Your WORST date



  • cassavaca
    cassavaca Posts: 89 Member

    OMG!!!! HAHA! 12" Thunder? Some guys are so delusional

    I know right, but because he had an accent, it sounded like "chhhwelve inch chhhunder"
    That makes it okay, right?

    Anyways, he played for the college soccer team, and I happened to know another guy on the team. I told this guy in passing one day what had happened, so he took it upon himself to make posters with a picture of the guy with the caption "12 inch thunder" and posted it all over the soccer teams locker room. Then, they held him down until every single team player had seen the posters, before practice.

    Apparently he wasn't too thrilled.

    Welp, I wasn't too thrilled with his 12 inch thunder either.

    that is too awesome!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I know right, but because he had an accent, it sounded like "chhhwelve inch chhhunder"
    That makes it okay, right?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    We met online, texted/chatted/talked for a couple of weeks then decided to meet. While driving out to see her, she sends me a picture of a gift she had purchased for me. She said, it's from an adult store. So I'm thinking, what could you possibly get for someone that youv'e never met, at an adult store...maybe some massage oil?

    So she sends another picture...a set of anal beads. She said, I had to go buy a new set...just for you. I can't wait to use them on you.

    I turned around and went back was a very tense ride back as my cheeks were squeezed tight all the way back home.

    OH MY! *smh*
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Epic Epic Epic!
  • cassavaca
    cassavaca Posts: 89 Member
    It was at the very beginning, where you sometimes ignore things and give the benefit of the doubt. We had hung out a few times. Lame times, but he was a good kisser. Our third date out, we went to a movie (it was my birthday) and he finally offered to pay (first time) but said popcorn was too expensive. After the movie, he drove us to an hourly motel (which, after 8pm is a full nights rate and he was pissed) and proceeded to WOW me with his two inch record for approximately 45 seconds. I guess I see why he didn't want to pay full rate.

    I was 18. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. That was, in fact, the last time I saw him. He is a main character in other horror stories, as well.

    o.O Whoa...
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I got Ted Mosby'd.

    I'm not even kidding.

    A guy I worked with at my P/T job in high school asked me on a date. I agreed, but didn't really see it going anywhere. So..we go out. It's an okay date. I'm not really head-over-heels or anything. Then, his car battery dies, his mom has to come out and give us a jump.

    At the end of the date, he tells me I'm the best girlfriend ever, he thinks he loves me, and he's so excited to have a future with me.

    On. The. First. Date.

    Turns out, breaking up with him was NOT easy. Ended up dating him for 8 months because he would not let me break up with him (controlling, manipulative, etc). The breakup involved several cops, court, and therapy.

    and THAT is my worst dating story.
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    Mine is not quite as horrific as some of these, but I'll give it a go!

    The last few weeks of my junior year of college, I started seeing a guy who was graduating that summer. We had a lovely time until he graduated and I moved back home for the summer. We talked about films, books, our families, etc., and I genuinely found him interesting and nice. We decided to continue seeing each other and began a long distance relationship.

    The next fall, after I moved back to school and was much closer to him and his new job, we chatted frequently on the phone. His contributions to the conversations suddenly became all work-related. I thought that perhaps it was the strain of being apart and his beginning the new job, so I didn't voice any concern. For my birthday in October, he came to visit me, but decided to stay at the apartment of my best guy friend and my ex! So much awkward... (It didn't help that my ex was the first person with whom I'd been in love and that we'd had a messy brake up earlier in my junior year!) When we saw each other for the first time after he'd gotten to town, we went for a nice dinner and a movie that he'd chosen. Dinner was difficult at best, and I knew that after the night was over I would have to break up with him. All he could seem to talk about was his workplace and his training and what he does all day working in a bank. We continued to the movie, during which I was crouched in terror the entire time because the movie included LOTS of torture. I was quite ill after the film, and so we drove back to my friend's and ex's apartment, and my boyfriend wanted to go inside to chat instead of taking me somewhere to recover a bit. I ended up jumping out of the car as soon as we pulled up and broke up with him without facing the whole boyfriend-ex-best friend triangle inside the apartment.

    I suppose it was less of a truly terrible date and more of awkward college-aged boys not knowing how to act when it comes to relationships. However, I have never been so sick after watching a film... Bad choice on his part! If he'd planned on the film encouraging me to cling to him in a semi romantic kind of way, the plot totally backfired!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    It all started when a guy I'd met online texted me mid-afternoon to ask if I could pick him up from the subway station and take him to our date. This kind of threw me off as, in my opinion, it's not something you ask on a second date. It got worse when he replied to my "How are you going to get home?" text with "Oh, you can just drop me off at the Metro on your way home." Presumptuous, much?

    Needless to say, by the time 5:45 rolled around and I was heading to pick him up, I was feeling a little bit annoyed, even though I'd agreed to pick him up. (What was I supposed to say?) Then I got even more annoyed when he got into the car and kissed me--dude, we've only been out once! We do not have that kind of familiarity yet.

    Then he proceeded to YAMMER ON for the next TWENTY MINUTES about the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Not once did he ask, "How was your day?" No, he went on a tangent about God knows what, and I was getting more and more irritated. I thought, "What am I doing with this guy? He's annoying me! He's unaware of his talkativeness and he's presumptuous."

    By the time we got to the bar, I'd had enough. And like an angel from Heaven above, my phone rings. It's my friend J who was staying with me and needed me to let her into my house. SCORE. "Sorry," I said, trying to sound remorseful. "But I've really got to go let my friend in. What bad timing!" We literally got right back into the car, I dropped him off, I winced as he kissed me again and said "Sure, we'll get together some time next week!"

  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    We met online, texted/chatted/talked for a couple of weeks then decided to meet. While driving out to see her, she sends me a picture of a gift she had purchased for me. She said, it's from an adult store. So I'm thinking, what could you possibly get for someone that youv'e never met, at an adult store...maybe some massage oil?

    So she sends another picture...a set of anal beads. She said, I had to go buy a new set...just for you. I can't wait to use them on you.

    I turned around and went back was a very tense ride back as my cheeks were squeezed tight all the way back home. that's what I've been doing wrong this whole time!!!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Please, tell me your worst dating stories!

    Here's one of mine.

    I went on a date with a guy I had met in college. He was Romanian and looked like a "Ken" doll. He had an accent, and wore crocodile skin shoes. Anyways, he lived (where I went to school) an hour away, but came to my hometown to take me out one night. He picked me up at my house, and we left the driveway. He immediately pulled down a side street that entered into a parking lot/park area, turned off the car & got into the backseat. He proceeds to whip himself out, refer to himself as the 12 inch thunder and tries to coax me to join him in the festivities. I clearly refused and he continues on, with himself. He continues to ramble on about his thunder rod & then tells me that I have two choices at this point

    1. I can join him in the backseat like he had previously requested
    2. I could walk home.

    ......I walked home.


    Your turn :)

    WOW!!! That's all I can say!!! YIKES!!!
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    bump for later.
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    I have to confess that I was the reason for bad dates. I would fall asleep in the car on the way to where ever we were going. I also cut a really good date short, because my ex was calling me and wanted me to come see him to work things out. I feel bad about it now, because the guy was cute and nice, and me and my ex only stayed together for a couple of weeks after that...
  • raven3lise
    raven3lise Posts: 107 Member
    He took me to see Rapunzel in the movie theatre next to my house. He had his dad drive him the half hour to my house, then WALKED ME to the movie theatre. When I cried at the end of the movie, he apologized for not wiping away my tears, which I made pretty obvious that I found those kinds of mushy gushy comments really creepy. After the movie, he took me behind the movie theatre and whipped it out. I swear to God, his pubes were longer than it. I told him I was uncomfortable looking at it and he kept egging me on to look at it, and put his hand under my skirt. It's when he remarked on how hairy I was that I walked home.
    Needless to say, I dumped him.
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    I met this guy online spent a month emailing back and forth. He seemed really chatty and out going. We met up for a date and the dude barely spoke to me. Did not maintain eye contact. His anwers were monosyllabic. I tried realy hard to keep the conversation going but I barely got anything back. I know things were bad when after a long pause in the conversation, I actually heard my self say................................So do you buy anything on Ebay?

    And he just said yes! I had to leave afterwards.

    The funniest thing was, he sent me a text the next day saying how much fun he had and we should do it again.:noway:

    Needless to say I never responded
  • rbl1225
    rbl1225 Posts: 235 Member
    Before the guy I am with now my friends set me up with a boy they thought I would really like. He seems really nice at first. He started smoking in the car- HUGE turn off and blowing it in my face. First off I have asthma second off EW. We finally get to the movies and he goes to put his arm around me and ended up punching me. After that we grabbed ice cream I was getting up to get a napkin and trip and it landed on him. He laughed it off I figured we were even for the night. He then walks me to my door and I thought he was going to give me a hug. Well we ended up in a very odd dance like motions and then he ended up shaking my hand. Never saw or spoke to him again!
  • amsleigh
    amsleigh Posts: 8
    haha these stories are giving me comfort because I have had so many bad dates....I had been talking to this guy I met online and we chatted for a couple weeks alot until we met. The day he finally came to meet me he drove about an hour to see me and he had no money he mentioned after we leave to go get something I always find it nice to go to a public place didn't want to hang in my condo for our first date....he mentions on the way he had no $$$. So, I bought my own drinks and I wasn't about to buy his because he was an a** half way into date, he got very angry when I checked my phone. I know it can be rude but its the new era and my kids or anyone could be trying to contact so I have to have my phone on and I do check my texts etc, My friends who are a couple showed up and my friends BF couldn't help but to notice how nasty his fingernails were and he wasn't in a service industry where they should be gross. Anyway, he was very rude and got offended with every little thing, so we finally left. We went back to my place and he mentioned he was hungry but had no money etc, so I fixed him something I had in the freezer. Oh and he was a smoker which is fine but kept having to go on my balcony and smoke and he didn;t chew gum breath was rank :noway: anyway then he pulls this cuddle business with me, I said I am sorry I do not want to cuddle I don't even know you like that, He got so mad, when he left he tried for a kiss but I am sorry his rude crybaby attitude was so bad I was not feeling it he was like an "entitled prick" anyway when I didn't kiss him he texted me on way home calling me all kinds of names....sorry dude don't wanna cuddle with any strangers and especially not a weirdo one! Argh

    Still waiting for a date from a prince lol :laugh:
  • niciemetts
    niciemetts Posts: 49
    I had been talking to this guy online for weeks. Really had begun to like him...he mentioned that he had been in an accident and was waiting for the money to come through for him to fix his teeth. I assumed he had a few knocked out in the accident... ANYWAY, I drive up to see him one evening, and he answers the door BUCK NAKED, he walked w/ a can (really fast...and crooked like) and he had NO TEETH. And, frankly the nubs he DID have looked gross, so I don't buy the "accident" story. I think he just doesn't brush his teeth. ANYWAY, I was shocked, needless to say. Sadly, I'm so fricken polite, I stayed and watched part of a movie, before I finally said I should be getting home.

    i think you dated my neighbor lol
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    I went to this club and after staring at me all night, the bouncer asked for my number. I figured we could talk and see how it goes because I wasn't too into him right away. After him basically begging me to go out with him for weeks, I finally give in. He asks me to pick him up because his truck is in the shop. Ok. He then makes me wait a block from his house and takes like 20 minutes to get there. When he gets there I noticed that he has black electrical tape around his finger. I made a JOKE about him covering up his wedding ring and I could tell from his reaction that he was! I was just kinda in shock. He asked me to take him around the corner to pick up chinese food (for his wife and kids I am assuming). As soon as he got in the front door of the restaurant, I drove away.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    I was seeing a kid when I was in high school. I was not one to do the whole bs about football team, hotty, money maker, etc. So He lived in a trailer park, like not a good one. His mom was CERTIFIABLY INSANE.

    It was supposed to be a double date. He refused to tell me where we were going & what we were doing. Neither of us had our DL's so his mom had to drive us. So he told me to wear a cocktail dress. We go to Olive Garden. And the other couple we met were in Jeans a casual clothes. I was already pissed. Then we were going to the movies. ( Still in cocktail dress & heels) Well the other couple didn't drive either & his mom had went home so we had to ride with the other couples mom who only could take 2 of us at a time. Well no one could watch a rated R movie since no one could buy the tickets. Plus they didn't want to sneak in to one. Well the 3 of them agreed on a movie, I wasn't to happy about the choice. I probably can't even tell you what that movie was or was about. So movie is over My b/f at the time is calling his mom, she's not answering nothing. We wait and wait and wait. Nothing. It's 10pm. Still nothing. So i decide to start walking. In my heels. I don't remember how far I was before I stopped walking in my shoes, but taking them off was probably the WORST IDEA EVER. I walked w/o my shoes the rest of the way until his mom FINALLY got back with us. ( We had walked almost 4 miles by that time.) I was planning on walking home which was another 5 miles away from the Hospital. We didn't talk the whole time we were walking, except when I was yelling at him. Telling him how miserable of a date this was. And needless to say, we broke up shortly after that. He was not ready for any kind of relationship what so ever.

    The next morning, I had HUGE blisters on the bottoms of both my feet. :( I will never forget that date.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    He took me to see Rapunzel in the movie theatre next to my house. He had his dad drive him the half hour to my house, then WALKED ME to the movie theatre. When I cried at the end of the movie, he apologized for not wiping away my tears, which I made pretty obvious that I found those kinds of mushy gushy comments really creepy. After the movie, he took me behind the movie theatre and whipped it out. I swear to God, his pubes were longer than it. I told him I was uncomfortable looking at it and he kept egging me on to look at it, and put his hand under my skirt. It's when he remarked on how hairy I was that I walked home.
    Needless to say, I dumped him.

    His pubes were longer than it!!! LOL