Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very hard to say this, but we had to bring Cami <3 to the vet this morning :'( . My whole morning has been up and down with emotion, but I know that she isn't in pain anymore. It was nice to be able to say goodbye to her during the last two weeks.

    I didn't workout after I got home from my pedicure (my feet look great ;) ), so this morning I got in the BB Bulk Shoulders. I know that there will not be a workout tonight, so will have to double up the resistance workouts from 22MHC on Saturday.

    Laurel, Great workouts, and congrats on moving onto Meso 3! LOL about those Macarena arms, took me a while to get that one down pat. Which workout has the one where she does the strike a pose? That one always screwed up my feet. Figuring out what to do for the next rotation is really making me think hard. To many that I want to try.

    Tami, Sounds like you did a more advanced 22MHC workout! Nice job on the Cathe workout also. I think that you both are right, these rotations have been non-dread. I think that has a lot to do with me wanting to finish the rotations.

    Thelma, Dang on the sleep! Good job on the workout though, and really glad you enjoyed it. It will be nice to see my gf's, they do not know about my oldest getting married. Will have a lot to talk about as usual. Suppose to be in the 50's today, so I'm going to take a short walk outside today.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Cathe's Maximum Intensity Cardio.....another oldie but goodie. I followed it with PiYo Sweat which was a perfect addition. Loved that workout. So far PiYo gets two thumbs up from me. I don't think I could do a full, every day rotation of it, but for once-a-week PiYo add-on, these workouts are ideal. Very glad I bought this series.

    Laurie, :'( . I am SO sorry to hear about Cami. I am glad you had some extra time with her to love on her a little more. I can't believe you worked out this morning, so good job getting that in. I hope you enjoy your evening with friends. I think the 'strike a pose' workout is Step, Jump and Pump. That is where you step up, kick twice, and then shift to where you are facing the side wall and point a 'gun'. Not my favorite Cathe move either!

    Tami, sounds like a great Katy workout. Bet that felt good. I definitely think I will try the Muscle Meltdowns in Body Beast because I really like hitting each muscle group twice a week. I will have to give it some thought about how I want to intertwine them, but I have been thinking about this since I read an article a few weeks ago that said to 'throw out the one body part a day mentality' because working the muscles up to three times a week is more ideal than one long session. While I don't think anything in fitness is as cut-and-dried as many of these articles state (after all, many people get incredibly fit hitting the muscles once a week), I know I get better results with STS when I add that second time a week workout. I want to see if that is true with Body Beast. But I also know I didn't necessarily feel like I needed more the first time I did it, so I will also have to see what my body tells me I suppose.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the continued insomnia. I was like that all last week, and ended up crawling into the spare bed a couple of nights since DH was driving me crazy with all his twitching! I know by Friday, I felt physically and mentally done. So just take care of yourself. Great job with Chisel Agility.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Rock'm Sock'm w/u, H&C Hammer Power, Treadmill, Stretch. I had lined up all these heavy weights given the names of the exercises on the worksheet but they were too heavy for this workout. It's interesting how they focus on shoulders and legs on these workouts. I liked the workout. I finally slept night! What a relief!

    Laurie, I'm so sorry about Cami. She is in a better place where she is pain free now. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is so very hard.
    I'm sure your friends are going to be thrilled when you tell them about your oldest dd getting married! Day time temps have been great around here. In the 50's but at this time of the year that is a heatwave. Tomorrow I'm going to brave the cold temps in the morning and will wear open toe shoes. No socks!

    Laurel, great combo! Glad you're enjoying the PiYo workouts! It really has been tough week physically for me. I was super exhausted today. Thank God tomorrow is Friday! I am planning to sleep in on Saturday.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Of course no workout after I got home yesterday, but had a good evening just being with DH, DD and Rocket. I think that we all needed to be together. I think that Rocket is a little bit confused as to where his big sister is. This morning I did 22MHC Cardio 1, and will be doubling up the BB workouts before we head out to Vegas on Sunday.

    I had a great time catching up with my gf's, and of course talking about our aging husbands. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome workout, that one was tough for me to get through when I first tried it. I'm planning on taking the PiYo workouts with me, those can so easily be done in the hotel room. I seriously don't know what I would do if I didn't have my workouts for stress relief, it just makes me feel so much better in situations like yesterday. Yes you are right on the workout being SJP, I always have a problem with the kick and then pose.

    Tami, Great workouts! You are correct on the shoulder and legs in those workouts, they do not neglect them at all in these workouts. I was wondering about that same thing, but then as I was going through the workouts I realized that I really needed them stronger to get more balance. Hope all goes well for your open toed shoe, and the cold in the morning. My gf's where very happy for us, and then proceeded to talk about will this be the start of "We only see each other at weddings and funerals". :D

    If I don't post next week it is because I'm having a great time in Vegas!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with me revisiting my first Cathe strength workout--Maximum Intensity Strength. I still love this workout after all these years. The Bicep work is short but oh so sweet (aka tough). I followed it with my last oldie of the week.....Step Works. That makes for five straight days of step cardio, and I did it all on the 8" step. Very surprised and happy my knees handled it so well. But I think it is time for some non-step workouts!

    Thelma, Hammer Power is really a treasure in that series. I didn't go very heavy either because I wanted to make sure I used my best form. But I love the way that workout flows and how it taught me a completely new style of lifting. Definitely my favorite of that series. Glad you slept better. Hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend.

    Laurie, I was wondering how Rocket was adjusting to the change. Glad you enjoyed some family time last night. I am with you in workouts and stress relief. I have no idea some days where I would be without them. What they do for my mind at times far outweighs what they do for my body. Boy, this trip to Vegas couldn't have come at a better time. And what a great place to just 'let go' for a little bit. Hope you have a fantastic time!

    Tami, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all yesterday, with my dentist appt going longer and then stuck in traffic on my way back to work I didn’t have enough time left in my day. So the crown appt went amazing! It felt like I was getting a filling as far as no pain, easy-peasy! Thank Goodness. I go back on the 26th to get my permanent. I did however look like I suffered a small stroke from my droopy face on one side. LOL All is good today, just not chewing on that side, due to fear of it coming off right now and it is a little sensitive to anything with pressure to bite down. So this a.m. was BULK Legs and tonight I am headed to Spinning.

    Laurie: I read your post from yesterday and just want to cry for you all. That is SO sad and I know forsure you are all grateful she is not in pain anymore, however the loss you feel is so hard. I’m sorry and admire how strong you have been through this hard time with her. Glad you had some time to say goodbye, that is really good. Glad to hear your tootsies look good and great job with Bulk Shoulders. I’m going to be doubling up on Saturday as well with Bulk! Back and Chest I think is on my schedule and then I will add in a cardio of some sort, maybe some KB! Sounds like you had some nice family time last night with Rocket included. I am sure he is a little confused. Have a fabulous time in Vegas! Probably perfect timing for you. Enjoy . . . .

    Laurel: Laughing inside about the Step, Jump and Pump description! Hilarious. Great work with Maximum Int Cardio and your PiYo Sweat – I loved that one the most of the PiYo workouts I have tried. I’m glad you are happy with your PiYo purchase as well now that you have been able to try some of them. Way to get in that Max Int Strength today + Step Works! Glad to hear your knee is doing good this week with all the step routines.

    Thelma: Awesome workout with Hammer Power + the Treadie and a stretch! H&C definitely focuses on Legs doesn’t it, shoulders too, but every workout has leg work …. Which I love, so that is probably why it appeals to me so much!

    Have a fabulous weekend ladies! Hoping to go on an actual date night with DH . . . he said he is going to make himself feel up to it. I guess that's a good thing, right?!? LOL Just dinner at a restaurant we like near our house, will be fun to just get out a little bit on the weekend. :smile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a nice, quiet weekend. I found out on Friday that a dear friend and co-worker of mine passed away last Tuesday. So sad. She had colon cancer. DH and I will be going to her funeral on Friday.
    On Friday I did X10 w/u, H&C Chisel Balance, Treadmill. I did so much better on this Balance workout. I found ways to modify so that I could feel safer. The plank move where Autumn's hands are on the bench and alternates hands touching the floor was something I couldn't do safely because I was too high on the bench. I put the step with 2 risers in front of the bench so that I could touch the step platform instead of the floor. I also used the step platform to put my feet on while I did the bridge on the bench. This put me at the right height for this move and saved my back. On Saturday I did Rock'm Sock'm w/u, H&C Hammer Conditioning. I really liked this conditioning workout. It was hard but I did it and went heavy whenever possible. I did pretty good with the clock pushups and the renegade row burpee. My shoulder blades are feeling it but I can tell things are starting to relax. This afternoon I did my usual spinning and added 10 min Hammer Abs. I liked this ab workout! I start H&C week 3 tomorrow!

    Laurie, I am glad you and your family spent time together on Friday. I'm sure Rocket is wondering where his sister is. Great job doubling up on your BB workouts before heading to Vegas. I hope you have a blast! I agree with Laurel and Tami that this trip has come at a perfect time.

    Laurel,great job revisiting those older workouts and congrats on surviving an entire week worth of step work!

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! Is the crown for the cracked tooth? Thank God there was no pain! LOL on the droopy face! Good idea not to chew on the crown side. Those temp crowns can pop out.
    My legs, glutes and abs are always feeling a little DOMSY with these H&C workouts! I like it but I wish they'd have triceps and biceps in the program.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. We had a nice weekend here. It was warm, but rainy and windy on Saturday so we spent the day running errands, doing stuff on the house, etc. No workout for me, which was fine. My body likes my Saturday's off, that's for sure. Yesterday I started Meso 3 with STS Disk 26/Plyo Legs. Love the Plyo leg workouts! This week I am matching STS up with RWH, so I followed it with RWH Low Impact HiiT One Doubled, plus core 2. We then spent four hours golfing, so that felt good! Today was STS Disc 25/Chest and Back, and I went as heavy as my weights go and was really feeling it at the end. For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT One Doubled. Good stuff.

    Tami, so happy to hear the crown appointment went well. Hope you are fully recovered though and no more 'droopy' face. Hope you enjoyed a good night out with your DH as well. Sounds like a fantastic post-anniversary, pre-birthday treat!

    Thelma, so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with you. But good job with the workouts. So happy to hear you had a better time with Chisel Balance and found a way of making it work for you. I really like both ab workouts that came with H&C, but the Hammer Ab work appealed a little more because there was no bench.

    Laurie, hope you are having a great time in Vegas!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Really nice weekend. DH and I went out for lunch on Saturday, instead of dinner that night. It was fun to just get out with him a little bit. Did some usual house cleaning and my fun workouts in the a.m. both days. Sat was Bulk Chest + Muscle Meltdown Chest and the Blizzard Blast, yesterday was Bulk Back + Bulk Arms followed by MM Bi’s and the Blizzard Blast, then off to play some Volleyball. Next Sunday is our end of the season tourney; and will be our last game until Fall League starts. No workout this a.m. and it is nearly 80 degrees here today so I am going to head home and take Bernie for a walk this evening I think; Emma of course too, but hers will be the short walk to end of street and back. I did find out on Friday after Spinning that the Monday night BootCamp instructor is thinking of getting "switched" to a Spin class and maybe Katy will teach our BootCamp instead! That would be fantastic! Just rumors right now, but I am keeping fingers crossed.

    Laurel: Sounds like a productive weekend along with some nice golfing! Fabulous combos on the workouts; I bet the RWH workouts are going to be fantastic this week combined with STS. Great idea and I love how you are using all of your workouts for combos throughout this rotation. DH and I did have a nice time going out to lunch; it was a beautiful sunny day and then we BBQ’d at home in the evening instead of going out. Yesterday he said was his best “Knee Day” he has had yet, which was great to hear. His calf is sore a lot and it worries him due to the blood clot; but I truly think it is because he is walking differently and just keeps straining it.

    Thelma: Yes, my crown is due to the cracked tooth; I am being really careful with it. I realize it is cemented on, but still. I didn’t need a root canal so if that baby came off it would be some serious sensitivity! YIKES. Big bummer on having to get it, but necessary and I am glad it wasn’t painful. So sorry to hear about your friend’s passing. That is sad. Great job on Chisel Balance 2nd time around! Sounds like you made it work for you, which is perfect! Awesome work with Hammer Conditioning as well! It is a good one . . . but I say that about all of the H&C workouts! LOL

    Laurie: Hope you are having a blast in Vegas!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, H&C Hammer Total Body, Stretch. I didn't sleep well last night so my 20 lb dumbbells felt like 30 in my hands when I was doing squats. I was afraid I was going to drop them but managed to finish both squat sets.

    Laurel, great combos and I like the idea of pairing STS with RWH! Congrats for going so heavy on the chest and back workout!
    Thanks so much on my friend. I was happy to have found a way to modify Chisel Balance in a way that would put me into proper position. I do like both H&C ab workouts too. I expected the Hammer abs would've been harder than the Chisel abs but it was the other way around.

    Tami, so glad you and your DH finally had a chance to go out on a date! I bet he was thrilled. As much as crowns are not fun, you are fortunate the dentist noticed the crack before it got bad.
    Definitely sad about my friend. Thank God DH will take Friday off so he can go to the burial service and luncheon they'll have for her. It's a little bit of a shame that they didn't have a wake because people from work probably won't go as it is at 11:30 on Friday.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today with STS Disk 37/Squat Rack Legs. I really have to mentally prepare myself for these squat rack leg workouts because of the long breaks between exercises. I have a tendency to wander off. :p But I told myself today to stick with it, and I did. I do enjoy this leg workout because I can go really heavy. Hopefully I will be walking tomorrow. :o I followed it with a mishmash workout. I started with ICE Low Impact Sweat workout 1 and Blizzard Blast, right into RWH Low Impact HiiT Two, then back to ICE for Icy Core 2. It was a good combo.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed your lunch date with your DH. I bet he enjoyed being out and 'normal' again. Glad to hear his knee is feeling better and hopefully his calf will follow suit. He has a follow-up soon on the blood clot, right? Hopefully that will ease his mind a bit. Great workouts this weekend! I can't believe volleyball is almost done until fall!! Where is time going? Great news about Katy and Bootcamp!!! I will have my fingers crossed those rumors are true! Enjoy that warm weather.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the continued sleep issues. Good job with the workout, though. There are days my 5lb weights feel like 30, so I understand that feeling! Once upon a time, I refused to go down in weight when I felt that way.....but not any more. I still don't like to, but as Cathe says in one of her workouts, 'if it isn't happening, go lighter or try again on another day'. Some days, it just isn't happening, that's for sure.

    Laurie, hope you are having a great time.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Wonderful evening at home. Took Bernie for a walk and Emma a quick one too; BBQ’d and relaxed. This a.m. was BULK Shoulders and tonight I am headed to Katy’s Insane-X. Which will probably be outside; its 80 degrees here today! Crazy. I’m a little scared however, that means tennis courts “CONCRETE” outside. By the weekend it will only be in the 60’s and rainy, but I will take sunshine when I can get it, even if I’m inside. LOL

    Laurel: Fantastic job with Squat Rack Legs. I always think of you wandering off and doing your laundry along with Laurie putting her ankle weights on her wrists! I completely mind wander during those longer Meso 3 workouts; have to concentrate so that I stay focused. Thanks for the ongoing well wishes for DH, yes hopefully in a few more weeks he will have another ultra sound to just see where he is at with it. He worries still quite a bit (sadly, but understandable). So here’s hoping on the next ultra sound it shows a difference.

    Thelma: Great job with Hammer Total Body + a Stretch. Laurel hit it right on the head with Cathe’s quote, some days are just not “those days” and going lighter is ok. Depending on how you slept, what you ate, what’s going on at work all factor in! Good that you got it done lady. Nice work. Hope the sleep(s) gets better soon.

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today's workout started with STS Disk 27/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I really pushed up the weights and while I was doing the workout, was thinking it felt easy. After I was done with the arms didn't want to move. :D Good stuff. For cardio, I started with RWH Plyo HiiT Two....and then did CIZE Crazy 8's. I have my CIZE workouts back finally so hope to start using them again more. So much fun! I finished it with CIZE Abs which may be my favorite ab work ever because of the good music. Will definitely do that one again.

    Tami, hope the outdoor workout was good. I still don't know how you handle the concrete. But I bet those temps felt good. That is crazy hot for you this time of the year. Hope this doesn't mean you are in for a summer like last year. Warm is good. So dry? Not so much. I have been very good at staying focused during Meso far. Haven't folded even one piece of clothing (yet) when I am supposed to be stretching. :p I think it may be wise to stay focused or else when I get to crazy fast Meso 1 next, I will be so lost! I must admit, I like doing STS with the Mesocycles is this order because I am actually looking forward to Meso 1 now.

    Thelma, hope you are well.

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night was exactly as I thought it would be. Outside on the concrete tennis court/parking lot! Cars were backing out during our workout even. LOL We did the plate runs (plate above our head and run with arms straight up), down and back, down and back, sprints with the huge rubber band around your waist while partner holds you back, push-ups off the tractor tire, jump ropes, abs, burpees, mtn climbers . . . . this was one set at 15 minutes then inside to run lines! WHAT. Repeat all of the above. It was intense on that last set of sprints in the gym, she had us do 2 sets on the first go and 3 sets at the end. Plus Burpees when you finished.

    Laurel: Fantastic job again today! Gotta love it when you think you’re not pushing that hard or not that tough and then you feel it a little later. Love that you have your hands on those CIZE workouts again. Very fun. Glad you are gearing up for Meso 1, I am sure you are looking forward to it. Good plan you had ending with that phase instead of beginning. Get ready for those push-ups! As you can tell from the description above, it was a TOUGHIE and on the dirty, hard pavement it’s really tough. Sunshine was nice however! LOL

    Hi Thelma! Hope all is well with you.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had a senior moment last night and didn't hit the "Post Reply" button! Last night I did X10 w/u, H&C Chisel Agility. I really like this Agility workout! I don't know if you noticed on this workout that the camera seems to focus a lot on Autumn's behind. There was one shot that showed a lot of celulite on her hamstrings. I am glad they did that because it showed she has the some of the same problems most of us have. Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, Hammer Max Strength. Good workout! I had my energy back and even went heavier on a couple of exercises.
    We haven't had rain in a while and we are under brush fire alerts. Scary.

    Laurel, that was quite a leg killer combo you did on Monday!! Nice combo today! I'm glad you have the CIZE workouts back! Did the kids give up on it so soon? Definitely a fun program!
    I thought of Cathe's comments about not having the same energy level every day. I did the squats with the super heavy weights and did go down on the lunges.

    Tami, great workouts! I can't believe you're having such warm tems. That workout on the tenis court sounds like a killer one!! I definitely have to learn to adjust my weights depending on how I feel.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I did a fun workout today. I started with ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blizzard Blast then went into RWH Lower Body Circuit back to the Blizzard Blast. Made for a good 75 minute cardio and leg workout. I finished it all off with PiYo Core which was another good one.

    Tami, Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day. Sounds like it was an absolute killer class from Katy! Yowza!! I bet if there were any newbies there, they were shocked! I can't imagine working out in a parking lot--with cars. Crazy. But I bet you felt pretty accomplished at the end. :D

    Thelma, great workouts! The cellulite thing.......High Def TV may not be considered by some workout instructors and background members as kind, but, for me, it has made me realize that some extremely fit and healthy women have cellulite. I spent most of my youth hugely embarrassed by my cellulite (I often claim I had cellulite at birth because I don't remember a time I haven't had it). Wish I hadn't wasted those days covering up my legs. Glad to hear you got your energy back! CIZE came home because, believe it or not, the end of the school year is just around the corner!! So they are now focusing on finals and (for some) graduation and not Shaun T.! Lucky for me!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me today! The big 47 :blush: So far I have celebrated with a nice BULK Leg workout this a.m., my nephews sang a new version of Happy Birthday to me on my way to work, which was hilarious and so sweet of them, balloons from a friend at work + (2) Starbucks cards! DH spoiled me to a Gift Certificate for a massage & pedicure followed by lunch with my BFF! How thoughtful is that and my BFF does not mind tagging along! LOL Tonight he is going to make him & I dinner, which will be a nice break for me.

    I forgot to post yesterday that I had done BULK Chest + Muscle Meltdown Chest in the a.m. Did go to Spinning last night (hard to do with that beautiful sunny day) but I went and it was good. I did have that crazy hunger moment in the last 15 minutes again; shaky hungry! So I bought a Quest bar on my way out the door.

    Laurel: Thank you so much for the Birthday wishes! What an awesome lower body workout you got in today! Sounds amazing + the PiYO core to finish it off. Nice work. Yes, her class was “killer” forsure; and she gave a “shout out” to us in Spinning last night for surviving it. Hence, she realized it was tough and admitted she did not do the workout with us. LOL Yes, accomplished was a good word for it with my black hands and all from the grime. Plus, I came in 2-3 spot each time on the sprints, which surprised me but I was personally happy with myself on a small victory in running! That achilles pain I get once in a while came back; probably from the concrete jungle we were in with all that craziness. Feeling a lot better now, which is great.

    Thelma: Fabulous job with Chisel Agility & then Hammer Max Strength last night. So glad to hear your energy came back. I did not notice that in that workout, I will have to look next time for the cellulite shot. Who knew?!? She has such a bikini model figure, but it does make you feel better to know even a superstar like herself is a normal human and not Barbie! LOL We cannot believe these warm temps either and I forgot to comment back to Laurel …. Here’s hoping it isn’t like last year. That was awful and fires galore. It is cooling down today and into the next 10 days, along with some rain, so that is good. Sunshine is gorgeous but we still need a lot of moisture in the mountains.

    Laurie: Hope Vegas is being good to you and you are having a blast! I ordered 21 Day Fix Xtreme as a Birthday gift to myself. So it moved from “wish list” to purchase. Excited to implement them into everything else I have . . somehow I will do it! LOL

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/cu, H&C Total Body Chisel. I was exhausted but I pushed through it and finished the workout. This was the first time this workout shows up on the schedule. Very good!

    Laurel, very nice combo today! I'm sorry you felt you had to hide your legs. I can't believe your husband's school year is about to end. Enjoy your CIZE!

    Tami, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a wonderful day. Great workouts! You will have to check out 'cellulite' workout. I hope you guys don't have any of those horrible fires this year or ever!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday!! For my first workout today, I did timesaver premixes from both upper body Lift It Hit It workouts in the RWH series for a tough 60 minute upper body workout. The timesaver premixes in some ways are tougher for me than the full length workouts because she cut out quite a bit of the already too little rest time she had in those workouts. So my arms feel fried! For cardio, I did the RWH Plyo HiiT Two and One premix. I loved combining RWH with Meso 3 this week!

    Tami, sounds like a fantastic birthday! Hope you enjoyed a nice evening with your DH. Yesterday was our 26th wedding anniversary and we celebrated with a quiet dinner on our back lanai, a glass of wine, and some good memories from the past 2 1/2 decades. Glad Katy's spinning class was more manageable. So has this hunger been since starting the Bulk section of Body Beast? Just curious because I know my appetite really increased during the first 2-3 weeks I was doing those workouts. I don't know why the hunger would only show up in spinning, but maybe it is because your mind isn't as occupied in spinning as it is when doing the various drills of your other workouts so maybe you notice it more? I don't know. But i'm glad you got something to eat right away. I hate that weak, shaky feeling. Glad to hear your Achilles is okay too.

    Thelma, great workout. That Total Body Chisel is one of the best in the series in my opinion. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Laurie, hope you are having a great time!!

    Enjoy the weekend. See you Monday.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a nice Birthday evening at home with DH. Despite his knee throbbing a little bit and wanting to just sit down he pushed through so he could make me dinner. Very sweet of him; I offered several times to finish up for him. He even did all the dishes! We had Ahi Tuna with wasabi & crusted sesame seeds on top, shrimp with red peppers and mushrooms and corn on the cob. It was really good and fun not having to cook! LOL This a.m. was BULK Shoulders + MM Shoulders and tonight I am headed to Spinning before going home.

    Laurel: Happy Belated Anniversary!!!! I absolutely knew it was your anniversary and it was so much on my mind I thought I had typed that yesterday, sorry about that. Sounds like a perfect evening at home. WOW – 26 years, that’s truly amazing! Great job with the upper body combo, I bet your arms were tired forsure after that. The Back-to-back Plyos sound perfect as well, love those. Those Timesaver pre-mixes might also be good with BB for an add-on? I would have to look at the length and see. YES ~ now that you mention it, I have definitely had the hungries this week and last week as well. I’m in my 5th week of BULK right now; one more and then into the Build/Bulk combo. I think with that being said plus going into my evening Spin class it is because by the time my “shakes” start it has been nearly 3 hours since I had my Greek Yogurt. Which is usually my afternoon snack around 3:30. If I eat closer to when I go it definitely helps, but sometimes I just don't get the chance unless I eat in my car right before class LOL Glad you reminded me/asked me about that, with you being hungry during BB. I haven't changed much on my eating between H&C and BB; but with BB I think I am craving carbs a little more and just feeling more hungry.

    Thelma: Great work with Total Body Chisel! Way to push through and I am glad you liked it. Thank you on the Birthday wishes . . . I did have a very nice day.

    Have a great weekend ladies!