Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well after work I got in BB Bulk Arms, and I had planned on doing the 22MHC Cardio 1. My workout space was occupied by two dogs, so that would have been impossible. I don't know how, but Cami got down the steps to the basement. Getting her upstairs was about a 10 min. process, and I was the only one home. I did mange to get her upstairs, but I'm sure it was painful for her. So this morning I did the Cardio 1 workout.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that your legs where feeling good, and that you could get through that awesome combo. The 22MHC workouts have a good pace. In fact when I was doing the cardio workout this morning, Tony was going fast on the burpee in the second round, and then he said slow it down. The burpee is probably the toughest part of that workout, and he does it in a four count. So far there is a modifier in both of the workouts that I have done, and they show the modification in the first round. The modified burpee is one to every two at the normal pace. The exercises are T-Jacks, Bear Crawl, Lateral Shuffle, Forward Lunge Twist, Basic Burpee, A-Skips and Run Lunge Squat. After three rounds of these exercises, you do 22 Bear Crawls followed by 22 Burpees. In both workouts the background exercisers are all vets, so that is pretty cool. The cold start and core workout where normal p90X people that Tony has had in various workouts. Should be getting to the Cardio 2 workout on Friday.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and of course getting through Katy's class. I'm sure your DH was very happy to hear that he could get off that drug. Watching those commercials on TV really makes you wonder if you should take anything. I had a better nights sleep also, I'm starting to put one ear plug into my left ear, still need to hear my alarm when it goes off in the mornings. I think it helped me last night, I did wake up at one point, but fell back to sleep. I think that you are right to have 21DFX first on your list, they are really good.

    Thelma, I'm so glad that you liked the chisel workout, that one was always a favorite of mine. I would say the balance workout is one of the toughest, so I can understand why you felt that way about it. I hope that your scream wasn't like Eric in the BB workout! :D I know exactly how you feel about that move, I think I did the same thing with that move. We still have the rain, and snow! We had snow this morning, and will have it on and off tomorrow also. Hoping for some better weather this weekend. I alternated my legs on those moves with the band work also, I don't think that the exerciser does though. ;) Rocket doesn't have a rain coat (he would probably chew on it), but when he comes into the house DH is ready with the towel. He just loves having his fur dried with the towel. :) . Cami is so so, because she has been having potty issues. We have been having to clean our carpet alot, in fact it is happening everyday so we know that she is losing more control. :( It is so hard to understand, because she acts like our normal Cami, but you can see that she is in pain. We will see how things go in the next few days.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Drill Max, which was just so good today. Love this workout. I followed it with PiYo Define Upper Body, which I enjoyed. It was a perfect addition today.....challenging but not too challenging. I am surprised how much I am liking Chalene in these workouts. I like her in Turbo Fire, but I wasn't sure how well her upbeat personality was going to mesh innthismseries, but I like that she is still upbeat Chalene and not talking in a yoga whisper!

    Tami, sounds like a good class! Bet it felt good to be back with Katy. So happy to hear your DH liked the doctor and that the doctor changed his medication. Hopefully he starts feeling better soon. What an ordeal you two have been through this past month! Hopefully things are on the way up now. Yes, I have a multi-disc DVD player. They don't make them anymore so I dread the day when it goes belly up!

    Thelma, so happy to hear you are liking these other H&C workouts more! That is exactly what happened to me after that first Chisel Balance experience where I was thinking 'really?' It was so hard for me to believe during my 8th week as I was dreading the end of the program that I had one time questioned whether I wanted to continue! Good thing that question only last a day! Sorry to hear about the long meeting. I never have understood the need for long meetings because, in my experience, they usually don't accomplish much. Hopefully that isn't what is happening with you.

    Laurie, great workouts! Thanks for all the information on 22MHC! They really sound like good workouts. I am going to resist getting them.....for now. But they definitely sound like something I might invest in eventually. I really think that they would provide for a completely unique add-on to my program. I have been using the X10 workouts for that for a couple of years, and now I am using the Blizzard Blasts. But these would be totally different, and that intrigues me. And I like Tony Horton, so that's good too! Sorry to hear that Cami is getting worse. That must be so hard to see. :'(

    Until tomorrow.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night …. I could tell I hadn’t been there in 2 weeks! Was feeling it at the end forsure and I was STARVING so that was all I could think about! LOL No workout yet today, really hoping tonight I will get one in.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with Drill Max . . . such a good one! Glad you enjoyed and are continuing to enjoy those PiYO workouts. Chalene is really good in her instructions in that series; not too bouncy but not “whispery” like you said! LOL I was wondering on the multi disc player . . . it would be a lot of effort to go through that many disc changes in a workout for my little single disc player. Fingers crossed yours works forever!

    Laurie: Great job with BULK Arms and your 22MHC add on again. Poor Cami, that is so sad. I can so relate to what you are dealing with; except Emma isn’t having accidents in the house. Just struggles getting up and hits pretty hard sometimes going down. I can imagine it was a hard moment helping her up those stairs. That’s hilarious about the 1-ear plug for yourself; luckily with the C-Pap machine DH doesn’t snore like that anymore, but still has some restless nights.

    Thelma: Yay on loving Chisel Strength! IT is a really good one forsure. I am so happy to hear that and I am sure you were happy to be loving the workout. The ab soreness is going to probably be a common feeling throughout H&C, it really works your core in so many ways. All good! Happy to hear your temps are improving also, crazy with your snow earlier in the week. Yes, I don’t know that Katy was thinking of me in the process of an “easier” class but I was happy to not have the CrossFit 50 action going on!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did the X10 w/u, H&C Iso Speed Hammer, Treadmill. Thank God tonight's workout was short and easy because I was seriously exhausted! I didn't care very much for this workout but I was glad that I finally had a bicep specific exercise. I wish I'd had more time to follow it up with some Cathe moves. My glutes are still feeling pretty DOMSY!
    It rained pretty hard around here this afternoon.
    Ladies, in case you're interested, all of a sudden has multi disc changers! They are used but who cares! I bought mine used and for a heck of a lot more for $. Not only that mine didn't have a clicker so we had to buy one separately which wasn't cheap. I am considering buying a replacement one just in case my current one goes. I am so glad Laurel mentioned that she had a multi-disc changer because it made look for a player and I'm so glad I have one now.

    Laurie, great workouts! I think my scream was way up there with Eric's. I can't believe you're going to get more snow! I really don't think that exerciser switches legs on that pull up exercise. I'll have to remember to do it next time
    Sorry about Cami having potty issues. Have you considered getting baby gates so Cami doesn't get in trouble with the stairs? A few years ago we got baby gates so that our elderly cat didn't get hurt on the stairs. Good strategy to be ready with a towel when Rocket walks back in the house after a rainy walk! So funny about the ear plug! I would wake him up! With DH all I have to do is tap his shoulder and say: sweetie, you're snoring. Please turn the other way. He does and the snoring stops. Thank God!

    Laurel, another fabulous combo! After I gain more upper body strength I'll have to give PiYo another try because it does look like an awesome workout.
    You have no idea how happy I am to loving these H&C workouts. Tomorrow is Chisel Agility. Those long meetings stop being effective after the first hour I think. People were just sitting there using their smartphones after a while.

    Tami, so glad you liked your spinning class! I am thrilled to be liking H&C. I don't mind the soreness. I hope it stays for a while. I think I was walking funny given that my glutes have been pretty sore. It felt better today though. I hope your DH is feeling better!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did BB Bulk Shoulders, and then followed that up with 22MHC Resistance 1. Today is my rest day, so I didn't workout this morning. I decided to get to work early, so I can leave early. Want to get in a yoga workout after work.

    Laurel, Love the workouts! I to really like Chalene in the PiYo workouts, she gives great instruction. I think using the 22MHC workouts as you suggested would be great, in fact I actually like doing that. It just gives me that extra that I need for the day. I think that when you are at the point of getting them, you will enjoy them. I will be trying out the Cardio 2 workout at some point this weekend, so will let you know on Monday how it was. I'm guessing that these workouts get harder as you progress through the workouts. I know that one reason I like them is because of Tony. He hasn't done any of the workouts, I really don't mind that, because he is giving form pointers to the exercisers. When I'm in that push-up, and he start yelling at one guy about keeping his back straight, it is just that extra that I need to get through the exercise. I love the strength I have gained with H&C and BB, because I'm hammering out 25 push-ups on my toes! :o I have never been able to do that before.

    Tami, Glad that you got through the spin class, it is hard to workout when you are hungry. Whatever you are doing just seem to take forever until you have that chance to eat something. And don't go to the grocery store after that, because you will buy things that you don't need. :s Cami's back legs are really bad, but she is one stubborn dog. She wanted to go downstairs again last night, and I had to stop her by closing the door. It seems that she really wants to be by us, and her body just doesn't let her. This morning DH sprang out of bed as soon as he heard her collar jingle, and he had her out the door to go potty. So far that ear plug is working like a champ, I didn't wake up last night at all.

    Thelma, Good job getting the workout in. These workouts do lack in bicep and tricep work. I didn't add on but I know that Laurel and Tami did. You are getting the rain, and we are seeing snow again today. It doesn't stick around, but it sure is annoying to see. :D Thanks for the info on the DVD player, it would be nice to have that when I'm adding on to a previous workout. We have a barricade at the top of the steps to halt Rocket from going upstairs, but all of our dogs have used the landing (our steps are L shaped), to sleep. Of course Cami is going up there also, so we put a carpet at the bottom of the stairs so she doesn't slip on the tile floor. We have baby gates to block her from using our dining room as a bathroom, but it is really hard to stop her from going on the carpet in our family room. Our kitchen and family room have no doorway between them. I'm just glad that our carpet is really old, and will probably be replaced sometime within the next two years.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did Body Max 2 for my workout. I thought about adding something to it, but that is one long, tough workout on its own! And we have blue skies, temps in the low 80's and reasonable humidity, so a walk outside sounds like the best add-on today. B) I have really enjoyed this week's blend of workout programs. Next week, I think I am going to go back to the 1990's and do some Cathe oldies. That should be fun too.

    Tami, I hate working out when all I can do is think about food. Like Laurie said, it makes the workout seem like forever. But good job pushing through it. I know Cathe's site now allows you do make up your own premixes and such, which I really want to look into sometime.....because that would eliminate my dependence on this DVD player. But I can't seem to want to let go of my physical DVDs! It's funny because I haven't bought a physical CD in well over a decade (can't believe they still sell them, to be honest), and have gradually started watching all my movies on-line, but when it comes to my workouts......I don't want to rely on electrons! Silly me. ;)

    Thelma, good job getting in a workout despite being so tired. That workout wasn't one I enjoyed too much when I first did it either. It seemed too short and in some ways incomplete. But, again, by the end of the program, having figured out the right weights to use, it grew on me quite a bit. As Laurie mentioned, H&C is lacking in the Bicep/Tricep department, so I did add-on workouts in that area. The ICE Muscle Meltdowns are really good for that. Thanks for the info on the multi-disc players! I remembered you had gotten yours used. I am fighting the urge to buy another one 'just in case' because, as I mentioned to Tami, I feel I should be moving in a more digital/electronic direction. But I will give it some thought, that's for sure.

    Laurie, enjoy your rest day! Great job with the push-ups!! I finally read an on-line review of 22MHC, and it does mention that each workout gets incrementally harder. He mentioned the cardio in the third section rivaled Insanity Max 30 for intensity. As you can guess, that perked my ears up quite a bit! There is no end to my love for Insanity Max 30. I guess there are also some Special Forces bonus workouts (or something like that) which are supposed to be pretty intense. I like pretty intense for 22 minutes! So I may have to get this series. My birthday is next month, so maybe it will be my gift to me!!

    Hope you all enjoy the weekend.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night but I did get in the BULK Shoulders + Muscle Meltdown Shoulders . . . even without my DVD player. The remote was dead, so therefore it wouldn’t work. I couldn’t believe it but I wasn’t going to miss out, so it was a good workout and I bought some batteries at lunch. Tonight will be Spinning after work . . . despite the 78 degree day we are having I am going straight there!

    Laurel: Fantastic job with Body Max 2 . . . you really have put some nice add-ons into your STS rotation, that’s awesome. It is the worst when you are hungry; I could even feel the shakes a little bit. Couldn’t wait to get home. I literally walked in the door and had a scoop of Peanut Butter. LOL

    Laurie: Great job with BULK Shoulders . . . that one really gets in there good! That MM add-on is a nice additional burn with these workouts, love that and perfect time frame. Sounds like a great plan with your REST day and having some Yoga in there. Awwww, poor Cami. I understand. OUTSTANDING on the push-ups and gained strength for you, that’s so great! Good job.

    Thelma: Way to go with ISO Speed Hammer . . yes, this is the only one really that has any bicep specific work in it. The MM’s of Cathe’s are perfect for adding on or even the shorter XT Bicep work would be good. Thanks for the link about the multi disc player; if my DVD is actually broken I may look into that. Fingers crossed it was just the battery though. So good to hear you are liking the workouts and as you go through for the second time you will really have a better feel for them as well.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a good weekend. Today was all about cooking food for the week. On Friday I did XT10 w/u, H&C Chisel Endurance, Chisel 10m Abs, X10 Low Impact, on Saturday I did X10 w/u, H&C Total Body and abs. I actually went heavy on this Total Body workout. Today I did a little spinning.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm glad you're loving the 22MHC workouts. Congrats on the 25 pushups on your toes! WTG! Sorry about Cami's legs. I'm sure she wants to be with you guys. You may have to move upstairs to be with her. Can you put some of those puppy pads on your carpet? My friend had an elderly cat that could no longer use her litter box. She had to confine the cat to a bedroom which was carpeted . She covered the carpet with a thick plastic (she got at the fabric store) then put puppy pads all over the floor.
    It's very strange that H&C doesn't really cover biceps or triceps. I am definitely going to add them to my routine when possible.

    Laurel, good job with Body Max 2! I hope you enjoyed your walk on Friday. I can't imagine giving up my disc player now that I have so many DVD's. Great idea to use the ICE muscle meltdowns as add on's to H&C! What will you do with all your DVD's if you go digital?

    Tami, great workouts! Good for you for doing the workout without the DVD player! I can't believe you had a 78 degree day! I am definitely going to be adding on biceps and triceps to my H&C workouts. I hope your DVD player is OK! How is your DH doing?

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a really cold, snowy and wet weekend. :D This morning the sun is out though, and it should be a good week for weather. On Saturday I did BB Bulk Chest and 22 Min. Hard Corps Resistance 1. Sunday was BB Bulk Legs and 22MHC Cardio 2. This one is much harder than cardio 1, but doable. I would say it is on par with an Insanity workout. This is again three round of the same moves and they are sprints, mountain climbers, straight leg kicks, gorilla crawls, moving planks and frog burpees. The number that you do goes up and down depending on the exercise. The gorilla crawls are leg burners, and I'm not able to get down as far as some of the background exercisers. So that workout along with the Bulk Leg workout (which I went up in weight on), really have given me some great DOMS today. ;) This morning I pulled out a workout that I have not tried yet, and I did 30MTF Circuit Burn Cardio Premix.

    Laurel, Nice job on the workout, and I hope you enjoyed a walk. ;) That should be fun going back to the 90's with the workouts, you will have some great options to make for combos. I have to say that I think you would really like these 22MHC workouts, the first workouts are nothing compared to the cardio 2. I really really liked it, because again I need my exercises simple but tough. Since Cardio 2 was so tough, it makes me wonder what Cardio 3 is like! :# Tonight I will be doing Reistance 2, so will give you my impression of that workout tomorrow. Again I have to say, I'm so glad that I'm doing Body Beast and had H&C before doing these workouts. I don't know if I could have done the moving planks before having done those two sets.

    Tami, WTG getting that workout in despite the battery issue! After the weeks that you have had, I can understand your determination in wanting to get in what you need to. Now that I have added on these 22MHC workouts, I don't have a lot of time. Will have to see if after I'm finished with the BB rotation, I might have to try those Muscle Meltdowns.

    Thelma, Great job on those workouts! Guess I'm surprising myself with the what my 52 year old body can really do, guess it just makes me want to get better. I look at Tony, and he is 60 years old. Dang you really can't tell, and I would like to be that way when I hit 60. Cami doesn't like to be behind a closed door, she has scratched doors in the past. We are dealing with it for now, but you can sure tell that she is getting worse.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. It was windy both days but the sun was out and DH and I enjoyed two beautiful days of golf. Some of Florida's winter residents have left making it MUCH easier to get on the golf courses, which is nice. Saturday was my day away from workouts, but I was back at it yesterday. I started with Pure Strength Legs which, though about 17 years old or so, is still one of my favorite Cathe leg workouts. I was short on time yesterday, so I followed it up with the warm up from X10 and then Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals. Today started with STS Disk 22/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. This is the last week of Meso 2, so this is the week of shorter workouts and drop sets. My arms were screaming at the end. So good! For cardio, I started with the warm up and Blizzard Blast from ICE Total Metabolic Training, and then I followed it by revisiting with my first ever Cathe workout--Power Max! So much fun with that one. I am SO glad Cathe doesn't wear leotards anymore :o or shout 'woo!' throughout her workouts like she used to. But, like Pure Strength, some 18 years on, it is still a good, solid steady state step workout.

    Tami, good job getting your workout in last week even without a DVD player. Hope it was just the batteries and you were all set for the weekend. I bet those warm temps felt nice!!

    Thelma, great job with the workouts this weekend. Even if I go in a digital direction with my workouts, I don't think I will ever be without a DVD player....or get rid of my DVDs. I don't think I will ever trust the Internet or my computers enough for that!!

    Laurie, I bet those legs were burning after those workouts! Your review of Cardio 2 mirrors what I read on-line.......and has me seriously interested in this program. Is there any cardio element to the resistance workouts? By that, I mean the kind of latent cardio effect like the H&C workouts have. Just curious.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great weekend for weather and workouts, along with DH doing better each day. Sat was BULK Legs + Lower Body Blizzard Blast, then yesterday was BULK Back + BULK Arms with Muscle Meltdown Bi’s added on and the Blizzard Blast. Loved my combo here and those MM add-ons are perfect, along with the Blasts! Tonight I am headed to BootCamp.

    Laurel: Fantastic job revisiting some of the oldies and of course the oldest one for you with leotards and all. Yes, thank goodness that fitness craze ended! So funny. Sounds like a great weekend and fun times on the golf course. Yes, the DVD player actually needed batteries and then I unplugged it, plugged it back in and all was good. I would have been right down to Best Buy to get a new one if not. I’m with you, going all online would not be my choice right now; we have trouble with our internet anyway at our house.

    Laurie: Those 22 Min Hard Corps are sounding AMAZING! Keep the reviews coming, this may actually hit my wish list as well. Just what I need! LOL Gorilla crawls are something Katy has us do and they are super burners on the legs; sneaks up on you forsure. Great job with BULK Chest and Legs over the weekend too. The Muscles Meltdowns are a great added burn after those BB workouts; I go heavier in BB and then a little lighter on the MM. Definitely feel it at the end!

    Thelma: Great job with your H&C workouts! Sounds like you are enjoying them further since your first one of Chisel Balance? Great job going heavy on Total Body, that’s a good one. Yes, it felt funny to be doing my workout in silence but I knew the moves and it was just lifting, so why not!?!? DH is doing so much better. This new medicine does not make him nauseous and he is walking quite a bit (with a limp) without his crutches, so he is happy. It is all improvements from here I keep telling him and the blood thinner is temporary. He will have another ultra sound in a couple weeks to see what the blood clot is doing. Fingers crossed it is a lot smaller or he will be mentally freaked out.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did ICE Boot Camp Circuit w/u, MM Biceps, H&C Chisel Cardio. I loved the challenge of Chisel Cardio. I did pretty good. I used 4 risers + the top tonight and that was pretty high for me. My biggest challenge seems to be that plant on the forearms. It seems to hurt my shoulder and I am sure it has to do with improper position. No matter what I do it bothers me. I was able to go much heavier on the biceps than I would've done before. I think I would've done the curls with my 6.6 or 8 lb dumbbells but I used 10 lbs for most of the exercises. Thanks Sagi! I only had time for 2 our of the 3 sets but my biceps were pretty fatigued by then so I feel like my biceps got a good workout. We are expecting a pretty rainy week. It rained early this morning and tomorrow will be at 90% all day. Warm temps in the high 50's.

    Laurie, you're doing AMAZING with those workouts! Enjoy the DOMS! Those 22MHC workouts are not easy and you're doing it! Your 52 y.o body can do things younger bodies can't do. You go girl! I know that my 52 y.o. body can't do a lot those exercises so good for you! Poor Cami! It must be so hard for you guys to watch her deteriorate.
    I can't believe the weather you had this weekend! We had a pretty good weekend. I'm waiting for warmer temps so I can start wearing open toe shoes and dresses.

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice weekend! Terrific combos! Great job! OMG the leotards!!! I used to wear them too! I'm horrified just thinking about it! LOL. You have more of those older Cathe workouts. I don't remember the "woo" part. Good strategy in the event you ever went digital. Your DVD player and DVD's will be your fail over plan!

    Tami, awesome weekend workouts. I hope you had a killer BootCamp class! So glad your DH is doing so much better! Good job in keeping him positive. I am enjoying the H&C workouts. Hammer Total Body was a lot like BB and that is why I was able to go heavy. I forgot to comment last night on the 10 min Ab Chisel. I really liked it but also that forearm plank thing gets my shoulder. I actually can't wait to do Chisel Balance workout again just to see how I feel about it.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Back and 22MHC Resistance 2. Again this was a step up from the Resistance 1 workout, and my body is feeling it this morning. The exercises in this one are Burpee Press (weights), Jump Squat (weight), Chin Up L-Crunch, Punch-Pull (weight), and Corkscrew Twist. The first two exercises really get the hr up, since you do 20 reps of the first exercise in the first round. The next rounds they go down by 5, but the second exercise you start at the lowest and go up. ;) DOMS are my friend this morning in places that I didn't expect. Another thumbs up on this one for me. There really is no warm up or cool down with these workouts, I think that we ended with about 1 min. left to cool down. That is why I think these are great for add-ons or actually doing two workouts together. Tony starts singing in this one, I pretty sure that he just couldn't resist being a goof. :D No workout this morning, I forgot to set my alarm last night so didn't wake up in time.

    Laurel, Absolutely love your workouts! I do love that PS Leg workout, even with the floor work. :D My first workout of Cathe's was Cardio Kicks, it is sure nice to revisit the workouts that started it all. I agree on those leotards, they sure are not attractive. So far the resistance workouts do have a cardio effect like H&C ;) , and it sounds like the #3 will be the same way. Will not be venturing into that workout until week 4, and have to say that probably is a good thing. I think that my body needs to get used to the 1 & 2 workouts for a little while before I venture into the 3rd. These would be great add-ons to the H&C workouts, because they do work the whole body.

    Tami, Looks like you are back on track, and really glad to hear that your DH is getting better every day. Since you have 21DFX top on your list, this would be a good one to add onto your list of wants. I think it is because Tony is another one of my favorite BB instructors. If Katy makes you do the Gorilla Crawls, then I know that she really likes to torture all of you. I'm still trying to figure out my next rotation, and I think that it will have to include the MM workouts. Would like to try the one muscle a day, kind of like the way I'm doing it now. Just need to figure out what kind of cardio I would like to do with it.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! I'm so glad that I am doing this BB rotation, it still amazes me what my body is able to do now that I'm gaining strength. I think that it will make the Cathe weight workouts that much better. Yesterday I just couldn't keep up with the exercisers on the corkscrew twist, so I had to go to the modified version. I could do it, but just not at the pace that they where going at. Now I have something to work toward. This morning was 28 deg, but we are suppose to be getting warmer toward Friday. So looking forward to the warmer weather.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with STS Disk 23/Legs, which felt great. I followed it with Cathe's original IMAX workout which still kicks me in the behind! I am really enjoying revisiting these oldies!

    Tami, great workouts! So happy to hear your DH is getting better and the new medication isn't making him feel so poorly. I bet he is so happy to be moving around more. Glad to hear your DVD player is all better!

    Thelma, love your workout combo! I can't think what would help with the forearm move except to make sure your shoulders are down (by that, I mean not shrugged up next to your ears). And make sure your shoulders and elbows are lined up and you are distributing your weight over the arm as opposed to your shoulder (if that makes any sense!). That may take some of the stress off your shoulder. But if it remains painful, don't hesitate to try another option.

    Laurie, sounds like 22MHC is going to find a place in my home some day.......soon. :) Your review of that resistance workout has me convinced this would be a great addition to my program. But I am going to try to wait a little bit because I know I won't be able to resist doing them if I get them now......and I am enjoying this rotation at the moment. But these really do sound good. Thanks for all the info. I love Cardio Kicks! I will probably be revisiting that one sometime during this rotation, for sure.

    Enjoy the day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I ended up having my workout area available last night so I went home instead of BootCamp and did Bulk Chest followed by Muscle Meltdown Chest! This a.m. was Bulk Shoulders and headed to Insane X tonight after work.

    Laurel: Another fabulous workout combo for you and fun times with one of the oldies forsure! I am so happy as well that DH is getting better. Now it is a slower process than he would like of course, but way further along then he was two weeks or even a week ago!

    Laurie: Great job with Bulk Back and HC Resistance 2. Yes, these workouts do sound really, really good! (Darn it), LOL . . . but fun to hear all about them and have my eye on for now! So glad you are enjoying this BB rotation and feeling the strength gains. I am enjoying it too! BRRR on the 28 degrees.

    Thelma: Nice job with MM Biceps and Chisel Cardio – love that one. Good job on the risers and as far as your shoulders with the forearm planks, I think Laurel gave you some good tips there; form is usually what makes that pull happen on the shoulders. I’m looking forward to how you feel about Chisel Balance as well on Round #2.

    Forgot to mention to you guys . . . last Friday I went in for a routine teeth cleaning and found out I have a cracked tooth! Yes, on the side that Bernie and I had our collision, he thinks when I clenched my jaw as hard as I did I probably cracked it then; he felt it was a fairly new crack due to no discoloration inside of it. :neutral::neutral::neutral: Dang it. So I am trying to remain calm and going in for my new crown on Thursday. I had a crown once before about 15 years ago and remembered not liking the process very much. Glad its not a root canal however. Thank goodness I have insurance nowadays as well; still expensive but not nearly as much as it would have been in my old job with no dental.

    Hope you ladies have a great evening! Until tomorrow . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    tonight I did X10 w/u, H&C Max Hammer Strength. I hardly slept last night so I had to force myself to workout and I didn't go as heavy as I know I can. I just didn't have the strength.

    Laurie, great workouts and I bet you're loving all those DOMS! It really is a wonderful feeling to realize how much strength you've gained! It is good that the 22MHC workouts are giving you such a good challenge. We continue to have temps in the high 50's during the day. Hopefully it will warm up for you soon!

    Laurel, great combo! I'm glad you're enjoying visiting the 90's with Cathe! You may be right about the shrugged shoulders on the forearm plank. I think I noticed that yesterday as I was trying to correct my posture. It just seems that this shoulder alignment thing is my biggest challenge. I will definitely modify if I can't get myself comfortable.

    Tami, great workouts! I hope you enjoyed your Insane X workout! I can't believe you have a cracked tooth! Thank God you have insurance! Crowns can be expensive.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Arms and 22MHC Cardio 2. Again all I can say is wow on that cardio workout, I'm feeling the DOMS all over the bod this morning. Since I have been missing the abs workouts >:) , I decided to do the Beast Abs and 22MHC Core 1 as a combo this morning. I do have a pedicure with my dd after work, so will be doing my workouts late tonight. I do have to get them in, because I'm going out with my girl friends tomorrow after work.

    Laurel, I don't have Imax 1 on DVD, but that one is my favorite of all three. The step portion of the workout isn't complicated, has good music and the cardio blast are not dreaded exercises. Great job on getting it done, and after a leg workout also. LOL about obtaining these 22MHC workouts, I know that I was looking at these workouts everyday and I couldn't resist them. So I understand why you will be holding off on the purchase for a while yet. If I get this and the BB rotation finished, then I will have three rotations done just this year, I'm on my way to smashing my goal of just getting two rotations done.

    Tami, Nice job on those workouts! Ouch on the tooth. The technology has changed so much with crowns and root canals, that you will probably have a different experience. I have so many root canals and crowns, and the most recent ones have been uneventful experiences. Well except for the fact that they like to use those dental dams now, but if it gets me out of that dang chair faster then I'm all for it. ;) Good thing that Beachbody doesn't discontinue their workouts all that often, and I'm thinking this set will be available for a while.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you had a restless sleep, but great job on getting your workout in. Hope that you had a better night last night. I'm still waiting for those temps to increase. Friday can't come soon enough for that! :D The weather channel better not be wrong. I think I'm going to have to start revisiting older workouts like Laurel is doing, because I would love to see how my strength and endurance gains have helped with some of those workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Today started with my last Meso 2 workout, which was Disk 24/Back and Biceps. Looking forward to Meso 3 starting next week! For cardio, I started with X10 Step then did another oldie.....Step Fit. Such a cheesy workout (the Macarena arms in one section are so 1996!!) but still a very effective cardio workout. I finished it all off with the ab work from Pure Strength Back and Biceps.

    Tami, bet you enjoyed your home workout more than you would have your BC class. I love how you are combining BB with the ICE Muscle Meltdowns. I will have to remember that for my next rotation. I think BB will be up next after I finish STS. Sorry to hear about the cracked tooth! Glad it hasn't been bothering you though. I have never had a crown, so I have no advise. Hopefully it is as Laurie described and you have a much better experience with it.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. Hopefully that was just a temporary bout of insomnia. Good job getting the workout in despite that.

    Laurie, great workouts! That MHC cardio sounds really good. Enjoy your pedicure!! Great job with the rotations. Seems like you have found the right workout programs for the right time.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Really good class with Katy last night; we did 8 stations at 1 min each (5) rounds. 60 second break in between each. Box jumps, KB swings, burpees, push-ups, hurdle jumps, ladder sprints, clean & press with a jerk, plate pushes on the floor, moving push-ups were all involved. This a.m. was a rest day on the calendar for BB so I did Cathe’s Metabolic Total Body workout for a little change-up. Felt good. Tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Laurel: Congrats on finishing up Meso 2 – wow that went fast! I bet you are looking forward to Meso 3 especially after coming out of BB. I think you would enjoy the MM’s with BB or truly any rotation that is body part specific each day; even STS. Just gives that little extra burn at the end. Last night doing push-ups I could really feel my chest muscles from Monday eve. Surprised me, (happily) but those push-ups by round 8! LOL

    Laurie: Great job with BULK Arms + MHC. Awesome work. Thank you for that positive comment on the crown; I hope it is a better experience. Wasn’t like a horror story or anything but I remember it took forever to be numb enough (so several shots) and the grinding that went on felt like they were never going to stop. Freaked me out! LOL But I am going in with a positive attitude and think that it could be worse. Great work smashing your rotation goal already! You are doing so awesome and like Laurel said, you must be picking the right ones this year that are just agreeing with you. So fantastic when that happens! Have fun at your pedi appt.

    Thelma: Fabulous work with Max Hammer Strength!! Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep; I hate those days so much and it truly does affect your strength/stamina in workouts. But good on ya for getting it done! I couldn’t believe it either on my tooth; unless he showed me a clear picture I would have completely not believed him, since it doesn’t bother me. My jaw was sore forever, but not my tooth.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,627 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u, H&C Chisel Agility. I didn't slept well last night either. I was expecting a really fast and challenging workout given the name of this workout. It had a nice pace so I really enjoyed it.

    Laurie, great workouts. I hope you enjoyed your pedicure! Have a great time with your girlfriends tomorrow!
    I hope the weather channel was telling you the truth on those warm temps! According to my weather app we should have temps in the low 70's a couple of days next week! Can't wait! Great idea to revisit those older workouts! I hadn't done any step work in a while and the other day when I did the ICE Bootcamp warm up I nearly killed myself on the step and I wasn't using any risers! LOL

    Laurel, fabulous workouts! OMG Macarena arms? That is too funny! I definitely don't have that workout.
    I hope this insomnia thing is temporary. I actually don't know how I functioned. I as pretty good at work but driving back home was scary.

    Tami, great workouts! Sounds like Katie delivered one of her killer workouts! This lack of sleep is not fun. The first night DH was snoring. I normally sleep through it but because I couldn't sleep I heard him. I was ready to kill him because as soon as I'd start to fall back asleep he'd start his concert!

    Good night ladies!