Your WORST date



  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Well this was awhile ago... I was on a online dating site (I know I know) lol.. talked to this guy for awhile .. we talked on phone for hours really hit it off.. Im like this man is perfect wow.. so sensitive and sweet and so in tune to how a woman feels... well we decided to meet at a restaurant.. I did se epictures of him very handsome.. met at the restaurant very handsome.. but something kinda off... we are sitting there talking... and he stretches and oh myyyyy I saw boobs they were wrapped but you could tell.. now give you I am not a supid woman.. this looked like a man talked like a man.. walked like a man... and it was a woman!!!!!! she said I guess I should tell you something... duhhh you think???? she had been living as a man.. getting ready to do surgery all of it.. been on hormones.... I dont care how you live your life... but be honest... ohhh myyy
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Unfortuately my frist two online dates didn't take my thirst I decided to try a third...Anal Beads and Drug Deal girls weren't enough.

    I met a lady, who was a song writer. She invited me to a Holloween Party/ single country song debut for her Mom & Step-Dad's band. I show up at some hole in the wall joint about two hours away from me and two hours away from her...both of us coming from opposite directions. I arrived, she was gorgeous, just as was shown through pictures. She was a little tipsy, but understandable because I got there a couple of hours after the party had started.

    So I am there talking to her, mom gets off stage, she comes straight to where we are at. She looks at me and looks at her, lifts up her hand to give me a high five, while looking at her she says, "Someone is getting some *kitten* tonight!" Her sister, cousins, mom, dad, and some other "kinfolk" haha I felt the need to use kinfolk ;)...they were alll there and all except her and me got drunk. I offerred to provide DD services since they were too intoxicated with the condition that I had to crash at someone's place. We drove out to her trailer home (not too thrilled, but as a single mom, I understood)

    Next day I woke up to look at four kids...all hers. She had told me she had two kids, well they ended up being hers and they all had different daddy's.

    I got rid of my online dating account...reverted to it several months later due to lots of business travel and never having time to go out. I had a couple of more crazy B's that I met, but I do have some awesome stories.
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm going to steal one from my buddy. He picks this girl up and they go out to the bar. They're pretty hot and heavy and they are drinking A LOT....well she is. He's driving and has practice the next morning. So they come through the drive thru where i was working at the time to say hi and get a quick bite (as the bar didn't serve anything other than nuts). They get to the window and as i'm handing him the food she leans over...say "Hi.....uh oh..." then proceeds to puke all over my friend. Needless to say there was no second date.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    These are great! Makes me kind of wish I had a crazy dating story!

    More stories please!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Well this was awhile ago... I was on a online dating site (I know I know) lol.. talked to this guy for awhile .. we talked on phone for hours really hit it off.. Im like this man is perfect wow.. so sensitive and sweet and so in tune to how a woman feels... well we decided to meet at a restaurant.. I did se epictures of him very handsome.. met at the restaurant very handsome.. but something kinda off... we are sitting there talking... and he stretches and oh myyyyy I saw boobs they were wrapped but you could tell.. now give you I am not a supid woman.. this looked like a man talked like a man.. walked like a man... and it was a woman!!!!!! she said I guess I should tell you something... duhhh you think???? she had been living as a man.. getting ready to do surgery all of it.. been on hormones.... I dont care how you live your life... but be honest... ohhh myyy
    DING DING DING...ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a winner!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    All i have to say is, its bad when someone is all over you so much on your date, that by the time your heading home, you have your hand on your pepper spray and wait for him to leave the parking lot before walking to your apartment, so that he doesnt know which one you live in. F**king nightmare!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Had a date or 2 with the guy that went fine...
    Liked him enough to agreed to meet him for a late movie. (a few blocks walk from my apt.)

    We got tickets and found a seat...
    He decide that he didn't want to see this film after all and that he'd sneak into another theater, because he really wanted to see something else. And that we'd meet afterward.

    We got out of the theater at 2 AM. Not particularly enamored with him I realized I DID NOT WANT HIM TO WALK ME HOME. So I rushed him to the subway saying "Hurry! Hurry! you don't miss your last train home!!!" (He lived out in the 'burbs & did not want him stuck in the city and looking to crash with me)

    Feeling relieved, I foolishly walked across the south end of the small park where the subway entrance was and got smacked in the head, by a crazy homeless woman.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Neither my friend nor I were old enough to be in the bar but we often went anyway. One night she asked me to watch her son so she could go. I told her if she ran into my ex, she should send him over because I was putting her son to bed so I had naughty intentions for my ex.

    When she got home at bar time, she brought someone home. And someone for me. Who was not my ex. My naughty plans did not involve a complete stranbeg but she told him I would sleep with his and, in his very drunken state, he didn't understand no.

    After he pinned me on the floor, I had to defend myself Mike Tyson style. I wonder if his ear ever recovered.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member

    Feeling relieved, I foolishly walked across the south end of the small park where the subway entrance was and got smacked in the head, by a crazy homeless woman.

    I know this is wrong.. but this part really made me laugh!
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    a let a guy take me to eat bbq. he spent most of the night telling me he'd been in between moves so all he had at his house was an air matress. after exactly one hour at the restaurant, he told me he had to go to his mom's house. kinda weird, but fine. we leave, i was not heartbroken (but it was weird because he shook my hand instead of hugging me). he texts me while i'm on the phone with a friend. i don't see them. then he calls so i answer and he asks if i saw his texts. i start reading them out loud: "SO...WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT ME?" um...then i had to answer to him on the phone. "you were nice?" he was mad that's all i said. (how awkward!) so we hang up and he starts texting me, asking if i want to come over. to his mom's house or to his airbed, i wasn't sure. i declined.

    i wake up the next morning to a text: "please delete my number and do not contact me ever again. you are not my type. goodbye."
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Id say you dodged a bullet with that one.. or would have wanted one for one of you real soon...
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    A guy came to pick me on my very first date ever and as he walks up our front walk, my baby sister came running up to the storm door buck naked, banging on it and screaming like a banshee. He just about turned around lol! Then we broke down on the way to our destination because he had a junky car. I kept asking if we had run out of gas, thinking we'd have to call it off. He said No and kept messing with it until it finally restarted. We went to a cheap pizza place, and ended up going to the mall with a group of friends. Not an ideal first date by most standards, but I stuck with him and we've been married for almost 8 years now and we've learned to appreciate our cheap dates now lol
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Oh so many and a few where I was the offending party, more than once getting fall down drunk out of boredom with the date, not my finest moments by any means. Then there was the time my ex and I ran into each other at a bar on separate dates, she followed me to the hallway to the bathroom asked how my date was I said pretty awful, to which she responded good mine is too, meet me at my house in an hour. Pretending to get too drunk to continue the date and get across town in less than an hour was not easy folks!

    In some divine karmic retribution about a year later I agreed to go out with this girl I had only met once. About 30 minutes into the date she starts pounding back shots and talking about partying all the time while her parents watched her two kids. I am going to assume I bored her and she was trying to convince me I didn't want to see her again....if so, well played!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I met up with a guy I'd been talking to online/on the phone for a while. We went for a drive, then he pulled into a parking lot and we sat and talked for a while. He took my hand, told me to trust him and put it on his crotch. He said "this is how I feel about you." I was speechless! I sat with my back pressed against my door the rest of the time. He asked me if I wanted to see his blue eyes, and I said "sure" just to humor him, so he turns the light on so I could admire them. Maybe he just should've gone on the date alone, because he really seemed to be into himself. :grumble: He said I was giving off that "don't touch me" vibe. Hmmmm, ya don't say!
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    Well I haven't been on too many dates, however, my very first official date didn't go so well. I was 17, he was 24. When he picked me up he was wearing some god awful tuxedo style outfit. We went to a nice-ish restaurant and he made fun of me for ordering a burger. I didn't want to get the most expensive thing on the menu. Went to a movie afterward and of course I ran into some of my friends who were laughing their *kitten* off wondering why the guy was wearing such a weird outfit. :huh:
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I have nothing like these crazy horrible dates, just a few crappy ones:

    1) a guy who I thought was cuter (I think Romanian, too!) in the bar, but when I met up with him, I was like "nope". He was tall, but not attractive and wore white socks with open toed sandals. He barely talked - I prompted him again and again - where do you like to travel? He would say "Europe" - "Where in Europe do you like to travel?" He would say "Italy". Very one word answers.

    When we were saying goodbye, he tried to kiss me - I turned my cheek.

    When he called me the NEXT DAY and wanted another date, I told him that there was no connection, etc. He said "I see" and promptly hung up on me.

    2) Another guy I went on one date with was SO arrogant it was all I could do to NOT gag. When I told him (on the phone) that it wouldn't work, he went on and on about how sorry I would be, how he was a great catch, and tons of other women would LOOOOVE to be with him. What-evah.

    3) Another guy (2 years younger - my sister knew him when she was little, I was friends with his sister in middle school) and I met at a bar by chance, and I went back to his place, he proceeds to whip himself out and proceeds to tell me that I really need to BANG my hand down on him during a hand job. He then told me I would get better at it, if I kept practicing, UGH.

    4) There was another guy who was totally like Fun Bobby on 'Friends' if any of you know that - he would only talk/interact/have fun/everything when drunk. When sober, he was the most BORING person ever.

    5) Another guy only wanted to go dutch on the first date - fine, I have no problems with that! But, he must have sucked at math, because I paid for 3/4 of the bill. See ya!

    6) When I was 25, I went out with a guy who was 30 and after some fooling around, whipped it out and asked me if I could 'handle it'. First UGH. Second one was when he asked me where I was when he was 18 - and proceeded to say "oh ya - you were 13 - jail bait, YUM". UGH!!!!

    That's pretty sad, 6 crappy dating experiences lol
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Haha I loved Fun Bobby, I actually am a much better conversationlist with a few in me as well.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I went on my first date at 14. Lucky for me, it is also my worst date ever.

    My boyfriend (it was high school, we were bf/gf before our first official date) and I decided to go see a movie together. I was 14 and he was 13 so, obviously, our parents had to drive us. They dropped us off at the theater and we decided to go see Master and Commander.

    So, not very long into the movie there's a scene where I boy has his arm amputated. As I'm watching I start to feel queasy. I turn to my date and tell him I'm not feeling well and excuse myself. As I'm walking out of the theater I suddenly break out in a cold sweat and get awful tunnel vision. I end up passing out in the hallway and whacking my head on the trash can.

    I come to eventually (I have no idea how long) and this woman with her young daughter comes up and asks if I'm okay. I'm freaked out and I tell her no .... and she walks away. Nobody stops to help me, not even the theater attendant STANDING 10 FEET AWAY FROM ME. Eventually, I get somebody's attention and tell them I've just fainted and need to use their phone to call my parents.

    Before I leave, though, I go back into the theater to let me date know what's going on. "Oh," he says, looking confused. "Well, I'm going to finish the movie."


    Seriously? So I head home, without my date and with a head wound and a whole battering of medical tests in my future.

    Probably should have been a sign not to date him for the next 9 months. Stupid teenage years.
  • emptyplate
    emptyplate Posts: 62
    Hahaha the first one sounds horrific! i've never had a date so i wouldnt know but some of these are really grim ahha
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Haha I loved Fun Bobby, I actually am a much better conversationlist with a few in me as well.

    As are most people! But if you can't carry on an engaging conversation when sober..... :)