Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    It was only Body Beast workouts for me this weekend. I did BB Bulk Legs on Saturday, Sunday was BB Bulk Back and this morning was BB Bulk Arms. I'm going to get the Beast Abs workout in tonight along with some type of cardio. We had rainy cold weather this weekend, but I was busy cleaning the house. Got quite a bit of spring cleaning done. I did make up for the non-cardio with really long walks with Rocket.

    Laurel, Great job on the upper body workout! I have not done Circuit Max in a very very long time, but I remember loving that workout. You make me want to pull that one out again, since I now have it on DVD. I'm going to be using the 22MHC workout as add on's from now on. I have not tried the Cardio 3 or Resistance 3 yet, but will do so some time this week. At least that is my plan, and that is subject to change. :D

    Tami, Great job on the Legs! I found doubling up on the Bulk workouts can be super hard. You don't realize how fatigued you other muscles get until you start the next one. Funny that you have that workout. I didn't feeling like doing the whole thing, because I had read that is was probably more advanced. I like that they had the option to do sections, it really made for a fun workout. I love kickboxing workout that are simple, the only kickboxing workouts that I couldn't do were instructed by Amy Bento. I'm sure that she is a great instructor, but just way to confusing for me. I think that the 21DFX Plyo would probably be my favorite, and chalk that one down as a leg burner for your worksheet. ;)

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts! My favorite was Hammer Power, just love that style of lifting. Another person that own's that workout! :D I bought it not knowing that you could program how long you wanted to workout. I'm happy that I pushed play. I'm with you on the muscle meltdowns, probably one with high reps and one with heavy. :)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. We enjoyed a nice weekend here. Lots of sunshine and golf. Can't argue with that. I decided to press through with Week 3 of Meso 3 this weekend since I am only working out at home a few days this week (leaving on Wednesday for Phoenix). I also decided to pull out some 'outliers' for cardio--workouts I skipped earlier or workouts not in a program I planned on doing during STS. So that has been fun.

    So Saturday I started with STS Disk 32/Plyo Legs. I finished off CTX by doing X10 Cardio Blast into CTX Step and Intervals for cardio. Loved the Step and Intervals workout and ended up doing the interval section twice.....just for fun. Yesterday was STS Disk 31/Chest and Back, followed by Cathe's Greatest Hits Circuits and Intervals premix. Today was STS Disk 39/ Squat Rack Legs followed by the cardio and abs from Cathe's original Body Max. Had lots of fun revisiting that one.

    Tami, I bet those 21DF Xtreme workouts will be a great addition to BB. I hear you on needing cardio. I have read every report on how cardio doesn't need to be done every day, but, mentally, I just need my cardio.

    Thelma, great workouts! Congrats on going heavier with Hammer Power. That one can get the heart rate up with heavier weight, that's for sure.

    Laurie, sounds like a 'beastie' weekend, but I bet those walks with Rocket were nice. Almost pushed 'buy' on those 22MHC workouts this weekend but decided to wait until I get back home. I think it will be great summer program!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Weekend seemed to fly by, was a busy one I guess. Did get my workouts in both days, which I was very happy about. Sat was BULK Shoulders followed by MM Shoulders and ICE Core, then rushed off to get my hair prettied and then DH and I went shopping for a new mattress. It has been long time in the works talking about it and not doing it and we finally just did it. Will be delivered Thursday! Yesterday was Bulk Chest + MM Chest and the Blizzard Blast. No workout this a.m. but I am planning on going to BootCamp tonight. Its nice outside so I am a little worried about it being “Running Camp” which she has started revisiting.

    Laurel: Great job with the workouts and golf this weekend! Sounds like you packed in some good ones and nice combos!! Thanks for your understanding on the “need” of cardio factor! LOL Didn’t get a chance to write out the remainder of my schedule but did write down some time frames for a quick glance if I don’t have it scheduled. Is your DH going to be able to make the trip to Phoenix with you? I bet it is going to be a tough week Laurel . . . I will be thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for you and your family.

    Laurie: Great job getting in your BB workouts! Legs are my workout tomorrow a.m. I bet it felt great to get in some good spring cleaning with your rainy/cold weather and just getting back from a trip always makes you want to get things clean I think. Thanks for the note on Plyo being a leg burner …. Might have to go to that one sooner than later than! I’m sure I will love it. It is a pretty fast paced workout from what I remember in doing the whole thing, but good cardio and KB throughout; done in a block of sections if I remember right. So that would make sense that there are several short workouts on the DVD.

    Thelma: Fabulous work with H&C! Good job going heavier as well! I did the Rock’m Sock’m warm up yesterday as well and a different one from ICE on Saturday; the BB & H&C warm-ups are just not enough most of the time. Cathe’s warm-ups are always great in my opinion! Definitely I am thankful for those MM’s Cathe put on the ICE series. I think I will use them consistently with any other program or hers that I am doing. Thanks for the well wishes for DH. He continues to have good days even over the weekend so I am happy for him that he is getting there.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Rock'm Sock'm w/u, Conditioning Kicks, Punching Combo 1, H&C Chisel Total Body, Stretching. Thanks Laurie for mentioning the 4 minute segments on the Kickbox Burn because I chose to do chapters from Rock'm Sock'm tonight for a little extra work. I've been in a better mental and physical place since the end of last week so H&C has felt much better to me. I've noticed too that I am drenched in sweat lately during workouts which is a good thing! Chisel Total Body's pace between sets is really fast. My heart rate was fast. No wonder I was all sweaty! I went heavier on the upper body which was great. The only thing I can't seem to do is go heavy on the lunges. If I do I can't keep my form. Of course Autumn said if you go heavier on the upper body than on the lower something is not right.
    We did some gardening on Saturday and yesterday was all about house stuff and cooking. Tried a new skinny recipe and we loved it!

    Laurie, great job with your workouts and for getting that spring cleaning going! Hammer Power is a good one. I liked this Chisel Total Body too. I am glad you pushed play on that Kickbox Burn DVD!

    Laurel, glad you had such a great weekend! WOW! What a workout line up! Amazing work! I hope you're able to arrange for a facility for your mom. My heart and prayers are with you and your sisters.

    Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! Congats on the new mattress! I hope you didn't have running camp tonight!
    Cathe's warmups are the best and I don't think the warm ups in H&C or BB are enough. So glad your husband is slowly returning back to normal.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited May 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was 30MTF Kicbox Workout 1 and Body Beast Abs. This morning was BB Bulk Shoulders. Thinking of some longer cardio for after work. Will be going into the home stretch of BB Phase 2 on Thursday, and then I get to try out those Tempo workouts.

    Laurel, Awesome job on those workouts! You may have inspired me to pull out my first Cathe workout! :D Even though I did kickboxing last night, it might be fun to do Cardio Kicks tonight. ;) In fact that does sound like it would be a good choice. LOL on the push buy on those workouts, it is really hard not to hit that button sometimes. Hope all goes well with you and your family this weekend, will be sending you good vibes.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! Hope that you didn't have the "Running Camp"! We are finally getting some nice weather around her also, it is at least sunny out. ;) Yes that workout was done in 4 ten minute blocks, with punching and kicking combos first done on one side and then the other. I'm hoping that you will really enjoy those 21DFX workouts, she is a little more peppy in them than in H&C.

    Thelma, Nice mix of workouts! You are really taking advantage of your multi disk DVD player. :D Glad to hear that you are not so tired, and that the H&C workouts are getting better for you. Thank you for the link to the recipe, always like to try new things. This one looks really good.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Got a good workout in this morning. Started with STS Disk 32/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Went as heavy as I could, and it felt great. For cardio, I started with the warm-up and Blizzard Blast from ICE Low Impact Sweat then right into RWH Upper Body Circuit. This is the only workout from RWH I didn't do when I did the program a couple weeks back, so it felt good to fit it in. I love this workout. Followed it all with RWH Core 1. I head out tomorrow morning and, if all goes well, will be home on Monday. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. This is going to be a tough one.

    Tami, sounds like a good weekend. So happy you are finally getting a new mattress! I hope it makes all the difference in the world for you. Hope you didn't have Running Camp last night. DH won't be joining me on this trip, but since my sisters are there, that is okay. When Mom told me she wanted me to come down, I initially was going to be completely alone since DH doesn't actually get personal leave in this job. The thought really unnerved me, but both my sisters volunteered to come with me within a couple of hours of that request from my mom, and I am so thankful for that. And I think my mom is very happy to be having her three daughters together again. DH has been incredibly supportive throughout all of this, though, and if I needed him there, he would be there. <3

    Thelma, so glad to hear you are doing better this week. Bet it makes all the difference in your workouts. I will admit......I go as heavy or heavier on my chest and back work than I do my lunges. Always have. So I kind of ignore Autumn when she says that about legs v arms. It makes sense that you wouldn't go heavier on biceps curls than squats. But chest presses v lunges......not so much (at least not for me). So you aren't alone! Thanks for the recipe!

    Laurie, hope you enjoy Cardio Kicks! :) Happy to inspire! But that one is always a fun one. Enjoy.

    See you all when I get home.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Luckily no running camp. It was some isolated shoulder work (one arm at a time) with weights inside and then some outside wall squats, a little running, push-ups on the curb, foot taps in place (up on the curb and off), lunges off the curb, then a couple sprints and we were done. Kind of a random mixture. We had the normal instructor there, hence the “randomness” but it was nice to be outside without running miles. LOL This a.m. was Bulk Legs. I did the warm-up to ICE Lower Body, then Bulk Legs followed by the Blizzard Blast. My legs were feeling it forsure at the end.

    Laurel: Great workout combo today. Sounds amazing. Safe travels to AZ. Wishing you the comfort and peace you will need for this difficult trip. Enjoy every moment with your mom and sisters.

    Laurie: Awesome job with the KB workout + Abs. Shoulders this a.m. too . . . hope you get in that cardio tonight “Cardio Kicks” would be a fun choice. I am sure I will enjoy those workouts! I really like Autumn and some of the variety she ads to moves! I am looking forward to the next phase of BB as well and trying out those TEMPO workouts! Yay. :smiley:

    Thelma: Thanks for the recipe! Those Skinny Taste recipes are the best. I have the book and look through it often. Fantastic job with your workout combo yesterday, sounds like a good workout and glad to hear you are feeling a little more energized and enjoying the workouts a little bit more. That’s great news! I think when she is saying that she is referring to the fact our legs are so much stronger and bigger muscles, so they can go heavier, but not sacrificing form is so important. I am glad you are making it work for you. :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u, H&C Hammer Power, 10 min an Hammer. I just did Hammer Power on Saturday but the rotation had it again a couple of days later. I was drenched in sweat again. Managed to go up on weights in a couple of moves and I think next time I'll up my 'lite" weight on some exercises. H&C is definitely feeling better for me. I informed DH that we have to take the last Friday of the month off so we can get away for a couple of days for the holiday weekend. Not sure what we're doing just yet but I have the pet sitter lined up! No sitter, no get away weekend! LOL

    Laurie, great workouts! Congrats on going into the home stretch on BB phase 2! The Tempo DVD is great! You'll LOVE It! What are you doing next?
    I am totally taking advantage of that multi disc player. I thought today that the recipe can be served over zoodles with spaghetti sauce and you can top the chicken with some mozzarella. YUMMY!

    Laurel, what a combo! Great job! I hope everything goes well with your family. I know it will be hard. Lots of prayers going your way.
    I've been going as heavy as possible when I can. The best thing is that I can go heavier weights for shoulders. That entire clean Hammer Power workout is full of shoulder moves and I've gone from only doing 5 lbs months ago to 12lbs now. It feels great!

    Tami, glad you didn't have running camp but sounds like the workout was a little boring (by your standards that is! LOL). Great leg combo this morning! I can't wait to read all about your and Laurie's thoughts on the Tempo workouts. I think you'll love them as much as Laurel and I did.

    I totally agree with you on the Skinny Taste recipes. I don't have the book. I check her website all the time and have a subscribed to her recipe emails.
    I am definitely more energized! Thank you Lord! For legs I can go heavy on squats but for lunges I can't. Yesterday I was using heavier weights on squats than Autumn did. You know lunges haven't been my thing! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well after work I plugged in the Cardio Kicks DVD, and it started having pixel problems. I will have to look to see if it is dirty, or if I will have to get a new one. :( I know that the whole DVD isn't a problem, because I have done the punching portion of it before. So with that happening I had to make a decision on what to do, and the only thing that appealed to me was Peak Fit Anywhere, Anytime workout. I did enjoy that one a lot. Today is my off day for Body Beast, but I did 30MTF Trim Down Boxing Premix. I plan on doing some yoga after work, that is if Rocket will let me. He bugs me when I'm doing yoga, so will have to pull out a flavored rawhide to keep him occupied. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and getting in something that you have not tried. It is always nice to enjoy a workout like that. Enjoy your time with your sisters and Mom, I'm sure that it will be full of wonderful memories for all of you. I'm glad you could inspire, just wish that the workout would have cooperated.

    Tami, Actually sounds like an interesting class, seems that she wanted you to get some variety, just had unfortunate sequencing. :D When do you start the next phase, I would think it has to be some time this week? I have been purchasing so many new cookbooks, just love trying a new recipe at least once a week. I just bought the Skinny Girl Clean Eating cookbook. She has some really interesting recipes that use cauliflower instead of rice. I have seen many of those type of recipes on the web, but hers look really tasty. Hope to try some of them soon.

    Thelma, I tried that recipe last night since I had all the ingredients, but instead of turkey I had chicken. Very tasty, and since I had leftovers (DH worked last night) I included the chicken in a salad for my lunch. Nice job on the workout! Hammer Power always left me in a puddle of sweat too. Great job on upping the weights also. Zoodles would be really good to try with that recipe. I follow her on Pinterest, so have pinned quite a few of her recipes.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was BULK Arms which seemed to fly by since it is shorter but I started a little later than normal so it was perfect timing; I have Spinning tonight for a little cardio. It’s Katy’s Birthday today. She said she would be there though, so that is good. She will make it fun I am sure.

    Laurie: Sorry your DVD may be having some issues. Hate it when that happens, and then you wonder which one you should do. You had a “plan” …. Peak Fit sounds like it worked out perfectly for you. Nice job this a.m. as well and good luck with your Yoga and Rocket. Yes, BootCamp was a variety of things forsure. Sunday starts my next phase for BB! Yes, I am excited for that. I am always looking/clipping/saving new recipes and the cauliflower ones are great! I made a pizza one once with cauliflower crust. Looked awful, but tasted good.

    Thelma: Great work with Hammer Power (again) funny how those get scheduled close sometimes. Nice going up in weight too ~ Congrats! So glad you are feeling better and the program is as well. A weekend away, that will be so fun! Where will you guys go do you think? BC was a little bit boring, but it went by fast and the group that was there was fun, so it was all good stuff. I’m sure I am going to enjoy TEMPO! Looking forward to it. Thanks for the kudos on the leg combo. For lunges I don’t go as heavy as I do for squats and deadlifts.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Talk to you tomorrow
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u, Chisel Balance. Can you say mega dread factor on the Chisel Balance? I was in meetings for 6 1/2 hours of my day today. I must've broken a record on inactivity stamps on my fitness tracker! I thought long and hard about not working out tonight but I eventually dragged myself to the basement. I looked at the Chisel Balance worksheet to see what weights I needed and to my surprise there were only to days left on the worksheet for this workout. THAT realization gave me the motivation I needed to do the workout! Now there is only one column left on this worksheet! LOL
    For someone who felt seriously comatose after 3 1/2 hours worth of meetings this afternoon I did very good. I went up in weights!
    So far it's rained every day this week and tomorrow more of the same. We need the rain badly!

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! I hope your Cardio Kicks DVD is just dirty. I hope Rocket allowed you to do your yoga workout! LOL
    So glad you enjoyed that recipe! This one is definitely a keeper.

    Tami, great work with Bulk Arms! We will probably go to NH, VT or the Berkshires here in MA at the end of May. This mini vacation will interfere with the completion of the H&C rotation by one day so I'll do the last workout when we return.
    We've been talking about doing a Canopy Tour so that is what I'm trying to plan to surprise DH with. It was his idea last summer and I think this is the perfect time to do it. I will need to have a plan B in case it is raining.
    BTW, I saw that cauliflower recipe and I thought it was too much work! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No yoga after work, Rocket was to hyper from being contained all day. He will be better tonight, since it is doggy daycare day. He is usually very very tired when we get home. So instead of yoga, we went for a long walk, and I was okay with that since it was an off day for me anyway. This morning I did BB Bulk Chest, and I increased the weight. It really surprises me how tough a half pound increase in weight really makes the exercise difficult.

    Tami, Nice job on the workouts! I like that these Bulk workouts are shorter, I can get them done in the morning. So I'm not to far behind you, I will be starting phase 3 on Wednesday unless I double up on some of the workouts. I have not been brave enough to try the cauliflower crust, but really would like to try it. I see that Green Giant now has bags of cauliflower all ready for that purpose. That would cut down on the food processor portion of the recipe. I forgot to answer you on what am I doing after Body Beast, that is a good question. I'm thinking of doing the look great in 8 rotation that I had done some time ago. You do one week of total body, a week of heavy, week of high rep and a week of supersets. I have enough variety of workouts that I know I could have fun with it. I was thinking that I could use the ICE workouts for a giant set week too.

    Thelma, Wonderful job getting in that workout, and upping weight. That really is a long meeting. We have our yearly team building event tomorrow, it has been postponed two times already. I have something going on in the afternoon, so will be taking off. I'm thanking my dd for needing her assessment done for a mani/pedi. :) Sounds like a really fun time for that canopy tour, and that it doesn't rain on you. That would limit them having the zip line open right? I would have a hard time with something like that, I'm so afraid of heights. That is one of the reasons that I have not tried to many things that are cauliflower riced. But now that GG has those bags, it might make the recipe easier to do.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in ..... my computer was down for a while today and had to play "catch up". No workout (yet) today, I had another early a.m. Dentist appt. but now I am done!!! WooHOO. It was just a little replacement filling that was old and a small cavity was in behind that. All done and good to go now!

    Great workouts for both of you! I will check in more tomorrow.
    Have a great evening :blush:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did ICE Metabolic Total Body, such a great workout. I have not worked out yet today, had a bad night of sleeping. I was having problems with getting to hot, then to cold, then to hot..... By the time I fell asleep again, it seemed like the alarm went off. I opted to take a little longer snooze. ;) Will get in the Leg workout after work, and probably one of the ICE Low Impact Sweat workouts. We are suppose to have great weather starting today with 70's! I'm going to be outside pulling weeds this weekend.

    Tami, Not fun when that happens. Technology is great until it doesn't work. :D

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did ICE Rock'm Sock'm w/u, H&C ISO Speed Hammer. It's a good thing it was a short workout because I didn't have much time tonight for working out. I was able to go up in weight on a couple of exercises which was great.

    Laurie, great job with the Bulk Chest workout. When you're already lifting a heavy weight 1/2 lb can make it really challenging. Sounds like you have to plan your yoga workouts on doggy daycare days! LOL
    That rotation you're planning to do after BB sounds great! It wasn't a long meeting I attended. There were 5 meetings involved. Not fun! You were lucky your daughter needed her mani/pedi assessment!
    I found the right canopy thing we wanted to do. It wasn't a canopy tour. It's called Aerial Forest Adventure Park. There are ziplines involved but nothing like the link I posted last night. That one scared me a bit. This aerial park would be better I think.

    The park has five separate courses of varying difficult. The courses range from Yellow (easy) to Green (intermediate) to Blue (more difficult) to black (most difficult). The network of obstacles increase in difficulty as you move through the park, requiring more balance, upper-body strength, and focus. Since there's no "right" way to negotiate the obstacles, it's up to you to navigate the route from platform to platform. As you move through the park, you'll be clipped in to a safety line at all times.

    I don't know what course would be the one for me. It has to be anywhere between Green and Blue I would think but most likely green. LOL. I am afraid of heights too and I've never done anything like this before.
    You know that I have the Vitamix I can try making some of those cauliflower dishes. I'll have to check out the recipes again.

    Tami, that must be a huge relief to done with the dentist!

    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a good weekend. On Friday I did X10 w/u and Chisel Endurance. I actually went up on all the exercises where hand weights are used and managed to do a few inclined pushups but mostly did the pushups on the floor.
    On Saturday I did X10 w/u, Total Body Hammer and today spinning. On Saturday we did gardening. We went out to the garden center, bought annuals and then went back home and planted them.

    Laurie, great job on the ICE Metabolic Total Body! We are going to have great weather like yours too! We had a pretty rainy week last week.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited May 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    I have no idea what was going on with my fitness pal app this weekend, but it wouldn't let me enter exercise from it either on my phone or the ipad. And I was way to lazy to haul out the laptop. :D I got BB Bulk Legs, Bulk Back done along with lots of walking and gardening. Hopefully I can get some more gardening done today, because I still need to put down new mulch that we purchased. This morning was BB Bulk Arms, which I didn't do yesterday.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! I think I like these courses better. I would have a really hard time doing the bridge thing. ;) Your weekend sounds like ours, DH and I were looking at decking material for our next phase of our improved back yard. I did get a nice hanging plant from my oldest for Mothers Day, and Rocket gave me a really cute card. My DH found a card that comes from the dog, and I was laughing by the time I was finished reading it. The funniest part was he was watching me the whole time I was reading it. You would have thought that he actually went to the store and bought it. :D

    Tami, Hope all is going well with you! How is your DH doing with his knee?

    Laurel, I'm hoping that you had a really great girls weekend with your Mom and sisters.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I am back home. I wish I had all kinds of positive things to say about my trip, but it was a tough one. My mom is failing fast, that's for sure. She was pretty good the day we got there. She had us meet with the manager of a group home, and my sisters and I went to look at it (it was very nice). Mom wanted to get moved while we were there. But Thursday was horrible. My mom couldn't breathe, and we frantically called her hospice nurse in, and they ended up admitting her into the hospice facility itself on Thursday. The good news is she was able to be discharged on Saturday. On Friday, my sisters and I spent the day moving her furniture and things into a room at the group home, and that's where we took her on Saturday. She is doing okay and feeling better than she did. But the transition of being taken away from her home unexpectedly and not returning to it is hard on her. We are all going back the first week in June to see her (if she is still with us) and do things with her house. My sisters and I really worked so well together through this. Despite all the stress, it was so nice to spend time wth just my two sisters for awhile. We don't get to do that very often. I am so lucky to have them and that we all support each other. And we managed to find a way to keep laughing through all of this. :)

    But, to put it mildly, it was an exhausting trip. It didn't help that my flights both there and back left before dawn. Yesterday I was up at 2:00am. By the time I got back home, all I wanted was a shower, a glass of wine, a good dinner, and to sleep. DH was so good to me because he had taken care of everything in the house, and I was able to do just as I wanted. I was in bed and asleep by 8:00pm. :o Imagine my surprise to wake up this morning at 8:00am!! That's much later than I normally get up. Even then, I got up, started some laundry and crawled back into bed for an hour to read. By 9:00am, I finally felt somewhat ready to start my day.

    So I did workout while I was gone, because I needed that normalcy.....and something to do in the pre-dawn hours I was awake. Thursday was Travel Fit and Tabatacise. Friday was Lean Legs and Abs and Cross Fire. Saturday I only managed the cardio from Hard Strikes. Today started with STS Disc 34/Chest and Back. I didn't know how it would go since my energy levels were below basement levels, but I felt surprisingly strong and ended up 5% heavieron the workout than I did in week 1 of the Mesocycle, which is, of course, the goal of the Mesocycle. For cardio, I kept it light. I chose to pair STS up with the Low Impact Series this week, so I did Slide and Glide Cardio and Abs premix, but doubled the cardio for a good, but not too tough, 60 minute workout. Hopefully as the week goes on, I will have more energy. But I am happy I got that much done! And it felt good.

    Tami, glad you didn't have Running Camp last week. That Bulk Legs/Muscle Meltdown/Blizzard Blast workout sounds great!

    Thelma, so glad H&C is feeling better. Great job with Hammer Power!! Going from 5lb to 12lb is amazing. Glad you inspired yourself to get through Chisel Balance too!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your Cardio Kicks DVD. Hope it just needs to be cleaned. At least Cathe runs some good sales, so if you do need to replace it, it shouldn't be too painful. Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day. Sounds like a fun backyard job is in your future!!

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice weekend. Went by fast but I did get my workouts in both days! Which always makes me happy. Saturday I did ICE Total Body Metabolic workout followed by the Blizzard Blast pre-mix. Yesterday was the start of BB Phase #3 and chose the TEMPOS Chest/Tri’s workout! Was nice to do a different workout and I really liked it. I had to really concentrate on counting those slow reps out; he talks the whole time so a few times I was thinking, I’ll just keep going until he says “done”. LOL After that I had to shower and we met our in-laws and brother-in-law & girlfriend for lunch, it was nice. Ran some errands once I got home late in the afternoon and food prepped a little bit, but that was it. This a.m. was BULK Legs and tonight I will head to BootCamp. It’s pouring rain today, so we will be inside forsure.

    Laurel: Welcome Back and despite how challenging and heart wrenching that trip was it sounds like you and your sisters really bonded together in a difficult situation, which is so great. I am glad you have them through all of this. So sad for your mom. Im glad she is safely settled into the home. And good job getting in your workouts throughout all of it ….. kept you sane and grounded I am sure. I bet you are really feeling the tireds today as well. Hopefully you are having a nice relaxing day.

    Laurie: Great job with Total Body last Thurs., we were on the same thought pattern with that one! LOL Felt great to do a total body workout in the mix. Strange that your MFP app wasn’t working right. I have had that happen to me with various things. A couple times it acted as though I hadn’t logged anything and I had to reset it … this happened twice. Glad it is working for you now. Yay on your great weather. Ours is going to improve again. Saturday we had sunshine and 80 degrees! It was crazy and too early for us having those temps. We are happy to see the rain today. DH’s knee is still improving, little by little. He has told me about his therapy appt’s and they are going well too. He gets pretty sore after them in his knee and calf area. Probably jut from the work he is putting both through. His range of motion is a lot better as well, which is great. Thanks for asking!

    Thelma: Great job with Chisel Endurance on Friday and going up in some of the weights + the incline push-ups!! Way to work. You are powering through the last of this rotation. Nicely done. Sounds like a nice weekend for you getting some flowers planted. We are having our front yard bushes and edging all tore out and starting over. It became too crowded and a mess and a friend of DH’s does this kind of work and talked him into it. I am sure it will be amazing when he is all done. Right now it looks like a yard with grass and 2 trees ….. no bushes. Bare bones.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening! Talk to you tomorrow. :smile: Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Rock'm Sock'm w/u and Chisel Agility. I started H&C week 6 today!

    Laurie, WOW! Amazing job with your workouts! Your weekend sounds a lot like ours too! Tonight we had to cover the plants to protect them from frost! Isn't the aerial park course much better. It's like a jungle gym! LOL. I know I'll be scared but I am going to have to "man up". I'll have to keep telling myself "I can do this!" Sounds like you had a great mother's day. That is soooo adorable that Rocket was watching you read his mother's day card!

    Laurel, welcome back! My heart goes out to you and your sisters during this very difficult time in your lives. I'm so glad you and your sisters had a chance to take care of your mom's needs and got to spend some sister time together. I can't even begin to imagine how scary Thursday was when your mom couldn't breathe! Thank God you girls were there to comfort her and to get her help. You really girls are really lucky to have one another to support each other.
    Good job getting your workouts in! I'm glad I did BB and now I'm doing H&C. I definitely have improved and both programs have helped my shoulders. I need to start thinking about my next rotation! I'll have to complete that hybrid STS rotation I started to put together.

    Tami, congrats on starting BB Phase #3!! Great job! I hear you on counting reps on the Tempo workout. I eventually did exactly what you did: I kept going till Sagi said done! LOL.
    I'm giving H&C my best shot. It sure is a challenging program and specially Autumn! BTW, remember I mentioned her cellulite? It's on this Agility workout and you can really see it when she's doing the grapevine move!
    Tami, I bet your yard is going to look beautiful once your husband's friend is done with it!

    Good night ladies!