Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today is an off day from X2, so I started the morning with Cathe's Gym Tyle Legs, but did just the standing work. Then I went right into GS Biceps. For cardio, it was To The Max Extreme. I think my legs will be talking to me tomorrow after that combo!

    Tami, sounds like a busy weekend. Great workouts, as always. Congratulations on the volleyball victories! I bet those close matches are so much fun. I was with you on the cooking this weekend. I don't normally do much 'batch' cooking, but with DH on Nutrisystems, I find it easier to prepare and freeze stuff just for me. So three hours on Sunday afternoon were spent cooking. Wish it had been cooler here for it! Bet you are looking forward to your DH being home.

    Becky, congratulations on your STS purchase! I hope you love it! Sounds like a good day at WWE. How funny you were spending the time checking the baseball scores. But I understand because it's the Cubs! My favorite core, that's a tough question. You will be getting some great core routines with STS, but they are also lengthy (most between 15-20 minutes). I would say of those routines, the No Equipment Abs is my favorite. But my overall Cathe favorites (my top 5) would be: Pyramid Upper Body Abs, Muscle Endurance Abs, Muscle Max Abs, Butts and Guts Abs, XTrain Core 1. Boy, that list could go on and on and on! I guess I like ab work! :o

    Thelma, good job pushing through the BB workout. Keep listening to yourself if you just aren't feeling it, though. Glad you got some relief on the course, but I totally understand wanting to push through. I would feel that way too, especially since you have felt the pressure of being under the gun. I wouldn't want to feel that twice, that's for sure!!

    Laurie, great workout this morning. I am happy that by eliminating the warm up, you are able to fit them in early. I love the feeling of knowing my scheduled routine for the day is done and whatever else I choose to do is a choice! Sounds like you are making some great balance improvements too! I have a harder time with that first move in Plyocide where he wants push-ups too, especially on my left leg (which just doesn't like to steady itself!). I was surprised to get through it yesterday, that's for sure. My nemesis in X2 Core will always be those one-legged stability ball burpees/push-ups. I will do the Dreya Rolls for you if you agree to do those for me!?! :D

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good BootCamp class last night it was another circuit “posted on the board” which included: 50 Jump Ropes, 40 Mtn Climbers, 30 Squats X3, as the CARDIO portion between sets of:
    10 Shoulder Presses, 12 Tricep Dips. 14 Leg Lift Crunches
    Then 15, 14, 16, CARDIO then 20, 16, 18, CARDIO then 25, 18, 20 CARDIO then 30, 20, 22.
    This a.m. I did STS Legs and tonight I have an appt. so I won’t be going to the Insanity Class.

    Becky: WOOHOO!!! Huge congrats on ordering STS! I’m so glad Thelma let you know it was on sale, that is perfect! We are good enablers forsure when it comes to spending money on fitness DVD’s. I apologize for that but as we have often said to one another here, there are much worse things we could be doing and STS is definitely a system you will keep around for as long as you are working out! Great choice and plenty of us here to answer any questions for you when you get into it. Yes, it will be really nice to have DH home. I get into a good routine while he is gone and stay busy enough, but still gets a little lonely forsure.

    Thelma: Great job getting in your BB workout despite dragging yourself down there to do it! Sometimes the best feeling when you are done. So congrats! That is great news on the extension and your boss allowing you to train at home. That’s amazing! Yes, Bernie was darling and such a good boy at the office, I was proud of him.

    Laurie: Sorry to hear about the traffic, never fun! Glad the dogs at fun at daycare (it sounds like due to the “tireds” they felt) LOL Great workout this a.m. with Plyocide! The weekend was busy forsure and I love whenever I can get anything frozen for future meals. Even with just two of us, because I eat slightly different than DH and having other things that he enjoys is helpful plus getting home around 6:45 during the week and then starting dinner makes it much easier.

    Laurel: Great leg day for you as well with a nice cardio and Bi’s added on. Way to work. Thanks for the kudos on the volleyball; yes it is always so much fun when the matches are close. Much moreso than when you just win easily or lose; never fun for either side when it is like that. LOL I always love getting ahead on my batch cooking; besides the regular chicken breasts, fish, salad cutting that I do weekly anyway. Just nice to be slightly ahead of the game. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself as well.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, Treadmill.

    Laurie, too bad about the heavy traffic but great job this morning with your workout!
    No problem with the cookies! One every other day is not bad at all. I would be one every hour! If they are in the house I will eat them so I don't bake sweets.

    Laurel, another winning workout!
    I've been freezing a few servings from our batch cooking for the week which is great. I had to start labeling the containers cause I had a couple of tomato based dishes and couldn't remember what they were. I log calories so I needed to know the dish name! LOL
    It definitely is a relief knowing that I could have the extension for that course. I definitely need to do it at home on the weekends because I don't have time to do that at work.

    Tami, another killer BootCamp class! great job with the class and STS legs!
    We're all very relieved at work for the extension with the course let me tell you! My co-workers better get going because work will always get on the way. The best way is to do it at home. Of course that is easy for me to say because I don't have children. 3 of my co-workers have small kids. Good luck to them!

    Hi Becky! Loved that drumming workout you shared this morning! Ladies, in case you didn't see this from Becky on her MFP newsfeed. My friend plays African drums so she gets this workout all the time.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout again after work. Got home to a house that was at 77 deg! I went around the house opening windows, and then went back to the thermostat. It was saying that the battery needed to be changed, so that meant that the heat was stuck in the on position for quite a while. DH told me to turn it off. Since I didn't know how long the dogs had been in the heat, I took them outside for quite a while. DH came home, and we dropped his truck off at the repair shop. By the time that was all done, it was time to eat. :D The pups came with me on our trip, just didn't seem fair to have them in the house alone again. This morning was an off day for X2, so I did Peak Pure Strength 1. Youngest dd starts her first day of work today!

    Laurel, You did torture your legs good, and just love the standing work in GS Legs. My fav floor work is in PS Legs! Doing the peak workout this morning required some balance also, so I think that X2 is really helping with other workouts also. LOL I don't know if that is a good deal or not, I have to do the modified version of that stability ball burpee/push-up. :D My stability ball is all over the place, so that one is going to take another round of X2 to master that move.

    Tami, How in the world do you remember those reps! It makes me tired just reading it. :D Nice job on getting though that, and your STS workout also. I will have to remember to do that frozen food thing, because last night sure would have been nice to have that handy. Now that dd is going to be working more in the evenings, it probably will be DH and I that I have to cook for. I have to start adjusting the quantities, or start freezing the leftovers.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts. I have to limit myself on the sweets also, because I could eat more than one in an hour also. ;) Love the video. The peak workouts that I am doing have bang on the drum move, but it is just with the arm movements. It is one of my favorite moves in the workout.

    Becky, Hope your day is going well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with X2 Total Body, which gets better every week. I followed it with Gym Style Triceps. Then, for a fun cardio, I did Rock m' Sock m' Doubled premix. Love that one!

    Tami, yowza! Sounds like another tough Katy workout! I honestly don't know how you do those workouts, especially after working all day! Amazing. I did enjoy my cooking on Sunday actually. I don't like cooking as much as baking, but it was nice to get so many meals frozen. I am trying to talk my DH into buying a small freezer for the garage because the freezer we have with the fridge just isn't quite enough. We are pretty limited in garage space so it means getting rid of something.....and that is kind of his territory, though. So.....we'll see.

    Thelma, another good BB workout. Thanks for the video! Looks like so much fun! I am amazed at your discipline in logging your meals. I know I should get back to that, just to hold myself accountable. But I can't seem to ever get myself to sit down and do it! At least I have the discipline to not snack, so at least I am conscious of what I am eating for meals which helps. But.....still......I could be better with that!

    Laurie, yikes on the heat! I bet your house felt miserable!! Hopefully the air outside was fresh and cool and you were able to get the heat out. I am sure you don't like throwing money at the gas/electric company like that though! Since I have only ever cooked for DH and I, I freeze a lot of meals. I love making casserole size dishes where we can get 4-5 meals out f it for both of us. It keeps my actual cooking down to weekend and a couple nights a week since DH's schedule has always been so unpredictable. I imagine you might appreciate the extra time! Glad I am not alone with the one legged burpees on the stability ball. I don't think I will ever master it!

    Becky, hope you are having a good day.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout this a.m., I had a 7 AM dental appt so left the house around 6:40. I will go to Spinning tonight though and STS is on the books for tomorrow a.m.

    Thelma: Great job with your workout last night! Sounds like you are right back in it. Thanks for the kudos on the workouts. Yes, Killer Katy forsure. I’m sure last night was just as good or even moreso; she has a way of turning it up a notch on Tues evenings for Insane-X. I’m sure everyone @ your work is feeling relief and yet still pressure with the extension. Keep going Thelma! You’ll get there. :smile:

    Laurie: YIKES on the heat. That happened to us once when my mother-in-law stayed and couldn’t figure out the A/C in the summer. So it stayed on like 80 degrees or something crazy. IT was just like what you are saying about opening up windows But it was SUMMER so that didn’t help until it finally just cooled down. Good job with the Peak Pure Strength WO this a.m. :smile: Yay for your DD. I hope she has a great day and loves her new job. I don’t know how I remembered, you kind of get it stuck in your head and just keep going. LOL I could have been off a number or two but you guys got the picture.

    Laurel: Awesome workouts this a.m.!! :wink: Thanks for that …. Some days after work when I am feeling tired I don’t know how I get through it either, but its an accomplishment forsure. I can relate to the limited freezer space; despite having a large freezer in our garage and 2 small chest freezers that are “off limits” bait only goes in those. The large stand up I share with a lot of frozen salmon, still more bait and smoked salmon. So I have like 2 small shelves to work with. LOL But I will take them.

    Hi Becky :smiley:

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did decided to jump on the spinning bike and it felt good.

    Laurie, OMG with the heat being stuck at 77! Poor dogs! Great workout this morning! I hope your dd great om her first day on the job!
    NO will power with cookies here! I'm going to have to get some drumsticks or wooden spoons to do that drumming workout.

    Laurel, fabulous combo today!
    I have to keep logging my meals otherwise I would eat too much so it keeps me accountable. I think this is something I need to do for the rest of my life.

    Tami, I hope you had a good spinning class.
    My motivation is not back at 100% yet but much better than last week! Thanks for cheering me on!

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    DH's car still isn't fixed, they didn't have the part in stock. Should be good to pick up tonight. My workout last night was one of the Cathe Live, and I did Hardstrikes Low Impact. That one had a lot of really good punching, so right up my alley. :D I used my weighted gloves. This morning I did the warm up for ICE Metabolic TB, and followed that up with X2 Total Body. I think that doing the X2 workouts in the morning is better for my body, I seem to have better balance. :D

    Laurel, Nice workout combos. I do have one question on those 4-position pull-ups. I have been using my tower, and just doing different hand positions. Do you count the 4 positions as one, or am I suppose to count each one. If I do 4 sets of 4, is that 12 or 4? I just wondered, because it is hard to tell what Tony is talking about with his soft speaking voice during those. :D Probably doesn't really matter, I guess it really is up to me as to how I want to write them down. I guess that I will have to start doing that with the casseroles, that way we have something ready when I have a busy time at work. It was a good thing that it was nice an cool outside, the house cooled down really quick.

    Tami, Hope you dental appt. went well. I'm sure your spinning will be a good one also. I can't imagine having the house hot like that during the summer. I could feel the heat on my face when I walked in the door. Have not had the chance to talk to the dd yet on how her first day of work went. She stayed at our oldest dd's place last night, just to check on things.

    Thelma, Another spinner last night! :D I'm sure that you will get your motivation back soon, just have to find the right combo of workouts. I didn't think that combining the Peak workouts with X2 would be good, but so far they are working great together.

    Have a wonderful day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started my workout today with a tough cardio combo--RWH Lower Body Circuit into the doubled premix of RWH Plyo HiiT One. It felt great. I followed it with Gym Style Shoulders and X2 Yoga. The yoga feels SO good after a tough cardio workout. Absolutely loved it today.

    Tami, that's an early appointment! Hope it all went well. Wow, that's quite a bit of freezer space taken up by fishing...but it makes sense! I wouldn't mind sharing my freezer with some fresh salmon. :p Keep trying to convince DH to take up fishing down here. I can think of worse ways to spend a day that sitting on the beach waiting for a nibble from a fish! Maybe someday, but if that happens, you have me knowing what to expect for freezers!

    Thelma, glad your spinning felt good. I love that you know what will keep you accountable.....and have the discipline to stick with it. My discipline is definitely more in my workouts than my food. :o Now that DH is at his goal weight (he has lost 35lbs!), I am trying to work with him to figure out his long range plan. I think for a little while until he figures it out for himself that I will be his 'discipline'. I am okay with that is the short term, but I hope he finds the one thing like you have that keeps you focused.

    Laurie, hope you get your DH's car back soon. For those 4-position pull-ups, I use the tower and do one wide pull-up, one narrow, one chin-up, one narrow, then back to wiide and so on. I count each pull-up/chin-up separately. So, for example, I usually do four sets of four pull-ups-chin-ups and count it has 16 reps. My tower is in a different room so I have no idea what Tony is saying through it, but I don't think I could do 16 pull-ups and write down a '4'. Just doesn't seem right! :)

    Becky, hope your week is going well!

    Off to get my hair looking better. See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Spin class was good, went by fast! Today’s workout is STS Meso #3 Shoulders/Bis/Tris. Not sure if I will do a little add-on this evening or not but I hope too. Only a couple evenings left that I have the house to myself. :wink: Need to take advantage of that. LOL

    Thelma: Nicely done on the Spin bike!!! Glad it felt good to you, I’m sure you were able to just kind of check out a little bit mentally and get a good sweat on as well.

    Laurie: Sounds like a fun mixture of workouts! Way to go. Love that you are mixing in a little Cathe with your X2 workouts and glad those are feeling better to you in the a.m. My dental appt. did go good! I was very happy with a great report and no cracked tooth this time. My checkbook appreciated this appt much better as well.

    Laurel: WOW! What a combo of workouts you put together! Sounds tough and I am sure you enjoyed every moment . . . way to work! Yes, the appt went good as I mentioned to Laurie. New hygentist and this was my second time with her. She just signed up for a Half Iron Man and talked about that the entire time; made it go by very fast and took my nerves down a notch. LOL I will see her again before her event, so it will be fun to hear how her training went in the next 6 months. I may ask if she needs a riding partner next summer! Now that I know she rides and is doing it really on her own. HUGE CONGRATS to your hubby! That is so amazing and great for him. I'm glad he has you to help him in this next phase! I bet after all this he will stick to it. Good for him.

    Hi Becky ~ Hope your week is going good and you are getting in some nice workouts!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good evening ladies - I am not sure I can read the 12 posts that I am behind and comment to them all....will try!
    Past few days have been really good. Over the last few days I have done S&H Chest/Back, Blizzard Blast from Kickboxing dvd (loved, drumming videos (as Thelma mentioned prior) and LOTS of walking. Tonight, I will get a 90 minute walk in during my son's bball practice. I had planned to do hot pilates today, but I got a crown put mouth wasn't ready to be in a hot room for an hour.

    Tami - Good grief, how can you still be standing after your bootcamp class? Great job on it, spinning and all the other crazy stuff you do. Ha! I hope you are ready to have DH home (but like you said...enjoy the quiet while you can). :D

    Laurel - You got yoga in! Yes! Great job, as always, on all your workouts. Thanks for your list of ab workouts you like. That is an area that I have never enjoyed doing. I am starting to play around with the other parts to the ICE series and saw the double of rock'm' sock m'. I am so impressed with all the extras on this dvd set.

    Laurie - Love your workouts! How do you like your weighted gloves? Also, how do you like Cathe live? Ughhhh to having your heat stuck on. Glad you were able to go with the simple will....sounds like you've got good kids. :)

    Thelma - I am happy to see that you got BB in along with spinning. I hope you try the drumming's simple but fun. It's especially fun if you have a group of people to do it with. I hope your class is going well. I am happy that your motivation is starting to come back. Hopefully it will be back after your class is over.

    Have a great night - Becky
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! tonight I did XT Bi's & Tri's, BB Bulk Arms.

    Laurie, great workouts! I have two more weeks of this BB rotation. I think I can do it. I hope my motivation returns soon! Glad the workouts you're doing turned out to be a good combo!

    Laurel, tough combo today!! WOW! Your husband is doing great with his diet! I hope he finds a way to keep himself accountable when it comes to food.

    Tami, great workouts for you too! will your DH be done with the year tomorrow? I bet he can't wait to be home!

    Becky, you're been doing a fabulous job with your workouts! I definitely plan to try one of those drumming workouts. I'll be studying this weekend. I've not been able to make any progress at work with it.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We have a truck back in action, so I now have my after work time for me. :D No workout last night, to much running around. My arms have that good sore feeling, I think from the boxing from the Cathe live workout. No workout this morning either, because DH received a work phone call around 1:30. After being jolted awake from his phone ringing, I just couldn't get back to sleep. Finally fell asleep, but overslept. :o After work will be X2 Yoga! Youngest DD's first few days of work went really well, and she really likes the place. So glad to hear that. Oldest DD is on her way home from Spain today, and they will be picking up Zoey tomorrow. Love the little terror, but will be glad when she heads home. :Dz3sgpecp866c.jpg Here is a pic of the two rascals, Rocket is of course the white and black dog, and Zoey is the small black one.

    Laurel, Nice combo of workouts as usual! Boy did I add badly yesterday, and I love math. :D I know that I did 16 (which surprised me alot), but then I wrote it down as 12. :D Oh well, I agree with you 16 looks way better than 4. I have my tower right next to the TV, so I can hear him, but not that well when he is trying to do all those pull-ups.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts, and you really do need to take advantage of that time. Carpooling with the DH means that we are home at the same time. Now that can be good and bad, because he doesn't watch the two in the picture, when I'm working out. I can hear them running around upstairs. One day I came up, and they where wrestling with a sock! Good thing it was one of DH's. :D Very happy to hear that your dental appt went well.

    Becky, You have been getting in some really good workouts! So sorry to hear about the crown, I have many of them so really do understand how you felt. I really like my weighted gloves, they fit really well. Mine are 1 pounders, and I got them with a boxing DVD that I bought. I think that Thelma has the pink boxing gloves, but mine are just the weighted kind. I have actually seen the pink gloves at the sporting goods store. I really like all the workouts that I have done so far, most of them are metabolic type. I am going to be doing at least one a week, so that I can try them all. I always hope that my kids make good choices, guess that is about all one can hope for.

    Thelma, Two more weeks sounds doable, great job on the workout! I'm sure that you will find the motivation soon, we all go through those phases. I think that I spent the whole summer in that state. :D

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Ended the week with some good workouts. I started with Muscle Max Upper Body premix. Boy, I just don't do Muscle Max nearly enough because it really is SO good. Thoroughly enjoyed that and it was a great 'warm-up' ;) for X2 Balance and Power. I felt really strong and in control of the moves on this workout today. But, I must admit, by the end, my arms were fried!! I took a bit of a break but, in the end, decided to take the cardio down a notch today because I could still feel the fatigue from the earlier workouts. So I did Cathe's Step Moves which was just perfect for today.

    Tami, I know what you are saying about your DH coming home! You love having him there but it does change up the routine, doesn't it? My DH just ended his golf coaching season which has him home earlier again (and back to eating dinner with me) and I am trying to get used to that! I get so used to eating whenever I want when he is away that I am finding it hard adapting to his (unpredictable) schedule again. But I know I will get used to it!! I always have. :) How fun to have another workout enthusiast to talk to at the dentist. No doubt that makes the time and experience a little better. Hope you can convince her to go cycling with you. Thanks for the congrats to my DH. He really has amazed me through this....and I really think he will stick with it. He has that determination. So good to see. My new nickname for him is 'slim', and, somehow, I think he likes that.

    Becky, great workouts this week! I am glad you are exploring ICE some more. Cathe really did an absolutely fantastic job with that series because there are so many options! Just top notch! Sorry to hear about the crown, though. No fun! Between you and Tami and the dental talk.....I feel a need to go brush my teeth! :#;)

    Thelma, good job sticking with BB. Two more weeks of it?!? Wow, that went by fast! DH has mentioned that what he thinks will work for him is to set a weight range for himself and if/when he peaks over the upper range, then he will cut back on his intake. He weighs himself regularly, so that will probably work for him. I can't be driven by the scale because of my numbers obsession but he doesn't have that same obsession. I know he has been doing research on the best range for him which I take as a real positive sign that he wants to do this right. I keep trying to make sure I stay on the side of being supportive and not pushy, so I throw questions at him and he is finding the answers. So happy for him right now.

    Laurie, great photo of the pups!! I bet Rocket is going to miss his friend, but I understand why you are ready for your visitor to go home. Hope your DD had a great trip. I am also happy your youngest is enjoying her new job. No fun, though, with a middle-of-the-night phone call. I hate those! I never can sleep after them either. Was thinking about you today during my X2 workout. I am so happy you asked about X2 and we set up this rotation. I am absolutely loving it! I know I wouldn't be doing it again without the nudge from you, and I would hate to not be doing it right now! So thank you!!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I opted to do RWH Legs workout this a.m. instead of Lean Legs; just sounded better to me. Tonight I will head to Spinning.

    Thelma: Great job getting in Bulk Arms! Yes, he will be done with his Fall Season officially today but will take a friend out tomorrow as a FREEBIE for him to drive the boat home and Brett will pull the trailer, then he doesn’t have to make 2 trips there and back. It works nicely for him and the guy gets to fish. He is beyond excited to be home. Said on Sunday he is going to sleep in and then watch football on the couch.

    Laurie: So great to hear your daughter loves her new spot! Sorry about the middle of the night wake-up; I know how that feels and you never get good sleep after that. I bet you are looking forward to Yoga tonight. Those pups are so cute! Thanks for the picture. Yes ….. I think all of you can relate to having the house to ourselves. Will become a whole new dynamic after this weekend, back to “normal” and adjusting for a few days.

    Laurel: Way to work that upper body forsure and as always, another great cardio. OMG, totally changes the routine and meal prep and eating . . . EVERYTHING is just so simple. Not that I don’t miss his company, just a whole new way of living when those hubby’s are home. Like I told Laurie, it will be a couple days or more to adjust again.

    Becky: Sounds like you have had a great week of workouts yourself! Nicely done. Great job trying out the Blizzard Blast on that Rockm Sockm, it’s a fun one. Hope you have a nice weekend with your kids/family.

    Talk to you all on Monday ~ Have a great weekend!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - happy Friday - Today I am a workout machine! I feel like Laurel! :) This morning, I got S&H Legs/Shoulders in (only did 15 minutes of the shoulder portion....45 minutes total), Bikram yoga this afternoon, and treadmill this evening. Not sure where the energy has come from, but I am going with it.

    Tami -I hope your spinning class goes well...great job on getting your leg workout in today. Have a wonderful weekend with DH. Also, if you play on Sunday.....kill em!

    Laurel - Wonderful job on doing the weights to fatigue.....glad you enjoyed the workout. Also, that was a great option for cardio. That is wonderful that your DH has lost so much weight. I understand about the routine thing, too. My DH always "ruins" my routine on the nights he doesn't have to work. ;)

    Laurie - I LOVE the pics of the dogs! Rocket is adorable. It is probably nice knowing that your daughter is headed home from Spain. I hope she had a wonderful time. Glad to hear your other daughter is doing well with her job. I hope you got your yoga routine in today. Thanks for the info on the weighted gloves. I was a total geek at the dentist.....he was able to make my crown on the spot! He had a 3d processor and was able to get a 3d image of my teeth......then, he had a machine that made my crown in 11 minutes! I video taped the making of the crown and showed my students snipets of it.....since most of them are engineering majors, they thought it was so cool.

    Thelma - great job on getting BB in.....happy studies this weekend (glad I am not near you so that you can throw something at me). :D I hope you are able to take some breaks to workout. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I studied all weekend and was able to finish one module 3 or 5 which is great. I took a quick look at module 4 and it is longer than the one that took me all weekend and I was hoping to finish it on Thursday but I don't think that will be possible. I might have to get the extension. On Friday I did X10 w/u and BB Bulk Legs. I was able to go up on one exercise and I'm still feeling it! On Saturday I did ICE Low Impact Sweat. I did a premix that plays workout 1 twice. Today I just didn't have time to workout.

    Laurie, sorry about that call at 1:30 in the morning! Great workouts! OMG I just LOVE your doggies!! So cute!!! I hope my workout motivation comes back after I finish with this course.

    Laurel, awesome workouts!!! My rotation is going by really fast for sure! I need to start working on my next rotation. It will probably H&C but I was hoping to do a hybrid with something else. I won't have time for that as I have to get ready for my aunts visit in 3 weeks. Great strategy to let your DH to figure out what works for him and to be there supporting him all the way!!

    Tami, wonderful job with your workouts! I hope your DH is back home!

    Becky, you've been killing it with your workouts. Fabulous job!
    I do have the pink boxing gloves. They're 12oz each and got them from
    The ICE program has the best premixes. WOW I can't believe your dentist has such a modern set up in his office!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Good morning ladies - Happy Monday! (blah) Yesterday, I was able to do Power Hour; it felt SO good to do this routine. I love total body workouts. My diet was absolutely horrendous this weekend, so I MUST get back on track this week. I am so close to my goal weight. For the MFP Fall challenge, this week's challenge is dancing to some "monster" videos (last week was the drumming routines' that Thelma shared). For example, Thriller and Monster Mash were two of the videos. I also have to do 700 stairs (up only, down doesn't count) this week. This morning, I did 34 minutes of dancing and 300 stairs.

    Thelma - Great job on getting BB in on Friday and ICE this Saturday. Sorry to hear your studies are taking such a long time. I am sure that when you are done, you will breathe a huge sigh of relief. You can do it......just keep chugging along and remember to breathe during it.

    Hi Laurie, Laurel and Tami

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited October 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    Got my X2 Yoga workout in on Friday. Saturday was the warm up from ICE Low Impact Sweat then X2 Balance & Power followed by Peak Cardio Strength Fat Blaster 1, and housecleaning. Sunday we went to a tasting event called Sticky Fingers. That was alot of fun, but ate way to much. I was able to get in my workouts though, with the warm up from ICE Metabolic Total Body then X2 Core, followed up with Peak Sculpt & Define. Overall a good, but busy weekend. This morning was ICE Rock'm Sock'm warm up and Plyocide.

    Laurel, Great workouts, and I just love Muscle Max. Like you, I don't schedule it enough in a routine. ;) Rocket did miss Zoey the first couple of days, but he has figured out that Mom and Dad can play with him pretty well. He is at daycare today, so should be really tired when he gets home. I also am very glad that we started this rotation. Yesterday I noticed some real changes in my arms, so this combo of Peak and X2 is working wonders for my body. I'm really excited and kind of hesitant to move to the next phase. :D

    Tami, Great job on the workouts! I had to lol about your DH just wanting to veg on the couch and watch football. He is really tired if he said that. ;) My oldest dd went to have her hair colored by her sister on Saturday. She did the ombre technique on her, and the owner of the shop was watching what dd was doing. She is an older lady, and probably hasn't seen that technique used to often. Oldest's hair looked really good when I saw her on Sunday. I'm sure it will not take you long to adjust to having your DH home again. :D

    Becky, Nice job on all the workouts! Full body workouts are so great to get every muscle hit in an hour. I love that picture of Rocket, he has his smiley face on. :D That is really nice that they could make your crown right there. I usually get a temp crown, and then the next week I get the crown. That would be really nice to have it all done in one day. That is really cool that you where able to watch the tooth being processed. Have a great time with the challenge this week, sounds like they give you some interesting things to keep everyone motivated.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! I think that you may have hit the motivation cog in the wheel. Your mind is on this course completion. Good job getting through all the modules that you have so far, but to bad that you may have to get the extension.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you had a good weekend. We spent Saturday with the in-laws celebrating my FIL's 80th birthday! We played golf with him. I was horrible! But the funny news is I tied my FIL and beat DH by several strokes! Crazy!! And it was a really bad golf day for me so that tells you how well they were playing. :o Yesterday we spent the day getting caught up around the house. I have a guy here ripping out the tile in my downstairs bath as I type, so had to get prepared for that. Hopefully this is the last warranty issue with the house.

    I took Saturday off from working out, as usual. But yesterday I got in a good workout. I decided to do things a little differently with the strength training this week as I decided to pair X2 with Cathe's XTrain. So yesterday I started with X2 Core and then did XT Cardio Leg Blast extreme premix. Today was XTrain Bi's and Tri's (which I love) followed by a similar cardio pattern using X2 to that I did last week. So I started with ICE warm-up and Blizzard Blast from Low Impact Sweat into X2 Plyocide and finished with the Rock m' Sock m' Blizzard Blast and Icy Core 1. Good stuff!

    Tami, hope your DH made it home safely and got a chance to recover yesterday. Can't say I blame him for wanting to just lie around for a day. Hopefully he enjoyed that AZ/Seattle game last night. It went MUCH too late for me, but DH stayed up past midnight to watch it.....and told me all about when we got up at 5:30am this morning. :o It's funny about swapping Lean Legs for RWH Legs because I have been doing the same lately! I really need to do something different with my leg workouts but every time I try.....I end up back at RWH! Oh well.

    Becky, :D saying I am a machine!! I think you beat me on far!! Great set of workouts. Sounds like the weight loss and increased activity is working wonders for your energy levels. I feel the same about my eating this weekend. :| It wasn't too bad, but we took my FIL out to dinner on Saturday night and even though I got a grilled chicken dinner, I still feel (two days later) like I swallowed a bucket of salt! Hate that feeling. Of course, we also had to celebrate with carrot cake. :p 700 stairs?!? That sounds like a lot! I have 17 stairs in my house. That is going up 42 times!! Yikes!

    Thelma, great discipline studying all weekend. Sorry to hear you may not finish as quickly as you would like. But good job getting workouts in! Can't believe your aunts will be here so soon!! Maybe you can just do some fun workouts while they are here and wait for a rotation when they go? I go back and forth on whether no rotation is a good or bad thing for me but, at times, just being able to pick what works given the day I am having is what is best. But the good thing about H&C is the workouts are short so maybe you can fit them in while they are here.

    Laurie, great job getting your workouts in during a busy weekend! Glad to hear you are seeing the results from X2. I am amazed the results I am getting this time. I just feel stronger everywhere! Love that feeling. So is this the last week of this round or are we doing another week? I am confused with my week counting right now! I am good either way. Wow.....sounds like your youngest is doing great if she did that ombré technique on her sister. If I am not mistaken, that's a pretty extensive technique. Good for her!!

    See you all tomorrow.
