Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I was a busy bee at home with DH last night, so no extra workout. This a.m. was BULK Back and I added on ICE Muscle Meltdown Back as a little extra, went slightly lighter and the pace of the MM was a good extra burn! DH was very tired this a.m., naturally his body is working double time to heal and get better. Here’s hoping his day was better. I talked to him at lunch and his dad is with him along with a good friend of his who was going to stop by. We are having some amazing sunny days right now, so hopefully that is helping his spirits too. He said he goes outside on his crutches when he lets Emma out.

    Laurel: Legs sound like you got them good yesterday, nicely done today however despite the DOM’s. I bet it felt great. Yes, BULK is going to be a great phase, so glad to be in it, I love the format of the workouts. I can imagine how much you can relate to DH’s situation with your shoulder. He did talk to his surgeon (who called him from vacation) and is going to get him in Monday. Hopefully give him some peace of mind a little bit more and also said he will schedule another Ultra Sound in about 4-6 weeks. He should be up and around by then and into PT but it will give them an idea of what the clot has done at that point. So moving forward and yes . . . trying to be positive and help him see some good in each day. Today’s goal for him was to be up on his crutches for 45 min at a time; yesterday was 30 min. so that is “something” in my eyes.

    Laurie: I am so sorry to hear about Cami but relief at the same time that you have her longer and she is home with you guys. Again, nothing harder than watching our 4-legged children age and go downhill. Never easy. My sweet Buster (who I had before Emma) had a large mass on his leg and he lived very comfortably for a couple more years, you just never know. I don’t blame you at all for not getting up this a.m., I bet you were/are emotionally drained. I’m glad you have some exciting things going on with your DD and the wedding planning to have some bright moments in your family right now. Definitely has given me some peace of mind having someone with him each day; otherwise I would be going home at lunch each day and it would only be about 15 min with him and I would have to leave. So the guilt and worry is not there knowing someone is with him. Why do those silly girls choose to lay on the hardwood floor????? She has a cushy bed and rugs and carpet to choose from but flops down and struggles on the hardwood. Hope you get some sunshine soon so she can lay outside.

    Thelma: Great job with BUILD Legs + the Treadie! Good job going heavier on the lunges as well, that is great progress. Absolutely A-OK to do the Bulgarian Lunges on the floor and work your way up to just the riser if you want, or not. It is still a good move for the legs no matter how you do it. The BULK Chest and now BACK were both awesome. Can’t wait to try the leg workout as well. On the socks ~ We actually ordered some new compression socks last night on Amazon that were recommended to him by a family doctor/friend. They are expensive but supposed to be really good. When he talked to his surgeon yesterday, he was very surprised that this happened, especially wearing them every single day. He will talk to him about these new ones but he will wear them every day I am sure when he is up and about and/or if he advises him to start with them immediately. No one has said to put them back on yet though. You will be good with H&C! You’ll see and I think you are going to love it.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Shoulders and a little of the Blizzard Blast from Rock'm 'n Sock'm. Thank you all for your words on H&C. You are making me gain the courage I need to get started! :)

    Laurie, I'm so sorry about Cami! Thank God you were able to take her home so you can all enjoy each others company a while longer. You will definitely know when it's time to help her cross the rainbow bridge. All you can do is keep her comfortable. Having quality of life is the most important thing. I don't blame you for not working out last night. You must've been very upset over Cami's news. She is a big part of your family.

    I am just going to start doing H&C and will modify when necessary. I have to just try it or I will never know. I'm glad Autumn has a good pace for burpees. I'm too short to do the Bulgarian squats on the bench so I had the small step with 3 risers. I think I just need to put the step next to the giant window sill I have in the basement so I can hold on to it when I don't feel safe. Or maybe I should practice on my own without weights so I can get the form right.

    Laurel, I would've been shocked if you told us you didn't have DOMS after yesterday's killer workout! I can't believe you had to crawl across the floor to find something to pull yourself up with! Serious DOMS! Definitely massage those quads! My quads got tight after yesterday's leg workout and my knees were bothering me so I massaged my quads and my knees got better. Great workouts today!
    I'm glad you sometimes do the Bulgarian Lunges on the floor. I also feel that I get better motion on the floor. I wonder if my step shouldn't be as high as I have it given I'm so short? I'll have to experiment with different heights. I hope the video clips the people who are doing H&C posted are not the norm for all the H&C workouts. I'm sure there are challenging parts so they probably post that.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope your DH had a much better day today. I think it's good that he has company during the day to distract him from feeling sorry about his situation. I hope those new compression socks help your husband if the doctor tells him to put them back on. So glad you're also liking the Bulk workouts. There is a side to side squat he does at the end. I love that one cause it gets your inner thighs. The key is not to stand up while you do it. Unfortunately, Sagi doesn't tell you that till the second set. I'll definitely do the Bulgarian Lunges on the floor and will work my way up to the step one riser at-a-time.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did BB Bulk Legs, and then Rocket and I went for a 3 mile walk. Dang my legs are feeling the DOMS this morning. My morning workout was BB Bulk Back, and after work will be Arms and abs. Thanks for all your wonderful thoughts on Cami, she has become the princess at home. ;) Spoiling her isn't hard. :D My DD and her fiance are looking at Aug 19th 2017. :) I have to really get serious about my goal weight, if I'm going to be the Mother of the Bride come next August! I really don't want this stomach pooch anymore. B) Funny what can motivate us to get in better shape.

    Laurel, Wow on the leg torture! The leg workouts are some of the best in the STS series. What a great combination of cardio you had also! I like your plan, and will be trying it out for myself with the shorter workouts. I can take some of the workouts that Cathe doesn't have premixes on, and just do a portion of it. I really like that she has been putting timesaver workouts on her DVD's. They are always so great to do in the mornings.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and adding onto the BB's. I did that back workout this morning, and have to say that forced set gets to be pretty tough. I think that those are some of my favorite blocks in the workouts. Really fatigue the muscles, and you don't have to lift a huge amount of weight. Sounds like your DH is busy with visitors, good to hear that he is getting better every day. I really do wonder what goes through our 4-legged children's minds, they really do some interesting things. Most of the time they make me chuckle! Unlike this morning when Rocket decided that he wanted to visit with the lady, and her dog that were walking on the road. As soon as he saw that I pulled my car out, he came running to go to daycare. Silly guy.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workouts! I think that you will enjoy the workouts, I know that I really did. They are different than the BB workouts, but still have familiar strength moves. You do get some new Beast sayings also. :D I do have to say, they really do a good job on the modifier in the H&C workouts. I used that option when I needed to, and sometimes I really needed to. Doing the moves without weights is a solid option, one of Sagi's workouts actually has moves without weights.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! The legs were feeling much better today. Still some lingering stiffness, but I wasn't wondering if I was going to be able to get up and down the stairs this morning......which is an improvement. So I started my day doing some stretching, which felt good. Then I did a Shock Cardio trifecta! I started with Step Moves, then went into Circuit Blast and finished with Double Wave Pyramid HiiT. It was a solid 90 minutes of cardio, which is exactly what I was aiming for. Then I topped it off with my first PiYo workout, which was Define Lower Body. I loved it, and it was absolutely perfect after the long cardio and having slightly tight leg muscles. I am really looking forward to my weekly PiYo sessions now after having done that one.

    Tami, great workouts! I bet your back was feeling that double workout! Glad to hear your DH has some company right now. I Bet that helps pass the time during the day. I am also glad he talked to his surgeon and will be seeing him soon. Hopefully that eases his mind a bit.

    Thelma, great workouts too! Sometimes the STS leg workouts can give me really serious DOMS. There seems to be a threshold with weight where on one side of it, I am fine. On the other......I have a tough couple of days. But the good thing is it doesn't last, doesn't ever happen again (regardless of what weight I am using), and these leg workouts seem to be about the best thing for my legs. So it is worth it......even though I did remind myself of a weeble wobble trying to get off the floor yesterday! Anyhow, I think my height might be part of the reason I don't like using my step in Bulgarian Lunges. I also have somewhat tight hip flexors and that is what makes me feel like I don't get great range of motion. I seem fine on 4"-8" or so, but over that and my hip flexors start restricting my movement too much, and the move becomes pretty uncomfortable. I think you have a great idea if you want to use your step of finding a way to balance yourself or trying the move with little or no weight. But the floor is good too!

    Laurie, I feel your leg DOMS......believe me!! August 2017 seems like a really good amount of time for an engagement. It also gives you plenty of time to find the perfect dress!! That will be so fun. I tell you, this aging thing is no fun when it comes to how it is changing the shape of my body. I weigh exactly what I have done for nearly 7 years, but, boy, the tummy!! Where did that come from? (I know....less estrogen and all that.......but really?). DH and I have a formal event in a few weeks, and I wanted to wear this perfectly cute little dress that was fine 2 years ago. But I think I might want spanx now!! Never have worn those, though. So if you come up with something to take away the tummy pooch, let me know!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in with you ladies. No workout for me yet today but again, I have hopeful thoughts that I can get in a good BULK Leg workout when I get home. All depends on DH and how he is doing.

    Laurel: Amazingness!!! WOW on the workouts today. . . way to go. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed your first PiYo workout. That's awesome. I think they are good, short add-ons into any program, just don't know that I could just do PiYo and be content by itself though. :smile:

    Laurie: Hoping to get in BULK Legs tonight, excited to try that one; not a lot of leg work in this phase or in the Body Beast system really is there? Unlike H&C which had some sort of legs every day. I bet your walk was super nice with Rocket. Better weather for you guys?

    Thelma: If you feel unsteady with the Bulgarian squats definitely give it a practice holding on until you are comfortable or with no weights; whatever works for you. Great job with your BULK Shoulders and Rockm Sockm addition. DH is having a pretty good day today he said. No visitors but he has been busy on e-mail and phone calls for work; so that is keeping his mind occupied, Which is great! He has been fighting nausea with this new medicine, which is strange.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was Bulk Arms and Abs, just love the noodle arms after that one. This morning was ICE Bootcamp Blizzard Blast!

    Laurel, Truly amazing workout combos! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the PiYo workout also, they really do a good job of working those muscles. I was still feeling those leg muscles this morning, so I really feel like I'm using the correct weights for that workout. That is one of the things that I was thinking about with the dress! I want something that is flattering, and since this is August I'm thinking sleeveless with a jacket. So not only do I work on the stomach, but dang I may even have to pump some iron on the day of the wedding! :D I do so want to avoid the spandex if possible. I don't need to add additional layers to cause me to heat up, so that is making me determined to clean eat more consistently than I have been. :# Weekends are my worst for eating. I will be giving information if anything I do works.

    Tami, Hope you are able to get in a workout, because that means that your DH is doing well. I noticed that my legs are not as sore during these Beast workouts! They still are strong, so I think that H&C helped with continuing with these workouts. Yesterday was an all day rain, but we have cold and sunshine this morning. I'm just happy to see the sun.

    Thelma, Hope everything is great with you!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I enjoyed a good but much more sane workout today. :) I started with the 4DS Upper Body premix, which remains as one of my favorite upper body workouts. Increased the weights throughout and my arms were spent at the end. I followed it with the 4DS premix combining both step workouts. The Higher Intensity Step portion requires so much concentration that the workout literally flew by. I ended with the core work from the 4DS Lower Intensity Step workout.

    Tami, I was thinking as I ended H&C that I was going to miss the leg work almost every day. Going from that to once a week in BB must be a bit of a shock for you. At least the two leg workouts in BB are solid leg workouts and not what Tony Horton provided as leg work in P90X! :o Maybe you can add-on to other with that ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blizzard Blast or something? Another really good but short workout for the legs is the LIHI premix that includes only the strength training portions (not the blasts) of that workout. Both those are around/under 20 minutes so maybe they could be added on after one of the upper body workouts so you would at least be hitting the legs a couple times a week. Just some thoughts!! Hope you and your DH have a better weekend this weekend!

    Laurie, great workouts. That Blizzard Blast is a good one......and really tough if you are on a 10" step! Weekends are bad for me and eating as well. It doesn't help that DH and I have started enjoying wine on our back porch on weekend evenings. I know that wine is the worst thing for a tummy bulge......but I enjoy the time with my DH! I guess everything is a trade-off, and right now I guess I accept a little tummy over giving up that time. But, of course,I am not going to be the mother of the bride! ;) I love your idea of a sleeveless dress with a jacket. That would cover day, evening, inside, outside, etc. Does your DD have her colors yet? Is she going to want you in a specific color? I have been to some weddings where the MOB is coordinated (not matching.....but complementary) to the bridesmaids and others where they aren't. The only place I suppose it matters at all in for the photos!

    Thelma, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies, I'm fine. It's just I didn't hit the Post Reply button on Thursday! On Thursday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, ICE Lower Body Blast Blizzard Blast. on Friday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Spinning, On Saturday I did X10 w/u, BB Cardio, Treadmill and took Sunday off. Saturday's workout was the last workout of my BB rotation! I finished it ladies! I'll be starting H&C tomorrow. My workout sheets are ready to go and the multi-disc player is loaded with the H&C DVD's.

    Laurie, awesome workouts!! I'm sure spoiling Cami is the easiest thing to do these days! I bet you have nothing to worry about with your figure now and you definitely won't on 8/19/17! Weekends are my worst eating days too. With all the workouts you do I seriously doubt that you need spanx!

    Laurel, fabulous workouts! Glad your legs feel better! I'll have to remember that the STS workouts are good for your legs. Hopefully they'll be good for mine too! I was trying to figure out the Bulgarian lunges today. I think what happens when I do them is that my knee goes over my toes and that is bad. I'll keep trying different things until I figure out a comfortable form using the step. I can't believe YOU need to use spanx! There is no way you need it Laurel!

    Tami, I hope your DH is doing better. Is he taking his new med with food and drinking plenty of water? I'm glad he's keeping busy with work! I think what I have to try with the Bulgarian Lunges is to have a chair in front of me to put the weights on while I position myself without weights.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited April 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    After work on Friday was BB Bulk Shoulders. Had my rest day on Saturday, and I spent it with my dd's. Oldest wanted to know what type of dress would look good on her, so she tried on some dresses. After that we went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, and it was another good one. I was laughing. Sunday I got in BB Bulk Chest, and then I got on the elliptical for about 20 min. This morning I decided to try out the 22 Min. Hard Core, and I did the Cardio 1. This is all drills, and I really liked that. If you don't like burpees then don't buy this set. I think that overall you do over a hundred of them. You have three rounds of 7 different exercises, and Tony changes the rep count on each round. The harder exercises he decreases each round, and the easier ones he increases. Personally I really enjoyed it, and was out of breath. I just like that I really didn't have to think to hard about what I was having to do, so a good workout to do in the mornings. :D I also did the 11 min. warm up that is provided. Tony suggested doing that if you are cold, like doing it first thing in the morning. So overall it was 33 min. with the Cold Start warm up.

    Laurel, Wonderful job on those workouts, I know that I would have to really really concentrate on those two step workouts. I think those two have to be the toughest for me to even grasp. I didn't do that workout on a 10in step, it just doesn't happen so early in the morning for me. DD's colors are black, gold and pink. She doesn't have a specific color for us mothers, but I'm sure that we can find something that will coordinate with that. She isn't set on the pink, but she is with the black and gold.

    Thelma, Awesome job on all those workouts, and will be interested in how you enjoy your first H&C workout. Congratulations on finishing the BB rotation! Thanks for the encouraging words about not wearing the Spanx, I'm sure that by that date, I will have gotten to my goal weight. If I get to that point then I will be happy. ;)

    Tami, Hope your weekend was a good one!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a quiet weekend here. DH had to work at an air show both days, so that gave me a chance to get some spring cleaning done. I also took a nice long walk on Saturday, despite that it was pretty hot and humid. But I enjoyed it. Saturday was my day off from workouts, so the walk was about it for me. But yesterday I was back at it. I decided to combine STS this week with Cathe's 2006 series which includes Drill Max, Body Max 2, etc. So yesterday started with Butts and Guts which is just so good. Since I didn't do all of the Shock Cardio workouts last week, for cardio, I did a combo of HiiT 40/20 and 30/30. Today started with STS Disk19/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I think this is the longest STS workout at 69 minutes, but it flew by for me. I followed it with the stability ball abs from Butts and Guts. And for cardio, I did the Cardio Fusion workout. <3

    Thelma, congratulations on finishing Body Beast!! So happy you enjoyed it. I am really anxious to hear how you like H&C. It may take some adjustment because they are so different from BB, but I hope you like the workouts.

    Laurie, sounds like a fun Saturday with your DD. Bet it is a bit surreal to see her in a wedding dress! I love her choice of colors. She can do so many things with that combination. And that makes it easy for you too coordinate your dress if you want. If she had chosen something like lime green and turquoise......well, it might be more difficult. :o Thanks for the great review of 22 Min Hard Core. That's a lot of burpees!! Keep us posted as you do more because while the workouts are shorter than my norm, I have days where all I want is a simple, easy to follow, effective and short workout. Sounds like these might fit.

    Tami, hope you are well and your DH is improving.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I didn’t check in on Friday, I thought about it later and you may have all thought I was back at ER with DH. But no, not the case. Just got really busy and didn’t get a chance to check in. Weekend was good. DH ended up going into the Physical Therapist on Friday afternoon, he told him the best thing he can do right now is get that knee moving; the blood clot is there of course and they are aware of it but blood flow and movement will be good. He met with his Surgeon this a.m. and told him about Friday, he agrees a million percent. The doctor in ER had DH pretty scared so to hear it from the Surgeon that it is ok to move and start PT is great!!! It flipped a switch for him mentally as well. He hates the blood thinners which will be a part of his life until its gone, but they will do another ultra sound in a few weeks to see how it is doing. So he was up and about a little bit this weekend. Still throbs but his knee is feeling good and that is a great sign. Goes to another PT appt today. Workouts felt back to my normal Sat/Sun combos, which I loved! Saturday was BULK Shoulders + Rock’m Sock’m Premix #4 with the blast added on, good stuff! Yesterday was BULK Chest + Muscle Meltdown Chest followed by the Blizzard Blast with that one and then off to play volleyball. No workout this a.m. it was a restless night sleep for some reason and I was so tired. DH is still getting up a couple times a night because of all the extra water & Ginger Ale he is drinking; due to nausea from the blood thinner. So tonight I plan on going to BootCamp – good or bad I will get in a workout …. DH is having a friend over for the game so I will head to gym and then home. BULK Legs tomorrow a.m.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workouts as always! I always cringe about the 4DS Lower Intensity Step when I hear that one due to my choreography challenged self and thinking it would be ok to try. LOL So good on ya for always being able to plug it in and go! Thank you so much for that suggestion on LIHI Lower Body. I will definitely add that in; you’re right … going from one extreme to the other makes me miss leg days, but you are right. The BB legs workouts are great! Thank you for the well wishes with DH, yes a much better weekend. Hope to have better and better days ahead for him, already looking up in just one week from where he was.

    Laurie: Great job with the BULK workouts! Noodle arms and all. LOL That BC Blast is a good one, nicely done on Friday a.m. Sounds like you have some great motivation for this summer’s workouts for your Mother of the Bride dress. So awesome! I’m sure that Spanx will not even be in the equation (now or in August!) I did Legs on Friday and didn’t notice until Saturday afternoon they were feeling it a little bit. I was surprised at first that I wasn't sore since I haven’t been doing much for legs last week, so that was a good DOM surprise. Sounds like your weekend was very nice and how fun you all went to that movie! 22 Min Hard Core sounds really good! Thanks for the review and keep them coming! LOL Sounds a bit like Katy on the burpee action!

    Thelma: Congrats on finishing up your Body Beast series!!!! Yahoo for you and I cannot wait to see how you like H&C as well. I know you will do great with them and modify where necessary to make them fit for you. Thanks to you as well for the well wishes on DH. Yes, he is drinking a lot of water every day and now has included Ginger Ale and Saltines because of the nausea. Poor guy. It seems to just be a side effect to the Xarelto. I think the chair idea is great; go light until you get the feel for it.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ fun catching up with you all!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did the X10 warm up followed by H&C Chisel Balance. I can't say that I am in love. I think it's because of the things I can't do. I hope it gets better for me. OMG that jumping Bulgarian lunge looked seriously dangerous to me. I was pretty horrified by it and needless to say I did it on the floor. The other adjustment part is having to use lighter weights but you really have to when you're doing balancing work. I am really good at balancing on my left foot but my right side always is very wobbly. Thank you all for the congrats on finishing BB!
    We got about 5 inches of snow between yesterday and today. Temps dropped into the low 20's too. I had to dig out my long down coat out of the closet again!

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm so glad I didn't order 22 min Hard Core! How exciting about your DD trying wedding gowns on! I bet she looked beautiful! Did you cry? Love her colors! I'll have to keep in mind My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2! The first one was hilarious! By the time your DD's wedding date comes around you're going to be in AMAZING shape I'm sure!

    Laurel, you're coming up with some fabulous combos for this rotation! WTG!!!
    I feel like I'm disappointing you ladies because so far I'm not very excited about H&C. The plan for me is to stick with it, hope that it grows on me and pray that I don't get hurt.

    Tami, wonderful workouts! I'm so glad your DH got such great news from the PT and the surgeon! I'm sure his spirits are in a much better place now. So happy for him! Saltines are his best friends for nausea. I used to keep them on my nightstand and eat a few before I took a pain killer in the middle of the night. Felt like I was eating cardboard! LOL
    I hope I'll eventually love H&C as much as you ladies did. Maybe I'm going through Sagi withdrawals? LOL. Plyo tomorrow. That will be interesting because those are the moves that had me totally scared about starting H&C.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Legs, and I also did the 22MHC Core 1. The core workout was 10 moves, each move done for an 11 count. Total time on this one is 9 min. Very Tony moves in this one, he likes to work the lower back with his core moves. After work I will be tacking on the Resistance 1 workout after BB Bulk Back, so will have more info on that one tomorrow. This morning I did 30MTF Circuit Pump Workout 1.

    Laurel, Awesome job on those workouts! You always impress me with what you are able to do each day, and with those HiiT workouts too. It was a very strange feeling to see her in a wedding dress, I don't think that it has really hit me yet. These 22MHC workouts would be excellent for add-ons, because there isn't a warm up. The set has three cardio, three resistance and two core. The schedule has you alternating cardio and resistance. I could see these working with the H&C workouts really well. The resistance is suppose to be mostly body weight, so will let you all know how it goes.

    Tami, So glad to hear that your DH is good, and on the road to recovery and getting to go to PT. I'm sure that he is wanting to get moving. Great job on your workouts, sounds like you are back on track. I feel like I'm back after the holidays, and then in a couple of weeks DH and I will be heading out to Vegas. I'm hoping to be able to workout while out there. All these Bulk workouts seem to sneak up on you, I did go up on weights yesterday. Just a little bit more weight on some of the exercises, and boy do you feel it. You would probably fly through all those burpees! :D I had read some reviews, and this person must have been an advanced exerciser. She said that Cardio 1 wasn't all that hard! I feel like I'm more Interm/Adv, and I was having to bend over to catch my breath during the workout.

    Thelma, Hope that the H&C workouts get better for you, they really are very different from Body Beast. Yep you really do have to use light weights on the balance moves. I started really light, and then as I got used to the moves went heavier. I had to do that lunge on the floor when I first started, it was just way to difficult for me to try on the bench. DD did look beautiful, and I was surprised that I didn't cry. She did come out in one dress that made me catch my breath, but I knew that it wasn't quite the one. She has a designer that she is looking at, and I think those dresses will be some of the ones that we start to know which one is it. Yep if you don't like tons of burpees, then this one would probably not be for you. I actually don't mind burpees, so I was having fun. :o

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today's workout with STS Disk 20/Legs. After last week's DOMS experience, I was very careful with my weight selection this week. At the end, my legs felt well fatigued but not completely done in. Fingers crossed that means I can walk tomorrow! :D For cardio, I started with the ICE Low Impact Sweat warm-up and Blizzard Blast, then moved into the all cardio premix of Low Impact Circuit. Good stuff.

    Tami, so glad to hear your DH is doing better! I am sorry about the nausea, because that can't be fun for him. But I bet being able to start PT really helped. Great job with the workouts! Sounds like you are putting together some good combos!

    Thelma, don't worry about your first impression of H&C. I had a similar reaction to Chisel Balance when I first did it. I think I mentioned numerous times when I was doing Body Beast that what I liked about it was it was simple and straight forward. That is not exactly how I reacted to Chisel Balance. But I tell you I am so happy I stuck with the program because the second time around with Chisel Balance really convinced me these workouts are incredibly effective because the second time around I was SO much stronger. I will always struggle with exercises like that one legged squat/stand that starts the workout. And I always did those Bulgarian lunges on the floor. But my ability to do the workout as a whole improved each time to a point it became one of my favorites. Like I said yesterday, this is very different to Body Beast, but you will be using all of that strength you gained from BB throughout, even if in a different way. Believe it or not, I came out of H&C stronger than I did BB, even though I didn't use as much weight throughout. But the emphasis on core, legs and large upper body muscles really worked well. So try to stick with it, use caution where necessary (I sure did!), and hopefully you will come to enjoy it too! Snow??? :o Stay warm!

    Laurie, great workouts! 22MHC is sounding good! The last thing I need is a new workout program......but I like the idea of short, easy-to-follow add-ons. I better hide my credit card!! :)

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp last night, which was a usual format with some burpees and jump ropes in between stations, but I was happy to be back and get in my workout for the day; even if it wasn’t my BB workout. Much better night sleep, I reminded DH not to drink that last giant glass of water right before bed. So this a.m. was BULK Legs and it felt great. Tonight I am headed to Katy’s Insane-X class which I believe will be Insane ABS.

    Laurel: Awesome work with STS Legs followed by another amazing cardio session. Yes, the nausea is not fun and nobody has really addressed the “why” so he is hoping to see a general doctor soon who will be attending to his blood clot and the nausea. Surgeon wants to focus on his knee and the PT is not a doctor …. Kind of an odd situation he’s in for that and having to see 3 peeps for one knee, but it is the medical world and how it goes these days I suppose. :wink:

    Laurie: Great job with BULK Legs (gotta love that one) and the Core work from 22MHC sounds great! Way to go with Circuit Pump this a.m. as well. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts and DH as well. It feels good to be back to my normal routine and the anxiety I was feeling over him and how he is doing feels so much better now that he is moving forward in doctors are giving positive comments to him. Describing your DD in her dress I can only imagine your emotions. I remember like it was yesterday when my mom saw me come out of the dressing room in “the dress” and she was immediately in tears. We both knew it was the one. Such a special memory. 20+ years ago.

    Thelma: Hang in there!!! Most importantly though, don’t feel like we would be disappointed. Every program clicks differently for everyone. I think once you get through more of the workouts and/or the 2nd time around you will see and feel the love for them. I’m sure your first impression is exactly as you mentioned, partially because you were looking to modify some moves and so it may not have been flowing quite as smoothly as you would like. Yes, the jumping Bulgarian Split squat is the one that sent the top of my riser flying that day. LOL Hence doing it without became my “go to” way on that move, but love it! I think you will enjoy Plyo, short and sweet …… once you do it one time you will get over that preview fear you have I am sure. You got this!! I know how you are feeling with the “withdrawal” from one program to the next. What I miss about H&C is the pace and uniqueness of the moves, core and lower body strength throughout with a cardio factor built right in. Which is why my next rotation will most likely be a Hybrid combo of the two!

    Have a great rest of your day ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did the X10 w/u, H&C Hammer Plyometrics, Treadmill, Stretch. I did like this workout. I think I like Sagi's instructional style better. The workout left me winded and sweaty. There was exercise that I didn't feel at all and that was the pull up crunch/jump. I did it using the resistance bands but I didn't feel that I was working my abs. Maybe I should do the move Sagi used for this pull up crunch on the Tempo workout. I didn't do the jumping pushups. I loved the modifier versions of the bench moves. Those were the moves I was most afraid of. I hope the other workouts don't seem dangerous to me like yesterday's balance did.
    OMG I was in a 3 hour meeting today. We eventually got a 5 minute break. That meeting was the reason why I jumped on the treadmill after my plyo workout. I just needed to move my legs. Temps should warm up for us tomorrow.
    Thank you all for the encouraging words on the H&C program.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! I love that you're able to incorporate the 22MHC program into your BB rotation.
    I really hope these H&C program gets better for me. I may eventually try the Bulgarian lunge on the step without any risers. On the burpees is not that I don't like them, it's that I don't have the upper body or core strength to do them. Burpees and pushups seem to be hard on my hands too. If I give myself a carpal tunnel flare up that won't be good. It will be so exciting to go with your DD through the selection process of her wedding gown!

    Laurel, great combo today! I think you chose wisely after last week's killer leg workout! LOL
    You know I actually didn't mind the balancing exercises. I think it was everything else. The bridge moves I have to find a better way to do them. I tried the bench but didn't feel right. Next time I'll try the ball. I plan to stick with the program. Hopefully I will get better. The Bulgarian lunges I think will have to be done on the floor. Maybe I'll try the step at some point. H&C is totally different than BB. The slower pace in BB is more up my alley! I will definitely be very cautious.

    Tami, I'm glad you've gone back to your normal workout schedule. Awesome workouts! I hope your DH much better today.
    I'm glad you ladies don't feel disappointed in me about not being too excited about H&C. I will stick with it though. I felt that Sagi had better modifications than Autumn. You were right about me liking the plyo workout.
    I can see why you would send the top of your step flying with that Bulgarian lunge! I think I am finding that the pace is too fast for me when it comes to burpees and pushups. When I do it at my own slow pace I do it better but of course I want to keep up and I can't. Hopefully I'll feel like doing the H&C/BB hybrid rotation after this too!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Back and 22 Min. Hard Corps Resistance 1. This workout is 5 exercises, three rounds of each exercise. Again Tony varies the amount of reps that you do for each round, but they are all the same 5 exercises. This is a total body circuit, and you are able to use dumbbells. I didn't purchase the sand bag, and so far I really don't see that it is necessary. This workout does have a very short warm up, and then you do push-ups, thrust squats, pull-ups, figure 8 back lunge, and sit up punch. At the end of the workout he does fast feet / burpee / push-ups. This is a burn out, so you do it at the pace that Tony sets. Again this is a good one to tack on as a add-on. This morning I did PiYo Define Upper Body and the 22MHC Core 1.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you didn't have to try crawling across the floor! ;) If you are sore this morning, I'm sure that you will find a workout that will loosen those muscles up. Great job on your workout combo! I'm going to follow the rotation as best I can, and will be doing the Cardio 2 workout later this week. I'm with you on not needing these workout programs, they shouldn't make them so appealing. :D

    Tami, Nice that you where able to get to your Bootcamp class, and of course getting in the leg workout also. I have the same problem with my DH, he got up this morning at 1:30 and I just couldn't get back to sleep after that. I'm sure that I did sleep a little, but I don't think it was sound. I know when my mother and I went shopping, we both had that feeling with the dress I chose.

    Thelma, Nice job on the plyo workout! I did that move with the band also, I had to go up with the band poundage on that one. I always used the band that had the most resistance, which I think was my black band. It was hard to grab onto the bands, they usually where swinging. :D That is really a very long meeting, don't blame you for wanting to just walk it out. We have had rain for the last two days, it sure doesn't make for good walking weather for Rocket and I. One you increase that core strength, you will be surprised at how much you like these workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, my legs are doing MUCH better than they were last week, so I must have chosen my weights yesterday more wisely. I feel a fatigue in them, though, so I know I didn't go too light. So today I started with STS Disk 21/Back and Biceps. It really felt good. Then, for cardio, I pulled in another Shock Cardio workout that I didn't get in last week. I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from Rock'm Sock'm, then did the cardio from MMA Kickbox, then repeated the Blizzard Blast, then did the MMA Kickbox core. I guess this was about 70 minutes long, and I really enjoyed it. These Shock Cardio MMA workouts feel much more effective if I take an elevated heart rate into them, wear my Tapout gloves, and do jumping jacks where Cathe shuffles in between moves. I was a sweaty mess by the end of today's workout, and that's what I like!

    Tami, I bet it felt good to be back to the gym again, even if it was for the usual BC workout. But just being in your own routine had to feel nice. I feel for your DH on the doctor hopping right now. I suppose it makes sense that somebody who specializes in knee surgery may not be an expert on blood clots, but that doesn't make it easier for the patient. Hopefully he gets an answer on why the medicine is making him sick. Maybe they can put him on a different medication or something. When my sister had her blood clot, they put her on Coumadin, and I don't remember her feeling sick from it. That being said, I think it may have other effects that Xarelto doesn't. Anyhow, hope he finds some solution.

    Thelma, glad you enjoyed the Plyo workout. For that one pull-up/crunch move, I used my heaviest band. What made me feel the crunch was actually my core activating trying to keep myself from sliding across the floor as I held the band! I don't think that is exactly how it is supposed to work :p , but it worked for me. Sounds like a very long meeting! No fun!!

    Laurie, great workouts. Is Tony's pace really fast on the 22MHC workouts? Is there a modifier? I ask because I continue on my endless search for a workout program that my DH might want to do. 22 minutes sounds good.......but the things like the endless burpees don't.......unless they are done at a reasonable pace. Just curious. My DH is not in any shape at all right now (that sounds mean, doesn't it?? But, honestly, he hasn't worked out but a few times in the past year, so he would be starting from pretty much scratch). Would this be a good program to try or is it too intense? Thanks for any and all feedback!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Insane X/Abs class last night. She said it was Abs night but it was a more traditional Katy Insane class. LOL we did a lot of ball throws from the ground as you sit up and throw to your partner, box jumps, burpees, wall balls and then some traditional abs at the end. This a.m. was BULK Back + Muscle Meltdown Back and tonight will be Spinning with Katy.

    Laurel: Glad your legs are feeling better this week with STS than last. Weight choice probably helped as well. Another fun combo you put together, you must have the multiple disc player?!?! I always get a better burn with my weighted gloves in those KB workouts. Way to go. So DH went to a regular doctor today as I mentioned before and he LOVED This guy. He is immediately switching him off Xeralto, said it is a highly dangerous drug and made the switch immediately. So he is super happy and hopes that the nausea now stops. Its not Coumadin, but something else that doesn’t have to be monitored all the time and yet does have a reversal for it. Yes, my regular routine feels great. Even if it was short lived, its still been a pretty long month when I look back. Happy to have my workouts throughout!

    Laurie: Great job with BB Bulk Back and the Hard Corps Resistance for your add-on. Sounds like another good one. I definitely think I will go for 21 D Fix Extreme before I would venture on to this program, but it does sound perfect for short bursts of add-ons. Love that. Yes, DH took it easy on the water again last night and no “wake-ups”, which is great. Sorry to hear about your rain; we are having some really gorgeous days starting today through Sat. So nice to see again. I know the sunshine will come your way soon!

    Thelma: Excellent work on the Plyo HC workout! I am glad you liked it. Dang it on the extra long meeting. I bet you were dying to get out of there. Nice job with the treadie after that. Hang in there with H&C ..... I think you will be just fine, modify where necessary! :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did the X10 w/u, H&C Iso Strength Chisel, treadmill. I loved this workout! It hurt SOOOO GOOD! Not really hurt good it's more like it hurt so bad but in a good sort of way! LOL. I am so happy that I am liking these other workouts! My butt was feeling yesterday's plyo workout! OUCH. Of course I don't know what my butt will feel like tomorrow after tonight's workout.
    I endured another 3 hour meeting this afternoon. I think my butt is flatter from sitting so much! I stepped up onto 3 risers plus the step. I also did the Bulgarian steps with the step height I used for the step-ups. I aligned the step with this wide and deep window sill in our basement so I could hold on if I needed to and it worked beautifully. Now this move hurt the most! Laurie, it made me scream at the end. Tomorrow is the day off according to the calendar but I will skip the rest day tomorrow so I can have Sunday off. Another thing is that I liked Autumns instructions in this workout. We're going back to more normal temps tomorrow. We will be in the upper 50's and it will be raining all day long into Friday morning. It's a good thing because my black Jeep is now pretty white from the salt used on the highway to prevent icing.

    Laurie, fabulous workouts! Great job! I am using a red bad which is pretty thick. I'll have to check to see if I have a heavier band stored in a box I have with all the "free" bands you get with different workouts. I think what I needed for that crunch was to step back even further. There was a pull up in today's workout and there were 3 sets and I don't know if they ever switched legs. I was sort of in a lunge position and I was feeling it in my glute. Needless to say I had to go on a lunge position while I was pulling the band to work the other glute. LOL. I am already liking the workouts. I thing the balance workout scared me because I could see some moves that could potentially be dangerous to me. I am actually feeling a little ab soreness and that is a good thing!
    It can't be fun walking with your dog in the rain. Does he have a little rain coat? Does he shake the water off his fur as soon as you walk into your house? How is Cami doing?

    Laurel, what a great combo! I'm been thinking that I'll be adding some of those Cathe cardio kickboxing workouts I have after the shorter H&C workouts. Of course with the long/late days at work I haven't had much time this week. I'm glad your legs weren't so fatigued this time around!
    If I don't have a heavier resistance band I'm going to order a super heavy one for this workout. I think my heavy, red band has stretched because it's easier to pull it now. Either it stretched or I became stronger! Another boring meeting today. Those meetings should be illegal. Most of the people in the room were in their 50's+. When some of them got up to go take their 5 minute break they were all stiff. So sad.

    Tami, great workouts! I'm sure Katy was just taking it easy specially for you since you hadn't been there! LOL. I'm so glad your DH went to another doctor and that he's off that dangerous med!
    These long meetings are horribly long. There is not need for such long meetings. I'll think I'll be fine too with the HC workouts. Thanks for the vote of confidence!

    Good night ladies!