Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! After four pretty good days this week, my energy levels took a plummet today. I think it was the six solid hours I spent reading IRS forms yesterday. :s No fun. But, boy, am I learning a lot about estate planning. Anyhow, I did get my workouts in today. I started with Bulk Back and then, because my energy was down, did one of my faves--Rock'm Sock'm Knockout with Blizzard Blast and Core 1. Very fun!

    Tami, sounds like an interesting class, but I don't think I would like endless jumping jacks. Glad to hear your DH is doing well and better with his nutrition. I am so happy to see my DH doing something positive for himself. I guess somebody finally asked him yesterday if he had lost weight......and I think he likes that! Oh, those old Jane Fonda tapes were classic! Leotards, big hair....and the one I did had one of the background exercisers singing during the cardio and you were supposed to sing along to see if your breathing was good. :p Seriously cheesy.....but it was the 80's. B)

    Thelma, love that about the Fitbit!! And so true!! I agree with everything you said about gray hair. And a nice style matters too.

    Becky, trust me.....I don't speak 'text' either. I am constantly looking up stuff on the Internet to figure out what it means. Makes me feel old. Wow.....thank you for the offer of your dad as an accountant!!! I may just take you up on that later this year. My mom made it very easy on my sisters and I as she had everything prepared and we have copies of everything. But, boy, the IRS rules are a little maddening. Reading the instructions yesterday was like 'you need Form x to get Form y; then you send Form y in with Form z, which will generate Form a which will instruct you whether you need to fill out Form b or Form c in triplicate. :o Seriously? I am exaggerating, of course, but they don't make it easy. Can't imagine what it is like for people with multiple sources of income, two houses, etc., none of which my mom had. Hope you get a workout in. Check in when you can!! We understand work schedules, family, life and all that.

    Laurie, great workouts. Hope the new restaurant succeeds. That is one tough business, that's for sure. It took me quite some time to really understand my DH doesn't want my input when it comes to fitness or nutrition. So this is a decision he made completely on his own, and he is doing great. I think that ownership is one of the reasons he is succeeding. Imagine me with fingers stuck in my ears humming away at the news that Beachbody is coming out with a new MMA series. My workout shelves are bursting!! :)

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s dinner with our friends was really nice. They are actually business friends through the Title Company and DH decided to make it a social event for all 4 of us instead of just the 2 of them. We ended up getting our entire meal “comped” by the restaurant because the waitress had forgot to turn in our order; from all of our visiting we hadn’t even noticed really …… just thought it was busy. We explained they didn’t need to do that but they did anyway. Super nice and we all decided we would just have to go out again sometime. LOL NO workout this a.m. but I am planning on going to Spinning tonight – Katy is back!

    Thelma: Sounds like the RWH workout was perfect for you! Nicely done and even adding in some higher impact as well. I knew you would love that description of the Insanity class the other night …. With all those crazy jumping jacks. It became kind of comical because every other move seemed to be a set of 40-5- or 60 jumping jacks. LOL I love your thoughts on hair color and makeup as you age! I’m with you sister – try to stay as young as I can and help myself along the way with hair color, skin care and makeup! Mascara & lips are always a must for me. Your ideas on your new rotation sound great! The H&C rotation while your aunts are there for a visit will be perfect as well.

    Laurie: I bet your workout felt great last night! I don’t know if you saw my comment on the thread, but I am seriously thinking about doing that Total Body Premix tomorrow a.m. One of my fav’s and I will have the time. The hungries could truly have been from all your hours at work, yes! Glad yesterday was better. Also depends on what style of workouts I am doing. You are very lucky to have a hair-dresser/fixer in the house. I’m with Laurel – hands over my eyes and ears as I read about the “new” one coming out. Sounds A-M-A-Z-I-N-G because so many of their workouts are just that! Yikes.

    Laurel: You have worked really really hard this week and I can imagine with your heat as well and all that exciting ready the energy level dropping is very normal! However you were still able to pull out a “Laurel Style” workout and I am sure it felt great! Way to go. Yes, endless jumping jacks it was. Kind of became ridiculous in a way, LOL! I was glad we did some other bonus things at the end at least to change it up a little.

    Becky: Don’t worry at all about missing a day or two here with us ….. it’s very normal for life to happen around our daily check ins! It’s happened to me several times. I just hate missing out because it is a great part of my day to check in with all these wonderful ladies here. I was laughing about you not understanding the acronyms. If it makes you feel any better, my sister (just last year) asked me what LOL was. I did laughing because she actually pronounced it and was completely not knowing what this strange bit of letters were. So funny! On missing your workout ~ no worries. But I can relate to that feeling of “GRRRRRRRRR” in all caps. It is one of the things I absolutely hate when I miss a workout. You just feel better and it makes your day better as well. I try not to be too hard on myself & know that the next one is right around the corner!
    The Hammer & Chisel program is a great one and I am so glad I made the investment in it. If Chisel Abs is something that is sold separately I definitely recommend it! A short 10-minute ab workout done with everything on your bench. It’s a great variety and not boring for any of the exercises!

    Have a fantastic weekend ladies ~ I don’t think I am going in the office for more OT this weekend. Taking a little break. Many other days ahead from the workload that is still there! :blush:

    Enjoy ~ Tami

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Oh my ladies make me laugh so hard. I loved that "d" could be dear or damn.

    So - I had to share my struggle that turned into a success today. I did an upper body workout this morning and filled the in-between time with squats and lunges to keep my heart rate up. I then swam half a mile. My diet was great all day until this evening. I ate way too much sugar....caved into some stress from work. A month ago, I would have said "forget it" and just eaten whatever since I fell of the band wagon. When I finished my very large dessert, I thought "crud....I have to tell you all about fitness.....oh no!". So....I jumped on the treadmill and stayed on it until I burned the calories. While you ladies may think you don't have a positive impact on other peoples' are already encouraging me so much! I looked up the ICE series from Cathe and really like the idea of the series. I hope to order it soon. Will keep you all posted.

    Laurie - That's great that Rocket relaxed so you could get a workout in. My dogs play at my knees when I am watching one of Cathe's videos....they lick my face when I am doing abs. I looked up Beach Body, and it looks like a great workout set. I think I will build my Cathe series, first. I think you ladies are going to put me in debt with wanting to buy all these videos! ;)

    Laurel - You might need a break from reality. If your energy levels are going down......if you can....go see a movie and have a relax day at the pool. It's great that you still got a workout in with low energy. Even though you said you had low energy, it sounded like you did 3 hours of working out.....hope the workouts helped you when you were done.

    Tami - Wow.....that is pretty great that your meal got comped. That was very nice of them.....hopefully the food was good. I hope Katy kicks your butt in the spinning class. :) I've been meaning to tell you that I love your picture of the dog laying on the pillow. What is his/her name? I laughed at the LOL story......that's another one that took me awhile to learn. I still don't even know what "hashtag" means. To me, it is the number symbol used in math. Ha!

    Thelma - I hope you have had a great day.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend....happy training.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a busy one but it was good. On Friday I did STS Meso 1, Disc 6 Legs, Ice Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox with Icy Core 1. I did the mishmosh premix #5. I love it because it has abs throughout. Today I rode my spinning bike.

    Did you ladies know that Autumn was a dancer? She has a new country dance program that looks like fun. Not planning on getting it though. I certainly don't want more of those tiny containers!

    Laurie, great job with those workouts. I hope work isn't too crazy for you this week. So funny how tired Rocket is after his doggy daycare days! Hopefully your co-worker will have a lot of success with his new restaurant!
    I love that buzzing these fitness trackers make! Such a relief when it tells you you've achieved your daily goal!

    That Beachbody MMA style workout looks AWESOME!

    Laurel, great job doing those workouts even though you were so tired!
    A nice style matters when going gray for sure. I think I'd cut my hair short and will wear a bright lipstic! LOL

    Tami, glad dinner out with DH and company was good. Brace yourself for Katy tomorrow!
    Staying young requires work. I wish I could wear mascara but I have dry eye syndrome and have to use drops all the time. skin care, hair color and makeup are absolutely necessary!

    Becky, good for you for jumping on the treadmill after you ate that dessert! I think you're going to be very happy with ICE! Definitely build your Cathe series first because that is the bulk of our libraries.
    I'm glad you feel we're having a positive impact in your life by encouraging you to workout! I felt the same way when I first joined. I like you didn't want to miss a single post because I wanted to stay in the loop.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I hope that you all had a great weekend. The lunch at my co-workers restaurant was very good, probably one of the best places in our area to eat. On Saturday I did ICE Low Impact Sweat Timesaver #4, and Body Beast Total Body. Great combo. On Sunday was Jillian's Kickbox FastFix Workout 2, and LIS Total Body Trisets Lower Body. This morning Rocket and I did a 30 Min. Run. Felt really good to not be so lazy on the weekend, and really getting in some good workouts after missing my evening workouts this last week.

    Laurel, So sorry to hear that those IRS forms are so bad to go through. :o For a low energy, the workouts you chose where really great. I am making my DH own his weight loss also, I'm totally hands off. I have noticed that he has lost some weight, so we will see if his eating well during the week works for him. Sorry to mention the MMA workouts, but I have been waiting for them to come out with something since they broke their ties with Les Mills.

    Tami, Sounds like a really nice evening with your business friends, and to have your meal comped too! Hope that you had a great Katy spinning class. I'm sure she was back to kick all of you in the butt. I love those Tri-set workout, and it really amazes me how much of a cardio affect those have. I have been sweating buckets with the last two I have done. I put in the DVD yesterday, and started the Lower Body workout using the chapter option, and after the workout was done it went into the chest work instead of the stretch. Must have been a mistake on that one. :D No way was I going to do anymore for the day. Apparently these two instructors are pretty good, have heard many positive things from the On Demand option that BB has.

    Becky, Very nice workout, and have to say that has happened to me with the sugar! It sure can be tough, but getting on the treadmill to work it of is great. I have always said that I'm a DVD addict, just to many workouts that look like fun. Most of them are, and then comes the problem of trying to get them all in. ;) I think working on your Cathe collection is a good choice.

    Thelma, Great workouts! I have not tried that premix yet, but it sure sounds like fun. Will have to see where I can do that one in the near future. I know how you love to mix that dreaded ab work into the workout itself. I did see that Autumn had that dance series out, but I'm not a dancer so it didn't interest me. I think every series that they are doing has those containers. :/ I'm hoping work will settle down a little this week, I don't have any additional meetings this week so it should be good. I'm looking forward to next week, we have shutdown, to no one will be here besides our maintenance crew.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Saturday was spent doing errands and more 'business' on my mom's stuff. It was also a day off working out, which I needed very much! But yesterday was back at it with Bulk Arms followed by Cathe's To The Max Extreme premix. And a great day on the golf course. :) Today was Bulk Shoulders followed by Cathe's X64 premix and the ab workout from Cardio and Weights. Good stuff.

    Tami, sounds like a really nice dinner. Sounds like a great restaurant too in handling the error. So nice! Did Katy come back with a vengeance? >:)

    Becky, great workouts! I am with you on the sugar thing. I am trying SO hard to be good, but some days......just not working for me. But, like you said, the ladies here serve as constant inspiration and motivation. Don't know where I'd be without this group of friends. And the workouts really do help with my energy. With everything going on, the workouts really help by giving me something 'normal' to focus on. And to give a further break from reality (as you wisely suggested), I am trying to get back into the habit of reading. I had long been a more-than-avid reader, but over the past couple of years have really cut back to almost no reading. But I am picking it back up, and even if it is for 20 minutes each evening just sitting in the back porch with a book, it really helps. And I agree about building your Cathe library. She is so good and her workouts are so versatile.

    Thelma, great workouts! I too saw that Autumn was coming with a country dance workout series. Looks like fun....but I think I will give it a pass. I think the only human who will get me dancing is Shaun T.!

    Laurie, sounds like a good weekend of workouts. Glad you enjoyed the new restaurant. I will have to read up on these MMA workouts some time soon. While I liked the Tapout workouts, I hope they are a little different to that.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Monday Ladies ~ Spinning Friday evening was actually pretty mellow. Katy was tired and there were only 4 of us there. So she made it kind of fun and took song requests around our group. I went with Beyonce’s Girls Run the World. It’s got such a good beat for spinning. Weekend was good. I got in some good workouts. Sat was LIS Total Body Pre-Mix which is always such a great one. Yesterday I did KCM Circuit Burn which is another favorite of mine. Today will be Katy’s BootCamp after work and then back to my rotation tomorrow. I only have a few more weeks of it and I think I am ready to move to something else …. Not sure what yet though! Not sure if you all heard about the fires in our area. But a couple of the bad ones are only about 30 miles away. Not coming our way, but the smoke in the air is thick; reminds me of all last summer. Hopefully they will have them contained soon.

    Becky: Great job with the workouts and a nice mixture as well. What a great compliment and also success story for you! That is awesome that you were thinking of us when you pushed yourself right onto that treadie after your dessert! Happy for you. The ICE Series is definitely fabulous ….. please keep us posted! Hopefully we can help answer any questions you may have, etc. Or simply just encourage  It was super nice of that restaurant last week and since my hubby takes people to lunches/dinners a lot he will definitely continue to go there and moreso due to their awesome customer service.

    Thelma: Awesome workouts over the weekend and of course your Sunday Spin! Nicely done. I did not know that she is a dancer (Autumn); I am not surprised though. I will not be purchasing that program – dancer I am NOT. Forsure, no question! LOL I did see that workout on their site, but didn’t even look close enough to see it was Autumn. I was stalking the new MMA workout(s) that Laurie had mentioned. They do look good. Dang it. I am bracing myself for tonight’s BootCamp forsure. I am sure Katy will be in true form tonight. She had the weekend to rest.

    Laurie: Awesome work getting in your weekend workouts! A nice variety and of course, “Tri-Sets Lower” is always great work on that lower body. That whole workout, you are exactly right there is a cardio factor so your HR really never lets down a whole bunch. Speaking of, I saw your burn the other day on the Body Beast Total Body …. Wowsa! I peaked at that new BeachBody MMA workout you were talking about over the weekend. It looks really good!

    Laurel: What a weekend of workouts for you! Great job. Hopefully you are getting through some more of your mom’s affairs/business and it will all be sorted out soon. Katy was actually good on Friday; she was tired and it was only 45 minutes . . . . tonight I am more worried about. Love your comment to Thelma about the dancing … I too “might” consider trying if ST was teaching me.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I dis STS Disk 7: Chest, Shoulders, Biceps. This workout is full of pushups and it included the Elmo pushups Tami mentioned the other day. Those were impossible for me to do. We had a tornado or something cross our area early this morning and a huge branch from an giant maple tree nearly hit our house. It was a very close call. It landed about two feet from our house. It took down a trellis we have and it crushed my elephant hibiscus which was in full bloom. It's a perennial so it will come back next year. Better the trellis and the hibiscus than our house. I think it's time to have the tree taken down. It's very old and hollow inside. I didn't want it cut so we had it secured with metal cables but the one branch that wasn't secure is the one that failed today and it took another small branch down. This was too much of a close call for my comfort. As much as I love having that tree in our property it is going to have to go. We didn't hear anything but it was the first thing we saw when we went downstairs this morning.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts! Glad your co-worker's restaurant is good!
    You know me and abs that is why I love that Cathe has premixes where she inserts ab work between chapters. Autumns dance workout is not something I found attractive because I'm not into country dancing. I think you're right about Beach Body including the stupid containers with all their programs. Maybe after a while I'll have 5 sets of containers for each day of the work week and then I'll start using them! LOL

    Laurel, awesome workout combos! Glad you had a good weekend. Hopefully you'll be able to finish dealing with your mom's "business" soon!
    I don't think Autumn's country dance program will be a big hit.

    Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! I'm in the same boat with you with the rotations. I can't wait to finish this rotation next week. Of course today I thought that since I'm doing Meso 1, I could do Meso 2 and 3 again when I get back from NC. Is this a bad idea? I hate that these workouts are sooooo long though. Maybe I'll just do Body Beast. Decisions, Decisions!
    I didn't know Autumn was a dancer and the picture of her on Beach Body for the workout program doesn't look like Autumn. Those MMA workouts look good. I wonder if they would be too advanced for me. I hope Katy delivered one of her killer workouts you love so much. If you're willing to have ST teach you how to dance maybe you should get Cize! LOL
    Tami, I didn't hear about the fires. I hope they stay away from you guys and that the firefighters are able to put them out soon. You guys must need the rain too.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning Ladies - I hope everyone is ready for a great day. This weekend was a good weekend. Saturday, I did Bikram Yoga and the treadmill. On Sunday, I did Cathe's Timesaver of legs. I forgot how much I love that workout. I used to do it 3 times a week; that's when my legs were at their strongest. They felt like jello afterwards, but it was so nice. Yesterday, I did yoga and treadmill again. Today, I hope to get Power Hour in (or, I might to the timesaver leg workout again.....will see how I feel).

    Thelma - I am so glad your house didn't get hit by that tree! It probably is time to cut it down. Nice job on all the workouts you did this past weekend. Sounds like you got a full body workout for the weekend. I like the change up you do in your workouts.

    Laurie - Like Thelma, sounds like you had a great weekend for full body workout. Glad you had the weekend to get some energy out since work can be hectic. When you run with Rocket, does he ever cut you off (i.e. has he tripped you)? I have two dogs that I take for walks, but they still both try to walk in front of me. We are starting dog training classes tonight, and I am looking forward to having the kids help in the training. It should be good for them.

    Laurel - Another great weekend of working out. I am noticing that the group does a lot of shoulder/tricep workouts. I haven't concentrated on that area of my body as much. In Power Hour, Cathe does shoulders and triceps, and that is probably the extent of my workout in that area (besides planks). Do you recommend starting to focus on that area a little more? Glad you got some golf in and started reading again. I, too, used to read a lot. My goal was to read 10 books every summer, and this is the first summer that I haven't. What type of books do you enjoy?

    Tami - I hope the fire stays away from your home. Keep safe. When this happens, do you guys have a bag packed for a quick leave? Thelma and tornadoes, you with fires......whew.....Phoenix doesn't really have things like this except the crazy heat. It sounds like the trainer, Katy, is a great person to workout with. She changes things up for you guys. The circuit burn workout sounds great, nice job on doing it.

    Have a great day.....Becky
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't do a workout after work, tell the truth I was to sore in the legs so I did some stretching. This morning I did 30MTF Cardio Pump, one of my favs, and that took care of any lingering soreness in those legs. Must have been that Tri-set leg workout, it must have hit some muscles that have not been used in a while. :)

    Laurel, Wow on the workouts! You really did some great combos of tough workouts. I'm hoping those MMA workouts are more on the line of the Les Mills Combat workouts that I have. I too would like more variety than the Tapout or UFC Fit, and the little snippet that I have seen isn't a lot of information.

    Tami, Nice that you had a tired Katy for a little while, but I'm sure that she was ready to kick butt at your bootcamp class. Sounds like we where both in the total body phase of the weekend workouts. I'm doing the Back, Biceps & Core section tonight, it was really nice splitting the upper body into two days. I had combined the BB workout with ICE LIS Cardio 1 workout, so that contributed to the burn. I had a cardio affect with that one also with the weight selection that I chose.

    Thelma, So glad to hear that you didn't have sever damage, we have had a couple of tornado funnels go over the top of our house. One time we didn't have electricity for over two days, that one was tough because it was in August with the humidity. Awesome job on the workout, and I have never been able to do those Elmo push-ups either. I think that I have two sets right now, but I'm sure it will grow when I purchase the Core de Force system. Beachbody seems to think that everyone loves those containers.

    Becky, Great job on the workouts! Hope that you have fun with whatever workout you chose for tonight. I like those timesaver workouts, they have some good variety from all the workouts that where in that system. I have not tripped on Rocket yet, he likes to run to my left so he can sniff the grass. :o He likes to smell stuff in the ditch, so that can throw off my stride at times. I might have to invest in one of those retractable leashes. Have fun with the dog training classes, we did that with Rocket. It sure helped a lot, he has turned out to be a great dog. We got him from the Humane Society when he was a puppy. He still has issues, such as frighten dog, but we are working on that with him.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with Bulk Chest. This is my 6th time through with these Bulk workouts (he does them 7 times each during this section of the rotation), and I am still loving them! Crazy. Anyhow, it felt good and heavy today. For cardio I did Cathe's Hardcore Extreme Workout #2, which felt really good today. I think things are going to come together on my mom's 'affairs' soon. I am headed out to Denver at the end of next week to finish the finances with my sisters....and celebrate my oldest sister's birthday. And that should close out the business end of all this minus filing taxes next year. We are SO lucky her house sold right before she passed away or we would be talking a different story now. I am looking forward to this trip and being back 'home' in Denver for a few days.

    Tami, that sounds like a fun spin class, actually. Must be summer, though, if there were only four people there! In a couple of months you will probably be wishing for that. I hadn't heard about the fires out there. Hope they are able to control them soon. You know how I feel about fires after our experience those two summers in Colorado Springs. No fun at all. Great job on your workouts over the weekend. That Triset workout is so good!

    Thelma, great job with that STS workout. Elmo push-ups are definitely NOT my favorite, and I didn't even attempt them the first few times I did the program because my shoulder couldn't handle it and I was afraid of injury. I still think any substitute is a better option if I am being perfectly honest. But P90X2 has that same move, so I find myself doing them now.....though I still don't like them. If you choose to go back into Meso 2 and 3, it would be great! I hear you about the length of the workouts, though. I heard about the tornadoes in your area yesterday. Scary!! Glad there was no damage to your house. You have had some wild weather the past couple of weeks with the thunderstorms and, now, tornadoes. Hope it calms down soon.

    Becky, I have only does those Timesaver workouts a couple of times, but I remember the leg workout. It packs a punch in a short amount of time, that's for sure. As far as shoulder and tricep really depends on how often you work the rest of your upper body. For instance, if you are doing a lot of bicep work, I definitely recommend an equal amount of tricep work to balance those muscles. I actually try to do all five upper body parts (chest, back, bicep, tricep and shoulder) equally each week. There is a line of thinking, though, about shoulder work with some people saying shoulder work isn't necessary because the shoulder is worked enough when working other muscle groups. I personally don't go with that line of thought because I have serious shoulder issues and, for me, having gained strength in my shoulders is the only reason I can do things like push-ups. So, for me, it worked in the opposite way. But the shoulder is dicey and for some people shoulder work in addition to other upper body work causes more harm than good. And, for a more shallow answer, I do shoulder and tricep work because I love the look of strong shoulders and am trying to keep the chicken wings on the back of my arms at a minimum. B) I am an eclectic reader, though not as much as I used to be. I can go anywhere from very light fiction (but no romance novels) to heavier fiction to more literary choices to non-fiction. My 'comfort' zone, though, is in the Baldacci, Grisham, Lee Child, etc. area of reading. Right now I am reading two fiction books and one non-fiction book. I rarely ever read just one book on its own!

    Laurie, I feel your pain from that Lower Body Triset workout. That one always gives me major DOMS. I saw your response to Thelma on the Elmo push-ups. Fair warning that Tony does a lot of stuff like that with the ball in P90X2. The good thing is there is usually (maybe always) an option for a non-ball version. I usually end up alternating between ball and floor because I feel like the work on the ball challenges me in new ways but I feel I get a better workout sometimes by just doing a more 'standard' move. It is one of the benefits and frustrations of P90X2......and one of the reasons I have a serious love/hate thing going on with that series. Now that I have said that.....are we still on to give it a try in October? :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s BootCamp class was really good, tough stuff! We did lots of circuits that were each 5 minutes long. She would write on a board how man reps of 5 exercises we would do and then we would all work at our own pace. Lots of squats, side lunges, KB swings, shoulders, push-ups, bis/tris, the whole body was worked. The last 2 circuit rounds were of course cardio which consisted of jumping jacks, burpees, high knees and more KB swings. Katy was even tired at the end and said “what was I thinking?” LOL This a.m. I did 21DFX XT Extreme Legs followed by the Xtreme Plyo workout, great combo forsure! Tonight will be Insane X . . . . with Katy.

    Thelma: So scary about the tree. Definitely sounds like it is time to have it removed, or what is left of it forsure. Glad it didn’t hit your house. We had a similar situation once in my old house and it just missed our house. It’s so scary when that happens. Awesome workout with STS Shoulders/Bi’s! Those Elmo push-ups are challenging forsure; I think they clicked more with me when I did my short visit with P90X2 and then the next time I did them on an STS workout I had it down.
    I don’t think repeating Meso 2 and 3 would be a bad idea at all. There is enough muscle confusion and variety throughout each cycle it is still working your muscle groups consistently! That’s the beauty of STS forsure. But if you are wanting a change of scenery a bit, go with Body Beast. Thanks for the well wishes on the fires. They are staying away from our County, just surreal to have them so close. We are thankful they aren’t imposing immediate danger or evacuation on our area at all. They seem to have them contained and the wind/temps have died down the last couple days, so that helps. We do need some rain, but none is in the forecast right now.

    Becky: I realized yesterday I didn’t answer you about my sweet pups! The yellow lab in the photo is Bernie, he is 9 ½ years old (acts 2) - He is such a character, and Emma is my golden retriever who is 12 ½ years old, sadly acting every bit of that. :neutral: I switch photos between the two, just to keep it fair. LOL They are both quite the pair and I love having them so much. Fabulous job with your Yoga workout and then getting in that great Leg workout with Cathe. She is a master at working the legs, I really believe that! Man does she get in there. Fortunately, as I told Thelma we are not in immediate danger even though 30 miles away seems like we could be. They are mostly contained now so that is good. Katy is really good about changing things up a lot for our classes. She’s a true athlete and knows that it is important. Plus since she is participating a lot of the time with us, she wants variety too. That KCM Circuit Burn workout is one of my favorites. “KCM” stands for Kelley-Coffey Meyer and I have several of her workouts; this particular one is Cardio, Strength, Kick Boxing, Legs and then repeat. There are I believe 5 rounds of that same sequence. So it is a good mix! OR you can do 2 different 30 minute workouts or other pre-mixes.

    Laurie: Great job getting in a stretch last night if your legs were sore. I bet they appreciated that! Cardio Pump this a.m. though, nicely done! That Tri-Set workout can get those legs every time. I am not sure what it is about that one. Good stuff though. Yes, we were both on the same wave length there with Total Body work. That is a good way to break that one up; I have done the legs segment added on to something else since it is only 30 minutes, and the upper body work is so good too it would be perfect to use with other combinations (kind of like how I used the Muscle Meltdown workouts) or like you are doing, by themselves.

    Laurel: Fantastic job with Bulk Chest and of course your amazing cardio finish afterwards! The 6th time though already . . . glad you are enjoying each one of them, sign of a good workout forsure. I’m happy to hear things are coming together pretty smoothly with everything your handling with your mom’s affairs. Its so challenging, even if they have things in order for you. My dad did not at all, plus in foreign country, it was not fun. Even though I don’t have children, I really need to get something in place even for my husband, so he isn’t left standing there wondering what to do or vice-versa. Thanks for the well wishes on the fires; as you went through that in Colorado you can totally relate. Luckily, we are safe and the fires seem to be contained (as I mentioned) but some rain would sure be great about now.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm so excited cause my FitTower came today! DH probably won't put it together till the weekend, plus we'll have to figure out a space or it in shrinking workout area since this tower won't be used all the time.

    Tonight I felt very tired so I jumped on the spinning bike. Guess what? Fall is in the air! It was cold yesterday morning and got chilly by 5pm! There was a cold wind and this morning I had to pull out a sweater because it was 51 degrees this morning. You know how cold 52 feels going from summer into fall right! In the winter hitting 51 and I'll be saying heatwave! LOL

    Laurie, great job getting a workout in before work! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't do the Elmo pushups! I don't know what gives Beachbody the idea that everyone likes those containers.
    OMG! Did you actually see the tornado funnels? That must've been scary! I can't imagine not having electricity in the middle of the summer! About 4-5 years ago we had a hurricane go by or maybe a tornado. Can't remember but there were a lot of broken trees landing over the power lines. People in the state had no power for weeks. We thankfully didn't lose power that time but some people in my town did for a couple of weeks and we didn't even know! After that we bought a generator and upgraded our electrical panel so that the generator would support the entire house in the event we lost power. Of course we've only used it maybe twice for a day. At least we have it now.

    Laurel, great workout combo! What rotation are you doing that has you doing the Bulk workouts 7 times?
    So glad you're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with your mom's "affairs". You really were fortunate that her house sold before her passing! I can't believe you're going back to Denver! So good you'll see your sisters again too!
    Those Elmo pushups are HARD! I was just thinking that next time I see them am going to put the ball against the wall so I have better chances of doing at least 1 pushup! LOL
    I don't have P90X2 so the chances of me running into the Elmo pushups are slim. LOL
    We've really have had some crazy weather. I hope the weather calms down soo too!
    So glad you think that going back into STS Meso 2 and 3 is a good idea. This thought crossed my mind because I am being lazy about planning another rotation and I want to save H&C for November. So right now I can't make up my mind about what to do next. It will be either Meso 2&3 or Body Beast.

    Tami, funny that Katy kicked her own butt during the class! Sounds like another killer workout! You're amazing! I hope Katy gave you another killer workout tonight! Great workouts at home too! How is Emma doing?

    Tell me about it with the tree. It was scary and it has to go.
    So cool that you were able to master those Elmo pushups! I'm glad you also agree that doing STS Meso 2&3 is not a bad idea! I think the Body Beast workouts are shorter than the STS workouts so I might go with BB next. I'm actually torn between STS and BB.
    So glad you're not in danger of having to evacuate and that fires have been contained. That would be horrible. Hopefully you'll get much needed rain soon!

    Becky, glad you had a good weekend! Awesome workouts this weekend too! Is that leg workout DVD actually called Timesaver for leg?
    The STS rotation I'm doing is based on one I found on Cathe's website. I replaced the cardio the original rotation called with Cathee workouts I have.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did LIS Total Body Tri-Sets Premix #8 Back, Biceps & Core. This morning I was inspired by Tami, so I did 30MTF Circuit Burn Workout 1.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! Good news on firming up your Mom's affairs, and that you will be heading to CO next week. That will be fun to be with your family right now. I'm getting myself geared up for the P90X2 workouts, just need to verify what other equipment I will need. I'm guessing a foam roller, and do I need 2 med balls? I will probably be doing a lot of the exercises with the modifier at first, and trying very hard to move up to the other version. Will you be doing a recovery week, and are you starting on Oct 1? I think those are the questions that I have looking at the rotation, but I'm actually looking forward to the workouts.

    Tami, That class sounds insane, but glad to hear that Katy was tired afterwards too. >:) Those are the same words that Jillian used in one of her workouts, but I don't think hers was as hard as what you did. Nice job on the 21DFX XT workouts also. I still have to figure out how to use all those Muscle Meltdown workouts, I might just try a week of each muscle for my morning workout. I have been doing a lot of metabolic workouts that use light weights, so doing that might be okay to try. I'm planning on Ripped with HiiT weight workouts for next week, maybe the following will be one body part. Oh all the options that are available. Hope those fires stay far away, and that they go out soon.

    Thelma, Awesome job on the workout! We too are getting those cool temps right now, and it really makes for great sleeping weather when it cools down at night. We didn't see the funnels, because we got in the basement when the warnings started. They didn't touch down, but we a couple of almost dead trees fall, and branches came off our big walnut. Roof shingles where off the roof also. It was very scary at the time, and really glad that it was only downed trees and shingles. Hopefully P90X2 will help me conquer those push-ups. :o

    Becky, Hope that you had a great day yesterday!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was Bulk Back followed by the cardio combo premix from Cathe's Step Blast and Step, Jump and Pump. I love that cardio workout because it is a good, 90 minute steady state. Long......but not too tough.

    Tami, sounds like Katy did come back.....with a vengeance. Love it that she ever wore herself out! I can't imagine what it was like after your dad passed away and trying to work out everything. Like you, I am definitely thinking I need to do something. Without children, I have never given much thought to who gets what, but, like you, I want something in place to help DH, and I definitely need something in place on him to help me (especially dealing with military stuff). So I have definitely learned something. Glad to hear the fires are under control. Hope you get some rain soon.

    Thelma, I got my Fit Tower too! I am going to go try to out it together after this. I will report tomorrow how that went. :p I read on Cathe's site that one lady got hers and put it together in less time than it took her to deal with all the packaging. So......fingers crossed I can figure this out. I am jealous of your fall weather! Our lows are still lowering around 80. :o This is the time of year I definitely get tired of Florida. I am doing the Huge rotation of Body Beast and while the phase is only six weeks long, you do each workout seven times. Since my weeks are off since going to AZ, I am counting workouts now instead of weeks.

    Laurie, great workouts! I am really excited to have this Fit Tower headed into P90X2. Even though I can't remotely do some of Tony's variations on pull-ups, the option to do some form of pull-up is still better than bands. Anyhow, to answer your questions, I will have four weeks left in Body Beast after I get home from Denver, so I am looking to start on Sunday, Oct 9. My BB rotation has been pushed later a bit with these trips. Would that work for you? I could probably do a week earlier if necessary. Just let me know. As far as the equipment, the foam roller is nice......but not necessary. There is an option without, but the recovery workout is really driven by the use of the foam roller, so if you plan to do that workout, a roller is a real plus. I don't do any of the moves where he uses more than one Med Ball (but I do use my one quite a bit in the series). He uses multiple Med Balls as balancing tools.....and I am not comfortable doing push-ups on the balls. But if you opt for two, that is how they are used--to put your hands on for push-ups. I want to make this rotation flexible for what works best for you. Here's why. The workouts, especially the first ones, really do take some time to get used to. The rotation that comes with P90X2 says to do them for 3-6 weeks. I know I found that I was just getting the hang of those workouts on my third week the first time I did the program, so I added a fourth week. So I hope you don't mind, but since I have done the program before, I want to leave the length of each phase up to you. You may find you don't like the workouts in the first phase and three weeks are enough......or you may love them and want six weeks! And I am good either way. But there is a bit of a learning curve with this program, no doubt. I didn't feel the need to do a recovery week when I did this program, but if we were to extend any of the phases to six weeks.....I might. So, again, I want to be flexible on that. I think if we move on to Phase 2 after three weeks, you probably wouldn't need one either. But you might after Phase 2, depending on how long we do that. My recommendation for Phase 3 is three weeks only because of the repetition. Also, during the second phase, there are two bonus workouts that can be subbed in that week, and I will probably do some subbing. I prefer the bonus workouts to the standard, but will do the standard workouts at least once or twice......just to see if my impression has changed. You also mentioned to Tami about how to use the Muscle Meltdown workouts. Oddly enough, I was thinking about that this morning. I am actually going to do the Muscle Meltdown workouts simultaneously with X2 during the first (and maybe third) phase because those phases are really light on strength training. I doubt you will have the time each day to do that......unless you were to skip the outrageously long warm-ups for X2........which is just food for thought. :) The warm-ups are 15-20 minutes long. Let me know if you have any more questions. I am really looking forward to this!! After doing STS and BB back-to-back, I am really excited to be doing something very different.

    Becky, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Katy out-did her own self again last night! LOL Thank goodness because it was pretty brutal. It was called the “99 Workout” … need I say more?!? 99-Crunches, 9 Burpees, 99-High Knees , 9 Push-Ups, 99 second wall squat, then run a lap around the facility. Next, 88 (same as 99 moves), 77 (same as before) then 66-Jumping Jacks, 6 Burpees, 66 Crunches, 66 second wall squat, 6 push-ups, 66 lunges, then run. 55, repeat ….. that’s as far as I got. 2 of the guys finished into the 44 circuit. SHEESH! I did see her mention to one of the guys I know from class …. What in the “H” was I thinking again. LOL
    No workout this a.m. so I will head to Spinning after work.

    Thelma: So excited your Fit Tower has arrived! I bet you cannot wait to use it. They are super easy to put together; I did mine all by myself and I am not a “Tool Time Lady” at all. Maybe now they are made slightly different to break down easily; but I just keep mine sitting straddled over my weights in the corner of our bonus room. Yes, I loved it that she kicked her own butt too ….. believe me, and again last night. She will ask us tonight if we are sore forsure. She usually does that when she is sore. LOL Thank you on the Elmo push-ups …. It’s been a while since I did those. Might see if I still can. I was pretty proud when I conquered it. Putting the ball at the wall really helps to get the feel for it and I keep my hands and elbows in tighter than a standard push-up too. As I read your thoughts about which program to continue on with. What if you did a mixture of both? Maybe figure in a rotation and on whatever day is upper or lower or a specific muscle group do one or another. Maybe on days you have more time and you know that, do STS and BB on the others. Just a thought  Thanks for asking about sweet Emma. She is doing pretty good. She sleeps/lays around a lot but always comes to the door when we get home and is so happy to see us. I am sure she appreciates this cooler weather forsure. When we are home on the weekends and out in the yard she plays with Bernie a little bit more but gets tired faster than she used to. Just showing her 12 ½ years forsure. We just love her so much every day we have her and hope there are still a lot of them left!!

    Laurie: So glad I inspired you on the Circuit Burn workout! I always enjoy that one for what it packs into the workout. What I did with the Muscle Meltdown workouts and loved it, was just added them on to the end of my workout; they are only about 20 minutes long each. So whatever body part I just worked, I would add on that MM at the end of my workout; usually going a little lighter than what I just did in BB, but heavier than Cathe. Added a nice burn! So many options I know. Those are great for going lighter in weight forsure; your a.m. workouts might be perfect for that and then your P90X2 in the evening. I always try to right down ideas and time frames so when I have the time I can reach for that “extra” bonus whatever it is. We are also getting some much cooler night temps this week. I noticed last night when I woke up listening to Emma snoring that my arms were actually cold.

    Laurel: Great workout again with Bulk Back + your cardio. That is long, yowsa. But I know you are used to that time frame so it is probably perfect. Those kind of situations really make you think about planning ahead. I know my mom tried to immediately put things down in writing for my sister and I after we dealt with my dads affairs and had NOTHING to go off. She said she doesn’t want us to go through that with both parents. Very thoughtful. I am anxious to hear how much you enjoy getting back into P90X2! I am looking towards a Cathe rotation I think of some kind. Not sure yet, still have a few weeks to decide. P.s. you will be able to figure out your Fit Tower …. If I did it, anyone can! Unless they are dramatically different now. I was happy with myself, but it was easy! LOL

    Hi Becky ~ Hope you are having a great day and a good workout today!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow, Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - phew.....have a lot to catch up on! :) Yesterday, I ditched Power Hour for Cathe's Upper Body Pyramid routine. I am at a lower weight level for the dumbbell's but I hope to increase them in the next few months. When I was done with the routine, I did some squats with a kettle ball (I love working out my legs). Today, I am so excited to say that I am getting stronger and in better shape. For the last few weeks, I have been swimming half a mile in 30 minutes. Today, I swam 3/4 mile in 35 minutes AND I was doing 10-15 dips after every 200 yards (I could barely do 5 dips when I started a month ago). My goal is to swim a mile in 40 minutes with doing 20 dips every 200 yards. It feels SO amazing to get back into shape.

    Tami - Your dogs sound's hard when they get older. My beautiful dog of 14 years, Chance, had to be put down in September. But, we are blessed to have Penny and Luna now. Penny is a shelter dog, basenji mix and approximately 1 1/2 years old. Luna is the Kraken from Clash of the Titans (she's an 8 month old black lab and crazy). Glad to hear you aren't in immediate danger from the fire. Thanks for the info on KCM. Your bootcamp class sounded intense, then following next day with more legs and plyo! Holy Cow, great job! Burpees are no joke and a great all body/cardio workout.

    Laurie - Glad to hear the Cardio pump took care of your soreness. I like to do yoga or swim the day after weight training because it helps with my soreness. Great job on getting your back, biceps and core workout in along with circuit burn. Sounds like your got an overall great workout in these last 2 days. Glad to hear that Rocket hasn't tripped you. My dog, Penny, has tripped my son twice. I know I shouldn't laugh, but when it happens, I can't stop. My son starts to laugh, too.

    Thelma - So, what is a FitTower? Nice job on getting on the spin bike, even when you were tired. It is so easy to just say "not tonight" on the workout. I can't wait for it to cool down here; I am jealous that it is cooler where you live. So, I had to look up "Elmo" pushups, and I never knew that they were called that. Good grief, those are hard! How long have you been working on those?

    Laurel - Bulk Chest, Hard Core Extreme Workout, Bulk Back, and Step, Pump, and Jump.........remind me to never be in a dark alley with you if I upset you. ;) I am so impressed with the level of workouts you do. Really - I am impressed with the level everyone's so inspiring and great! I really appreciate the info on shoulders. I hear mixed things as well, so I have gone in the middle. I slightly work them out, but not too much. Also, swimming requires so much shoulder's, so I think that is another reason I don't lift on them too much. I totally understand your "shallow" answer.....that's how I feel about legs....I love muscular/lean legs. So, I see that you have a FitTower, too. Thus, same question to you as Thelma - what is it?

    I hope everyone is having a great's to happy workouts.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Mesocycle 1, Disc 8 Back and Triceps. LOVED how hard my triceps worked during this workout!

    I found some archived rotations on the workout scheduler website that seem pretty good. I might do the body beast/H&C rotation while my aunts are here because the workouts are fairly short. Some days are way too short so I would modify the rotation.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts my friend! You're Baaack! I have a P90 program that I never finished because I hurt my feet due to jumping on the wrong floor. Maybe one of these days I will do that program. Good luck with those Elmo pushups! I was thinking that I could kitty corner the ball so it has no place to go and maybe that way I could sort of do an Elmo pushup.

    OMG those tornado funnels were a real close call for you guys! Thank God nothing happened to you, your family and your house!

    Laurel, great combo today! You should check out the BB Extreme rotation on that page I posted the link for. I think Extreme is an understatement. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Fit Tower! I could've used it today with my workout!
    Laurel, I don't think I could live in FL. I just can't take the hot temps. I'll have to check out the Huge rotation because I like the length of it! I can't make up my mind! Choices, choices, choices!
    I don't think I'm going to continue with Meso 2&3. These workouts are too long. I can't wait to be done as much as I have liked them. It sure is a big time commitment.
    I've decided that I'm going to do STS Legs tomorrow so I can finish STS ASP. So instead of doing 3 STS workouts this week I will do 4 and the last 2 next week.

    Tami, OMG! How does Katy come up with these killer workouts? At least it feels good that she found the workout hard too! LOL. Did she asked if you guys were sore?
    I can't wait to see the tower put together. I moved the box and it is a bit heavy but not something I can't handle. I'll let DH deal with it though.
    Ha! Did you see what I wrote to Laurie about kitty cornering the ball? I would think that would be the only way I could sort of do one one. It's more like I need to sandwich it between something it won't move! LOL
    I need to take the time to figure out a rotation. The rotation I found on that archive above has days that have two of the really short workouts which amount to maybe 1/2 hour. That is way too short so I'm afraid I won't be doing enough BUT that is one one day. The next day they do a double workout which is too long. So I would modify those two days by doing one short + one long both days.
    So glad Emma is doing better! I hope you have your little girl for a very long time!

    Becky, awesome workouts and so happy for you for having improved so much with your swimming! It does feel wonderful when you realize how much strength/stamina you've gained due to workouts. So proud of you!

    The Fit Tower is the rack Cathe uses in her workouts. She hasn't had it for sale in years and just partnered with a company to make a new version of the rack.

    Good grief is right on those Elmo pushups! I had no idea what they were until Tami mentioned them the other day when I said how many pushups this Meso 1 phase has. Then they finally came up on the workout I did the other day! So that was my first and only encounter with Elmo pushups.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, our oldest dd and her fiance came over for dinner. We had a nice time chatting, and the youngest was busy cutting their hair. :o I think the older sister is really liking the fact that her little sister is a cosmetologist. :D This morning I did 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 1. :)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! So nice that you enjoy that SJP workout, not one of my favorites with the hi/lo factor. :D I'm good with starting on the 9th, that gives me six more weeks of doing my random workouts. Thank you for all the good information on the P90X2 workouts, I have been reading what I can. Your information is something that hasn't been said in the reviews that I have been looking at. I will probably do at least 4 weeks of phase 1, that is what I'm shooting for at this point if there is a learning curve. I have heard good and bad things about foam rolling, so will do the wait and see at this point. I'm super glad that I don't have to purchase another med ball. I don't think I'm going to be balancing myself on two or even four like Tony displays. Doing my workout this morning, it was fun to have his silliness added to the workout, he must have been trying to be an actor at one point in his life, Or maybe hanging out in CA with actors has made him that way. :D Nice idea to add the MM workouts to the beginning of the P90X2, that would give me the Cathe factor that I enjoy. Splitting them between Ph1 and Ph3 would give a nice break. Now you have me thinking differently.

    Tami, :o I have no words for that workout Katy put all of you through! I'm sure it was a good calorie burn though. Tony only put me through 82 burpees this morning, so you have me beat. I like your idea for the MM workouts also. I have a good six weeks to think about how I will use them for that rotation. LOL about Emma snoring, guess that she might need a Pap devise also. :D Cami used to snore too, so far I haven't heard Rocket do that. Oldest dd brought over her puppy yesterday, so he was playing with her all day. Usually on Thurs. he is full of energy for playing with all his friends, but this morning he was a little tired. :D

    Becky, Awesome that you are gaining strength, and improving on your swimming. That is one of the things that I think is important as we get older, keeping that strength. Our dogs are funny creatures, they sure do love to be around us. When I'm in the kitchen is when Rocket is in places that I don't expect. He is always ready to clean the floor at any point. :D I call him my organic hoover, but of course when I drop lettuce that just stays there. He just wants cheese and meat.

    Thelma, Great job on the STS workouts, sure sounds like you are enjoying the phase 1 more than you did the last time. Doing those Meso's in that order sounds like it worked for you. Sounds like a good idea to mix the BB and H&C workouts. Do you have the older version of P90 (I have that one) or the new one? The ones I have are good workouts, but dated so I tend to forget about them. I'm taking all this great info on push-ups, sounds like I will be doing a lot of them. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Bulk Legs, which I have grown to love. Felt good today. For cardio.....I don't know what is up with me and cardio this week, but my going in thought was to do something lighter/shorter than I have the past several days.......and I ended up doing Rockout Knockout and Hard Strikes back-to-back for yet another 90 minute workout. :o I must trying to avoid doing housework. :# But it felt good.

    Tami, oh my on that workout! That is absolutely crazy. Katy is right.....what was she thinking?!? You are right....I had no problem with the Fit Tower. Well, no problem once I read the instructions. ;) Anyhow, I am really impressed by it. Great quality and very sturdy. Can't wait to use it for this next rotation. I bet a Cathe rotation sounds good right about now after all the Autumn and Sagi workouts you have done these past several months. Have you ever done the STS/XTrain rotation? I can't remember which one of us posted it here, but it looks like a good one and one I might try after X2. Here is the link.....just in case you are interested:

    Thelma, great job with that workout. I understand being anxious to be done with STS. No matter how much I love a rotation, I am always looking forward to a change as well. Like I said to Tami, I had no problems putting together the Fit Tower. The lady on Cathe's site was right about the packing though. It was WELL packed! Took forever to get the pieces out of the box. But it really is a quality piece of equipment. DH did some pull-ups on it last night and it didn't fall apart, so I must have assembled it okay! :p Yikes on the Extreme BB rotation. I thought I was reading it incorrectly.....but the suggestion really is to do each workout 4 a day! Oh heck NO! That is for somebody very serious, that's for sure. I think my body would revolt against me.

    Becky, I love that Upper Body Pyramid workout. What a fantastic idea to blend swimming with some conditioning! So happy you are already feeling the benefits from the workouts. I love that feeling of strength coming back into the body. Thanks for the compliments on my workouts. Nothing to fear from me in a dark (or even lit) alley, though! At 5'2", I am hardly an intimidating figure. :) But I did have something funny happen this last weekend. I went to the bank and the guy (a complete stranger to me.....and about 20 years younger than me) monitoring the front door came up and said he needed to tell me not to bring guns into the bank. Obviously I wasn't carrying a gun, and he said it with a smile, so I just said 'huh?' And he points at my biceps!!! He walked away laughing but I was left standing there stunned! So.....I guess something is working. Anyhow, hope Thelma answered your question on the Fit Tower.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice time with your DDs and one fiancé. I am still considering those 22 MHC workouts. I was reading reviews on them yesterday as a matter of fact. Glad the information on X2 was helpful. I think shooting for four weeks on the first phase is smart. I think I will benefit from that as well because, aside from doing H&C this year, I have not spent a lot of time focusing on balance so I have a feeling I will spend a good part of that first week falling off my stability ball. :o But I am really excited about getting my core strength back up again, and X2 definitely delivers on that!

    Until tomorrow!
