Your WORST date



  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member

    She says "Oh relax, it's just a car."

    I send her a glare that I wished would have melted her into the pavement...and the just proceed to collect my valuables from the vehicle and walk as far away from her as possible. I called for a ride once I was far enough out of the way and had the car towed by AAA. I never spoke to her again and I've never let any woman drive any of my vehicles again.

    June 4th 2010 was once of my saddest days. RIP Baby Elephant.

    You handled this much better than I would have. After her "Oh relax" comment, I would have chased her down the road with a battleax.
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    I went on a date with a guy, and my ex husband was SUPPOSED to keep the baby overnight. I told ex that I was going out with friends. If I told him it was a date, he would have never agreed to keep the baby. The entire night he kept texting me about how tired he was and what time am I going get the baby (after he agreed to keep him overnight). It was just every 2 minutes he's texting me about it. I wanted to turn my phone off but couldn't because he DID have my baby, ya know? My date got frustrated with it and ended things early. He never answered my message 2 days later either. I had to drive back across town in the middle of the night to get my son who should have been sleeping by then but his a-hole father kept him up for me.

    Later on, ex tells me he had a "feeling" I was really on a date and that's why he acted like that.

    I would love to punch him in the throat for you. What an asshat.

    Thank you.
    And I've always wanted to punch some one in the throat, but I don't want to swing first.. don't wanna get in TOO much trouble :wink:

    Can you both punch my ex husband in the throat because he did the same crap! And then when I turned the phone off I got called a bad mom. HELLLLLO!! Yes, I must be a ****ty mom for thinking THEIR FATHER could actually take care of them! Get off my sh**. Damn. Sorry, you just gave me bad flashbacks!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    My worst date ever was when dude picked me up and was wearing.... wait for it.... a PURPLE LEISURE SUIT.

    Need I say more???
    WOW...I had a guy pick me up wearing golf shoes once and THAT really put me off. He's looking pretty good right about now :laugh:
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Met a dude on a dating site. He misrepresented his weight, by a lot. Now I'm not skinny minnie but I'm always straightforward with guys about how I look. All of dude's pics were about 5 years and at least 50 lbs ago. I try to keep an open mind and see how things go. He ends up kissing me a few times and burps in my mouth twice. Blech. Grabs my left breast immediately after I tell him they were offlimits. Needless to say, there was no second date.

    OMG! He burped in your mouth!? UGH!!! If that were me, he'd be on this site talking about how his worst date ever was the time he was kissing a girl and she threw up in his face.....

  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I went out with a guy had known a while, or rather met a bunch of times and we had mutual friends. We went out for dinner and to a comedy club. He brought me back to my apartment kissed me at the door forced me in to the apartment and then tried to rape me. My neighbor heard me screaming and fighting and was banging on my back door so he left out the front. Yeah that was the worst one.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I went out with a guy had known a while, or rather met a bunch of times and we had mutual friends. We went out for dinner and to a comedy club. He brought me back to my apartment kissed me at the door forced me in to the apartment and then tried to rape me. My neighbor heard me screaming and fighting and was banging on my back door so he left out the front. Yeah that was the worst one.
    WOW..that's horrible. Glad your neighbor was home!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Super sweet class mate asked me out after finding out I had recently become single. We living in the same town and he suggested we meet at the movie theater for a matinee. We got up to the counter and he asked if he should pay for my ticket so I said "No, I got it". Then after the movie around about 2pm he asked if I wanted to do something else. He didn't recommend we get food or suggest a walk by the water or anything. So I said "Not really", then he asked if he should walk me to my car and I said "I think I can find it myself". I turned the date into "not a date" because this guy was a total wuss. He was very nice, but a total push-over. I like to be swept off my feet and this guy would have expected me to jump.
  • kfue
    kfue Posts: 17
    bump (to read later :-) )
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    haha! thanks! that was sweet :blushing:

    Excuse me...but can I borrow your kitty *In the least creepiest voice and face possible* Bahahahaha!

    I see what you did there :laugh:
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    We met online, texted/chatted/talked for a couple of weeks then decided to meet. While driving out to see her, she sends me a picture of a gift she had purchased for me. She said, it's from an adult store. So I'm thinking, what could you possibly get for someone that youv'e never met, at an adult store...maybe some massage oil?

    So she sends another picture...a set of anal beads. She said, I had to go buy a new set...just for you. I can't wait to use them on you.

    I turned around and went back was a very tense ride back as my cheeks were squeezed tight all the way back home.

  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    Please, tell me your worst dating stories!

    Here's one of mine.


    1. I can join him in the backseat like he had previously requested
    2. I could walk home.

    ......I walked home.


    Your turn :)

    I once had a guy tell me I could walk home. . .We were both 16, and had been casually dating for several months. We went for a drive, in his 80s Mustang, for the purpose of finding a backroad/cornfield/etc, to make out and probably have sex. After making out for a while, I changed my mind and decided that I wasn't ready (for a vareity of reasons). He told me to walk home. I refused to get out of his car, and he did drive me home.

    I should have called off our relationship.

    But, here we are almost 20 years later. He is still one of my best friends, I still get excited and act like a gitty school girl when I know I'm going to see him. Desptie some time and distance over the years we have been the one constant in each other's lives knowing we can pick up right where we left off at a moment's notice. We almost have esp when it comes to knowing the other needs to see them. We give each other great advice and that much needed ear and shoulder. His hugs make all my problems (except 1) go away.

    Unforantely, the time we get to spend together is limited and we both wish our relationship could be more than what it is, but we have promised each other that someday, when the time is right.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    LMAO, i'll post mine later.
  • owl92
    owl92 Posts: 74
    my first date was female, cuz im gay but anyway she decided to be naked when i turned back around. we were 14 years old, i now know she must have been sexually abused or scarred in some way.
    awkward pasts.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I would love to punch him in the throat for you. What an asshat.

    Thank you.
    And I've always wanted to punch some one in the throat, but I don't want to swing first.. don't wanna get in TOO much trouble :wink:

    Can you both punch my ex husband in the throat because he did the same crap! And then when I turned the phone off I got called a bad mom. HELLLLLO!! Yes, I must be a ****ty mom for thinking THEIR FATHER could actually take care of them! Get off my sh**. Damn. Sorry, you just gave me bad flashbacks!

    Name and address, please! My ex did it, too. Once during a date, which I was actually thankful for, because the guy first of all had planned to make me dinner a week before, so he had plenty of time to plan. It was tacos, not a huge deal, but he only had the shells, beef, cheese and sour cream. No vegetation, not even salsa! Then he wanted to kiss me, which was pretty uneventful. He was poking around my mouth with his tongue like he was looking for something specific. My ex called, so I got up to talk to him, and while I was standing on the other side of the room I noticed a picture of the guy's ex-gf who looked oddly a lot like me! First time I didn't blow off my ex when he didn't want to watch the kids any longer. Last date with that guy!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    During college (imagine life before cell phones and internet!), a guy who saw me at the dining hall asked me out. I went out with him, even though I didn't know anything about him, or his friends, etc.

    He picked me up for our date -- we lived in dorms right near each other...first we went to see "Das Boot," a German WWII film, NOT romantic at all, obviously. Then we went to play pinball and he was a little upset that I won.

    Finally, we took a drive in his car, and during the drive on a major highway around the city, he revealed that he had just survived cancer. I was very young, so I think I was just dumbfounded about what to say or do. To me, it was a lot of information, very soon. As an adult, I'm sure I would respond much more compassionately now, but honestly, then I was not socially adept. I'm pretty sure I said some of the "right" things, but the whole date was just odd.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    My roommate set me up with her boyfriend's friend - but we lived about an hour away from them. So, we head over there - and this guy is SO not my type! Not even CLOSE! But, we went dancing and had a good time. Roommate then announces that she is staying the night with the boyfriend, but there isn't any room for me, but - hey isn't this great news? - the friend got a hotel room!

    Knowing I had no choice I went with him to the room - (I was in a body-building club back then and knew I could take this jerk if I had to). No kidding it had the 25 cent "Magic Fingers" bed! I hopped into bed fully dressed, and he snuggles up behind me and asks for a kiss. I tell him no, that I really didn't feel that we clicked. He says, "Does it have to click on the first date?" I laughed and said yes, for me it pretty much does.

    About a half an hour later he's asking again for a kiss. I told him not-so-politely to get his hands off of me. He asks again for a kiss while leaning over me.

    I stood up, grabbed the blanket and all of the pillows, locked myself in the bathroom and slept in the tub! Needless to say, it was a long time before I talked to my roommate again.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    We met online, texted/chatted/talked for a couple of weeks then decided to meet. While driving out to see her, she sends me a picture of a gift she had purchased for me. She said, it's from an adult store. So I'm thinking, what could you possibly get for someone that youv'e never met, at an adult store...maybe some massage oil?

    So she sends another picture...a set of anal beads. She said, I had to go buy a new set...just for you. I can't wait to use them on you.

    I turned around and went back was a very tense ride back as my cheeks were squeezed tight all the way back home.


    Yeah...can't bring out the anal beads until at LEAST the third date! ;)

    I just involuntarily tightened up!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    I had been talking to this guy online for weeks. Really had begun to like him...he mentioned that he had been in an accident and was waiting for the money to come through for him to fix his teeth. I assumed he had a few knocked out in the accident... ANYWAY, I drive up to see him one evening, and he answers the door BUCK NAKED, he walked w/ a cane (really fast...and crooked like) and he had NO TEETH. And, frankly the nubs he DID have looked gross, so I don't buy the "accident" story. I think he just doesn't brush his teeth. ANYWAY, I was shocked, needless to say. Sadly, I'm so fricken polite, I stayed and watched part of a movie, before I finally said I should be getting home.

    omg that's disgusting! I would have left right when he answered the door! lol