Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I felt like something completely different today for strength training, so I started the day with Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps. It really fried my arms! Then, for good measure, I did ICE Muscle Meltdown Biceps. Yowza. For cardio, I did ICE Bootcamp with the Blizzard Blast. DH and I are planning on playing our favorite but very long golf course this afternoon. I hope my arms stand up to all that swinging of a golf club!!

    Thelma, those workouts in the last week of Meso 2 are SO good. They are shorter and really burn out the muscle. Great purchase with the Bowflex. I have often suggested my DH get some, and would really encourage it if he were lifting even relatively consistently. There is no way we could house the heavier weights he would eventually need. I have Dumbbells up to 40lbs, but he would definitely need higher than that for chest or back work. I know Tami likes her weights.

    Laurie, sounds like a really good workout. I bet you are still adjusting to your summers after all those years at the faire. I am definitely still on for October and P90X2. BB will take me close to it, and I will try to squeeze some H&C in before we start just to get that core strength up. I am looking forward to it!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I didn’t get to check in before I left. Very busy at work last Thursday up to the minute I left. Even stayed a little longer than planned. My sister and I had a great weekend together and enjoyed the family reunion. It was nice to see everyone again, including my sweet "nearly" 99 year old Grandma. She was teary she saw me and so sweet. There wasn’t too many “sads” at all, just some pics that were given to us of my dad when he was a young man and some misc over the years that a cousin had from her mom who had passed away. We enjoyed our time at my Uncle & Aunt’s house as well and lots of good conversation with them. I did receive a lot of compliments at how “fit” I looked and people were asking me what I do and what I eat, etc. Was a very nice compliment to my lifestyle of fitness. Some even enjoyed my healthy Quinoa salad, my sister included who wants the recipe for her family. :smile:

    The weather was terrible the day of reunion and beautiful the day we left, so it was a nice drive home with sunshine. Yesterday a.m. after dropping my sister off at the airport at 5 am I came back home and had a little coffee and breakfast and then hit the workout! Felt SO great. Did a combo of ISO Chisel Strength and 21DFX Power Strength Xtreme. This a.m. I had to drop DH off at the dentist before 7am for his crown! Early …… he had an old filling/cavity tooth that had damage too far down and needed a crown. So 2 crowns in just a few months between us. Thank Goodness for insurance, but still over $1000 combined. At any rate, due to his high fear level, the dentist asked him to take a valium and couldn’t drive. So I dropped him off and didn’t get my early a.m. workout. Will head to Katy’s Insane X class tonight.

    Laurel: Fantastic combos of workouts as usual for you. Nice job. You are really putting together some long combos that sound killer!! Congrats on getting in some golf with DH the other day as well and hopefully the ground sops up some of that rain you received. We had rain last night and today and some more is coming; but we are still rejoicing with moisture.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a very nice Father’s Day weekend with family and getting all your pretty flowers done. Outstanding job with your workouts and taking advantage of those 4DS workouts! Good variety on your schedule right now. I would imagine your yard is absolutely gorgeous with all of the time you and DH have been able to spend in it this year. So nice.

    Thelma: You are truly doing a fabulous job with STS! Congrats. I am excited you are getting some Bowflex dumbbells! The adjustable ones like I have is what I am picturing. 5 lbs to 52.5 lbs! If so, I love them but yes, there are some moves that make it a little tricky because they are longer/bulkier than just regular hand weights. But I have continued to make them work through every program and bought them do to space restraint as well! PERFECT for that; worth every penny!

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon/evening!
    Talk to you tomorrow, Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did RWH Low Impact One with Bonus Abs One. I did the Low Impact as high impact as I could and my legs are feeling it. I got my legs tired before the STS leg workout last week too! I'm starting to see a pattern here! LOL

    Laurie, great workouts! That 30MTF workout sounds like something I would enjoy!
    I ordered my Bowflex dbs from because they offered the best price and had free shipping.

    Laurel, another killer combo! Awesome job! That bicep muscle meltdown can kill your arms if you do it after a bicep workout!
    I am loving the Meso 2 workouts. I am not sure I will love doing lots of pushups on Meso 1 though. I think DH will enjoy the new dumbbells and will discover (I hope) that he wants to lift more.

    Tami, I'm so glad you had such a great time with your family! I am sure those compliments on how fit you are felt sooo good! You should be very proud of yourself! That quinoa salad is so good! Great workouts!
    I hope your DH is going OK after the crown work!

    Thanks so much on the STS congrats. I am excited about the Bowflex dumbbells too. I did get the same ones you have. They are scheduled to arrive tomorrow! That would be awesome because I am doing legs tomorrow. I'm sure they will be really awkward for me for upper body moves but I hope I can learn to make them work for me. I think I got a good deal too which is great! I definitely don't have space for more dumbbells and whenever we decide to downsize I'll probably get rid of the other dumbbells I have and will just keep the barbells and Bowflex dumbbells.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I did Yoga Warrior The Gathering, another workout that I really enjoyed. This morning was 30MTF Muscle Up Lift to Be Fit Workout 1 and Abs. The muscles worked in this one are Back, Chest and Shoulders, Abs. Really enjoying my summer rotation so far. We have to go out tonight for my MIL's 90th birthday, so will not be getting in a workout.

    Laurel, Awesome job on those workouts! Hope the your golf game wasn't affected by the weights, just getting out to golf must have been fun. I'm hoping that the yoga that I'm doing will be good for the core. I know that either my morning workouts or the yoga are really making my core area sore this morning, so I think something is working.

    Tami, Sounds like you had a very nice weekend with your family. To bad about the weather, but seeing your family made up for it I'm sure. Great job getting back into the workouts. I'm going to continue with doing what I want to for my summer rotation, just might add in a few more yoga workouts. Adding them in has been making the body feel so much better.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts, and of course getting those legs tired before the weights. You probably would enjoy that 30MTF workout, the lift exercise is a lot like Sagi's Power Strength moves from H&C. Hope those weights arrive in time for you leg workout, that would be nice to try them out while doing lower body.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night was a pretty straight forward (still tough) class with Katy. Stations, but not crazy stuff. Her normal crazy, that you could actually finish the class. LOL This a.m. was Total Body Hammer + Hammer Abs and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurie: Awesome work with Yoga Warrior (different than Bob Harper’s Yoga Warrior I assume?) last night and Muscle Up this a.m. Glad to hear you are enjoying your summer rotation so far. I noticed I have the 21DFX Yoga XT on Saturday, so that will be good to try and see how I like it. I know you said it just didn’t flow well for you. Here’s hoping. Tomorrow is the 21DFX Pilates XT with another workout combined. Hope you enjoy the Birthday party tonight. Hows your MIL doing these days?

    Thelma: Great job getting in RWH LI #1 + Abs …… STS has a way of getting those legs good doesn’t it!?!? I think you are going to love the Bowflex dumbbells. That is so exciting. The compliments did make me feel really good, yes. Especially after all these years they have known me as a fitness person/athlete and so to have them compliment me was a nice feeling. Most of them have health issues and struggling with weight, sad.

    Hi Laurel :smile:

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ until tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 2 Disc 23 Legs. I did a long stretching session after this workout because OMG! I was sure I'd be able to walk if I didn't. I did deep massage, lots of stretching and I've applied heat to my legs. Loved the workout though. Having to go up the stairs after the workout was a little painful. Every step pretty much got an OUCH! LOL. All I could think of was Cathe saying: If you're not walking funny, you did something wrong and you have to do it all over again! LOL. I was walking funny for sure! LOL

    The Bowflex dumbbells arrived late this morning DH told me so I was able to use them.
    They allowed me to go heavier than I've done before in certain exercises. With this workout I broke my own record because I went heavier on 90% of the exercises. I was so proud of myself for lifting 50lbs with the barbell for deadlifts. I think I could've gone a little heavier though. It was so easy to change the weights with the Bowflex db's! Tonight I used my old dumbbells for one exercise, then I used the Bowflex ones and the barbell. I have the feeling I'll use the old ones more for upper body. I had been considering not doing the recovery week but I will because there is no way I can lift on back-to-back days now that I'm going so much heavier with STS. I really need the rest day. Since we're going away for the long weekend I will do the recovery week I had scheduled in my rotation.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! Good job getting yoga workouts in! 90 years old! Amazing! I'll definitely have to keep in mind that 30MTF workout. I ordered the dumbbells late Saturday night and they arrived this morning!

    Tami, I can't believe Katy went easy on you guys last night! LOL! Great workouts today!
    STS gets the legs really good! I was able to lift 30lbs on the plie squats thanks to the Bowflex db's which was great. I wanted to do 35lbs but at that point my wrists were very fatigued and I was feeling like I was going to drop the db's. Most of the workout I went heavier and it felt like my wrists were going to detach from my forearms! That is how I felt in the beginning of Body Beast when I started to lift heavier. I'm looking forward to trying them with the upper body on Friday. Can't wait to see how many exercises I can do with them.
    So sad about your relatives having health and weight issues. I'm the only one in my family who exercises so I can totally understand the feeling.
    How is your DH doing with his improved knee? Did he start working out?

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a nice time with DH's family, my MIL was her usual self. She kept repeating that we should be celebrating everyone's birthday, but my DH said that 90 yrs. is a milestone. There was only one point that I wasn't to happy with her, but then I just remembered that she is 90 so blew it off. This morning, after I tended to a really bad sinus headache (storms last night), I got in 30MTF Cardio Pump Workout 1 Boxing. Another fun workout. Kelly has a new workout coming out, and it really looks like a lot of fun. It is a live workout that she did while having her road trip. It reminds me of the Turbo Fire workouts. The only thing is that it looks a little dark, but the workout itself seems to be fun.

    Tami, LOL! I love how you refer to Katy classes as normal crazy, that makes me happy. Love your workouts. Yes the Yoga Warrior 365 workouts are way different than Bob's. This particular one is slower paced, and full of good pointers. I have the whole series of DVD's, but haven't tried them all yet. Hope to do that over the summer. You just might enjoy that Yoga workout, crossing my fingers that it is so. My MIL is doing okay considering that her back is broken. I don't know if I mentioned that the last time we where together she said that she wanted to end it all because of the pain that she was in. I was pretty angry at her for saying that, since she only said it after my DH left the room. Only my SIL and myself where at the table to hear her. My FIL is the one that is getting worse, it took him almost 15 minutes to walk out of the restaurant last night.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the leg workout, and really nice that you where able to use your new db's. Congrats on upping the weights also, I can feel your enthusiasm. You have to love how fast items can get to you after you order them. It is an amazing age. My Grandmother is still alive, and she is 95. I sometimes freak out when I realize how close in age they are. DH was adopted by his parents when they where in their 30's.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Sorry I missed you yesterday but DH and I opted for more time on the golf course at the last minute and I didn't have time to post. But it was good to be outside again. Yesterday's workout was another good one. I decided to stick with Slow and Heavy so did the Leg/Shoulder workout. For cardio, I started with X10 Low Impact into ICE Low Impact Sweat with the Blizzard Blast. Good stuff. Today was Slow and Heavy Chest/Back followed by the Blizzard Blast Back workout. And cardio was Rock'm Sock'm with the Blizzard Blast. Felt fantastic!

    Tami, glad you had a good time at the reunion and it wasn't a sad event for you. Sorry to hear the weather wasn't too cooperative though. No doubt you deserved those compliments on your fitness. Bet that first workout back felt good! Has your DH had his follow-up on his blood clot? I imagine he has. Hope all is well for him there.

    Thelma, way to go with the weights!! Glad to hear you are going to like those Bowflex weights. Sounds like STS is really getting your lower body good! Hope those muscles relax soon.

    Laurie, glad you had an okay time with your in-laws. Sorry to hear about that comment from your MIL, though. Sadly, my mom says the same thing quite a bit, so I know how disturbing it can be to hear. Surprisingly, I haven't felt the weights yet playing golf, but I think that will change when I get back to Body Beast!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night, she did kind of a different format that went by SO fast. She even commented how fast it went; not easy by any means (it’s Katy remember, lol) but the format itself had you going the whole time, no breaks. Today’s workout is 21DFX Dirty 30 XT and hoping to follow it up with XT Pilates tonight.

    Laurel: Sounds like a nice day on the golf course yesterday with DH! You must be an awesome golfer by now! So good. Way to go with the workouts as well, sounds perfect. The first workout back, even through the tireds felt amazing and I knew it would. Even a couple days off just gets to me! Katy gave me a hard time for missing last Friday and again Monday ….. asking me where I was, etc. She finally let up. SHEESH.

    Thanks for asking about DH. Actually, no he hasn’t had a follow-up on the blood clot yet. The doctors don’t feel it is necessary; that he just take blood thinners for 6 months and move on. With the look on his face to both of them (Surgeon and General Dr.) they said if it makes him feel better they will order another ultra sound prior to going off the blood thinners. I guess a clot can either slowly go away or stay there forever. Which he isn’t in danger being on blood thinners but any procedures in the future he will most likely have to take them. Such a strange and scary thing. His knee itself is doing pretty good, last couple of weeks he has not been icing it in the evenings and feels good. Still stiff in the a.m. and not 100% but it will probably never be “great”, just manageable until a decision is made in the future to replace it. That’s sort of the inevitable for him. Sadly. He has been going and riding the stationary bike at the PT office; they offered him that for FREE now that his coverage from insurance is up. Really nice of them. He does some weights as well, quad still very weak on that side.

    Laurie: I forgot to mention in speaking about ages …. My sweet Grandma Hazel who I was so excited to see over the weekend is 99! She still lives in her little duplex and very self sufficient; short term memory is not that great but still. Good health and 99. No major surgery’s or health issues all these years. Glad the Bday party was nice and good reminder on their “mental” state at that age. Better to just let it go I would imagine. Yikes on your FIL getting worse. Sounds like you really enjoy that Yoga Warrior package of workouts! That’s a bunch of them forsure. I will let you know after Sat on the XT Yoga! I have enjoyed each one of the 21DFX XT workouts so far! Thank you again for that recommendation.

    Thelma: Awesome work with those tough leg workouts and getting through it. WooHoo on the new weights arriving as well. Nice job going heavier! Getting stronger and stronger through these programs. You’ll find you can use them for everything, just will want your barbell for some to get a different angle on the move. Sometimes I wish I had a barbell, but do them all with my BF dumbbells. I couldn’t believe it either on Katy being somewhat easier; im sure next week will be different. The BC class I missed sounded really good too. Thanks for asking on DH. ….. as I mentioned to Laurel above, his knee is doing better and he has been riding the bike a few days a week, so that is good. Working on strengthening his thigh muscle too. He’s getting there …. Slowly but getting there.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Cardio Supersets. Great workout and of course hit my legs nicely after my STS leg day. I did a really good job massaging and stretching my legs on Wednesday so that I didn't have the stiffness I had last week.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a nice time with your DH's family. Sometimes the elderly say things that drive us crazy. Good for you for letting it go! Great job with your workout today. I hope that sinus headache is gone now!
    Thanks so much on your comments about my workouts! I do love how fast things get delivered these days. You are so fortunate that your grandmother is still alive! Those ladies are close in age for sure! How fortunate of your husband to have found a couple to adopt him!

    Laurel, glad you were able to get some golf in! Awesome workout combos!!!
    The Bowflex weights are keepers for sure. STS is really getting my legs and I love that! I did a good job with the deep massage and stretch because I wasn't stiff.

    Tami, great workouts! Funny about Katy giving you a hard time for missing her classes!
    I really have gotten stronger since I started doing Body Beast. I know they will be great for back exercises. I'm concerned about biceps and some shoulder exercises. I do biceps tomorrow night so I will soon find out! I definitely love using my barbell. The only issue I have with these BW dumbbells is that the handle is too thick for my small hands. I'm glad your DH is going better and that he's working on strengthening his thigh muscle. That is very important. I'd forgotten about the blood clot! I would ask for a new ultrasound!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So glad that it is Friday! I had to work late yesterday, and then having to get Rocket from doggy daycare, so I was really late getting home. I didn't get a workout in, but my new attitude for the summer is to be okay with that. I'm still working on that concept. DH and I did go out for a walk, he mentioned that I should get my 10,000 steps in. He was right of course. This morning I did 30MTF Split Sessions Workout 2, which is lower body. I'm surprised right now that my butt and legs are sore. Guess they are just different types of moves that I have not done in a while.

    Laurel, So glad to hear that you had more time on the golf course. Awesome job on the workouts, really nice combos. I'm sure that you will be feeling those Body Beast workout when you get to them. You will be using the new barbell, so I'm guessing that will give you a different feel also.

    Tami, Glad to hear that you are enjoying those 21DFX workouts! Sounds like a great spin class also, Katy is a good instructor by creating new formats. Wouldn't be any fun if you did the same thing every time. Interesting, my Grandmother also lives by herself. She has limited site, but she still is going strong. Glad to hear that you DH is still working on getting his leg/knee better. I'm going to be working my way though all the yoga workouts this summer.

    Thelma, Great job on your workout, and that your legs are feeling fine after the massage and stretch. We have cooler weather now, so my sinuses are good. I just have problems when a weather front comes through. The first thing I notice is a stuffed nose.

    Have a great weekend!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ TGIF! This a.m. was Total Body Chisel + Chisel Abs, I really enjoy that abwork for Chisel. Good moves and goes by quick. Tonight I will head to Spinning after work. Hoping to get in a good Double tomorrow a.m. early and then come into work for a little OT!

    Laurie: Congrats on getting in your steps and nice that DH joined you for a walk. I love that you are trying to change your mind/attitude on “missing a workout” . . . so refreshing. I am so hard on myself when I miss a workout and try to talk myself into how much I do workout and take care of myself, that “its ok” but it still is in that stubborn mindset. LOL So good on ya! Great job this a.m. with Split Sessions, must have worked some new areas in there to get you feeling it, always good! Yes, I am really glad that Katy changes it up, because in Spinning it is hard to feel like it is different or new and she has a way of changing sequences or whatever enough to make it feel fresh every time.

    Thelma: Way to go with Cardio Supersets! Nicely done getting in your massage and stretch to ease those pains. Yes, Katy is pretty hard on me about that; always catches me off guard when she does it. LOL Yes, the thickness with those dumbbells is what can be tricky sometimes; especially for me when I go heavy and cannot put them on my shoulders for certain exercises that are doing that.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend! We had a busy one but it was good. On Friday I finished Meso 2 with Disc 24 Back and Biceps, Stretching. I was able to use the BF dumbbells for most of the exercises except for the inclined bicep curls. I like to do this exercise on the ball and the giant dumbbells were putting me in a really bad position for my back. The good news is that I went heavier on everything and I've had DOMS all weekend. At the end of the workout I did a couple of sets of hammer curls which hit not only my biceps but my triceps! I can't believe the tricep DOMS I've had! Loved it! On Saturday I did X10 and today I took off. Next week I am doing a recovery week. DH told me today that he signed us up for the "tour" at Gunstock Mt in NH. Apparently this tour lasts 2 hours and there is a lot of zip lining involved. Then after that we signed up for the aerial park! I am freaking out over the zip lining because I don't think these easy zip lines. I will have to look it up.

    Laurie, great workouts and I like your summer time attitude! I had a really busy day and I decided to take today off. Exercising would've put me further behind with my chores and it was going to stress me out. You should consider a neti pot for your sinuses.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! You've been killing it! I haven't done shoulders with the BF's dbells yet. That will be interesting. I was able to do the dumbbells pullovers on a flat bench using 30lbs which was way heavier than I did before. I can't wait till this recovery week is over so I can start with STS again.

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    On Saturday I did 30MTF Slim Sculpting 1, this is a kettlebell workout. I really enjoyed the workout, and it flew by. Sunday was an off day for me, and I spent most of it cooking and baking. Very funny, because it was a really hot day. This morning was 30MTF Lean Body Circuits 2, another workout that I really enjoyed.

    Tami, Great job on your workouts! Now I'm wondering what your double workout was like. Not doing a workout, when I have it scheduled, can really play with the mind. So far I'm really doing okay with it, but there still is that thing in the back of my mind. I'm really enjoying doing the KCM workouts right now, so I'm sticking with them again this week.

    Thelma, Congrats on finishing up Meso 2! Great job on those workouts, and feeling DOMS. I can imagine that those dumbbells could be a little difficult on the ball. Wow, sounds like an interesting adventure that your DH wants to go on. I have heard that the neti pots are good for sinuses, will have to do some research. I think that I'm getting outside a lot more this summer with my new attitude also. I'm really enjoying our patio, and of course my morning and evening walks with Rocket.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you on Friday. Still trying to find balance with DH home! But I got a good workout in. I started with ICE Chiseled Upper Body and took the weights up a notch which made the workout feel more challenging. It was good after doing those Slow and Heavy workouts as well. I added on Muscle Meltdown Triceps, just to finish off the Muscle Meltdown workouts. For cardio, I did Rock'm Sock'm with the Blizzard Blast. <3 Saturday was my day off from working out, which felt nice.

    I started up with Body Beast again yesterday. Yay! I am going to loosely follow the rotation Laurie posted several weeks ago. So yesterday was Build Chest and Triceps, and I was still lifting as heavy as I was when I finished my last rotation. That made me happy! For cardio, I did HiiT 30/30......doubled. Today was Build Legs, which is such a killer workout for me. And, for cardio, I did To The Max Extreme.

    Tami, sounds like a good Katy spin class. Interesting news about your DH and the clot. Like your DH, I think I would like to know what is going on. Hope they do that ultrasound on him. Glad his knee is okay and the PT is being so helpful with letting him use their equipment.

    Laurie, I love your summer attitude! I wish I could adopt it. So does my DH, no doubt. Last night I got another round of 'if you didn't workout each day we could......' guilts from my DH. But, at the end of the day, I love working out. Just wish I could convince myself to take it a little easier some days. Oh well.

    Thelma, congrats on finishing Meso 2! Sounds like a fun adventure in NH. Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Quick check in ladies .... I will catch up with you tomorrow! Great weekend of workouts for me despite working 5 hours on Saturday. :smile: :wink:
    Sat. Chisel Cardio plus Hammer Plyo
    Sun. Hammer Total Body + Cardio Fix XT. No Yoga. Bad on me, just ran out of time; but I WILL do it this week forsure :smile:

    Looks like you all had great weekends, I will check in tomorrow with more ~

    Happy Monday!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, Tabatacise for me tonight. I hadn't done this one in a very long time. Thanks for the congrats on my Meso 2 completion!

    I spent my lunch time watching videos in You Tube about the Gunstock Mt zip line tours. This is the first video I watched and I nearly had a panic attack in the process

    Once I watched other videos I realized that there is a break system controlled by the rider and that Gunstock had staff on each platform I felt better. I think I'm going to be OK on the zip line tour. The aerial park is another story! It makes the zip lines look like a walk in the park!

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! I've used a neti pot in the past and they do help. There are two guys at work who swear by them too. I'm glad you're enjoying getting outside and specially enjoying your patio and your walks with Rocket. Enjoy that patio cause you've hard to make it enjoyable!

    Laurel, awesome workout combos! How many steps do you walk on the golf course? Are there enough steps to make a golf day qualify as a lite workout? Do you ride in a golf cart or do you drag your own golf bag? I would have my HRM going Laurel. I really think a golf day qualifies as a lite workout.

    I think NH should be fun. We're thinking of going to see some homes for sale in the area on Saturday just to see what's out there. I'm in "dreaming of retirement" mode.

    Tami, really good workouts this weekend!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work yesterday. This morning was 30MTF Train Like a Contender Workout 2, another good workout. Finding that DH and I are now getting back into the going out with out friends. All of our children are now either on their own or getting to that point. Last Friday we went out with friends, and now this morning we received an invite to go out this Friday.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts! I will be interested to see how you enjoy that rotation, because I really liked the look of it. LOL on your DH with the exercise. I do love working out as well, and it truly is hard to not run downstairs and workout. Yesterday dd and I had a really good conversation when I got home. Guess I'm looking at the fact that she will probably move out of the house one of these days, and then I will have plenty of time to get workouts in.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, even on a day that you had to work. LOL on missing that yoga workout.

    Thelma, I have not done that workout in a while either. So far still enjoying these KCM workouts, but I'm sure that will change at some point. I don't know about those zip lines, that is just way to much for me. You are right DH and I did work really hard on that patio, so I'm going to enjoy it a lot. DH is planning out a privacy type bench, so when that happens, I just might be able to do my yoga outside without my neighbors wondering what I'm doing.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another great workout this morning. I started with Body Beast Build Back and Biceps. Such a tough workout! For cardio, I did Cathe's HiiT Pyramid workout right into RWH Plyo HiiT Two. Another tough workout. Today looks like it will be the first day in over a week we won't golf since DH has some work obligations, so it felt good to push it hard today without wondering if a golf club would go flying out of my tired arms later in the day. Just for the record, that hasn't happened.......yet.

    Tami, great workouts!

    Thelma, I love Tabatacise. It is just about the right amount of intensity for me on days when I want a push but not a PUSH!!!! Love that about it. We usually walk when playing golf but use golf carts to push our clubs instead of carrying the clubs on our back. Most courses walk 10,000 to 15,000 steps, so I definitely consider golfing a light workout, especially in the heat and humidity of the Florida summer. As it gets hotter we do opt to ride a bit more because 4 hours in that hot sun is actually pretty exhausting. When we ride, I usually get 5,000 to 10,000 steps in depending on the length of the course or how busy it is. When it is busy and we are waiting for people, I have a tendency to walk circles around the tee box and get more steps in. And, yes, people do stare at me!! But it keeps me more limber than sitting in a golf cart.

    Laurie, I bet it is nice to spend more time with friends right now. And I love that you are putting you DD as a priority right now since she is getting older. I imagine with your oldest planning a wedding the reality of an 'empty nest' has taken on a new meaning. The workouts will always be there, that's for sure.

    Well, DH just called, and it looks like a 9th straight day of golf!! Keep your fingers crossed the golf club doesn't wander from my grip!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ As Monday’s can sometimes go, it flew by so fast yesterday I was about to head over to the other dept. I work in and realized I hadn’t checked in yet, hence my quick check in. So after work I headed to Katy’s BootCamp and I was very surprised to see she posted on a board we were doing Shoulders/Chest/Tris workout …. So lots of push-ups and variations on the muscles. It was a good class but no crazy cardio or anything. I would imagine she has to mix it up slightly due to some other people who rotate in and out of that class.

    This a.m. was Chisel Cardio (which will come up often in this rotation, glad I like it) followed by Chisel Abs, tonight will be Katy’s Insane X class. She mentioned a little going outside …. Hmmmm it’s 92 today so hope it is a brief outside visit. LOL

    Laurel: Fantastic job with your workouts and all the golf! WOW. You two have become regulars on those golf courses. Living in that awesome Florida weather, so great! Hopefully there were no golf clubs flying out of your hands after this a.m. workout. Sounds like you are excited to be back into BB and I can understand why! Such a great program and with all your add-ons it creates a lot of variety. I saw your message to Laurie about your DH saying … “if you didn’t work out each day, we could….” Its nice that he encourages it, even if it maybe gets in the way of plans sometimes. My DH asked me if I wanted an ice cream shake the other night ….. LOL I politely declined (twice) and then he said “why?” I said, because I don’t want to eat all that sugar and calories. I got the eye roll from him. Yes, his healthier lifestyle has taken a detour with his newly found ice cream he had when his parents were over for Father’s Day. LOL

    Laurie: I think it is so great you and DH are starting to do things with friends more often. Preparing for the empty nest forsure and sounds like you are enjoying your time. Great job with the your workouts on Sat and Monday a.m. Sounds like you had some quality time in the kitchen on Sunday. Very fun. Yes, this time with your daughter is probably precious to you each time you can grab some of those good conversations. Workouts will always be there for you! Your Yoga workouts outside sound perfect!

    Thelma: Congrats on finishing up Meso #2!! I bet it feels great. Awesome work with Tabatacise last night. I will also mention what a great workout(s) those are for any time. Often forgotten in my lineup but I do love them.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ :smile:
