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Your WORST date



  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    A few years ago I was set up with this guy; we had made plans to have dinner at Olive Garden...

    That should have been a huge clue right there...

  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I was a single mom, 26 with two kids one months old the other 2-1/2 yr old. I had been set up with the guy and had gone out a couple of times. He was very nice and polite. He sets up a date with me and my kids, I pack up kids take them to his place for dinner. It was very nice. He then asks if I want to watch movies with him. I agreed to one. The kids are playing at our feet or my lap and we get settled in and he asked what kind of porn is my favorite. He seriously wanted to watch porn with my two kids right there. I made an excuse and took the kids home. I heard from him one more time, a couple of days later when he wanted to make plans for me to meet his family since we were getting married. I hadn’t even started my divorce with my kids dad..

    I have had others who got so drunk so fast I had to take them home, I have had some not tell me they had no money so I got stuck with the check..
    Just love dating don’t you..
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    On a side note, every date I went on after that, and including when my wife and I go out, I tell whoever it is GET WHAT YOU WANT as a result \m/
    I had never even thought of this before you mentioned it. Hmmmm.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I was 22 and in the military, there was a local girl who worked on base, she was BEAUTIFUL and very quiet and nice.When I say beautiful I mean drop dead gorgeous, not a flaw on her from head to toe (I know because I saw her at the pool). Lots of the men on base hit on her and she woudn't date anyone. One day I asked if she would show me the town since I was new, we both laughed because it was a tiny town (2 stoplights) and 90 miles from the biggest city. She said ok and we went out. I'm guessing she didn't talk on base but saved it up because she did not STOP talking and didn't even seem to have to take a breathe and it was all about how beautiful she knew she was and she couldn't believe all the losers that wanted to take her out. She was so pretty that it was a shame she had to be in this small town, she should be a model and blah blah blah! After dinner she said she wanted to see my place...........now remember BEAUTIFUL, but I couldn't take another word! I dropped her off.

    A while later a coworker of hers (who I ended up dating and was very nice) told me that girl had her eyes on me because I had gotten promoted very quickly and people were talking about me burning thru the ranks very quickly and I had my own side business and owned my own home. She saw me as her "ticket" out of town, scary scary **** but it happens to lots of military guys!

    On the plus side I never had to wonder what she was "like" after that because I had ZERO interest lol
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    (back in the day when I was competitive running) Mid-way into a 3rd date, dude pulls the car into an empty parking lot and pulls out a joint (guess he couldn't wait). I got out of the car so he and Mary Jane could be alone with each other (I was subjected to regular UA's). When I got back in the car he proceded to try to grope me. I told him to cut it out to which he replied, "I didn't realize you were so prude"(like it was prudeness and not my finding him less than attractive at that moment which spurred my refusal to be pawed by some high as a kite dirtbag). While we were driving to wherever, the movies I think, he got a call from his buddy and whipped a U-y on RT 80 so we could go hang out with them at some dive bar. We get to the bar and I said I was going to call for a ride because I was tired. AGAIN he starts pawwing at me and I said cut it out, he said something to the effect of ,c'mon, and put his hand up my skirt. I gave him an uppercut Sugar Ray would have envied, then I kicked him back to the drivers side of the car and got out. He sped off and yelled something stupid, "Bros before Hoes" I think. I yelled back, "Says the guy driving the Cabriolet". I saw him in a grocery store 2 days later buying tape for his broken nose.
    My first warning sign should have been the Cabriolet...
  • I've had plenty. But I had met this guy online and he seemed really, really sweet and he made me laugh on the phone everytime we spoke. We decided we'd go out for dinner and a movie [this was a couple years ago]. I get myself all pretty and ready to go. I pull in and he text me saying he'll be at the door waiting for me. YEAH WELL what I saw was this short dude, probably 5'2", with rings on all of his fingers. He told me he was 5'7" which I liked because I'm 5'4". I didn't want to be mean so I at least had dinner with him so I can think of excuses to get out of the movies. He washed his hands before the appetizer, the dinner, and desert [which he ate all of] AND "didn't have his wallet on him" so I paid for dinner. I went to the bathroom and told my friend to call me so I could get out of the movie. I was happy to get home :)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    OMG - this is ALOT like my story....

    I want to a local dealership to buy a new car. Admittedly, I enjoyed the attantion I received from the new car manager. He gave me a GREAT deal on my new car. So, when he asked me out, I was flattered, but I also felt like I really owed the guy since he hooked me up with the new car. So I agreed.

    We met at a local night club for some drinks and dancing. I had a great time. So, later in the evening, he asked me if I wanted to go see his new boat. I really did, as I was practically a fish from living at the lake. So we drive. And we drive. And we drive....It took up almost an hour to get to the boat. THAT in itself made me wary.

    We get there. Get out of the car and go to his beloved new treasure. I was enthralled with it, looking at everything it had to offer. I must have had my attention on the boat alittle too long. Because when I turned around to ask him a question, there he was...naked from the waist down!! OMG, I was SHOCKED. (When I told the story later to guy friends, they said I was just niave.)

    So, I begin explaining to him that I wasn't going to be getting it on with him, he thinks he's going to change my mind by...er...touching himself....I started laughing because he had a tiny...appendage...THAT didn't sit well....

    He didn't speak a word to me on the way back. But when he pulled up into the parking lot, he said "I think I could fall in love with you." (Probably a last ditch effort.) I said "Uh, okay." I RAN TO MY CAR!!!

    My friends and I have had MANY laughs about this over the years!!
  • A few years ago I was set up with this guy; we had made plans to have dinner at Olive Garden...

    That should have been a huge clue right there...


    sigh. you are right.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    when i was a sophmore in high school, there was a guy i flirted with a lot in one of my classes. he asked me to the movies, so we walked over one day after school. (we saw the first look who's talking movie). as he sat down next to me, he took off his jacket and spread in over his lap. at one point during the movie, he took my hand and was holding it on top of his lap. it progressively moved under his jacket, until he was holding it over his <ahem> which he had pulled out and had been playing with during the movie! now keep in mind i was a VERY innocent girl of 15 at this point. i completely freaked out, and he kept holding my hand down, trying to get me to play with him. when i continually refused, and finally managed to get my hand away, he then proceeded to try to get his hands up my skirt (not a short one). why i did not run screaming out of the theater, i do not know, but for some reason I let this guy walk me home after the movie. when we got back to my apt he wanted to come upstairs with me. i told him my parents were home and my mom was sick so he couldn't come in, (lie, but i was not about to let him in) and squeezed myself through as small an opening as i could in the gate and ran upstairs crying. word got around school what happened thanks to a friend, and he ended up having to leave the school.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I have another.. I met a guy online who seemed nice, mature, well rounded. Recently
    We talked back and forth for a while, we are both kind of busy so finally have a free evening and he invites me to dinner. I agree then he calls me the day of the date and asks if we can made a side trip to see his accountant out of town.. I live in a really small town, I’m uncomfortable but agree. Its 35-40 miles away. He proceeds to talk about himself the whole trip. I’m lucky if I can get a breath even let alone a comment.
    Then when we get back it’s still a little early and he wants to show me his home/farm/ and some photography he has done. He is like a semi pro and I am amateur but a big part of the mutual attraction. So even though I’m nervous and a little uncomfortable I am dyeing to see his camera equipment.
    His place is beautiful! Really NICE! But he is still self-promoting nonstop.. That is getting a little old.
    After about an hour and half Im starved, need a drink of water since I have a throat tickle..
    He suddenly looks at me and out of the blue totally cold asks if I'd like to have sex with him. He is a runner and he proceeds to tell me how his testosterone is so high.. I politely tell him no thank you, once I find my voice. He is ok with that. Asks if I’m really sure I don’t want to.
    He then a couple of minutes later says ok ready to hit the road. I’m thinking, YES, I need to eat, I have earned this dinner listening to this man for the last 3-1/2 hours and its getting late.. He drops me off at my front door.. And I walked into my house laughing my butt off.. My kids ask how my date went and one daughter smart aleck asks if I got any.. I told her no, but I could have. The look on their faces was so funny…
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    Okay so this bad date needs some back story first. My Senior year in High School, I was at the movies with a guy friend of mine and this person behind us was pointing a laser pointer at the screen, so annoying. So my friend and I were griping about it then the movie starts, it was a horror movie so I lost interest and got up to go to the ladies room. After I finished I called my other friend and was chatting to stall going back into the movie. Still on the phone with my friend I get back to the theater and intend to stand there chatting well suddenly there is a red laser pointer dot on the wall next to me and there is the guy who was operating it, watching me on the phone, waiting to get my attention. WTH? So my friend has to go and I have to hang up and acknowledge this creepy random guy... I say something along the lines of "so you were the one with the laser pointer" He says "yeah, is that your boyfriend in there?" I say (stupidly) "Nah, that is just my guy friend. So he then asks "Can I talk to you after the movie?" I said "I guess".. So flash forward to the end of the movie The guy asks my guy friend and I to wait while he gets me something from his car. The guy (I now know him as Cal) brings me back a four leaf clover and asks for my number. I had only dated one or two toher guys at this point so I was like what the hey, I gave it to him. So now on to the date!

    I met him at Silver Diner, we weren't hungry for a whole dinner so we just ordered milk shakes. Or should I say HE ordered milkshakes for us. I didn't want strawberry I wanted oreo but he insisted that I would like it and since he was paying for it I decided to not fight about it but I was already pissed. He then proceeded to take me to a GRAVEYARD! Now, I can't stand the idea of walking over people's graves it just feels wrong.. But he dragged me across the graveyard in the dark to where there is this big fountain with statues in the fountain. He proceeds to climb up on a statue and then jump from statue to statue while reciting The Jabberwocky poem... Needless to say I demanded that he take me back to my car. He then took me to another place where he stuck his hands down my pants and grabbed my *kitten*.. I was even more pissed and told him that he damn well better take me back to my car. He finally did an thus ended the most awkward and annoying date ever.
  • I think my worst date was a couple of months ago.

    I had just gotten out of a 3 1/2 year relationship, and had decided to give online dating a try. I met up with this little Asian fellow, who has come across as a very outgoing guy online but was very much a social hermit and very, very desperate. We met at a coffee house and had good conversation, and he had asked me if a walk was okay. It was cold out and I only had a t-shirt on, so he said I could wear his jacket. Being a big girl, and him being the size of my thigh, I said it was fine and tried walking out the door. Clearly he wasn't going to take no for an answer and proceeded to nearly strangle me trying to get his jacket on me. The only reason he gave up was it being ripped in the arm pit a few minutes later.

    It was a Friday night, so there were a lot of crowds outside bars. Every time we passed one, this little guy would wrap his arms around my waist and loudly announce that he was going to impregnate me with his Asian babies. I laughed the first time, but as he continued to get louder with bigger crowds, I started steering him to less populated areas. We eventually made our way to the LCBO, because he wanted to pick something up. Ends up he wanted a large bottle of the most expensive French wine, and when I made a joke about him having a party, he replied with "Yeah, a party for two.." holding his fingers up in a peace sign, then turning his hand horizontally and making a scissor motion with them. I quickly ducked into the bathroom and texted a friend to come get me.

    I dropped him at the bus terminal, since he didn't have a car, and told him we'd talk soon. He opened his arms out for a hug, and I thought that would be ok. This was a bad idea. When I pulled back from the hug, he leaned in for a kiss. I guess his intention was to stick his tongue down my throat, and since I had leaned away he ended up licking the whole left side of my face with the flat of his tongue. I don't run fast, but I definitely surprised myself by dashing away to where my friend had parked. Ends up he took a layer of my make up off, and I haven't spoken to him since. Needless to say, I've strayed away from online dating.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Mine was kinda like another on here. We had hung out for a while before and were friends and such before this date. I don't even remember what we did most of the night, but we arrived back at my house and hooked up. Then hooked up again because the first one took him literally like 2 minutes or less to get off. Then after we're done he proceeds to casually tell me that it was his first time... I nearly bolted out of my own house. He was a hard one to get rid of as well. 8 months after our first date I finally had to break up with him because I was just miserable. That induced about 3 more months of midnight phone calls and suicide threats that I had to talk him out of.

    Stay away from crazy virgin boys. They're worse than crazy virgin girls.

    They are. Jeez.
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    One of the dates that went wrong.... I was supposed to meet him for dinner and on the way there I was the lead car in a three car fender bender - d**n woman at the rear was rubernecking and looking at an accident on the side of the road instead of traffic. I ended up in the hospital ER, had my car towed, and was high as a kite thanks to the pain meds. It was supposed to be our first "date" - well fortunatley he is a good soul and came to the ER and took me home. Not the ideal date..... LOL
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    OMG, these stories are totally cracking me up!!! LMAO!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I met this guy once upon a time on ICQ (you know this was awhile ago, haha) & we got along really well. We decided to get together and hangout. He came over to my house, along with a few of my other friends and all was going fine. We were all in the basement listening to music & a song came on that my sister didn't like. She went to change the tune & apparently he didn't appreciate that because he blocked her from the CD plaer & shoved her into the wall to keep her from changing it. THEN, my friend came over (a friend I'd known for awhile and had expected to come) and I had my first and only moment in my life where I realized "holy ****, i'm in love with him (my friend)". I didn't say anything because clearly I had my "date" there, but it was phasing me ALL night. I talked with my mom and sister the next morning at the breakfast table and told them that I had out of nowhere realized that I was in love w/ the friend. They urged me to date him instead. He was a better fit & he hadn't shoved my sister, LOL.

    Anyways, that night I was supposed to have my 2nd date with Allen (the sister shover) and we were going to a Red Feather dance which is where all the highschools rally and celebrate all weekend and show school pride. I called up Allen mid afternoon and told him that I just wasn't feeling him in that way and that I thought we should go seperately to the dance. I ended up going with Josh (the friend) and we started dating that night.

    So Josh and I are slow dancing at the dance and i'm loving ever minute of it, until Allen and his friends approach me and Allen has his friend SPIT IN MY FACE!

    Was that supposed to make me want him back?

    6 years later, Allen and I hungout again (after a breakup of mine) and although the guy is 100% gorgeous, he's still dull. No such luck Allen. P.s Keep your hands off my sister....in all contexts.
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I'm sorry to gain so much enjoyment from all of your misery...... but hilarious!!! Thank you for sharing!!
  • cmdwyer00
    cmdwyer00 Posts: 40 Member
    He had pink eye and we went to an Urgent Care together. How romantic.
    Needless to say, it was our first and last date

    That happened to me on a date! And the nurse tried to tell him that the pink eye was actually an STD and that I gave it to him. Um, hi, what? So. Awkward.
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    I picked up this badass chick right...

    So we head to my favorite spot...you know...the one with awesome Tacos.

    And when we get there she is like..."eww..omg...I don't eat Tacos."

    The End!
  • We met online, texted/chatted/talked for a couple of weeks then decided to meet. While driving out to see her, she sends me a picture of a gift she had purchased for me. She said, it's from an adult store. So I'm thinking, what could you possibly get for someone that youv'e never met, at an adult store...maybe some massage oil?

    So she sends another picture...a set of anal beads. She said, I had to go buy a new set...just for you. I can't wait to use them on you.

    I turned around and went back home...it was a very tense ride back as my cheeks were squeezed tight all the way back home.

  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Well this was awhile ago... I was on a online dating site (I know I know) lol.. talked to this guy for awhile .. we talked on phone for hours really hit it off.. Im like this man is perfect wow.. so sensitive and sweet and so in tune to how a woman feels... well we decided to meet at a restaurant.. I did se epictures of him very handsome.. met at the restaurant very handsome.. but something kinda off... we are sitting there talking... and he stretches and oh myyyyy I saw boobs they were wrapped but you could tell.. now give you I am not a supid woman.. this looked like a man talked like a man.. walked like a man... and it was a woman!!!!!! she said I guess I should tell you something... duhhh you think???? she had been living as a man.. getting ready to do surgery all of it.. been on hormones.... I dont care how you live your life... but be honest... ohhh myyy
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    Unfortuately my frist two online dates didn't take my thirst away...so I decided to try a third...Anal Beads and Drug Deal girls weren't enough.

    I met a lady, who was a song writer. She invited me to a Holloween Party/ single country song debut for her Mom & Step-Dad's band. I show up at some hole in the wall joint about two hours away from me and two hours away from her...both of us coming from opposite directions. I arrived, she was gorgeous, just as was shown through pictures. She was a little tipsy, but understandable because I got there a couple of hours after the party had started.

    So I am there talking to her, mom gets off stage, she comes straight to where we are at. She looks at me and looks at her, lifts up her hand to give me a high five, while looking at her she says, "Someone is getting some *kitten* tonight!" Her sister, cousins, mom, dad, and some other "kinfolk" haha I felt the need to use kinfolk ;)...they were alll there and all except her and me got drunk. I offerred to provide DD services since they were too intoxicated with the condition that I had to crash at someone's place. We drove out to her trailer home (not too thrilled, but as a single mom, I understood)

    Next day I woke up to look at four kids...all hers. She had told me she had two kids, well they ended up being hers and they all had different daddy's.

    I got rid of my online dating account...reverted to it several months later due to lots of business travel and never having time to go out. I had a couple of more crazy B's that I met, but I do have some awesome stories.
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm going to steal one from my buddy. He picks this girl up and they go out to the bar. They're pretty hot and heavy and they are drinking A LOT....well she is. He's driving and has practice the next morning. So they come through the drive thru where i was working at the time to say hi and get a quick bite (as the bar didn't serve anything other than nuts). They get to the window and as i'm handing him the food she leans over...say "Hi.....uh oh..." then proceeds to puke all over my friend. Needless to say there was no second date.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    These are great! Makes me kind of wish I had a crazy dating story!

    More stories please!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Well this was awhile ago... I was on a online dating site (I know I know) lol.. talked to this guy for awhile .. we talked on phone for hours really hit it off.. Im like this man is perfect wow.. so sensitive and sweet and so in tune to how a woman feels... well we decided to meet at a restaurant.. I did se epictures of him very handsome.. met at the restaurant very handsome.. but something kinda off... we are sitting there talking... and he stretches and oh myyyyy I saw boobs they were wrapped but you could tell.. now give you I am not a supid woman.. this looked like a man talked like a man.. walked like a man... and it was a woman!!!!!! she said I guess I should tell you something... duhhh you think???? she had been living as a man.. getting ready to do surgery all of it.. been on hormones.... I dont care how you live your life... but be honest... ohhh myyy
    DING DING DING...ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a winner!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    All i have to say is, its bad when someone is all over you so much on your date, that by the time your heading home, you have your hand on your pepper spray and wait for him to leave the parking lot before walking to your apartment, so that he doesnt know which one you live in. F**king nightmare!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Had a date or 2 with the guy that went fine...
    Liked him enough to agreed to meet him for a late movie. (a few blocks walk from my apt.)

    We got tickets and found a seat...
    He decide that he didn't want to see this film after all and that he'd sneak into another theater, because he really wanted to see something else. And that we'd meet afterward.

    We got out of the theater at 2 AM. Not particularly enamored with him I realized I DID NOT WANT HIM TO WALK ME HOME. So I rushed him to the subway saying "Hurry! Hurry! you don't miss your last train home!!!" (He lived out in the 'burbs & did not want him stuck in the city and looking to crash with me)

    Feeling relieved, I foolishly walked across the south end of the small park where the subway entrance was and got smacked in the head, by a crazy homeless woman.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Neither my friend nor I were old enough to be in the bar but we often went anyway. One night she asked me to watch her son so she could go. I told her if she ran into my ex, she should send him over because I was putting her son to bed so I had naughty intentions for my ex.

    When she got home at bar time, she brought someone home. And someone for me. Who was not my ex. My naughty plans did not involve a complete stranbeg but she told him I would sleep with his and, in his very drunken state, he didn't understand no.

    After he pinned me on the floor, I had to defend myself Mike Tyson style. I wonder if his ear ever recovered.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member

    Feeling relieved, I foolishly walked across the south end of the small park where the subway entrance was and got smacked in the head, by a crazy homeless woman.

    I know this is wrong.. but this part really made me laugh!
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    a let a guy take me to eat bbq. he spent most of the night telling me he'd been in between moves so all he had at his house was an air matress. after exactly one hour at the restaurant, he told me he had to go to his mom's house. kinda weird, but fine. we leave, i was not heartbroken (but it was weird because he shook my hand instead of hugging me). he texts me while i'm on the phone with a friend. i don't see them. then he calls so i answer and he asks if i saw his texts. i start reading them out loud: "SO...WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT ME?" um...then i had to answer to him on the phone. "you were nice?" he was mad that's all i said. (how awkward!) so we hang up and he starts texting me, asking if i want to come over. to his mom's house or to his airbed, i wasn't sure. i declined.

    i wake up the next morning to a text: "please delete my number and do not contact me ever again. you are not my type. goodbye."
This discussion has been closed.