Cathe Fans Part 5



  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hey Ladies - Lot's to catch up from everyone. My week has been great. I finished week 2 of the ICE rotation. Three nights ago, I did the Low Impact Sweat. Two nights ago, I did the ICE upper body routine and today was a rest day. So, I got a 60 minute Bikram Express class in. I am participating in a MFP Harry Potter weight loss group, and they have a challenge every week (as many times as we can) for us to do. So, I also did the following routine this morning (only took about 10-15 minutes)

    The group likes to do a lot of these darebee workouts. They are quite simple, but I really like them for quick things to do on days of rest (yes.....I know I am supposed to rest, but it's hard to do that).

    Also - non workout related - I found out today that a grant that I applied for was awarded! It's a partnership with Arizona State University and transfer students in engineering to their school. My community college will be given $127,000 over the next 5 years to help support students majoring in engineering! I AM SO DANG EXCITED! I have been trying to get grant money for my students for several years now. My math students are primarily engineering majors...... this is SO exciting. (I absolutely love my job....I have the best job in the world)

    Tami - You were busy this past weekend with your workouts and Cancer walk. Also, nice job on your spinning class and RWH workout. I am so impressed with the variety you do with working out. I hope the cancer walk went well. Sounds like your "normal" workout with Katy would have still kicked my *kitten*. :D Thanks for your advice on BB vs. STS. And thanks for sharing that asian wrap recipe.....I might make that this Sunday for the family.

    Laurel - Phew - I always want to take a nap after I read your posts about your workouts. :p I love the pyramid ab's a tough one. WOW on doing the Rock'm Sock'm premix twice! It's so great that you have the energy to do so much. I am finding myself getting to that point. I get a workout in the morning (sometimes) and at night....I want to do another one. The info on STS vs. BB is greatly appreciated. I like the idea of shorter workouts with BB, but I love Cathe.

    Laurie - Such a great job on your workouts (Gym Style and many others). Good I want to learn about Gym Style. I think I should challenge you all to stay with one DVD rotation for 2-3 months, then we all change together. This "everybody is doing something different" is going to cost me some money because I want to try it all! :) After posting this, I am going to visit like you said. Thanks!

    Thelma - It is so cool to see you mention each week how you are going heavier with your weights....nice job! Great workout routines this, like the others, have such a diverse set of exercises you do. Very cool! You are so right that doing the same exercises can weaken other areas of the legs. I need to remember that and not get to mad at myself (just mad that I let myself go these last 5 years). But.....I will be like you and moving up on weights. YES!

    Off to baseball practice with my I get to walk for 90 minutes.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I was too tired for Bulk Legs tonight so I did XT chest, Back & Shoulders w/u, BB Bulk Chest and I seriously surprised myself by the amount of strength in the chest department! As baseline I was using the last numbers I did during my BB rotation at the end of March of this year. Get this ladies! For the super set incline flies in March I did: 8/10/12 and tonight 10/12.5/15, for incline press in March I did: 8/10/12 and tonight 12.5/15/17.5. Chest press rotation in March: 12lb, tonight 15.
    For the Progressive set of Incline press in March 10/12/15, tonight: 12.5/15/17.5. Close Grip press to fly in March 8/10/10 and tonight: 12.5/15/15. I could've gone up to 17.5 on the last set if it had only been flies but the close grip press is not so easy when you're fatigued. When I read that I had used 8 lbs for the incline flies and I had a note that said heavy so I started laughing. I can't believe I thought 8 was heavy. The other great thing is that I pretty much kept up with the boys in speed. That is huge for me cause Sagi was going fast!

    I think the dog lovers in this group will like this video

    Laurie, awesome job with those workouts! Yikes PiYo pushups and GS pushups in one day! You're brave! I haven't done Gym Style in years! I will probably have serious DOMS too! I don't have Muscle Max so I will have to substitute with other workouts I have.
    Thanks so much for congratulating me on my workouts! Thankfully my knee bruises don't show when I wear a dress. It's important for kids these days to know that their parents will always be there for them.

    Laurel, what fun combo! Great job!
    My bruises are not painful thank goodness. I had no idea you had already done p90X2 at least 3 times before! Good for you! It was with P90X that I hurt my feet so I am scared to try p90X. I don't think I ever dare try p90X2. I think it was wise to use different weights when you first started lifting!

    Tami, glad you had a good spinning class. Great job with RWH Upper Body Circuit!
    I am getting better with the Bowflex dbells but it's hard with those reverse flies. I just wish they had little 1/2lb plates I could add when I'm in between weights.

    Hi Becky, you're doing soooo good with your workouts and challenges! So proud of you! Isn't if funny how you just can't rest on your workout day off? That is why I spin on Sundays.
    Congratulations on being granted the grant for your students! Your students must love you!
    We have a lot of DVD's. Ever since I joined this group I've been trying to buy the DVD's the other ladies have so I could do the rotations with them. You too will become stronger Becky! So glad you found this group too!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was an off day for me for lifting weights. This morning was PiYo Sweat, and I was sweating buckets. The only problem with that is when doing planks, that sweat is getting into your eyes. I have done these PiYo workouts before, but this is really the first time that I'm actually enjoying them. Maybe that bum foot made me appreciate these workouts more.

    Laurel, I can tell by the double hearts that you really enjoyed that combo. One of the things that I have been enjoying, are the instructions that Chalene gives for the tricep push-ups. I really needed a refresher on that one, because I tend to flare my arms out instead of keeping them by my sides. She has you place your hands slightly out, and that really makes a huge difference.

    Tami, Great job on the spinning, and your RWH workout. Those PiYo workouts are good for the morning, because none of them are past 42 min. I had forgotten how good these GS workouts are also. If I had to do the Back, Shoulder and Bicep workout last night, I probably would be sitting here in DOM agony. They really are great for hitting muscles that you have not hit in a while.

    Becky, Awesome job on all your workouts! I love your challenge group, and the fact that you do Darebee workouts. Our dog, Rocket, puts his ears back on his head, and my DH calls him Darebee when he does that. I have a hard time resting also, your body will let you know when it needs it. Congrats on the grant, that is awesome. We have a lot of engineers here, so giving those students a chance to advance in their degree is wonderful. I actually have a brother that is an engineer, and my niece is in her third year of college at Michigan Tech for biomedical engineering. I can see how listening to all of us with all of our different workouts, can make you want to try them all. I have a hard time getting to all the workouts that I have, so that is a frustration also. I think that we can find a rotation that will work with all of us at some point in the new year. I can't believe that I actually said that, time sure is getting closer and closer to the new year.

    Thelma, Nice job on switching up the workouts. I'm really impressed with your progress, and it is wonderful that you are keeping track of like that. LOVE that video, and I could see my guy right in it with all of those dogs. Cami would have been in the middle of that fun also. She loved the water. I will have to make sure that I don't do the chest and upper body from PiYo like that again. :D

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started into my last week of Body Beast this morning with Bulk Arms. It felt really tough for me today, but I blame that Chisel Balance workout from yesterday which really kicked my booty......literally! Found some muscles I had apparently been ignoring! :o Anyhow, followed Bulk Arms with 10 Minute Abs Chisel and, for cardio, Rhythmic Step. Good fun today on that one. Sometimes it bores me to tears, but today it flew by.

    Tami, great workouts. Glad to hear the gym isn't too packed yet. I imagine in another six or so weeks, that will change....especially when we have to change clocks again. So dark so early!

    Thelma, wow!! That is incredible improvement!! I guess STS did its trick in helping you increase strength. No doubt this rotation of BB you are doing will just build on that. Great stuff! I love looking back on my worksheets from when I did STS the first time and seeing 5lbs, 8lbs etc for things I am going much heavier on now. Love the feeling of progressing. P90X2 is a completely different beast than P90X, but as Tami experienced, it isn't for everybody. I really have to be in the right frame of mind and, thankfully, I feel like I am right now!

    Becky, great workouts!! Glad you are still enjoying ICE. I like the look of the darebee workouts and next time my DH asks about strength training, I am going to show this to him. This looks exactly like something he needs.......short, all written out, and done at his own pace (aka no DVD). So thanks for sharing that because I have never seen those. Congratulations on the grant!! That is huge and, no doubt, will help your students a great deal. So exciting! Like Laurie said, we could probably come up with something in the new year that would have us all doing the same rotation. Hmmmmm..........something to think about!

    Laurie, I completely agree with you about Chalene and the tricep push-ups. She is the only instructor I have come across who has suggested that with the hands and it makes a huge difference in form. Now you have me wanting to do PiYo some more!! But, first, P90X2. I think if you are enjoying PiYo more now, you might have just the right frame of mind for X2. That is one of the reasons I wanted to give Chisel Balance a try see if I was in the right frame of mind for balance work. And, thankfully, I am!! Pulled out the X2 rotation this morning to look it over, so I know I am getting excited for it!!

    Have a good weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2016
    Happy Friday Ladies ~ So today was RWH Lower Body Circuit and tonight I think I may head home for a workout instead of Spinning; I am going Spinning in the a.m. with my friend (the one with the little girl) so back-to-back doesn’t sound quite as fun as my own thing tonight! LOL Plus, the guilty feeling for the dogs always kicks in when they are home alone so much right now with DH gone.

    Becky: Way to work! You are doing fantastic with your ICE rotation. Sometimes I work out despite the REST day. Often I take a rest day due to having an appt or something or if I miss a workout then I call that my “rest” … LOL Huge congrats on the Grant! That is so wonderful and how amazing to hear you say how much you love your job. That is fantastic and not something a lot of people can't say! YAY. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts, I do try to keep it going and adding in a lot of variety; keeping my body guessing. Right now, before my next rotation it has been a lot of different things but I find mentally that feel good sometimes. That’s awesome you are participating in the MFP Harry Potter weight loss group! Fun challenge and definitely helps having the accountability and support

    Thelma: Awesome job with your continued BEAST MODE in BB!! You are killing it. Very happy for you; I know how frustrated you were with setbacks and injuries and you are doing amazing now. SO GOOD. Thank you for the video – love that!

    Laurie: You are inspiring me to pull out some PiYO workouts as well! Sometimes its funny (as we have all talked) how a program can be re-visited and enjoyed more and more. I have always liked pulling those out for a stretch-like but more type workout! LOL SWEAT I do remember was my favorite.

    Laurel: As always, fabulous job! It does sound like you are getting very excited for P90X2, that is so awesome, always fun when you are looking forward to a program/rotation. Keeps us going strong!! Yes, I think the Biggest Loser started this week so it has been busy but not as packed as I thought it would be. I could be off a week however, so we will see. But you are exactly right, with the shorter days and winter coming it will get busier and then January will hit. OY!

    Have a great weekend ladies ~


  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I hope this weekend finds you doing well. Friday, I did the ICE bootcamp class and this morning was the dreaded to the mat; legs and glutes routine. My tush was screaming again, but I survived! :D My son's 1st ever baseball game was today, too. So that was fun to watch....he and the oldest normally play flag football. I am thrilled to get one of them into baseball. After much thinking, researching and reading ya'lls posts, I have decided to save up and get the STS set. Those of you that have done this rotation have improved in strength SO much, and I want that. If any of you notice that the set goes on special, please let me know. I hope to have it by Christmas.

    Do any of you know how many calories to record for the workouts? I've just been using the MFP calories for "weight training" when I do these workouts. I don't know how accurate this choice is, but I am not sure what else to record.

    Tami - Makes sense to not want to do the same workout one night then the next morning. Nice job on getting the lower body circuit workout done. I am sure you have said in one of these posts, but have you decided what to do for your next rotation? I looked through the posts and can't find it.....but I am probably blind. It's good to keep your body guessing. Thanks for the kudos on the grant.....I am still jumping around and dancing when I think about it.

    Laurel - Congrats on finding new muscles to burn! :) It's amazing that we think we got it covered, then a workout kicks our tushes. Great job for getting the bulk arms, abs and cardio in. I highly recommend the Darebee to your husband. They are simple, and can be quick. But, they can also be quite intense if he slows down and uses heavier weights.

    Laurie - Love the sweat in the eyes (NOT). Great job on getting the PiYo workout in with planks. When you are doing planks, do you keep them simple and just stay on your forearms, or do you do different things (I have no clue what to call them, but my interval training class has us do planks, and we bend one knee and pull it up the side of us.....have no clue if that makes any sense)......these kick my butt. Kudos to your niece; biomedical engineering is such a major field right now. We have a guest speaker coming to my campus who will show students how important biomedical engineering is to everyone. She specializes in hearing aids, and she will be showing one where a "bolt" like object is drilled into the persons head, and the hearing aid piece just screws on. One of my colleagues has one of's amazing where technology is now a days.

    Thelma - I am so impressed and happy for how your strength is increasing. Your post was the last straw for me to decide on getting STS. Congrats on moving up in weights. Also, I love the dog video....I think my Luna would love being in that pool with the rest of them. Penny would just sit in a corner and watch.

    Have a great night....headed to a party with the family.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had a pretty nice weekend but it was really busy. On Friday I did X10 w/u, BB Legs, on Saturday Rock'm Sock short time saver which included just the blasts and BB Bulk Arms, and today I did a little spinning. Tomorrow and Tuesday I will be attending a class offsite which is going to cut my workout times short so I'm going to do the shortest BB workouts those two days. I ordered my Strong and Sweaty workout program today!

    Laurie, I'm glad you're enjoying the PiYo workouts this time around!
    I can't believe the strength I've gained. I hope I gain more with BB this time around. I'm glad you liked the doggie day care video! It was adorable!

    Laurel, awesome workouts! I can't believe you had DOMS from Chisel Balance! I'll be doing H&C in November so I'll probably experience the same! LOL
    STS really did its trick in helping me gain strength. I can tell already that BB is helping me get stronger. It really was great looking back on my BB spreadsheets. Those were my baseline for this rotation

    Tami, great workouts! I'm sure the kids are loving having you home. I finally gained enough strength to overcome my injuries. My shoulders are still a weak spot but I know rest and Aleve make things better.

    Becky, I'm so glad you're doing so good with the ICE series! Great job! I'm sure it was fun to watch your son's first ever baseball game!
    I'm so glad you're going to be getting the STS series! I honestly haven't used the user guide. I don't like the format Cathe has for the workout sheets because you can only record one workout. When you're ready to do STS I can send you the STS spreadsheet I put together to record my weights. I can't believe my post was the last straw to convince you to get STS. Thanks so much for congratulating me on upping my weights! With STS I had to buy the Bowflex dumbbells because I outgrew the others I had. So glad you enjoyed the dog video.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work on Friday I got in the Gym Style Biceps & Triceps, on Saturday I tested out Cathe Live. I have been wanting to try some of the workouts that she has put out, so I thought I would try it for a month to see how I like it. All of the classes are under an hour, so they will fit into some of my mornings without a problem. So on Saturday I tried out Compound Giant Sets, this one has seven compound moves done for 4 rounds and then she adds on some standing ab work. <3 this workout, and I used light weights as suggested by Cathe. Didn't think I should use heavier, since I had just finished up that bi/tri workout the day before. Sunday I did PiYo Define Lower Body, and that was it since it was really my off day for workouts. This morning was PiYo Define Upper Body.

    Laurel, Nice combo of workouts! Sure glad the PiYo workouts are similar in feel to what X2 will be giving me, just on a more intense basis I'm guessing. I'm just glad that plank work is better for me than when I tried PiYo previously. I'm sure that all the workouts that I have been doing like H&C have helped with that. I have my X2 rotation out by my DVD player, so I'm good to go for next week. ;)

    Tami, Great job on the workout, and I understand wanting to get home to the kids when you are the only one home. I have that happen to me when all of you are talking about certain workouts, and I want to try them too. I have been wanting to do some Peak 10 workouts also, so they may find there way into my morning/evening routine also. I'm just trying to find some workouts that would be fun to do, just to make sure X2 doesn't get to that dread factor.

    Becky, Great job on the workouts, and of course getting those buns burnt in the process! :D I think that you will be very happy with the purchase of STS, it really is a great program. Yes those are the types of moves that are done in the PiYo DVD's. She does moves from pilates and yoga, and then speeds them up so that you get a cardio effect from them. She also will speed up the balance poses, which really makes you have to engage the core or you will be flopping all over the place. She does something like runners stretch into Warrior 3. I do have to put my foot down, otherwise I would be falling on the floor. Sounds like an interesting speaker that you have coming. I'm always amazed at what our engineers come up with around here. One of the guys that works with me has done many safeguards and ergo updates with some of our equipment to reduce injuries.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! Need to get those workouts ordered before the end of this month, from the e-mail that Cathe sent out. I'm debating between the DVD's and the downloads. I then have the download on a permanent basis, and can put them onto DVD's if I want to. I only have this week to make the decision though.

    Have a great day!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Quick questions (I hope to spend some time writing everyone tonight).

    Are any of you pre order Cathe's Strong and Sweaty DVD set? I just received an email about this, and it looks pretty good.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Golfed both days, which is always nice. We dodged thunderstorms both days, but managed to finish both rounds with just a little rain, so we got lucky! Saturday was my day off workouts, and I needed it! My body was feeling pretty tired at the end of last week. But yesterday I was back at it with Bulk Legs followed by the 4DS cardio premix of Kickbox and BC. Today was Body Beast Tempo Chest and Tri's. Oh my! I felt strong throughout but, boy, were my arms quivering at the end! We'll see how they feel tomorrow. :o For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT Two and One premix with core 1. Felt great today.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your Friday evening workout at home. No doubt the pups appreciated the company. Also hope you and your friend enjoyed spinning on Saturday. Hard to believe you are headed out for fishing soon!

    Thelma, great workouts! I was surprised by the DOMS from Chisel Balance too! But I think it was because I went heavier on a couple of exercises and tried to make sure to go as deep as I could in those pistol squats. Brutal!

    Becky, great workout! I have pre-ordered Cathe's series. It seems Cathe says 'pre-order' and I am already on my computer with my credit card in hand. :p But I never end up being disappointed, so that is good. It may take me a few years to click with a workout, but there are few of hers I have never come around to enjoying at one time or another. Glad you decided on STS! It is such a great program. I will definitely keep my eyes open for her STS specials. Unfortunately, I can't answer your question on how to log calories burned into MFP. I don't use the option because, sadly, at my height, age, etc., it just isn't accurate. (I have a Fitbit that I use as a rough guide for calories burned). Hopefully one of the other ladies can give you some help on options for recording your workouts.

    Laurie, exciting news about Cathe Live! Keep us posted on how you like it. I am still toying with it. Sounds like the workout you did is similar to one that will be part of her new series. Sounds good! Last week before X2. Yay!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ The weekend absolutely flew by for me. Sat a.m. I went to Spinning with my friend, and although I missed my normal Sat at home, “make it a double” type workout I enjoyed the Spin class. It was an instructor that plays the best music by far, so I do look forward to that with her. After I got home I showered, ate and went into work for 4 hours. Then back home to get the lawn mowed, groceries and some time with the pups. Yesterday I had a relaxing a.m. with coffee and then decided on XT Double Trouble workout, which I have always enjoyed but haven’t done in a long time. Was great ….. did some weekly meal prepping and made some Chicken Black Bean Chili in the crock pot to freeze some for later and then made DH some cookie bars for his Birthday this weekend. ICE Total Body was this a.m. and tonight I have an appt right after work so no BootCamp; tried to switch my appt, but couldn’t. It’s just a silly nail appt but can’t get in for weeks if I don’t go tonight. :blush:

    Becky: Great job pushing through To The Mat Legs and hopefully your DOM’s aren’t too bad tomorrow! CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to buy STS. You seriously cannot go wrong with that program and as we have all told you, you make it your own, do what weight works for you and move up as you go. We will be keeping our eyes open for the SALE! This set is seriously one that I always go back to and have done I think 5 or 6 (maybe 7) rotations since I have owned it. When you do get it we will help you with any questions and I found the workout sheets to be so helpful. I printed them all out in the beginning and have them in a notebook; have made changes over the years but it is a great tool to know what weight to reach for. To answer your question about the next rotation, it is actually STS with RWH and XT mixed in. Laurel had reminded me of this one and it is a good one, with great variety. Thank you for asking. :smile:

    Also, the calorie burns. So I use the Polar FT60 Hear Rate Monitor to actually get a number, then I have always recorded all of my workouts under “Cardio” because that is where I learned and just stuck with that location. LOL Add, Exercise, Cardio, type in the DVD name or you could say “Weights”, “Circuit Training”, “Yoga” there too, time and how many cals. If a HR monitor is something you are interested in looking at, there are a ton to choose from. If you look at they have a great selection. You could even start with a basic one by Polar to see if you like it. They can be kind of spendy. The one I have is now on sale for like $69 I believe. Thelma has the A300 I think which has a lot more bells & whistles and also tracks steps. On my “wish” list for one of these days. I have been through a few of them so one day another one will be in my future! YES on the new Strong and Sweaty series. Like Laurel, if Cathe sends out a “pre-order” e-mail I am all over it, before I finish reading the rest of the e-mail. So of course this will arrive while I am doing my rotation and I will be dying to try them, although I am sure I will find a way to sneak a few of them in somewhere.

    Thelma: Awesome workouts!! Sounds like you got in some good variety and a nice Spin as well. Congrats on Strong & Sweaty! I think it is going to be such a great program. Love the descriptions of all of them and as usual I will be waiting for those video clips as teasers before they arrive! I think the pups do love having me home with them. I took Emma in the car yesterday for a quick errand. She loves that, not easy getting her in and out but worth it when I said “do you want to go for a ride” her eyes lit up and she ran to the door. UMMM that would be a yes! I’m not sure who I will have watch them this weekend when I am gone but I may ask my in-laws to come by and give them proper loving if it isn’t my girlfriend Carly. Don’t want to worry about them. As I always do.

    Laurie: Sounds like you got in some great workouts! How fun that you are trying the Cathe Live workouts; that Compound Giant Sets sounds really good. Great job with your continued visit to PiYO workouts! So good. You are all ready to go for next week starting up X2 it sounds like! I hope you enjoy it and mixing in some other short ones is a great idea so you don’t get bored with it. One of the things for me and not clicking with X2 was the warm-up, which I know was mentioned by Laurel. So maybe if you find that becomes boring you could do a different warm-up first and then into the workout.

    Laurel: Your weekend sounds really fun with all the golf and great workouts! Awesome job with those by the way. Yes, my Friday eve was perfect. I did RWH Low Impact HiiT and Abs, so kind of short and sweet, but felt great. I cannot believe it is already that time to go for my annual trip as well. DH sent me a “list” of items if I have time that I could bring to him. Pretty short list and of course it works out nicely. I will take some laundry home with me and send back with a local guy who is going next week; he has been working every day so no time for laundry. Clean clothes are on his “list” …. LOL

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good evening ladies - I hope your day went well (I will find out as I begin to read everyone's posts!) My day was so much better nutrition wise. Yesterday was a rest day, so I cleaned and got my steps in. Family came over for football, and I ate more than I should have. Today, I did the ICE bootcamp class AND I WAS ABLE TO DO MOST JUMPS! I was so happy. There were only 2 sets of moves that I didn't add the jump in. I was thrilled, and my knee and groin areas weren't screaming at me. It actually felt good! Laurie mentioned that she is trying Cathe live. Has anyone else tried it?

    Thelma - I should have read your post before I asked if anyone was going to order the Strong and Sweaty DVD set. So glad you ordered it....I think I will, too. Great job on your workouts with BB, Rock'm Sock'm, etc. Good idea to do quick workouts these next few busy days....hopefully not too busy. I would love to use your spreadsheet. When I read Laurel's story on losing all that weight with STS and increasing strength, that put me at the top of the fence (was still thinking about BB because most of you are doing it now), but your strength increase story was the "that's it.....have to do it....everyone has gotten so much stronger because of this series". Should I give you my email address to get the spreadsheet?

    Laurie - Holy cricket...great job on all your workouts this weekend! You were a workout machine. :) Also, PLEASE keep us informed about your experience with Cathe live. I wanted to ask the group if anyone has tried it, so I am very glad you mentioned it. It's great that you loved the live workout.

    Laurel - Glad you got some golf in and gave your body a rest. I am sure it needed the day of recovery after you brutalized it last week. o:) Phew....your Sunday workout sounded difficult but great. So, you have also pre ordered the Strong and Sweaty series. I might have to join you, Thelma, and Tami on this......hmmmm......

    Tami - Great job on your workouts. It also sounds like you got some chores and relaxation time in. I hope your nails look beautifully manicured. :) Thanks so much for all the info you shared in the last post. The heart rate monitor may be another investment. I originally didn't want one, but I am frustrated with the calorie burn calculator and I really want to make sure I am below caloric intake. I only have 13 lbs left to lose, and these last lbs are always the hardest. I may wait for Christmas season when sales are going on to invest in one, though. So, you also pre ordered the Strong and Sweaty.......oh boy......I don't want to be the only one missing out!

    Have a great evening.....Becky
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I wasn't good with nutrition today. Tonight I did XT Chest, Back, Shoulders w/u, about 10 minutes of jumping around on my own and BB Bulk Back. I couldn't find which STS DVD had Cathe showing how to use the fit tower for pull-ups. I went up on my weights for most of the exercises on this workout and I think I've gone as heavy as I can possibly go on most of the exercises. I think I can still go up a little on the pull overs.

    Laurie, fabulous workouts! I am looking forward to reading your reviews on Cathe's live classes! I also debated about getting the Strong and Sweaty downloads but decided against it.

    Laurel, great workouts! Glad you had time to get your golf game in during the weekend! Those killer pistol squats!!!

    Tami, awesome workouts! Is that Chicken Black Bean Chili a skinny taste recipe? I think Gina has a recipe like that which I love. I've been freezing a few meals lately which is so helpful when I don't feel like cooking! LOL
    I thought you had the Polar A300 too! Strong and Sweaty really sounds like another winner. I hope it has premixes and blizzard blasts too! I'm on the fence about the new Skinny Taste cookbook.
    AWWWW on Emma loving going on car rides! I hope you find someone to check up on the kids this coming weekend.

    Becky, congrats on being able to do most jumps on the bootcamp workout! You are doing great!
    I haven't tried Cathe live.
    Once you join this group and stick with it you will find yourself buying workout DVD's! LOL. It really is awesome to be able to do the same rotation as a team. I think you will be really happy with STS. I will also keep an eye out for sales on STS. Send me your email address via my fitness pal and I will email you my spreadsheet. I put it together using the workout breakdown from and the STS user guide. I also put together a rotation that incorporates STS and cardio every other day using Cathe workouts.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I wanted to do some HiiT work last night so I put in Peak 10 Fit Test, and of course was testing out my foot. Good news is that I could do the plyo and no foot pain afterwards. Will be back to doing weight work, and no jumping around for a couple of days. This morning was PiYo Sweat. Our youngest dd is now officially licensed by the state of WI as a cosmetologist. She has passed both the written and practical exams, so now she can go look for a job without having to tell them that she needs to take the tests first.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and nice that you got out on the golf course again this weekend. You will like this temp from my morning walk, it was 50 Deg! I could actually add another blanket onto the bed! I know that probably would be freezing for you after living in FL, but for me it felt so nice. Guess those fall temps are on the way. I was wondering of that LIVE workout would be something along the lines of the new workouts. She has a couple of PHAT workouts that I would like to try also.

    Tami, Sounds like you where cooking up a storm this weekend, and of course getting in some great workouts. ;) Belated Happy Birthday to your DH, I'm sure that he enjoyed the treats. By the way the chili sounds really good now that we have cooler temps around here. ;) Hey those nails are important! I'm probably going to do different warm ups as I go along with these X2 workouts, just don't know if I could stand the length of the warm ups for an extended length of time. I like a lot of the ICE warm ups, so they just might be in the cards for me to do.

    Becky, Great job on the workouts, and of course improving in the endurance. One thing I really like about the Cathe Live is that you can cancel at anytime, you don't have to commit to the whole year. Then I would have never tried it. It is interesting to see Cathe in the atmosphere, she does lose count every or miss an exercise, but she just puts it in the round. I like that she is walking around the class also. I will keep everyone informed on how I like the LIVE workouts. I also do as Tami does with the HRM, and then recording my workouts as cardio. MFP keeps all the workouts that you create, so you don't need to input them when you do that same workout again.

    Thelma, Good job on the workout! Oh that instruction has to be on one of the Phase 1 back workouts, but again I don't remember which one. Have you looked at cathetv on youtube, she might have that section on there, or you can go to the workout manager. In the workout manager go to the workout tab, and then select weight. On step 3, go to the back section and look for a chin up. You will see a video pop up where Cathe is explaining the different chin up options. Hope that helps. I'm still thinking about it, so will probably opt for that. I have been wanting to get all of my DVD's downloaded, but would need to check out all the options for storing them.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I started my workout with Body Beast Bulk Shoulders which felt pretty good despite some DOMS from yesterday's Tempo workout. I followed it with Beast Abs. And then, for cardio, I did Cathe's Cardio Fusion workout. Haven't done that one in months and it felt so good today! Loved it!

    Tami, sounds like a nice weekend. Great workouts, as always. Hope your nail appointment went well. The chili sounds fantastic! I didn't make any chili last year because it was too warm all winter and, for me, chili is cold weather food. But I think if I am ever going to eat chili again, I am going to have to adapt to chili being 'warm but not hot' weather food. :p Sounds like your DH's fishing is going well this year if he is too busy wash clothes. Bet he is looking forward to your arrival....and the cookie bars! Hope your weather is good this weekend.

    Becky, fantastic news on ICE Bootcamp! That is a tough workout, and I am really happy your knees are able to handle it better. I have never tried Cathe Live but find it tempting. Like Laurie said, it is nice to know you can try it and cancel at any time. That's a real plus. I hear you on how tough it is to lose that last 10-15lbs. There a such a balance there because if you eat to don't lose. But if you don't eat don't lose. Frustrating! I think trying to find the most accurate way of determining your calories burned is a great idea and should help immensely. This group is so good at enabling workout purchases!! Looks like Steong and Sweaty may be in your future along with STS! :D

    Thelma, Laurie gave you great directions on how to find the STS Disc with Cathe explaining the use of the Fit Tower. I was going to pull out one of the Back workouts from STS Meso 2 because I remember that is the one where she takes a break during one of the sets to give form pointers. But I can't give you a disc #, so I am no help at all! Great job with Bulk Back!

    Laurie, yay for the foot!! Sounds like you found a great remedy and your body responded well. Congratulations to your DD on her license. I love how she knew what she wanted to do.....and went and got it done. Good for her! 50 degrees?!? I would love it! DH and I were marveling yesterday that we were supposed to get down to 72 last night. :| This is the time of year where I get so tired of air conditioning and would give just about anything to open a window. But we are weeks away from that because the humidity is still much too high.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice appt last night, all prettied up! I just started getting my nails done again after years of “not” and so far I am enjoying it ….. we will see. This a.m. was KCM Kick Box workout, which I haven’t done forever, it was fun. Tonight will be Insane X but I guess we have a sub trainer, someone who has subbed before. So should be interesting.

    Becky: Great job with ICE Bootcamp and being able to do most of the jumps!!! Fantastic, sounds like you are already feeling some results with Cathe workouts. I have not tried the Cathe Live workouts. Sounds like you might be in on the Strong & Sweaty workouts coming up! They really do look good to me, I am excited for them. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts and yes, the nails look nice. I just recently started getting them done again, try not to let the appt(s) interfere with my gym time but sometimes it just happens that way. LOL

    Thelma: Way to work the Back last night! Sounds like you got in a good workout. Yes, that recipe is exactly that one from Skinny Taste and I love it; DH does too. I checked in with a friend of mine and she will peak in on the dogs for me; despite having one of the neighbors feed them. That way I know they are getting some loves instead of kibbles in the dish and they are outta there. My in-laws will check too if they come into town over the weekend.

    Laurie: That’s great news about your foot! I am sure you were thrilled. Easing back into it is probably a great idea. Nicely done with PiYO Sweat this a.m. Congrats to your DD! So exciting. Does she have salons in mind she would like to be at or just wherever she can get in for now? Our temps are getting down into the 45 range at night with some gorgeous sunny days but it is about to change ….. high of 55 on Monday I think. YIKES. His B-day is actually this Sunday, so it is always perfect timing when I go visit and bring his Birthday treats, thank you for the bday wishes. ICE warm-ups are good, that is what I used a lot of this summer during H&C and 21DFX XT workouts.

    Laurel: Way to go on the Shoulders workout and cardio! I know what you mean on chili feeling like more of a cold weather dish. I agree. Since the temps are starting to drop and something I could freeze, it seemed perfect. The fishing has actually been really tough this year. So he is fishing really hard, twice as long for less fish. Sadly ….. but he thinks any day now it will turn. Just when the Salmon get there and how the water currents, temps everything are. Its really pretty interesting in their migration. Hopefully it will turn to “good” when I am there. LOL

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight. I woke up feeling sick and having been in a class the last two days didn't help. The days were about 13 hours long including the commute. I'm exhausted. My head feels congested so it's probably a sinus attack. I just couldn't workout when I got home.

    Laurie, great news all around between your foot and the your daughter having passed her exams!! Congrats! I hope she finds a good job soon.
    I remembered that my last STS Meso I workout is the one where the fit tower because I had the fit tower by the end of my STS rotation which was Meso I Disc 11 Back & Triceps. I knew it had to be a back workout except that I looked in Meso III! Thanks for the info on Cathe's workout manager! I never use that site and this is good to know.

    Laurel, another winning combo!
    I'm pretty sure I looked at the Meso II & III back workout DVD's last night so it has to be Meso I.

    Tami, great workout and glad you enjoyed your 'pamper me' time!
    I bet you're relieved to have a couple of people peak in on the dogs for you. Now you can have some peace of mind. We are fortunate to have found a great pet sitter. She comes twice a day when we're gone.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was ICE Low Impact Sweat, just had the need for some more cardio type workouts. This morning was PiYo Define Lower Body.

    Laurel, Great workouts, and of course getting in some workouts that you haven't done in a while is fun. I can really understand getting tired of the A/C, it sure is a different feeling having the windows open. I think that I sleep better at night.

    Tami, Nice workouts, and I hope your spin class was a good one too. Sorry about that, guess I was reading that as the weekend post. :D I'm sure that he will enjoy them this weekend, when you go to visit with them. ;) Now that I look at my workouts yesterday, I sure really wanted to sweat. DD is looking at salons like Ulta's and JC Penny's (I was surprised at this one, the manager was the draw). She really liked both places, and she knows that she has to start at someplace like that to build a client base. So I'm hoping that she gets to a place that she will enjoy working at. One of the things that the school did was let them shadow different salons to see what type of place they would like, which I though was a clever idea.

    Thelma, I know that I have had that experience in the past, so totally understand not doing a workout. The first thing DH said to the daughter after she passed her practical exam on Monday "When are you getting a job". My husband has not tact sometimes. :o Glad that I could give you some useful information. I like to use that Workout Manager to track my workouts. :D

    Becky, Hope your day is going great.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Got up not in the best mood this morning. We had a lightening strike hit our water processing plant last night, so we lost water for a bit. Then at about 9:00pm the Emergency Contact people called to say that the water was back and boiling not necessary. Then, at midnight (me in a dead sleep), they call again to say water boiling mandatory!! Really?!? So I am awake for the next two hours trying to figure out if DH and I may have exposed ourselves to anything nefarious between 9:00pm and 12:00am......because I am that kind of worrier. :/ Just made me a little cranky this morning, especially learning we will be in this stage for at least 48 hours. Oh well. At least we have water which is one step up from where were often were at when we were living in Korea. So trying to be thankful for that!

    But since today marked my last day of Body Beast, I pushed through the workouts. I did Tempo Back and Bi's which is such a tough workout. My arms were definitely shaking at the end, and I needed a bit of a break to get my energy back for cardio. For cardio, I did Cathe's To The Max Extreme premix. That one felt surprisingly good today.

    Tami, glad your appointment went well. I have never had my nails done! I think about it at times because some ladies' nails look so pretty. But I am also tough on my hands and wonder if it would be worth it. Maybe someday. Hope your Insane X class was good despite missing Katy. Sorry to hear about the fishing this season. I was hoping with a bit more of a reasonable summer this year it would be different for him. But, as you say, hopefully it will turn around while he is still out there.

    Thelma, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hopefully that day off workouts and some good rest will have you feeling better.

    Laurie, great workouts. Good news that your foot was up for more cardio! On the AC v. open windows......I was s frustrated with my in-laws when we were deciding to move down here. They kept telling us 'Don't get rid of your winter clothes! It gets cold down here.' Well......I believed them. Then we moved down here (with all our winter clothes) and that first summer (we had been here just a few months and the AC was getting to me) I said something about looking forward to being able to open the windows at night. And my MIL looked at me and said 'We don't get nights where you can do that'. :o Imagine my surprise that first winter to learn she wasn't far off the mark on that one. In fact, last winter we didn't have the windows open one night. Isn't that sad? I am still wondering why I have any long sleeve shirts at all in my closet. Oh well. We are here now and come January, when I am sitting outside, I will love it again. But between now and New Years.....when I am craving autumn so much.......not really!

    Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane X was a good class last night, despite not having Katy there. We did weights, cardio and then another cardio section. All were 90 second intervals, including burpees, squat jumps, box jumps, stairs, ball throws, Bulgarian split squats, push-ups on Bosu ball, KB swings (HEAVY), shoulder presses, one arm rows, tri’s, bi’s. You get the picture. So a good mix but she actually gives us water breaks! LOL This a.m. was ICE Bootcamp. I decided this afternoon I won’t be going to Spinning. I only have this eve and tomorrow eve to get everything packed and ready. Which includes a Costco run for more bottled water, Gatorade and other things DH still needs. Ugh! So instead of cramming it all in tomorrow night, I will get stuff done tonight and the last bits tomorrow. Friday when I go to work I need to be packed and ready to drive straight from work.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear you were feeling sick, hopefully today is better for you. Good choice to give yourself a rest I would say. Yes, the pampering time was nice! Fun to do that for a while. Like I said, we will see.

    Laurie: Great job getting in ICE Low Impact Sweat and another PiYO this a.m. No worries …. It can get confusing “which weekend”, but yes, this coming and it will be nice to see him forsure. Sounds like your DD has a couple good spots picked out to make a start and builder her clients up! Exited for her.

    Laurel: Sounds like a horrible night sleep with the Emergency Contact people calling, not once but twice. Dang. Great job pushing through your las BB workout! WOW, that seems like it went quick. Great cardio too. I am actually pretty hard on my hands as well, so we will see how long it lasts. Part of why I used to get them done and then didn’t several times. But enjoying them for now. Volleyball is starting up so good thing they are short. Fingers crossed it will turn around for him this weekend. He always thinks I am “good luck” LOL

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami