Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I needed a workout that would burn a lot of calories in a short period of time. I chose ICE Low Impact Hiit Timesaver premix #14 which includes cardio 2 and the blizzard blast. This wall all step! What a nice workout! I was drenched in sweat! I thought I was doing the blizzard in the beginning but it was cardio 2 workout! LOL
    I liked the fact that the choreography was easy to follow.

    Laurie, sounds like a fun workout! I think it's great that you and your husband are starting to go out with friends again!
    The zip line tour looks scary for sure. Now that I've experienced a long/high zip line I know that I wasn't in panic mode while I was traveling down the line. The scariest part was the take off! LOL. That privacy bench sounds like a great idea! It must be a totally different experience to do yoga outdoors!

    Laurel, another killer combo! Great job! OMG I hope you didn't send a golf club flying across the golf course after that killer workout! LOL
    You are too funny with your thoughts on the Tabatacise workout. You do it when you DON'T want to push and I do it when I WANT to push! LOL ;)
    So a day at the golf course can totally be considered a lite workout. Who cares if people give you funny stares when you walk circles around the tee box. All that matters is how moving makes you feel.

    Tami, I can't believe Katy didn't do her killer cardio routine on BootCamp day!
    Great workouts! I hope Katy didn't keep you outside too long tonight!
    I am glad I chose Tabatacise yesterday because it reminded me what a good workout it is!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me after work, DH wanted to go see a movie since it is $5 movie night. We went to see Central Intelligence, it was funny. The best part was of course, Dwayne Johnson being in the movie. This morning was 30MTF Split Sessions Workout 1, which is all upper body moves. I like this one, because it is done in superset fashion.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! So far I'm really loving the combos. LOL about your 9th day of golf, sure hope that your golf clubs stayed in your hands at all times during the day. Yes the approaching wedding is making me think a lot more about the empty nest. It will be so different with just the two of us again, just like the first 5 years of our marriage.

    Tami, Nice that Katy is mixing up the Bootcamp workout like that, I'm sure that she understands that people will be needing the variety. Great job on the H&C workout also. I had to LOL about your DH's ice cream. My DH had a bowl of ice cream last night, but he didn't even bother to ask if I wanted any. He knew what the answer would be. I should be able to do a yoga workout today, but of course it will not be outside until I'm well protected from neighborhood eyes.

    Thelma, Sounds like a really good workout! Guess you are still in the step mood. I would be in panic mode at the very start of the zip line also, but then I would be in panic mode just being up that high on a platform. I'm really really bad with heights. I have done yoga outdoors when on vacation up at my brothers cabin. I don't mind doing yoga in front of family, but not strangers. In fact, I just received and invite from the Women's Network here at work, to do a yoga session on our basketball court. I really don't think that I'm up for that even.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! No golf today, and I am so happy about that. I was doing fine during the round yesterday until the 17th hole when, as I said to DH, my arms reached their sell-by date. He was laughing at me because he said it looked like I was trying to use every inch of my body to lift my arms up in my swing......and he wasn't far off!! I was spent. No clubs went flying, though. Sadly, my golf ball wasn't going anywhere either. Anyhow, so today when I got up and saw BB Build Shoulders on the rotation, I about went back to bed. But, of course, I talked myself out of that!! I did start the workout a little lighter than planned, just to loosen up my arms. But the workout did help take away some of the DOMS. For cardio, I did Cathe's 4DS Kickbox/Bootcamp cardio premix, which I really enjoy.

    Tami, sounds like an interesting BC class from Katy. I am sure she will play with the class for awhile until people are familiar with her style and she is familiar with the attendees. Hope you didn't spend too much time outside during the InsaneX class....especially on concrete. That would be killer in that heat. LOL at your DH and the milk shake. My DH is the same way! Most of the time he is completely supportive of my working out and my healthier lifestyle, but every now and again he surprises me with a question like 'you want to go out for donuts?' I always stare at him to see if he is joking!! But, like you, I usually just say no thanks and explain about the sugar, but also say if he wants donuts, he can have them.

    Thelma, that Low Impact Sweat workout and Blizzard Blast is such a good workout! Glad you enjoyed it. I forgot to mention the zip line video yesterday. That looks really high!! Like Laurie, I am not great with heights so while I think it would be a blast, I am not sure I would even be able to get to the platform. I hope you do it! That would encourage me to give something like that a try some day.

    Laurie, I am glad you liked the movie. That is one DH and I have talked about seeing since he is off work and we can go to the theater in off-peak hours. Good workout this morning!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, XT Hard Strikes tonight. I hadn't done this workout in a very long time. Good stuff! You're all so good about saying NO to ice cream. Sadly I can't say NO :/

    Laurie, I'm glad you liked the movie! Great workout!
    It's not that I was in the step mood! I didn't realize it was going to be all step! LOL. I know that I'll be afraid at the start of the zip line. I'll just do the same thing I did last time which was to tell myself to not think about it and just go get it over with! LOL. I don't think I would ever feel comfortable doing any type of exercise in front of family if they are not doing it with me. Women at work workout during lunch at the gym. There are guys in there lifting weights too.

    Laurel, I'm so glad your hands were able to hold on to that golf club! Great workout combo! I always thought I wasn't good with heights but it was about overcoming my fears. That was easy! If you locked me up in a room full of bugs I would go insane!

    Good night ladies!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Cathe's Lean Legs and Abs which was the perfect choice for getting rid of the lingering DOMS I have had from Build Legs. For cardio, I started with X42 premix into Beast Cardio. Such a fantastic combo!

    Thelma, great workout! I definitely don't say 'no' to all sweets all the time, that's for sure. Put a piece of chocolate cake in front of me--or blueberry pie--and it isn't going to last long. But certain things, like donuts, I don't enjoy well enough, and it always surprises me that my DH doesn't understand that. He always thinks I am depriving myself and I have to explain to him that it isn't me saying 'I can't have it'. It is me saying I don't actually want it. No room full of bugs for me either!! That would send me over the edge, no doubt.

    Laurie and Tami, hope you are well!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Super busy this morning, so this may be short. Got my workout in with 30MTF Total Body Kickboxing workout 1.

    Laurel, Sounds like you really did work those arms good. Sorry to hear that the ball didn't move to far. You surprised me by posting before I did, and then I realized that I usually am way earlier than today. Some parts of that movie where kind of silly, but I think that was the point.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout. I almost caved yesterday on ice cream, it will be very hard to do so this weekend. I'm sure that we will have a stop at a custard stand at some point.

    Tami, Hope all is well with you.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi Ladies . . . Phew! Up for air at work. The other day after I posted and had my lunch it went crazy busy for me. Which is how it kind of goes during our busy time; which has been every day since I started. LOL But that day in particular I got stuck with a few files that had 7-10 page legal descriptions needed typing, which slowed me down. YOWSA. I actually ended up staying late, missed Insane X and then worked right through lunch yesterday. All caught up now and my department absolutely appreciated my efforts they said . . . which was so nice to hear. Being kind of the “low man on the totem pole” I like to feel I have contributed when it is busy.

    Last night I headed to Spinning after work, was a good class again; little different format that flew by. This a.m. was ISO Speed Hammer followed by 21DFX Xtreme “ABC” (Abs, Butt, Cardio); was a good combo. No workout tonight. We have had a few days of high 90’s strung together and today is starting to go down. We will be in more “normal” temps over the weekend and next week too.

    Laurel: As always, fantastic workouts that you are doing! Despite your DOMS the other day and not going back to bed even! Then X42 and Beast Cardio the next day. You seem to never have a bad day of workouts! So awesome & nicely done! Yes, my DH is normally pretty supportive of my eating/workout habits so I was a little surprised at the “eye roll” the other night. I’m not sure what his ice cream kick is about right now, but he is LOVING it. When he complains about his waistline, I will try and keep a straight face. Because he does complain about it. :neutral:

    Laurie: Very fun that you went to the movie the other night. Great job with Split Sessions and TB Kickboxing today. These are both KCM workouts right? It is good Katy is mixing up the BC class I think as well; some days she will be brutally tough on us I am sure but mix in some strength days as well. It will be a good change and I am so thankful to have a good Monday night class again.

    Thelma: Your ICE workout sounded like it was perfect the other day!! Nice choice. I think I did that one and thought, what a great workout packed into a little time. I need to make a note of it in my notebook as well so I remember. With this rotation I am doing there may be days I sub in some other shorter cardios instead of repeating the same ones. So that zipline video …… are you planning on doing that?!?! WOW, that would be so fun. Exhilaratingly fun!

    So I talked a friend of mine into a bike ride that is coming up. It is called the Princess Pedalfest and it is a fun event for women cyclers plus fund raiser for Cystic Fibrosis. She is my friend who bought a bike last year and has ridden a few times with me, well we are doing the 45 mile ride. I told her we could easily do the 25 mile ride but she wants to try the 45; which I am very happy with. (Although I hope she is not miserable in the process) It is a flat course, no big hills so it should be ok. Always the option to change course as well. LOL It’s not until August 6th so we will try and get several rides in together. I think it will be really fun.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, X10 premix X41-warm up, low impact, fat burning circuit, stretch. We are leaving early tomorrow morning so I'll try to get in a 30MTF 1/2 hour workout before we go.

    Laurel, another amazing combo! Awesome job! I almost did X42 but decided to do 41 instead!
    When we go away we always end up having ice cream after dinner. Ice cream is one thing I can't say no to. Interesting that your husband thinks you're depriving yourself. You of course understand that the donut or whatever treat is available is not something you want to eat. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is afraid of bugs. LOL

    Laurie, sounds like another fun workout! Great job! That's some will power Laurie! Good for you! After saying no to ice cream I think you can treat yourself to a little custard!

    Tami, sounds like work has kept you super busy! So good of your co-workers to tell you they appreciate your hard work! Great job for keeping up with your workouts!
    My husband on the other hand won't offer me dessert because he knows I don't need temptation. He may buy himself a little loaf type cake on the weekend and will split it into 6-7 portions (depending on the size) for the week and won't offer me a piece! I'm fine with that because I won't be tempted to take a piece of cake. I do keep Weight Watchers ice cream cones. They are 90 calories. I do allow myself those a couple of times a week.
    I highly recommend that ICE workout for those days when you need a short workout.
    The zip line video... IS what we're doing tomorrow! I'm a little scared. I may need someone to push me off the platform! LOL

    Wow your friend with the bike has come a LONG way! I remember the first time you horrified her with that long ride! LOL. Great job getting her hooked on long bike rides and for convincing her to do the fund raiser ride!

    Good night ladies and have happy July 4th!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got to work this morning and I was the first one. I am usually one of the last people to arrive, so this was different. I really enjoy days that no one is here. Yesterday was a treat myself day, I had a pedicure from my dd, and then I went to get my hair colored. I had been to see my dd the day before to get my haircut, so all I had to do yesterday was the color. Next week I'm getting a manicure. This morning was 30MTF Total Body Training Workout 1, this is all standing leg moves. Probably will not get in a workout tonight, have to go to the church after work, and then out to eat with out friends tonight.

    Tami, Great job on getting in your workouts! Sounds like you are just as busy as I have been lately. I can see that it isn't because of Interns bothering you during the day though. They have Interns setting up stockrooms, and of course I'm the one that needs to monitor them. They think that you can just enter information into the computer without it being verified. Like I will trust someone not to transpose numbers, when they have done three instances so far. Yep I'm still on my KCM binge, and I'm looking at continuing on with them next week. They are good for my morning workouts. This week has been really bad for after work, but I'm hoping to change that up next week. I will have off Mon & Tue, so should be able to get in a couple of good workouts then. Nice the you and your friend are signed up for the bike ride, I think by then she should be able to do that 45 miles.

    Thelma, Nice workout! Love those KCM workouts to get you in and done, hope you where able to do one of them before you left. Have a great time on your mini vacation.

    Laurel, Hope your day is going great.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Late check-in for me. DH and I decided to enjoy a rain-free day of golf. But I started my day with a a good workout. I did Build Chest and Tri's followed by Cathe's HiiT 40/20 right into ICE Low Impact Sweat Cardio 2 and Blizzard Blast (inspired by Thelma). Really enjoyed that combo.

    Tami, sounds like a busy time at work! Great job getting your workouts in. I hope your weather cools a bit. People here are complaining about the heat and I keep wondering what they expect from Florida in July! But up your way, 90's are hot. I remember that from being there last year. Hoping you get some rain as well. I was chuckling at you saying your DH complains about his waistline. So does mine!! And there goes another bowl of ice cream into it!

    Thelma, hope you have a fantastic weekend. I am anxious to hear about your adventures!

    Laurie, sounds like you are very busy too! But nicely balanced with some pampering as well. Hope you enjoy your long weekend.

    Happy 4th!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a wonderful July 4th weekend.
    DH and I had a wonderful time in NH. We did the zipline tour! I was scared to death! We started with the training portion, then moved on to higher/longer ziplines. I was super scared, yet I was the one who volunteered to go first! When we were going up to the top of the mountain (2300 ft above sea level) and saw how high we were, I started to have panic attacks. I just wanted to get off the chair lift and go back to the base of the mountain. We had to walk up a high tower with a spiral staircase which was seriously shaky. One of the guides told me that the staircase was the scariest part of the entire tour. He was right! We got to the top and I saw how high we were and my hands started shaking. I let them strap me in and when they opened the gate I released the break and started to go down that zipline at full speed. I was not afraid at all once I sliding down that zipline.
    We were told we could get up to 60mph. I could never figure out how to find the happy medium were I could go at a slower speed. I was afraid to stop half way down. DH couldn't believe how fast I was going. I left him behind in the dust or should I say the air? LOL. We were ziplining above the tree tops! I thought I was going to hit them. It was windy too! The highest zipline was 4000ft long and the next one down and the last one was 3800ft.
    I was more scared on the aerial park with those rope courses though. This aerial park was scarier than the one at Loon. I only did the level one course because my little heart could only take so much fear! LOL
    On Friday I got in a little 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix, walking around Gunstock Mt carrying an 18lb backpack on my back with the zipline equipment, did the aerial course. On Saturday we did two hikes. They were fairly easy because the rangers adviced us to stay on the easy trails due to the heavy rains on Friday night. I took Sunday off and today I started Meso 3 with Disc 25 Chest and Back. I loved it! I went pretty heavy. I was able to bench press 51 lbs which is heavy for me. I wasn't able to do the last set with that weight because my arms were tired and I could not lift the barbell so I dropped the weight 4 lbs.

    Laurie, great workouts! Aren't those days when no one is around at work the best? Good for you for allowing yourself a "treat myself" day!

    Laurel, awesome combo on Friday! I'm glad you tried that ICE Low Impact Sweat Cardio 2 and Blizzard Blast premix!
    I think you should try this zipline thing Laurel. I think what made it easier for me is that I had tried a small zipline at Loon Mt before.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me yet, just wanted feeling a little lazy. On Saturday I did 30MTF Slim Down workout 1, and then followed that up with Kettlebell Kickboxing Power. We had a great time on the 4th. We started out with our annual car show, then we had friends over for grilling out, and followed that up with fireworks. I'm really happy that I have the day off today, because I'm really tired. Will be doubling up on the workouts today, because I wasn't able to get one in yesterday.

    Laurel, Great job on those workouts! Glad that you where able to get in a rain free round of golf.

    Thelma, I think that I would have been like you, just wanting to get to the bottom of the mountain again. That ride really sounds interesting, but I don't think that I would have been able to get up that tower. Good for you for conquering your fears and going for that ride. WTG on the on your workouts, that is a heavy weight for bench press.

    Tami, Hope that you had a great weekend.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Sorry I missed you all on Friday. As you can imagine, from just a couple days earlier and the pre-holiday weekend it was kind of crazy busy. I had started writing to you ladies and then just never had a chance to finish  I did go to Spinning after work on Friday however, which was great. Then Sat I went for a bike ride with my friend. P.S. this is not the same person who I scared off from ever riding a bike again . . . LOL this is a different lady, the one I am doing the ride with in August. WE went 35 miles the other day, it was perfect temperature and not too windy.
    Sun. workouts were: 21DFX Power Strength XT followed by Cathe’s X42, yesterday was Hammer & Chisel Cardio followed by Lift It HiiT It Legs (For a little bit more instead of Plyo Fix XT), my legs are a little sore today. No workout this a.m., it was a late night staying up comforting Emma through the fireworks. If I am lucky to have her with us next year I will get something from the vet I think. Tonight I am headed to Katy’s Insane-X class. Feeling the tireds a bit so hopefully its not over the top brutal!

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a fun day on Friday with the golf and got in your awesome workouts as well!! Thanks for the kudos on my workouts, appreciate that. Feeling pretty good and liking the combo in this rotation; I enjoyed subbing in some longer cardio this weekend when I had the time. Isn’t that funny about the waistline complaints, but yet “no change”. I'm used to it now, support when he truly wants it and just don’t say anything the remainder of the time.

    Thelma: Sounds like you guys had an amazing weekend!!! That is so wonderful. Great job getting in your workouts and getting right back into STS on your return. Don’t know if you noticed my reference above about my friend and the bike ride. This is not my BFF who went on the long ride a couple years ago; she has ridden her bike once since then. Down the block. LOL This is a different lady who just bought a new bike last year.

    Laurie: Sounds like you also had a very fun weekend, nice having friends over for a BBQ. Good that you have today & tomorrow off as well. Little mini-vaca!!!! Nice job with 30MTF Slim Down #1 on Saturday. Yes, after Saturday I think my friend will be able to do the 45 miles. She did 35 pretty well; I have to push her a little bit to keep going, but she is doing better each time.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I did 30MTF Plateau Buster workout 1, and then I followed that up with ICE Boot Camp Circuit. Those two workouts are very similar, so it worked great together. This morning was 30MTF Step Kickboxing workout 1.

    Tami, Great workouts! Nice that your friend went the whole 35 miles, and you where there to encourage her onward. Needed the little mini vacation just for being lazy yesterday. I was just happy that my workout was good.

    Laurel, Hope you are having a great week.

    Thelma, Hope your day is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies~ Last night's class was "Insane Abs" (katy style) .... LOL it was another tough one, similar to last month's where it is nearly impossible to finish. This a.m. was ICE Bootcamp Warm-up followed by the Blizzard Blast and then I went right into ISO Chisel Strength. Tonight will be Spinning after work.

    Laurie: I love that Plateau Buster workout, such a good one! Great job with that and 30MTF Step KB this a.m. I am glad you had a "lazy" day yesterday; I have the feeling you don't have very many of those so I hope you enjoyed every moment. :wink:

    Hi Thelma and Laurel ~

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check in. DH and I have been busy enjoying summer as well as working on the house while we can. It has been fun but busy. I did workout each day through the weekend, though. I finished the second go with each Body Beast Build workout, which meant today marked the start of the third 'week' in the program. I opted to do Tempo Chest and Tri's, which made for a nice but tough change. I think I am going to love having the Tempo workouts as an option this time through with Body Beast. Today's cardio was Cathe's Intensity. <3 I am feeling these Body Beast workouts in all the good ways right now. I feel strong!

    Tami, hope you were feeling a little more energetic today. I have had the tireds a bit as well, but blame the heat and humidity for some of that. Great workouts over the weekend!! Sounds like Katy is her usual self though! Yowza.

    Thelma, congratulations on the zip line!! I think I would have backed out of that. I bet it felt amazing!! Great job with the workouts!

    Laurie, as I said to Tami, I have had some tireds too! I do think it is the heat, though. DH and I are still trying to walk golf courses and with the heat index well into the 100's, it is draining. We rode today while out, and it made all the difference in the world. I miss the exercise but it is nice to get off the course still awake! Great workouts yesterday and today.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I forgot to click on the Post Reply button! I do this all the time! :s
    Last night I did I did X49: Warm Up + Step + Low Impact + Cardio Blast + stretch. For the first time I realized why the X10 premixes are named the way they are! It's about the length of the premix! I felt so silly for not having noticed that before. Tonight I did STS Meso 3, Disc 26 Plyo Legs.

    Laurie, so glad you had a great holiday weekend! Awesome workouts! You know this fear was easy to conquer. I think it's because I felt safe being with my husband. Not that he could've done anything had something gone wrong. I just don't even know how to explain the fact that I felt safe going down the zipline. At that point the height didn't matter. I was thrilled that I could bench press the 51lbs. If I'd had the strength to lift it up to shoulder level while standing I would've been able to do the third set with that weight. I'm not sure that I would've been able to bench press 50lbs using dumbbells. I really think the barbell allows me to lift heavier weights.

    Laurel, awesome job with those workouts! I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying the summer. Congrats on finishing the 2nd week in the BB program!
    I don't think you would've backed out of the doing the zip line Laurel! It was fun. We're going to look into this type of adventure for our September trip to NC.

    Tami, great workouts and great job with that bike ride! Thanks for clarifying that the lady you rode with is not the one you scared off a couple of years ago! LOL
    Awwww poor Emma afraid of the fireworks!
    Our weekend was really amazing!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, had to go to the grocery store. This morning was 30MTF Cardio Pump Workout 2. This one is all weight lifting, three exercises per body part. All three exercises are one minute, and you use heavy, medium and light weight. After work the trainers are coming for Rockets next phase of his fence training. We will see how this goes.

    Tami, Great workouts! You don't need to get in an ab workout when you have Katy doing something insane. I thought I remember you having that Plateau Buster workout, this is my first time using it and I really liked the format. So far still enjoying using her workouts for the summer and inserting in some Cathe/yoga when I can.

    Laurel, Nice job on the BB workouts, and getting in one of your favs. With those heat indexes, I can see why you would be drained walking the golf course with your clubs. Don't blame you for using the cart. I have heard that summers in FL are of course the opposite of our winters here, you tend to stay indoors more often than being outside because of the weather.

    Thelma, Awesome job on your workout! LOL on those premixes for X10, it took me a second to wonder why they where named like that also. You are right, you can lift heavy with the bar. I don't know if I would be that brave, but I'm glad that you conquered your fear and did that zip line.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a great Spin class last night, newer format again and time flew by ….. 3 weeks straight of that on her Wednesday night class. Good Stuff. This a.m. was 21DFX XTXtreme “ABC” (Abs/Butt/Cardio) and hope to add on something this evening; DH is gone fishing for a few days.

    Laurel: Great job with the workouts! Sounds like you are loving the BB workouts as much as always or even more! Very fun you and DH have been spending some quality time together with the house and golf. Thank you on the “tireds” – much better today after a good couple night sleeps now.

    Thelma: I wondered about you and that “reply” button when I didn’t see you yesterday. Glad you are here today. Awesome job with X49 premix! They are all such good ones and tougher as you go up in number of course too! LOL Thanks for the kudos on the bike ride, it was lot of fun. We may go again Saturday; we will see if its not pouring rain. Supposed to get crummy after today. We still need it though so I am not complaining.

    Laurie: Great job with Cardio Pump #2; I have that workout as well I have that one as well and really enjoy both workouts; I usually do the premix of both or I have done just the weight one. Really good. I’m glad you are taking advantage of all those KCM workouts so far this summer! Very fun.

    Hope you ladies have a great afternoon – talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I was really tired and my hamstrings must me tight because my lower back is also tight.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout! Can't wait to hear about Rocket's training! I never wondered why the X10 workouts were named the way the way they were until I noticed that the workout I did the other day was almost 49 minutes and that prompted me to look at the x10 premix menu. LOL.
    I still can't believe I was so brave about the zip line Laurie.

    Tami, great workouts! I'm glad the spin classes have a new format! That sure makes it fun. I hope you're able to go out on your bike ride on Saturday. We are expecting rain here on Saturday. We need it so badly!
    YOu know me with that Post Reply button! LOL

    Hi Laurel!

    Good night ladies!!!