30 Day Shred Group Sept 1st!!! Here we go!!!



  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Okay, haven't shredded tonight yet, and maybe won't because my headache that I had the other day is back again (I think I just need some much needed sleep). Anywow, I weighed in tonight and I was shocked - I lost 3.6 lbs! Totally thrilled with that...however, my measurements are the same as last week... uggh, either way I go, I either lose the inches and don't lose weight or lose the weight but don't lose inches - confusing! Anyhow, I am 5 lbs. away from pre pregnancy! Yay! Now, if I can drop another 25 lbs. I think that will be my ultimate goal. Very excited that I am getting back to my old weight (even thought I still have another 25 to go...I will get there!). Have a great night everyone! :happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Day 21!! (day 1 on level 3). I think I'm going to like this level. :noway:

    Great job april_mesk!! Congrats on the weight loss!! :drinker:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    Day 21!! (day 1 on level 3). I think I'm going to like this level. :noway:

    Great job april_mesk!! Congrats on the weight loss!! :drinker:

    haha is that sarcasm i sense sky??? how it is compared to level2? i have been thinking of switching but it just looks brutal. any advice you could give would be great!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I actually had to take a few breaks during this one. Partially to watch what she was doing, partially because my muscles were burning. I'm with Anita on some of it and with Natalie on other stuff. I think I just have to get used to it. It usually takes me a few times to get the hang of it. :happy:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 26, L3...
    Sudzie and Sky: Thank you for the congrats on the weight! Feels awesome.
    Sky: Great job on Level 3...Sometimes, this one seems easy and then I get into it and remember, yeah, it's not so easy. Especially if you try to follow Nat. Uggh. I don't know if you girls do this but, I do these exercises with no shoes (I know it's probably not smart) but, I feel like they get in the way...
    Sudzie: I think you will be surprised. What could it hurt just to try it? I still think Level 1 is the worst out of all three but that's just me.
    Have either of you tried the other two dvds Jillian has out? I have the two of them and was just curious. I may try them too at one point... Of course, I get ADD and just want to try everything I have like 5 different workouts in my head that I want to do and of course don't have the money for all of them. I am really starting to get excited about working out and feel the need to have to do it almost every day. I never thought I would feel this way again. Happy Shredding!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I haven't tried any of Jillian's other videos, but would like to at some point. Maybe once we've all finished our 30 days, we can start a new chaallenge with a different workout. Just a thought to keep us all motivated. :happy:
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey guys! I'm glad everyone is doing great still! I have been continuing my shreds levels 1 and 2 on tues thurs sun and run/walking on mon wed fri plus level 3 shred. I feel great! I am at week 3 of the couch to 5k running plan. It is great combined with the shreds since I don't go to the gym I can workout at home with the shreds and then get outside to run/walk too! It was pouring this morning and cold booo! I also am on Day 4 of cutting down on carbs majorly. I did it because it really stabalizes your blood sugar so you don't feel always super hungry that was a major problem on my low fat diet. It is really easy to follow the diet and I feel great let's see how long it lasts!!! Happy Shredding:flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and Metabolism Boost and love them both. The No More Trouble Zones is easier than Metabolism Boost, only because I have a hard time with all of the jumping on the latter. They're each 40 minutes and trust me, you will be sweating; but, just as you think you're going to die, she switches to a new move. It's all circuit training, just like 30 Day Shred is, so once you get familiar with the moves, they don't feel as excruciating. I've been rotating through all of Jillian's videos.

    So, have you all seen that Jillian is going to have her own show, which will air after Biggest Loser 9 (next season)? She's going to move into people's houses and show them how to eat and exercise. If any of you are on Facebook or Twitter, you can follow Jillian there. Gotta love it!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    i have both of the others too, but love the shred because its only 20 mins. i think i would die for 40.... are they good?? do you die? haha

    i think i will also try level 3 soon ahh!! :noway: thanks for the encouragement!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 27, L3. Great, then I probably will continue to do some shredding and mix some running, etc. in. I had thoughts of P90X but, not quite sure if I am ready or not for that... We will see what happens! As long as I keep doing something, I am good. I probably will continue with some shredding after the challenge since they are so good for your core... Good luck everyone!
    Sudzie...try the 3 - If it's too much switch back. I think 2 and 1 honestly are more challenging than 3. 1 is the worst for me! I think 40 mins would be okay. I am thinking of going for a run right now. What is couch to 5K? I hear a lot about this... Is it an actual dvd or do you just run so much during the week?
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 28, L3...may do L2 Later or run instead. What a beautiful day it is outside. So nice I have the windows open right now. Watching the game, though, of course! Happy Shredding!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    thanks for the push april_mesk!

    I did level 3 today!!! it was hard, but i dont think it was too too bad. i need to get used to the new transitions and moves, but i liked it! it was harder on the legs and abs as opposed to arms, which is really what i need because i am pretty happy with my arms now.

    but, how do you do the punches holding the weights?!?! good lord i could not keep up with them on that one.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    AAAHHH!!! I'm such a slacker!!! :grumble: I'll be back tomorrow. Work is killing me :tongue: Great job to everyone who is shredding!! :happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I didn't shred today, but I did do a bike ride. :happy:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 29, L3 - yes, I have been slacking on my shreds! One more day and I will have completed this challenge finally. Can't wait to try her other videos. Need to decide if I am going to get involved in another challenge... and which one... :) happy shredding!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    congrats april_mesk! one more day!

    which of her other dvds do you have? i was thinking of trying her no more trouble zones (i also have metabolism boost)..... do you know anything about how strenuous they are?

    also.... i did Level 3 and Level 1 today!!! Level 2 is the one that tires me out the most, so I thought this would be a better combo, and i did it but just barely haha! this does make me think that i could do one of her longer videos though, but it depends how much "level 2" stuff she does lol

    hope everyone had a happy halloween!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I have a lot to do to catch up. Finally completed day2 of level 3. 22 overall. 8 more to go!!!:drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Back on track!! Day 3 at Level 3!! 7 more Shred days until 30!!! :drinker:

    Hey, where'd everybody go? :frown:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    im here!!

    i have actually been enjoying level 3 more than level 2 (i think its hardest... ) i am on day 8 of level 3 (day like 54 overall?)

    i am thinking of trying her no more trouble zones dvd tomorrow, but i looked at it and its all strength training and no cardio so I dont know how well it'll go haha. it looks SUPER intense but i was up .5 lbs today and tomorrow night we are having a dinner party so i think i should step up the exercise.

    congrats on being in the 160s sky!! what do you think of level 3??
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks, sudzie!! :bigsmile: I hope to be 165 by thanksgiving!

    I also like level 3 better than 2. It's challenging, but I think I enjoy the moves more. Although the jumps at the end kill me. I don't know why I can't do them like she does. I don't bend my knees on them as much as they do. Maybe by the end I'll get better. :laugh:

    Just finished day 4, level 3! 6 more days to 30!!! :drinker: