Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! I was feeling oh so very tired this morning. I even told DH that I was going to stay in bed.....only to get up so I could talk to him about plane tickets to Alabama. I feel asleep last night while he was booking our house hunting trip. :o Oops! Anyhow, he booked the trip just fine without me. :) Anyhow, I wasn’t sure what kind of workout I wanted to do today, so I did a fun mix that ended up raising my energy levels a bit, which is good! I started with MM Triceps x4 followed by Icy Core One. Then, for cardio, I did the cardio section from Cathe Live Summer 2016 Kickoff, which is a very unique blend of kickboxing (with gloves) and Athletic Training (the step part). I couldn’t decide between step and kickboxing, and this was a perfect combo. Then I added on Cathe Live Power Step for a total 60 minute cardio workout. Good stuff.

    So looking at the calendar, I think I am going to move on from the one body part rotation starting tomorrow. I will have just about enough time before we move to do that Split Session rotation I talked about doing last week. Even now I will have to condense it a bit. But I really want to give it a try. If it ends up being too much (because the workouts will be longer), I may have to shelve it for a later date. But, again, I at least want to give it a try and try to do a full rotation of it.

    Tami, sounds like a good spinning class. Is the ‘endurance’ spinning a lot of drills where you hold a steady pace? Just curious. My favorite parts of spin class are the climbs. I am not so good on speed. B) Anyhow, great workouts. Hope you get a chance to enjoy some short walks with Bernie this weekend.

    Thelma, another good workout after another tough day. I imagine you will be able to garden in Blue Ridge, but you will probably need to rabbit and deer proof. Rabbits are crafty little critters, though, so you will definitely need to do something to keep them away.

    Laurie, I forgot to mention the JS Cardio HiiT workout you did. I think that is the only workout on that cardio disc I have done, but, like you said, it was surprisingly tough. Again, Jessica just has a very smart way of making her workouts gentle but tough. I did that one for a ‘light’ workout, and it was definitely more than I expected. So glad you are enjoying those workouts. Anyhow, I can’t believe your DH has childhood toys still! My DH hoards tools, extension cords and all things electronic, t-shirts and shoes. Of course, I have my share of things I workout DVDs, workout shoes, workout clothes.... B):p .

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. I didn't do any purging this week. I was just so tired! I did get everything I need to take for our trip ready. I just have to pack my clothes which I won't do until the last moment. On Friday I did Muscle Meltdown Triceps X4, Saturday Jessica Smith low impact, tonight XT CBS w/u, ICE Muscle Meltdowns Back X3 and Chest X3, Stretch

    I did two muscle meltdowns X3 because of our trip in the middle of the week. I hope to be able to do Bi's & Tri's tomorrow and shoulders on Tue. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a little workout on Wed.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts and at work with the stockrooms! I hope you had a great time at the car show.

    So funny about your DH still having childhood toys. My grandmother had my umbilical cord and I believe some baby teeth too. LOL
    OMG, I just checked the price on those JS workouts and ouch! I'll stick with youtube! I will pack the raincoat for sure!

    Laurel, sorry you were so tired but good for you for getting up and working out. Great workouts too!! Wow!
    When are you going to Alabama?

    In early September you said you wanted to move to this rotation:
    I am going to do six weeks of split sessions and total body workouts. I think my weeks will look something like:

    Sunday: lower body (light or no weight) and cardio
    Monday: upper body split (for example, a workout of chest, shoulders and triceps or triceps and biceps or any such combination of 2-3 upper body parts. Examples would be XT Discs 1 and 2, LIHI workouts, Gym Style workouts, etc)
    Tuesday: lower body
    Wednesday: upper body split (the other upper body parts not worked on Monday)
    Thursday: cardio and yoga
    Friday: Metabolic or Total Body workout

    Is this still the case Laurel? I am doing muscle meltdowns this week but not even sure what week we're on right now.

    I think it will be very challenging to have a vegetable garden in GA with all those critters!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies and have a wonderful week!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Didn't get in a workout on Saturday, we where up early and out the door to the car show. It was a great show and we had hot weather. On Sunday I got in Ripped in 30 Level 1 and MM Back. This morning was Jessica Walk Strong Cardio Party and MM Shoulders. I'm going to do some stretching after work tonight since I missed it on Saturday.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great combo of workouts, and of course getting in the two variations in one workouts. I think that is why I like Kelly's Stepboxing so much. I get my kickboxing fix and some light cardio. Do what you need to do for your schedule, totally understand. I'm doing an experiment this week by trying out the Ripped in 30 workouts more often. I haven't incorporated Jillian into my rotation, and I remember them really working well for short workouts. LOL about the Jessica workout, I was thinking the same thing about it being a lite workout and was surprised while doing it. I'm going to be incorporating Jessica/Jillian and Kelly for the rotation you are heading into. Kelly has a wonderful split workout and only 30 min. long. His mom was the one that actually kept all their toys, and then gave them to him after we where married. Well by that time, he saved them for the son that he never had. ;)

    Thelma, Awesome job on all the workouts! Good thinking on getting in your workouts prior to heading on vacation. I'm unsure what week we are on also, but I think it is 3. One of the things that they are now saying you should keep, are your kids baby teeth. It is an expensive set, I purchased it at the beginning of her sale so got it for less. I also use the digital download, so can take it with me on vacations.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. The weather Saturday was pretty good and this was supposed to be the last weekend of fall colors, so we hit the golf course. It was very quiet and the colors were absolutely beautiful. I am not looking forward to naked trees soon, but it will only be temporary! :) Yesterday was rainy, so we did some work around the house preparing for moving.

    On Saturday I started the new rotation with Cathe Live Long and Sculpted Legs. This was a non-weighted leg workout using the gliding discs, a chair (for barre) and stability ball. It wasn’t brutal, but tough enough I felt it yesterday for sure. For yoga, I did Jessica’s Yoga for Back Pain. For upper body work during these six weeks, I settled on doing the XTrain workouts, so yesterday I did XT Chest, Back and Shoulders and XTrain Core 1. Love this workout so much! For cardio, I did the Ultra Cardio premix from Drill Max. Today, for lower body, I did Cathe Live Cross Train Lower Body Live. This is my first time through with this workout, and it is nothing like the XTrain lower body workouts. It included cardio, heavier weights (12# and 15#), some barre work and a tough core section with the stability ball. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Pedal Max Live.

    Thelma, I am glad you let yourself take the weekend off from all that work you have been doing around your house. Purging is tough work! Great workouts, and love how you are working in your trip days. This is the third week of the Muscle Meltdown workouts, so just one more week after this one. I did move on to that rotation you posted, though. We have just a little over five weeks until we move out of the house, and I really wanted to get this rotation in if I could. Like I said, even as is, I will have to condense it a bit. We are going to Alabama next Tuesday night (a week from tomorrow). DH’s new boss recommended a realtor, so we have been in contact with her already. I am very encouraged by how responsive she has been so far.

    Laurie, I am glad the car show went well. Hot weather sounds so good right about now! Great workouts as well. I like the sound of your plan moving forward. Looks like it would be a great blend of work workouts between those three instructors.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your weekend.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice weekend, quiet . . . no work . . . workouts and cleaning out my side of the closet!
    So Friday after work I headed to the Friday night Spin, which was very small class but perfect. Headed home for dinner and a movie with Bernie. Saturday I did ICE Metabolic Total Body + MM Tri’s and then yesterday I did MM Back + Lift It HiiT It Back w/ finishers for a “x4” option for the Back workout. Also, yesterday was our annual Susan B Komen Cancer Walk with the office and of course this year held an entirely new meaning to it for me. Even wore my Mom’s name in Memory Of on my back. It went good and the weather held out since it was pouring rain at 5 a.m. I wondered but was going to do it no matter what. Today’s workout is going to be BootCamp after work with Katy.

    Thelma: Great job getting in your workout on Friday despite the tired’s ….. Also this weekend sounds like you got your MM’s in as well. Way to work! Love the notebooks, stickies and pens hoarding ( I could easily be one of those too). Love that stuff! I actually buy my own pens because I love how certain ones write. LOL So sweet to ask about my sister. She seems to be doing really good. Recovering from the caretaker role and getting to the “tread water” position at work vs. being underneath wondering when she can come up for air. LOL She did have her first work trip to New York last Thursday and is traveling home today. We are staying in touch every day still and leaning on one another. Which feels really nice. She sounds good when I talk to her but I also know she will try to be strong for me no matter what, so I am really listening closely and asking her stuff to know I am here for her too. Bernie did enjoy a few short walks this weekend and just hanging out with me. Thank you for posting what is coming up and/or what you are doing. I was thinking of that yesterday and thought, I better look back to find what is coming up. Looking forward to it & glad I am back with you ladies. My teammates.

    Laurie: Excellent workouts! Sounds like you had a really nice time at the car show and great weather! That’s wonderful. Good job with your MM workouts plus add-ons as well. The de-cluttering was nice to get done in our closet since DH had already did his side. It still isn’t like “Martha Stewart” picturesque looking but that’s ok. I will be able to go through it again and organize a little easier now anyway. I love that pic of Bernie too. He was resting his head on the foot portion of the recliner, wondering if DH was going to share something with him. LOL He does that often when DH is sitting there.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with the workout on Friday and throughout the weekend! Love hearing about your combos. Those live workouts continue to sound fabulous! Great plan starting up the Split Session rotation. The endurance spinning is definitely holding a steady pace … doing sprints, stand up sprints on a small hill, sit and climb, sprint again, climb again and repeat. So it is kind of non-stop with short rests between. I love doing those because it goes by fast because you are busy constantly. Depending on what format she does for hills I do enjoy them. Another instructor that fills in does hills ALL THE TIME and luckily her music is good but it doesn’t go by very fast. LOL I was able to get in a couple of walks with Bernie. If he could handle the 5K Cancer walk I would have taken him but I think that would have been a little much for him. Several dogs were at the walk …. In pink tu-tu’s.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight's workout was XT BTs w/u, ICE Muscle Meltdowns Triceps X3 and Biceps X3, Stretch. I really didn't want to workout tonight. Long day at work and I was tired. My muscles also felt tired but I did it AND I went with the heavier weights I used last week. I thought I might have to reduce the weights give I was tired and I that I was doing 2 MM's. I was glad to be able to finish the 6 sets!

    We are expecting serious rain tomorrow. I don't know if this is Florence making her final turn to the North East.

    We are going to see 9 houses and one foundation! LOL. One of the houses is just a foundation but they post pictures of what it will be when done. We want to see the lot just in case.

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you had a great time at the car show!
    We are definitely are on week 3. I am glad I'm getting my workouts out of the way now too because it will be a very sedentary trip.
    I'm going to stick to doing Jessica's YouTube workouts!
    I can't remember if I kept my umbilical cord and baby teeth. I know we went through my grandmother's things when she passed but I think this is an earlier memory.

    Laurel, glad you had good weather over the weekend and were able to hit the golf course! Can you imagine how much golf you'll be able to play soon?

    Great workouts! That Cathe Live XT lower body workout sounds really good!
    I really needed to take a break from the purging process. I actually wouldn't have taken a break if DH hadn't said we'd probably be here till next June given the project he's working on now. On Sunday I question our new departure date and DH said we didn't really have to wait if the house sells. Oh well!

    Thanks for confirming what week we're on! I'll stick with the Muscle Meltdowns for the 4 weeks.
    OMG, last week when you said you were moving around Halloween it sounded like you had plenty of time to pack. Now that you put it in weeks it's right around the corner! Like Laurie said do what you need to do with your schedule for now.
    I'm glad your realtor sounds good and that you're going to Alabama next week! The fact that she is very responsive is a great sign. The one I found online is also very responsive. I sent her a file with 12 houses last night and this morning she replied with comments on each of the houses. Things like the type of road such as narrow, paved/not paved. Does the house really have a view? How close is it to a certain highway? So far I'm very impressed. All day long I went back and forth with her via email. This helped us narrow the list down from 12 to 9 houses. She will be with us all day on Thursday starting at 9 am.

    How do you pack your weights? What kind of container? I have a lot of weights and DH said he didn't know how we'd pack them.

    Tami, glad you had a nice quiet weekend with no work! Great workouts and glad you spent quality time with Bernie! Good for you for doing the Susan B Komen Cancer Walk! I bet it was very emotional.
    The office supply hoarding thing is bad. I go crazy over the colored stickies in different sizes! LOL. Every once in a while I put a big stash back into the supply cabinet! LOL

    So glad your sister is doing really good, and that you are in touch on a daily basis to support each other. Good idea t listen to her carefully to make sure you catch any clues that may tell you she needs extra support!
    No problem on posting the next rotation. If I didn't copy all that stuff to a file I would never remember anything!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I got in a short yoga workout yesterday with Chris Freytag. Only 20 min. but it was good. This morning I got up late, so only had time for Ripped in 30 Level 1, and I will do a leg workout after work. Really not sure what workout I want to try out yet.

    Laurel, Wow on those workouts, I got tired just reading all that you did. Sounds like you are enjoying creating and trying out your combos. Right now we are getting some much needed relief from the heat, we have rain storms right now. It is very nice when you get a realtor that is on top of things. When we sold a house in the past we had one that wasn't very good, and then we changed realtors. The house sold within days of being listed with them. We have four houses in our neighborhood that are up for sale, and only one seems to be getting looks. They are with a known company, the others are with this company that seems to not have realtors. :p We are just starting to see fall colors, but our walnut tree is dropping fruit like crazy.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, your back really got a good one. Nice that the weather held out for your walk. Can't imagine what you went through during the walk, it had to be tough. DH and I have to declutter our closet also, will be a project for the winter. His work shirt collection has to be weeded out. Rocket does the same thing when DH is in his recliner. That is the place where DH snacks, so those pleading eyes are on him all the time.

    Thelma, Great job getting your workouts done, and keeping with the weight. I'm sure that was tough when you are tired. I hope that the rain isn't to bad for all of you, I'm sure that the hurricane is slowly making it's way toward all of you. Sounds like a solid plan to stick with the Jessica youtube workouts, they are very very good also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was XT Disc 2/Biceps and Triceps. For cardio, I did the High/Low Intervals workout from Cathe’s Hardcore Extreme DVD. That one felt pretty tough today, which I think I needed. :p This trying to eat up some of the food in the house right now is catching up with me.....and not in a good way. :o:)

    Tami, I am glad you enjoyed your weekend. I so admire you for doing the cancer walk! What a great way to remember your mom. I am glad to hear your sister is doing well and that you are able to lean on each other. I have no idea what my life would be like without my sisters. Great workouts! That back workout combo sounds tough! Thank you for the explanation on the endurance spin. Since I only do Cathe spinning, I often wonder what other instructors do differently. Someday I may brave a live spin class because I would think (with the right music) the energy would really inspire me.

    Thelma, great workouts! So glad you have narrowed down your house choices but still have enough to give you a lot of options. Yes, our move is going to be here very quickly. We are having our pre-inspection with the movers this Thursday. :o I am not panicking quite yet, but I also know once we get back from Alabama, October is going to fly. Weights and moving......well, to be honest, I carry my dumbbells in our cars. If I didn’t do that, I would wrap the dumbbells in cardboard or something to keep them from rolling around. On one of our moves, the movers did not secure my dumbbells, and they moved so much they chewed right through the big crate they were in. The good thing is that they were in that crate with just tools and garage supplies. But if they had been in with our furniture :o . I also would wrap my barbell plates in cardboard to keep them from flying around as well. Make sure they are well marked as weights though! We have had some movers try to do too much with weights and it was not good....and that was when they were packing them! So since you are packing, mark them as heavy and maybe even indicate how heavy they are.....just to protect yourself. B) And, yes, we are both so looking forward to being able to play more golf! I have missed it quite a bit being up here.

    Laurie, great job getting your workouts in. I really am trying to push myself a bit right now in my workouts since I know I am going to have at least a month coming up where working out is going to be a challenge. One of my least favorite things about moving is how it disrupts my workouts. :D It was definitely nice to get a recommendation on a realtor in Huntsville because, like you, around here you can really see who is trying to sell houses and who isn’t. Some go very quickly and others have been on the market forever. So fingers crossed we can find a home in a couple of days and start that purchase process off before we come back to Alaska. Our leaves are almost gone, but the fun thing is we should actually have some fall colors in Alabama when we get there in November. That should make Thanksgiving actually feel like Thanksgiving and not ‘early Christmas’ like here.....or ‘a really big summer meal’ in Florida. ;)

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great BC class last night. It was 8 rounds of I think 4 exercises done a minute each. So it would be weight + weight + cardio + ab. It was pretty full last night and will continue to be because Biggest Loser started on Saturday. Today is MM “Shoulders” + Blizzard Blast. I am headed home after work so I may add-on something.

    Thelma: Great job with your Tri & Bi Workout combo. Again, good on you for pushing through despite not wanting too. So funny with the colored stickies! We only have yellow unless every once and a while the colored ones show up and I of course grab a couple! LOL I am going to make sure my sister and I actually talk on the phone once a week too ….. instead of just texting. She gets so busy and I know as time goes on she will fall back into that, so I will just continue to call.

    Laurie: Excellent job on the Yoga …. 20 min is more than what I have done in a while for yoga. Good job with the Leg workout this a.m. as well. I enjoyed adding in that section for the BACK workout, it created some different moves + an extra burn at the end. Love that.

    Laurel: It is really great you guys are getting so much help from your Realtor. The good ones can really take the stress load off forsure where looking is concerned and knowing your wants/needs. Fingers crossed you find just the right one! Fantastic job again with your combos in the workouts! Thank you for he kudos on my walk ….. it felt really great to do it. My sister and I both talked how much we will always lean on one another, especially now. I don't want her to ever feel the pressure though to "be ok" for me and not be sad. She tried to really hold things back and after she talked to me a lot I think she felt better. That back workout was perfect! I really enjoyed adding that variety to the “Muscle Meltdown”. I think if you ever have a chance to try a LIVE Spin class you would enjoy it. I have done many with lots of instructors and the music can really make the difference but also the format.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight's workout was XT CBSs w/u, ICE Muscle Meltdowns Shoulders X3, Stretch.
    I had a horrible day at work. It'll be a miracle if I can last till the end of the year. The rumors about what will happen after my boss leaves are not good and I believe are true. So we've decided to hold off on buying another house for now. Seems more and more like DH is going to go straight into plan B = the traveling job. He is thinking of accelerating this process and that scares me.
    I'm sad and in shock about work but I'm glad I'm finding these things out now. Perfect timing before our house shopping trip I think.

    I am hoping to be able to get a little cardio in before we have to leave for the airport. I'm working 1/2 day tomorrow from home.

    Laurie, great job getting your workouts in! A 20-minute yoga workout sounds perfect!
    The rain and loud thunder were pretty bad today. The forecast said it was going to rain all day but thankfully that wasn't the case. Jessica's youtube workouts are good. So thankful you introduced her to me!

    Laurel, fabulous combo today! OMG, I hadn't thought about having to eat up the food in the house before the move! I'm a food hoarder too! My grandmother used to buy things when on sale and stock up. We even have a freezer in the basement with food! We already started to eat all that stuff. DH loves Skippy peanut butter and that I think is the only thing he hoards! When that stuff is on sale he takes a backup to the store and fills it up! LOL. That is his go-to snack and eats it out of the jar with a spoon.

    What is a moving inspection? Is this to determine how big of a truck and how many movers they will need? I don't know if we could take my weights in our cars. Maybe the Bowflex set though. Great advice on how to pack the weights. I had thought of putting the plates and dumbbells in those old-fashioned hard plastic milk crates. I need to find those crates though.

    Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your killer BC class! Great workouts!
    I thought you only got the biggest loser crowd at the beginning of the year but I can see how the show is inspiring. Definitely a great idea to talk on the phone with your sister. My sister got married last month and didn't even invite me. That hurt for sure because I've done nothing but help her always. So I did question her because I just couldn't figure out what I had done to deserve that. She said she was sorry to have hurt me, but she was depressed because her oldest girl joined the military and knows she's going through a hard time so her heart is breaking for her. So she said it wasn't me, it was her and needs time. I don't deal well with situations like this. My first instinct is to back off. She won't be hearing for me any time soon. So Tami, cherish your relationship with your sister! Make time for that phone call!

    I started taking my things home today and put a lot of stuff in the supply cabinet! I think I'm a recovering hoarder. A co-worker saw all the stuff I was putting in the supply cabinet or things that I gave to him. So he asked me "is your picture next to pack rat in the dictionary?" LOL

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    edited September 2018
    Morning Ladies,

    So my leg workout was..... Jessica Smiths Walk Strong 3 Lower Body, really do like that one a lot. This morning I did her 10 Min. Solutions Knockout workout, and I will do MM Chest after work.

    Laurel, Sounds like some great workouts. I had a little difficulty this morning with what I remembered being a really lite workout, but I guess that my legs where tired. I may tack on a stretch after the chest work tonight. How nice that you will get to experience the fall colors again in just a few months, I bet that will make if feel like Thanksgiving. I don't know what I would do without having all the seasons for a longer time that what is up in Alaska. Of course our winter season could be less. :D

    Tami, You BC class sounds like a more intense version of the Ripped in 30 that I have been doing. I only have to endure 3 circuits. :D Great job on the shoulder work also. I really do need to add on more yoga/stretch. I'm going to ask DH if he would be interested in doing some yoga, and then I may start a subscription to DDP's Yoga. It is geared toward guys doing it, and I think it would help both of us. What can it hurt to try is out for a few months, and I could always use more yoga in my life. Like you I don't know what I would do without having my sisters, even the youngest pest. I can say that because she is 11 years younger than me, so she was a pest when she was little. :D

    Thelma, Great job on your workout. I'm sorry to hear about the information about work. I would think that it would be fairly easy for you to move if the current work situation isn't going well. I have been making sure that all information about what I do is getting into our system, so that when I leave in about 5 years, their isn't any questions that need to be answered. I think that is another reason why I've been so busy lately too. I don't want to leave anyone saying that I didn't do my job after I leave. LOL about you co-worker saying that about hoarding.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was my yoga day, but I preceded it with some good cardio. I did Cathe’s Intensity into Cathe Live Kick Butt Bootcamp. The latter was a workout from last month that I hadn’t tried yet, and it was really good. Only about 30 minutes long ( not including the warm-up), but it worked the whole body in the time. Good stuff. For my ‘yoga’, I did Kari Anderson’s Reach, which is just so good. My body needed that.

    Tami, sounds like a good BC class. I can’t believe it is already Biggest Loser time! I like that the inspiration for weight loss coming from the Biggest Loser still exists even if the TV show does not. But Biggest Loser also means winter is just around the corner. :o

    Thelma, I am sorry about the work situation and having to put off a new home purchase. I know you don’t want your DH to be traveling, so I hope another option can be taken for both of you. Yes, the food situation and moving is interesting. Sometimes movers will take liquids, and sometimes they won’t. So I often have to pack things like vinegar and oils in the car since they are just too expensive to keep replacing. Most movers anymore will take spices, but in our overseas moves, they wouldn’t even take those! But, like you, we have a ton of food in the freezer that we are in the process of going through. Unfortunately (or fortunately.....I don’t know which), I have frozen a lot of zucchini bread that I made with our fresh zucchini this summer, so I am working my way through that. It is a labor of love. <3:) Yes, the moving inspection is when somebody comes and looks at what they will be moving. If you have something like a treadmill, they need to know that. Another instance is we have a glass table top that needs a special crate. Large paintings and such are other issues they need to consider. And, like you said, they get an idea of how much stuff, how many people they need to send, and how much time it will take.

    Laurie, I had a feeling you might chose that leg workout yesterday when you said you didn’t know what you were going to be doing. Such a good workout and, despite being tough, there is no dread factor (at least for me). My favorite place for seasons was Virginia. That was as close as we have come to four three month long seasons. I think where we are in Alabama, we will have four seasons, but a shorter winter and longer summer than Virginia. But since I feel like we have been living in kind of one season places since 2014, I will take that right now. And since I have been cold now for about 18 months running, the idea of a longer summer sounds pretty good. B):D

    Until tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    MM Chest after work was complete, and I added on 10 min. stretch from GHUTV. Love that they have those short workouts on their page. This morning as Ripped in 30 Level 1 and MM Biceps. I'm planning on RI30 for next week also, but Level 2. It must be the ab work that she incorporates into these workouts that is making a difference for me. So I'm going to stick with this for the next three weeks.

    Laurel, Sounds like some great workouts, and then doing a good stretch. I know that you really enjoy that Intensity workout when you do it. LOL about the zucchini bread eating is a labor of love. I LOVE zucchini bread, it is always so nice and moist. Guess I'm not to crafty in hiding my love for that leg workout, it truly is a keeper for me. I like that it is short, but packs a punch. I have gone up in weight from where I started. I may take my step down for step ups in Cathe's workouts, and that may make them more enjoyable for me. I think that is why I don't dread doing the WS3 workout. Probably the first thing that you will do once moved to Alabama is sitting outside in the sunshine. You will be coming from cold temps after all.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Cathe Live Total Body Giant Sets 2. This was filmed a couple weeks ago, so was my first time through with it. Really enjoyed it. She kept up the pace which kept my heart rate up a bit and, at the same time, really challenged the muscles. I am definitely feeling these multiple muscle group workouts right now after four months of one body part a day. Good stuff. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre.

    Laurie, more great workouts. Sounds like a good plan moving forward. I am finding I am just fine with the lower step heights anymore. For whatever reason, I find I just prefer to be able to control my movement more and I can do that at a lower step height, even when the pace of lifting is slow. I think it is my age and fear of injury more than my actual ability driving it, but I am perfectly good with doing whatever feels right. It is a better alternative than just doing nothing. :) Yes, I am definitely looking forward to sunshine and warm temperatures right now. And the darkness is really coming fast. The days are going to feel pretty long when we get to Alabama in mid-November......thankfully!

    Thelma and Tami, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all yesterday. :) Today's been another busy day as well so this will be quick.

    Workouts yesterday were ICE Legs and then I went to Spinning last night, which was nearly a full class and lots of fun. Today was MM Bi’s/Tri’s together.

    Great workouts ladies ~ All that talk about Walk Strong 3 makes me want to get it. :)

    I will be able to check in tomorrow! Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another day of getting up late, so I only got in Ripped in 30. After work I will get the MM Triceps done. Love that those are short workouts.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts! That is so much fun to have new workouts to try out also. When Kelly is using a step on her RAW workouts, she has it set to 6", so I'm good with that also. That is as high as I want to go right now. One of the things that I love about her, is she does give you lower impact options if you don't want to go crazy. That will be a change for you with more sunshine. I bet is will be a little bit of a shock to the system at first, but will not take long to adjust.

    Tami, Totally understand being busy. Great job with the workouts also. Just so you know Kelly is going to ship the new workouts this month, they really do sound good. I will be putting them into my rotation to try them out when they arrive.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Cathe Live Bun Burners, Barre and Ball. This is another non-weighted leg workout and was really good. My legs were quivering through some of the moves. Love these non-weighted lower body options right now for an extra leg day. For cardio, I did RWH Low Impact HiiT One into XT All Out Low Impact HiiT.

    Tami, sorry about the busy week but sounds like you are still getting some good workouts in. Hope you have a good weekend!

    Laurie, I almost didn’t get out of bed this morning as well. It was raining and cold and dark made me sad to realize we were meant to be getting on a plane to Hawaii tonight. :'( But I eventually got up (obviously). I will be anxious to hear how you like Kelly’s new workouts. I was looking at my KCM workouts yesterday and trying to figure out how to work them into my routine more often. That is something I will be working on after we get through this move. I still think I would benefit in adding more variety to my workouts.

    Thelma, hope you are well and enjoying your trip to Georgia!

    See you Monday.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I went home and did one of the Blizzard Blasts + Abs. This a.m. was MM Chest and tonight I will go to Spinning.

    Laurie: WOOHOO! Thanks for letting me know about Kelly’s workout coming out soon. Great work getting in your Tri’s last night.

    Laurel: Way to go on the Bun Burners. Barre and Ball ~ sounds great! Love the names she comes up with on those LIVE workouts. I am hoping to incorporate a 2nd leg day as well. I like and NEED to do so. I think Kelly is so great about how she does moves differently than Cathe for example in some workouts; it does create a good variety. That is why I always enjoy adding her into my week whenever I can.

    Have a great weekend ladies! Talk to you Monday . . . Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend.

    We had a good weekend and a great time in GA. Out of the 9 houses/lots we saw 4 houses and 2 lots. There were 2 houses we didn't see because of the single car on either direction roads. There is no way I could live in a place where going on the reverse to get out of someone's way is a way of life. Another house had a scary driveway so we chose not to see it.

    One house that I had been watching for a while didn't look like the pictures at all! Builders use pictures from other homes they've built but this one didn't look like the pics at all! So disappointing.
    Another house I had been watching for many months was finally finished when we got there. It was beautiful and would've been the perfect house for us had it been in a different location. The house was across the street from 2 towers! One of them was a cell tower and God knows what the other one was. It was also across the street from another house which was all you could see from the front windows. The house had a great view too. Another disappointment!

    We fell in love with one of the houses on my list and put an offer in on Saturday afternoon. We thought about it for 2 1/2 days. The broker I found was just wonderful. What a nice lady! She prepared the paperwork for us on Friday and we read it after we got home on Friday and then finished it on Saturday and sent back to the broker with our modifications. We've yet to hear back from the builder. We had a laundry list of things we'd like him to do for us before we buy the house. Two involve outsourcing work to other people so I'm sure the builder will take his time getting estimates for these jobs. The suspense of not knowing is killing me! our offer expires on the 26 at 6 PM.

    My workouts were cardio on Wed, Fri and Sat. Today I did XT CBS w/u, ICE Low Impact Muscle Meltdown Back X4 Premix, Jessica Smith Hiit Cardio, Stretching. This is my last week of Muscle Meltdowns. I really liked this rotation. Next rotation is XT I believe

    About work, I've decided that I'm going to kill myself more than I already do to keep so busy that I won't have time to think of anything else.

    Ladies, great job with your workouts!! You are so good!

    Laurel, when do you leave for Alabama? We had beautiful weather in Blue Ridge. Not a single drop of rain! Thanks for letting me know all those things about moving! OMG, I have lots of liquid laundry detergent. I would think they would carry that because those jugs are hard plastic. We do have bottles of oil too!

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very nice weekend, sure is fall weather though. Got in the Triceps after work on Friday. Saturday I pulled out P90X Stretch workout. That one is so good, just forget to try it out more often. Sunday I only did the MM Back, just didn't feel like cardio. This morning was Ripped in 30 Level 2, will be doing shoulders when I get home.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts. You will have to let us know if the barre type workouts where effective before we start up our rotation next week. Adding in that type of work must hit some areas that we don't usually target when doing straight up weight work. Dang on it being the day that you would have been headed to Hawaii. Are you planning on doing that trip when you are settled into your new location? That is a place that I would love to go to someday. I think that you will enjoy your Kelly workouts when you have a chance to see what they are like. I really enjoy a lot of her premixes, they are hidden gems.

    Tami, Nice workouts and spinning also. Thought you would like to know about the DVD's coming soon. They will be good for this next phase, since they both incorporate weight/cardio work.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your trip was a good one. Glad to hear that you had a chance to see the homes, and nixed the ones that you knew wouldn't work. Will be sending you good vibes on the offer, that is so exciting. Oh please don't kill yourself at work :p , but I know that concentrating on work can help not thinking about all the other things going on. Nice job getting in your workout also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here despite the rainy weather. We spent most of the weekend doing odd jobs around the house getting ready to go to Alabama and, of course, move. Then DH also asked me to make a baby blanket this weekend for a young military family that just moved up here, don’t have their household goods yet.....and got the surprise of an early baby. So off I went to Fairbanks for some bulky yarn, and crocheting through a few football games Saturday and Sunday resulted in a cute little blanket. Hopefully they enjoy it. I know I enjoyed the break from moving preparation. :)

    Right now, my plan is to workout every day I can possibly workout from now until we are done with the moving process. We’ll see how that goes. ;) So Saturday I did XT Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders followed by Cathe Live Steptastic. Sunday was Cathe Live Trisets Legs (which was tough!) followed by XTrain Ride Timesaver Premix 1. Today was XT Biceps and Triceps and Core 1, followed by F/S Boxing Bootcamp (cardio) into Cathe Live Jabs and Kicks.

    Tami, great workouts to end the week. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

    Thelma, great news in finding a house you liked! I will have all my fingers and toes crossed that they accept your offer. What you experienced in some houses not being at all like they were on Zillow is one of my concerns for us this week. We have seen so many houses we like, but when it comes down to it, we have still set a plan out for what to do if we can’t find anything. We leave tomorrow night. It is calling for rain all days we are there, but I am kind of used to all rain all the time right now. At least it will be warmer! But I am encouraged you had good weather after a similar sounding forecast. Your movers will most likely take things like laundry least I hope they do. I know some movers won’t for fear of being responsible for any leakage. But for the duration of your move, they should be able to secure your liquids. If not, they deserve to have a claim against them! Our move is just longer, will get transferred from vehicle to boat to vehicle, and will be subject to some pretty drastic temperatures. So I understand the concern a bit more. Still a pain though!

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed the weekend. Fall came quickly, didn’t it? I have thought about doing that P90X Stretch workout a couple times these past few weeks. Yay for doing it! It is such a good, straight-forward, thorough stretch. About the barre workouts, I think they are effective if only because I am doing something for my lower body where I might be opting for nothing if I weren’t doing them. I don’t know why, but I am just going through a phase where I am not enjoying heavy lower body workouts. I have no injury or anything like that to explain it. But I am just being drawn more to more cardio-based lower body work. With doing this ‘split’ of one heavy lower body workout and one barre workout, I am at least getting two workouts in where I am focused solely on the lower body and not being distracted by cardio. In terms of my appearance......I don’t know. I still have a lot of zucchini bread, so my eating is :oB) . About Hawaii, DH and I were talking about the possibility of getting there next year still. Alaska Airlines is holding our tickets for a year, so we have time to decide. Oddly enough, the trip from Atlanta to Hawaii isn’t much longer than the trip from here to Hawaii and, thankfully, Alaska Airlines does fly from the Atlanta Airport, which will be about three hours from us. So it is possible, and that makes me happy!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a nice weekend. Quiet of course and I went into work for a few hours yesterday. I had a hair appt on Sat a.m. (early) so after that I ran errands and did some laundry, cleaning and just hung around the house with Bernie. Pretty quiet and a lazy day forsure. Yesterday was MM Back + Blizzard Blast + Abs. Today will be BootCamp after work. Our weather is beautiful but quickly changing in the a.m. and p.m. to cold temps. Fall is here.

    Thelma: Welcome back from your trip and that is SO exciting to hear you found the house you wanted! Everything crossed for you, prayers and all the good luck your way that it will happen. YAY. Great job getting in some workouts too! Yes, this is our last week of the Muscle Meltdowns – I am looking forward to the change.

    Laurie: Fabulous job with your workouts! We have the Fall weather too …. Beautiful during the day but cold in the evening and a.m. the days are also showing how short they can be very soon as well. Those new KCM workouts will be good for the next phase! I can’t wait to try them out.

    Laurel: Good on ya Martha Stewart to just whip up a baby blanket! That was so thoughtful. I bet they will love it, especially being home made. Fantastic workouts and a great goal you have set for yourself! WOWSA.
    When you have mentioned about doing the Barre work and regular weight work it sounds perfect! I felt after I did that To The Mat work a couple weeks ago that I should REALLY start doing more of that. I may follow your lead on that. I just have a tendency to have my mind wander and get bored sometimes with those We will see. . . my lower body would probably benefit would be the hope there. LOL Glad to hear that the Hawaii trip is not completely off the list. Hopefully you will be able to go next year. DH and I were talking to our "Mexico Trip" friends and they would love for us to come with them to Hawaii this January. They have a timeshare so we could stay with them and just pay for our airfare, food/drinks. So that would be awesome. We are going to talk about it when he gets home …. I would absolutely LOVE that. I had it on my bucket list that before I turned 50 or the year I turned 50 it would be nice to go. If we go in January I will make it!!!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout tonight. I worked from 8 am through 7 pm today. When I said I was going t kill myself at work, I didn't exactly mean this way. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Taking it one-day-at-a-time is all I can do.

    We still haven't heard from the builder about accepting/rejecting our offer. We know he is considering it because we had asked him to pave the driveway and to build us a carport. We also asked him if 1he would be willing to wait till mid-January for the closing and he is OK with this! This is huge for us so hopefully, his counter won't be as high as I'm expecting it to be.

    Laurie, glad you had a nice weekend. We have fall weather here too but I am still wearing my open toe shoes! Great workouts!
    Thanks for sending the good vibes so that we get the house we want!
    I hope keeping as busy as possible will numb whatever feelings I have about work. I hope it works!

    Laurel, how sweet of you for crocheting the baby blanket!!! Great job getting your workouts in with everything you have going on!

    Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed so we get the house. Our broker says this builder is very fair. I hope she's right. I think DH will be really crushed if we don't get it.
    Are you looking at new construction? I hope you don't run into misrepresented homes as we did. There is nothing like seeing the house in person. Location is not something you can appreciate from a listing that was a rude awakening for us too! Hopefully, you will have nice weather. It will be warmer there for sure!
    I didn't realize your things would have to travel by water too and I can now the different temp changes they will go through!! No wonder the movers don't want to deal with liquids. Have a safe trip and I hope you find a house you like!

    Tami, so glad you had a nice weekend! Did you love your lazy day? I love lazy days! Great workouts!
    Thank you for your prayers and luck on the house. Hopefully, tomorrow will be the day we hear the builder's counteroffer.

    Good night ladies!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    MM Shoulders after work. This morning was Kelly's RAW Intervals #4, another great workout. This one was a good lower body workout, so I don't know if I will be doing anything else after work. Will see how I feel after work, and the fact that DH is out of town tonight. Might be a good evening for yoga.

    Laurel, How very nice that you made that blanket for the family. I'm sure that they will appreciate it. Awesome job with the workouts. Thanks for the info on the lower body work, it will motivate me to incorporate them into the rotation next week. I'm looking at Kelly's Weights workouts for next week, then I can incorporate the barre/now weight type workouts. I love that you still will have time to get that trip in sometime, and that you can catch your flight from Atlanta. That will be something to look forward to, after you are settled into your new home. I'm sure that you will be headed out to Alabama before I get on tomorrow, so have a safe and fruitful trip.

    Tami, Great workouts! Glad to hear that you had a nice weekend weather wise also. I just love this time of the year, it is so wonderful to sleep in the cooler temps. I'm looking forward to the change of workouts, we have been on the one body part all summer. ;) How nice that your friends offered the time share, that would really cut down on the cost of a trip to Hawaii. I know that I would jump at that chance. ;) And of course that bucket list check off would be complete. Kelly has a preview of the workouts, they look good. The DVD's shipped out on Monday, so I'm expecting them anytime.

    Thelma, Dang on the long day at work. For sure we don't want you killing it at work that way. ;) Still sending those good vibes for the builder to accept.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,948 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in today as I am headed into town soon to get my hair youthened, and then I need to prepare for our trip tonight. Yesterday afternoon our realtor sent DH about 12 houses she wants to show us and we were busy looking at those all last evening, so neither of us is packed! Oops. We were laughing about that this morning, but come about 8:00pm tonight, it may not be so funny. I am optimistic about finding a house, though, so that is good. Anyhow, today’s workout was IMAX Extreme from Cathe’s Terminator DVD and Jessica Smith Yoga Abs.

    Tami, sounds like a nice weekend. Regarding the leg workouts, I still struggle with boredom on floor work. Anything over about 10 minutes, and I want to mentally scream. But I don’t seem to have the same issue doing barre which is why I am kind of doing more of that. Now if I were to try to do the 70 minutes of LIS Turbo Barre, I might be saying something different. :) But, so far, barre is working for getting deep into those muscles I don’t seem to hit with weights. That’s exciting news about going to Hawaii! I really hope that works out. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday!!!

    Thelma, sorry about the long day. Soon you will able to count days until you move! It does sound encouraging from the builder. I hope you hear something today. We are going to be looking at new homes, but we want something that is already built and ready to move in to when we get down there mid-November. We hope to avoid having to live some place temporarily while having a house built. So fingers crossed for that.

    Laurie, great workouts. I really hope the Hawaii trip works out for us in the future. As you said, it would be something to look forward to, especially since we have had to cancel so many trips these past three years. I prefer to think of it as postponed than canceled, that’s for sure.

    Enjoy the rest of the week!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good BootCamp class last night. Similar to last week. This a.m. I did Shoulders MM + Abs and tonight I think I will head home for a short cardio.

    Thelma: What a looooooooooong day at work! YOWSA. I bet you were exhausted. Sounds like the builder is definitely trying to work out the agreement, that is great news! Hopefully you will have a “forsure” and cost very soon so you can just start celebrating! I did enjoy my lazy day ….. but if I’m being honest, too much down time right now makes me feel a little bit of the sads, I like to keep moving and at the same time realize my poor body/mind/soul needs the R&R.

    Laurie: Great job getting in your Shoulder workout last night and the RAW Intervals #4 this a.m.! Sounds perfect and hopefully you are able to do your Yoga tonight after work. That’s great news on the DVD’s arriving very soon! Something to look forward to and also incorporate (as we talked about) into this next phase. Yes, hoping we do jump at the chance to go with them. After this year’s CXLD trip to Mexico …. Although had that not happened I wouldn’t have gone to see my mom at that time and as we all know that was absolutely precious time with her that I didn’t even realize how much until now. Things happen for a reason forsure.

    Laurel: I bet you are feeling a bit anxious in what will we find and will I love it, etc…. I think the perfect house is there waiting for you with an excellent in home workout room! I hope you have an amazing trip. Way to go with the IMAX Xtreme workout! WOW! Postponed on the trip to Hawaii is a great way of looking at it! I really hope for you guys too that after the dust settles from your move you will be able to plan that wonderful trip! Safe travels.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi ladies, quick update. Another 11 hour work day today. I got home at 8 pm so needless to say I didn't workout.
    I've been so upset about work that I've lost my appetite and have lost almost 4 lbs this week. I want to lose 6 lbs but not like this.

    So we still don't have a counteroffer but did hear from the builder. He is trying to find away to build a carport DH wants in a way that is not too expensive. What DH wants is super expensive. So are going back to GA on Friday and will return on Saturday. We are going to go talk to the builder in person about the solution he has for the two big things we want which are not cheap. This builder is really trying to work with us which is great.
    Another house similar to the one we want came on the market last night which I love. The house was built by the same builder! So we will see this house too. Plan B!

    Ladies, great job with your workouts!
    Laurel, have a safe trip and I hope you find a house you love!

    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in a short yoga workout with Chris Freytag after work, it was 20 min. but good. This morning was Ripped in 30 Level 2 and will do chest work when I get home.

    Laurel, LOL about not being packed, I think DH and I do that all the time. When we went to PA this year, I was putting clothes in a pile and he asked me what I was doing. :D Awesome news on the amount of houses you have to look at, that is nice that you have so many options. Great workouts also. I love what you are indicating about the barre workouts, and getting into places that you normally don't hit. I will be adding on lower body work for sure. Enjoy your trip and I hope it is very fruitful.

    Tami, Nice work on the BC class and your shoulder & ab work. You are right, having that time with your mom was precious, so nixing the Mexico trip was totally understandable. Wouldn't it be funny if both you and Laurel ended up in Hawaii at the same time. ;) Talk about a long trip to meet up with someone. LOL

    Thelma, I'm so glad to hear that the builder is so willing to work with you. That is very encouraging. I'm sorry to hear about the lonnnnng day at work. Well now you get to see GA again, hope that you have a fruitful trip also.

    Have a great day!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, this week is not looking good for workouts. The long days are killing me!

    Laurie, great job getting your workouts in!!
    Thanks, I hope we have a fruitful trip too. At least my soul will get a nice dose of beautiful Blue Ridge. I am not in a good mental place due to work stress. I'm having panic attacks and I just want to cry all the time. Not sure how to get out of this hole I'm in.

    Hi Tami and Laurel!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,570 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Thelma, Oh my, please do enjoy your time in the Blue Ridge. It sure sounds like you need that right now. I'm hoping that once you talk to the builder, your mind will be able to enjoy the prospect of living in that area. Do enjoy your trip and don't think about your job at all. Your workouts will be there for you when you are able to have some items settled on your list of things. ;)

    My workouts where MM Chest after work. This morning I decided to do another leg workout, so I did 30MTF Split Sessions Workout 2 and Chris Freytag's HiiT Core. Will get my biceps worked out later today.

    Have a wonderful day@!