30 Day Shred Group Sept 1st!!! Here we go!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    I spent 40 minutes doing intervals on the treadmill last night after Biggest Loser.

    Just a reminder to everyone how inaccurate the calories counters on machines can be. My treadmill told me I burned 308 calories last night, but my HRM said 570! Huge difference....of course, my machine doesn't let me enter my personal information like the fancy ones at the gym do, so they may be a bit more accurate.

    Anyway, happy exercising!
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! I did shred level 3 on Monday after my running so I have completed 30 days! Yay! I shredded level 2 and 3 yesterday. Today woke up early and ran in the freezing rain again, why does it always rain on the days I run? It does feel good though after I warm up just have to be careful that I don't fall :noway: I plan on shredding Level 3 in a little bit Happy Shredding all!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Congrats on completing 30 Days of Shred!!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 21, L3 - did just Level 3... Got up early amazingly and did this... Weighed in tonight and am not to pleased with myself, however, it is a new week and this one will be better.

    bribaby - congrats!
    Now that our boat is out of the water I am sure I will be more on track and we won't have any more crazy food sitting in front of us. So happy to get some sort of planning into affect now instead of going away every weekend. No more of that - yay!

    Have a great night everyone! Why did they not vote that crazy Tracy off BL last night? I suppose she did do better than Mo, but it kills me... that woman is nuts.
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    aprilmesk- i agree about Tracy! She is terrible I wanted them to vote her off just to get back at her she is just soooo awful! And good job getting up early to workout it is rough!
    Thank you everyone for the congrats! Shredded Level 3 feel amazing I am so happy that I lost 9lbs during 30 days of shredding but most importantly because I love the workout and the support from you guys I have made excercise a daily part of my life I really feel this time I will reach my goal weight! Thanks for the support! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    bribaby: That's awesome that you lost 9 days in 30 shreds. I most certainly feel that you will reach your goal weight! You have got an awesome attitude and if you believe it will happen, it will.

    hopefully, this week will be Tracy's last.... Couldn't believe Shay's weight loss - that is awesome!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I agree that Tracey should have been voted of BL this week. She's such a backstabber and I can't believe Mo got voted off when he's the ONLY reason Tracey is still at the ranch. If he would have fallen below the yellow line while she was in the hospital, she would have never even seen the ranch!!

    Yesterday was the last night of the therapeutic horseback riding program, until April :sad: I'm going to miss the kids and all of the great people involved, but now I can really take the next six months to focus on me! Every time I get the inkling to sign up to volunteer with another program over the winter, I keep reminding myself that I need to take some "me time."

    This means that tonight I need to get serious. I've actually done well with the eating this week, even with the munching at the snack table during our little potluck last night. I went over my calories, but only by 50, which I can make up with exercise today!

    Happy exercising,
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys sorry i have been somewhat MIA

    i have been shredding im on day 36 (seems ridiculous i know) still on level 2 and i actually dont think its getting much easier lol... i dont know how you guys do two levels of shredding in a row! i tried to do 1&2 and just could not keep going.... power to you guys who can!

    anyway good luck, and looks like everyone's doing super well!!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 22, L2, may do L3 later, not sure yet. It is tough to do two at the same time but, I force myself through it. I truly just can't stand doing two but, it is such a burn after. I am not by any means perfect at what I am doing. Although I do feel much better strength-wise than when I started. The worst move ever for me is those V arm things...uggh. They kill me and my form isn't good at all. A lot of the plank moves in 3 I do the Anita way. It's tough. I feel so much stronger, though. My arms feel a lot more toned. That is one thing I lack is upper body strength. My legs are pretty strong but, whooh, the arms are not as strong.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 23, L2 and L3, uggh. That was tough. I almost didn't do it tonight. I did so much around the house today and then did this and it is past midnight. Thank god tomorrow is Sunday. Whew, great feeling, though every time after doing it. I was even able to kick up a couple moves with Nat. I feel wonderful. I am hoping to do better this week on the scale also... Tomorrow I am going out to eat but, am determined to order baked fish with veggies and not go beyond that. I got rid of so many clothes today from my closet and storage. I had four bags!!!! I was an 18 after I had my daughter and now I am a 12 and am continuing to go from that. It was funny because my daughter was with me going through my stuff and I was putting on the 18s and pulling the pants out. There was a good 6 inches. Crazy! I still can't believe that was that large. Thanks to you all, though! My journey is not done, but, it helps to still have this site. I am not sure if I am going to continue on with the Shred after or go for something else. I love to stir things up. I will probably dust my treadmill off and put some new tunes on my ipod and figure something else for my strength but may end up coming back to the Shred - we'll see!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    That is one thing I lack is upper body strength. My legs are pretty strong but, whooh, the arms are not as strong.

    I'm with you on that! Cycling and running have given me stong legs, but the guns need work! :laugh:

    Sorry I've been MIA. I was preparing for a craft show this weekend (first time as a vendor) and I was feeling a bit stressed and slacked on my workouts and my meals weren't as healthy as they should've been. I'm very lucky I didn't gain. I don't have another fair until next month and I've promised myself to keep on track with workouts. Probably part of the reason I was so stressed is because I wasn't working out. I'm back on track today though and I will be Shredding and biking later :happy:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 24, L2 and L3. Going to bed now because I didn't get much sleep last night. Happy that I have continued through even though I am dead beat.. See you all later! Take and happy shredding!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening,

    I think it's safe to say that I've sufficiently failed this challenge! I haven't done any Shredding in a while, just other workouts.

    My boyfriend and I hiked yesterday and today at two different state parks. We burned tons of calories and our legs are tired. I even managed to actually have a calorie deficit both days of the weekend! Yay!

    Congrats to you who have finished 30 days of Shred and good luck to those of you who are still working at it.

    Happy exercising,
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Finally!!! Back on track!! Day 20 done plus a 17mile bike ride. Wow, that felt good!!! I've been so busy lately and now I have some time again. This week I will have absolutely no excuse to slack on my Shreds. I felt guilty not checking in with you all. This page is a great source of motivation for me. :happy:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Do not feel guilty - you will complete the 30..no problem. As we all mention to everyone else, everyone goes at things at their own pace. Life happens... :bigsmile: I think I am going to Shred tonight but, it will probably later on after baby is in bed. I am hoping to at least lose a pound on the scale this week. Lately, it just doesn't want to move. Maybe, I need to revamp my diet a bit. I am sure I can tweak it somehow. Have a great night everyone!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 25 (I did last night but didn't post...so, I will have another post tonight if I shred) - L3 only. I have had a headache lately, not sure if it is the change of season or allergies or what. I was going down to do planks last night and my head was just pounding. Hoping this goes away quick. I want to shred tonight and will try to do both 2 and 3 but am not going to push it. Hope everyone is feeling good! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Woohoo! I actually did Shred last night. I only did L1 because my sister joined in and she'd never done it before. She thought it was hard, but was surprised that the time went by so quickly. I think this means I've officially completed 6 days of Shred....slowly but surely, right?
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I think I may have given up on the shred. I loved it when I kept up with it...but the new meds wont allow me to keep up that pace without getting supremely dizzy and nearly fainting or throwing up.
    But given the choice between that and daily migraines....Ill keep the pills.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sorry to hear your pills are making it hard to Shred. I've pretty much figured I won't complete 30 Days of Shred either because I like variety in my workouts too much.

    Do you have another workout plan in place yet?
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Ive started doing the 30 min walk on wiifit while watching tv and added the lil things to the bottom of the balance board to make it taller...and use hand weights. Sometimes I do an hour. I average 3000-4000 steps per half hour and Ive noticed it doesnt pick up all my steps lol

    I do strength training on my own 3 times a week as well now. It seems to be doing me some good...not sure how it compares to the shred, really. Ive just started keeping up with any form of exercise again though so it'll be awhile before I notice how well its working in comparison.

    Pretty soon I should have my parents gazelle, too. So Ill be probably adding a half hour on that while watching tv or something as well.