Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 3 Disc 32 Plyo Legs. I really like these plyo workouts.

    Laurel, I am really sorry about your mom's health having taken a turn for the worse. This is never easy even though you knew the time would come. My heart and prayers are with your and your sisters.
    So glad the sale of your mom's house has been finalized so you don't have to keep worrying about that.
    Good for you for getting a workout in during this difficult time.

    Tami, all I can say about that workout is YIKES! So not fun!
    I hope you're right about the pushups.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    This is going to be short, just wanted to let you know that I'm still breathing. I'm super busy with work this week so have not had a chance to chat. Vacation was great, well except for the car having a water pump go, and the gas line leaked. Keeping up with my workouts, but only doing them in the morning. Have been working overtime all week.

    Talk to you as soon as I can!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice Spin class last night eventhough there weren't very many of us. This a.m. was 21DFX XT - Dirty 30; always a good one! No class or workout tonight, headed to the annual 4H Fundraiser we go to every year. Should be nice; its hot out and sunny.

    Great work Thelma! Those Plyo workouts are so awesome; some of my favorite leg days.

    Hi Laurie - hang in there and welcome back!

    Laurel: Thinking of you and sending prayers.

    Until tomorrow, Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Rock'm Sock'm Less Kicks. Great premix.

    Hi Laurie, good to hear from you! Glad you had a great vacation.

    Tami, great workouts! Glad you had a good spin class. I hope you enjoy the fundraiser!

    Laurel, thinking of you. Sending you a big hug and lots of prayers.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Thank you for your hugs and prayers. So much appreciated by me. Mom passed away last night. One of my sisters had flown in yesterday morning, so she was here with her. My oldest sister and I were in airplanes at the time. Neither one of us was trying to get here to see her before she passed because my mom didn't really want that. But we wanted to be here for my sister who was for this next phase. Feeling very sad but also relieved my mom is now at peace.

    Can't get my mind turned off at all, so after only 2 hours of sleep and another few of tossing and turning, I got up this morning and did X10 Hi/Lo and Cardio Blast. Felt good to be 'normal' for that 30 minutes. Hopefully it also helps me keep some energy for the day.

    Thanks again for all your thoughts.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Fundraiser was a huge success for the 4H kids and lots of fun. DH donates a fishing trip each year and last night it went for $2500! Which was so good, plus it was the same group that bid on it last year …. I thought that was a huge compliment to him as to how much they loved it. No workout this a.m., I stayed up too late. So tonight, Katy is gone and I am not going to Spinning but I think I will get in a good weight workout when I get home. We will see. Workouts and bike ride this weekend planned as well.

    Laurel: I am so sorry about your mom’s passing, but as you said she is now at peace and not suffering. I am glad you will be there with your sisters and hopefully you can all rejoice in the peace & comfort of knowing she is in a better place and have some fun memories to share while you are all together. Never easy and again, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m happy and can completely relate to you 30 minutes of “normalcy” with a nice workout. I did that when my dad passed away and it felt so nice. We will be thinking of you.

    Thelma: Great work with Rock'm Sock'm Less Kicks …. Hope your back is all good and you have a nice weekend.

    Talk to you ladies on Monday ~
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight on Friday I did STS Meso 3 Disc 33 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps and on Saturday Tabacise, Tabatas 1-5 and the 100 bicep challenge. I think I have 5 more weeks on this rotation and I will be done with STS. This means I will be done the day before we go on vacation! I better start thinking about my next rotation! I definitely want to do Body Beast again. I might do a BB/H&S combo.

    Laurel, I am terribly sorry about your mom's passing. She is now at peace and no longer suffering. My heart and prayers go out to you and your sisters. I'm so glad you girls will be together during this difficult time.
    I am sure you girls will be able to share wonderful memories of your mom with each other.

    Tami, great news on the fundraiser! So glad your DH's fishing trip went for $2500! Definitely a huge compliment to him.
    My back is definitely better! Thanks for asking!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Still really busy at work, but getting out of the paper nightmare as I go. I'm one Intern down (internship finished), so still have one bugging me still. I have been doing some new workouts that are short, so last week I was trying those out, and I really like them. XTFMAX Personal Trainer series. On Friday I did the Endurance Cardio and Saturday was Strength I. No workout on Sunday, and this morning was Ruthless #2 Lunatic Intervals. Plan on doing a workout when I get home. Have the slow cooker on for our dinner tonight.

    Laurel, I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as you go though this emotional time.

    Tami, How very nice the your DH's fishing trip went for that amount, and of course for a very good cause. I always enjoyed my time in 4H. I saw that you posted your workouts this weekend, they looked really great. At least the bike ride seemed to burn a ton of calories. You seem to be getting in a good variety of workouts.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your back is doing so much better. Great job on those workouts! Seems like I have been gone a long time, and I guess two weeks is a while. Can't believe that you only have 5 more weeks of STS to go. I know how much you enjoyed those Body Beast workouts, so that sounds like a great next rotation option.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies ~ Good weekend and I had a fun ride with my friend yesterday. I told her we were going to ride just like it was next Saturday. So we did a 46 mile ride and kept the pace at a minimum of 10 mph; it was a lot of fun and she did great! I wanted her to see what it would feel like so she would know forsure she can do it! LOL The ride on Saturday is going to be a time limit; not a race but you can’t just be coasting along all day and finish whenever. So that’s why I encouraged that.

    Sat a.m. I did KCM Circuit Burn and this a.m. I started with 21DFX XT Cardio Fix …. I have an appt after work so won’t be able to go to BootCamp. Katy will probably make me pay for it tomorrow. LOL

    Did you all see the NEW workouts by Cathe?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!! Strong and Sweaty is the name.
    The description(s) sound A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and once again I cannot wait for another Cathe series to come out this Fall. I briefly read the descriptions, but they all sound good to me. WOOHOO If you haven’t read it yet, here are the 5 new workouts, plus another new cycle one as well:

    PHA (Peripheral Heart Action training)
    Total Body Giant Sets
    BootCamp: You Can Do Anything for a Minute–
    Cardio Slam
    Ramped Up Upper Body

    Thelma: You are doing amazing with STS! Great work w/ Shoulders/Bis & Tris on Friday and Saturday sounds like a perfect Cardio with Tabatacise 1-5! Glad to hear your back is better. Good on getting a plan in place for your next rotation; amazing how fast the time goes forsure! I was thinking after this rotation I am doing I may do a Cathe rotation of some sort ……. OR look at a BB/H&C myself; we’ll see, I have repeated some weeks so I am only half way through my current rotation right now . . . . I have time to decide.

    Laurie: Hopefully this week back at work you can get caught up. YIKES! Hang in there. Way to get in some workouts that are short and working into your schedule right now. Sounds perfect and not too overwhelming after your very busy days back at work. Smart plan on the slow cooker too! Thanks for the kudos on my workouts, I do feel like I am getting in a good variety. As I have gone through this rotation I have done my own “change ups” here and there just for that reason – “Variety” and it feels great! Alternates between H & C workouts along with the 21DFX-XT but lately I have thrown in a couple of KCM just to have a good mix of cardio-KB & weights. That bike ride was crazy for the calorie burn, but after 4 hours on a bike I would hope I burned a bunch! LOL Our event is this Saturday, it should be fun.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I worked from home today so I got up early and rode the spinning bike for 38 minutes. Then tonight I did STS Meso 3 Disc #34 Chest, Back. I can't wait to get m Fit Tower because I'd be able to go heavier on the bench chest presses. If I could just put the barbell on the tower (as opposed to having to get up with the barbell) I could go heavier.

    Laurie, good to have you back!! Sorry work is still so busy for you. Great job getting workouts in during this crazy time at work! You'll have to tell us more about that XTFMAX program!
    It does seem that you've been gone longer than 2 weeks! I feel like this rotation has been long but I am glad I'm doing it.

    Tami, great strategy to show your friend what the real ride would feel like! Great workouts too!
    OMG I did see the newsletter about Cathe's new workouts! So exciting but a big disappointing because I didn't see anything where you would use the fit tower.
    Thanks so much for the kudos on my STS rotation!
    I can't say that I've felt like time is flying by with this rotation but now that I'm so close to end I'm glad I did it.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did XTFMAX PT Back & Biceps. These are superset/pyramid and you start with light weight 16 reps, then go to med weight 12 reps, then heavy weight for 8 reps, back to med 12 and then light 16. Sweaty mess after all is done, and she does include an oblique exercise with the superset. So far I'm surprised that I'm feeling the workouts the day after, because my weights are not as heavy as I usually do. This morning was Ruthless #16 RIP 10's, that one is tough. This one is 10 reps of each exercise, and you do them like a pyramid. So you do 1+2, then you do 1+2+3 etc. Again a sweaty mess for this one, but I like that they are only 20 min.

    Tami, What a great way to do the bike ride, now she knows that she will be able to accomplish it. You did say that there wasn't a lot of hills if I remember correctly. LOL about Katy making you pay for not being at her bootcamp class, I'm sure she will. Nice job on the other workouts also. I did see that she had a new set coming out, and I'm very interesting in the PHA training. Sounds very interesting and different from the ones I have been doing. Now how do we get all these workouts in, should probably duplicate myself so that I can do lots more workouts!

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts. I'm excited for you to get your tower also, because you are right, you will be able to lift heavier with that option. I know that I wouldn't be able to lift as much as I do without it. I will let you know what these are like, there is only one exerciser and then the instructor. She is doing these like she is your personal trainer. So far she doesn't bother me, but there is music which you really don't hear all that much. That doesn't bother me either, because you are busy with the workout. I also like the fact that you only do the phases for three weeks, and then move onto the next phase with some different workouts. She does have three different cardio workouts also. Will let you know more as I continue on.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout this a.m., going to Katy’s Insane-X class. I’m sure it will be craziness ….. even if it is “Ab” night. LOL She often does Abs on the first Tuesday of the month; but we will see. You just never know what kind of day she had and what she wants to do.

    Thelma: Way to go on the Spin and STS later in the day yesterday! I bet it was nice to work from home. I did notice the new workouts don’t have Fit Tower workouts in them; however you do have a new set with your tower coming right? Plus in XT or LIS there are some Barre work as well.

    Laurie: The XTFMAX workouts sound great! Way to go and sounds like they are doing the job in a short amount of time – perfect! 20 minutes and a sweaty mess says a lot about those 20 minutes. LOL I think the PHA Training sounds like a great muscle confusion way of training! Can’t wait for all of them.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Cardio Kicks. I don't remember doing that workout before but I really liked it. It was 60 minutes long and I said I would only do half of it but I just wanted to keep going so I did the 60 minutes. Talk about an oldie but goodie! Cathe must've had some plastic surgery cause she looks better now! LOL

    DH was notified that his dad passed away tonight. He lived in AZ. Right now I don't know if we're going there or what. DH wants to wait till tomorrow night to see if him and his brothers hear from their stepbrother. As opposed to him picking up the phone and calling. This is killing me but I can't do anything about this. The boys weren't close to their dad which is sad.

    Laurie, that XTFMAX PT program sounds great! I don't think the music of the trainer's voice would bother me as long as she has someone to demo the exercises so I can see how to do them. The only trainer I can't stand so far is Denise Austin! YIKES with that voice!

    Tami, I hope Katy was really tough tonight! LOL
    It was really nice to work from home. I wish I could do it more often. The Fit Tower wil come with some workouts. I do have that Barre workout and the XT ones too. I imagine this tower is what I need to do the STS rack workouts right?

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was XTFMAX PT Chest & Shoulders, this one also includes ab work too. Again this is superset/pyramid type workout. This morning I did Ruthless #1 Hardcore Circuit (lower, upper, core x 1 min. each), another sweaty mess with both workouts.

    Tami, I hope that you had a really good class last night. That is what my feeling was with doing these shorter workouts, it doesn't look like I will be less busy as this month goes along. Can't believe how busy we are around here.

    Thelma, Cardio Kicks is a great workout, glad that you enjoyed that one. So sorry to hear about your DH's father, and to bad that the relationship wasn't a good one. Hopefully he will hear more information soon. The instructor does have a southern accent, but again that really doesn't bother me. The form instruction is great, so for that I give it two thumbs up. The pace isn't fast, which is nice with an inexpensive set like this was. The first phase is endurance, so you are doing 64 reps throughout the workout.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well I guess you could call it “Insane Abs” but it was a TOUGH one as I had a feeling it would be. 100 reps of an ab exercise, run around the complex, 100 reps of a different ab exercise, run around the complex, etc…. she had I think 8 moves on the board; those of us doing “100” got to maybe round 6. Then she had us hold a plank for 2 minutes, side plank for 1 minute and side plank for 1 minute … DONE. Yowsa! It was a good one forsure. This a.m. was ISO Speed Hammer + 21DFX XTreme ABC XT; headed to Spinning tonight.

    Thelma: Great job with Cardio Kicks! Isn’t it funny to see Cathe in those “oldie but goodies” …. The outfits and hair-do’s! I think she has had some “work” done, but no matter how you slice it she looks amazing! Yes, Katy was tough! You got your wish. LOL Yes, your Tower will be able to be a barbell holder as well, just like how Cathe does it in STS. Will be so great for that. I don’t have barbells so I have never used mine at that capacity, but it would be great if someday I do get a barbell set up.

    Laurie: Great workout again with Chest & Shoulders and then your Ruthless workout this a.m. Again, doing the trick in a short amount of time – perfect! I hope things slow down for you soon, maybe as it turns to Fall?!?! Hang in there.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 3 Disc #35 Plyo Legs. Great workout! I was really tired and tried o talk myself out of exercising but I dragged my tired body to the basement and did it.

    Laurie, great workout combo!!!! HOpefully I'll have some time next week to listen to that trainer talk in you tube.
    Thanks so much on my father-in-law. No news yet. I have the feeling we're not going.

    Tami, I'm glad Katy delivered a tough workout! It sounds like another killer class! I'm excited to be able to use fthe rack for barbells! On the Cardio Kicks Cathe looked very diferent!LOL
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Getting on here really late, it has been busy since I sat down. After work was XTFMAX PT Legs, Triceps and Abs. Again another sweaty workout, or maybe that is because it is humid around here. Probably not, since I was in the same type of puddle last week while doing these workouts. This morning was Ruthless #4 Wicked Lower Body, probably should have done this one yesterday morning.

    Tami, Great job on the "abs" class and your workouts. While doing the Ruthless workout this morning, I was thinking of the lower body work in H&C, and how this one would be a great compliment to one of Autumns workouts in that series. She really likes to torture the lower body in those. I'm hoping to try all the Ruthless workouts, the only one I don't know how I will do will be the partner training. Maybe I can get my DH to be down there for that one, it appears that the partner is there for resistance. Wouldn't hurt him to workout a little bit. I sure hope it starts to slow down a little by fall, at least the last Intern will be gone as of next Friday.

    Thelma, Nice workout! It is hard to get yourself in that workout frame of mind when the person on your shoulder is telling you it's okay to skip. Sounds like you ended up enjoying the workout, interesting how that happens. The instructor has a few youtube things out for different workout sets, so it should give you a good feel for what she is like. I think the best clips are on the totalfitness youtube channel.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, really tired today so I simply walked on the treadmill. I just couldn't get myself to jump.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts!

    I can't stand it when that "little person" sits on my shoulder and tells me it's OK to skip a workout! I do like those plyo workouts! I just checked youtube for this XTFMAX PT program and Stephanie has short little clips in there. I can hear how her voice could become annoying for some people. I'll check her video clips next week.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did XTFMAX PT Endurance Cardio, and again a drip fest for me. This morning was Ruthless #10 Pure Willpower, this one is done in a ladder. So you do 1 then 1+2 then 1+2+3... of the same exercise until you get to 10. You then go onto the next exercise. On some things I had to stop, but then I noticed that the participants in the workout did the same thing.

    Thelma, Good job getting on your treadmill. I had that little person on my shoulder yesterday, and like you was glad that I got myself motivated to get in the workout. All I kept telling myself was that it was only 24 min., that helped alot. I'm getting to like Stephanie as I do these workouts.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I am back home, and it is so nice to be back. Thank you for all your kind thoughts this week.

    I actually got home late Wednesday night but had the energy of a slug yesterday. :o But everything went as well as it could during our time in Phoenix. The service for my mom was very nice, and it was so nice to spend time with some of her friends. Two of my cousins made it down--one whom I haven't seen in 20 years--so that was good. I miss my mother horribly, but I am also so happy she is no longer in pain. She stayed strong right up until the end and never really let on about her full suffering. But suffering she was. My sisters and I had about as good a time as three sisters can have while planning their mother's memorial service. We spent the mornings doing business, but by late afternoon we would find ourselves at Starbucks where we would sit outside (which nobody does in Phoenix this time of year!) over iced tea and just chat. The evenings were spent in the hotel room with wine......where we would just chat. Best sister time I have had for years. I feel so fortunate to have two sisters who are also my best friends. But it was an exhausting trip. I slept for over 10 hours on Wednesday night after getting home, and last night was about the same. But today I at least feel more like myself than I did yesterday.

    As strange as it sounds, I actually worked out each day I was gone. I never was able to sleep past 6:00am while there, and my sisters were getting up closer to 8:00am, so I had the time. I didn't do much since I was tired, but did a workout (Rockout Knockout, Hard Strikes cardio, Tabatacise, Cross Fire, X10 Hi/Lo and Cardio Blast) each day. It helped me mentally more than physically. Yesterday I considered skipping my workout, but went with something light instead. I opted to start with ICE Metabolic Total Body and then XT All Out Low Impact HiiT. Today I felt like a little more, so I did Body Beast Total Body followed by Party Rockin' Step 2 60 minute premix. I plan on getting back to my Body Beast rotation over the weekend.

    Tami, sounds like a great bike ride over the weekend. I too am excited about Cathe's new series. The workouts sound like they will be a little different than her 'norm', and I like that. Sounds like Katy is still pushing hard!

    Thelma, I am so sorry to hear about your DH's father. It is sad that his family wasn't any closer than they are. Great job with Meso 3. You are cruising through this rotation of STS. Can't believe you are close to starting Meso 1. Don't let it intimidate you. If you can't do all of the push-ups, especially at Cathe's pace, do what you can. You will still get great benefits. You should be so proud of yourself!! So don't beat yourself up over a lighter workout!

    Laurie, sounds like a busy time, but also sounds like you found the perfect workouts to fit your life right now.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.
