Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout was Bulk Shoulders followed by Cathe's Party Rockin' Step 2. I decided to end the week and the second phase of Body Beast on a 'fun' note, and that cardio workout was just perfect for that. All things are still a go for the trip since, as of now, Orlando's airport isn't expected to be impacted at all by the storm. Fingers crossed on that! But it look like the northern part of the state....and other parts of the east coast...are going to get hit hard.

    Tami, that workout sounds outrageous! Katy is really coming up with challenging workouts lately. I love it that she keeps finding ways to change things up. Hope you are able to take advantage of the meal plan/body testing element of that challenge. I hope to hit my own 'reset' completely after I get home.

    Thelma, I completely agree that Body Beast really seemed to have a huge impact on your fitness. As I work my way through this second rotation of it, I never imagined this program--bought for my DH who has never done it--would have such an impact in my fitness levels. I hope you enjoy revisiting it. I know I have....and am feeling even stronger than I was last time.

    Laurie, I will have to try that ICE premix. I really enjoy the premixes in RWH where she put the abs in, but haven't done the ICE ones yet. On my to-do list! Since my DH went on this diet, the difference in his mood, energy, etc is amazing. I was telling him last night that it makes me so happy to see him feeling well. He never seemed to understand all the times I was trying to encourage him to eat better that it really would make a difference in how he felt. I think he is finally beginning to see that now. Hope your DH can get to that point too.

    Becky, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the long weekend!! See you next week.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Spinning was another good one; more people this time so that always makes the room a little more energetic. This a.m. was Chisel Total Body with an Add-on of a Blizzard Blast! It was great. No workout tonight.

    Thelma: You’ve been on a big push to get STS over with. I bet your body enjoyed a nice Spin workout for something different. Thanks for the kudos on the workouts. Pushing through to the end of this rotation and Katy killin me in the pm. LOL

    Laurie: I agree on Katy! Good Grief. Last night she got off her spin bike and came around adjusting everyone’s intensity …. Bull Dog is sometimes what we like to call her. LOL Great job getting in ICE Lower Body Blast and Lean Body Circuits this a.m. That would be great if your hubby was on board with you for a “reset” if it is something you are wanting to do. Due to mine not being on the same page at all with health/fitness and him leaving for fishing for 6 weeks it will be a good time for me to go for it! LOL Only have to worry about prepping my meals instead of both.

    Laurel: Way to finish out the week with one of your fav’s!! Nicely done. Glad to hear the airport isn’t expected to have any troubles due to the storm. Fingers crossed and all good thoughts for you tomorrow. Thank you again for the encouragement and kudos, appreciate it. Have a great trip.

    Hi Becky :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had very limited time for a workout and had no desire to lift weights so I went for KCM 30 MTF Cardio Quick Fix. I did a premix that had the second part of premix one and all of #2. Really good premix and just perfect length for my needs.
    Doing very well with the packing here. Tomorrow night I just have to put stuff in the suitcase and get my carry-on bag ready. Toiletries are packed which for some reason always take me forever to fill my little containers up. We have to leave the house at 6am on Saturday morning so I've set up my alarm for 2:30am so I can get up to get some spinning and stretching in. I'll be in serious slow mode so I need plenty of time to get ready.

    Laurie, aren't those premixes with the ab work during the workout awesome? Great workouts! Laurel does have amazing endurance.

    I can't wait to use the tower more and more going forward. It really is too bad that BB and H&C workouts don't have a proper warm.

    Here is the full description of that new KCM workout. It really sounds good. I think I can learn to live with the audience but I'm not sure I like the fact you can tell it was filmed from the back of the room and KCM and the other girls are on a very low stage. At least on Turbo Fire Chalene is a much higher/bigger stage

    Wow I can't believe the workout you did today was filmed at Cathe's studio! I wonder if these two ladies are friends?

    Hi Laurel, I heard tonight that FL was in state of emergency due to the hurricane. Fingers crossed that this hurricane weakens soon. Parts of the coast are going to get hit hard. It is supposed to come this way mid next week I heard too.

    I think I'm going to enjoy BB this time around too. I think you need to thank your DH on our behalf for asking you to get him BB because we all loved it and benefited from the program.
    So exciting that you're feeling stronger than the last time!

    My DH was told by his doctor that for his height/age he needed to weigh something insane like 150 lbs! WHAT? Insane! So now he keeps his weight between 175 and 180. He is insanely disciplined with food which makes me sick with envy because I can be very weak when it comes to temptation. His sister whom he hadn't seen him in 16 years and saw 2 weeks ago was worried that he was sick. The first question out of her mouth after she first saw him was if he was sick! He was not happy about that. I honestly wish he'd gained some weight but he says he feels really good and that is all that matters. When it comes to working out, he runs for a few minutes on the treadmill and lifts some weights. Nothing like what I do though.

    Tami, great workouts!!! I really have been on a big push to get STS over with . Funny how I always seem to end a rotation right before a vacation. Have you noticed that?

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Really looking forward to the three day weekend, but not looking forward to driving for 6 hours today. We are heading up north to visit my family, have not seen them all summer. After work yesterday I did ICE Rock'm Sock'm warm up, and then followed that with MM Triceps, Shoulders and Biceps. This morning was 30MTF Cardio Quick Fix Premix #1, which is the first parts of workouts 1 & 2. I really enjoyed that combo.

    Laurel, Hope your plane gets going today with the weather in FL, and that you do not encounter delays. Great job on your workouts, and of course ending your phase with a fun workout. I don't know that I have ever tried the RWH workout that included the ab work in them. Now I will have to look into that too. I'm glad to hear your DH's mood is improving, that is something that I would love for my DH. All I hope for is that he tries something different than he is currently doing. ;)

    Tami, Nice job on the workouts, and getting through Bull Dog's spinning class. She must realize that people are going to overindulge this weekend, and is getting their bodies ready. :D Crossing my fingers on the DH, one can only hope. He really just wants everything to be there for him when he leaves and comes home from work. I find meal planning a pain really. After working all day, I just sometimes hate thinking about what we are eating for dinner. Something I can contemplate this weekend while relaxing up north. :D What a great opportunity for you to try out something new with your DH being gone for such a long time. ;)

    Thelma, LOL we must have been on the same wave length with our workouts. :D I really enjoyed the premix that I did on the DVD, it was fun. You are further ahead than I am with the packing. I just have most of my items sitting on my bed. We are just going up to the cabin, so I don't have to bring all that much along. It is suppose to be in the 50's at night, so I will have to bring some warmer clothes. Having to bring a mix of things can really make for over packing. Thank you for the link to the review. Reading that makes me want the workout now. I should have pre-ordered when I got the notification from Kelly. I follower her on FB, so did know about the workout. I'm thinking that I will have to pre-order the boxing workout when she offers that one.

    Becky, Have a wonderful weekend!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning everyone. As always, been busy...but life is good. On Wednesday, I got a pitiful 30 minute weight training workout in. I was so unmotivated and tired, but I went and got some upper body work in. Yesterday, was a great workout day for me. I got two classes in.....a 60 minute express hot yoga class followed by a 60 minute hot interval training class. I probably sweated out 2 liters of water! My legs are a little sore and my core is, too. I had so much energy yesterday, I think I could have kept going. We ended with doing a round of 8 sets of burpees (20 seconds as much as you can do with a 10 second rest inbetween). I have been able to do these, but I am normally REALLY winded by set 6. Yesterday, I could have kept going. I LOVE THIS!

    Anyways - thank you all for your thoughts on the knee workouts with Cathe. I think I am not going to worry too much because when I build up my muscle around my knee, the knee feels so much stronger. I have yet to find another workout like Cathe's that kill my legs (in a good way).

    Thanks for sharing your workout equipment, too. I forgot to mention that I do have 2 stability balls (the kids use one when I am on the other one) and bands.

    Also - just wanted to share that I have a nickname for the 4 of you, but I am hoping it is not offensive (some ladies do not want to be called "cookie"). I have dubbed you, to my DH, the TCC group (Tough Cookies Club).

    Laurie - Great job on all your workouts.....HiiT 40/20, ICE Chisel Upper Body, 30MTF Cardio Pump Boxing & Lower Body Premix, ICE Lower Body Blast MishMosh Scrambled #3 (quite impressive when all of them are listed out, right!) :) It sounds like your job keeps you busy. I would love to see that rain come my way.....the desert needs it.

    Laurel - Great job on your workouts: Bulk Arms, Drill Max Ultra Cardio premix, Bulk Shoulders, Party Rockin' Step 2, and Body Beast. Thank you for your husbands service in the military. What branch is he in? It makes sense that your equipment would have to be "moveable" with all the places you probably had to go. Did you ever live over seas? My husband is former Navy, and his dad was Air Force. So, my DH lived all over the US and in Germany.

    Thelma - Way to go with getting on the spinning bike when you didn't have the energy. Something is better than nothing. Also, those quick workouts (KCM 30 MTF Cardio Quick Fix) are wonderful when short on time. Glad you got it in instead of saying "eh.....don't have time....skipping workout today". I tend to use that excuse of no time, but I am forcing myself to at least get 30 minutes in when those type of days happen. I am impressed that you are able to do the leg workouts without having cartilage in your knees. I have never been into stretching until I started yoga 9 months ago. So, I finally get what you are saying about the importance of stretching before and after a workout. It really does help. It is great to hear that you can lift heavier now (Bowflex dumbell set). That has got to be a great feeling and set of accomplishment. I checked out the KCM workout link you included last post, and it does look like a really good workout.

    Tami - Holy Cricket! 1000 Reps workout! That sounds crazy intense.....this is so cool that you did this. (Was this Katy that taught the class?) Sounds like this insturctor used to be a bootcamp instructor for the Marines! ;) Also nice job on getting a spinning class with Chisel Total Body and Add-on of a Blizzard Blast. Volleyball and softball can be hard on the knees (the 2nd time I injured my acl was due to softball.....I LOVE playing). So, two of you mentioned slide disks in your equipment.....what are these?

    It sounds like most of you have DH who don't take care of their health.....I am in the same boat. What's even more frustrating is that he is a Nurse, and he knows better. Plus, he smokes......I get really irate about it sometimes, but, I also don't nag him about it. I have talked to him multiple times about quitting, but he won't until he wants to. Grrrrr......frustrating.

    Have a great day (and weekend).

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, what a crazy day! Stuff didn't fit into the suitcases and now I'm repacking. Two pairs of hiking boots, hiking sticks and stuff take a lot of space! It's a good thing I pack our clothes in space bags! Between work and home all I've done is run around all day. No workout for me today. I just didn't manage my time well and I'm mad with myself for that. I am still planning on getting up at 2:30 so I can do a short spin on the bike.
    I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

    Laurie, great workouts! I can't believe we both did the same KCM workout! Too funny! Great minds think alike! We definitely need to bring our fleece jackets. It gets cold there at night. That new KCM workout does sound good from the description. I will see if I find other video clips in to see if I really want to get it. Enjoy your long weekend!

    Becky, WOW you were on FI-YA the other day! Great job!
    I actually had to say I wasn't going to workout today because it was 8PM by the time I had time and I was already behind with things so taking the time to workout was going to cause me more stress. Good for you for your new attitude to do at least a 30 minute workout every day!
    My knees sound pretty crunchy. Do yours? Thank God I'm able to do leg workouts. Maybe that I am doing a good job with knee supporting muscles. You really have to work on your quads but of course that means the entire thigh muscles cause you don't want to cause a muscle imbalance and of course always stretch! It feels good to be able to lift heavier. Yes, that KCM workout looks like fun.
    I am thankful my DH is all about healthy living. Neither one of us smokes and we rarely have a drink. I always joke about having my annual drink! LOL

    Hi Tami!
    HI Laurel, I hope your trip is going well.
    Off to NC early tomorrow morning! Can't wait to see my sister and nieces.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    I DID IT! I just ordered ICE series! I am so excited to get it in the mail. I need to update my workout library and can't wait to try this workout series. I am sure it comes with a suggested rotation, but if it doesn't, would you all provide some guidance as to what order I should do the workouts?

    This weekend was a good weekend on staying moving. I have a fit bit, and someone invited me to a weekend challenge to try to get the most steps. I ended up doing about 14-15 miles in two days (this includes walking the dogs on the morning, getting on the treadmill and just moving around the house as much as possible). Saturday, I got a 90 minute bikram yoga class in. Today, I did Power Hour along with walking about 7 miles. My energy is high and I love it. For Power Hour, I upped the weights for most exercises and was able to do more lunges (I still don't have the leg strength to do the full set of lunges with Cathe, but it's getting better).

    Thelma - I hope you had a great time in NC with your family. Are your nieces young, teens, or adults? Any fun adventures occur? I am in the same boat with you on rarely drinking. I've never had the desire to drink, except a Guinness maybe once a year. :) My knees don't crunch, but every time I squat, they crack pretty loud. I always get looks in yoga class because it's quite in there.....until the crack occurs. I agree that keeping that muscle support is crucial to keeping the knees healthy. Before starting back with weight lifting over a month ago, my knee was starting to ache a lot. But, that has gone away (thank goodness). Will you eventually have to get any type of surgery? I hope not.

    Hi Tami, Laurie and Laurel. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Can't wait....can't wait....can't wait.....ICE series in the mail.....(doing a little dance in my chair). WHOOP WHOOP!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well klutzy me managed to stub the toe next to the little toe on the shower door right before we left to go up north. When we got up to my brothers cabin, I had a very bruised and swollen toe. By Monday it was way better, so in a way, it was good that I didn't workout all weekend. :D So this morning I did RWH LIHI Legs, and I only felt the toe on the back lunges.

    Becky, Really sounds like you where in the groove for working out, and doing some of them in a HOT enviroment. ;) . Congrats on your purchase of the ICE series! I think that you will really enjoy it. You can get the user guide here She has three rotations for this series, and then two other rotations with XTrain and Ripped with HiiT combos. When you put the workouts that I did in that order, it really does sound impressive. All the upper body work made me feel it for a couple of days afterward, so I think that I'm going to try that again this week. You are making me really want to pull out my yoga, it is something I know that my body loves. I don't mind nicknames, had one as a child, and I actually loved it. Of course, being as tall as I am now the name doesn't seem right. My uncle always called me pixie. I'm in no way going to ever be a pixie again. Have to say that TCC sounds like a really good nickname for all of us ladies, and you are making my weekend look so sad. :p I give myself an excuse for my toe, and not for the fact that my Mom loves to bake all those goodies.

    Thelma, Hope you where able to get on the spin bike before you left for your vacation, but 2:30 in the morning is very early. I'm sure that you will be getting in a lot of hiking. Hope that you had fun with your family also, I know that we had a good visiting with my family.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, I made it out of Florida Friday morning with no problems. In fact, despite the torrents of rain and wind, it was one of the smoothest flights out of Orlando I have enjoyed. Had a good weekend in Denver. The weather was stunningly beautiful with blue skies, temps in the high 80s and dry air. This time of year, I do wonder why I left Colorado. But having lived there much of my life, I can still remember the not-so-good days there as well.

    I didn't workout on Friday, but got some great workouts in over the weekend. I stayed with my sister who has a good set of weights, and because of the time change for me, I was up early enough each day to get my usual two-fer workouts in. So Saturday was Flex Train followed by X10 Hi/Lo and Cardio Blast. Sunday was Lean Legs and Abs followed by Cross Fire. Monday was XTrain Super Cuts followed by Tabatacise. Then each day my sister and I would take an hour to a 1 1/2 hour walk, which felt fantastic in that fresh air out there.

    I was a bit tired getting up this morning, though, after what felt like an eternity on the plane yesterday. Just one of those not-so-long flights that felt like forever......which was not helped by a bit of a scare during the flight. I am a pretty seasoned flier but this is the first time something like this has happened. We had a very bumpy take-off from Denver (despite the beautiful day), and, as usual, once we hit 10,000 feet, the flight attendants came on to brief us on drinks and such. So there we are, climbing somewhere over 10,000 feet.....when the landing gear goes down. The noise it! And, of course, the plane lurched the minute it happened. I, obviously, am sitting there (and I know I wasn't alone) wondering why the landing gear came down when we weren't at all close to the ground. Finally, the pilot came over the intercom to tell us one of the brakes was over heated during take-off (which had me wondering why they use brakes when taking off for the rest of the flight) and the way to cool it off was to put down the landing gear. He said it was very routine and nothing to be alarmed about, but I am thinking he should have told us that BEFORE he put the landing gear down while climbing. Poor guy sitting next to me didn't speak English, so he grabs my arm and just asked over and over 'What happen? What happen?' and I am trying to explain to him we were okay....while not feeling very okay myself at the moment! The rest of the flight was fine, but I just wanted to be home after that. So I must have looked at my watch 100 times during the flight! Anyhow, so this morning's workout was a little lighter than planned. I started with Body Beast Build Chest and Tri's and, for cardio, did Cathe's Step Moves.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend! Like you, I always took the time my DH was away to readjust my diet since I only had to think about me. It has been rough these past two years because he doesn't need to travel for work anymore. So I am SO happy he is finally coming on board to healthier eating.

    Thelma, hope you had/are having a great time away and your trip wasn't impacted by the bad weather on the east coast. Hope you were able to get in some good hiking!

    Laurie, ouch on the toe!! I think it was good to take a few days off and let it heal. Glad that it doesn't appear you broke it. Love that workout you did this morning. I wanted to let you know I will be able to start P90X2 a week earlier (on Oct 2 v. Oct 9) because I cut my trip to Denver shorter than I had originally planned so will be done with Body Beast by then. But I am fine with sticking with the 9th if that works best for you. Just let me know.

    Becky, congratulations on getting ICE!! I hope you love it. I have never done a rotation just using ICE, so I don't really have recommendations for that. But the series is SO versatile, and there are so many options given the premixes Cathe included that you can pretty much make it whatever you want. I would suggest trying all the workouts as they are a couple times through (maybe doing the rotation Cathe included in her book on the series that Laurie linked above) and then playing around with the premixes. I think it is one of the best series Cathe has ever done in terms of versatility. And I like the nickname! TCC is great!! My DH was in the Air Force for 31 years and retired two years ago. We met and married in Denver.....and then the moves just kept coming. We lived in England (4 years), Germany (4 years), Italy (1 1/2 years), Seattle area (20 months), Germany again (2 places for a total of 3 years), Alaska (20 months), Los Angeles(15 months), Korea (1 year), DC (17 months) and Colorado Springs (2 years). We moved to Florida 2 years ago this past May. So we got around!! I loved it. And thank your DH for his service in the Navy.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Friday was crazy busy at work and then we went to a BBQ at one of DH's old softball buddies house. Some of the guys we hadn't seen in 10-15 yrs probably! It was super fun to see them and lots of laughs. I played co-ed with a few of them as well at that time; that was when DH and I used to play softball together. Funny how they were mostly single guys then and now married with kids.

    Weekend was good. Started out busy helping DH get ready to leave with packing, groceries and some laundry. Finished up my summer rotation of Hammer & Chisel with the 21DFX Xtreme on Friday! Didn’t workout on Saturday but Sun. was ICE BootCamp Circuit + Blizzard Blast and yesterday was Lift It HiiT It Legs, love that leg workout, today I will be doing Katy’s Insane X class, no workout this a.m. I’m going to do some RWHiiT workouts this week and see how I feel about starting a new rotation next week or the week after. Sometimes I like the Circuit style and/or workouts I haven’t done in a while before going into the next rotation. Also, if I go get my nutrition numbers/eating plan, etc that is next week and I could start my new rotation at the same time.

    Thelma: I hope you had an amazing trip over the long weekend! Sounds like it was pretty hectic and busy getting ready to leave; as it often is for vacations. Good on ya if you got up at 2:30 for a little Spinning before leaving! WOW. Makes me feel guilty hitting my snooze button today ….. or EVER!

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a wonderful trip to Colorado minus the takeoff for home. YIKES. I bet that was super scary. Excellent workouts while you were gone, does your sister have a workout room then with her weights?!! That is so awesome you are able to do that while you were there. Great job today despite the tireds getting in your 2-fer!

    Becky: Huge congrats on ordering Cath’s ICE series! I am positive it will not disappoint you. It does come with a couple suggested workout rotations with the program; another great way to find other rotations is on Cathe’s fitness forum. People sometimes design their own and share them. Since it is your first time with the program you will probably be just fine to do one of the suggested rotations and either add-on here and there or change up a workout for say one of your Yoga workouts or swimming. Sounds like you had a very nice and active weekend with all the walking! That’s a lot of miles for just a couple days. Nicely done. In answer to your question the other day about Katy. Yes, she was the instructor again for the “1000 reps” class. She actually teaches every class I attend now at the gym, just happened that way because of the time frame of when and what classes I take after work. But I don’t mind, she never disappoints. Yes, she is a drill sergeant forsure; her goal for a while was to get on with the local police force and believe me physically passed up many candidates but is still on a waitlist. Someone told me that her brother is or was a Navy Seal; hence the toughness about her growing up with a pretty intense older brother. LOL

    Laurie: OUCH on the toe. Its amazing how much a toe can hurt in any kind of injury. Probably good that you didn’t aggravate it anymore by working out on it and I am glad it’s feeling better. We were on the same wave length yesterday it sounds like. I always love that leg workout with the cardio mixed in; all those RWH workouts the format is perfect!

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ until tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I pulled out an older workout after work, I did Barry's Bootcamp 5 Day Academy Arms & Abs, that one really does a great job on burning those areas. This morning I did a youtube workout that was on the Popsugar page. It was a 30 Min. Boxing & Core workout, and it was a ton of fun.

    Laurel, Oh my word on that flight home! I have had bumpy rides, but nothing like what you experienced. That had to be a nail bitter of a landing for everyone. Great job on all the workouts, and getting in some walking time with your sister. I was glad that the toe wasn't broke also, but yesterday a hit it again, so it is sore again. I'm really a horrible klutz at times. DH and I are leaving for Iowa on Friday, so I'm going to give my toe a three day rest this weekend also. I'm good with starting on the first weekend in Oct, I have been aimlessly doing workouts this summer. If will be good to get back on a schedule.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! I seem to be on the same wavelength on the workouts with a lot of my workouts lately. Congrats on finishing your rotation, and I think the circuit workouts are a good option. I always like to do those types of workouts when I can. Like I told Laurel, I'm going to have to lay off the toe again. I can't remember what the heck I hit it on this time. I think the RWH Leg workout is one of my favorites too. I think it is because the blasts are all easy to do, and she doesn't rep it out to the point that I'm bending over trying to catch my breath before I have to pick up my weights.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Build Legs. For me, this has always been the tougher of the two Body Beast workouts, but didn't feel like that. :o I could have gone much heavier with the weight, which is crazy. We'll see how my legs feel tomorrow, and if there is no DOMS, I will definitely take it up a notch next time I do it. For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT One Doubled and Abs Two. Love that HiiT workout because it is short but seriously intense.

    Tami, sounds like a great evening last Friday. I love the opportunity to meet up with old friends. Congratulations on finishing your rotation. Sounds like a great plan for the next week or two, especially if you start a new eating plan with your rotation. My sister has a full workout area in her finished basement, so there is plenty of room to do my cardio workouts. After all the breaks from my routine these past few months, it was really nice to be able to do normal workouts while gone this time. Right now, if I have anything to say about it, I am going to stay home for a few months. Of course, knowing me, I will be restless for someplace to go by Christmas. :)

    Laurie, sorry to hear you re-injured your toe. I definitely think a few more days off over the weekend will be good for it! I will plan on October 2 to start X2 then. Yay!! I am looking forward to doing something very different right now, and X2 is definitely different.

    Becky and Thelma, hope you are well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s class was more of her usual Ab class instead of the “Impossible Numbers of Reps Class” LOL still tough with lots of burpees and another Cross Fit move added to the routine, an “inverted burpee” … handstand against the wall, step back down, crouch down and roll backwards then forward and push back into the handstand, repeat; Cardio mixed in but it was all good. This a.m. I did Cathe’s Circuit Blast, which is always a good one and tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurie: Sounds like you are getting in some good upper body with a cardio factor while your toe is still out of order. Great job!! Hopefully your toe will get better soon, so that you don’t feel it every move you make. OUCH. I agree on those cardio reps with RWH! A good amount but not over doing it so you do have energy for the weight work. Actually laughed at your description . . . often how I feel at Katy’s class! LOL

    Laurel: Outstanding job on the workouts today and great job feeling like you could have gone a lot heavier! Strength in there. Nicely done. Thanks for the kudos on finishing up and my plan for the next week! Always appreciate the encouragement. So great your sister has that. Last time at my mom’s I was eye-balling a gym nearby; if I stay a week again at some point I may by a punch card.

    Hi Thelma & Becky! :smile:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I am starting to hit the part of the semester where things get hectic (grading, meetings, kids started baseball/football, dog training classes, etc). BUT, I am not letting any of that get in the way of my workouts. Yesterday, I did a kettle bell routine along with using exercise ropes (I made up my own HIIT routine) and by the end, I was so winded. Today, I got in a 90 minute Bikram class.

    Laurie - OUCH! I hope your toe feels better. Are you able to do some back lunges, yet? I am glad you were able to do some leg workouts a few days later, though. Great job on doing the bootcamp and youtube workouts. I have never gone onto youtube for workouts, and I should. Do you recommend any? If I workout at home....I like my few Cathe videos. Thank you so much for the link to help me with the ICE series. I thought it came with something like that, so I will go through the website. I will probably do what everyone has said and just go through each video first.

    Laurel - Holy Cricket on the flight! I would have been grabbing the person's knee next to me! :# I am glad you got home safe. It would have been a nice warning by the pilot to tell you all before it happened! Geesh.....
    That is FANTASTIC that you worked out while at your sisters. So many people don't workout while they are away from home. Also, congrats on feeling like you could have gone heavier on the Body Beast leg workout. I hope DOMS didn't occur and that you can move up in weights. SWEET! It is so amazing how many places you have lived. What was your favorite?

    Tami - It sounds like it was a nice reunion with the softball buddies. Did you ever think some of the guys would grow up and get married....have kids? Some of my DH friends were so anti marriage when we met and married. Now, they are all married. HA! Great job on all your workouts. Very nice on finishing your summer rotation. I have yet to do a rotation like you all, and I bet it feels great when you finish one. I hope Katy is able to get onto the Police Dept. She sounds like a great trainer (and of course....tough).

    Thelma - I hope you are doing great.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited September 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, I had my tooth crowned after work and then I went right to my hair appointment. Got home and made dinner, so really no time to spare. Very early this morning I woke up with a sinus headache, took some meds, and went back to bed trying to get some sleep. I changed my wake up time, because I was tossing and turning for quite a while. So no workout this morning, but will be getting something in tonight. We had some flash floods again yesterday, so I know why my sinuses acted up. :#

    Laurel, Awesome workouts, and do let us know how those legs felt. Increasing that leg strength is so important to keep that body strong. I don't know how you do those HiiT workouts doubled. I feel accomplished just getting though one time. :D I feel for you on the breaks in your workout routine, I'm hoping that we start slowing down soon with our weekends. I think that we have a wedding to go to in Oct, and that is about it. Rocket keeps stepping on or licking my injured toe, so who knows how long it will take to feel 100% with his antics. :D

    Tami, Okay that confirms my belief that Katy is trying to kill you. I am not of fan of that rolling move, as you well know. Great job on the Circuit Blast workout, yes that one is a good one. I'm going to do some more upper body tonight, and save the lower body workout for Sunday when we get home. Hopefully by that time I will not be so aware of the toe. Wonder if they would give you a free week at that gym by your Mom's, sometimes they offer that just to see if you would enjoy it.

    Becky, Sounds like a busy schedule, and great job getting in that "you time" for your workouts. I think exercise is the easy thing to avoid, like I did last night. Sounds like you got in a great routine. I have been feeling the toe, and have just lowered the amount of weight on the lunges. I found myself unstable with the heavier weight. There are so many videos on youtube, I really enjoy the Popsugar site. They have some short circuit and cardio workouts. If you like dance they have those also. I like Jessica Smith's site also, she has yoga, pilates, kickboxing and walking workouts. I have a smart TV in my workout space, so it makes it nice to try out different workouts on there. I have been tempted to try Cathe's On Demand, she has some live classes that look like a lot of fun.

    Tomorrow we are leaving in the morning for another trip in the classic car, but this time we are only going about 180 miles. So hoping we don't have problems with the car on the way again. Hopefully I will have time to chat before we leave.

    Have a great day or weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today with Body Beast Build Back and Bi's. I have always loved this workout, but being able to use the Fit Tower for pull-ups really took it up to another level. So good. For cardio, I did ICE Low Impact Sweat with the Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 2. I was a little low energy (more like low motivation) this morning, so this was a perfect no-dread workout for today. Loved it!

    Tami, wow on the inverted burpee! I think I would still be stuck in some contorted position somewhere in the gym! Crazy. Circuit Blast is one of those workouts that took a few tries to grow on me, but it is such a good all-over workout packed in a short timeframe. I completely understand looking into a week at a gym next family visit. On one of our walks, my sister asked about my workout routine. She had recently tried a new stretch-based workout and said she was so sore after that she hasn't tried again. So I explained to her my whole philosophy behind strength training (good for the body) and cardio (good for the mind). But I said that, anymore, at my age, taking just a few days off is really painful on the body. It used to just be a mental thing for me wanting to workout after a few days break, but now it really has become something of a physical necessity as well. I think she was a little surprised because I suppose it is easy to think working out like I do is all about my weight or how I look......and sometimes it is still a bit. But, mostly, it is all about how it makes me feel.

    Becky, great job getting workouts in when you can. It has got to be tough with all you are balancing in life. Great job! My legs are feeling a little sore today.....but I definitely could have gone heavier in that workout yesterday. Next time!! My favorite place we lived..........all of them. Seriously. There is good and bad everywhere, but there is not one place we have lived that I don't miss. I often moan that I suffer perpetual homesickness because I've had to leave so many places that were home!

    Laurie, I hope your headache is better. I had a killer headache all day yesterday, and I have no idea why. Hopefully your weather calms down soon, especially with your drive tomorrow. Fingers crossed you make it without incident! Poor Rocket probably is trying to kiss and make your toe better!! That's sweet......except for the fact it isn't helping. :p Hopefully it gets better over the weekend. Hope you have a great time!

    Thelma, hope you are having fun!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night …. It was very full. I think people are pre-prepping for their Biggest Loser workouts that will start next week I think. Today’s workout: RWH Upper Body Circuit! Lots of fun, just like the Lower Body workout, with those cardio bursts in between it makes for a good workout. I may do something tonight when I get home …. Since I have the house to myself!

    Becky: Sounds like a very busy time for you right now and great job continuing to get in your workouts! Great job being creative with making up your own HiiT workout. WOW on the 90 min Bikram class as well today. To answer your question about the Softball guys, YES I was very shocked. They were all single at the time and now totally have families, life, etc outside of traveling and playing softball. Yes, she is a great trainer forsure and currently works in an assisted living facility. She has to be very patient and quiet all day long, so unleashes on us all in the evenings I think! LOL

    Laurie: Not fun on the tooth crown, but probably went like a breeze for you and no worries! I get myself nervous prior to those kinds of appts. Hopefully tonight you will be able to get something in. Funny you mention about that move at Katy’s class; in my description I almost said “Similar to the Cardio Core Circuit workout” -- thanks for the suggestion on the gym near my mom’s house. Maybe I will research that a little bit prior to when I go. Nothing in the books right now at all but will definitely go for a visit sometime. Have a fun road trip, hope the weather is decent for you!

    Laurel: Sounds like a perfect and still tough workout you put together! Great job, with the low motivation it sounds like you made it work for you especially if your legs were feeling it too. I am always surprised at myself that I can do these things and others (half my age) are not able to do the handstand at all. Makes me feel a little better about what I am doing correctly in the way of fitness when I am hard on myself. LOL I absolutely agree on the “physical necessity”; if I miss too many days or not enough “intensity” here and there I can feel the difference. Gotta just keep at it every day . . . absolutely changes my mindset and day; which is why I struggle with my “missed workouts”.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! Today's workout started with Body Beast Build Shoulders. For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme premix. Love that one!

    Tami, sounds like people are getting back into their spinning routine and gearing up for autumn/winter by getting back in the gym. Sometimes not having to fight for a bike probably is nice, but I imagine the energy of having more people there is good too. I absolutely love that RWH Upper Body Circuit workout. I think if I had to pick a fave from the RWH series, I would be torn between LIHI Legs and Upper Body Circuit. I am hoping to get both workouts in more often when Laurie and I get into X2. The nice thing about X2 not being so strength-based is it does allow for more Cathe strength add-ons. Going from Body Beast to H&C to STS back to Body Beast this year has me missing some of my Cathe strength training favorites, that's for sure. I can't imagine why you would ever be hard on yourself for your fitness!! You amaze me, you really do. But I also understand. I will admit that over the past several months....I have been getting down on myself for some things (like my chicken wing arms!) that really are just a sign of aging. Sometimes I need to take a step back and look at where I am at 51 compared to where I was 10, 20 and even 30 years ago.....and get some perspective.

    Enjoy the weekend!!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good Morning TCC - It's been a really good week. Since my last check in, I did Bikram Yoga, Interval Training, weight training and have walked about 35 miles (I was in another fit bit challenge). I want to take a rest day today because yesterday was a 17 mile day with weight training, but I feel so good! I am going to see how my body feels because I'd like to start the ICE series tonight when my DH leaves for work. Also, I have lost more weight. Very excited!

    Questions for the group: Each of you seem to be in such great shape, so what are your current goals? Is there something you are trying to improve, or are you at a maintain place in your fitness life? I guess we are always trying to improve, so it may be a silly question. Also, do any of you pay for Cathe's website to have access to her live workouts?

    Laurel: I love it that you still workout while having low energy. I look forward to trying the ICE Low Impact Sweat workout. Great job on doing Body Beast with the tower. It's great that you are liking the new equipment and how it is pushing you more. From your post to Tami - you are SO incredibly fit. Please don't get down on yourself, but I can understand it happening. It's hard for me to accept that some exercises cannot be done by me anymore due to my body not being 20 anymore (running is one of them......I will hobble around the house for days afterwards and in a lot of pain). My kids don't understand that I can't do everything they can, and that really bites. To help with are in better shape than most of my 20 year old students. Be proud of where you are in your fitness......I am sure your arms look amazing! :)

    Tami - I bet you have really strong legs with all the spin classes you do. Great job on getting that in and doing the body circuit. Do you like it when spin classes have more people? It probably helps increase the energy and motivation in the room.

    Laurie - ugghhhh on getting a crown.....I need to go get one and am avoiding it (which is dumb). Hopefully your mouth isn't sore anymore. I hope you are feeling better; sinus headaches are HORRIBLE. Also, keep taking care of your toe. Put some tobasco on it so Rocket stops licking it. HA! :p Thanks for the suggestion on the youtube site of Popsugar. I tried my first youtube workout yesterday while at the YMCA (I just put it on my phone) and it was decent. I would prefer a little more intense than what I did, but I was sweating afterwards.

    Thelma - Miss you! I hope you are enjoying your time with your sisters (I think this is where you are this week).

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies ....I did the ICE kickboxing workout last night. I had to modify the high impact parts, but I really enjoyed it. I am doing Cathe's recommended cycle #1 for the series. I think tonight is chest and upper body.

    Have a great Sunday.