Wii Fit Team - September!!!!!!



  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I've tried everything.. and nothing!!!! My wii will play all the other wii games i have just not the wii fit.. why because it hates me and doesn't want me to work out :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: so going back to laying on the floor doing sit ups and floor works out until my wii fit decides to like me again.. IM SO BUMMED...
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Hey some movie retal stores will run a CD (game or Movie) thru there cleaners and make in like brand new (hollywood Video will do it) try making a few phone calls to ask :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Tammie- just step on and off the balance board while your watching TV for x number minutes switching legs every 5 minutes. lol. It's the same thing as doing the Free Step except you won't have to suffer through the annoying voice.

    Seriously, call around. Maybe some one can clean the disc for you. Also, write Nintento. Maybe they will give you a second one cheaper. I did that once with a kid's video game they scratched. They only charged me $20.00 for a replacement CD since I had the right info to prove I had already bought a copy.

    Good Luck!

  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Tammie you can also do the Wii Sports (it should have come with the Wii The Tennis, bowling and Boxing are a great work out as long as you move your body like you are real yplay the real sport. A nice man posted the calories burned doing those exercises on the first page of this tread :flowerforyou:
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member

    I had the same problem with my Wii. It would not read the wii fit or smash brothers brawl discs. All other games played fine. I had to send it (the Wii console and the discs) to Nintendo (free of charge) and they replaced the read disc in the console. If I am not mistaken, they said there was some kinda disc error with those two games, because they are dual layer (DVD9), maybe. Anyway, they fixed it and I had my Wii back in about 4 days and it all works well. You should check the help section on the Nintendo site, that might help.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    So my last result was windex i sprayed a little on a cloth wiped the Wii Fit disc and waited a minute.. put it in and YAY IT WORKED... my sons kept telling me to lick the disc (they are 9 and 6) so i figured why not windex right... and im so happy it worked i did 40 minutes of it and going to do a hour tonight after the kids go to bed... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Im so glade it worked hoping it stays that way...
  • suprjewels
    Today is my rest day. so I got nothing to report. You all are working out wonderfully.
    Tammie~ great strength in being determined to workout. I'm glad you stuck to your guns!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    i only did 37 minutes today! but i'm really sore from just starting to use to wii fit. I'm still unlocking games too! my room mates love the game as much as i do!

    but i do have a question, do you guys use wii fit scale? it said i was 4 pounds lighter than the scale in my bathroom. I researched what people have said, and some say it works for them and others say its off. I just want to know what you guys think.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Im Hooked.... I love doing the wii fit!!! I keep wanting to do more challenges.. this morning i did 42 minutes then i did 25 at lunch (while the baby was napping ) and im planning on doing 30-40 more tonight... i love it cause i can feel my abs getting a work out and my legs but i don't feel run down or worn out...Im trying so hard to lose weight before my son's 1st birthday and i think the wii will help me get there ...

    SuprJewels: I hate when things don't work when i need them too so i do whatever it takes to fix the issue... My kids call me handy mommy instead of handy mandy cause im always fixing things and not waiting around for someone else to do it...
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    My Wii Fit Scale is about 2 LBs lighter than my regular scale I think thats because the we fit is on carpet ( it makes me feel better to here a lower number from the thing because as I have said before its been very rude and groans at me :tongue: Yeah to Tammie (sounds like my big fat greek wedding " Windex fixs everthing) Although your sons could have been right licking it might have worked too :noway: No work out for me today ( I would say its a rest day but the truth is I was to stinking busy running errands To bad I really didnt run I took the car.:blushing: Shoot if I use the word running does that count:bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I don't use the Wii scale as my guide. It changes too much as I don't excercise the same time every day. I go by my bathroom scale.

    I hadn't done the boxing in such a long time, I was holding the thing backwards and it didn't count any of my left hand punches. I thought the thing had broke and felt very silly when the kids told me I was holding the dumb thing wrong. lol

    Oh well, have a nice Monday all and see you all on checking Tuesday.

  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    For me, the Wii fit is more consistent than my bathroom scale. I use the Wii every day and the bathroom scale a couple of days a week. Even so, I use the bathroom scale for my "official" weekly wt.

    I've logged about 33 total hours on the Wii so far.
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    congrats on 33 hours!:happy: I did an hour today! I'm really sore because i'm so out of shape, but it feels good, its a reminder of what i'm working towards.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Fitgal, thanks for the new thread! (I've been away for 4 days, lol)
    It's check in day!! I only did the Wii twice this week, 30 mins each. No time!! I try to walk at work on my lunch too, so sometimes I don't get to the Wii. I don't have as busy of a week this week so we will try for 3 days at 30 mins each.
    Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    So i was wondering if we could make a challenge out of using our wii ???

    I was thinking if everyone posted their weight , how many minutes a week they do their wii and then post how much weight they want to lose in a week by using their wii's as a workout and see how much we all can really lose use by getting on our wii fits and working out ... and of course eating healthy just a idea ..
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I turned 40 hours on my Wii last weekend. (woot, woot) I did meet my goal of 4 days a week at 30+ minutes each time. I've been mixing it up trying to do a total workout.

    Finally, the scale moved. I'm down 2 lbs from where I got stuck at the end of July.

    Gratz all who made their goals!

    Hang in there and just try again this week for those who didn't.

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi guys!

    Thanks to SuperJewls :wink: I just got back on my wii for the second time since I've owned it yesterday. :embarassed:

    I did 60 minutes total and burned 200 calories according to my HRM.

    It was so much fun after unlocking "Super Hoola hoop" and "Advanced Step". I also unlocked "free step". My Heartrate was really up there with the hoola hooping.

    I plan on getting back on today:

    Tammietifanie - I'm 156 and plan on getting on 3 times a week. I wish to lose 10 lbs. Thanks for the challenge.

    How about we do some challenges on individual games also. Like some of the other "Wii Fitters" do. For example. I did about 1800 spins in Super hoola hoop, i think (10 minutes). Also, it was about 780 steps with the Advanced step. We can post the scores and have the whole week to impove on them. Then at the end of the week the highest score wins the challenge. Just a thought :flowerforyou:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hello all,

    I turned 40 hours on my Wii last weekend. (woot, woot) I did meet my goal of 4 days a week at 30+ minutes each time. I've been mixing it up trying to do a total workout.

    Finally, the scale moved. I'm down 2 lbs from where I got stuck at the end of July.

    Gratz all who made their goals!

    Hang in there and just try again this week for those who didn't.


    That awesome JAM! Sounds like broke the plateau :flowerforyou:
  • suprjewels
    Spicy you confused me! I clicked on you thinking I was going to our buddies. Then I came here. :laugh: :laugh: I'm glad you joined us.

    I have worked out my 3 days at 30 minutes. I've actually went over and did 5 days at 45 coins.

    I like the challenge idea. I'm going to do my workout and then post my high scores. Just to see if anyone wants to challenge and top them or has already topped them. Great idea!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Spicy you confused me! I clicked on you thinking I was going to our buddies. Then I came here. :laugh: :laugh: I'm glad you joined us.

    I have worked out my 3 days at 30 minutes. I've actually went over and did 5 days at 45 coins.

    I like the challenge idea. I'm going to do my workout and then post my high scores. Just to see if anyone wants to challenge and top them or has already topped them. Great idea!

    I'm keeping you on your toes Buddy :laugh:

    Great job on going over your day :drinker: So it's on with the challenge :bigsmile: