Your WORST date



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    He took me to see Rapunzel in the movie theatre next to my house. He had his dad drive him the half hour to my house, then WALKED ME to the movie theatre. When I cried at the end of the movie, he apologized for not wiping away my tears, which I made pretty obvious that I found those kinds of mushy gushy comments really creepy. After the movie, he took me behind the movie theatre and whipped it out. I swear to God, his pubes were longer than it. I told him I was uncomfortable looking at it and he kept egging me on to look at it, and put his hand under my skirt. It's when he remarked on how hairy I was that I walked home.
    Needless to say, I dumped him.

    His pubes were longer than it!!! LOL
    Not sure which is funnier..that his pubes were SO long, or that "Rapunzel" (long hair) was the movie choice! Ironic, or just sad?
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    My ex now.... Our first date was mortifying ...well for me anyway! We were just out of highschool and I really liked him. So, he came to pick me up the night of our date. I had spent many hours making sure I looked good. As we walked down the driveway to his car... I tripped over the corner of the lawn and fell butt first into the only puddle around... I was soaked right through to my underwears... OMG! All my time getting ready wasted, the only good thing was that I was still home and could change.

    After I got changed we left, without falling again, :) He planned this fun night of bowling, 10 pin, big balls. I had never really bowled much, muchless with the bigger balls. We were having fun, laughing and chatting it up, he was winning and helping me out with throwing the ball kinda giving me pointers. Ok, so I get up to give'r a go without assistance... I bring the ball up to line it with the pins before I throw, swung my arm back... and oops :) there went the ball! I turned red first did the holy S(@#, then around only to find my date keeled over with the bowling ball in his stomach. I so wanted to die! Thankfully he wasnt hurt. Needless to say that was it for bowling.

    We left... plain and simple! We were together for 3.5yrs after that night.
  • raven3lise
    raven3lise Posts: 107 Member
    He took me to see Rapunzel in the movie theatre next to my house. He had his dad drive him the half hour to my house, then WALKED ME to the movie theatre. When I cried at the end of the movie, he apologized for not wiping away my tears, which I made pretty obvious that I found those kinds of mushy gushy comments really creepy. After the movie, he took me behind the movie theatre and whipped it out. I swear to God, his pubes were longer than it. I told him I was uncomfortable looking at it and he kept egging me on to look at it, and put his hand under my skirt. It's when he remarked on how hairy I was that I walked home.
    Needless to say, I dumped him.

    His pubes were longer than it!!! LOL
    Not sure which is funnier..that his pubes were SO long, or that "Rapunzel" (long hair) was the movie choice! Ironic, or just sad?
    No, it's not that his pubes were long, that's just how small it was, sadly. But yes, the sad irony!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    He took me to see Rapunzel in the movie theatre next to my house. He had his dad drive him the half hour to my house, then WALKED ME to the movie theatre. When I cried at the end of the movie, he apologized for not wiping away my tears, which I made pretty obvious that I found those kinds of mushy gushy comments really creepy. After the movie, he took me behind the movie theatre and whipped it out. I swear to God, his pubes were longer than it. I told him I was uncomfortable looking at it and he kept egging me on to look at it, and put his hand under my skirt. It's when he remarked on how hairy I was that I walked home.
    Needless to say, I dumped him.

    This is hilarious! So you actually sat there in the alley and looked at it and said it makes me uncomfortable? BAHAHAHA. I wish there was a reenactment of this scene!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Another date, she was a lawyer, tall, extremely attractive, ex motorcycle stunt driver. She had back problems from motorcycle accident. We went out, awesome first date. Next day she texts asks if I have any pain medicine for her back. I don't, but got a few percoset from my buddy. A couple of days later she texts around midnight, says she's bored....just the text a guy always appreciates. She invites me to go out for a drive...comes by a few minutes later. I sit down, and recline my seat to where I'm looking at roof of car (ahem...hint hint), so she drives, she parks. She whips it out...her phone that is. Sends off a text. I'm waiting patiently...the suspense is maddening. Someone comes up to the car, she whips it out again...her wallet that is. She then proceeds to buy heroin and to start shooting up in front of me.

    That was date #2...anal beads girl was not so off putting anymore.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    When I went out with this guy (50 years old) and he was telling me what his mother said. :noway: I know then he had to go, and please forget my name :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    I got Ted Mosby'd.

    Cracked me up! I am crying here :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ... My sympathies!
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    Before the guy I am with now my friends set me up with a boy they thought I would really like. He seems really nice at first. He started smoking in the car- HUGE turn off and blowing it in my face. First off I have asthma second off EW. We finally get to the movies and he goes to put his arm around me and ended up punching me. After that we grabbed ice cream I was getting up to get a napkin and trip and it landed on him. He laughed it off I figured we were even for the night. He then walks me to my door and I thought he was going to give me a hug. Well we ended up in a very odd dance like motions and then he ended up shaking my hand. Never saw or spoke to him again!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    She whips it out...her phone that is. Sends off a text. I'm waiting patiently...the suspense is maddening. Someone comes up to the car, she whips it out again...her wallet that is. She then proceeds to buy heroin and to start shooting up in front of me.

    Died laughing!!!
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    Mine was kinda like another on here. We had hung out for a while before and were friends and such before this date. I don't even remember what we did most of the night, but we arrived back at my house and hooked up. Then hooked up again because the first one took him literally like 2 minutes or less to get off. Then after we're done he proceeds to casually tell me that it was his first time... I nearly bolted out of my own house. He was a hard one to get rid of as well. 8 months after our first date I finally had to break up with him because I was just miserable. That induced about 3 more months of midnight phone calls and suicide threats that I had to talk him out of.

    Stay away from crazy virgin boys. They're worse than crazy virgin girls.
  • KellyAlyssa84
    A few years ago I was set up with this guy; we had made plans to have dinner at Olive Garden and to catch a movie afterwards. He was really nice, smart, funny, successful, attractive. The total package. Or so I thought.

    Conversation turned to me and what I did for work. At the time, I was a full-time student, full-time EMT and, also, firefighter in the town in which I lived, a volunteer/per diem position. I was working my way to snag a career job as a firefighter and had just been the only woman to pass the testing process among 80 other (male) applicants. Firefighting was my life and passion.

    My lovely date took this opportunity to completely blast the idea of a woman working in what is a predominantly male career field. Like, he went completely off on me. He turned completely nasty and disrespectful, so much so that the waitress looked embarassed for me. I was too shocked to say anything. Thankfully, this was the end of dinner. So, he shamelessly stands up and says"ok, so I'll meet you at the theater?", I just nodded. He pulls out of the parking lot and heads to the movie theater and I just drove home. He must have left me 20 voicemails and 15 texts that were all incredibly rude. Looking back, I should have said something at the dinner table. I just couldn't. I know now it was obviously an insecurity of his but sheesh. Definitely NOT a nice date.
  • KellyAlyssa84
    We met online, texted/chatted/talked for a couple of weeks then decided to meet. While driving out to see her, she sends me a picture of a gift she had purchased for me. She said, it's from an adult store. So I'm thinking, what could you possibly get for someone that youv'e never met, at an adult store...maybe some massage oil?

    So she sends another picture...a set of anal beads. She said, I had to go buy a new set...just for you. I can't wait to use them on you.

    I turned around and went back was a very tense ride back as my cheeks were squeezed tight all the way back home.

    oh dear god! hahaha!
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    A few years ago I was set up with this guy; we had made plans to have dinner at Olive Garden and to catch a movie afterwards. He was really nice, smart, funny, successful, attractive. The total package. Or so I thought.

    Conversation turned to me and what I did for work. At the time, I was a full-time student, full-time EMT and, also, firefighter in the town in which I lived, a volunteer/per diem position. I was working my way to snag a career job as a firefighter and had just been the only woman to pass the testing process among 80 other (male) applicants. Firefighting was my life and passion.

    My lovely date took this opportunity to completely blast the idea of a woman working in what is a predominantly male career field. Like, he went completely off on me. He turned completely nasty and disrespectful, so much so that the waitress looked embarassed for me. I was too shocked to say anything. Thankfully, this was the end of dinner. So, he shamelessly stands up and says"ok, so I'll meet you at the theater?", I just nodded. He pulls out of the parking lot and heads to the movie theater and I just drove home. He must have left me 20 voicemails and 15 texts that were all incredibly rude. Looking back, I should have said something at the dinner table. I just couldn't. I know now it was obviously an insecurity of his but sheesh. Definitely NOT a nice date.

    I tried my hand at firefighting once...did a training scenario where we went in to rescue some dummies from a mobile home...I nearly put the fire out with all the piss coming out of my pants! You have my respect and admiration for having more courage than 99% of anyone out there! You can rescue me any time! Matter of fact, I am going to have to go borrow a kitty and throw it up on a tree somewhere so I can call you.
  • KellyAlyssa84
    haha! thanks! that was sweet :blushing:
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    haha! thanks! that was sweet :blushing:

    Excuse me...but can I borrow your kitty *In the least creepiest voice and face possible* Bahahahaha!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    alright, a little background.....(I'm 25 at the time) friend of mine is a DJ for a local bar/pub.....this girl has been hanging around, and I think she's somewhat cute, and she starts chatting me up, and so I don't really think much of it but we hang for a while.....and by the end of the night, she asks me out...which was a little odd, but hey I go with to the date itself.....
    I have her meet me at my house because the intention is to take her for a motorcycle ride. I'm not 100% confident that she'll like it, but at least we could ride through the neighborhood. It goes well, and we're riding around for a good half hour before deciding on where to eat. So we stop at a decent restaurant in the mall as things are going good, and here's where the fun begins......
    We're waiting to order and the server comes up.....both order drinks and I notice that she's really eyeballing the the server comes back and I motion to her to go ahead and order first....she I order a ham and cheese croissant sandwich.....she looks back at me and then orders herself something very, at this point, her whole demeanor changes and starts looking as if someone crapped in her wheaties or something.....the server leaves and I'm starting to get this vibe of the point of feeling incredibly I ask her what's going on and why things are getting strange.....she responds back with "well, when I go out on a date, I have certain expectations and I feel like I shouldn't have to ask for things" to which I responded OK....."you didn't say I could get what I want so I felt limited in what I could have", so I tell her I can call the server back and add on whatever it is her little heart desires.....made no difference whatsoever.....and the awkwardness got worse, so bad to the point where I excused myself to the bathroom to basically get away and gather myself. I come back...and at this point the food I'm eating my food and watching her stare at it like it's dog crap....picking at it.....sighing to I finish eating what I could, the server comes back, and I ask for the check right, I think at this point she realizes that my house is a few miles away, and that she came in with me on my motorcycle. I considered leaving her there for acting the way she did, but then she quickly starts apologizing for her actions, to which I knew were half-hearted. So I put her on the bike and head home. My roommate is there washing dishes....I ask her to hang out for a second outside as I'm going to change for the next part of our roommate asks how it's going and I tell him what a disaster it's he says "so what are we doing tonight then?".....I went outside to tell her that I couldn't continue the date....she asks to still be friends and after a few psychotic calls after that I washed my hands of her \m/
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    lmao!!! I feel so bad for you... but that seriously made me laugh... thank you.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    On a side note, every date I went on after that, and including when my wife and I go out, I tell whoever it is GET WHAT YOU WANT as a result \m/
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Recently divorced, I set up a blind date that now I wished I could cancel. I drove over to the guy’s apartment & he opened the door - before I could even knock. I walked in to find a candlelight dinner & chilled wine was all set for us. Dinner wasn’t ready yet, so my date handed me a glass of wine & invited me to sit down on the couch with him. I accepted the wine, but sat in the recliner across from the couch. I listened as he started talking about getting our kids together since they were close in age. He asked about my working for the security company & he gave my partner a lot of “brownie points” for being able to sit in a car with me for 8 hours & keep his hands to himself. This sent up a “red flag” & I knew that I had to get out of there FAST!! I smiled, put down my glass of wine, excused myself & walked into his bathroom – to think. As I entered the bathroom, I spotted my cell phone (hanging on my pants pocket) in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. BINGO!! I grabbed my cell phone, opened it, put it up to my ear & walked out of the bathroom. I closed the cell phone & said that I had to be leaving because “I’d been called to work due to them being short-handed” at a jobsite. I apologized for missing dinner & left. I climbed into my car, took a deep breath & pulled out of the parking lot – wanting to put as many miles between us as possible.
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I got Ted Mosby'd.

    I'm not even kidding.

    A guy I worked with at my P/T job in high school asked me on a date. I agreed, but didn't really see it going anywhere. So..we go out. It's an okay date. I'm not really head-over-heels or anything. Then, his car battery dies, his mom has to come out and give us a jump.

    At the end of the date, he tells me I'm the best girlfriend ever, he thinks he loves me, and he's so excited to have a future with me.

    On. The. First. Date.

    Turns out, breaking up with him was NOT easy. Ended up dating him for 8 months because he would not let me break up with him (controlling, manipulative, etc). The breakup involved several cops, court, and therapy.

    and THAT is my worst dating story.

    This is EXACTLY what happened with me!! Like wow... He's still not allowed to speak to me (court order!). Never will online date again!