Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was so tired after work yesterday that I was only able to get in BB Build Shoulders and Beast Abs. I did get in a shorter walk with Rocket also. Was in bed by 8:30, and didn't wake up all night. This morning was my first of the next phase with Bulk Chest, just WOW on that workout. This was fantastic, and if all the Bulk workouts are like this I will be a happy person.

    Tami, Very glad to hear that you where able to get in so much with all the things that where going on. You would like me with our two dogs, even Rocket was panting pretty good after our walk this weekend. My main goal with him is just to get him tired. :D Will have to get Cami out for a short walk also, I know that she wants to go. Being busy at work is a good thing, but sure makes for some long days.

    Thelma, Sounds like a great workout, and now I'm really wanting to try it in the next phase. I know that I'm feeling my chest muscles right now, the Force set was tough. I found these worksheets for Body Beast, and they work really well. She has the Tempo workouts in there also. Oh yes I really enjoyed the step workout, just need to get used to the moves. I was getting it after about the third try. :D

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was BUILD Chest/Tris followed by Beast Abs. I will most likely go to Katy's Insane X class tonight for some cardio. Don't feel like I have had as much cardio lately and missing it. DH should be good until I get home, again today he is doing really well and counting down until Thursday a.m. forsure :wink: If he says crutches for any amount of time longer I think DH will burst into tears. OK, I will and he will probably scream. LOL

    Thelma: Awesome job with TEMPO Chest/Tri's, I will be anxious to try that one forsure in this next phase! Almost did it this a.m. instead of the regular BUILD workout. I am looking forward to the BULK phase of BB forsure. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts . . . seriously keeps me feeling more normal to be able to keep up on those during a busier/hectic time for me. I am so used to my regular routine. LOL

    Laurie: Awesome job with BB Shoulders & Beast Abs. Sounds like you had a long day and then a very good night's sleep. That's so great. Bernie used to be that way, if I could just get him tired out . . . now the poor fella has gained some LB's and waddles along, wanting to keep going but his tongue is dragging and he is needing some water. I will not take him quite as far next time. Emma is happy with whatever nowadays and prances along even if it is around the block . . . sweet ol girl. :smiley: Yes, the days have felt long when I work through lunch breaks but everyone is working hard and I like feeling like I am contributing to that now that I am better trained and know where they need me, etc.

    Laurel - Hope you are having an amazing time with DH and I am sure enjoying being in STS now. Belated Congrats on finishing up H&C! I am anxious to incorporate some of those workouts into the BULK Phase per your suggestions.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 warm-up, BB Bulk Legs. I was feeling yesterday's tempo workout today! Tomorrow is Tempo Back/Bi's. After doing the tempo workouts I feel that I need to do another month of the weeks that include the tempo workouts OR do the build phase with tempo. It feels that if I keep doing tempo for a few weeks I might actually see definition in my arms.
    Laurie, thanks so much for that link for the worksheets. Those are the same ones I've been using for BB but didn't have the ones for tempo. This lady has a BB/H&C hybrid rotation which looks pretty awesome Beast for women

    Laurie, you were tired last night my friend! Good for you for getting in a workout and for going for a walk with Rocket! I knew you would love the bulk phase! That chest workout is a challenging one for sure. This entire BB program is fantastic. I really want to keep doing it forever so I really, really like that hybrid rotation above. It really takes a few times to get the moves on that KCM step/boxing workout. Once you get the moves it's a lot of fun as you found out.

    Tami, great job with your workouts! So glad your husband is improving with each passing day! I can totally understand how he feels about going to the doctor on Thursday. Did adjusting the crutches help his armpits? I think he will still have to use the crutches and and slowly start putting weight on that knee. So bring a box of tissues with you! LOL
    For me it's been worth it waiting to do the Tempo workouts till the end because I've gained strength so I can do the tempo with heavier weights. I'm sure your workouts are keeping you sane between a crazy work schedule and nursing your husband back to health AND taking care of the kids too!

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited March 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I got my hair colored and trimmed, so I didn't do another workout. That is why I got in the chest workout that morning, because I didn't know how I would feel when I got home. This morning I popped in Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn Fat Blaster Premix, which is a 40 min. workout. I really missed Michelle, so that workout was fun.

    Tami, Great job on your workouts, you must be on the last week of the first phase? I know that you will enjoy these Bulk workouts right from the start. Really good, and tonight is legs so getting excited to try it. Glad to hear that your DH is really doing well, and also hoping that those crutches are history soon. :D I took Cami out this morning, and she was wanting to turn around about half way. She did make it around the block, but she sure didn't want to continue. She has to go see the vet this next month, and both DH and I are dreading it. She is eating and doing everything that a dog will do, but she has lost a lot of muscle tone with advanced age.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workout, and now those Tempo workouts sound better and better. I didn't look at her blog any further than the worksheets, will have to take a peak at that hybrid rotation when I have the chance. That might be just the thing to do after this BB rotation. I have been floundering with what to do, but I have a feeling that I might do another Body Beast rotation this year. I hit the purchase button on the 22 Minute Hardcore yesterday, they should be a good addition to my morning routine.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Tempo Back and Bi's and it is another winner! I actually LOVED the ab routine (Yes I said that!). Totally different than anything else we are used to doing. Wait till you see how "baby" uses the resistance bands and how Sagi uses the EZ bar!! AND if we thought Sagi was funny before I think he is funnier in this one. He totally cracked me up during the stretch routine at the end.

    Laurie, great workouts! I must be hair trim/color week! I'm going for a hair cut tomorrow and I will do my color on Sunday. I'm allergic to the chemicals in hair color so now I have to use henna. It's a good thing I have dark hair! Laurie, I am definitely going to do another BB rotation this year. My aunts will be visiting in November so I want to be able to do shorter workouts at that time. This may be the one to do. I just don't know that I can wait that long to do another BB routine. I'm feeling like I am going to try H&C after this BB rotation and then a BB - H&C hybrid rotation. Congrants on ordering 22 Min Hard Corps!

    Hi Laurel and Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Legs, have to say that one really gets the legs good. Really feeling those calf muscles this morning while walking down the stairs. ;) This morning was BB Bulk Back, another winner! The only negative I can give is Erik in the leg workout, what is with all that noise! I thought he was in labor. :D Right now we are getting rain and it is suppose to turn into snow later today. I just love spring! :o

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! As I go though these workouts, Sagi gets funnier and funnier to me. I like when he says that he is building a house with his weights. I always chuckle at that one. Good thing that you do have the dark hair, and that you have options for coloring your hair. I'm thinking that I can do 22 Min. Hardcore with the H&C workouts, so my do something like that after this BB rotation. Was thinking about Bob Harper, but I know that I would enjoy H&C more.

    Hi Laurel and Tami, Hope your day and week are going well.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. It was another crazy day at work, again not complaining, just wasn’t a lot of time for hardly anything else. Yesterday was also DH and my 20 Year Anniversary! So after work I went to the store to get some dinner items and made us dinner at home. It was very nice and he felt terrible that he wasn’t taking me out; I told him he can take me out once he is feeling ready for outings on or off his crutches. Yesterday was BUILD Legs and no Spinning, this a.m. was BUILD Back/Bi’s.

    Laurie: Yay on getting your hair colored & trimmed this week! I bet it feels great. Awesome work with Peak 10 Cardio as well. Good to hear you are liking the BULK workouts so far …. Yes, I am on the last week of BUILD and really looking forward to this next phase and from what you have said so far, I am sure I will like them. I will be interested to hear “Erik” … LOL Congrats on your purchase as well with 22 Min Hardcore. You will have to let us know how you like them. We had quite a mix of snow for a few hrs the other day, then rain, then sunshine. Crazy weather this time of year forsure. I really like the idea of a BB/Chisel Hybrid after this rotation ~ I think the 2 programs would compliment one another nicely.

    Thelma: Awesome workouts this week so far ….. TEMPO workouts sound really, really good and I am so looking forward to trying them out. That’s great feedback that you feel they are super effective. YAY Thanks for posting that BB/H&C Hybrid. As I told Laurie, I would love to do that next I think. A good transition out of BB. The adjustment on his crutches helped tremendously; now his poor armpits can heal. You were spot on with what the doctor told DH. He has to forsure use the crutches one more week with light weight, PT starts Monday and slowly after that he will be off the crutches; depends how well he does during PT. He did get his stitches out and can drive so that is the good news. He was really hoping for no crutches and walking …… LOL But it isn’t all bad news, so he is glad about that.

    Hope you ladies are having a great afternoon/evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did KCM 40MTF Step Boxing. Such a good workout! I think I did something wrong during my Tempo back/bi's workout yesterday during the planks or burpees. My right hand is hurting. Feels like I aggravated my carpal tunnel. Also in the tempo workouts there are more planks involved and my hands are not used to it. I was so happy yesterday that I was able to do the burpees and didn't feel like I was in a bad position but something wasn't right. It feels better tonight. I slept with my wrist brace on last night. Went for my hair cut tonight.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! Are you talking about the screaming during the split squats? Those had me screaming too because I was holding more weight. The calf move is a killer!
    I hear you about Sagi seeming funnier as you do the workouts. I remember my horror about his bulkiness the first time I started to watch the BB DVD's. I used to think I couldn't get passed that physique. Now I could care less about it and he looks normal to me.

    Tami, Happy 20th Anniversary! AWWWW! Your husband shouldn't feel bad for not being able to take you out. The important thing is that you were together and love each other. Great job with those workouts!The hybrid rotation does look pretty good.
    I'm sure your husband wasn't thrilled with the doctor after hearing he had to continue using the crutches but but it's only one more week. The physical therapy will help a lot too.

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't get in a workout after work yesterday, had to leave for church when I got home. We had a snow storm by that time, and I needed to leave earlier than usual. I also had to help with getting set up for today, and then practice our Easter music with the choir. I didn't get home until 8:30. This morning I did BB Bulk Arms, and now my arms feel like noodles. What a great workout! LOVE all these BULK workouts so far. Still need to get in Beast Abs, will have to see how things go when I get home. DH has the day off of work, so I'm hoping that I come home to a nice clean house. ;)

    Tami, Wonderful job on the workouts! Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a very nice evening, so your DH shouldn't feel bad about it. Great news on his progress, he will be off those crutches in no time. I'm sure that you are making him aware of how very important his PT will be for that to happen. ;) Probably will plan on the BB/H&C Rotation after this, I think I will be able to use the 22 min. HC and other workouts for my morning.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! Sorry to hear that your wrists where hurting, but nice that you always have something to help. Yes I am referring to that particular exercise, just can't believe how much noise the guy makes. He really is using a lot of weight, so I understand the pain. It just isn't something that I'm used to in my workouts. :D Sagi seems to be on his case for proper form through the whole thing also, it makes me smile during those times. I'm just happy that I pushed the buy buttons on these workouts.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, Hi Ladies, I hope you had a wonderful Easter. On Friday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Build Shoulders, Treadmill. On Saturday Rock'm sock'm and today my usual spinning.
    I am going to do the last week of the BB rotation.

    Laurie, great job with Bulk Arms!! I'm glad you're liking the Bulk phase too.

    Hi Tami and Laurel!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Hope all of you had a wonderful Easter also. Very busy weekend, our oldest dd is engaged. <3 Her bf proposed to her yesterday, we were there along with his family. DH and I knew he was going to ask her at some point, because he asked DH for her hand in marriage last weekend. I didn't workout all weekend, just to much going on. Saturday I spent the day baking, managed to get my 10k steps in just doing that. Sunday was suppose to be my day off, but with all the festivities I was just tired when we finally got home. This morning I did BB Bulk Shoulders, another great workout. I will do the chest workout when I get home, then I will be caught up. We are going out for oldest dd's birthday tonight, so good thing these BB workouts are shorter this phase. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! Wow you are on the last week of BB, that just seems to have flown by.

    Tami, Hope your DH is doing well.

    Laurel, Hope that you had a wonderful time this week with your DH being off.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies!! Sorry I missed you all last week. Seems like DH and I were on the go all week. But it was a nice blend of fun and house stuff, so that was nice. We not only got a lot of good golf in, but we now have a new garden in our back yard as well as a new palm tree. Looks so pretty!

    I started Meso 2 as planned last week, and my love for Meso 2 is as strong as ever. <3 This is, without question, my favorite style of lifting. I decided to loosely blend each week of STS with a different Cathe series (or 2) to give me some variety of cardio and strength training each week. I am doing the three STS workouts, an additional leg workout, an additional upper or total body workout, one yoga/Pilates/PiYo workout throughout the week as well as some cardio each day. Last week I blended STS with the series that includes Flex Train, X10, Rockout Knockout, etc. This week I am blending it with a combo of 4DS and Shock Cardio. So yesterday I started with 4DS Lower Body premix, then did Cardio Core Circuit......and added the cardio only premix of CCC to that for a 75 minute cardio session. That is the first time I have done that, and I liked it. Today was STS Disc 16/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, followed by the all cardio premix from 4DS Kickbox and BC DVD. Love that workout! The benefits of Body Beast and H&C are still working wonders. I am lifting heavier in these STS workouts than I have ever lifted!

    Tami, I am so happy to hear your DH is improving. Hopefully not too much longer with the crutches. Sounds like things have been busy for you, but you are still doing great workouts!! Happy Belated Anniversary!

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed those Tempo workouts. I agree that Sagi was at his funny best in that Back and Bi workout. I can't believe you are in your last week already. I am so happy you have enjoyed it!

    Laurie, congratulations to your DD!! What an exciting time for her......and you. Wow......mother of the bride. That's probably going to take some getting used to!! Glad you are enjoying the Bulk workouts. Now you probably understand why I said to go with the Huge rotation. I don't think I could ever get tired of those Bulk workouts, and can't wait to do the Huge rotation myself next time.

    See you all tomorrow! It feels so good to be getting back into my routine now. :)

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and Happy Monday, along with a belated Happy Easter wish for all of you! Friday thru yesterday has been a bit of a blur. DH was complaining Friday a.m. about excruitiating pain in his right calf (same leg as knee surgery) and called his Ortho Dr. who recommended an ultra sound. Well it was exactly as he feared, a blood clot in his leg. It runs from his knee to his ankle in length. They sent us right over to ER after the ultra sound and we were there ALL afternoon, 5.5 hrs to get a prescription for Xarelto. The only thing they can do for it is blood thinners (to stop his blood from clotting) and he has to elevate (again), along with moist heat. This does not remove the clot however, that just slowly takes time naturally through your body absorbing the blood. Getting up and about on his crutches is fine for his knee but the pain is so bad from the clot now he can only stand it for about 5-10 min. Until the pain goes away he has to be down. So now his knee isn’t hurting but he has the blood clot to attend with. So frustrating for him and PT is out of the question until he can be up longer than 5-10 min. at a time.

    Sat and Sun I got my workouts in, Sat I did Friday’s planned workout of BUILD Shoulders and yesterday I did Chisel Cardio instead of BEAST Cardio, (finishing up the first phase of BB). This a.m. was supposed to start BULK which I am very anxious for but had a rough night sleep; maybe tonight i will or double up tomorrow. I most likely won’t make the gym classes this week unless he starts feeling a lot better soon; until then I am home at lunch and evenings to check on him. SO sad for him, cannot even tell you the discouragement he feels after 2+ weeks (which now feels like a walk in the park) and now the “unknown” time frame.

    Laurel: Welcome back from a wonderful week with your hubby it sounds and some fabulous workouts already started with your STS rotation! Congrats. Thank you for the Anniv wishes. Now are you celebrating your anniversary or Birthday very soon? I know I asked you this not too long ago but then I was a little “scatter brained” between work and nurse duties, so not sure if you answered. :blush::blush: Glad you are back in your normal routine and good to hear from you.

    Laurie: Congratulations to your DD and now all the fun planning and getting ready for her wedding. Hopefully it is as stress free as possible and you will have very wonderful memories during this time of planning. Great job on the workouts, I bet you are glad they are a little shorter due to the busy time you had over the weekend. Really looking forward to these BULK workouts, as I mentioned the other day. Started writing down some ideas for add-ons as I go through this phase.
    YES, DH was so looking forward to today’s appt at the PT and he is actually doing a lot better on the crutches, plus 10% weight on his right leg is or was going well too. He is determined to start those appts as soon as he is able, that is forsure. He also told me yesterday when he is on the other side of this he is going to start exercising and eating right. Fingers crossed that he does follow through with that. A friend of his already invited him to his gym to work out with him and encourage him. So that is awesome news. We had snow this a.m. and it was sticking; now it is sunny out. Crazy weather! LOL

    Thelma: Thank you for the Happy Anniversary wishes too ….. and excellent job on your workouts. Hopefully your wrist is feeling better this evening. I tried to reassure DH that it is not important that we couldn’t go out for our Anniversary, just being together and he is on the road to recovery. He is now going through a lot of guilt because he is relying on my still for things; of course I am happy to do it for him. But the simple things we take for granted are a challenge. (getting a glass of ice water or getting the toaster out of the cabinet, etc) you know how it is to be on crutches. I try to stay positive and let him know this is temporary. It will get better . . . one day at a time. His mom is with him today. Bless her heart. She goes in for a surgery on Friday. She has a lot on her plate so I feel guilty for that. Its hard to ask others for help, but necessary at times.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS warm-up, BB Bulk Chest, X10 Low Impact. It was a great workout! I can't believe I am on the last week of the BB Lean rotation! I am still a little scared about H&C because I have the feeling there will be a lot of pushups and burpees and crazy moves I may not be able to do . I haven't watched the videos at all.
    My wrist is doing better and I know I hurt it because of wrong hand placement. I did pushups tonight for the chest workout and did them on my knees just so that I could focus on hand placement and it worked! We've lost power 4 times tonight. The 4th time power was out for hours. Not sure what is going on.

    I found out today that my co-worker became a Body Beast coach so she could get a discount on Shakeology products. I never knew that becoming a coach would be so easy. I thought coaches had to actually exercise and post stuff in You Tube! LOL. My co-worker doesn't exercise at all.

    Laurie, OMG! Congrats on your DD's engagement. How exciting! Great job with the shoulders workout! I love Sagi's shoulder workouts. I hope you had a wonderful time tonight celebrating your oldest dd's bday!
    I can't believe I'm on my last week of BB. It's so surreal!

    Laurel, welcome back! So glad you had a great week with your DH! Congrats on the new garden and palm tree! Is it a decorative palm tree or will you have coconuts some day? That rotation sounds AMAZING! Great job and awesome workouts as always!
    Thanks so much Laurel for inspiring us to do Body Beast. I can't imagine life without Sagi now! LOL. I will also do the Huge rotation next time. My aunts will be here in November so I'm going to need to do short workouts for 3 weeks then.

    Tami, OMG I can't believe your poor DH has such a huge clot! Did he stop taking the aspirin? I can just imagine how crushed he must've felt because it is such a huge set back. He needs to look at the positive side of things in that it was caught on time. It doesn't matter how long his recovery t as long as he goes back to normal. What a
    huge scare for both of you! Make sure you get plenty of rest yourself Tami. The gym will be there for you next
    week. I can understand the discouragement he feels because when I was told that my bone had moved I felt crushed thinking I'd have to have surgery again. That of course is nothing compared to how bad a blood clot can be. I really hope his desire to eat right and exercise stays with him forever! AWWW your DH feeling guilty because so much is falling on you that he is recovering from his surgery. Maybe I'm selfish but I never felt guilty about Ray taking care of me! LOL. Thank God your MIL was there to help your DH today even though she has a lot on her plate. I hope the surgery is nothing serious.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was really nice, but I wasn't able to get in my workout with the time constraints. It was fun just talking with the two kids, and let them know what we can commit to for financing the wedding. ;) This morning I got in the BB Bulk Chest workout, and I don't know if I will be able to get in a workout tonight. We have an appointment with the vet for her to check Cami out, so we will see how things go. We will see if she comes home with us. :'( Not something I'm looking forward to, but we can't ignore the amount of weight she has lost in the last few months.

    Laurel, How wonderful that your back yard is getting beautified. ;) Awesome job on the workouts, and really does sound like some great combos. Love that you are getting in workouts that probably have been ignored for a while. Stronger with STS, that really has to be a great feeling! When I try the STS workouts again, I will have to start with the Meso 2 workouts first. I'm sure that makes doing those workouts even better, from what you are saying. Like with the build workouts, the bulk are even better after the second time. I think it has to do with finding what weight works for each exercise. I know that on the progressive set, I tended to go to heavy so needed to drop. Today's chest workouts was even better than the first time. DH and I where talking about the upcoming wedding this morning, and I said are your ready to walk your little girl down the isle?

    Tami, Oh my on your DH, so glad that you were able to get it taken care of right away. ;) Great job on getting in your workouts with all that you had to deal with. I too am hoping for stress free with the wedding, my dd is a very organized person. We went to the bookstore last night to get her an organizer, and of course a Brides magazine. She said that yesterday she spent most of the day just looking at her ring. If your DH has a buddy to workout with, that will be way better than working out with you. Funny how that works, they can push each other. I'm sure that my DH will want to loose a few lbs for the wedding, so we will see what happens with his motivation.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! I did a lot of the push ups on my knees when I first started with the H&C workouts, and it didn't take long for me to progress. My sister is actually a BB coach, and it is just for the discount on the Shakeology. ;) I don't think that it really takes anything to become one, sort of like becoming a Mary Kay Consultant. ;) I really am loving these workouts, so can really understand why you are not wanting to leave the rotation.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with STS Disk 17/Legs, and went really heavy on it. I think I will be paying for it later......but it felt good at the time! Anyhow, I followed it with Athletic Step (which I haven't done in forever), and added on ICE Low Impact Sweat 2 and Icy Core 2 to make it a good 70 minute workout. I have to admit, I wasn't sure how I was going to respond to STS after Body Beast, but I am really enjoying it. I am happy, though, that I started with Meso 2. I think I would be having a harder time with Meso 1.

    Tami, that is so scary about your DH!! I am just so glad you caught it when you did. I really hope he takes it easy as long as he needs to because that really is scary stuff. I can't imagine how frustrated he is.....and how concerned you are. You must be take care of yourself! The workouts will be there when you are ready for them. Yes, our anniversary is April 21, which I think is your birthday. Is that right?

    Thelma, great workout! Don't be worried about H&C. There really isn't much craziness to it. I think you will be very comfortable with most--if not all--of the moves. The pace of the workouts is actually pretty sane, which helps. Again, I am so glad you have enjoyed Body Beast. Believe me, when I started that program, I never imagined I would love it as much as I do. Can't wait to do it again! This palm tree is definitely not going to produce coconuts. Actually, the builder originally planted it in the front yard. But they put it so close to the property line that we couldn't keep it from draping into the neighbor's yard. DH has hated it since we have moved in because, of all the palm trees in Florida, this one is definitely the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree variety (it really is sadly pathetic). DH wanted to just rip it out of the ground and replace it with something nicer. My idea was to plant it in the back yard. Not an easy task moving a palm tree (no doubt some neighbors got a good laugh if they were watching us). But that night, with the tree in its new home, DH looked at the yard and said he really hoped the tree would live. He is out there watering it every night! So, like Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree, our little palm tree just needed a new home......because it really does look pretty where it is now. Still worried we might have shocked it too much moving it, but time will tell I suppose. And the front looks SO much better without it! So positives all around. But no coconuts.

    Laurie, sounds like a good evening with your DD. But I am so sorry about Cami. You mentioned the other day something about her aging, but I really had no idea it had gotten that bad. I hope you have her with you tonight. If heart is breaking for you.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night but I did get a good night sleep and started the BULK Phase this a.m. with Chest and I loved it! So good. Looking forward to all the rest of them forsure. Depending on how DH is doing tonight when I get home I will maybe do a quick “add-on” but we will see. His mom is there again today, so sweet of her. Things are about the same today, he is trying to get an appt. to see a doctor on Monday so he can have some mental relief on a time frame of when he is going to be out of the danger zone. He did stay up for about 30 minutes this a.m. on his crutches while I got ready for work and his leg throbbed, but not excruitiating pain. . . we both thought that was good.

    Thank you all for the well wishes and amazing support, I appreciate it. As you can imagine, workouts keep me feeling really good and sane through this. Missing my gym classes this week is fine, I feel guilty enough being at work.

    Laurel: Fantastic combo you did this a.m. – great work. I am glad you are enjoying STS so much right out of BB and H&C. That’s awesome. Love the description of your Charlie Brown tree and it sounds like things are taking shape and looking great, glad “Charlie” was able to be moved and not destroyed. LOL
    Yes, my Birthday is the 21st . . . I knew one of our special days were shared. The frustration and depression he is feeling is really tough to watch; we chatted last night for a few minutes about not getting “stuck” in that; it’s hard to get out of it sometimes and if we don’t know how long this will be its important to stay as positive as possible. He agreed, but as we all know its easier said than done sometimes.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a really special and fun evening with your girls. So nice to hear and such an exciting time. Great job with Bulk Chest this a.m.; as I commented on your post it was my first go at this one and I loved it. Yes, nothing will make me happier than DH attending the gym with his friend who will totally be a huge help and motivation for him; he used to own a gym of his own so knows what to do. It will be the best and he will feel so good.
    On a much sadder note . . . . Oh my goodness, like Laurel said and as we have compared Emma/Cami moments I didn’t realize how much she had gone downhill. Fingers crossed it is not “the time” but if it is, I know you are making the right decision. Makes me want to just bawl for you, because again, I am in a very similar situation with an aging dog. Nothing harder. DH informed me that yesterday Emma slipped on our hardwood floor and just laid there for a while; couldn’t get up. She has a terrible time on our hardwood but always sleeps on it instead of her bed. She did finally get up .. . . .. again, nothing harder to watch than them aging and struggling.

    Thelma: Great job with your workouts! Don’t worry on H&C, the timing of the moves will be fine for you to handle and truly there aren’t that many burpees/planks. You will be good to go. You can always go to your knees or forearms for modification. There are a lot of Bulgarian Split Squats however so prepare for those! LOL Crazy enough he took aspirin every single day as instructed and had his compression socks on until last Thursday a.m. when the surgeon took his stitches out. So everyone tells him he did everything right and by the book. The big WHY is looming in his head daily of course. I know you can relate all to well with setbacks and I thank you for your encouragement. You ladies are all the best at understanding and encouragement. Yes, he feels terribly guilty about me helping him and for anyone to help him; he has a lot of PRIDE like most men but he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders daily, even without this going on. My MIL is actually having a hysterectomy ….. she has some issues despite going through Menopause many years ago, so just safer with some pre-cancerous cells showing up. She has a great attitude about it. Of course it is still surgery, but I have faith all will go good.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT10 w/u, BB Build Legs, Treadmill. I went heavier on the lunges than I have before and was able to keep my balance. I did them on the floor. The Bulgarian lunges is not something I can do very well so I do them on the the floor too. On the seated calf workout I was holding 20 lb dumbbells and so was Sagi!

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a great time last night. Awesome job getting your workout in! I'm sorry about Cami! I had no idea she wasn't doing well! This is just so sad. Too funny about your DD spending most of her day looking at her ring. I can totally relate to that! LOL

    I am definitely going to be doing the pushups on my knees. I had started to do some full pushups and I think that may still be doable but it's different when it comes to burpees. I don't know why I thought that a BB coach had to do the workouts. Maybe because that is what I see in you tube. I would've never thought we'd fall in love with the Body Beast program the way we have. Really good stuff!

    Laurel, what a killer leg workout! OMG I think you're going to feel it tomorrow! I am so glad you're finding that STS feels really good after Body Beast. Seems to make sense too.

    I think the reason why I am worried about H&C is because of the video clips I've watched in Youtube. They look pretty challenging. Good to know that the pace of the workouts is pretty sane.
    I can't believe you and you and your DH dag out the coconut tree and transplanted to the back of your house! WTG!!! I hope the tree recovers soon. Watering should help a lot.

    Tami, great job getting your workouts in. Glad you were able to get some rest. Isn't that chest workout awesome? I hope your DH was able to get an appointment on Monday. Being able to stand for 30 minutes sounds like huge progress!
    It almost sounds like your DH needed to wear his compression socks longer? I know he wants to know what he did wrong. I wanted to know what I had done wrong too and agonized over it all day long! The doctor told me I had done nothing wrong. So good of his mom to be there taking care of your DH. I hope her surgery goes well and that she has a speedy recovery.
    I can't believe I'll be starting H&C on next Monday! I just hope I can do it.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited March 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    Thank you all for your kind words about Cami, we did bring her home yesterday, but she does have two cancer masses that are really not operable. :( The vet gave us pain meds, and said that the family would know when the right time would be to bring her in. She still is eating and going outside, but her mobility is unstable. She still has quality of life, and we will enjoy whatever time we have with her from this point on. But it is good to find out what is going on with her.

    With that sad news out of the way I didn't workout last night or this morning, just didn't have a good night sleeping last night. I decided to stay in bed instead of a workout, but I have nothing going on tonight so will get in the Leg and Back workouts when I get home.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, don't think I have ever done Athletic Step. :# I'm glad that you are pulling out workouts that have probably been collecting dust, it sounds like a great idea. I think at some point I need to do the same thing, because I'm probably neglecting some great workouts that I have stashed away.

    Tami, Nice job on getting in workouts when you are able to. I just love the way he changes things up in all his workouts. Very good news on your DH not being in so much pain while standing for that long. I too hope that indicates progress for him and very nice that his Mom is there. I'm sure that gives you some peace of mind while you are at work. Cami has been getting slower and slower these last few months, but when we could start seeing her back spine, we knew that there was something more going on. She has been eating, so that is why we decided to go in. Dogs amaze me with how determined they are to still love us, even though they are in pain or not feeling 100%. <3 Cami has been in the same situation as Emma, with the floors in our house. As things have gone along she started using our carpet for doing her business, so glad that we don't have brand new carpets. We now own a small carpet cleaner to clean up the messes. My DH is getting to be an expert at it, not that she does this every night, but probably once a week. I just wish it was nicer outside, because she really loves to just lay in the sun outside.

    Thelma, Great job on that workout, and keeping up with Sagi! :D I to think that you shouldn't be afraid of the H&C workouts, As Laurel and Tami said they are paced well, so you will do just fine with them. If you do have a burpee, they are not fast. In fact when Autumn has you do them, she tells them to do them slower. I know that I was going at a slower pace than a lot of those background people, and in some cases I was faster. I think you will do fine, and don't feel bad about the floor option. I did the Bulgarian squat on the floor, and then advanced to the bench as time went on.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Well, I am certainly paying for yesterday's leg workout, and I knew I would be. This is definitely not the first time an STS leg workout has gotten me. Good thing the DOMS is isolated to my quads or else I might not be getting around at all. As it was, trying to get off the floor after ab work today had me looking at crawling across the floor to some furniture to pull myself up. Not good. :o Anyhow, I did get a workout in today despite that. I started with STS Disk 18/Back and Biceps and, again, felt very strong with it. Then, for cardio, I did take it down a bit out of sympathy for my sore legs. So I started with the Rock'm Sock'm warm-up and Blizzard Blast and then went into MMA Boxing. That really was a good combo today, and doing the Blizzard Blast first helped keep my heart rate up during MMA Boxing, so that was good.

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about Cami. At least you have her with you for some more time, but that has got to be so difficult. I certainly don't blame you for not working out at all. I decided to do these different series each week in this rotation for exactly the reason you mentioned--it makes me do workouts I don't do very often. And I really do have some great workouts that I ignore all too often. It also gives me something completely different to look forward to each week, which I like.

    Tami, I am so glad you enjoyed Bulk Chest. That one killed me the first time I did it......and it remained one of my favorite and most challenging workouts throughout the rest of the program. So good. I hope your DH is doing better.....and still resting, though. I remember how frustrated I was 10 years ago right now when I had dislocated my shoulder and done everything the doctors and PT asked me to do......only to completely lose all use of that arms for several weeks. So I can only imagine your DH's frustration at doing things so right.....and having something so serious go wrong. I love your approach at not getting stuck in that feeling. Things may not feel like they are ever going to get better.....but they do. So hoping the next few days are good for him and he starts feeling much better--mentally and physically.

    Thelma, great workout. I often choose to do the Bulgarian Lunges on the floor. It is just more comfortable for my body and I feel I get better range of motion. So don't worry about doing them that way because you are still getting a good workout. I think the video clips for H&C were chosen to show the most intense sequences. I know Beachbody has done that with other series. But I would never describe these workouts as being full of push-ups or burpees! There are definitely more push-ups than burpees, though. But I never felt like the push-ups were overdone in any workout (unlike P90X or STS Meso 1!).

    Until tomorrow!
