I kick this cold and Im not exhausted allll the time Im gonna have to start my shredding again. I think I may jump right into level 2 and see how it works out.

    Too bad my new meds warn you that you may pass out while exercising or get nauseous. Laaaame.
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    JoviAllTogether~ whoa be careful with excercising then on those meds! Jump in whenever your ready, go at your own pace and go slow or else you might quit right away if it is too much. We will be here for you to cheer you on!
    Shredded Level 2 and 3 just now and I am definetly not freezing anymore! My back feels great and I'm glad I took a rest day yesterday because I was able to give it 100%! Happy weekend all! :drinker:


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  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thanks for the reminder...sometimes I forget that maybe I should take those warnings seriously. The last few times Ive shredded since being on the meds Ive had to take a lot of breaks because Id suddenly feel faint or sick.

    Hopefully I can work around it....or maybe I may have to give up the shred and work out at my own pace with random exercises. Which would be too bad, I like the shred. We'll see
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Day 3 Level 2 done! yey! :drinker:

    I feel so left behind already, you guys are making so much progress. Great job all of you!!!!:flowerforyou:
    Skywalker you're amazing! I've only lost an inch from my waist since the start (credit that from too much pigging out uuuggghhh :sick: ). I lost the measurements I did from the start of this workout so I can't really track it all except the waist because it's the only thing I remember.

    For everyone under the weather, take care of yourself and work on your own pace. A little exercise isn't that bad but don't push yourself too hard. Wait it out until you feel better. Take care! :flowerforyou:

    16 days to go before being shredded.. :smile:

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  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day14, L2 and L3 - holy crow! It is such a great burn, though. I felt guilty because I went on a little 3 day vacation and didn't get my shreds in... feeling great today, though. L3 was tough but, I felt like I did great. I can't quite do everything with Natalie but, I know I will get there. I am only on Day 14 so, I am going to try and and either do Level 3 now or both 2 and 3. It feels great! Sorry, I sound like a moron, but, I truly have a great high right now...those endorphins will get you every time - - :bigsmile: Good luck to all at wherever you are at and the main thing is just to keep with it! :flowerforyou:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    finally feeling better. havent eaten the healthiest recently & kinda feel guilty & kinda dont.
    Gonna try to do the shred 5 days this week & then work my way up to doing more exercise outside of the shred next week again.
    Last time I did the shred since being on my meds I had quite a few issues keeping up and feeling nauseous or like I was going to pass out so Im going to pace myself and take the breaks I need.

    Good news is that my parents may give me their treadmill for my bday because they never ever use it. I could definitely use it though! Its really heavy though so moving it here and anywhere else is going to forever suck lol
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening,

    JoviAllTogetha: I hope you're feeling better. It would be awesome if you got your parent's treadmill. I bought one a few years ago and it has gotten it's fair share of use. It's a great thing to throw into your exercise routines.

    I haven't done any Shredding since Thursday, but today I went on a hike with my boyfriend at a local State Park. We hiked for one hour and forty minutes and burned a whopping 1126 calories, according to my HRM. Guess the hills were worth it in the end!

    I still need to work on the dieting to see more results on the scale, but even so, I'm seeing and feeling changes. I can't believe how much better I did on today's hike than on the one we did last month!

    Good luck and have a wonderful evening!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 15, Level2 - couldn't manage to get in Level 3 - uggh.... I am so happy that I joined this thread - everyone here is awesome! Love all of you! Well, 1/2 way there. Now, there is no turning back for me -have to do the rest of this.

    Funny thing... I bought the dvds awhile ago and the company actually ended up sending me an extra whole set by accident for nothing and told me to keep it - so, I gave it to the girl I work with (who loves to run) and now she is doing it! I love it! She, coincidentally has a cat and dog and was having a rough time with the dog lapping her face while she was trying to do Level 1 flies...hah!

    Happy Shredding! I have to watch Lie to Me tonight - just love that guy... take care and talk to you soon

    Jovi - Glad you are feeling better... :flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Well, after not shredding since last Tuesday, I completed day 16 tonight (day 6 level 2)! Officially broken the halfway point. :happy: I'm hoping my stupid cold that's been hanging around is finally gone. Still slightly sniffley, but I can keep taking off 4 days a week. Luckily, I haven't gained any weight with my lack of exercise. :tongue:

    Looks like everyone is doing great! Congrats to you all!! I agree with april_mesk... I love this thread too. I keeps me motivated and inspired. Thanks for joining everyone! :happy:

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Shredded Level 2 today and yesterday. Took saturday off only because I was so busy working and doing stuff around the house. I am doing awful at my diet! I need to get back in gear asap! And my plan is to still start a running program also along with the shred. Hope that I can get everything on track this week!!!

  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I'm late to the party but better late than never. I've been procrastinating but I finally bought the dvd and then it laid around unopened and yesterday I finally opened it and started. Yesterday was day 1 level 1 and today will be day 2. It wasn't as bad as I expected and I actually thought it might not have been challenging enough. However, last night -and this morning- I was feeling sore muscles. Hope it works 'cause I need all the help I can get.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Thanks to those that were glad Im feeling better! :laugh:

    I havent been shredding still but I did do an hour of stepping aerobics while watching tv (little stuff...steps on the wii fit board w/ the add ons to make it taller and some arm exercises)

    Hopefully today Ill get some shredding and some stepping in