"Serious" things you find funny or stupid



  • DrowningMermaid
    i think its funny how many women genuinely want to see this "Magic Mike" movie.
    Don't hate. Mathew McConaughey is a very attractive young woman.

    Now... I don't think I've ever considered him attractive, but as a woman, I would simply pity him. Her.
    I find him absolutely repulsive. I might consider the movie if he weren't in it, but ...just no.
  • DrowningMermaid
    Ok, this might be a longer story than OP expected, but here it goes:

    In a public speaking class I took, we had to talk about a current issue in a country. A guy picked "X" country and their racism problem. (I don't remember the country.)
    So, he was talking about how there was an incident where an Indian student was beat up by locals, and they shouted racial slurs. No,w, that's not funny at all, but when he said it, he went: "As they shouted degrading racial slurs"... *DRAMATIC PAUSE WITH SCOWL*... "Slurs such as"..... *PAUSE*.... " 'Indian. Go back to India.' "

    And he just said it so blandly that I couldn't help but laugh, just because he built it up so much, an all of us were expecting the worst. Later, my teacher asked me why I laughed, and when I explained to her that if someone told me: "Mexican. Go back to Mexico", I'd probably laugh as well, she just gave me a dirty look.

    This is hilarious. I'd have laughed too. Of course I'm one of those white girls who calls other white girls crackers and stuff like that.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I love it when cats fall off things. They always leap up really quickly and stalk off as if nothtings happened.

    Or when my cats run INTO things. My cat will tear through the house like she's being chased for her life, take a corner too fast and not be able to come to a stop on the kitchen floor and BAM! right into the stove.

    Or something that I can't see or hear scares her, and she jumps straight up in the air, all four feet off the ground, and lands with her tail fluffed up and her back arched.

    I laugh and I swear if she could talk she's say something like "just you wait, you'll get yours" and walks away like she meant for it to happen.