Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I enjoyed a nice evening with DH, sharing some wine on our patio. The weather yesterday was as near perfect as weather can get. Today started with STS Disk9/Legs, and, as always, I felt it. For cardio, I did Kick, Punch and Crunch. <3

    Tami, bet the BC class was something different this week with Katy in charge! Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I am sorry to hear about your weather but, as you mentioned, after last year I bet the moisture is much appreciated. Great workouts this weekend. I don't know how you followed BB with LIHI! :o I think I would still be laying in my workout floor trying to regain feeling in my arms. That's some tough stuff there!

    Thelma, great workouts!! Regarding the STS warm-up, it is MUCH better than anything BB and H&C have to offer. For all of the STS program (Disks 1-40), she does about 3 minutes of marches, side steps, etc to get the body moving and then goes into a 1-2 minute stretch. The warm-ups on the leg workouts are a little longer/more intense, especially on the Plyo workouts in Meso 3. The only STS workout where she uses a barbell to warm-up is STS Total Body which is actually not part of the STS program and probably not a part of the rotation you are going to be doing. It is confusing because she filmed STS Total Body a few years after STS for those who wanted to add a total body workout to the program. But if you do the STS every other day rotation as we talked about, you won't be doing STS Total Body at all. Just wanted to let you know that before you started finding other warm-ups to do! Thanks for the compliments! I definitely don't have the body of a 20yo, but I am okay with that because at least I am more fit than I was at 20! But we have an 18yo girl next door who, in typical Florida fashion, likes to do everything in a bikini. There is no confusing our bodies! :o:D But I would be curious to know what my internal age is. That would be interesting to learn.

    Laurie, hope the training is going well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s BC class was AWESOME! Which we all told Katy as well. :smile: She does such a terrific job. We had a high bench and did weight work with cardio bursts (running man on the high step, jump ups, run ups, burpees) in between; along with lots of variations of push-ups and some abwork at the end. The time flew by and I still have hopes she can take this class over permanently. This a.m. was Bulk Legs and tonight will be Insane-X!

    Laurel: Sounds like a perfect Birthday …. Started with your great workout, beautiful weather and perfect evening! Very happy for you. Sounds like another awesome combo today for the legs. KPC never disappoints. Thanks for the kudos on the Chest combo, I wasn’t sure either at the time I pieced it together, but I did make it through and felt great at the end. Probably couldn’t have done one more push up but it felt great!

    Thelma: Congrats on your last week as well! So good you are pushing through right to the end. As you read above “YES” the class was so good with Katy filling in. As Laurel already addressed, the STS warm-ups are definitely Cathe style and sufficient for lifting; and for the plyo she adds on a little time and effort as well. I’ve never understood why the BeachBody workouts have such short “non-warm-up warm-ups” …. LOL glad I have my Cathe DVD’s for back up on the warm-ups for BB & H&C.

    Hi Laurie :wink:

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow,

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did ICE Low Impact Sweat w/u, Chisel Cardio. This workout is good and challenging.

    Laurel, I'm so glad you enjoyed a nice birthday evening with your DH! Awesome combo today!
    Thank God Cathe has proper warm-ups in the STS workouts! Thanks so much for letting me know about STS Total Body.

    Tami, I'm glad Katy's class was a good (killer) one! If Chisel Cardio workout was a killer to me I can't imagine what a Katy class must be! I think it's crazy that BB and H&C don't have proper warm-ups.

    Hi Laurie!!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today with STS Disk 8/Back and Triceps. It felt really good. For cardio, I did The Gauntlet workout from Cathe's Terminator DVD. It felt really tough to me today :o but I enjoyed it. ;)

    Tami, happy to hear Katy gave you a great BC class. What a difference a good instructor makes! Keeping my fingers crossed that those rumors about her and BC end up being true.

    Thelma, great workout!! That Chisel Cardio is one of the best in the series for me! Love it.

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did X10 w/u and Hammer Power. At the end of the workout Sagi said: "I'm proud of you!" and I replied with "me too!". I have two workouts left in this routine. Tomorrow is my last work day this week. DH and I are going to the Loon Mountain area in NH. This is the weekend we expected to do the aerial forest park but it's going to be rainy so not sure what we're going to do. According to the forecast it will be rainy early in the morning. If this is true then we can do the park.

    Laurel, great combo today!
    I have one more question about doing STS. Do you do the "recovery" week?

    Hi Tami and Laurie!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was the 90 minute cardio premix of Step, Jump and Pump followed by STS Yoga Based Abs. Good stuff!

    Thelma, :) . I love hearing you say you are proud of yourself for all your fitness accomplishments. You should be!! God job pushing through on H&C. I am so glad it turned into a positive experience for you. Regarding STS, I haven't taken the rest week the past few times I have done the program but did when I first started. I would suggest listening to your body and if you have any little aches and pains that would benefit from a week away from strength training--or if you want a mental break from it--take the week. But if you are up to pressing on, there is no problem with that either, especially(as we talked earlier) if you aren't adding any extra strength training through the week. Hope you have a great weekend and the weather cooperates with you. Sounds beautiful!

    DH is off tomorrow so I probably won't be back until after the weekend either. Hope you all enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you both yesterday ... we have been SOOOOO busy this week and I barely had time for anything yesterday; worked right through lunch and when it was about 5:15 I headed home. Tired as could be! All good though and I love every moment of it. If I am that busy, I feel like I am contributing to the super important people around me :smile: So yesterday was a REST day, which I usually ignore and do something, but yesterday I did take a REST day. This a.m. was TEMPO Back and no workout tonight; going to dinner with friends.
    Saturday will be my last day with BB. I started working up a rotation with H&C and 21DFX Xtreme. Will start it either Sunday or maybe do some misc. workouts next week and then start the following Sunday. :smiley:

    Laurel: Fantastic job the last couple of days with your amazing workouts. Those Cathe workouts actually scare me at this point (in my old age ... LOL) to pull one of them out "The Terminator, The Gauntlet", etc. so good on ya for powering through.

    Thelma: I am proud of you too! Seriously .... you started out with some hesitation on liking H&C I know and you powered through like a champ! Congrats on finishing up and gaining strength, flexibility and I am sure endurance throughout! Woo Hoo. Your weekend sounds like it will be so much fun. We don't have any plans at all, but hopefully we will find something fun to go do, at least one day or afternoon.

    Have a fantastic weekend ladies .... sounds like nobody will be here until Mon or Tues.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did X10 w/u and Total Body Chisel. I pushed hard on this one and I'm feeling it! Looks like the weather will cooperate and it will be HOT around here and in NH too. Had to dig out some shorts! LOL. I intend to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning (12:44am now) to do my last H&C workout!! This is one of those moments when I have to tell you ladies how fortunate I am to have found you. Thanks so much for cheering me on and all your wonderful advice!

    Laurel, that sounds like an awesome combo! Great job!
    I really feel so proud of myself. I think it's because I'm feeling stronger and the beginning of some muscles deeeeep under my skin trying to break out! LOL. I think this puts me in a better place in order to do STS. I will incorporate the rest week in my rotation and will play it by ear. The only strength training I will do is STS so maybe I can skip the rest week. Again though I will play it by ear. I hope NH is a lot of fun. We have been going to this area once a year the last few years.

    Tami, you've been so hard! It is a good feeling when you feel appreciated so working hard is not a painful task. Good job with the Tempo workout! That rotation sounds really good!
    Thanks so much for the kudos Tami. I've improved a lot with these programs and I never was able to do that with Cathe. I hope H&C and BB have prepared me better for STS. I hope you guys find something fun to do!

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend ladies! I'll post back on Monday night!
    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice holiday weekend. DH and I had a blast in NH! The weather was perfect too. It was in the 90's but not humid which was great.

    On Friday I finished my H&C rotation with ICE Low Impact w/u, Hammer Plyo, stretch. Then in the afternoon we did the 2 ml hike around the Flume Gorge.
    On Saturday we went to the Loon Mt Aerial Forest Park. We did the level 2 course, then DH moved on to do level 3. I was too much of a chicken to go up to 40 ft height. 25ft off the ground was good enough for me. I was scared but once up there survival instincts kicked in. All I wanted to do was finish so I could get off those hanging logs. I wouldn't have been able to do as well as I did if it hadn't been for my workouts. All that balancing training was very helpful as well upper body strength. You have to totally concentrate, calm down and breathe during those course.
    I didn't think it was going to be a workout but it was. The next day my biceps, triceps and lats were very sore. I got pretty banged up during the aerial course and I have the bruises to prove it. Later on in the afternoon we went up to the top of the mountain in the gondola to enjoy the amazing views and we followed that with the zip line across the river and back. Can you ladies believe I did all that? I still can't believe it myself!

    On Sunday we walked around Sugar Hill, NH for 2.5 mls and today I started my STS rotation with STS Me so 2, Disc 24 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + Extended Stretch. My chest, triceps and shoulders are feeling the workout. I used the EZ curl bar when Cathe used the barbell. I lifted just as heavy as I was lifting with Body Beast which is pretty good.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Wow last week was actually a great lean week. We had a different Sensei for the event, and he was a breath of fresh air. He embraced technology. :o The previous one used to work for Toyota, and wanted us to do everything with paper. :| Have to say that by the end of the week I was super tired, and then had to drive up to my brothers cabin. On Sunday we went to my nieces grad party, and from there we headed home. Yesterday we worked on getting the garden beds looking better by putting new mulch down.

    I have been keeping up with my BB workouts, and I have two workouts left of this rotation. Yesterday I started my morning with UFC Fit Power Punch, went out to garden, and then came back in to do BB Tempo Back/Bis. With all that I managed to get in over 17,000 steps. This morning was UFC Fit Ab Assasin, which is probably one of the best ab workouts I have done in a while. I would sub this one for any of Tony H's in a rotation.

    Rocket had a great time up north, got a couple of wood ticks that I had to get off. He managed to chew thru his harness while on the car trip, so we had to stop to get him a new one. One of the project for this week is to get an area cleared in our tree line that I have not tackled yet. At the end of the week we are getting an invisible fence put in. So those are my updates from last week.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! Looks like you where enjoying them all. Nice that you where able to get a good deal on the barbell. I would think with Sports Authority going out of business, they would have some good deals there also. Happy belated Birthday! Having a nice relaxing glass of wine on the patio sounds wonderful. We actually ate our lunch outside yesterday, it wasn't cold or raining. Seems that we have had either one or the other.

    Tami, Congrats on finishing up the BB rotation! Being busy at work really makes the day go by so fast. I will be busy this week, just catching up from last week. I did take one day last week, just to get some of my order requests done. If I didn't, probably would have a bunch of angry people wondering where all their parts are. I'm sure that you will come up with a great rotation, I have been experimenting with UFC Fit, and will probably incorporate the H&C Chisel workouts into the rotation.

    Thelma, Congrats on finishing up the H&C workouts, and that you grew to like them. Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun, and like you I probably wouldn't have gone higher than the 25ft. Awesome to hear that the added upper body strength gave you the ability to get though all that you encountered at the park. Glad to hear that you had the same weight for STS and BB, that has to make you feel great.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We enjoyed a nice weekend here. DH and I were able to golf our favorite course on Friday, which is always fun. Saturday we had the in-laws over and after a nice breakfast on the porch, we went and visited the ocean for a bit. It was a perfect day for the beach. We tried golfing both yesterday and Sunday, but only got half rounds in due to rain and lightening. Must be summer in Florida!! But at least we got some outside activity in, which is always nice.

    Friday's workout was Muscle Endurance and IMAX2, which finished my STS/Body Blast/Intensity Series week. This week I decided to combine STS with the workouts Cathe filmed with STS Total Body (High Reps, Lower Body Blast, etc) and some other workouts that aren't in a series. So Sunday was Lower Body Blast followed by To The Max Extreme premix. Yesterday was STS Disk 10/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed by Rhythmic Step (which is still so much fun for me after all these years). Today was STS Disk 12/Legs and STS Medicine Ball Abs followed by Cathe's Intensity workout with the Boot Camp portion. Good stuff!

    Tami, hope you enjoyed a nice weekend! Congratulations on finishing Body Beast. Sounds like a good plan to take a week off before jumping in to your next rotation.

    Thelma, congratulations on finishing H&C!! So happy you feel better for having done it. Your weekend sounds amazing!!! Sounds active and fun and exciting and everything a weekend away should be. I really want to try zip lining some time. I am afraid I would chicken out once they strap me up, but if I could get past that, I think I would have so much fun with it. Maybe some day, right? Hope you enjoyed that STS workout better. It is a long one, but such a good, thorough workout. Sounds like the strength you gained with Body Beast will definitely help.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed the Lean week. That makes for a nice change, doesn't it? Sounds like you had a busy weekend, too. Great workouts since getting home. 17,000 steps is amazing! I bet you are looking forward to the invisible fence. That will be so nice with Rocket.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi Ladies and happy to see everyone back safe and sound from their long weekends! My weekend was really good, nothing special just enjoyed having that extra day and longer time frame in the a.m. to get my workout in. I also cleaned out a couple of drawers and spare bedroom closet on Sunday due to poor weather. That felt fantastic! For workouts: Sat was my last BB workout, Total Body and I followed it up with Blizzard Blast and ICE Core, Sun was KCM Lean Body Circuits, yesterday was Total Body TriSets, which I always love so much. NO workout this a.m. which I had a feeling I might hit the snooze after 3 days off, but I will go to Katy’s class tonight! Most likely we will be outside because our weather has turned amazing starting yesterday. This weekend is supposed to be in the 90’s. YIKES. Glad we got all the rain we did lately.

    Laurel: Sounds like such a nice weekend of family time and golf as well. Plus you were able to get in your great workouts. Your combos you are putting together with STS is providing you with a ton of variety throughout, so awesome!! Thanks on the congrats for BB! Always a good feeling to finish up a rotation forsure, sense of accomplishment. I will definitely do another BB rotation in the future, probably combine it with another of some sort. Worked on getting my next rotation together a little bit over the weekend but as I mentioned, this week is going to be “misc” type workouts and then into a rotation. Just a mental break and enjoy some that I have missed but haven't had time for. That list could go on & on however. LOL

    Laurie: Glad to hear your lean week went good for you! You are almost finished up with BB – Congrats! As I told Laurel, it always feels good to finish up a rotation. Congrats on the 17,000 steps! WOWSA. Even on the weekends when I hardly sit down I don’t get that many, good on ya! I bet Rocket had a blast at your brothers cabin. Funny little fella chewing off his harness ….. mischief! The invisible fence will be so nice for him. That’s awesome. I went into Sports Authority over the weekend to check their sale ….. clothing was only 10% off full price; I didn’t look at larger ticketed items, but maybe that is where the real sale is happening. Sounds like you have a plan in place then for your next rotation or experimenting and putting one together as you go?!!?

    Thelma: I’m so glad you and DH had such a wonderful time in NH! Great weather too ….. that’s perfect! Your hike(s) sound like they were very nice as well, way to get in some great exercise while on a mini vaca!! Congrats again on finishing up H&C!!!!! WooHoo. Great job going right into STS! I think you are going to do fabulous with it after your last couple of rotations, your body is ready for it.

    Have a wonderful evening ladies, talk to you tomorrow!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Slide & Glide. My pecs, triceps and traps are pretty DOMSY from yesterday's STS workout. I had to force myself to workout tonight. My uncle passed away unexpectedly this morning. I am so sad. I wanted to go home for the funeral but my aunt tells me it's really dangerous.

    Laurie, great job keeping up with your workouts during your busy week! I'm glad the lean week was good. Funny about Rocket chewing through this harness! He must've been bored.
    Thanks on the congrats on finishing up H&C! I'm glad I grew to like the program too. It does feel great to be able to use the same weights I used in BB for STS.

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice weekend! Great workouts! You're so good at putting those rotations together! It takes me forever because I have to check each workout on Cathe's website to make sure it doesn't call for a lot of weights given that I am trying to stick to just cardio in between STS workouts.
    Thanks so much for the congrats on finishing H&C! We really had a very active weekend and I loved it. The zip line was scary but since I had done the zip line on the aerial course I knew what to expect and what to do. The zip line was the last part of the course I did and when I got to that platform I stood there and told the guy who works there who stands on the ground below you that I was afraid. He said: you already did most of the course this is the easy part and told me to sit down and go. Basically it was a squat and go. The good thing about the zip line across the river was that one of the workers goes before you and when you get the other side he pulls the zip line to stop you. The river below us was very dry and full of huge rocks but I wasn't afraid to look down. It happens so quickly that you hardly have time to look at your surroundings. I do remember the big rocks though! LOL. I wanted the guys to put 5 harnesses on me in case one failed I'd have 4 backups! LOL
    I did enjoy the STS workout and thought about you during the recovery minute between sets. For me though that minute was very helpful. I love the fact that all the muscles I worked yesterday are feeling pretty DOMSY today. The strength I gained in BB is helping me for sure.

    Tami, glad you too had a nice weekend! Congrats on finishing up BB! Great weekend workouts too! I really think too that my body is well prepared to take on STS. I can't wait till Cathe sells that tower again. I love the idea of putting the barbell on the tower. Makes it easier for barbell squats!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was BB Bulk Shoulders and UFC Fit Cardio Cross Train. This morning I did UFC Fit Power Pull, and after work will be my final BB workout with Total Body. Feels great to be finishing another rotation.

    Laurel, Great workouts as usual, it looked like it was Extreme! ;) Noticed that you sneaked in that Intensity workout. Your weekend sounds like it was nice an relaxing. One of these days I will get to have breakfast on my patio. Just a cup of coffee would be a nice way to start the weekend. :D I was very happy with how the lean week went, felt like we actually accomplished something positive. I usually leave one of those weeks feeling like I wasted my time cutting out paper dolls. :o Oh that invisible fence is going to be a blessing, just wish it wouldn't be raining when I get home from work to get at the clearing of the brush/weeds in that area.

    Tami, Your workouts sound like you really enjoyed the change of pace. Hope your class was a good one. Great accomplishment with cleaning out some closet and drawer space. I was surprised at my step count for that day, because you really don't feel like your doing all that much when gardening. I will have to check out the SA on my way home, just to see if they have something discounted that I need.

    Thelma, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. To bad it isn't an ideal time for you to be there for your Aunt. Great job getting the workout in despite not feeling like doing it. I'm positive that Rocket was bored, we had a 5-1/2 hour drive. He is a very good in the car. Cami was the one that was agitated during the long car rides. You really don't hear a peep out of him during the whole trip. On the way back he was pretty tired, so didn't have the energy to be bored. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was my last day in this rotation of STS. I know there will be a 'next rotation' because after seven years, I still love this program. I finished it with Disk 11/Back and Triceps. I really liked doing the Mesocycles in this order (2,3,1). Next time I might try 2,1,3......just for something different again. For cardio, I did X37 premix and Shock Cardio MMA:Fusion. That latter workout is one I didn't do when I did the Shock Cardio series earlier in my rotation. Definitely not my favorite workout, but it was good after that tough premix.

    Tami, sounds like a nice weekend. Congratulations again on finishing BB. I am sure both your mind and body will enjoy a week of something completely different. Looks like the west coast is headed into a heat wave. Temps in Phoenix are supposed to be 117 on Saturday!! :o They will have cooled down to 113 by the time we arrive next Monday. B) I have been there when it is this hot, and I am not looking forward to it, especially since we are going to be clearing out a house. Oh well. Stay cool!

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. I am thinking about you. I am also sorry to hear your aunt say it is too dangerous to visit. How sad! Maybe she can visit you soon? I hope so. Glad you enjoyed the STS workout......and the breaks. I love the pace of those Meso 2 workouts, that's for sure. I was laughing when you said you wanted 5 harnesses on the zip line. That is exactly how I would feel!!

    Laurie, great workouts! I love morning coffee on the back porch. This time of year it gets a tad toasty out there in the morning because it faces east. But I still try to get out there in the mornings when it isn't too bad. Just 15 minutes of staring at the ducks swimming in the water is enough to clear my mind for the day.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ So last night’s class was actually a Cross Fit class that was from a friend of her brothers, who was a Navy Seal! Yes . . . so TOUGH was the word to describe this and we did it for a Post-Memorial Day even in honor of him. She actually modified it slightly due to our time frame. At any rate, it was a warm-up of running 1 mile, then at our own pace we did 100 KB Swings, 200 Pull-Ups, 200 Push-Ups, 300 Sit-Ups, then with 10 minutes left, no matter where we were we ran the mile again. YIKES. It was outside, along the road, down a hill, around a corner and back up the hill. It felt great to complete the class . . . however I did not complete my pull-ups; all the other items on the board I did though. Not many finished it all, other than a couple of guys in the class. She did yell out to me during our run … “Do you hate me right now?” Because she knows about my love for running. LOL Tonight will be Spinning after work.

    Not sure if you guys saw/heard on the news about the shooting at UCLA today??? Well that's where my sister works and it scared me to death. Luckily she is ok and she was on the complete other side of a very big campus; put in lock down and fine. Her 2 boys go to a school there on campus as well and they are fine. Just SO scary. She has been on my mind all day, despite being safe. the "what if" is so frightening. But beyond thankful that she is ok.

    Laurel: WOW! Can’t believe you are already done with your STS rotation! That was super FAST. Glad to hear you love it just as much now as you did the first time; that’s how I am with STS. So awesome! Will you be doing BB again when you get back from AZ then? Yes, we are definitely headed into some HOT weather, not like AZ though, thank goodness. That is just too hot. I hope you stay cool when you are there. YOWSA.
    Laurie: Excellent work finishing up your 2nd rotation this year! So awesome. Great job with the UFC workouts as well, they must be shorter time frames? Yes, enjoying the change of pace and circuit/misc type workouts this week. Tomorrow I am going to do STS Total Body I think. I’m kind of winging it this week, so that is subject to change. LOL

    Thelma: So sad and sorry to hear about your Uncle passing away. I’m sorry you cannot go to the service due to the safety issues, that also makes it sad. How is your Aunt doing/dealing? Way to go pushing through your workout, I bet you didn’t feel like it at all …… may have helped ease the tension a little for you. I am sure you are going to love the Cathe Tower when you get it; will be perfect for your barbell as well!

    Have a great evening ladies ~
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso2 Disc 14-Legs. I had to force myself to workout because I am still sad about my uncle. Once I got going with the workout I got into it and my legs are feeling the workout. I am still feeling the DOMS on my triceps and pecs from Monday's workout! I am enjoying this rotation so far.
    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my family and I. My uncle's wife sounded calmer tonight. She has ups and downs. My aunt (his sister) in El Salvador sounded calmer too. My aunt in Italy is taking it really hard I think it's because she can't be there. My grandmother used to say that you have to tell loved ones that you love them when they're alive. The same thing with giving flowers she said: you give flowers when people are alive. Once a person dies they can't enjoy the flowers anymore. So I reminded my aunt tonight about what her mom used to say. It really is sad that I couldn't go because it is so dangerous there.

    Laurie, great workouts! Congrats on finishing your BB rotation! Now wonder Rocket chewed through his harness. That was a long car ride!

    Laurel, congrats on finishing your STS workout! It really went by so fast! Great combo today!
    DH and I pay for my aunts' airfares once a year so they can visit with us. They will be here in November. The Meso 2 pace is good. My kind of pace.

    Tami, WOW! That was a killer workout! Good job! I heard about UCLA!! I'm so glad your sister is OK. I just went to a scare like with DH who works for Tufts U. They had a bomb scare. I saw how Cathe does pull ups on the tower. I doubt I can pull myself up from a seated position! LOL

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Finished up with BB Total Body yesterday after work! This morning I did UFC Fat Fighter, this one has jujitsu style ground work. I had to modify some of the moves, because this old body isn't going to move as well as those young ones on the DVD. :D And I'm okay with that.

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing up your STS rotation! I like that you will do the rotation again, but in a different order from this one too. I have heard that people have done 3,2,1 also. I have never enjoyed that Fusion workout either, it just never flowed like the MMA workouts that I'm doing with UFC do. Our patio faces east also, but up here it isn't as toasty in the mornings. I think this morning was the warmest one we have had yet. Low 60's, and now I'm really ready for my Saturday to arrive.

    Tami, Good thing that you opted to just have your class yesterday, that sure sounds like a TOUGH workout. Oh my on the shooting, didn't realize that your sister and nephews where there. That has to be a scary situation to go though, and I can understand why you would be worried. The UFC workouts are all 30 to 45 min., so I can get them finished in the morning without a problem. These workouts have giving me some major DOMS in my lower body, so I'm thinking that the change in style will be good. Makes me second guess adding in the Chisel workouts, wonder if it will be to much on my lower body. I plan on trying Chisel Endurance after work, so will see how I feel tomorrow. :D

    Thelma, Great job on the workout! I'm sure that it is hard for your family not to be there, but it doesn't sound like a good situation to enter into. Your Grandmother sounds like a very wise woman. o:) My little guy was trying to chew thru his new harness this morning while we were driving to doggy daycare. After I noticed, he laid down, but there is a little nick in the front. Naughty little guy.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today with the lower body premix from High Reps which is short and sweet. Then, for cardio, I did Cross Fire Extreme premix. Good stuff. I am headed out the door in a little bit to get my hair fixed up and then I have to pack. DH and I are leaving tomorrow evening after he gets off work to get at least a few hours of driving in.

    Tami, the minute I heard about the UCLA shooting, I thought about your sister. I was following the news all day hoping they would give the location on the campus, hoping not to see anything about Performing Arts. Scary stuff, but I am glad they are okay. I can only imagine the nail biting hours you must have had. Yowza on the class, though!! That sounds killer. Congrats on doing the running. I think I would have given up in that part. I plan on getting back to BB probably a week or two after we get back from Phoenix. DH will be home for the summer and I kind of want to figure out what our summer days are going to look like and plan my rotation around that. Besides, I never did get to XTrain or ICE in my STS rotation, so I would like to do a week of those programs before starting BB.

    Thelma, glad you are enjoying this rotation so far. Those leg workouts are no joke. Good job pushing 'play' and letting your workout help you with your grief. It sounds like you had a very wise grandmother. In our own situation with my mom, my sister is debating whether she should try to convince my nephew to go down with her next week. Her concern is if he goes now, he won't have the time off to go to the funeral. I very bluntly said that mom isn't going to care if he is at her funeral but she would love to see him now. Your grandmother was so right about celebrating life and love when people are alive to appreciate it.

    Laurie, congratulations on finishing BB. Hope your weather stays nice for the weekend and you get a chance to enjoy your patio for a little while. I am dreading spending the next two weeks going from one air conditioned environment to the next. I will miss my daily dose of fresh air, that's for sure. But at temps over 110, no air is 'fresh'. :/ I should probably warn my DH that if the weather is remotely nice in the places we are stopping across the country, he will probably find me walking circles in the parking lots. A little exercise, a little air.........who cares if I get funny looks! :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night. This a.m. I did not get up …. Period. I kept hitting the snooze for some reason, I try to tell myself I needed the extra zzzzz’s and most likely tonight I won’t be able to work out (NBA Game is on and DH is excited to watch it) so I will chalk it up to a REST Day for myself I guess. Back at it tomorrow a.m. :neutral::neutral:

    Laurel: I guess I forgot you guys were driving all that way …. YIKES! I do not envy you on that. How many days do you think it will take you? Love that you will get out and walk a little bit, that will help. Will you be bringing your dumbells for some workouts in motel rooms? Excellent workout this a.m. with High Reps lower and CF Xtreme! Sounds like a great combo. Thank you for thinking of my sis, yes ….. all tragic but I am very grateful that she was not in the wrong place at the wrong time. Craziness. I’m sure you will figure out a perfect rotation for your summer with hubby. XT/ICE incorporated together would be awesome.

    Laurie: Giggling at the UFC Fat Fighter name …. LOL Good job getting it in and making it work for you. Yes, after what I had for a workout on Tuesday evening it was just fine having the one workout that day. That’s awesome those workouts are right in your wheel house for time frame on those early a.m. workouts. Chisel Endurance will definitely let you know on that lower body work. Anxious to get back into those Chisel workouts next week.

    Thelma: Great job getting in STS #14 LEGS . . . I am sure your legs are still feeling it forsure. Nothing like STS to get in there; well maybe Autumn’s Chisel workouts! LOL Good thing you just came off of that. I am so sorry about your sadness, of course you are. Glad to hear your Aunt’s are doing a little better, of course everyone grieves differently and it will just take time. Which is the hardest part of course. Yes, Cathe and her pull-ups always amazes me. I usually choose the one leg straight out, other bent method. At the gym we do assisted like they do in BB & H&C, with one leg in the band; works really good.

    Have a great evening ladies! Tami