Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! This will be a bit short from me today. Our hurricane watch is now a warning which means......time to get ready for a bumpy ride! They are going to evacuation the beach communities just east of us (where DH works), but we, so far, are staying put. We were very lucky yesterday in getting lots of bottled water as many places ran out by last night. Hopefully supplies have been replenished today. Gas stations were running out of gas last night but, again, we were lucky. We still need to get our storm shutters up but will do that this afternoon. The worst part of the storm is supposed to hit late Thursdy/Friday morning, so there is still time to do a few things to secure the house as best we can. Not my first hurricane, but definitely my first hurricane of this size.

    Anyhow, I did get my workout this morning.....even if I am a bit distracted. I did X2 Total Body, which I really enjoyed today. I followed it with ICE Muscle Meltdown Chest and X2 Ab Ripper. For cardio, I did Step Blast.

    Tami, sounds like a good rotation! I love STS in an undulating format as well. Always something new that way.

    Thelma, great job with the weights!! You just keep getting stronger and stronger. Well, the good news for you is it does look like this hurricane is not going to go up the entire east coast. I would hate for us both to get whacked by it!

    Becky, I can't believe you are almost through with your ICE rotation. The rotation Laurie suggested looks good. I will give it some as well.

    Laurie, how fun that your DD is going to Europe. Hope they have a great time! X2 Total Body isn't too bad on pull-ups bit there are some. More pull-ups come later in the program though. That Recovery and Mobility workout is all foam roller. StretchX is a better option IMO.

    I will try to check in over the next few days, but if our power is out......I will be thinking about you!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Jumping on again. This link actually works for the really early rotations of Cathe's
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Katy had a tough class for us again, using “the board” with LOTS of reps. Of course I was called out for not being in class the night before. I take it as a compliment I guess that she always notices. So workout was 5 rounds each of: Pull-Ups (20), Push-Ups (30), Sit-Ups (40), Speed Squats (50). OH, and for time. So she had us time ourselves every round and wanted us to beat our time. So doing the math, it was a total of: 100 Pull-Ups, 150 Push-Ups, 200 Sit-Ups and 250 Squats. Then we had to run 5 sets of lines the length of the gym. This a.m. of all things was Legs. But I was actually glad, my lats were and still are sore from all those Pull-Ups into Push-ups. Plus in the a.m. I had done Chest. Tonight I will head to Spinning right after work. Should feel good on my legs.

    Thelma: Sounds like a nice “work at home” day and good job getting in your workouts. Sounds like you are still building strength, which is fabulous. I think I will enjoy this rotation a lot; give room for adding in other “hiit” workouts on those days instead of just X10, there are also some workouts from her LIS series in there too. Will keep me busy until the new set gets here forsure!

    Becky: I forgot to mention how darling your dogs were. As you can tell from Bernie’s photo, he is the “thicker BROAD chested English lab” aka: Stout! LOL He has never looked thin and his tail could about knock you out. So great you are already almost finished up with your ICE rotation. WOW. It is always amazing how fast it goes forsure. Which is why we often talk about “what next” so we have something ready to go. Looks like Laurie gave you a great one to look at and like she said, you can always just plug in what you have in place of something else. The current rotation I decided on is an STS Undulating Style rotation. So rather than going through each Meso Cycle until it’s finished you go from #1 to #3 to #2 back to #1, etc…. its mixed up to keep your muscles guessing forsure. Along with it I will be doing HiiT style Cardio workouts; X10 being on the rotation often.

    Laurie: Sounds like a nice evening with your daughter & soon to be son-in-law. How fun for them. Great job getting in Peak 10 Cardio Core Crusher! That sounds like a great one. Huge bonus for you that you will be subbing that one in if you ever have CCC in a rotation. Your favorite of all time! LOL I’m glad I could help out on the salmon coloring. Sometimes in stores however they will inject dye to make them look bright coral/red in color. But yes, as a rule of thumb with salmon it is much tastier with the coloring. I have learned a lot about these little devils over the years.

    Laurel: YIKES!! Sending good thoughts your way and hoping you are all ok during this storm. Scary stuff. Prayers and well wishes your way. Of course in Laurel fashion you got in your workout despite the mayhem going on. Way to go! I’m sure the distraction was needed however.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did X10 w/u, BB Bulk Legs, Treadmill, stretch. I went into it with major dread factor but I perked up during the workout and was able to up my weights on a couple of sets.

    Becky, great job with that rotation. I can't believe you'll have your first rotation under your belt in one week! I think you should create a rotation with premixes that include the muscle meltdowns. I sent you my STS spreadsheet which has a rotation. You can use that as a starting point and just substitute my workouts with the ones you have. Laurie gave a great suggestion.
    I am really excited about my improved core strength too. Body Beast doesn't have proper warm ups/cool downs. I have to do a good warm up before exercising so having Cathe's workouts is very helpful.
    I don't know dogs but I imagine Luna is the black one right? I would've thought Penny was the barking one! She looks more mischievous. LOL. Both your girls are adorable. I just want to hug them. I saw a car today with all kinds of black lab magnets and my favorite one was this one: Obedience school drop out! LOL!

    Laurie, great job with that ab workout! Does Rocket get along with Zoey? How exciting about your DD going to England and Spain! I hope they have a wonderful time.
    I'm really happy I can finally use the smart part of tv! LOL. Yesterday's chest workout felt really good. I think is because my muscles were rested.

    Laurel, I hope you don't have to evacuate! I'm glad you were able to get water and gas! please be safe! We'll be thinking about you and checking the forecast!
    Great combo today!
    It really doesn't look like the storm will head our way. The extended forecast on my phone up doesn't even show rain for the next few days.

    Tami, OMG that was a killer class just reading about makes me want to cry! LOL
    I can't believe I am still building strength. I really wish I could add 1/2 lb weights to those Bowflex dbells! I have 1 lb wrist weights but they just don't feel right. I wish I had those weighted gloves Cathe uses.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday was X2 Total Body, don't really know what to think of that workout at this point. Can't say that I enjoyed it as a total body workout. :o I promised myself that I would do the first week of warm ups, but it is really getting difficult to do. :D This weekend I will be looking at all the ICE warm ups, so I can incorporate them as my warm ups instead. Looking forward to the yoga after work though. This morning was Peak Sweat & Burn Cardio, that one is becoming a favorite for me. Michelle is one of those instructors that you have to do the workout a couple of times to get the moves down, but once you do, the workouts are a ton of fun.

    Laurel, Stay safe my friend! I will be thinking of you and your DH until this storm ends for you all. Great job on the workouts, I'm hoping that I will be like you and enjoy the TB workout once I get more comfortable with the ability to do some of those moves. :D I think that was the most frustrating part for me. Thanks for confirming the Stretch X information, that is the one I will be going to in the future. I have always enjoyed that workout, and Tony is really good with stretching out the muscles.

    Tami, Oh my word on that workout of Katy's, she really does like to change up the class in a little different way. Glad that you where able to get through that leg workout also. Hope that spinning help your legs. ;) I didn't realize that Michelle's title for her core workout has the CCC acronym also. So I can say that I did CCC, but have the tamed down version from Michelle. >:) I've been dying to use that little devil guy. :D I usually buy my salmon from a store that I know will be selling unaltered meat. So I'm hoping that they don't inject anything into the salmon.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and upping your weights! I'm always impressed with you doing the workout, even though you have that dread factor. I have not done workouts, because I have that attitude. Rocket and Zoey get along great, they just love to play chase. I'm so glad that we have a big yard, because I think that they use the whole space up. I would love those weighted gloves that Cathe has also, but from what I can see they are not sold anymore.

    Becky, Hope you are still rocking those ICE workouts until the end of the rotation! ;)

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Nice Spin class last night, jam packed! The Biggest Loser is in full swing these days; I thought it was 2 weeks ago but it started last week. So, classes (other than Insanity are pretty full). This a.m. was STS Back/Tri’s and might get something in this evening at home.

    Thelma: Good job pushing through your BB Legs workout, despite having the “dreads” over it. Always hard but you feel better afterwards. It was a tough one on Tuesday; she even admitted over and over “this is tough you guys, good work”. She wasn’t doing it with us. I ran into one of the guys last night and he said he was sore and he is in amazing shape. Just came for the first time on Tuesday.
    Those gloves I think you can find on Amazon; not exactly like Cathe, but similar. Valeo is the brand; I looked into a while back because mine that I got from Cathe’s site years ago are ripping out in the thumb area; maybe than can be sewn up but I was looking just in case. Just a thought 

    Laurie: Great job getting through X2 Total Body and committing to the warm-ups this week. As you can see, a little change will probably be good. ICE warm-ups are a good choice. That is what I used pretty much all summer with my H&C/21DayFX Xtreme rotation. I agree on Michelle’s workouts, at first you have to learn a few of the moves and then once you got it down …. High energy and fun!

    Laurel: Thinking of you and hope you are all safe & sound.

    Becky: Hope you got in a little extra zzzzzzzz’s after that 3 a.m. day. Great job on the Yoga you did yesterday. Nicely done and I am sure it felt amazing.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just wanted to check in before we lose power. We have already had two blips in power, so it is just a matter of time. All day was spent preparing for the storm. Expect 100+mph winds throughout the night and into tomorrow morning. Hopefully by evening tomorrow the wind will die down and we can start assessing the damage. Definitely not looking forward to the next 24 hours. And I know it will be quite a few days without power.

    Anyhow, I managed a workout this morning. Don't know when I will be able to do that again, at least with Cathe. I did RWH Upper Body Circuit and Muscle Meltdown Back. Didn't have time for P90X2 Yoga which was scheduled for today. But it will be waiting for me when I get back to it.

    Will let you all know when I am back on line. Stay strong!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I didn't feel like lifting or jumping so I rode the spin bike.

    Laurie, great workouts!! Glad the dogs get along well! They're both going to have a lot of fun. I know those weighted gloves and I've tried them on at them on at the store and they don't feel right.

    Tami, fabulous job with your workouts! I hope the Biggest Loser newbies stick around!
    I don't like those Valeo gloves. I found some on Cathe's website but I don't see how I could lift with those things.

    Laurel, thinking of you and your DH. Good job for getting your workout in today. I hope the power is restored soon if you lose it that is. Stay safe!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work was X2 Yoga, and that was a really great workout! Looking forward to trying it again next week. This morning was Peak Cardio Strength, and I don't know if I will be getting in a workout after work. Zoey is being dropped off by the dd this morning, and she is not used to me working out. She will be all hyped up from staying in the kennel all day, so I'm sure that I will have to spend some time letting the two dogs run around for a while.

    Tami, Great job on the spin class and STS. I find it funny that the Insanity class doesn't get the love that the less intense classes are getting from the Biggest Loser group. ;) I wonder why. :D I really love the warm up for Rock'm Sock'm, so I'm going to do that one before Plyocide. It will bring some fun into that workout for me, and give me that Cathe fix that I really need when doing a rotation like this.

    Laurel, Do take care, and I hope you are able to get on line soon to let us know how you are doing after the storm. Awesome job getting in the workouts, I'm sure it helped to do those instead of thinking about the impending storm. ;) Yep yoga will be there for you when you are able to do it again.

    Thelma, Nice job getting a workout done, and spinning sounds like a theme around here. :D I had heard some good and bad with those lifting gloves, some women said they where to big for their hands. I have been using the wrist weight option, but you are right they don't feel right either.

    Becky, I'm sure that you are super busy with work and children's activities. Hope you are having a great week.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, we survived!! It is still very windy and rainy and will be for quite a few hours, but the storm is well north of us now. DH and I were up at 3:00am when the strongest part of the storm hit us. We didn't think being on the upper floor of the house was smart at that time. But we got very, very, very lucky. The storm stayed far enough to the east that we didn't get quite the winds they were expecting. So except for a few outages at the 3:00am hour, we didn't lose power at all. Sadly, over 1/2 our county did, so, again, we are very lucky. With the shutters up, we can't see outside at all. But we had a slight break in squalls a couple hours ago and did a quick walk around the house.....and no damage. Whew! A few of our trees and plants are a little sad looking, but no issues with major things like our porch screening or the roof. In fact, the neighborhood looks pretty good minus some trees and a couple of shutters that came off windows.

    I am going a bit stir crazy not being able to look outside much less go outside. So workouts are my thing today as DH watches endless hurricane news. So far, I have done Body Beast Total Body and X2 Balance and Power. I think I will do Party Rockin' Step 2 next and by then, hopefully, we can at last get outside for a bit again. Can't imagine what I would be doing without power!

    Tami, hope your week is going well. Sounds like Katy was in killer mode with that class this week!

    Thelma, good job finding something you felt like doing with your workout. Some days are just like that.

    Laurie, you are not alone with X2 Total Body. One of the reasons I have said X2 is the most frustratingly rewarding program is exactly what you described--being unable to do some of the moves. I am in my 4th rotation......and still can't do some of the moves! But I have learned to modify a lot. And (the reason the program is rewarding) it will get better! I never imagined it would when I did these workouts the first time. But one of the reasons I mentioned earlier about sticking with this segment for four weeks is, if you can bear the workouts, I found it was about that time I started seeing some positive results in how I was able to do the movements. But it does require so much patience. Anyhow......I understand your reaction. But glad you liked X2 Yoga!! Looking forward to catching up on that one but I have way too much nervous energy right now to do yoga! Hope your daughter has a good trip!

    Becky, hope you are having a good week.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Ladies and Happy Friday! This a.m. was X10 Low Impact HiiT and tonight I am planning on working out at home instead of Spinning. Will probably do another HiiT style workout.

    Thelma: Way to get in a Spin when nothing else sounded good to you!

    Laurie: Great job getting in your X2 Yoga! I know that is one of Laurel’s favorite yoga workouts. Another great workout with Peak Cardio Strength as well this a.m. Nicely done. Glad you are making the rotation work for you by adding in some other warm-ups, etc. Yes, it’s sort of obvious why people opt out of the Tuesday night class forsure. LOL

    Laurel: So happy to hear from you and hear you are safe & sound from the storm. That is amazing and so lucky you didn’t lose power. Good for you guys. PHEW Fabulous job making good use of your time with workouts! LOL Tons of nervous energy being burned off I am sure. Your advice to Laurie is perfect on X2. I think I must have lacked the patience needed. :blush: LOL

    Hi Becky ~ Hope you have had a great week and enjoy the weekend!

    I am OFF on Monday and hope to get in some good workouts this weekend; supposed to be rainy and on Monday I am meeting my friend for lunch and then she is going to do my hair. I might do my color and cut slightly different. Not sure if it’s the weather or what but I am not enjoying my hair right now and want something different. We will see.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    edited October 2016
    Happy Friday, ladies - Wednesday, I did get the Bikram Yoga class in along with lots of walking. It was really nice getting 3 days in a row of yoga. I am noticing that since I have started weight training again that my body is feeling more and more stiff, so yoga has been a great compliment to my training. Yesterday, I did a Darebee routine (for the Hogwarts weight loss challenge) instead of ICE. It was quite tough for me, but I finished 10 sets with small modifications (shoulder started getting a little tired).
    I will be heading into my room after typing this to do the next ICE video (don't know which one it is right now).

    Laurie - Great job on your X2 workouts this week (I love that one of them was yoga!) You are SO AWESOME for your suggested rotation. I think that I will print that out for myself and try it. Also, thanks for the links. Geesh, I love that I have met you all! That is so exciting that your daughter is going to England. I lived over there for 3 1/2 months and absolutely loved it. Wow....a week in England then Spain. What a great adventure for them.

    Thelma - Glad to see you ended up "perking up" once you got to working out. I am dreading going into my room right now.....just want to sleep. But, I know I need to just start a workout and energy flows back into me. Great job on making yourself do it. Nice job on getting the spin bike done, too. Yes, Luna is my beautiful black lab. I absolutely love that sticker you mentioned "obedience school drop out". Luna is the one that I call the Kraken from Clash of the Titans......the first 5 seconds of this video shows what it is like to let her out of the crate. :D HA!
    Also, thanks so much for the excel spreadsheet. I will be using it. (

    Laurel - I hope you are safe! I will be looking for updates from you just hoping everything is ok. Glad you have supplies and are stocked up. Even though this is all happening, I love your dedication to staying with your workouts. Great job!

    Tami - HOLY CRICKET! Katy is a monster! (I mean that in the nicest of ways) I can't believe you did all that "oh so much fun" stuff in your workout with Katy a few nights ago......geesh....You'd be visiting me in the hospital. ;) That has got to be the best feeling know that you survived should be so proud of your workout routine. Great job on all your other workouts, too. My 3am days are sometimes rough, but I prefer to get up early and get stuff done. If I had my way, I'd be in bed by 6-7pm and up around 3am. But, with the kids, I don't get to be until 9-10pm. Thanks for the compliments on my pups. They are crazy.....but they add to the craziness of my house. I would't change it.

    Have a great rest of the evening.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. We finally got rain! It's been raining non-stop since last night. On Friday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, on Saturday XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, and today spinning. I'm going to start week 5 of 8 of my rotation tomorrow.

    Laurie, great workouts! How are things going between Zoey and Rocket? I've gone crazy all over the web and there aren't any gloves out there like the ones Cathe wears. Maybe we can convince her to make those again!

    Laurel, I'm so happy you and your DH are OK! I hope you didn't have any damage outside. I would've gone crazy not being able to look outside! Great workouts and great way to pass the time during the hurricane!

    Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! Enjoy your day off on Monday! I hope you love your hair makeover!

    Becky, fabulous job with workouts!!! So funny about Luna being like Kraken!!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout on Friday after work, Zoey and Rocket where just to hyper. On Saturday I did Peak Cardio Strength Fat Blaster and took a break and then in the afternoon did X2 Balance & Power. This one was a bit better than X2 TB for me. I had a few moves that where difficult, but still wanting to be able to have the strength to do it. I can see that this one would really be great at improving in the core. I have done my obligation to the warm ups, so the next time I do these workouts the warm-up will be something that I enjoy doing. :D Sunday was X2 Core with ICE Metabolic TB warm up, and then I skipped the cool down and did Peak Flex & Release. This morning I did Peak Cardio Interval Burn Fat Blaster Express. I'm learning to just leave the dogs upstairs, and letting DH handle watching them. Rocket is fine when I workout, but Zoey just doesn't understand what is going on. :D

    Laurel, So glad to hear the you and your DH are safe, and that there isn't damage to your house. I think you found the perfect way to get through a storm by working out. I'm sure that as I do the workouts, they will get better and better. Avoiding the warm up this week may help with my state of mind also. :D There is one thing that Tony really really does well, and that is stretching and yoga.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! This type of rotation really makes me do the yoga, so I'm really happy that the stretching and yoga are on this rotation. I'm enjoying the combo of Peak and X2, but I may need to change that for the next phase. I will have to see how it goes. Have a wonderful day off today, I'm sure you will be enjoying it.

    Becky, Great job on getting in that workout and all your yoga! I really do need to make an effort to get at least one stretching/yoga workout into my future rotations. It really does help with the stiffness as you stated. LOL love your description of your Luna. Zoey is 8 months old and full of energy, but when she is done playing for the evening she crashes. You are welcome for the rotation, I remember doing that one, and really liking it. I could pop in cardio workouts that I enjoyed through the 4 week rotation.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts, and that you are in the last half of your rotation. That has really gone fast. The first day that Zoey was at our house, I wanted to farm her out to someone else. It was non stop with the two of them playing. After she has been there a couple of days it is getting better, she went for her walk this morning and didn't pull so much. Now she just needs to walk in a straighter line, so that I don't have to be untangling her from the leash so much. :D She is a love though, and Rocket seems to love having someone to play with besides me. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was better than expected given a hurricane coming through......but still a 'recovery' weekend. Saturday was my day off from working out, but not a day off at all! We spent the entire day putting the house back together after the storm and helping some neighbor's out as well. I tell you.....hurricanes are hard work! I was talking to one of neighbor's Saturday afternoon and she was visibly exhausted. All she said was 'I am just ready for this to be over'. I couldn't agree more.

    Yesterday was a struggle with the workouts....but I pushed through hoping it would help with the energy levels. This week I have decided to do the LIHI workouts with X2, so I started with the warm up and chest work from LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps into X2 Core. For cardio, I did the Ultra Cardio premix from Drill Max. I really wanted to spend the rest of the day with a book, but DH convinced me to go to the one golf course in the area that is open for golf! It was a nice day actually and the course was in pretty good shape. The neighborhood around it.....not so much. Kind of sad to see all the damage. Anyhow, I feel even more tired today! DH, who is still home from work because of the power outages by the ocean where he works, thinks the week is catching up to me. I said to him that, right now, I think the whole year is catching up to me! But, once again, I convinced myself to workout to see if it would help. I started with LIHI Back into X2 Plyocide. Then after a break I did Cathe's original Bootcamp. Can't say I am bursting with energy now after the workout so I think tomorrow may truly be a day off from everything if I don't feel better. We'll see.

    Tami, hope you had a great weekend. Don't beat yourself up about X2! I remember when I did it last time (about 18 months ago), I swore I would never do it again because it annoyed me so much! It is just that kind of program. But, right now, I am probably enjoying it more than I ever have. So it is just a weird program that you definitely have to be in the right mind set for......more than any other program I have ever done for sure.

    Becky, yay for all the yoga! I definitely get more stiff from strength training. One thing that helps me in addition to stretching is making sure I am eating enough protein. That seems to cut down on the amount of recovery time I need from workouts. I know that the typical American diet contains more than enough protein, but, for me, just focusing on it a bit more seems to help.

    Thelma, wow! I can't believe you are already half way through this rotation! Where has the time gone? Glad you are getting some rain. You might be getting some from Hurricane Matthew. I know it was drenching parts of NC and Virginia over the weekend.

    Laurie, hopefully this week of X2 without the warm ups will go a bit better. I only owed Tony two push-ups this morning in Plyocide, so I am already seeing improvements! Sounds like you have found a good complementary program with the Peak workouts as well. I have found that I need to be doing other workouts along with X2 to make me feel like I am getting more overall fitness. Glad you enjoyed Balance and Power more!

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Chest, Walking on Treadmill. Did you ladies see Cathe's e-newsletter with the latest on the Strong & Sweaty? I love that we will be using a barbell a lot!

    Laurie, great workouts!! Does Zoey want to help you workout? Is that why the dogs have to stay upstairs? LOL
    This rotation as really gone fast. I'll be doing H&C while my aunts are here and then maybe the 4 of us can do the Strong & Sweaty rotation! It must be a lot of fun to watch the dogs play non-stop. Sounds like you need to get Rocket a little brother or sister!

    Laurel, so glad that hurricane is behind us. I hope there was no damage to your house. I'm sure the landscaping will probably need some TLC. I think we got the tail of the hurricane because it was raining pretty hard. It really feels like I just started the rotation!

    Hi Tami & Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    The dogs where so tired from their day at daycare, so I was able to get in Plyocide. I started with the ICE Rock'm Sock'm Warm Up (my fav), so that made the workout 100% better. This morning was Peak Cardio Core Crusher, and Zoey stayed upstairs while Rocket and I worked out. ;)

    Laurel, You have to be exhausted! Do take the day off if you are not feeling up to par, sure wouldn't want you to get sick. The amount of work that has to be done to clean up is exhausting. Taking the time to read a good book might be the best medicine that you could have today. I'm impressed that you muscled through those workouts. Have to say that I still owed Tony more push-ups than I did, but I wasn't to badly off. :D At least it is getting better, probably because I have gone through the workout once. Found that to be the case with H&C also.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! I have been looking at the forum for the new workouts. I love looking at the pictures, and the barbell/dumbbell combo looks good. Zoey just loves to run around, so YES she really does help me out with my workouts! :D I'm so afraid to step on her, but then she would learn her lesson. I stepped on Rocket by mistake, and he has learned to stay away from the flailing woman. I already have ideas about a second dog, but I think one is enough. It is nice to have Rocket occupied though. :D

    Tami, Hope your day off was fun.

    Becky, Hope you week is starting off strong.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had trouble logging on earlier but happy to see the site back. Also happy to report I am feeling much better today. Still felt a little foggy when I got up but not so bad to not workout. And that first workout had me feeling 100% like myself again! Yay! That workout was LIHI Legs followed by the LIHI Shoulder work (from both upper body workouts). It felt great and, like I said, did the trick for my energy levels. So, for cardio, I did X10 warm-up and Low Impact into ICE Low Impact Sweat with Blizzard Blast. A perfect workout for today.

    Thelma, great workout! I have been following Cathe's updates on the new series on Facebook and it looks good! Looks like a lot of variety. Can't wait to get my hands on them now! We had absolutely no damage to our house at all from the hurricane, which is such a blessing. Still working on some plants and such. DH and I went to the ocean area where he works yesterday and......yikes. There were some HUGE trees down, which made me so sad. But, all in all, I think our area came through this better than anticipated. While we had quite a bit of wind damage, we didn't get the flooding like some areas have up the coast.

    Laurie, great warm up and workout. That X2 warm up......I just don't get. Glad to hear you felt Plyocide went better for you this week. Hopefully you feel the same about X2 Total Body. Thanks for your kind words and understanding about my exhaustion. I think I hit a wall yesterday of sorts. I am glad it didn't last long. But the rest of the day now is going to be spent with a good book.

    Tami and Becky, hope you are well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a really nice weekend and extra day off yesterday. Just love those 3 day-ers! I did get in all my workouts as planned, plus our volleyball league started on Sunday. So Saturday was Flex Train, which felt really good and surprisingly more fun than I remembered; this program did grow on me however as time went by. So it was great; always go a little heavier than Cathe. That afternoon I went and saw Girl on a Train with my BFF/Hairdresser friend. It was super good ladies! Not scary, just suspenseful and “figuring it all out” type of movie. Sunday a.m. was STS Meso #2 Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s and then I headed to play Volleyball. We scrimmaged 3 on 3 the first match because they didn’t have enough and then we played our second match of 3 games with our regular 4 on 4. So we won all 6 games! Our newest player is only 23 and she told me she wants to be like me when she gets to be my age; she was amazed at what good of shape we were all in. :smile: Super sweet of her and felt good since I am the “oldest” on our team. LOL Yesterday I did STS Meso #2 Legs and I am feeling those side-slide lunges today. Surprised, but I’m happy about it. LOL Tonight is Katy’s Insane X class. I guess I missed another good BC class but I didn’t feel like hurrying back into town after my hair appt for it PLUS it was a must to get the lawn mowed since it was finally not raining & since I dodged getting housework done, I did that as well.

    Speaking of hair appt …. It was super fun. We are headed to a “Lob” (I was too chicken to cut 1 more inch) so next time I will and I will be there she said. I know, weird, but I needed to see what the 2 inches would look like. Plus we did more of an ashy blonde/brown with lighter highlights. So instead of being “goldy” highlights it’s more blonde. So far I am really happy with it. Enough of a change but not drastic. Not good at changing up my hair. So this was a good step and I will go back and have her cut another inch in a couple weeks.

    Thelma: Fabulous job with your workouts! You are cruising right along with your BB rotation, nice work! I will have to read the newsletter from Cathe, I didn’t see that. Hopefully as with all my workouts my dumbbells will still work for me. I just don’t have room for a barbell set-up. I would imagine in all the programs I have done I will be alright. Thanks for the well wishes on my workouts and hair makeover. It was a mini one, but a makeover enough for me.

    Laurie: Great workouts and continuing to work in some “extras” to make the program work for you. Glad you are enjoying the yoga and stretching; Tony is very good at that and forcing you to do it since it is in the program. Love that you are persevering through! Way to go. So fun that your pup was exhausted after all that playing.

    Laurel: I’m with Laurie on the “you have to be exhausted”, mentally from all that went on last week especially and now helping out your neighbors, etc. Way to get in your workouts, which I am not surprised at all about. Would never know you had “low energy” at all. Hopefully if you are feeling wiped out tomorrow you give yourself that much deserved break.

    Becky: Love reading your daily goals on the board! So good and a great way to keep yourself accountable. Awesome job with your ICE program and Yoga + lots of walking. Yes, Katy is a monster, I agree. LOL I too mean that in the nicest of ways. She is super intense with her workouts and I love her intensity. She has a tendency since I am one of her “regulars” for all these years to push me too. She knows I will do it and so she requests or tells me to do certain moves or pairs me up with one of the few guys in our class, etc. It’s pretty funny but I appreciate her so much. Especially when its over. I get up around 4:15-4:30 and I’m with you on going to bed early. It is so hard for me to get up if I don’t go to bed by 9 pm. I don’t know how you do the 10 pm and wake-up at 3. But I suppose, like other things, you just do it and live through it. Wanting a nap but making it work for you! You're a busy mom and as my mom used to tell me, "I don't know how I did it, I just did". So Good on ya!

    Hope you ladies have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - Friday I did the ICE bootcamp, Saturday was Low impact sweat, Sunday was Metabolic and today was supposed to be a rest day. But, I tried one of the timesaver workouts from ICE. It was from the Chiseled Lower Body dvd, #1 (warm up + blizzard + cool down). Oh my gosh....LOVED IT. I loved how my heart rate would spike then cool down, spike, cool down. It was a great workout that was quick and to the point. My son has baseball practice tonight, so I will be walking around the park the entire time. I only have 2 days left of my 4 week rotation and will start the suggested rotation that Laurie provided.

    Laurel - I am so glad you weren't hit too hard by the hurricane. I was thinking about you guys while we watched the news. Your new rotation sounds good. Great job on starting it, even though energy was low. Don't push yourself too much.....your body may need the break. Plus, you've been helping neighbors and working around your house! It must be nice to get some DH time in, too It's good that you got some golf in with him. I read your 2nd post and your energy is back. YES! Great job on those workouts (is LIHI "Low Impact High Intensity"?) Thanks for the suggestion on eating more protein. According to MFP, I never reach my goal. I keep thinking that I eat enough, but apparently not. I eat turkey with my salad every day, have hummus or egg whites most days, and yogurt. I typically have some type of meat at dinner time (try to eat low fat items). But....still shy on protein.

    Tami - WOW on your workouts! Great job. I hope that your volleyball game went well. I bet the workouts really help with your game. Sounds like a lot of fun, too. Your hair sounds so cute! Whenever I chop my hair, DH freaks out. As for sleep, it is hard with little sleep, but I have become quite used to it. Summers are when I really catch up and get 7-8 hours in every night. Don't you feel like you get so much more accomplished at 4am? It's quiet and no one is there to bug you (except the dogs). :)

    Laurie - Phew - sounds like you had a great weekend with workouts! I was laughing when you wrote about the dogs not understanding what was happening. Mine are the same......they want to play with me. I am really looking forward to the rotation you provided. I miss Power's my favorite routine.

    Thelma - I can't believe you are starting week 5 already of the rotation. Great job! Are you enjoying the rotation? Thanks for the info on needing a barbell for the strong and sweaty routine. I don't have one and will modify with my hand weights (bummer because I know it isn't the same).

    Have a wonderful rest of the night.....Becky