Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm baaack! We had an amazing vacation. It was so much fun and the weather was perfect. My nieces are teens the oldest is 17 1/2 and the youngest is 15+. The oldest is a drama queen but funny. DH was a trooper with all those females! LOL. He surprised me by renting a Ford Expedition! That thing is huge! I thought he was kidding when he pointed at the SUV at the airport. He said he wanted to make sure we were all comfortable and now that I'd gotten used to an SUV he didn't want me to go through withdrawals! So before we left the airport we pulled a prank on my sister and the girls and told them we'd rented a Prius so we could all be as close as possible! LOL. Every red Prius they saw they thought it was us. When we pulled up in the driveway next to our cabin they didn't even look our way! LOL
    We did two zip lining tours each with 11 zip lines! The first one was good and not as physically demanding as the second one BUT on the first one we had to repel down from two very high platforms. That was kind of scary but I did it. My niece on the other hand had a hard time with it. BTW, we made my sister do the zip line tour! This is a woman who never exercises. Her abs were sore for 5 days! If you don't make the platform you're going to you have to turn your back to the platform and hold on to the zip line, then bring out your inner sloth (we were told by the guide) and start pulling ourselves to the platform till we were close enough to the guide to reach for our harness. THAT was really hard for my sister hence the sore abs. She only did that once!
    The second tour DH and I did was much harder and I burned 700 calories in the 3 1/2 hours the tour took. In this tour we had to bring out our inner sloth 11 times! There was no other way to get to the platform unless you pulled yourself back. The first line I had been given a tether that was way too long for me so it was like pulling dead weight! My arms were exhausted and shaken by the time I got to the platform. I was then given a short tether that had to be shortened further for little short me! Not only am I short I didn't weight enough to get as close to the platform as others could even when I tried to make myself as aerodynamic as possible! So much for losing weight! Anyway, once I had the short tether things got easier.

    I did get up to ride the spinning bike at 2:30 am! We exercised every day we were in NC by either hiking or zip lining but took Friday off when we returned home. Saturday we were both on mega lazy mode. DH never gets in lazy mode but he was lazy on Saturday! I walked for 1/2 hour on the treadmill and today I rode the spinning bike. Guess what ladies? I was the skinny sister! My sister has gained weight so that helped! She did comment on how skinny I was though. At least I am thinner than the last time she saw me.

    Laurie, sorry about your toe and your headache. I hope you're doing better and that the car cooperated on your way to/from the car show. Great workouts too!

    Becky, congrats on the additional weight loss, getting Cathe's ICE program and starting it too! Rock'm Sock'm is a favorite of everyone in this group. So glad you enjoyed it too! You're doing great with the workouts! I can't believe you walked 14-15 miles in one weekend! Awesome job! So glad your knee is doing better since you started lifting weights! So far I haven't been told I need knee surgery. I hope I never need it.

    Laurel, amazing workouts as always! You rock lady! OMG! What a scary flight back home! Thank God the worst thing that happened to me were these two older women sitting behind us not shutting up the entire flight on the way to NC. So much for sleeping! Thank God you made it home safely! I'm glad you had a good weekend in CO with your sisters. Good for you for working out while you were there.
    That Fit Tower really makes a world of difference when it comes to pull ups. I think the one workout I did using the tower helped me with my "inner sloth"!
    Laurel, I totally understand the need to workout for physical health. Working out is a matter of health for me too.

    Tami, great workouts and congrats for finishing up your rotation!! Don't feel guilty about hitting the snooze button! You workout twice a day and I only once a day so I HAD to get up that early! Glad you had so much fun at that BBQ with your husband's friends.
    I feel bad already for the Biggest Loser newbies next week taking Katy's class! OUCH!!!

    I will start my Body Beast hybrid rotation tomorrow. I'm not as organized about the rotation as I usually am which is stressing me out but for now I'll just worry about tomorrow's workout

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Welcome back, Thelma! I am SO glad you had a great time. That zip line tour sounds like so much fun. I love that you are the "skinny" sister.....too funny and it's also fabulous! WOOOHOOOO!!! WOW on repelling......I am not sure I can do that, but I really want to try. Your vacation sounds like it was fun to see family and a wonderful adventure. I bet the SUV was nice and comfy for everyone. I bet hiking was beautiful in NC. I haven't been back east much, and that is one state that I'd love to see. Were you near the coast at all? YIKES on getting up at 2:30am! WOW.......I hope you got some sleep while you were there. ;)

    Last night, I did the 2nd day of the rotation in the ICE series - Chiseled Upper body. It was definitely not advanced as compared to my other Cathe dvds, but I AM SORE IN MY BACK! Holy cricket, my back is sore (but in a great way). The moves in the video are simple but different than what I normally do. Today is a rest day, so I will hopefully get a yoga class in.

    I hope everyone else has a great day.....and again....welcome back Thelma.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very enjoyable time at the car show, but it is really nice to be home. No workouts all weekend, but I did do a lot of walking. This morning I did Jillian's Killer Body Toned Back, Shoulders & Arms. She does a back lunge in this workouts, so I know that my toe is good to go with other workouts.

    Laurel, Of course great job on the workouts, love that you followed the low energy day with an intense workout on the next day. Our weather right now is beautiful with temps in the 70's, so we really are into the fall type of temps right now. I really love the beginning of the fall season, just am not that excited about cleaning up the yard with all the leaves and walnuts that will be dropping out of the trees. :p

    Tami, Nice job on the workouts, those RWH workouts are so good. Have to agree with Laurel on the RWH being a great set also. I think ICE and RWH are similar in my all time faves, well except for maybe those Plyo workouts in RWH. :D Yes that CCC move is my favorite! :s NOT! Enjoy the added workout time that you will have now that your DH is off working on his fishing tours. Hope those classes get back to a little "normalcy" after a while. My tooth was just getting the new crown on, so it was super simple and I didn't even need it numbed. But I am having problems with another tooth, so I'm sure that I will be in to see him again sometime in the future. When my teeth start having problems with hot and cold, I know what is coming.

    Becky, Great job on your workouts, and getting in all those miles. That amount is really awesome. The ICE kickboxing workout is one of my favs, and the premixes are really good when you are short on time also. Congrats on the weight loss also. My goals are still to lose that last 10lbs that everyone seems to have, and improve my waistline. I'm in menopause and did gain a little weight, so of course it seems to have gone right to my midsection. :( So more concentration on my eating, and with starting the P90X2 rotation in Oct, will be more consistent in getting in my workouts. Really want the wedding pictures to look good next year.

    Thelma, Sounds like you had a great vacation, and got in a lot of exercise. I can understand why you and your DH took Saturday off, you both had to have been going non stop with movement. Great job getting in some workouts this weekend also. Nice that your family did some of the zip lines also, but sure sounds like you had to work pretty hard on the abs. I'm sure that you where super happy that you had that strength in your arms and core to do all that during your vacation.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. We had a nice weekend here. Got back on the golf course yesterday, and it felt so good to be back outside walking fine fairways again. It has only been two weeks since we golfed, but with the trip in between, it felt like forever.

    DH was gone on Saturday so instead of my usual day off from workouts, I pressed forward with my Body Beast rotation. So Saturday was Build Shoulders followed by Turbo Fire 60. <3 Sunday was Bulk Chest, Cathe's Athletic Step and the core from Cathe's MMA Boxing. Today was Bulk Back followed by Cathe's original IMAX workout. Such an oldie, but so good! And with three weeks left before starting X2, I have decided to try to do some core work in preparation, so I pulled out 10 Minute Abs Chisel from H&C. One of the best core workouts out there for 10 minutes, that's for sure.

    Becky, wow on the walking!! That is a lot of miles!! Sounds like your body is responding to it well, though, with the increased energy and weight loss!! Congratulations on that. Glad you are enjoying ICE. Like Thelma and Laurie, that Kickboxing workout is one of my favorites. I agree with what you said about Upper Body Circuit. When I first did it, I was surprised by the intensity level. But I have done it a few times now. My favorite way of using it is as an add-on to a heavier upper body workout because the ICE workout hits completely different muscles than the heavier workouts do (like your back!). I could really feel that when I did it with fatigued larger muscle groups. Thanks for all your kind words about my fitness insecurities. I really try hard not to get down on myself, but sometimes...... :/ . I am much better about that now than I was when I was younger, though, that's for sure. You ask a good question about fitness goals! I would say I am, in large part, in a maintenance place in my life, but at the same time, I continually work at improving my strength and cardio endurance. I admit, though, I don't have a long-term fitness goal (like running a marathon or anything like that). Maybe I should!! :p I will have to think about that.....

    Thelma, sounds like a fantastic vacation!! Wow, you have become quite a pro at zip-lining!! Sounds like so much fun....,and lots of work. I bet it was nice to hear the compliments from your sister on your weight loss. I know you mentioned not too long ago that you always think about your weight when visiting your sister. You have been working so hard so you should feel good! That's a funny story about the SUV, but it bet it was more comfortable to ride in......especially more comfortable than all of you in a Prius! My nieces are 13 and 15, and it has been so fun to spend as much as I have with them this summer, but I hear you on the drama queen. :o My oldest niece is similar.....but she has a heart of gold and I love her to bits!!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed the time away. But routine is good too! Great job getting back to the workouts, and I am glad your toe seems to be healed. Oh boy......I would love your weather right now. As I have said before, this is the time of year Florida starts getting on my nerves because I want to feel the hint of a change from hot and humid......but we are a long way away from that! We are lucky right now to get below 80 at night, but at least we have a couple nights now. When I was in CO, I could see the first leaves changing, and I enjoyed that hint of autumn so much. But.....I don't have to take them! Or shovel snow. B)

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice weekend at home…. DH was actually able to come home for the weekend because he was FREE of trips and rather than stay there he came home. He is having a hard time but usually does right when he starts his season of “being motivated” …. Fishing is a little slower the first week but this week should be better and next week it will be non-stop for him; so the extra rest in his own bed vs. the trailer he really appreciated. I did pull out STS Total Body in the afternoon on Saturday, I went into work in the early a.m. and when I got home I was craving my workout; really glad I got it in. DH was busy cleaning his boat and doing some things so I took advantage of more time. Yesterday I did the Plyo HiiT #1 Premix (which is back-to-back of Plyo HiiT #1) …. Really enjoy that workout. Tonight I am headed to Katy’s BootCamp after work if I can leave on time. Super busy today. If not, I will head home and workout. :smile:

    Laurel: Fantastic job with the workouts (as always), YOWSA! I bet the golfing felt amazing since you missed out a couple of weeks. Sounds like you are getting all prepared for X2 soon! So fun. Yes, people are getting geared back into the gym and it is nice having a full spin class for the energy forsure. I agree on those RWH Upper & Lower Body Circuit workouts; this week I am doing a few more from RWH and then into my next rotation. Thank You so much for the compliment on my fitness. I think lately with Katy’s classes being set up to “not finish” I still have that competitiveness enough to still want to try. Maybe that’s why, not sure why I have been harder on myself … maybe aging as well like you say. SIGH But I do try to take a step back and realize I am doing more than a lot of people my age or half my age. LOL

    Becky: Sounds like you are really doing well with all your workouts and the mileage!!! Way to work lady. Congrats on starting up your ICE series. I think you will love the program. Great job starting out with the KB workout and modifying where you needed. That is a fun workout forsure! I would say my legs are definitely strong from all the cycling, between years of Spinning and then cycling on my own in the summertime. They don’t seem to change “shape” much which is good as far as not getting bulky; some people think cycling can do that but I think with everything else I do they just remain “in shape” LOL Definitely when the class is fuller it provides more energy to the group; funny how that works. Even Katy comments on it.

    Laurie: Glad you had a nice time at the car show. I bet all the walking felt great since you weren’t able to work out. Often when I have been gone and I get to at least do that I feel a little better. Great job getting right back in it this a.m. Yes, I will be able to get in some “at home” workouts in on Thurs. forsure which will be great!
    Thelma: Welcome Back! Sounds like a super fun and active trip! Way to go. You are so funny about me and the “feeling guilty” comment. I appreciate that. But still …… 2:30 a.m. for your workout before you left. You are a STAR! I feel bad for the Biggest Loser peeps too. They all get a little shell shocked when they arrive for the first time.

    Have a great evening ladies – Talk to you tomorrow~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies and hellooooo Sagi!!! I started my Body Beast Advanced hybrid rotation with ICE Total Metabolic warm up, BB Total Body and BB Abs. I don't think I'd ever done BB Total Body before because I didn't have a workout sheet for it so no baseline. I loved the workout! It was such a great workout. For this rotation I only included BB and chose the advanced level so the rotation is based on the Bulk phase and it includes Total Body and Lucky 7 which is another one I've not done before. As the you know the bulk phase workouts are pretty short so the Body Beast Abs workout is included almost every day which is good.
    I used the tower for the pull ups. What a difference from doing pull ups with the tubing.

    Becky, great job with those workouts!
    I was so excited about being the skinny sister. The SUV was comfortable for sure. Hiking was nice and lots of trails. I finally was able to sleep in NC.

    Laurie, so glad you had an enjoyable time at the car show! Walking counts as a workout! Great job with that Killer Body workout! Glad your toe is better!

    We definitely had a great vacation with lots of exercise included. I thought my abs were going to be sore after the sloth routine but they weren't. I sure was happy about the upper body and core strength.

    Laurel, I'm glad you had a good weekend and played golf too! WOW on those weekend workouts! You were on FI-YA! Great job!

    I am sure becoming a pro at zip-lining. I told DH that zip lining was as adventurous as I get so not sure what else we can do. It really was nice to hear compliments from my sister on my weight loss. I told her it was thanks to a lot of exercising. The prius thing was funny and we were all thankful to have a big vehicle. I also loved spending time with my nieces. I taught Amanda how to make an apple pie a few years ago and she never tried to make one. She asked me to make one with her again and promised to have all the ingredients. First their cabin didn't have an oven and she hadn't noticed that! She didn't have a pie dish and didn't buy sugar! She also forgot the apple corer! Thankfully my cabin had an oven and a pie dish! The cabins had small boxes of sugar packets so we ended up opening what seemed like 100 sugar packets! We even had to borrow sugar from one of the other guests! LOL. Too funny! I wish I could spend more time with my nieces and my sister.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend! Glad you got to see your DH during the weekend! You really should feel great about your fitness level. Kelly is a killer instructor. I definitely couldn't survive one of her classes.
    Thanks so much on the "STAR" complement. You really think the BL peeps get shell shocked? I think they get traumatized for life! LOL

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited September 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work. Can tell that school is back in session, the traffic was a nightmare yesterday. I will have to get used to the difference, and make sure that I adjust my route. I have no patience for sitting in a line waiting for a traffic light. I got home late, so had to start dinner prep. Tried the skinnytaste recipe for Turkey burgers, and those are really delish. This morning was Jillians Killer Body Lower. Don't know if I will be able to get something in, we are going out to celebrate DH's best friends birthday. If I can get home early, I'm sure I can get something in. ;)

    Laurel, Great workouts you did this weekend! I always enjoy having that time by myself to get my workouts in. I think that this is the first weekend DH and I will be home in a couple of weeks. So like you, it really seems like a long time since I have had a Saturday to just do what I want to do for workouts. I know that I will not be enjoying golf courses, but housework will be my priority. Having been gone for two weekends, things have gotten out of control in the house. ;) I'm doing these Jillian workouts because of the core work in each one. Even though they say upper & lower, she puts in moves to work the core also. The farmers almanac says that we are suppose to get a lot of snow this winter, so we will see.

    Tami, So understand the super busy at work, good job getting in all those workouts. You and Laurel are crazy with your double HiiT workouts. Glad to hear that your DH had an opportunity to sleep in his own bed for a weekend, those camper beds are so tough to sleep in. I have such a hard time with the length of those beds, they are always to short. The weather in Iowa was really nice, but dang it was windy. Guess there really isn't to many trees to hold that wind back a little. :D

    Thelma, Nice job with starting your BB rotation, I'm sure that you will be having more strength gains this round too. Very glad to hear that you are taking advantage of your new tower. Really does make a difference from the bands.

    Have a great day,

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. Started the day with Bulk Legs, which was a great way to start the day. For cardio, I started with the warm up and Blizzard Blast from Rock'm Sock'm then went right into the cardio sections of Kick, Punch and Crunch. So much fun!

    Tami, I bet spending some time with your DH was nice this weekend. Great job getting some workouts in too! I can see where the philosophy of Katy's 'not finish' workouts would be somewhat troubling. I hadn't really thought about it until you mentioned it.....but it would bother me not to step across a 'finish line'. I have that issue with Insanity Max 30 where Shaun T. is always saying 'I want you to max out and stop when you need to!' Well, I have never let myself 'max out' in those workouts, but they are doable and meant to be finished. But some of the ones Katy has developed recently (like that 100 reps one or whatever it was!) aren't. So I can see where these 'impossible' workouts might leave you feeling things are less than complete. But I have NO doubt you are one of the last ones standing, and I hope you can celebrate that.

    Thelma, love that BB Total Body workout. It packs so much in a short time, and even is a bit cardio because it moves so fast. Hope you enjoy this rotation. I am anxious to hear how you like the Lucky 7 workout! That is so funny about the apple pie! The mental image of all those sugar packs...... :p . That is funny!! But I bet it tasted good!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the traffic issues. Seems like everybody is getting back on schedule again, which isn't always a good thing. Sounds like the Jillian workouts will be a good prep for the X2 workouts. I am really looking forward to doing X2 again. It is so different from anything else I have done this year, and I think my body will welcome the change. I saw that the Farmer's Almanac predicted a lot of snow for the north this winter. No fun. We are supposed to be unseasonably warm this winter......again. Sigh. Was really hoping not to have the AC on when putting up the Christmas tree this year but.... :/ . Thanks for the recipe. I am going to try that one!

    Becky, hope you are well.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ So I ended up missing BootCamp last night, worked until 5:30 and still left a stack on my desk. I just had to get some reports out for my own mental being ….. so I headed home and did RWH Chest/Shoul/Tris workout, right at around 40 min but some good strength there. This a.m. was KCM Kickboxing. Lots of fun! It’s been a while since I have been able to fit in a KC workout, so I enjoyed it. Tonight I will go to Katy’s class for Insane-X and head home. The dogs are so anxious to see me when I get home. Poor little kids.

    Laurel: Way to go on the workouts today ~ sounds like a perfect combo! Thank you so much for your understanding and wise words on my “being hard on myself moment(s)” and relating to that feeling with ST’s Max 30 (felt the same way as you on those by the way); I’m going to finish, not max out! LOL I do celebrate my effort forsure and I am sure if anyone asked her about it, including myself she would definitely give us a high 5 and feel bad that anyone was being hard on themselves. I’m just naturally that way. Sad but true!

    Thelma: Your workout this a.m. sounds fantastic!! Way to go. The tower makes all the difference I think! So much tougher than the band, great work! Laughing so hard when I read your comment about Katy actually traumatizing the newbies. She never wants to do that, but I believe it does happen; hence many new peeps never come back ….. EVER.

    Laurie: I know what you mean about traffic. For a small area that I live in our traffic is awful; year round really anymore. There is a light right near my house (the last one of several) that I go through and it was frozen on RED. Seriously; several of us finally took a parking lot entrance right and went around an entire block to get past. It was craziness! I did see traffic moving from that direction so it must have finally changed. Yikes! Thanks for posting that recipe …. I will check it out. I have that cookbook!! Did you see there is another SkinnyTaste cookbook for slow cookers coming out in October?!! Might be on my list to get. Great job getting in JM Killer Body Lower. Prepping that core! Sounds like a great plan.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did ICE Low Impact Sweat w/u, BB Bulk Legs, Stretch. Sagi kicked my butt tonight! WOW! I'd forgotten how hard this leg workout was! I lifted the weights I did at the end of my first BB rotation so I was happy I could still lift my highest weights from before.
    A strange thing about my new hybrid, bulk rotation. It only has the leg workout once during the 8 weeks the rotation yet the Total Body workout may be in twice a week! So I will do legs instead of the second Total Body workout

    Laurie, great job getting a workout in this morning. I hear you with the traffic! I've left my house later than normal this week and OMG I couldn't even get out of my own driveway! I hope I gain more strength with this rotation too!

    Laurel, what a great combo! Not sure how you could move after the leg workout which I did today too. I'll let you know how I like the Lucky 7 workout. I think it's 24 minutes as
    That apple pie with my niece was something out of a comedy show!.

    Tami, great job with your workouts! Sorry you missed your class last night due to work.
    Did you ever do the BB Total Body DVD? Hard but wonderful!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited September 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice time with DH's friends last night. I am usually the only woman, since all of DH's friends are single. Yes ALL of his friends, that he has known since he was in his 20's, have never been married. Now two of them have girlfriends, but they will never get married. They are really nice guys, but do have some quirks that I don't think some women can get past. ;) This morning I did a new workout that is metabolic called MetaShred Six Pack Superset. These workouts have no warm up or cool down, so you really need to do all that by yourself. These would be good as add-ons to other workouts. The workout is 30 min., and it flew by. You are doing a lower body exercise for 60 sec, and then you do a 30 sec core exercise. Actually found the instructor funny, and the workout was really effective. So for me two thumbs up on the first workout.

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts! That had to be fun combining that blizzard blast and KPC, because I really do love that warm up from Rock'm Sock'm. I'm going through all my workouts that I have not tried in a while, and of course like today haven't tried. Think I will find some really good metabolic type workouts doing this. I was reading the reviews of X2 at 2Lazy4Gym's web page, and those warm-ups sound like they really would get boring quick. I am planning on doing the warm-ups from the ICE series, Muscle Meltdown and then the X2 workout. I think that you had mentioned that option at one point in our conversations. From reading the descriptions, the warm ups sound like they could possibly make me dread the workout. :D Sometimes reading 2lazy4gyms web page can be dangerous, because her reviews of Metashred are the reason I tried one this morning.

    Tami, Funny thing is I have that RWH workout scheduled for tonight, and KCM's kickboxing workout for tomorrow morning, so we really are on the same wave length. ;) You wouldn't be considering doing Gym Style workouts next week by chance? :o Sorry to hear that you got caught in traffic also, but yours sounds way more painful to endure. I did see that she has a new cookbook coming out, that is another thing that I seem to collect are cookbooks. I can sit and "read" a cookbook just like I read a novel. ;) My DH doesn't understand how I can do that, but then I refer to his parts books for his cars and then he understands. He doesn't complain to much about my books, because he gets to eat what a cook from them.

    Thelma, Very nice that you could lift your ending weight on the leg workout, that had to make you feel great! Sounds like a solid plan to sub the leg workout for one of the Total Body, after all Sagi does say you need strong legs. :D Sounds like we all had traffic nightmares this week. If they are driving like this now, then it makes me scarred how they will react to the first snow fall. :/

    Becky, Hope your week is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Ladies. I started my workout today with Bulk Arms. I was struggling through the first set of biceps but once I got into it, it felt great. I followed it with 10 Min Abs Hammer, which I enjoy. For cardio, it was another oldie......Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio. I have found myself reaching for that one more over the past couple of years than I had probably in the decade previous to that, but I think the combo of non-step and step cardio appeals to me whereas before I probably would have settled on an all-step workout. I was a drenched mess at the end of it I am definitely getting a good workout with it!

    Tami, hope things as work settle down soon for you. Sounds like good workouts last night and this morning, though! About being hard on yourself.......I used to be accused of being a perfectionist, which I am not at all. I am not remotely detail-oriented enough to be a perfectionist! But what I refer to myself as anymore is a serial completionist. I don't even think that is a word or a 'thing', but I am compulsive about finishing things like books (even if I don't like them) and such.....and workouts definitely fall into that category! I kind of laugh at myself about it now....and keep pushing to the end of whatever I am doing!

    Thelma, great workout! My legs always feel these Body Beast Leg workouts. Hope you are not feeling it too much today, though. That is weird about the rotation only including it once, though. I prefer to workout my legs more than that, even with the Total Body workout that often. But my legs need a lot of work!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your evening and had some female companionship. Yay for trying MetaShred! I have seen those workouts as well, and they look really good. I have read quite a few reviews on 2Lazy's site. I also read the reviews of a guy who site is Dysfunctional Parrot. He is a pretty funny guy actually. He did a review of MetaShred recently which was an interesting read. I am curious to hear more about it. I almost bought 22MHC (again) but am leaning towards trying T25 (again) with X2......and then adding 22MHC later. You are spot on about the warm ups in X2. If I were to describe them, it would be 'long and annoying'. They are definitely effective warm ups, but at about 15 minutes long--much of which is stretching (which I prefer after a workout instead of before)--I can definitely think of better ways to use my workout time. I would suggest giving one a try to see how it feels. They aren't all the same, so maybe on the day we do Plyocide or something more intense like that you could give it a try--just to see about it. But I think you will be plenty warm if you do a shorter ICE warm-up and a Muscle Meltdown.

    Becky, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Well last night was another “non-finisher” class for us. It was 40 reps of: Box Jumps, Run around the facility, 40 push-ups, run, 40 squat jumps, run, 40 pull-ups, run, 40 push-ups, run, 40 burpees, run, 40 deadlifts (HEAVY), run, 40 sit-ups with weight ball and throw against wall, run. There were a couple more. So YOWSA! I had 3 different “sets” left on my list when she called time. A lady i know was there for the first time and said to me after .... "that was the worst first day ever!!" I started laughing. I don't know if she will be back or not, we will see. I just kept Tony Horton’s motto going throughout: “Do your best and forget the rest” ~ It helped! LOL Headed to Spinning tonight.

    Thelma: Fabulous job with your workout last night! Sounds like your legs really got a workout. Good choice I say on adding in legs more than what is on there. I think I did do the BB Total Body workout and I really liked it.

    Laurel: Sounds like another fantastic combo for you today! Great workout ….. WOW!!!! Yes, everyone here is secretly hoping for the “calm” although when that happens it is usually too calm in this business. Feast or famine. Although today I did get my inbox caught up, so that felt great. Still LOTS to do but not all the pressing reports people are waiting on. Love the term: “serial completionist” not perfection but always finish! I can relate in SO many ways to that. As we've talked. :blush:

    Laurie: Good to hear you had a nice time last night. Funny about DH’s friends being single; probably do have some quirks if they have never and not planning on getting married. But marriage is not for everyone ….. Sounds like a pretty fun new workout you did this a.m. Great job! That is funny about our minds thinking alike so much this last week. I don’t have Gym Style on my mind for next week. LOL I am the same way with cookbooks and I know I inherited it from my mom. She will sit for hours and go through cookbooks sometimes. I’m not that bad, but I do enjoy them.

    Hi Becky!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good evening TCC Ladies (please read the following comment in a joking and loving manner.....also, imagine the movies where someone is yelling at another person....and this other person's hair is blowing back from all the yelling).
    MY TUSH IS SCREAMING AT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU FOR TELLING ME TO GET THE ICE SERIES!!! I just finished the mat routine for glutes and legs and OH MY GOSH.....MY BUTT!

    So.......I absolutely love all the routines I have done so far. Monday was a rest day on the rotation, so I got a Bikram yoga class in. Yesterday, I did the Metabolic Total Body and it is my favorite so far. Today was the mat one (as I previously yelled about). HA! Each of these are "simple" for Cathe workouts, but they are so efficient and effective. I am very grateful that you all recommended the series as the first to buy.

    Lots to catch up on....
    Tami - Great job on doing all your workouts (Plyo Hiit, STS, non finisher, RWH and Kickboxing). I have said it before and will say it again....that non finisher class sounds amazing, crazy and tough. It is so impressive that you do this. If I may ask, what does your DH do? I absolutely love to fish and you mentioned that he was able to be home and fishing was slow.

    Laurie - Glad to hear that your toe is doing better and were able to do back lunges. Thanks for sharing the skinny taste website. For MetaShred Six Pack Superset, do you have a dvd for this or did you find it on YouTube? Sounds like a great workout to do in if pressed for time.

    Laurel - So glad you were able to play some golf. I hope you had a good game and didn't "lose" any clubs in the lakes. ;) As always, great job on the combination of workouts you did. I am interested in your Bulk Leg workout (which I think everyone in this group has mentioned) mention it a lot and it's my favorite body part to work out on. I like your suggestion of adding on some of the ICE routines with heavier workouts. These are working different muscles, which is great.

    Thelma - Great job on starting your new rotation. It sounds very intense and fun. I like how you are incorporating different workouts into this rotation (ICE low impact with BB). Are you sore doing this rotation? Hopefully've done so much before the new rotation. I love the apple pie story with your niece.....that will be a good story to tell her kids one day. How did it turn out?

    I am sorry that I am not staying up with writing every day.....I hope everyone is doing great (sounds like you all are doing well).

    Have a great Thursday.
    Becky - the one with the sore/weak tush
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body w/u, BB Bulk Arms, BB Abs, Stretch. I'm SOOOOO excited to tell you that I went up on weights for this Arms workout from my last ending weight earlier in the year. I went up at least 2.5% on all exercises. I really like this arm workout. My arms were pretty fatigued and because I was lifting heavier I had to go slower than the boys. This is amazing. I was laughing at the baby weights I did when I first started BB in the beginning of the year.

    Laurie, glad you had a good time with your DH's friends. I would say those unmarried guys have something women can't get passed!
    I am definitely happy about the strength I've gained/kept and will definitely do legs every week.

    Laurel, wonderful combo today!!! I didn't struggle through the fist curl reps and the warm up on the Chiseled Upper Body does arms and triceps with lite weights for the warm up. I did struggle on the heavy set toward the end of the first heavy set because I'd reached for failure so had to assist myself with the other hand toward the end of the set.On the second set I reduced my heavy weight by 1/2 lb and it was better.
    My legs were feeling yesterday's workout but nothing that prevented me from walking or going up/down stairs. Every once in a while I'd feel a little soreness in the inner thighs, glutes and hams. All good stuff.

    Tami, another killer Katy workout! I meant to say last night that Katy is a killer instructor and I just noticed that I typed Kelly! LOL
    That poor lady saying Katy's workout was the "worst first day ever!". Let us know if that was her first and last day!
    My legs got an amazing workout the other night and tonight my arms! I will definitely add legs once a week during this rotation. I noticed that Gina the skinny taste lady is coming up with a new cookbook. If the slow cooker book includes InstantPot recipes I will have to get the book. I can't say I read cookbooks like a regular book but I do spend a long time looking at the recipes and putting little bookmarks on the recipes I would like to make so I don't forget which ones I liked!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I was able to get in RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and then added on Turbo Fire HiiT 15. Good way to end the day. This morning was 30MTF Kickboxing Premix #4.

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts, and good job getting through the first set of biceps. Is that MIC workout the only one that she has done that way with step & Hi/lo? I think that SJP is the closest to being like that workout. Thank you on the information on the warm ups! I'm planning to go through the workouts as is for the first week, and then after that I should have a good idea which ones that I can change the warm up's for. Plyocide is probably going to be the one that I choose, just by reading the descriptions. Those are the two reviewers that I tend to read a lot, just love the dysfunctional parrots humor, and 2Lazy gives such detailed information. I didn't realize that DP has a review up for the MetaShred workout, I will have to look at that. I have to admit that I was a little sore this morning in areas that the RWH and TF probably wouldn't hit.

    Tami, Wow on that class, I know I could never finish something like that. Feel for that lady attending her first class and getting that type of workout. If that was me, and it was a DVD, that would be in my dread pile. Oh ya, right where CCC is! :D That is the best Tony saying, and really does stick in your head when trying to complete a difficult workout. Yesterday I got in 15,000 steps, and 10K of those where at work! I could have stayed late, but I just had to get out of the building.

    Becky, :D I'm so glad that you are enjoying those ICE workouts, and go ahead and yell at us all you want. To the Mat has some dread factor for me, just because it is really good for getting those muscles that you don't hit in a weight workout. I also love Metabolic Total Body the most out of all the workouts. If you like that one then, she has more of those type available. I have tried a lot of the recipes from the skinnytaste web page, and have not found one that hasn't been tasty. The MetaShred is a DVD series that I have had for a while, and saw it on the shelf. I'm going to try workout 2 tomorrow morning. There are 9 workouts, and you do three of the workouts in a week. So about every other day you do one of these workouts, then start all over if you want to.

    Thelma, Congrats on the strength gain! A true testament to how you can improve by following DVD's. I sometimes have to do one of my Jillian workouts, just to use my baby weights a little more often. She likes to rep you out, so you really do need to use those. I do believe that the skinnytaste cookbook includes instructions for instantpot and slow cooker. She has been including those types of instruction on some of the recipes on her web page also. I'm thankful for that, because I'm going to wait until that item gets reduced in price again on Amazon. I have received two gift cards from work, and those are going toward that purchase.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in today as I am headed out soon to get my hair de-aged. :) But I got some good workouts in this morning to start my day. The first part of the workout was Bulk Shoulders, which I absolutely love. I was even able to take the weight up a bit which is always good for me since my shoulders aren't the strongest thing on my body. For cardio, I did Cathe's Greatest Hits workout, which is always fun for me.

    Tami, that workout sounds brutal! I would have to agree with that newbie's comment because she must have been thinking to herself 'what did I do to deserve this?' But I bet it felt great once you recovered.

    Becky, you had me laughing out loud!! Sorry about the sore backside!! I am so happy you are enjoying the ICE series. I agree that the workouts are more simple than some of Cathe's others.....and there are more chances to catch your breath than in some of her other workouts.....but they are still so good. The Bulk Legs workout is one of the leg workouts in the Body Beast series I am doing (and now Thelma is doing). Really heavy and really basic weight training for the legs. Such good stuff! I didn't lose any golf clubs in the water this weekend. Can't say the same about some golf balls though.......but I can't blame tired arms for that. Just bad golf. :p

    Thelma, great workout. Congrats on upping the weight! I always go slower then Sagi and his team doing the last two series of hammer biceps and triceps......especially triceps where he goes SO fast. My lower back also likes to take a break from all that forward flexion in those two series of exercises. But I know the workout so well that I do the first part of the workout a little faster than Sagi and then he catches up to me by the crunches at the end. Glad your legs are okay!

    Laurie, hope you are having a good day.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Tough Spin class last night … it was Speed Work as she calls it. So you can imagine, it was a lot of sprints and sprints on hills, sprints standing up and fast jogs along with some hills in between. Time went by pretty fast but I had that “shaky hungry” feeling near the end; watching the clock so I could head home. LOL This a.m. was KCM Plateau Buster, which is another one of hers that I enjoy. No workout tonight, I was invited to my girlfriends house for dinner with her and her darling daughter who is nearly 3. She knows I am a fishing widow right now and wants me to come over ….. super thoughtful and fun! We are having lettuce wraps!

    Becky: I am SO glad to hear you are loving the workouts so far and apologies for the soreness that is going with them; especially in the BUTT! Never fun but always worth it on the other side of those sore days. The Metabolic Total Body is one of my favorites in that series as well and I have used the warm-up in that one for many other workouts I have done this summer. Thank you for the kudos on my “non-finisher” class with Katy. It is tough and I am happy I did my best when it is done. So my husband has a full time job as the Marketing Manager for one of our local Title & Escrow Companies; a huge part of his job is bringing in new business or maintaining current customers business. Working with Realtors, Lenders, a lot of builders.
    I just so happen to work for the same company (but only for a couple years now – almost). Anyway, he also has his own fishing business and is a fishing guide so he takes his vacation this time of year to guide fishing trips about 4 hrs away on the river. There is a big King Salmon run this time of year through there. So he also incorporates business clients from our title company and mixes in those trips as well; so he gets paid that way too. It works amazingly well as a marketing tool and as a thank you to those clients. The paid trips are some of his favorite however because he now has repeat people year after year and really enjoys them. He is gone until Mid October. I will go visit him the first weekend of October which is his Birthday. He “schedules” me in that weekend. LOL Don’t apologize for not checking in daily … it can be hard sometimes as we all know with life and schedules. Glad to have you here!! :smile:

    Thelma: Congrats on your strength gains and so great you are recognizing it now! All those workouts with lighter weights or modifying to make it work, have paid off. Your perseverance through it all! So great. I knew who you meant when you typed Kelly. LOL I will let you know if that lady comes back again; she said “she needs this kind of workout” so we will see. I did let her know that has become a regular format so she knows what to expect. She kind of laughed and said OMG, ok, thank you for being honest about it. I do that as well with my cookbooks, not necessarily reading them but Sticky notes on recipes I want to try or look at again. :wink:

    Laurie: Fabulous job getting in Ch/Sh/Tri last night, that’s the one I did the other day. Such a great workout and to finish it off with TF HiiT. Yes, I would imagine it is on her dread list for attempting again. But we will see if she comes back. She used to do a lot of CrossFit and was enjoying that but got injured and took some time off. We will see. Since some of Katy’s stuff has become CrossFit oriented she may be intrigued to keep coming. Awesome amount of steps! WOW, I wish I could get up and walk around more in my job. Would love that. :blush:

    Laurel: Hope you had a nice hair appt and the de-aging process worked its magic! Love that. Sounds like another perfect combo in the workout room. Way to get it in before your appt. Yes, it did feel good once it was over forsure; as her classes go. I guess the one on Monday was brutal as well (that I missed because of work). The regulars asked where I was and that I got off easy not having back-to-back toughies. LOL :smile:

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did ICE Low Impact Sweat. I did 15 minutes of workout I, then I moved on to Body Beast Bulk Back, then stretch. I love having my workout sheets from last time as my baseline numbers. I went up in a lot of the exercises AND I realized yesterday that I can do Sagi's plank moves! You ladies know how HUGE that is for me. I'm planking ladies! :)
    Funny story (well not so funny at the time). I was doing reverse flies with the Bowflex dumbbells and I kept whacking my knee caps with those huge things! I don't kneed any more bruises on my legs. I still have the ones I got from zip lining!

    Becky, you totally cracked me up with your yelling! LOL. I have to admit that I've not done that workout due to mega dread factor but now that you've had that kind tush screaming I may have to do it one of these days. It really is good to change your exercise routine so I'm sure you will see benefits from doing the ICE routine. Once you do the regular routines please explore the premixes. Cathe has LOTS of premixes.
    I am so glad you're enjoying the program! I have to warn you that with this group you'll get addicted to buying workout DVD's! LOL
    I'm doing a Body Beast rotation. Thanks to Laurel's husband (he asked for the program and didn't do it so Laurel tried it. Enough said!) we all did Body Beast and loved it. The program has different phases and the advanced one is the Bulk phase. I am doing a hybrid bulk phase. The issue we all found with this program is that it doesn't have good warm up or stretch routines so I started incorporating Cathe warm ups which are awesome. Then I do my my own stretching routine.
    My legs and behind were a little sore but nothing like that soreness you experience when you haven't workouts in years. It's good DOMS. Like my triceps are a little stiff but no big deal. I think what helps me tremendously with the soreness is that I stretch and massage with massage balls every day. The pie story was funny! The pie was really good. We sent my DH at about 10pm to buy us low fat vanilla ice cream for the pie! He went! My sister said I should start a bakery business! That won't fly! I used Pillsbury pie crusts for my pie. The rare times I make cookies they are from a boxed mix! I don't think that is how real bakers do things! LOL

    Don't worry about writing every day. The important thing is that you keep up with your workouts. We know you're a busy lady.

    Laurie, wonderful workouts today! That MetaShred program sounds really good but it is advanced right?
    Thanks on the congrats on my strength gain. Funny about having to do a Jillian workout to use the baby weights! I should do my Squeeze workout which uses baby weights due to the number of reps! I should do it to see if I can do it now with heavier babies! I can't wait till you get your InstantPot. We use ours a lot. DH loves using it to steam veggies. He has the broccoli timing down to a science and we end up with beautiful, steamed green broccoli. I made Salvadoran bean soup and what used to take me two hours on my other so called pressure cooker now takes one hour but only because you have to let it release the steam on its own and that can take 1/2 hour. Love that pot! I made a skinny recipe on Sunday called lettuce wrapped turkey, chili tacos (I think). I made it all in the IP. You can brown meat in it too!

    Laurel, great combo! I was going to do Bulk Shoulders today but didn't have enough time so went for the shorter Bulk Back. Shoulders tomorrow and I will repeat the Arms workout on Saturday.
    Thanks so much on the congrats on upping my weights. It feels so good! So glad to hear that you have to go slower than Sagi and the "girls" too.
    I forgot to comment on the dysfunctional parrot guy reviews, he is funny! I'd forgotten about that site so I'll have to check it out one of these days.

    Tami, great spin and KCM workouts! So thoughtful of your friend to invite you over for dinner! I can't believe her little girl is almost 3. That means I've been in this group almost 3 years! I joined in January of 2014!!
    Thanks so much on the congrats/kudos on my strength gains and progress. It feels amazing!
    I hope that lady returns to gym next week! I'm sure she'll be able to move again by then! LOL.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies: Yesterday, I did the ICE Low Impact Sweat workout and today is supposed to be a rest day for the rotation. So, I hope to get a yoga class in before my 2pm meeting.

    Thelma: Congrats on going up in weights and planking! That is so are getting stronger and stronger! WHOOP WHOOP! :) The BB workout sounds like you are doing really well with this routine. I am seeing how you are incorporating ICE w/u with BB. That's a good idea about having the workout sheets.....I've never done that out of pure laziness. I just "remember" what I used in the past (and that remembering sometimes gets lost in my brain somewhere). ;) Do you keep a journal of the workout information, use the computer/excel, or something different? Love the whacking of the knees during reverse flies.....made me laugh because I do the same. I am looking forward to trying the premixes....I have 3 weeks left in this rotation and will be asking for advice from you all on where to go next with the ICE series. The premixes will probably be my next thing to do.

    Tami - WOW on your spin class. Do you bring snacks with you for after intense workouts like that? I always bring a small amount of mixed nuts and raisins (or a banana) when I know I am going to have a crazy workout. What is "KCM Plateau Buster". I know I will be hitting a plateau in a few weeks, so this might be a good one for me. I hope you enjoyed your dinner with your friends. Your husband's business sounds like a dream job (I am sure it is very busy and may not be a dream job)......I absolutely love to fish. It's probably rough being away from home that long.

    Laurel - From what I can tell in all the posts, you typically do a weight training session with a cardio session, correct? Is it safe to say that you workout about 2 hours a day? Great job on getting bulk shoulders and cardio in. There are so many different opinions out there about doing cardio first then weight training (and vice versa). Do you have a preference and why?

    Laurie - Very nice combo of workouts. Sometimes I find that I am extra tired on the days where I worked out hard the night before then worked out the following, great job on doing that. Thanks for the info on MetaShred. You all are such a library of information on different workout dvds! I will probably forget that I asked about this and ask again in a few weeks! :D

    Have a great day and weekend - Becky