Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. On Friday DH and I went to my friend's funeral service. It was a very emotional day for me. So sad. On Friday I did XT10 w/u, H&C Hammer Plyometrics. On Saturday I did X10 w/u, H&Ç ISO Strength Chisel and today spinning.

    Laurel, that was a great combo on Friday! Those timesaver premixes are great! Happy 26th wedding anniversary!

    Tami, so glad you had a nice birthday evening. So sweet of your DH pushing through the knee pain so he could make you dinner! Tami, you definitely need to eat more when doing BB.

    Laurie, I hope you had a great time in Vegas!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. We enjoyed a nice, quiet weekend. DH had to work most of Saturday, which is never fun. But yesterday we attended a local art festival which was a really nice way to spend Sunday afternoon. Since DH was gone on Saturday, I decided not to take my usual workout day off, but opted for something light--CIZE You Got This. It was lots of fun. Sunday started with STS Disc 29/Plyo Legs. This week I am blending STS with CTX, which means more oldies! So yesterday's cardio started with X10 Low Impact, then CTX All Step and finished with ICE Low Impact Sweat Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 2. All that in just 65 minutes! It was a great combo. Today's workout was STS Disk 28/Chest and Back. For cardio, I started with X10 Step then CTX 10-10-10. I never warmed to these CTX cardio workouts and have only done the cardio workouts maybe 5-10 times each (in 15 years! :o ), but they are a really good blend with the X10 workouts. So, so far, I am enjoying the week!

    Tami, sounds like a nice birthday evening with your DH. I hope his knee is feeling better, but how sweet of him to want to do all of that for you. No doubt he appreciates how much you have taken care of him since his surgery. Thank you for the anniversary wishes! The LIHI time savers are between 25-38 minutes long. They would be a far tougher add-on to BB than the Muscle Meltdowns are, that's for sure. But they are worth looking at because those workouts are so good. The reason I asked about your hunger and Body Beast is because I have the same problem with STS Meso 3. I was starving all last week, and I really hate to 'snack'. But there were a couple of days I just needed to grab a couple of crackers. When I get that way, I always think that these workouts sure do work!

    Thelma, I am so sorry about the funeral. That had to be a difficult day. Good job with the workouts, though. You are just blazing right through H&C, aren't you? Good stuff.

    Laurie, hope you had a great vacation.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend went by WAY too fast. On Saturday I ended up coming into work for some overtime hours that were offered; worked for 4 hours so after that I ran grocery errands and putting those away, along with a little cleaning and DH and I went out for an early dinner to a restaurant near us. So no workout on Saturday but yesterday I did BULK Shoulders + MM Shoulders followed by a Blizzard Blast and even threw in the Hammer Plyo after that. Later in the afternoon I played in our end of the season tourney for Volleyball League. We did terrible, we were missing one of our players and the girl that filled in has only played with us a couple of times; so we just weren’t in sync. It was a bummer to end the season/year that way, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. No workout this a.m. but DH is off to a fundraiser tonight so I am going to workout at home! Yahoo for that. It’s a REST day from BB, so I am going to do a fun circuit style Kelley Coffey Meyer workout I think, with weights/cardio/KB mixed in! Sounds perfect to me right now.

    Laurel: What a fun day you must have had yesterday with your DH. Great job with the workouts starting off your new week and I bet you will enjoy the CTX workouts this week as well! Back to the leotard right, or the shorty shorts? Im trying to picture the cover on my DVD box right now. LOL His knee seems to have a couple good days and then a stiff/painful day in between. Both the surgeon and the PT are pushing to get it re-habbed and the PT was very happy with his appt Friday, but he suffered for it over the weekend. So sad, who knew a “clean up” surgery would be such an event. Yesterday he said he should have just had the replacement done he feels like. I feel awful for him, he’s super frustrated with how slow this process is going. Well I am glad you did ask about my hunger during this rotation of BB. Some days I have been crazy hungry forsure. That would be tough to not snack; I have my 3 solid meals and 2 snacks in between; usually consisting of a protein/green shake in a.m. and a greek yogurt with fruit in afternoon. Helps get me through that pm. Workout (most of the time) and to the next meal.

    Thelma: I’m sure Friday was super emotional and hard for you. Again, so sorry about your friend. I’m glad you were able to attend the funeral and your DH too. Great job pushing through the workouts! You are doing awesome with the workouts it sounds like. Are you enjoying them a little more now that you have done each at least twice?

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon, I’ll talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I finally had a little extra time to workout so I did X10 w/u, H&C Chisel Balance, 10 Min About Chisel. I started H&C week 4 today!

    Laurel, that quite an awesome weekend workout line up! Great job! The art festival sounds like a lot of fun!
    I don't if I can say that I am blazing right through H&C. LOL. I keep counting the weeks till I'm done with this program. I am not enjoying it as much as I did BB. The program is good and maybe I'm not enjoying it because it is challenging. I hate it when I can't do certain moves!

    Tami, great workouts! Sorry about your BB tourney! You ladies did amazing during the season though so you have to feel great about your performance.
    Sounds like your DH is feeling much better. A fundraiser tonight? Did he go back to work? Did he start PT yet?
    Thanks so much about my friend. I am so glad DH went with me given that I was such an emotional mess.

    I am trying hard with H&C. I'm not enjoying this H&C as much as I did BB. I think my least favorite workout is the Chisel Balance. Something I don't like about this program is going through a routine and then having to start at the top again. I'm trying hard though. I've gone up in weights in some cases which is good. That pistol squat is so hard on my right leg which is my wobbly side.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This is going to be short, I have tons of work to do from being off. I'm probably on track with Tami on my BB rotation. We had a great time in Vegas, and walked a lot. First day out we got in 9 miles. Will chat more with you hopefully tomorrow, I think that I will be caught up by that time.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today's workout started with STS Disk 38/Squat Rack Legs.....and, once again, I didn't wander off during a break. :) Very happy about that. For cardio, I started with X10 Hi/Lo into CTX Kickboxing and core work. Good stuff.

    Tami, sounds like a good weekend, though I am sorry about the volleyball team performance. As you said, sometimes that's how things go, but it is so much better to end on a high. Great workout on Sunday! Yowza. You really got all parts of the body with that one. CTX is, thankfully, post-leotard clothing. She wears mostly long pants in these workouts. Some short shorts, but not like Maximum Intensity Strength or Pure Strength. These workouts are much more like current Cathe (she still uses a lot of the same moves today), but I finally figured out when Cathe stopped cuing her step workouts before the move instead of when a move starts.....and that is CTX. Cathe's step cuing early on in her video/DVD career was so good. Now.....not so much. I am just glad I am familiar with her patterns/moves or else I would never get some of these workouts down. Anyhow, I am happy your DH's PT is happy with his progress, but, no doubt, your DH is tired of the constant discomfort.

    Thelma, great workout. I completely understand your reaction to H&C. When I was reading the reviews for it while I was doing BB, it seemed many who went from BB into H&C were disappointed. I had the benefit of a few weeks in between, and even with that, it took me some time to warm-up to H&C......really until I started feeling the benefits from it. But I didn't enjoy it as much as BB because I never dreaded a BB workout, and there are a couple in H&C I had to talk myself into some days. But kudos to you for sticking to it and, hopefully, you will start feeling the benefits from the program soon.

    Laurie, welcome back!! Glad you had a great time in Vegas!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ As planned, I went home last night and did KCM Lean Body Circuits, which I love and the variety of it felt so great! I do miss that during the BB program, since it is the same workout(s) each week, but all good stuff. This a.m. I had a 7 a.m. dentist appt for my permanent crown. Went great! They gave me one shot just in case and NO pain on the removal and install of the new one. It feels a little odd right now, but I think it will be good. So tonight I will get in my workout after work, most likely Katy’s class at the gym. Will pick up with Bulk CHEST tomorrow a.m.

    Laurie: Welcome Back! I am happy to hear Vegas was fun and you enjoyed yourself. I think we are on the same week now with BB. I believe I am on Week #5 of BULK. How's Rocket doing? Did one of your DD's watch him while you were gone?

    Laurel: Great work with SR Legs and no wandering off – LOL! That’s right on her CTX, it is the long pants and so many great workouts in that pack. I am sure you are enjoying it a lot and good that you know her cues, etc…. I of course, will struggle with “new” or old cueing if it is choreography. But that’s ok. Thanks for the well wishes on DH. He’s getting there . . . just taking longer than either of us thought it would.

    Thelma: Fabulous work last night with Chisel Balance and congrats on Week # 4! You are truly persevering through the program, nice job. Those pistol squats are no joke in Chisel Balance forsure. Way to do your best and I’m sorry you aren’t enjoying it as much as BB, but hopefully you aren’t having the dread factor. Yes, we had a great season with our team so we were proud of that. DH has been back to work for several weeks now, luckily with his job a lot of it is done via phone and e-mail so he is able to go home earlier on days his knee is bothering him or swollen. Yesterday was a long day up on it, but he made it. He has been at PT for 3 or 4 weeks now and goes 2-3 times a week. Some of the appts have been cut short however in the earlier weeks due to swelling.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT10 CBS w/u, H&C Max Hammer Strength, Treadmill. I was exhausted today but I pushed through it and actually went heavier on a couple of exercises. I surprised myself because I didn't think I had the strength given how tired I was. I think one of the reasons why I haven't enjoyed this program is because I've been so tired lately.

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job! You're really using all your workouts!
    I am hoping that by the end of this program the dread factor won't be so much.

    Tami, I had no idea your DH was working again. I can see now why he's dealing with all that swelling. When you're at work you don't elevate your leg as you should to prevent the swelling. Great workout last night! Glad you got your permanent crown on and things went well!
    I need to work on my balance with my right leg. It's always been my wobbly side. Of course you should've seen me at work today balancing on my right side doing the renegade row! I was so good! LOL. I hope the dread factor is greatly reduced by the end of this program. I am starting to think that since tired is my new normal I don't even feel like working out at all hence the dread factor.

    Laurie, welcome back! So glad you had a great time in Vegas!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm mostly caught up with all the papers that landed on my desk while I was gone. I like being busy, but feeling overwhelmed isn't fun, so I worked hard to get it all done asap. Still keeping up with my Beast rotation, and this week I wanted to see what the ICE Muscle Meltdowns were like, so I incorporated some of those into my rotation also. This morning I did a catch up with the Bulk Back, because the Monday evening we went to a fundraiser for youngest Cosmetology Club. Will do shoulder work when I get home, and will probably incorporate the Lower Body Blizzard Blast too. I really like using those blasts, they are short but really effective.

    Laurel, Your workouts are rolling along just great. Are you anticipating Meso 1 yet? Those CTX cardio workouts are ones that are really tough on the knees for me. Just to many step workouts, but I remember that they are fun. 10-10-10 was the best, because it incorporated three different types of exercise for a short length of time.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! I never get any pain meds when they put in the permanent tooth. I never seem to have a problem with that part. I have had so much tooth pain in my life, that I don't really need to much pain meds anymore. :D Or all my nerves are shot in my mouth! The BB calendar says that Bulk is 6 weeks, but you do each workout 7 times, so I'm at the end of the 5th time or starting BB's 5th week. Kind of weird in a way. I didn't get my doubling up before we left, just to busy getting things organized before we left. Rocket is growing up, it really is interesting how he is getting out of his puppy stage. He turned a year old this month, and we can now trust him to be on his own at night. He doesn't get into anything, still don't trust during the day though. Our youngest dd took care of him while we were gone. She said that he missed us.

    Thelma, Dang sorry to hear that you are not enjoying the H&C workouts. Hope that they do get better for you. Nice job getting though the workouts even though you where tired. I had a really hard time getting back into the workouts after being away from them for the week. I had to pull out a new and different workout to get me motivated.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today started with STS Disk 30/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Went as heavy as I could and really enjoyed it. For cardio, I did X10 Fat Burning Circuit into CTX Power Circuits. This was a great combo! I am really glad I talked myself into doing these CTX workouts again because they aren't as bad as I remember them. Definitely enjoying them this week because even with adding the X10 workouts, my cardio workouts are running about 45 minutes which is perfect with these long Meso 3 workouts.

    Tami, sounds like a great workout. There really isn't much variety in Body Beast, that's for sure. I can see why doing something different felt good. Hopefully Katy's class wasn't as tough as last week. I am so happy to hear the crown process went so smoothly!

    Thelma, good job pushing through the workout. Sometimes you do a workout series at the wrong time for where you are mentally and physically. I was thinking about that today doing my CTX workout. I was trying to remember where I was when I first got the series and why it didn't click with me. I don't actually remember when it was, but something about the cardio in it (I love the weight and core segments) just didn't mesh with me at all when I tried it originally. But like I said above, I am really enjoying this week. That could be the case with you and H&C. If you are just at a point where you aren't enjoying them, would it be better to do something else? You at least know what the workouts are like so someday you might think 'I want to give them another try'. Like me and CTX, it may take a decade......but they will be there waiting for you. :)

    Laurie, glad to hear you are catching up at work......and with your workouts. I bet that week off felt good on your body! I think you may have keyed in on one of the reasons I didn't like CTX when I first got it, and that is all the stepping. I go through stages in my workout life where I love step, and stages where I don't want to do step for months. I think I might have tried it during one of those latter phases. I just remember being so frustrated with them! I am preparing for Meso 1.....and all those push-ups and NO time between exercises. Should be fun. :p

    DH is off work tomorrow, but I will try to check-in!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Katy’s class was a lot of running, circuits and more running which once again agitated my achillies; it was a little flared up from volleyball on Sunday again so this didn’t help. I may need to start KT taping it again like I did a couple years ago. Worked like a dream for me. This a.m. was Bulk Chest + Muscle Meltdown Chest and tonight I am headed to Spinning.

    Laurel: Great job with Shoulders/Bis/Tris today and your X10 + CTX sounds like a perfect combo for your cardio today! One thing I feel I have lost through this BB series is my cardio endurance; since I am not doing as much of it. Glad I do some little add-ons here and there or my evening classes or I would really be sucking air! LOL

    Laurie: I bet it is rough being back at work with the piles of “to do’s” and hopefully you can manage through them by the weekend so you can relax again and start fresh next week. Great job getting right back into BB as well. I will look again tomorrow a.m. on that scheduling …… but I think next week begins Week #6 (as I mentioned yesterday) and I think I did read something about that. I just write down week-by-week for the month and because they all meld together anymore I am not sure where Im at unless I put a little #5 or #6 by each Sunday. At the dentist yesterday, it was actually the numbing I was after, not meds. LOL I didn’t want to feel that sensitivity when they took off the temporary. Brave was not what I was going for yesterday! The other crown I had many years ago I about flew out of the chair with sensitivity on the open/exposed tooth. I am sure you are so used to dental things, that it doesn’t even bother you. Mine might also be a lot of mental panic.

    Thelma: Great job with Hammer Strength and the treadie! Way to push play. I am sure the tired factor plays into your dreading the workouts right now. I think Laurel gave some great advice on maybe doing something else if you are just dreading each workout and go with something that feels fun to you until it passes or you feel like going back to H&C. Nothing worse than having the tireds and dreading your workouts. Yes, he has been working and up on it every day, which is why he is struggling with the swelling still going on. Yesterday he had his best day yet he said; was swollen a little bit but not too bad. He was happy to have a really good day there in the mix!

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT10 w/u, H&C Chisel Cardio. I definitely was in a good mental place tonight because I did like this workout and I liked it the first time I did it.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts and with all that paperwork that piled up on your desk while on vacation!
    I am convinced that I am not enjoying these workouts because of how tired I've been lately given that I've been working longer hours for a while now.

    Laurel, great combo today. I'm so glad you're enjoying the CTX workouts this time around! I hope I will be able to say how much I'm enjoying the H&C workouts in the future. I agree that this may not be the right time for H&C for me. I am definitely doing something right because I always end up with DOMS. I am going to stick with it though. I'm almost half way through it. I can do this!
    I've been meaning to ask you about your mom's health. How is she doing?

    Tami, great job with your workouts! Sorry about your Achilles! Do seriously deep calf massage please! It works! After the daily deep massage when I feel that my achilles are acting up (happens a lot more since doing BB and H&C) I use a heating pad on my calves and then put my feet over the pad and it helps. I've not had to use the KT tape since I've been doing this.
    I am going to fight this dread factor feeling and will stick to this rotation. 4 1/2 weeks to go. I can do it. I am going to do some STS hybrid rotation next time. I had started to put together such rotation before I started BB so I have to finish it.
    I'm so glad your husband is finally feeling like he sees the light at the end of the tunnel with his recovery process. Is he glad he had the surgery? Tami, I hope your mom is enjoying her new life!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the BB Bulk Shoulder last night, and that was it. This morning I did 22 Min. Hard Corps Resistance 1 with the cold start warm up. Got to work this morning and one of the guys left a large chocolate chip muffin on my desk. I'm bagging it up to give to DH or dd to eat. :( All the guys are very nice, but I just can't eat the lovely muffin.. ;)

    Laurel, Very nice workouts! I did revisit those CTX workouts last year and had fun with them. I also only did them for a week, and that was enough. I think that it helped having that week off, because I have been feeling really good DOMS this week getting back into the heavy weight. Really loved it. :D This rotation seems to be flying by!

    Tami, Sorry to hear about your achilles, that isn't fun to deal with when you want to be active. Glad to hear that the tape worked for you. Great job on the workouts. Can understand the numbing of the area if you had that reaction the last time you had a crown. My oldest dd and I call ourselves freaks because we don't require a lot of numbing anymore, but we both have horrid teeth.

    Thelma, Great workout! I really enjoyed Chisel Cardio when I did it in the rotation also. Being tired really doesn't help with workouts, that is for sure. I think that is one reason it took me a couple of days to get back into the swing of working out. I was tired from the trip, and while I was out there had sinus issues.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Quick check-in today since DH is home and the sunshine is calling us outside. But at least I got my workouts in. Started with CTX Leaner Legs which is still such a great leg workout. For cardio, I did Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard Blast into Cardio Kicks. It was a great combo.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the Achilles. I hope you get some relief from the tape. Mine acts up now and again, and I can never predict when it will happen.....or what makes it better. So frustrating. I was lucky with Body Beast in having the time to add on my cardio every day. I completely understand why you miss it since I am a cardio addict. But your cardio endurance will come back surprisingly quickly, no doubt

    Thelma, glad your workout went better last night. That is such a good workout.....surprisingly tough but also doable. Thanks for asking about my mom. She is, unfortunately, not well.....and getting worse very quickly. She started in-home hospice care last week and, right now, it looks like my sisters and I are going down there the middle of next week to find her a group home to move into or arrange for somebody to come be with every day. She has taken such a turn in the past 10 days that we were wondering earlier this week if next week may be too late. :'( It is a sad time, for sure. But we also have known this was coming for some time. Thanks again for asking.

    Laurie, good workouts! I am thinking more and more about those 22 MHC workouts and will probably get them soon. Like I mentioned before, I really like using X10 and the Blizzard Blasts for add-ons and think the MHC workouts would be perfect for that but with some different variety. Great job resisting the muffin. I probably would have gobbled it up! :p

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning went good last night! Achillies feels fine during cycling, only once and a while with heavy hill work do I feel it. This a.m. I hit the snooze button and then OFF by accident; so no a.m. workout. I was so bummed once I realized what I had done and it was too late. I am really hoping for after work . . . even if DH is home since it is LEG day! We will see.

    Laurel: Great job with CTX Leaner Legs and Rockm Sockm with the Cardio Kicks ~ sounds like a perfect combo of workouts. I remember not too long ago your Achillies was feeling it; I think some new shoes may be in order! LOL I do remember you were able to keep up your cardio during BB due to the time frames; that is the hard part for me is not enough time in the a.m. The gym workouts definitely help with the cardio factor, just not as much as I would prefer. I think the next time I do a BB rotation I will definitely mix in more cardio; and as I type that I may just start re-vamping the remainder of the rotation with at least a cardio day into the week for more. I still have quite a few weeks. Thanks for your encouragement on that! Most importantly I am SO sorry to hear about your mom and how she is doing. Such a sad thing you are all going through. She has been so brave through her fight with cancer and it is so awesome she has you all to take care of her. Please keep us posted. So sorry Laurel. Hope you and DH enjoyed that sunshine today and maybe a glass of wine in the evening together.

    Laurie: Way to get the BULK Shoulders done last night and a nice workout in this a.m. Good on ya for resisting the muffin at work. We had a huge tray of Mexican food brought in for our office for lunch …. I went ahead and ate my own lunch instead (Tilapia and salad) . . . my body will feel much better for it! I don't know if you read my post last week while you were gone .... I ordered up 21 Day Fix Xtreme for myself as a Birthday treat to me! LOL Moved from "wish list" to purchase. Just needed a good excuse. I think I will start penciling those into the remainder of our schedule with BB if I can. WOOHOO! I need to see the time frames, etc. for everything, but maybe even a day added in for cardio.

    Thelma: Way to get Chisel Cardio done and it sounds like you are on a mission to finish out this H&C rotation! Congrats and a positive mind set forsure. Good to know you are feeling the DOM’s from it; so it is doing something for your body. Can’t go wrong with the core work and lower body forsure! Honestly DH is NOT happy he had the surgery. I had asked him point blank not to long ago if he was regretting having it, which makes me feel so bad . . in my convincing him of the surgery days, I promised him it would feel better when he was all rehabbed, so fingers crossed it does get a lot better than it is right now. He said if this is as good as it gets he would have never had the surgery and just waited until he needs a replacement on his knee. Which will still be “someday” according to the surgeon. Thank you for the massage tip on my calf, I will try that. The heated rice bag feels amazing on it forsure so I have felt the relief with that.

    Have a great rest of your day ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT10 w/u, H&C ISO Speed Hammer, ICE Bíceps Muscle Meltdown. I love this bicep meltdown! I started with heavy weights and my biceps were pretty fried after the first set so I had to keep lowering the weights. Thank God tomorrow is Friday!

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! Congrats on that will power with the muffin! I would've eaten the top. LOL
    I'm convinced my problem is feeling tired. I was tired tonight but forced myself to go do my workout. Of course once I finish I feel good.

    Laurel, great workout today! I hope you guys had a good day. Did you golf?
    I am so sorry about your mom's health taking turn for the worse. I'm sure it is very sad. Please keep us posted.

    Tami, great job spinning on Wed! I hope you were able to get your leg workout in today! I definitely end up with DOMS after every H&C workout. Sorry your DH isn't happy he went through with the knee surgery. Just give him time. Once he's done with the swelling and pain he'll feel differently.
    Glad your Achilles is better!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited April 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, it was my off day from BB. This morning was BB Bulk Chest, and after work will be some kickboxing and 22 MHC Cardio and abs. I found a kickbox workout that is really great if you enjoy kicking and punching combined. You can either do the whole thing, or select portions of it. It has 4 10 min. rounds, and warm-up, abs and cool down. I like that you can build your own workout from that, so you can program the warm-up, any number of rounds, and then the cool down. She is a great instructor, and I was fried just doing two rounds. This is the only place I was able to find it. Just in case anyone needs to spend more $

    Laurel, Hope you were able to get outside for that lovely weather. We are not so fortunate to have that yet, it is rainy and cold here. That really does sound like a great cardio combo, you can't beat that CTX Kickbox for getting in a good workout for such a short time. LOL that Leaner Leg workout never gets easy. Putting an X10 or Blizzard Blast with these 22MHC workouts would be a great combo. Since there is only one warm up in 22MHC, it would be an awesome way to make things different. So sorry to hear about your Mom, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister.

    Tami, Dang on the alarm, I have done that and it really messes up your morning routine. Glad to hear that spinning went well, and hopefully that achilles will get way better. I love Mexican food, so that would be super hard to resist. I have not gotten through all the post from when I was off, but Congrats on getting that set. You will love it, and I'm sure that you will find some way to combine all the workouts. The only one that I really don't care for is the yoga workout. Just doesn't flow as well as some of the other ones I have.

    Thelma, Those Muscle Meltdowns are awesome. I tried them out this past week, and really enjoyed them. You can use lighter weights, and still get DOMS. Isn't that funny how we start out not really wanting to workout, and then afterward are so glad that we didn't talk ourselves out of doing them.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today's workout with the CTX Upper Body premix, which remains one of my favorite Cathe upper body endurance workouts. After the heavy weights of Meso 3 this week, my arms felt fried at the end. For cardio, I did a workout I have owned for 10 years.....and only done once. Circuit Max. It is on the same DVD as Cardio Kicks and, for some reason when I tried it the first time, I hated it. I never wanted to see it again, so I never did.....until today. What a good workout! I have no idea why I didn't like it, but I really enjoyed it and will definitely do it again. This week has been good for me because I feel like I have just added some workouts to my collection. CTX and Circuit Max will definitely show up again in a future rotation of mine.

    Tami, sorry you missed your morning workout. Hope you were able to get your leg workout in. I think you would be able to modify the BB rotation to fit in more cardio, especially in the Build phase since there are only four workouts (if I remember correctly). That at least gives you two days of just cardio. As Laurie pointed out the other day, the number of weeks in the rotation don't match the number of times you do the workouts. But if you only do each workout once a week, there is a little more time for something else. Hope you enjoy 21 Day Fix Extreme. Glad to hear your Achilles was feeling a little better. Hope that continues. And thanks for the thoughts on my mom. I talked to her last night, and she just keep plugging away. She amazes me. And, yes, DH and I enjoyed the sunshine (golf) and a little of wine outside last night. :)

    Thelma, great combo! I love those Muscle Meltdowns. Actually I think ICE is an exceptional program all around. There are so many ways to use it. DH and I did golf yesterday. It was so nice because we had the course to ourselves, which is always nice. It was warm (near 90), but it really felt good too. We are definitely getting back to a summer feel here in Florida, but I kind of like it. Thank you for the thoughts on my mom. I will keep you all posted.

    Laurie, another new workout recommendation?? :D Actually, it sounds like a really good workout. Glad you enjoyed it. Maybe when I order 22MHC...... :p . It is so hard for me to think about winter still being alive in parts of the country when I got a decent tan yesterday. But they are predicting snow (again) in Denver!! Crazy. Hope you enjoy some spring weather soon.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night unfortunately so this a.m. I got right up and did the ICE Lower Body warm-up followed by Bulk Legs. Felt great! Tonight I will head to Spinning after work. I will be doing a double-Bulk workout tomorrow a.m. and then going to get my hair done.

    Laurel: Awesome work with CTX Upper Body and following it with Circuit Max. Glad you enjoyed it after all this time. So good that you pulled that DVD out this week and discovered some new favs! I will definitely be taking a look at my May schedule for BB and see where I can plug things into the mix! I think it will work nicely for me to have that balanced out with a little more cardio in the mix. Since I feel like I NEED to have cardio. LOL Sounds like you and DH had a really nice afternoon, Im glad and gorgeous weather it sounds. We have some nice weather coming again.

    Laurie: Lucky for me I have that DVD and really enjoy it, don’t need it for my “wish List” LOL! I haven’t done the shorter workouts, just the whole thing combined. Thanks for letting us know about it, you are always good about sharing the good ones! It really is the woman on the cover that does the whole workout but she has a good style and it moves along nicely. I am looking forward to those 21 Day FX-XT workouts and thank you on the suggestion for adding them into our rotation. I am going to pencil in the next month of workouts on my calendar this weekend and include cardio/”extra” where I can. Great job with Bulk Chest and hopefully you get in your 22 MHC tonight + abs.

    Thelma: Great job with your workout combo! I have thoroughly enjoyed the MM’s after each Bulk workout for upper body; just adds a little extra to those muscles. I go heavy with BULK and then a little bit lighter on the MM’s, (but not as light as Cathe is going on those); really feel it. I hope DH is happy with it too eventually. He is having his best week yet he said last night for the knee, so things are looking up!

    Have a great weekend ladies!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We had a busy weekend but it was good. On Friday I did Rock'm Sock'm w/u, H&C Chisel Agility. On Saturday I did X10 w/u, H&C Hammer Power and today Spinning and 10 min Ab Hammer. I went heavier on the Hammer Power workout which was great.

    Laurie, great workouts! You won't believe that but I own that Kickbox Burn workout DVD! I've had it for a long time but I've never used it. I'll keep it in mind when I need something short.

    The muscle meltdowns are short and effective. I hope Cathe continues to add the muscle meltdowns to her programs.

    Laurel, wonderful combos! I'm glad you're enjoying those older workouts you didn't like years ago. I agree with you about the C workout being an exceptional program.

    Tami, awesome weekend workouts! Thank God for those muscle meltdowns because they are needed when doing H&C. So glad your husband is starting to experience really good days!

    Good night ladies!