Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. We had a great one. On Friday I did XT Bi's & TRi's, on Saturday I did XT Legs and took Sunday off. DH's bday celebration was a lot of fun. I told our waiter in Spanish in words I new my DH wouldn't understand that it was his bday. So the waiters came over to our table with a big mariachi hat and all of a sudden they made this loud noise and started to sing happy birthday in English and Spanish. You should've seen everybody jump out of their seats when the waiters made the loud noise. I saw them coming and knew what they were up to. It was FUNNY! We played a game I found on called the Redneck Life. Such a funny game! You start life, get your education, a salary a name, get married, get paid, get divorced, remarried, have kids and lose teeth along the way. The player with most teeth at the end wins the game. We had a great time.
    I hardly got any work done this weekend. I can't allow myself to relax too much!

    My left knee has been bothering me. I feel that I have a muscle imbalance so I've been massaging.

    Laurie, great job with your yoga workout! AWWWW! Zoey and Rocket together at daycare! Adorable!
    We have so much process at work that people have a hard time seeing doing something different. I finally told my boss that the process we had wasn't working for this new project and he started to see the light. What a relief! What a big disappointment on that MMA workout Laurie. I was actually going to buy it. I'm surprised Beach Body did that.

    Laurel, great workout combo! The breakthrough at work allowed me to relax way too much this weekend! At least I got all the clothes washed I keep for aunts here. Everything is washed, folded up and put away. I'm in pretty good shape for my aunts visit now which was another thing stressing me out!

    Becky, great job with STS! I don't think you're seeing things with your body. You're starting to gain muscle tone. BTW, you do get hungrier when doing STS! I had to increase my calories. Laurel suggested I increase a little bit at-a-time so I increased my allowance by 25 calories to make sure I wouldn't gain weight. Make sure you eat some kind of protein after STS.

    Tami, great workouts! Laurie read somewhere that the new Beach Body MMA workout only works one side of the body.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work on Friday I did X2 Balance & Power, then DH and I went to my coworkers restaurant for dinner. Very good. Saturday was my rest day, and I went with the oldest for her wedding dress appointment. She tried it on, and it really doesn't need a ton of alterations. She of course looked beautiful. Then we went to our friends house to chat around the fire for a while. Sunday DH and I went to look at some more carpet, and we found the perfect place. They where friendly, and the carpet was perfect. When we got home I really didn't want to do a P90X2 workout for some reason, so I put in Bootcamp. That was so much fun. This morning I did P90X2 Chest, Back & Balance, with 30MTF Weights warm up. I was surprised that I was able to do as much as I did with this workout. Now nothing was done with balancing on med balls, that was NOT going to happen. But I was cranking out those push-ups on my toes without issues. B)

    Laurel, Awesome job on those workouts! I'm a little disappointed about those MMA workouts also, I may change my mind as I read the reviews. One person said is was pretty easy to change sides. We will see. I will probably be doing Yoga for the Warrior, Bob should really put out some more yoga workouts. He is right up there with Tony in that respect. I did pretty well on all the chin/pull ups. Had to use the bands for anything that he did the straight leg move, but was pretty happy with how many I could do with my tower. I'm probably not going to be balancing on any med balls by the end of this rotation, but I know I will have a much stronger core.

    Becky, You are rocking the workouts, but so sorry you have been unable to get to your yoga class. It might be handy to have a yoga DVD, just so you can get your fix. ;) Yes, I think that you can notice changes in two weeks. I know that I noticed changes when doing these P90X2 workouts after only two weeks in. I'm not surprised that you are getting hungry with STS, I think all of us have experienced that situation with lifting programs with heavy weights.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. I had to go to sleep during the game, so I didn't see the end of it. I went to sleep when the Indians tied the game up at 6 apiece. Very nice that you can contribute to the other dept, just to bad that it wasn't exciting work. I will be in a mini workout this week, and I'm not looking forward to it. LOL about Emma wanting to be in the house. Now that we have the collar for Rocket, we can leave him roam around the yard without the fear that he will be running down the road after people and dogs. He likes to be outside too, but has been digging in the yard. Wish he would dig where we need things dug up. :D

    Thelma, Nice job on the workouts! What a great way to surprise your DH! My girlfriends did something similar to me on my 50th birthday. It was fun. Now that sounds like a fun game. I will have to get that to play with our friends on New Years. ;) To bad that it takes our bosses so long to understand, mine is super stubborn when you try to tell him something. I will update everyone on what I find out with the MMA workouts, they do sounds good, just have that one flaw.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Ours was pretty quiet. DH had to work all day on Saturday which I never really like. But it left me alone to do some deep, deep cleaning of the house. I try to do something like this every six months or so, but since last spring was so unpredictable and upsetting with what was going on with my mother, I never really got around to it. So I spent 10 hours on Saturday going through everything! It was exhausting, but it feels so much better having done it. I am not a neat or clean freak at all.....but I do enjoy a clean house.

    So Saturday was my day off workouts, though the cleaning felt like a workout. Yesterday I did X2 Chest, Back and Balance and, for cardio, 4DS Kickbox cardio and XT Hard Strikes. I have decided to add some more strength training into this week until I figure out the workouts in this phase of X2. So today I started with the Bicep and Tricep work from 4DS, which is just SO good. I also did the core work from 4DS Kickbox. Then, for cardio, I did something I thought was going to be crazy....but ended up being fantastic! I did Insanity Max 30 Tabata Power into X2 Plyocide. What a great combo! I really felt being so warmed up and hyped up from Shaun T. made me give Plyocide my all. Loved it!

    Becky, just for clarification, 4DS is Cathe's 4 Day Split case you were wondering what I was talking about above. Another great series by Cathe, btw. ;) Anyhow, so happy to hear you are enjoying STS! I definitely think you can be seeing and feeling results this early, especially since you are already fit. I think it is great that you are seeing results so early!! I have Cathe's 2lb weighted gloves (which I don't think she sells anymore) and standard 1lb wrist weights I got from some sports store. I just looked for something I could get on and off pretty easily and quickly. And I definitely see an increase in appetite with STS!! I also get sleepy, especially when getting to the heavier weights in Meso 3. Listen to your body and feed it if it needs it!! The Mesocycle I always have to eat more in is Meso 2.....without question.

    Tami, hope your weekend was good and things are a little more 'normal' at work this week. Great workouts to finish last week. Love the sound of the X10/Cross Fire Tabata workout. Bet that was intense and fun combined.

    Thelma, I am still giggling at the sound of that redneck game! I am definitely going to have to look for that one. Sounds like you all had fun for your DH's birthday.....and what a nice way to surprise him! Love it! I understand being stressed for your aunts visiting. Having matter how much I enjoy so stressful for me at times!! But hopefully when they get here you can relax and just have fun with them.

    Laurie, sounds like you had a nice weekend. How fun to spend time with your DD as she got her wedding dress fitted. August is going to be here sooner than it seems like it should be, isn't it?!? Hopefully she is enjoying this time in her life and not stressed out by it. Great job with X2 Chest, Back and Balance!! There will be no push-ups on medicine balls in this house either! But it felt good, like you, to be able to knock out those push-ups. I definitely noticed the improved core strength in the Insanity Max 30 workout this morning, which is one of the reasons I think I enjoyed that combo so much. I ended up doing all of the pull-ups on my tower yesterday but may try some with the band next week. I just wanted to see what I could do and couldn't do yesterday. I modified almost everything, to be honest. But at the end, I felt like it was a good workout. So I will happily modify away! I am definitely interested in hearing more about Bob Harper's new yoga workouts because Yoga for the Warrior is right up there with Tony in my mind as well.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi All - Taking a break from work and reading MFP forums to keep me motivated (there is candy in the kitchen). Yesterday was disk 7 of STS (chest, shoulders and biceps) and today was Rock'm Sock'm Kickboxing. There are so many pushups in workout #7 that I ended up doing bench presses for the last few sets (my shoulders were starting to say bad things to me). I took a walk across campus today to get up and move some more.

    Laurel - That deep cleaning is a workout in itself; glad you were able to get that done. Excellent job on ALL your workouts yesterday and are a machine! I love it. I bet the Tabata workout is intense and good. I looked for the hand weights and couldn't find them.....bummer. The two stores I went to didn't have 17 lb weights, either. I really need that inbetween 15 and 20 on some of the moves. I'll keep looking.....maybe someone is selling them on ebay.

    Laurie - I would have been crying seeing my baby girl putting on a wedding dress. Have you already done that and now can handle the alterations part? Sounds like fun getting some new carpet....I enjoy updating my house. Great job on your Bootcamp workout along with today's workout. Great job on doing "real" pushups! I am still on my knees....I will get there, though.

    Thelma - Your weekend sounds like it was an excellent one....the game sounds like fun! I should get my DH to play that one with me. :D Great job with your your knee. Do you have a foam roller to help with it? I heard they are great for knee and back issues.

    Tami - Great job on your was volleyball yesterday? I hope you kick "*kitten*". That World Series game was incredibly stressful. I have been a Cubs fan for 30 years, and I thought I was going to have a massive heart attack during the 7 games. What a way to end it!

    Have a great rest of the day.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good weekend of workouts, which felt nice. On Saturday I did the KCM Strength & Stamina workout and then Chiseled Abs, yesterday was STS Chest/Back/Bis and then off to volleyball. We lost 3 games :neutral: We only had 3 players so we ended up losing our first 3 and won the next 3. Last week they won all 6, which would have put us in first until yesterday . . . darn it! Tonight I will head to Katy’s BootCamp for my workout.

    Becky: You are not crazy in your thinking about the hunger ~ STS definitely has a way of doing that to you. Everyone answered up on that as well but definitely increase your protein, that will help!

    Thelma: Sounds like such a fun Birthday celebration for your hubby! Mine would just die if I ever did that to him and then my payback would be even worse! LOL That game sounds hilarious. Great job with the workouts. Hopefully your knee starts feeling better very soon. That doesn’t sound like a good review about that new MMA program; I will hold off until I can hear and read more into it.

    Laurie: Sounds like you had a nice weekend as well. Yay on picking out the perfect carpet!! Good job with your workouts; sometimes just a little change of plans is all you need in one day and then back to the rotation. I do that a lot. Just to break it up and keep the motivation going. I bet your DD did look amazing …. What a special time for all of you. I was fighting falling asleep that night watching the game, but I couldn’t stand not knowing, so as soon as it was over I was off to bed. LOL Yes, I am working on that “boring” project again this week; seems she will need me as much as I can until it is done. We are making a good dent in it though so that is good. Today I am in my other dept. a little bit more because it is Monday and hard for me not to get behind if I don’t stay here longer. She was understanding about it. I wish it was a little more exciting as well … or at least more learning, but oh well. I am here to help! So does Bob Harper have some new Yoga workouts coming out? That is a bummer about the MMA one being “one sided” – how strange. I will definitely hold off on this one.

    Laurel: I bet your deep cleaning felt amazing! I love it when I get inspired and do that. Very nice and YES that is a workout in itself! Great job with the workouts and holy Insanity on that combo! Way to go. Not sure how back to normal it will be this week …. As I mentioned to Laurie, I think she wants me to do as much as I can in her dept. until it is done. YIKES. So I feel kind of pulled back and forth. But hopefully it will be completed sooner than it feels like as we just pull each file and get the info. Yes, that X10 combo is one I did a long time ago and just happened to think of it the other day.

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! Somehow I hurt my back again. I had a good day today, didn't even think about my back but then when I got home all of a sudden the hip flexor muscle that wraps from the front to the back got tight. I was going to go workout but I couldn't even bend down to put my sneakers on. I finally sat down to put my shoes on and went to the basement but couldn't get to the floor! I finally found a way to get down on my knees so I could massage my back. I eventually managed to loosen things up a bit and thought I could jump on the bike. No can do! I kept feeling the hip flexor muscle pulling so carefully got off the bike and onto the treadmill. My knee is back to normal. I started massaging it with the massage stick with the bumpy hard balls so I could really dig into my thigh.

    Here is the game info. I highly recommend it. It really is a funny game. I won with 15 teeth left! LOL. You get to buy a "rig" and you have to make sure your "youngin's" fit in the rig. The names are funny and yes, Thelma is one of the names! LOL

    Redneck Life Board Game
    by Gut Bustin' Games

    This is a great page on the game and you can see what the "rigs" look like as well as the funny sample cards. The board on this page is different than the one I have which is the one on the Amazon link.

    Laurie, great workout and congrats on the pushups!!! How exciting about your seeing your DH in her wedding gown again! I'm sure she looked gorgeous! Glad you found a carpet you liked too!
    I've had the waiters at that place sing happy bday to my husband once before so I was happy there is a different word for birthday in Mexico. I didn't have to get up to go ask the waiter to do it. He came to our table and I told him it was DH's bday! My boss is usually pretty good but sometimes you'd think he has tunnel vision! I hope you heard wrong about those MMA workouts! Can't wait to read your update!

    Laurel, wow on that cleanathon! Good for you! I need to do something like with my closets.
    The game is funny and you laugh the entire game. It takes a while to go through the redneck life game!
    I am stressed about my aunts because I feel that I have to keep them entertained and be with them every free moment I have. We have fun together but sometimes I need time to myself. I stress about not having enough time to workout too. I'll survive though.

    Becky, awesome job wit your routine! Careful with your shoulders!!! Pushups can totally hurt your shoulders if you don't do them correctly.
    You should definitely get your DH to play the game with you. I bet you'll laugh a lot!
    I do have a foam roller which doesn't do a thing for me so I replaced it with a pvc pipe. When that pipe didn't cut it for my needs I graduated to massage balls such as lacrosse balls but I also have a bigger hard ball that digs into my thigh muscles very well.

    Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! Sorry you lost the games but good for you for winning 3 games when you were a team of 3.
    I had the waiters surprise my husband because I know he wouldn't do it to me! LOL
    The game is really hilarious and it's even funnier when DH, his brother and my SIL do the southern accent. My SIL is great with the accent. I am definitely waiting on purchasing the MMA workout till I can watch the video clips and read more reviews.

    Good night ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited November 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout after work, guess my body has to get used to this new phase, I was a little sore after work. This morning I did the ICE Rockm Sockm warm up, and then went into Plyocide.

    Laurel, Great job getting that deep clean on the house. I need to do that also, since we will be getting new carpet. It would be really nice to have all the base boards cleaned up before then. What a great mix of workouts. I was wondering if you would pair up these workouts with something else, and the 4DS weight work is really a good choice. DD has hired a wedding planner, so she is keeping dd on track. She doesn't seem to be to stressed out yet, but as the day gets closer I'm sure that she will be. They had their engagement pictures taken also, so we need to go through those to chose the one we like. I told her we where going to put it in my home town paper. I'm thinking of doing the Supreme 90 Day Tabata after work tonight, like you tabata seemed like a good workout to match with Plyocide.

    Becky, Nice job on the workout, and modifying to make the workout yours. The next phase the amount of push-ups is drops, so that is something to look forward too. When we went to find the wedding dress, she walked out in this dress and I started to cry. It just looked right on her. I did get misty eyed when she walked out, because the look on her face was pure joy. I'm sure on the day, I will be crying buckets.

    Tami, Love the workouts, and I really need to get that KCM workout. Every time you say you have done that one, it reminds me that I should have that in my collection. Hope that project gets finished fast! The person heading our mini workout this week, just e-mailed me to tell me she couldn't do the part labels. Go figure! So guess who has to try to get them done today. :* Unfortunately Bob is not making any more workouts as far as I know, but I sure do wish that he would. He is on Daily Burn with his cross fit workouts.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear about your back, you have dealt with this before so I know that you will take care of yourself. Thank you for the link, it is going on my things to buy. I know that our friends will have a great time with this game.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was a day off from X2, so I decided to stick with my 4DS workouts from the past two days. I started with the warm-up and leg workout from 4DS Kickbox, then right into the chest/back work from 4DS Higher Intensity Step. For cardio, I did the premix with both step routines, which was fun today! I guess it has been several months since I visited 4DS so it has been enjoyable these past few days.

    Becky, great job modifying those push-ups to something that works for you. There are a brutal amount of push-ups in Meso 1 and they take some getting used to. The good news is there are few push-ups in the rest of the series! What I did to get 17.5lb weights (and 22lb weights) was buy weight sets.....the kind that usually come in heavy plastic cases that look like brief cases. You might want to look into that or getting the dumbbell bar with individual weights that will get the weight you want. I really need those smaller increments so I understand your need right now.

    Tami, great workouts! Sorry to hear about the volleyball, but I think it is great you won at all given how short-manned you were!! Sorry to hear you have more time on this project. I imagine it is a little frustrating to not be able to get your own job done as well, but I am glad she understands you need time to catch up on that.

    Thelma, so sorry to hear about your back!! I hate it when that are fine one minute and can't walk the next! Hope it feels better with some rest and light stretching. Take it easy. Thanks for the info on the game! Too funny. I completely understand what you are saying about your aunts. I spend so much time alone that being around people all the time leaves me exhausted (literally). It is so hard to explain that to people.....especially when they are guests!! But I need a few minutes a day just to myself. It keeps me sane. Hope you take that time for yourself, even if it is your workout time. You will be a better hostess if you do!

    Laurie, glad you gave your body a break if you were sore. These workouts are so different to me than those first ones that they really do shock the body. Glad your DD has a wedding planner. I have to remember there are those these days. Back in the olden days :p when I got such thing. After watching two sisters and numerous friends go absolutely crazy trying to plan weddings, I opted for the smallest, simplest wedding I could without eloping! And even that was stressful!! So I am happy she is enjoying this time and not feeling pressure right now. Hope that Tabata workout feels good!!

    Until tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Another good BootCamp class last night. We did lighter weights and high reps for shoulders and also bi’s/tri’s and abwork. Along with some split-jump lunges, burpees, side lunges with weight off of bench into step ups right after that. So good leg work and upper body. This a.m. I did STS Meso 3 Legs (Plyo Legs), and of course it was a fabulous workout. No gym tonight, need to go do my civic duty and VOTE and then we might be having dinner with my step son and his girlfriend, that is a big “might” though. Was mentioned last night so I didn’t make plans to go to the gym. We will see. Good thing I got in a good workout this a.m.

    Becky: Sorry I missed your post yesterday. Fabulous job with your STS workouts and getting in a little KB action as well, always fun! There are definitely a lot of push-ups in the Meso #1 Phase but not as much in the others so just hang in there and do what you can do; modify-modify-modify until you feel the strength to do them! So you probably have read my post by now, that we lost 3 of our 6 games. We only had 3 players and played the #1 ranked team in our first match; hence our losses with only 3 of us. I’m with you on those World Series games, they were nail biters forsure! So good.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your back. Backs can be so funny sometimes, like Laurel said. Fine one second and you can’t tie your shoes the next. Frustrating. I know you will get some great stretching in and get it worked out. Hopefully it is very temporary. Thank you for the links to that game. Very funny!!!!! Especially with the southern accent thrown in I’m sure.

    Laurie: Good to get some rest if you were not feeling up to it last night. Sounds like you came out strong this a.m. with Plyocide though! That one is repeated a lot in your X2 rotation it sounds like? I think you would definitely love KCM Strength & Stamina. I can’t believe I had it and hadn’t tried it yet. Well, I can believe it but was surprised it was “missed” with how much I enjoy it. In my top 3 of hers forsure. So good that your DD has a wedding planner. I have heard that is a life saver for brides. If I could have afforded it, I would have gone that route. Update on the boring project: We are headed for home. I counted the amount of files left and eventhough it is a lot, it is more than half way complete! WooHOO. My other boss is very happy too. I let her know since she thought it was just “a couple” days of help and I have been pulled away for at least 5 now. Enjoy that Tabata workout tonight ~ such a great one and one that has come to my mind lately when I have been alternating or adding to X10 combos. Enjoy

    Laurel: Great job sticking with your 4DS combo again today. Both step routines, that is awesome! I do remember those are on my list of “go ahead and not attempt” again due to the choreography. But I love all the other workouts so much and so many options with 4DS. I am sure you are loving the added combos to X2.

    Have a great evening ladies! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! My back is doing a LOT better! I took two Aleve last night and massaged, massaged, massaged. I think that helped a lot. This morning I was still stiff but by the end of the day I was in better shape. I came home late from work so I jumped on the spinning bike. So thankful to be able to ride the bike today!

    Laurie, great workout this morning! Good for you for allowing your body the rest it was asking for! Great move by your DD on hiring a wedding planner! Exciting about the engagement pictures!

    Laurel, another awesome combo!!! The back issue is not fun but like you said I know what to do now to make things better. I could easily become a total hermit if I didn't have a job to go to. I can see how it is exhausting dealing with people when you are alone a lot of your time. The next three weeks will be crazy for me. Thank God my aunts go to bed early. That is the only time I get to myself but basically it's my time to get ready for the next day.

    Tami, awesome workouts! I voted before work this morning. My poll is around the corner from my house and on my way to work. I was done done by 7AM! Your step son and his girlfriend are in town again! I hope you guys have a great time!
    I hope my back issue is a temporary thing. I am pretty sure it has to do with sitting down for long periods of time which has been the story of my life the last few weeks.

    Hi Becky!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies - Yesterday I did disk #8 which was tri/back. My triceps are sore today! I am hoping to get some type of workout in today, but I don't know what. I don't want to over do it because tomorrow will be STS #9 for legs, and I am sure it will be intense. I am also pretty tired today, so it might be a treadmill type of day for me.

    Thelma - Sorry to hear that your back isn't doing too well, but I am so glad it is feeling better. Good job on choosing a workout that doesn't hurt your back (spinning) and messaging it. I hope it continues to feel better. Thanks for sharing the redneck game link. I may try to get the family to play it on Thanksgiving. :D

    Tami - Your boot camp class always sounds so impressive - fabulous job on making it through. Sorry to hear that your team lost 3 games.....bummer. Hopefully this week will go better.

    Laurel - Awesome job with your workouts - the variety you do really helps your muscles guessing instead of getting used to the same thing. Thanks for the suggestion on the weights (getting to 17lbs). I may have to invest in more weights! My DH will be thrilled to have more equipment in the living room. ;)

    Laurie - Nice job on your workout - I really like the warm up on ICE Rockm is a good one. My daughter is only 4, and the thought of her in a wedding dress makes me tear up now. I can't imagine what I will be like when she is an adult! That's wonderful that your DD looked so happy.

    Have a great day - Becky
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies. I started today with X2 Shoulder and Arms, and I really like this workout. It flew by today. For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT One followed by RWH Upper Body Circuit and then core 1. That was a good combo and a nice complement to the X2 workout.

    Tami, sounds like another good BC class. I bet your legs were feeling it, though, after the STS workout! Hope you got a chance to visit with your stepson.

    Thelma, so happy to hear your back is feeling better. Sometimes just a little rest does the job.

    Becky, if you are feeling sore and tired, best to listen to your body. STS really is a tough program, so feeling a little more spent than usual is to be expected. My justification to my DH every time I buy something workout related is that I always use it (because I do!). He can't say the same about himself! :o

    Laurie, hope you are having a good day.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well no dinner with my step-son (which I wasn’t completely surprised) and no workout so we watched a lot of the election TV last night. DH stayed up late, I went to bed later for me but not like him. LOL This a.m. was STS Meso #3 Shoulders/Bi’s/Tri’s and tonight I will head to Spinning for a little cardio.

    Thelma: So happy to hear your back is doing better! Yahoo on that. Great job getting in your Spin last night. I bet you are getting beyond excited for your Aunt’s to be there for their annual visit. Will be so fun. I couldn’t believe how crowded our voting poll was that I go to near our house. It was good to see and seemed to be the same nationwide with the turnout of voting.

    Becky: Great job with STS Back/Tri’s …. Hopefully those muscles loosened up a bit today and you aren’t too sore. Get in what you can today, the treadmill might be just right for you. Thanks for the kudos on the BootCamp workout. Next week she did mention we are doing “AMRAM’s” which are as many reps as we can do of certain exercises she plans out for us. Should be tough, but good. Laughing about the “more equipment” and your DH. I used to have all my workout stuff in a closet and I would drag it out every a.m. for my workouts. My first “step bench” was a big solid oak coffee table we had. My DH can never give me “the look” on any workout equipment, etc. He has an entire shop to himself with fishing beyond fishing supplies that I will never know if they are used and or necessary! LOL

    Laurel: What a great combo you did today! Nice work. Yes, the legs were definitely feeling it yesterday. Hopefully we will get together with Trevor and his girlfriend another evening. They have actually moved back to our area from Alaska and are living with his mom about 20 miles away. So hoping over time we will see them more and more now.

    Hi Laurie ~ Hope you are having a good day!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! My back feels normal again. YAAAY! I didn't workout tonight. I stayed up until 3:30AM watching the election results. Needless to say I'm exhausted.

    Becky, great job with STS. Definitely listen to your body when you're tired because that is when you can get injured. The treadmill sounds like an excellent choice. Thankfully my back is better now that I know what to do when this pain happens. I think you will have a really enjoyable time playing the redneck life game.

    Laurel, great combo and upper body workout! A little rest definitely helps the body recover.

    Tami, great STS and spinning today!
    It is exciting to have my aunts here although we have a situation with the cats. Somehow the girls got were chasing each other and ended up between the sofa and the wall and started fihghting. Now they are all afraid and want to automatically defend themselves. So we are trying to help them repair their relationship. Now the door to our bedroom is blocked by baby gates that cover a little over 1/2 the height of the door opening. We don't need this right now! :(
    I heard there were really long lines at the polls. Not here in my town though. There were big turnouts were all over the country for sure.

    Hi Laurie!

    Good night ladies!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to change things up a bit today because for some unknown reason I really felt like doing a leg I did. I did Lower Body Blast which I haven't done in a long time. It was perfect and flew by. For cardio, I did Cross Fire with the core. I was supposed to do X2 Yoga today but will try to do it on Saturday instead.

    Tami, sorry you weren't able to get together with your step-son. But it must be nice to have him loving much closer than Alaska. Sounds like you are in for typical Katy again next week!! I love your description of your early step bench!! I remember my DH cutting a section of a 2x4 for me when we first got married for use during the first Firm workout.....and I still have it!! Whenever we moved the movers would always ask if I needed them to box up my piece of lumber. :) Yes!! In fact, I used it this week for the 4DS leg workout. At 26 years old, that little 2x4 is close to an antique! ;):D

    Thelma, so glad your back is feeling better. I completely understand not working out. Like you, I was up all night watching the election, but I don't I was able to get a couple hours sleep in the early morning. Last night, though, it was lights out at 9:00pm for me. I am getting too old for all-nighters.....and that's my second in a month (with the hurricane last month). I am sorry about your kitties. Hopefully things get back to normal between them soon.

    Becky and Laurie, hope you are well.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies.....I hope everyone is doing well. Yesterday, I decided to take a nap instead of workout. I fell asleep on the couch with 3 kids, DH and tv blaring. Apparently I needed it. But, this morning I did get disk 9 done (legs). It was a great workout; I had sweat dripping off me! I still have sore triceps from disk 8 two days ago, too. I am headed to bikram yoga in about 20 minutes, too. I haven't done yoga in almost 2 weeks and really need it mentally and physically.

    Laurel - Fantastic job on your workouts. Good decision on changing things up today with doing legs....maybe you were getting vibes from me this morning during my leg workout. ;) Too true about my DH not being able to complain about my workout stuff.....I do use it (and.....he likes the results). HA!

    Thelma - I am so glad your back is feeling better. My family stayed up to watch the election.....I went to bed at 9:30pm. I just didn't want to know what was happening (which is unlike me).

    Tami - Nice job with getting your workout in. I hope you make it to spinning tonight. Yeah....I bring my equipment out and put it back. Right now, my bench is the floor or our coffee table. :) My DH has a garage full of tools and car stuff that never gets used, so he better not complain about my stuff. hee hee

    Laurie - I hope you are well and enjoying life.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was X10 FB Circuit and tonight when I get home (house to myself) I will get in another workout! So I am looking forward to that. I am off tomorrow for Veteran’s Day!!!! Going to meet my BFF for a little hair “touch-up” and lunch and then get my errands ran so I don’t have to do that over the weekend when all the peeps are out.

    Thelma: Such great news to hear about your back! I bet you were exhausted staying up that late. That’s how DH was, I tried staying up but knew I wouldn’t survive the day very well if I didn’t get some sleep. Sorry about the cats. I hope they are back to normal very soon.

    Laurel: Fabulous workouts AGAIN today! You just never stop with the intensity! Yowsa. Nicely done. Yes, hopefully we can get together more and more with them. Schedules are kind of conflicting right now, we will work something out. That is so funny about your first equipment too. My coffee table was also for the FIRM workouts! LOL then I bit the bullet and bought there wooden steps. Low and High one. Still have those. Not sure why but I do.

    Becky: Sounds like the nap is what your body was needing, so way to listen to it! Great job with STS Legs and I hope you enjoyed your Yoga today as well. I know what you mean on the election and staying up; I wanted to know but didn’t want to know and new sleep was a better decision for the next day.

    Hi Laurie :smile:

    I’m OFF tomorrow for the Veterans Day holiday ~ but I will try and check in. If not, have a great weekend ladies! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! No time for a workout tonight. I got home late and had to do things around the house to get ready for my aunts arrival tomorrow night. We've made good progress with the cats but DH had a setback with them at the end of the day so we had to spend time trying to get the cats to be comfortable with each other. I had to cancel the weekend getaway we had planned for next weekend given the cat situation we have. We wouldn't be able to enjoy ourselves knowing one of the cats has to be locked up at all times.

    I don't know if I'll have time for a workout tomorrow night. I've tried to do a lot tonight so there isn't too much to do tomorrow night. My aunt who lives in Italy is arriving at 9:30PM and the other one at midnight. We are going to be at the airport for a long time!

    You're all doing a wonderful job with workouts. Keep up the good work!

    Good night ladies and Happy Veterans Day! (I have to work :(

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Veteran's Day! My veteran is out with his students today participating in parades and doing flag ceremonies in the community, but we will be able to celebrate tonight. Anyhow, because he is gone, I got a good workout in this morning. I started with the warm-up and shoulder work from 4DS, then did X2 Back and Base and X2 Ab Ripper. For cardio I did XT All Out Low Impact Extreme premix, which was perfect today given all of the high impact I did this week.

    Becky, glad you listened to your body and got some rest!! You may know this, but some people call Cathe's Slow and Heavy series 'Sleepy and Hungry' series. Well, I feel that way about STS too! Hope you enjoyed the yoga. I can't wait to get my yoga fix in tomorrow.

    Tami, hope you are enjoying your day off. I had forgotten about the Firm wooden benches. I had DH build me one for Firm, and I used that until I got my Cathe High Step with that $100 I won from Cathe six years ago. It broke my heart to get rid of my wooden step, but I had to lose it in one of the moves. I made DH do it, though. :'( So I understand why you still have yours!

    Thelma, hope all goes well with your aunts traveling. Sorry to hear about the issue with your kitties and it resulting in you canceling some plans. Hopefully they will settle down soon, but it sure sounds like they got a good spook out of each other. Poor things. Be safe tonight!

    Laurie, hope you week went well.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies - I hope your weekend is going well. I did make it to yoga on Thursday, and it was awesome.....body needed that stretching. Yesterday, I did the MishMosh mix of #2 from low impact (it does the entire low impact and 3 sets of back exercises), and today was disk #10 STS (shoulder, bicep, chest). I am starting to get quite sore (but in a good way). So, I hope to make it to yoga tomorrow. I have two more disks left of the endurance rotation, then the program says to take a week off. I think I will focus on yoga, stretching and cardio that week. Like I said....I can really feel it in my muscles right now and definitely need some recovering time. I purchased some bands this past week and have been able to use them in STS.....they are great!

    Laurel - Thank you to you and your husband for the sacrifices you made for our country. I hope your DH had a nice day yesterday. That is wonderful that he was in a parade and flag ceremony. Nice job on your workout. I have not heard the Slow and Heavy series being called that. I love it! Too funny......I think that is how I feel about this STS series. I am eating more, thus I am not losing weight. But, that's ok.....I like building my muscles and getting stronger. It will pay off in the end.

    Thelma - Ditto to what Laurel said. Safe travels for your aunt and sorry to hear about canceling of plans. I hope that your weekend is going really well.

    Tami - Nice job on your workouts. I hope you had a great time with your BFF (I need time with mine!). Good luck with your volleyball tomorrow.

    Laurie - I hope you are doing well and enjoying the weekend.
