Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,422 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I got in an evening workout yesterday! It was after 9PM, but I did Jillian's Killer Abs Level 1 workout. Feel that one in the abs this morning. My morning workout today was XTrain AOLI HiiT Premix Floor Cardio. It was perfect for the amount of time I had, and I didn't get in the way of Rocket chilling out on my workout space. :D

    Laurel, WTG on getting your upper body nice and toasted with that combo of workouts. Seems that he is adapting to me working out. I'm sure as he gets older it will get better.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and it sure sounds like Katy is still going strong on being creative. Have a great time with your family! I'm sure you will be really busy. I hit him right on the top of the head, so he was fine after a little yelp. I really did feel bad, and had to stop working out to see if he was okay.

    Thelma, Good job on what you got finished. Working those legs alot can make those calf muscles work hard. I know that the 21DFX workouts are very lower body heavy, so I was feeling that in my calf's. I think that the total body trisets would be a good option, or any total body really. But the trisets is probably the closest option.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,776 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today the rotation called for Great Glutes, but I didn't feel like that much floor work. So I substituted Legs and Glutes in today....and loved it! For cardio, I did Hardcore Extreme 2, which is a combo of Low Max, IMAX3 and Kick Max. Felt great.

    Tami, definitely sounds like a vintage Katy class! I wonder if any of those newbies will return. I hope so! I wear Nike shoes. I am very picky about my shoes so not every Nike cross trainer works for me. I used to use Ryka, and they have great cross training shoes as does New Balance (I have one pair of NB which is great). But since I do so much on the step still, I am fussy about the sole as much as the fit because a smooth sole is a must for me when stepping. That really limits my options, to be honest. Enjoy your trip!!

    Thelma, great workout. That is a deceptively tough workout, so I wouldn't be concerned with not doing the barre work. The floor work is enough. Total Body Trisets would be a good sub for STS Total Body. So would Muscle Max (if you have it). But, as Laurie said, any total body workout would be good (even a repeat of High Reps would work). Hope that helps.

    Laurie, that's a late workout! Sounds like it was effective, though. Glad Rocket is beginning to understand the workout routine.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hi Ladies! Cize You Got This! tonight. My new shoes arrived. They are a little narrow as the reviewers said but the length of the shoe is perfect. I have one of those shoe stretcher things and I'm trying to stretch the shoe. If that doesn't work I'll have to return them. I also ordered these things called sneaker slip-on slider things that really make you slide on the floor have to return because they are too tight. If I can get the shoes to work with these sliders I'll be doing great. My lower back was tight from yesterday's workout and when I finished doing Cize it was seriously tight. I stretched and applied heat. The tightness is still there but better.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm glad Rocket let you workout! LOL! I'm going to do Total Body Trisets instead ob STS TB. Thnk you! My calves are much better. I slept with the boot on last night which always helps.

    Laurel, what a great combo! Legs and Glutes is a really good workout. I'm glad you also agree that Total Body Trisets is a good sub for STS TB. I'm definitely going to do that one. I don't have Muscle Max.

    Tami, I saw that you got your am workout in today. Good girl! I hope you have a great time with your mom. Sounds like you use running shoes for your workouts too?
    I've always used the type of running sneakers that claim to be good for stability. For years I wore Avias, then graduated to Asics until last year when my feet really went crazy on me.
    I got these Reebok that claim to be good for high impact and multi directional movement. What I love about them is that thing on the sole called Turning Zone. It is awesome and will be great for kickboxing or any time you have to pivot and the best thing is that they have them on sale. I forgot to answer your question if I'd ordered through Zappos. This time I ordered from Reebok because they do offer free shipping too.

    While I was researching for shoes I found this Shaunt T article about the right type of shoe to use for workouts like Insanity

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,422 Member
    edited September 2015
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday after work was Jillian's One Week Shred Cardio, and since it was doggy daycare day all four legged creatures where TIRED! ;) This morning was XTrain Supercuts Premix 8, and had to work around my four legged pal. He was happy munching on his rawhide. Youngest DD and I are going up north this weekend, and DH will be home with the four legged kids. Then next week I'm off on vacation, but I will be staying home to get some things done around the house that need some TLC.

    Laurel, The dreaded floor work, I tend to want to avoid that also. I'm all for short, but effective. Don't need for it to drag on for a long time. You are pulling out some great workouts this week, and some older ones too. I wonder if I shouldn't put a sticky note on my DVD's to show when I tried it last. I know it had been quite a while since I tried the One Week Shred Cardio workout, and then realized that I have not tried the strength one yet. So I think I will be trying that one out tonight.

    Thelma, What a great title for a workout! Hope your back continues to see improvement, and that you can get those shoes to work for you. Interesting on those Nike's, that is one thing with kickboxing that I have a problem with my shoes. Don't have that pivot ability on the carpet. Might have to check those shoes out.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,776 Member
    Happy Friday! For today's workout, I started with a good upper body combo. I did the LIHI upper body workouts (Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, and Back, Shoulders and Biceps) back-to-back but without the finishers. It made for a good 60-ish minute upper body workout. I liked leaving out the finishers because it was easier to convince myself to go heavier. But in all honesty.....I prefer the workouts with the finishers. They just give that extra little 'burn' I like. But I enjoyed today's combo. For cardio, I did Party Rockin' Step 1's 66 minute premix. Fun stuff.

    Thelma, I wouldn't doubt your back may be a bit sore from Lower Body Blast. She does all those deadlifts in there, plus the added hamstring work at the end. I hope it continues to relax a bit. Hope you can get your shoes to work. Thanks for the Shaun T. link.

    Laurie, hope you enjoy your weekend.....and week off. Yes, floor work......sometimes I love, sometimes not. I just haven't been much in a workout mood this week so having the patience to be on the floor doing countless reps of something just wasn't in the cards, that's for sure. But being in this mood has made me do some good, older workouts! I like the idea of recording when you do your workouts. I know I have some fantastic workouts that I just don't reach for enough. Maybe doing something like that would motivate me.

    Enjoy the long weekend!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had a very nice and relaxing weekend. On Friday I was really tired so I did my spinning bike instead of Total Body Trisets which I did on Saturday. TBT is HARD! OMG those were the longest 83 minutes! I was really tired at the end of the workout LOL. Today spinning. I ordered 4 pairs of sneakers this weekend and I hope that at least one of those pairs works for me. I ordered two pairs of Reebok and 2 Ryka's. I don't have hopes for the Reeboks but I do for the Ryka's.

    Laurie, great workouts! Sounds like Rocket is doing a little better letting you workout. Did you and your DD have a great weekend up north?
    My back is better thank God. My knee left knee has been bothering me. I didn't have a chance to really massage after Total Body Trisets on Saturday so my quads got tight. Better tonight after a deep massage. I tell you that pivot point thing on shoes is very helpful. Check out Cathe's shoes on Total Body Trisets during the stretch segment. You will see the pivot point.

    Laurel, what a wonderful combo on Friday! I do like the finishers too but sometimes when pressed for time I always choose the premixes without finishers. I agree that my lower back was sore from the Lower Body Blast. It was pretty bad but now I'm back to normal.

    Tami, I hope you are enjoying the time with your mom!

    Good night ladies!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,776 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice Labor Day weekend here in Florida. Nothing special, but nice. Spent Saturday with the in-laws (including a little time at the beach which is always nice). Sunday and yesterday were golf days, though we got rained out about half way through yesterday. It was quite a downpour too, so we sat on our porch and watched it. We got something like 3" of rain in an hour or so. Very nice.

    Saturday was my usual rest day but Sunday I was back at it. I started with Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders followed by core 1. For cardio, I did my cardio combo of all three Cathe HiiT workouts from the Shock Cardio series. <3 Yesterday was Burn Sets Biceps and Triceps and core 2, followed by Cathe's IMAX Extreme workout from The Terminator DVD. Today was XT Legs (the 80 minute premix......which I had a serious dread factor for but kind of enjoyed today) followed by Cross Fire.

    Thelma, I see you are enduring some hot weather up your way! Hope you get some relief soon. You are right about Total Body Trisets. It is a tough one!! Glad you made it through. Probably best you left it for Saturday instead of doing it after work. Hope the new shoes work out for you.

    Laurie, hope you and enjoying your time off.

    Tami, hope the trip went well!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am a day off given the holiday yesterday. So way off that last night when I typed my post I totally did it thinking it was Sunday and didn't even mention the workout I did yesterday! LOL. Yesterday was RWH Circuit Upper Body with bonus abs and tonight Great Glutes. Tonight's workout had a major league dread factor for me. I just couldn't get into it but did it anyway. My heart wasn't into it though.

    Laurel, awesome workouts lady! WOW! I don't know how you do it.
    I'm so glad you had a good weekend! That was quite a downpour! We haven't had rain in a while it seems and we are in the middle of a heat wave. It was 96 when I got out of work. Thank God for remote starters. I started the car from my desk and the car was nice and cool when I got in it.

    Laurie, I hope you have a great vacation! I know you said you'd be home but still any day out of the office is a great day! LOL

    Good night ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Just wanted to say hello and a quick check-in!! :) I had a great time with my mom as always and I was able to help with heavier items, reaching things down from higher places (so she doesn't venture up the ladder) and lift those heavy items too! I was able to help her also with some "check lists" of things she hasn't even thought of yet ... It's a lot to take in and happening so fast but she is doing great and excited to be going. I of course worry about her but know it will all fall into place and be great.

    No real workouts but we did go for a walk nearly every day ... YAHOO for that and the lifting and moving of bricks was activity at least. Let me just say I cannot wait for my a.m. Workout tomorrow! I need to look at where I left off so I know where to start
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Great job with all your workouts ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,422 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice weekend with the family. I'm not able to workout yet, have to go in for a root canal at 11 this morning. This one was infected, so I have not been able to do anything but lay around. Today the antibiotics have kicked in so the swelling has gone down alot. I looked like a chipmunk on one side of my face. Should be able to get back into it tomorrow or later today, just depends on how I feel. I think this is one of my old root canals that has to be redone.

    Laurel, Great job on all the workouts! I will be back on track soon, just wish this wouldn't have happened on my vacation. Well maybe this was a good thing, then no one but my family saw my puffy cheek. :D We have been getting a lot of rain also, in fact yesterday we had rain off and on through the day.

    Thelma, Great job on getting through the workout that you dreaded. I'm actually enjoying being at home, yesterday I was able to get caught up on the show Face Off. I love seeing how they create characters.

    Tami, Sounds like you are doing a lot of work, and I'm sure that your Mom is very happy that you are there to help her do those things that she shouldn't.

    Have a great day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,776 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Flex Train which actually felt surprisingly tough today. Seems like my body just didn't want to wake up. But I pushed through and decided on a tough cardio combo, which finally got my body in gear. I started with X10 Low Impact and Hi-Lo sections, followed by Hard Strikes. Made for a good 70 minute workout. And, finally, I feel awake!

    Thelma, I hear you on Great Glutes. That's the one I skipped last week because I just couldn't face it. Sometimes it is fine......sometimes it isn't. Anyhow, good job for pushing through it. Hope your temps cool down soon.

    Tami, glad to hear your trip went well and you were able to help your mom with some things. Bet the workout felt good this morning!

    Laurie, yikes on the root canal!! I hope everything feels better once it is done. It is too bad this happened on your vacation. But, then again, you have time to heal. Hope the rest of your week goes better.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hi Ladies! The rotation called for Hard Strikes today but did spinning instead because I came home much later than normal. Spinning is also Friday's workout so it was OK to swap. Work has been very busy this week and I'm getting stressed over the trip to DC which is finally here. I leave on Sunday and I have a lot of work and not enough time to do it.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a nice weekend and that you're enjoying your time home. I'm sorry about your tooth! I hope you were able to get the root canal done. Get well soon!

    Laurel, great combo! Good job for pushing through the workout!
    A few weeks ago when I did Great Glutes I loved it but boy last night was totally the opposite. We are expecting a lot of rain starting tonight so the temps will get better.

    Tami, welcome back! I'm so glad you were able to help your mom and spend some quality time with her.

    Good night ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Ladies! Workouts felt great today!! :);) I started with my early a.m. Workout with XT Burn Sets Chest/Back/shoulders and then tonight I went to Katy's spinning class! I decided it was perfect to just start at the beginning of this week of the rotation; so week #5.

    Laurel: WOWSA! Sounds like you cardio'd your way awake forsure! Nicely done friend. You are doing an amazing job with your workouts :) Has your DH gone back to work full time now? your weekend of golf and company sounds like it was lots of fun. We are having our normal nice weather. love it. Low 70's to mid 80's and with some rain we have had lately the smoke is gone. So nice.

    Laurie: I am so sorry to hear about your tooth pain and root canal. I am sure you will feel way better once it is done. You will be right back into the workouts I'm sure, no worries. I too feel bad this happened on your vacation, dang it. Yes my mom was happy for my help and today she let me know she accomplished a bunch of things, feeling really good about it. I feel bad I am not there helping some more, but all will work out and the movers will do all the big stuff.

    Thelma: isn't that how it goes when you are getting ready to go out of town..... Crazy busy happens! I hope the week folds together just right for you, I'm sure it will. Try to breathe deep the best you can. Great job with your workouts too friend!
    Thank you for that info on the reebok shoes; I'm going to check them out.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening/day! Until tomorrow - Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,776 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Lean Legs and Abs (with the barre section). For cardio, I did Intensity. <3 After feeling so 'blech' for cardio last week, I told myself to push it this week.....even if I didn't want to! And it seems to have worked because I feel the workout funk is leaving me doubt to return someday! :p

    Thelma, no problem swapping workouts. I have been doing it throughout! I hope when you give Great Glutes another try, you enjoy it again. I do like that workout but because of the long floor section, I need to make sure I do it on days when I feel patient and actually want to workout. If I am having a 'going through the motions' day, I need something with more movement, that's for sure. That's why I subbed Legs and Glutes in last time the rotation called for Greater Glutes. Impossible to get impatient during Legs and Glutes because it moves so fast. I really hope your trip goes well next week!

    Tami, sounds like you hit the ground running yesterday. Bet that felt good! I can't believe we are in week 5 of this rotation already. It is flying by. Yes, DH is back at work full time....and coaching football. So I don't see him until late in the evenings during the weeks. But he is still enjoying it, so that is good. Glad to hear your weather is getting back to more 'normal' now. I bet that is a huge relief from the long, hot, smoky summer you had.

    Laurie, hope you are feeling well.

    Until tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,517 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Ladies, RWH Hiit Circuit Lower Body tonight. I hadn't done this one in forever. It was hard but a good one. It's been a crazy short week at work. I've been wishing this wasn't a short week. I haven't been able to finish the task I've been working on and probably won't be able to before my trip to DC. I have to do my performance review and I don't have time. I have to be done before I leave on vacation! I'll have 2 days at work next week! YIKES! So today I came home feeling like I didn't want to workout just like I felt yesterday. So I pushed myself to workout AGAIN! I hate feeling like this.

    Tami, great workout! I'm sure you'll have a blast spinning with Katy tonight! I am on Week 7. I'll be able to do a partial week 8 next and will have to complete that week the last week of September. Since you have normal feet you probably will be able to go to a store and try the shoes on. The pivot point is awesome. I am still waiting for my shoes to get here.

    Laurel, another winning combo!. It's obviously my turn to bin a workout funk this week! I really hope next time I do Great Glutes I enjoy it again.

    Laurie, I hope you were able to have the root canal done today so you can start feeling well soon!

    Good night ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Ladies ~ Todays workout was XT Legs premix #3, which felt good. No workout tonight. Planning on a double day tomorrow though!!!

    Laurel: great workouts again today!! It is hard to imagine you being in a funk, but I absolutely know what you are saying. I love my workouts but some days it is harder to push myself and it bothers me but when I push myself I am so glad I did.

    Thelma: great workout and good on you for getting in a tough one despite the stress and "to do" list you have. I hope tomorrow goes well and you are able to complete all your tasks!

    Laurie: hope you are feeling better

    Talk to you all tomorrow
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,776 Member
    Hi Ladies! Ended the week with another good set of workouts. I started with XT Burn Sets and did all upper body sections. Then I did IMAX3. I know I have purged the workout funk when I voluntarily reach for that workout! And I enjoyed it! Not my usual reaction to IMAX3. :p

    Thelma, I am sorry about the stress at work. Don't think twice about that affecting your desire to workout. Good job just pushing play right now. That Lower Body Circuit workout is no joke at all. Tough stuff. Hope your trip goes well!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed XT Legs. I did this time as well even though I had to really convince myself to not let me talk my way out of it! I, no question, have workout funks all the time. The degree of them varies.......but there are many days when I think to myself 'why?' Then I do my workout, and I remember why. <3

    Laurie, hope the rest of your week went well.

    Have a good weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & Happy Friday! Definitely feels like Wednesday to me . . . due to those days off earlier this week. At any rate, this a.m. was XT Burns Sets Bi/Tr + Core and tonight I am headed to Spinning.
    The weekend will be busy "catching up" on housework from being gone and getting the lawn mowed, etc. . . Maybe even a bike ride on Sunday I hope. Our weather is going to be absolutely perfect this weekend and then drop to like 60 degrees next week. :o Yikes! But I am not complaining, we are all happily awaiting those Fall temps!

    Laurel: Holy Smokes! Way to get it done today and end your week on a high note forsure! Yes, I much prefer Cardio Leg Blast in the XT series; XT Legs just moves kind of slow for me. Hope you have a nice weekend and maybe get in some more golf with DH?!?!

    Thelma: Hope everything came together for you today at work and you have a good trip to DC!

    Laurie: I saw you worked out today - hopefully that means you are feeling better!?!?

    Have a great weekend ladies! Talk to you on Monday

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,517 Member
    Hi Ladies, on Friday I did Hard Strikes and I hurt my shoulder doing it. I felt a really bad pull on the left bicep area and today my left side has been tight and achy. Shoulder blade area is very tight. I'll never do that Hard Strikes warm up with the the gloves on. I'll warm up on my own before staring this workout. I've been taking Aleve and applying heat. I've spent the entire day doing laundry, ironing clothes for the trip and packing. I'm exhausted. Flex Train was due tonight but given my shoulder I was not about to lift weights so I did something fun: Cize's You got This! I will do spinning tomorrow morning and not sure I'll be able to workout in DC but I got clothes ready just in case. I was so stressed on Friday at work that I couldn't even eat lunch. Today of course has been stressful with having to do everything I do on the weekend in one day. I haven't left and I can't wait to be back home.

    Laurel, awesome workouts! I'm so glad you were able to purge that workout funk. I hope I'm able to purge my workout funk next week.

    Tami, awesome workouts for you too! I hope you managed to get all caught out with house stuff. Wow! Fall temps! Are the fires still burning?

    Laurie, I hope you're feeling better!

    Good night ladies!