Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very nice weather this weekend, and on Saturday I did Hammer Plyometrics (still really love this workout), and then I did Les Mills Combat 45 Power Kata. On Sunday I had a busy day with church functions, went to the congregational voters meeting. That lasted a little longer than I expected. After that I took Rocket on a long walk, and then I just felt tired. So the procrastination was strong in this girl yesterday, but I did get a lot of play time in with Rocket. He just wanted to be outside running around. I think my right arm is sore from throwing his ball all over the place. :D This morning I did Total Body Chisel, and then after work will be my last Hammer & Chisel workout. With that I'm going to move the cardio day from BB to tomorrow, and then continue on with the weight workouts.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and of course getting your Shaun fix! Sounds like great minds think alike with incorporating the H&C workouts with BB. The only workout from the Hammer part that I will probably incorporate at least for the first Phase is the Plyo one. I love that one, and it is short enough for my morning routine. Then I will probably try some of the Chisel workouts that are not heavy on the weights, and more in the metabolic area for the other phases. The Endurance workout comes to mind for that one. Of course I will be doing the workouts first to see were the H&C workouts would be okay to put in. I just love the lower body work in these, so that would be my major emphasis in keeping them in the rotation. It is a date for October, now I have to send a message to Tami! :D

    Tami, Love that workout also! Hope that you had a nice time with your guests. Let me know if you think of a good combo with the workouts, because I'm still having a good time with these workouts and don't really want to let them go. :D We are back to the cold, and are suppose to be getting a snow storm tomorrow. Just in time to get the car that was just cleaned, full of nasty salt again. :D

    Thelma, I'm sorry to hear that you have shoulder and back issues to deal with! I don't know if I would have been able to do workouts with all that you went through this weekend. Well look at me, I was being a lazy person on Sunday. ;) Great job on getting the worksheets together, you will love having them that way. I'm loving the current rotation, but really am looking forward to working out with Sagi. I know that if I want some Autumn, I can always do one of her 21 DFX workouts also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice weekend here. Saturday was all about work around the house. Got the carpets cleaned and such, so that was good. I had all the windows open to help it dry, and it was chilly in here. So since DH had to work, I decided after doing some chores to take a long walk in the sunshine to warm up.....and ended up going almost 10 miles! :o It was just me, my music and the sunshine, and I guess I really didn't want to come back to a cold house and do more chores!! Talk about work avoidance. Anyhow, I didn't do any other workout on Saturday.

    Yesterday started Week 6 of H&C. I actually started my workout with XT Biceps and Triceps. Then I did RWH Plyo HiiT One into Chisel Agility (and Chisel Abs). It felt good. Yesterday was spent on the golf course. I am not a confident golfer, so DH and I like to play as a group of two. But yesterday they asked if another guy could play with us. I explained to him I am not a great far. And he seemed to understand. Imagine both of our surprised looks with I step on the first tee.......and drive the ball further than him!! I don't know if it is these H&C workouts or what, but I was hitting the ball so far yesterday, and that has to come from core strength. It was crazy. DH thinks it is the best round I have ever played. Makes me nervous to move on from H&C!!

    Anyhow, today's workout started with Hammer Conditioning. Then, for cardio, I did XT Cardio Leg Blast and added on the cardio-only premix at the end. <3

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed your guests. No doubt you got some great workouts in as well.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about your throat......and the injuries. Maybe your body is trying to say 'we need a little break'. Hope you are feeling better, though. Congrats on the new purchases!

    Laurie, I think playing with the pup is a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon! I am sure he appreciated it as well. Can't believe you are at the end of H&C! Fingers crossed you enjoy Body Beast. I am sure it will take some getting used to because it is so different from H&C. I think your plan for incorporating Chisel workouts sounds perfect.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend was good! Our guests only stayed Friday night and we all went out to breakfast and then they hit the road for home. So a quick visit, but it was fun to see them. DH gets to see them a lot but I haven’t seen them in a year or more. After that I got right into my workout clothes and did Hammer Total Body + Hammer Conditioning, was a nice add-on. Then yesterday in the a.m. before my hair appt. I got in Chisel Endurance + Abs. Today’s workout is going to be BootCamp after work, unless DH isn’t home yet, then I may head home for my workout.

    Laurie: I just sent you a message back! :smile: Happy for you to be purchasing it from me and I bet you guys will have a blast with your P90X2 rotation in October. Great job getting in the Hammer Plyo on Saturday along with the Combat 45 workout, sounds like a perfect addition. Your long walk with Rocket sounds like it was really nice, especially if you had those great temps. We had pouring rain and wind on Saturday and yesterday was all over the place for weather. I will keep you posted with our rotation and what I come up with for adding in some “Chisel” ….. just think it will be good to include and add a little Autumn touch. LOL :smile:

    Thelma: So sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well. Does sound like you might need a little rest with that sore throat and now your poor back. Hopefully both are very short lived and you can get right back in it. Way to persevere through the workouts though! :smile: Nice going. Awesome that you have your sheets all ready to go for STS!

    Laurel: Your weekend sounds very productive and fun with the golf! Love it that you hit the ball further than the guy who joined you! Sounds like a really nice line up of workouts you did yesterday, way to go! WOW! Week #6 already. I am on my last week this week, so I’m just a couple ahead of you. I know what you mean on moving on from H&C. Although from your reviews and Thelma’s I don’t think BB will disappoint and as I mentioned to Laurie, I think adding in some Chisel will be perfect! Just figuring out which days, etc. Open to any suggestions you may have :wink: :blush:

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did a really stupid thing! Turns out I wasn't getting better because I was taking the wrong med! I had two CVS boxes that looked exactly the same (to me). This is a med that we buy all the time so I just assumed it was the sinus med. One of the boxes was a cold med. I went with that one because I had a sore throat. This morning when I woke up all I could feel was the sinus pressure in my head. It was pretty bad. So I asked myself why isn't this med helping me? So at 5am I looked at the box and saw that it said cold med! DUH!!! Thankfully I had a box of the sinus med and today I've been taking sinus med. Serious drainage going on. My nose is about to fall off! I definitely feel a little better. I took an Aleve for my back on Sunday and that took care of that problem!
    My shoulder felt better so I decided to go ahead and do BB Chest. I went lighter but don't think it was a good idea. I may need to take a few days off which is very upsetting to me but it's best to rest than to make things worse. I had to stay late at work so I was pressed for time but I managed to get about 25 minutes of Rock'm Sock'm in.

    Laurie, great weekend workouts! Playing with Rocket counts too! You had a busy Sunday! I haven't tried BB's cardio workout because Sagi uses weights and you know me. I need a weight free day in between strength training days.
    I probably shouldn't have worked out over the weekend but I didn't want to put the rotation on pause. Given the shoulder injury I should've taken the day off!
    I do love having the STS rotation on a spreadsheet already! LOL

    Laurel, glad you had a nice weekend. That was quite a walk! Good for you! Congrats on your best golf game yet! Awesome workouts too! I think my body is telling me to take a break too. It was like which part of take a break don't you understand? type of message!

    Tami, so glad you had a great time with your friends! Great weekend workouts too! The back problem was short lived but not the other issues unfortunately. Oh well!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited March 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was my last H&C workout with Hammer Power, and then Ab Hammer! I love that they ended the rotation with my favorite one. ;) I still laugh when Sagi is telling us that he reads lots of books, I'm still wondering what Beasty books are all about. :o This morning I started my day with X10 Hi/Lo, not my favorite of the bunch. I figured that if I'm going to go through all the X10 workouts over the next few weeks, I should start with the one that I'm not totally trilled about. :D Got my BB rotation calendar out this morning, so after work I will be ready to go.

    Results from H&C were for me awesome, I lost 4lbs. So over the 8 weeks that was a half pound per week, and that is what I shoot for. I finally broke that dreaded plateau, and I think that is another great thing. I wish that I could have found my measurement sheet (probably will find it when I'm not expecting it), but I know that I have lost inches also. Clothing is fitting better, and of course that mirror doesn't lie. The best benefit of all is the core strength, and I can see leg muscles that I have not seen in a very very long time. I will be doing this system again, as either individual workouts or as a full rotation at some time in the future. <3 So my first goal has also been reached this year with a completed rotation. I really am motivated to finish another one with BB.

    Laurel, Wow on the golf game, that is great that you were able to drive that ball farther. I would think that having the added stability and strength in your core may have a thing to do with it. Your workout combos totally amaze me, what a great combo. I'm with you on the nerves from moving from the H&C workouts, the results for me have been so good that I want to continue onward. I really want to try these BB workouts though, because I think that they will really give me a change that my body will be needing. We will see how much I really love Sagi after this first workout. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! Sounds like a very nice time with your guests. Thanks for the P90X2, it will probably be a huge challenge for me and I'm hoping that it will be another rotation that I finish. I'm sure that we will have fun creating some great combos just like Laurel did with the BB workouts. I'm planning on doing HiiT, Yoga, Plyo and other cardio, so I think that I should have a good variety to choose from.

    Thelma, Oh my on mixing up the meds! I bet that had to be confusing as to why it wasn't working the way it should have been. Please do take care of yourself, those workouts will be there for you when your body is able to handle them. Good job with doing the Rock'm Sock'm workout, sure do love all the options for premixes on those DVD's. I'm ready with my worksheets for BB also. I was frantically looking for my rotation calendar this morning, and then realized that I had placed it under the H&C calendar. If someone could have seen me, they probably would have laughed at my reaction at finding it. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with XT Chest, Back and Shoulders. And just like the Bicep/Tricep workout on Sunday, I took the weights up quite a bit. I am just feeling really strong right now. For cardio, I did Tabatacise into Chisel Cardio. What a tough combo! I was definitely ready for the end of Chisel Cardio when it came, but it also felt really good.

    I ordered two new workout systems today!! :o I am blaming my DH. :p He wants to have some of his students try Shaun T.'s Cize, and keeps asking me if I am going to get it. So I did! I am very curious how I will respond to it because I am not a dancer, but since I seem to be wanting to do Shaun T. workouts lately, and DH wants it for his students, I figured I would give it a try. I also ordered PiYo. I was trying to come up with my STS rotation, and trying to fit in a yoga day (my standard Yoga
    Thursday for STS) and feeling no enthusiasm for it at all. But I think these PiYo workouts may be a perfect sub, especially since they are shorter than most of my yoga workouts. I also think they will make me feel like I am doing something to retain this core strength from H&C. Should have them all by Thursday.

    Tami, sounds like a nice visit with your friends! And, of course, some great workouts this weekend. I think it is going to be easier to incorporate more Chisel workouts into the second (Bulk) phase of Body Beast than the first because of the length of the BB workouts. I think two of the Build (first phase) workouts are about 50 minutes long. The Shoulder and Leg days are a bit shorter, as is the cardio. I think the one obvious substitution would be to sub in a Chisel cardio (Agility or Cardio) workout for the BB cardio. The BB cardio isn't bad, but I think the Chisel workouts would just add more variety. Another option there is to sub in Chisel Balance because, while not cardio per se, it is such a good workout. During the Bulk phase, the chest and back workouts are both 30 minutes long, so shaving off the stretch on one of those and the warm-up on any Chisel workout would allow you to add-on a Chisel workout. It might be tough to do something like ISO Strength Chisel after a heavy Body Beast workout (but if you want, I would suggest doing it after the back workout instead of chest), but I think Chisel Endurance would be a good add-on. Chisel Total Body would also be good, but there is more emphasis on the upper body in that one, so it might be a little tougher. I think the one Hammer workout that could be a good add-on is Hammer Plyo. Just some thoughts off the top of my head!

    Thelma, hope the new medicine does the trick. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I hope a few days rest takes care of the shoulder. The workouts will be there waiting for you when you are ready to get back to them. Better to take a couple days off then hurt yourself worse though!

    Laurie, Sagi always makes me laugh at the 'Beasty Books' comment too. :) Good job getting through the X10 workout. What fantastic results from H&C!! Wow!! I bet it feels great to blast through a plateau like that. I will be anxious to hear how you enjoyed your Body Beast workout. Like I said yesterday, it will feel very different to H&C! Hope you like it!!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Ended up going to BootCamp and it was our original instructor; so just the same ol format like she normally does. :neutral: Max Hammer Strength and tonight will be Katy’s Insane-X class; I’m a little nervous because I think it is going to be that crazy “CrossFit 50” class we did a month ago. With tons of running stairs and then the 50 sets of 10 exercises. YIKES. Unless there are a lot of people there . . . then we will probably do something more “traditional” Insanity like because she won’t have enough room for everyone.

    Laurel: Definitely sounds like you are feeling strong and full of energy for all these amazing combos you put together! Way to go, I’m sure it felt fabulous. Congrats on ordering up a couple new systems. I think you will enjoy PiYO, eventhough it is not one I pull out very often, when I do I have enjoyed those workouts as exactly what you are hoping for; continued core strength along with some stretching/Yoga. I will be excited to hear how you like CIZE too. Being a “non-dancer” myself, I can’t even imagine doing it, but it looks like a lot of fun if I could get the choreaography down. LOL THANK YOU so much for your insight on what would work well with the Chisel workouts and BB program, I appreciate it very much. I copied and pasted your info and as I put my rotation on my calendar I will write these into the mix. So again, THANK YOU. :smile:

    Laurie: Huge CONGRATS on finishing your first BB rotation, your weight loss and obviously inches, your core strength and enthusiasm to keep going! WOOHOO! So happy for you. I understand your nerves on moving away from H&C, but as you start into BB and get a feel for it you will know from your body what you might be missing or needing (if anything at all)  then you can add that in or do another Hybrid type rotation with H&C after wards. Great job with your X10 workout and getting that one out of the way ….. LOL that’s funny. You’re welcome on P90X2 . . . I will be sending it your way tomorrow. :wink:

    Thelma: Dang on taking the wrong medicine. No wonder you weren’t feeling the relief you excpected. I hope the correct “new” medicine is already kicking in and doing the job for you; happy to hear your back was fine after a couple Aleve. Great work getting in your BB Chest and choosing a little lighter was probably best and good job getting in Rock’m Sock’m as well despite a long day. :smile: Most would have called it quits when they arrived home!

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, quick update. The correct med dried up my nasal passages in less than 24 hours! OMG! I was up the entire night because I couldn't breathe. When I took the night time version of the sinus med the draining stopped as the night time med stops the draining. It was so scary not being able to breathe. Today I didn't take any sinus med because I was afraid. Every time I inhaled my nasal passages burned from the dryness and the draining continued. On my way home I stopped at CVS pharmacy and asked the pharmacist to help me. She told me to take Mucinex-D and bought a moisturizing nasal spray. Within 2 hours I started to feel better. I didn't workout needless to say. At least I know that I will be able to sleep tonight.
    I hope to be able to do arms tomorrow which was due tonight. Then I'll skip the cardio day on Thursday and will do legs instead. My shoulder felt pretty good today.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts and CONGRATS for finishing the H&C rotation! So glad you are ready for BB! Funny about your reaction to finding the misplaced BB rotation! It must've been like winning the lottery! LOL. I think you have a really good cardio strategy for the BB rotation.You're going to crack up when you hear Sagi saying that he feels "beasty"! So funny!
    I can't believe I made myself sick due to taking the wrong med. You know that won't happen again!

    Laurel, another killer combo! Awesome job! I told you before to ask your DH what other workouts he wanted! LOL
    You know I love Cize. I got PiYo too but haven't had a chance to get into it. I tried the intro DVD and it is very helpful. Shaun T is a good dance instructor. I think you will like it but you do need the right shoes for that dance workout or you could hurt your knees. That is why I was looking before for shoes with the pivot point. I can see you getting into Cize but not your DH. Maybe his students?
    My shoulder felt pretty normal today so I'm happy about that.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope Katy didn't hit you with that Crossfit 50! I think you will be surprised at how easy it is to follow Shaun T on the Cize workout. He is really good at teaching you the moves a little at-a-time.
    Thankfully tonight I can say that I feel better for real. I will see how I feel tomorrow. The interesting part is that I only felt sick in the head. My body felt ready to go even though I didn't get any sleep but since I couldn't breathe very well I didn't workout.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So I will pull a statement that I heard from both Laurel and Thelma when they did their first Body Beast workout. WOW! :D I did Chest & Triceps, it really is a great workout. I think that I was able to hit my weight pretty good, the first exercise I probably went lighter than necessary. I really didn't know what to expect at first. I really enjoyed the fact that on one tricep exercise one guy was using an 8lb weight, and I was holding the same. Now really dude you could probably have held a heavier one, but then again maybe not. :D Anyway two thumbs up on the first workout, and I probably will be enjoying all of them in the end. I think working out with Sagi in the H&C workouts really helped, because he is a little different in this workout. Somewhat the same, but seems more Beasty! :D This morning was 30MTF Cardio Pump Workout 1.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and of course the strength increase. That is something that I'm hoping will help me when doing Cathe's workout, it doesn't seem that I can easily increase weight when doing her workouts. Now seeing your progress gives me hope. When I first read that you ordered new workout systems, I thought that you were going to say that you bought the 22 Minute Hardcore! That one came out yesterday, and of course it looks interesting. :* Those infomercials tell you that even if you are not a dancer you will be able to get the moves, so I'm thinking that you will be a dancer before you realize it. Yes I have actually looked at those workouts too, but only because it was from Shaun T because I'm not a dancer. Congrats on the purchases, I think that you will like the PiYo workouts, they are really good. I'm going to be incorporating a day into my rotation for yoga/stretching also, and I think that you will really enjoy Drench. Love the information you gave to Tami, I was thinking along those same lines as far as what workouts to incorporate when.

    Tami, Dang on the boot camp instructor. Sounds like a tough class for you if that is the case with Katy! I don't know weather to hope that more people show up, or wish you super endurance if you have the crossfit bonanza! Wonder what my DH will think when another workout system shows up at my door. He really doesn't care, but I'm sure that he will have to say something. I will be looking at the best way to incorporate at least one of the H&C workouts once a week. :D

    Thelma, Hope that you were able to get in a good nights sleep, that isn't fun when you are not able to breath. Your body probably will love the little rest, and then you will be ready to go for your workouts. I purchased the Tempo workouts also, so will be incorporating them into the rotation. I think I remember you had purchased them too!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Hammer Power, and was regretting my decision to increase my weights during yesterday's workout throughout the first part. My shoulders were tired!! But they warmed up, and I ended up feeling great by the end. I love this workout! For cardio, I did Hard Strikes and the Heavy Bag Tabata bonus......and tossed in the Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard Blast before the conditioning drills.....just for fun. Loved it!

    Tami, I am sorry BC was back to the old routine last night. I hope you survived Katy's class, though! Thank you for the feedback on PiYo. I don't plan on doing a full rotation of either it or CIZE, but think both will make for some good add-ons. I really don't want to lose this core strength, and I think both will help with that. Shaun T. does a podcast, and I have listened to a couple of them. And he is always asking people to send in videos of themselves doing CIZE. That will never happen here!! But I am hoping they are fun.

    Thelma, glad to hear you are feeling better despite what sounds like a painful process! I am also happy to hear your shoulder feels better. I was laughing when you wrote about DH doing CIZE. Nope!! That won't happen in this life time. This would be solely for his students. But he was really happy when I said I ordered them, so that is good. Thanks for the info on the shoes. I remember you saying that and looked at the local sports shop last weekend, and they have a good selection of shoes that I think will work. I want to see some of the workouts first so I have an idea what will work best for me. What did you end up with?

    Laurie, yay!! So happy to hear you enjoyed your first Body Beast workout!! I am sure already being familiar with Sagi helps. He did annoy me a bit the first time I did that workout....but then he grew on me. Now I just laugh at him and move on. :) I have looked into those 22 minute workouts, but I want to hear more about them before thinking about purchasing them. I was reading info on some website out there, and in the comment section somebody asked a question that was rolling around in my head when I heard about these workouts, and it was 'when do short workouts become too short?' So I want to know more about how these are structured and what they are meant to do before committing. One of the reasons I have skipped on P90X3 so far is because of the feedback that some of the workouts were great at 30 minutes, but others.......not so much. One of the things I like about both Body Beast and H&C is the effectiveness of the workouts in a shorter time. But the feedback for P90X3 has me wondering if Tony Horton can turn out a great workout in 22 minutes. But I am excited about my purchases. Thanks for the info on Drench. The title alone has me wanting to try that one first!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No killer class last night, Katy was not able to make her class last night :neutral: (again) but I found out it is because of commitments with her full time job; so understandable. At any rate, we had the same instructor from last week, she did a good job but not quite as tough as last week. It was circuits again with some weight training mixed in. This a.m. was Chisel Cardio and as always, I loved it. Last time for this one but I will definitely incorporate it into BB. Tonight I am headed to Spinning after work.

    Laurel: Great job with Hammer Power and the follow up of Hard Strikes + BB was probably a perfect combination. Nicely done, sounds like your sore shoulders adjusted nicely. Hammer Power is my last workout of H&C this week (on Saturday) and ending my H&C rotation; I may add on a KB workout as well, they always feel good after a nice strength workout.

    Laurie: WooHoo on the thumbs up comment for your first workout in with BB! That’s great to hear. It is funny how those guys sometimes have the lightest weights and I’m thinking, “really?” I am mentally geared for Sagi to being more “beasty” in these workouts. LOL Great work Laurie. So as you can tell from above, no CrossFit Bonanza last night. Was more just a circuit at 90 seconds each. Good moves, just not Katy. I know exactly what you mean about your DH saying something about yet another workout program arriving; mine just laughs or says something funny. He is so far ahead of me in fishing poles, lures, line, etc…. filled in a shop, not just a cabinet that he doesn’t really say much. LOL I forgot to tell you ladies yesterday, I did purchase TEMPO as well. So I will have that in the mix too. 

    Thelma: So glad to hear you are feeling better, shoulder and all!!! Sounds like you have a good plan in place for the rest of your week of workouts. Will you be starting STS next week then? Or the following. I know we are on a similar time frame (or the same) for finishing up these current rotations. Mine is over on Saturday.

    Hope you ladies enjoy the rest of your day/evening, until tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Ladies, I was able to sleep last night! YAAAY! I did sleep in a weird position that put my weight over my weak shoulder so it was acting today. I was a in 3 1/2 hour meeting this afternoon and got home late. I decided to workout even though I knew my energy level is pretty low. I did my usual XT CBS warm up and BB Bulk Arms. I definitely am weak. I wasn't able to do the weights I did last week. I was pretty much at week 2 level. I didn't feel strong enough to do a progressive set so I used the same light weight for all the sets of some exercises. The skull crusher was one of them! Tomorrow I plan to do legs.

    Laurie, awesome workouts and I'm so happy you're loving BB! That blonde guy with the 8lbs was one of the contestants on the Bachelor show. I've never watched the show but he was also in Dancing with the Stars and I love the show. He is the guy Sagi calls barbie because of the light weights LOL.
    I did purchase the Tempo workouts. I think the new workouts should be arriving any day now.

    Laurel, great workouts today! I bet it was a lot of fun with all that kickboxing!
    Does your DH have male and female students? What is their age range? I bought some Ryka shoes with the pivot point. Those shoes are not supportive at all so I ended up buying these slider things to go over my good sneakers and they work very nicely.

    Cize also has a very nice ab workout. I really think Shaun T. is going to make a dancer out of you. I LOVE dancing but I couldn't do the moves at a party. I can only do the moves if I'm following Shaun T.

    Tami, sorry your BC class wasn't tough. Hopefully you'll have Katy back next week. Great job with H&C! Glad you purchased Tempo too!
    I'm on week 8 of 12 on the BB rotation Tami. When I finish BB I will do an STS/cardio rotation. I have to modify the rotation with cardio workouts I have. I also will further modify with Laurel's suggestion to start STS at with Meso 2.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    BB Build Legs is an awesome workout, and I love that it got my hr so high. :D One exercise I need to up the weights, but I think I did pretty well on all the others since my legs were feeling it after I was done and then of course this morning. Maybe I was a crazy person, but this morning I did Shock Cardio HiiT 40/20! :s I don't know what possessed me to do that one the day after that leg workout, but overall I didn't do to badly. I have always modified some exercises in this workout, and still had to do that. So two of my least favorite workouts are done! Why do I do workouts that are not my fav? Guess it is because they still are good workouts, and they are effective.

    Laurel, Also my favorite of the Sagi workouts, and I think the whole set! The rest of your combo sounds really great also. I'm with you on wanting to hear more about those 22 min. Hardcore workouts, they really do want to squash a lot of stuff into a small amount of time. I will be interested in what the reviews say also. Did you try the P90X3 CVX workout that is on the Body Beast DVD? Will have to try that one out just to see what it is like, but I probably won't be able to determine what the whole set is like just based on that one workout.

    Tami, You were probably ready to be tortured, and then to not be must have been disappointing. :) Well probably not, sounds like a solid class though. Wow your last time with Chisel Cardio, you are headed to the end of the rotation soon! My DH has two classic cars, so I think that is why he doesn't say anything about my DVD obsession. :D Lot's of $$$ are spent to restore those two vehicles. Now that we have the complete set of Body Beast, sometime in the future we will have to have a great rotation that is BB and H&C. I think that would be an awesome think to try.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that you were able to sleep! Nice job on your workout also. I remember in a workout that Cathe said that sometimes your body will be saying that is can't do something, and she said listen to it. Sounds like you did just that to avoid an injury. ;) No need to push things after all that you had been dealing with. I didn't know that was the guy, but I do find it funny that Sagi calls him Barbie. My DD's watch the Bachelor, so they probably would have know who he was. I don't watch either of those shows, so was clueless. Looks like a good rotation, and you should be able to change workouts easily if you don't want to do the one indicated.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Chisel Balance which still really challenge me. I went right from that into XTrain Super Cuts, which makes for a good, tough combo. I took a bit of a break after that, then did XT All Out Low Impact Extreme premix for cardio. That felt perfect on my tired legs.

    Tami, sorry to hear Katy wasn't able to make it last night. Hopefully this is just temporary for her. She seems to have such a strong work ethic that I don't imagine she enjoys missing her classes either. Congrats on the BB Tempo purchase. I think you will like the variety these will add to the program. I know I am looking forward to incorporating them into my next BB rotation.

    Thelma, glad to hear you are feeling a little better though it sounds like your body is still needing some rest. Good job with the workout and not pushing yourself too hard through it. DH teaches high school, so they are boys and girls 15-18. They usually workout outside but on days they can't, DH wants a fun indoor option. I think the girls will like CIZE......and some of the boys. DH teaches at a performing arts school, so the number of the latter may be higher than usual. We'll see. Chances are CIZE will stay in my workout room if I enjoy it. :p Thanks for the info on shoes. I will definitely look into the sliders.

    Laurie, another great workout! That leg workout absolutely brutalized me the first time I did it! Loved it. :D Great job following it with 40/20 today, which is definitely not easy on the legs. I hear you on continuing to do workouts you don't like because I do the same. And, oddly, some I didn't enjoy for years have really grown on me. Others......not so much. But I keep trying! I didn't get that P90X3 workout with my BB series. I got P90X Plyometrics instead. :/ Oh well. But since my workout calendar is full up this year with planned rotations, I will worry about P90X3 next year!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night, felt good! No workout yet today, I am planning on doing my workout after work tonight. :smile:

    Laurel: No words other than WOW! On your workouts this a.m; sounds terrific and I am sure your legs were happy for a rest when you were done. Yes, it sounds like her last 2 weeks of missed classes are definitely temporary. She works full time at care facility and their State inspector was coming by last Tuesday so she had to be there; then he cxld and it was this week instead. I didn’t realize your DH teaches at a Performance Arts School, that's awesome. My sister, who has been involved in that field for a very long time now. She currently runs the Performance Arts Center at UCLA; small world. I think from all that I read and your reviews as well that TEMPO is a really good addition to the program, I’m glad I did it.

    Laurie: Another great day with BB it sounds like! Way to get another “not your favorite” out of the way as well with HiiT 40/20. Sounds like you survived nicely and maybe have a new perspective on that one?!?! Yes, weird to be finishing up the last few of these workouts forsure . . . So your DH can relate then to the hobby money they spend. Luckily since being a licensed fishing guide is my DH’s 2nd job really, it helps with taxes and right offs for the extra money spent. Yes, it was kind of that feeling of disappointment and relief in one when I saw Katy was gone. Nobody will mention to her it was “easier” or she will go for torture next week forsure! LOL I will have to look in my BB series to see which workout I got? Probably the same as you if I ordered the regular series. Its good how they throw in a “tryout” workout on those. For example, Autumn’s Dirty 30 is so great and makes me keep the 21Day Xtreme at the top of my wish list! LOL Are you going to be following the eating plan for BB or continuing on what you were doing? I’m debating for myself and need to look it over to see is why I ask.

    Thelma: So glad to hear you were able to sleep well! Nicely done getting in your workout and listening to your body as well. No injuries are needed forsure. Thanks on the kudos with H&C! I cannot believe I only have a couple left. Has gone by so fast. I’m glad I purchased TEMPO as well. Sounds like we are all on the same page with that one being a “must” to our BB programs. I forgot your rotation is longer than the H&C one. I knew you were moving on to STS/Cardio (which looks like a great one) rotation but I had the thought it was a little sooner; definitely right around the corner though! That is going to make me laugh when I hear him call that guy Barbie; in the H&C workouts he comments about guys having their hair messed up, including his and the expression he makes always makes me laugh.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, feeling better today! Tonight I started with the X10 warm up and followed that with BB Bulk Legs, treadmill and stretching. I went a little lighter but not as light as I did yesterday. This is a workout that you always feel hours post the workout. The further I got into the workout tonight, the stronger I felt and that was a great feeling.
    My H&C and BB Tempo DVD's today! OMG those containers are tiny! I can't imagine measuring food in those things. I prefer my measuring cups and my food scale.

    Laurie, WTG lady! You worked hard today! That leg workout is quite a workout! Your hr will always get elevated. How did you like the calf exercise at the end?
    Your workout DVD is cheap compared to your DH's classic car expense! Cathe does say something like that and that some days you are more energetic than others. Your DD will definitely recognize Barbie! LOL
    I'll definitely add ICE and RWH cardio to that STS rotation. We definitely should do a BB/h&C rotation in the future.

    Laurel, WOW! What a combo! Great job! I think your DH students will LOVE CIZE! I'm sure the boys will participate too.

    Tami, I'm glad you liked your spinning class last night. It feels like you just started your H&C rotation. How many weeks is the H&C rotation? I thought it was 12 like BB. Are you going straight into BB once you finish H&C or will you do something else for a couple of weeks? The Barbie comment is funny and the guy does use light weights. The comment that cracks me up is when he says the he's feeling "beasty".

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited March 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    Another great workout with Build Back & Biceps, and I'm really feeling the back muscles this morning. Went to failure on those biceps also, so really good workout. I can see that you can really increase the weight with this workout over time. So I was inspired by Laurel talking about PiYo, and my workout this morning was scheduled as flexibility training so I did PiYo Define Lower Body. Feel that one could be a little longer, but I do feel it in my legs. I think that is the point of the workouts, go as low as you can in the pose. I had the added help of Rocket trying to make me play with him this morning, quite the distraction to have him licking my hand while in down dog. :D

    Laurel, Great combo! That had to be tough but fun to combine Balance and Supercuts. Do you think that CCC will have grown on me after all this time? Hmm still contemplating the perfect time in my rotation to try that one out again. :D Should be soon so that I can tick another dread workout off of my list. Bummer on getting a workout that you already own with your BB DVD's. I like that they are adding on these other series, guess they are a marketing ploy to get you to buy them. Still I might try the CVX workout this weekend when BB Cardio is scheduled. I'm fast behind you with my calendar filling up with rotations that I want to try this year. Funny how that happens. Very cool that your DH works at a Performing Arts School, I'm sure that they will really enjoy the CIZE workouts. Kids can catch onto dance moves really quick.

    Tami, So no classes tonight, I'm sure that you will have had a great workout planned. I wish that DH's hobby could be taken off our taxes. :D LOL about not mentioning the easy class to Katy, would probably do the same thing in a similar situation. She will have plenty of opportunity to torture you at some point in the future. I'm sure that you have the same workout on your DVD's also. Funny that you mentioned those 21DFX workouts, I was thinking what to do after the BB workouts. As usual I have to start thinking ahead, because that is just the way I am. It is between Bob Harper and Autumn (doing just her H&C workouts with 21DFX), guess which one is appealing to me. If I say that I think Autumn can torture me more than Bob that probably would be a surprise to many. :o I'm sticking with the container system for now, and see how I feel. The meal plan says I need to eat a lot of calories, and up my carbs. So I will see how it goes, and if I have to I will go up on the container meal plan to see how that works.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout! LOL yes some of those containers are small. I have been wondering why they include two of the orange ones, since you really don't fill that one alot. I noticed that they are selling those containers with the 22 Min. Hardcore also, so I would think that the meal plan is the same as 21DFX and H&C. I was feeling those calf muscles toward the end, reminded me of those workouts in STS were Cathe goes let's do that one more time. Sagi was doing it on purpose though. :D Yep my DH's hobby is way more expensive than mine, but we both enjoy going to shows and being part of our club. In fact we are having a club event this weekend, so will be enjoying some car talk starting tonight. Can't remember what Sagi said in the back/bi workout yesterday, but it made me chuckle when I heard it. I'm just impressed that he lifts his EZ bar up with one hand, and it looks like he's lifting a dead tree branch. I think that he put two 25lb plates on the thing, I wouldn't have been able to lift it like he did.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Total Body Hammer which is one of my favorites in the Hammer series. And just for fun, I added the Blizzard Blast from Metabolic Total Body at the end as well as Icy Core One. Good stuff. I couldn't decide what to do for cardio, and I finally decided on 'fun', so I did Turbo Fire 60 (my favorite!) followed by CIZE Crazy 8's. What can I say about CIZE? Well, if the rest of the workouts are like this first one, DH is going to have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands to give it to his students. ;) Seriously, seriously loved it!! It was so much fun!! Now I am looking at my calendar wondering how I can do an STS/CIZE rotation. Shaun T. does such a good job breaking down the moves that I had no problem picking up the steps in this first workout. And I didn't care how I looked because it was just fun. I will have to remember to thank DH for another excellent workout choice tonight. :D

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your spin class. DH enjoys working at this school. His school doesn't seem to have nearly as many problems as many others in the district. Coaching football was a little frustrating for him because it isn't a football school at all (not that performing arts and football can't combine, but they just don't at his school). But I love that the school has a robust music program in this day and age (as a former school orchestra member myself) so it is fun. I am impressed your sister runs the Performing Arts Center at UCLA!! That is quite an accomplishment. And I imagine there are probably few better places in this world to be in the Performing Arts than LA. Fun stuff!

    Thelma, glad to hear you are feeling better! Great job with the workout. Sounds like your body responded to it well. Thanks for the information on CIZE. I agree in thinking DH's students would love this. I just don't want to give it to them now!!

    Laurie, great workouts!! That Back and Bicep workout is one of my favorites. I remember the first time I did it, I went to pick up the phone right after completing it......and promptly dropped the phone!! My arms were that spent! I love that feeling. Glad you are enjoying these workouts. I am really anxious to give PiYo a try. Thanks for the recommendation to 'go low' in the moves. That is something I am really trying to focus on right now in H&C (and ICE too). I feel my legs are about as strong as they have ever been after BB and H&C so it is probably the best time for me to get into PiYo and use it effectively. Oh my.......I have so many workouts now and just not enough time!! I guess I could think of worse things...... :p

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Friday ladies ~ Max Hammer Strength was this a.m.’s workout and I will head to the Friday Spin class after work for a little cardio! Looking forward to my workout tomorrow a.m. Although bitter sweet being my last workout(s) in H&C tomorrow. :smile:

    Laurel: That is so great you enjoyed your first CIZE workout that much! OMG, love that. You will definitely have to thank your DH for another good choice! Great job with Total Body Hammer as well, I really like that one too (I think I say that about nearly all of those workouts). Love the comment about so many workouts and so little time ~ how I feel all the time with all of these and then still having more on my radar, what is wrong with me?!?!!? LOL I love it though and yes, there are worse things forsure. Sounds like your DH is in a great place for work and enjoying it; I would imagine a school that has a specialty focus of some sort (arts) has less drama/problems. If they are focused and disciplined towards their “art” then it would be a different mindset. If that makes sense and not to say public schools don’t but it would probably be a nice break for him having those students. My sister loves her field and is very talented in what she does; has given her a life of traveling and meeting some amazing artists/people. It brought her to Australia as well when she was living there for 10 years, so yes …. A good career with great weather too!

    Laurie: Great job with Back & Bi’s and going to failure! Way to work. Sounds like you enjoyed your quick PiYO workout this a.m. as well, very nice! Those pups are so funny. As I have mentioned before, Bernie will quietly walk over when I am doing a workout and loves it when I pet him or just touch him in between a set. Yes, Thursday evening is my no classes at the gym. There is a class offered but it isn’t very good so I have that be my usual evening off. Now if Katy started up a class on Thursday or someone similar to her, I would probably be easily swayed! Sounds like a good plan if your eating plan/containers is working for you, keep at it. I didn’t know if you were upping the calories due to heavier lifting; playing it by how your body is feeling is smart I say 
    I think the 21DFX Xtreme/H&C/ and maybe some BB in there would probably be an amazing combo as well, you’re right. Can't go wrong with BH either :wink:

    Thelma: Nice work with Bulk Legs followed by your treadie and a good stretch! WooHoo and congrats on your containers arriving. I think the containers are good for people who don’t understand portions and/or want to worry about weighing or measuring cups; if you already do that you are truly doing the same thing I would think. It feels like I just got into H&C as well, believe me. Yes, it is only 8 weeks long. The next time I do it I hope to do a 12 Week Hybrid with something added in I think. That would be awesome! I am planning on going right into BB yes. Starting Sunday. I have my Spring Volleyball league starting up that afternoon as well; this will be our last league until Fall. So a good weekend of workouts!! He says he’s feeling Beasty in the H&C workouts too; and yes it cracks me up. Now if DH walked in the room and heard him he would probably say something like “oh my” what workout are you doing & who is the muscle beach looking guy? LOL :smiley:

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you ladies had a great weekend. DH and I had a wonderful and busy weekend and went car shopping. I didn't have time to workout today so no spinning today.
    On Friday I started with the XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back and followed it with H&C The Master's Cardio. WOW! That little 18 minute cardio workout was a little bit of a killer but I loved it! I actually did some burpees too. I couldn't keep up with them but I did some of the burpees. The last few I modified because I was tired and couldn't do the jump up part. I liked these burpees because they weren't crazy fast like Cathe's. If that short workout was intense I can't imagine what the other workouts are like! On Friday I was totally feeling Thursday's leg workout. My butt felt like I was permanently squeezing it but I wasn't! LOL. I was also feeling it in my inner thighs thanks to those side-to-side sumo squats. I love those!
    On Saturday I did the XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Shoulders, Cize Full On, stretching. Laurel inspired me to Cize again! I'm going to start BB week 9 this coming week and thankfully my shoulder seems to have recovered.

    Laurie, great workouts! What a helpful pup you have! So cute! Those orange containers are more like pill boxes! It looks like Beach Body will include those containers in all their new workouts. I don't like that idea. I'm sure your calves were feeling the calf workout. Sagi can lift seriously heavy weights for sure. With the EZ bar you can lift heavier than with dumbbells.

    Laurel, fabulous workouts and Congrats for trying CIZE! I knew Shaun T would make a dancer out of you! I think all the workouts are the same format in which Shaun teachers you a choreography a little bit at-a-time. It is so much fun and who cares what you look like! The idea is to have fun! I'm so happy you liked CIZE!
    There is a bonus DVD I got when I bought CIZE. It's called On Your Own and I think this one is exactly as the name says.

    Tami, terrific workouts this weekend! I hope you ladies won big in VB! Definitely the little containers are for people who can't deal with measuring cups. They are just a different form of measuring cups! LOL
    No wonder you ladies finished H&C before I finished BB! It's only 8 weeks! I can't wait till we do the BB/H&C hybrid rotation! I am really tempted on going starting H&C after BB Tami. I can't wait to read about your experience with BB. I'm sure you're going to love it too. I am cracking up just thinking about your your DH walking into your house in the middle of a BB workout just at the time Sagi is saying he's feeling Beasty. LOL

    Good night ladies!