Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies! I actually had time for a short workout! YAAAY! I think I have to start some kind of STS routine next. I just feeling like I'm losing all the strength I'd gained from not working out much lately. I just feel like I haven't worked out in months! Anyway tonight I chose Total Body Trisets Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and I did one set of back and biceps before I ran out of time. It felt great to lift again! I am working from home tomorrow so I will save the commute time. Then I'm off 11/23-11/29. Going to a seminar on the 30th (more boring stuff! Is my boss trying to me?). Off on 12/1 to spend one last day with my aunts, then working from home on 12/2 and back to the office on 12/5. It will be hard going back to the office! I'll be off the last week of the year. We get the 23rd off so it will be great!
    Charmy is doing much better. We're not back to normal yet but things are in a much better place. I think we'll return to normal behavior once our guests are gone.
    We spent some time this weekend playing Phase 10 with my aunts. My aunt who lives in Italy and her family love playing games. Two years ago we sent her home with Yahtzee and it was a huge hit! LOL. This year she'll take home UNO and Phase 10! LOL

    Laurel, great workouts! Good for you for getting the house ready for Christmas! We do have to cook for Thanksgivings but it's very simple cooking. Nothing fancy here. We will be making an apple pie because my aunts are here since they love it.

    Tami, great workouts and congrats on the VB 2nd place! Sounds like you really made the right decision about going home after your grandmother's service. I'm glad the service was nice. I'm sure Katy was just preoccupied. It wouldn't be very professional of her to get mad a mad at u because you missed her class.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was a day off from X2, so I started my workout with LIHI warm-up and biceps, then did the lower body premix from High Reps. Love that premix for a quick leg/core workout. For cardio, I did Cathe's oldie--Maximum Intensity Cardio. Fun stuff today.

    Tami, glad to hear your trip went well this weekend. Sounds like you made the right decision as well about the trip. Bet it felt good to get home that night and have something 'normal' to look forward to the next day. Congrats on the volleyball results! That is fantastic, especially since your team, for all effects, almost forfeited a week due to so few participants. Oh yes....I definitely get those days where I don't want to workout! Friday was just particularly bad! B) But I am glad I pushed through because it was all mental and nothing physical stopping me. Yes, I will have the Christmas stuff up for what will feel like forever! But I also know we will be taking it down the day after Christmas since we are headed out of town for a few not up for as long as it could have been! But we have had Florida-style cool weather (which means we can open the windows and turn the AC off) the past couple of days, so I guess that put me in the Christmas spirit! Sounds like nice Thanksgiving plans. I would much rather BBQ than have turkey and all the fixings. :o

    Thelma, yay for the workout!! Don't worry about feeling like it has been months since you worked out. I get like that too if I take even a few days off anymore. But that muscle memory will kick in and you will be right back where you were at in no time. I like the sound of your Thanksgiving as well. I am sure your aunts enjoy it too. Sounds like so much fun being able to play games with them. That is a lost entertainment form these days. I used to love games. Glad to hear the kitties are doing okay still. Hope that continues.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Just know that each day I am forever thankful for the friendships I have formed here and all your wonderful inspiration and support. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a pretty good BC class last night. Katy was gone so we had a sub and I thought she did a pretty good job. It was kind of the “old school” class like we used to have. Weights with upper, lower and cardio in between. Station-to-stations at 1 minute each. It felt like a pretty good workout though, so that was good. This a.m. was STS Legs. Tonight I am headed home and DH and I will go to the grocery store for some Thanksgiving groceries. Start getting the house a little bit ready so I only have a little to do tomorrow evening after work.

    Thelma: Good job getting in your workout! TB Tri-Sets is always great for a good strength and cardio factor built into the format. WOOHOO! What a fantastic schedule you have right up into December. That will be nice for spending time with your Aunts and working from home, etc. Glad to hear Charmy is doing better. Thanks for the kudos on the Vball tourney, it was a nice placing and lots of fun!

    Laurel: Sounds like another great combo you put together for your workouts!! Nicely done. Yes, our 2nd place finish was nice after we almost lost out that week before the tournament (technically). So it felt good. I think having a BBQ will be very nice and much less stress vs. the traditional Turkey dinner. However our work buys us turkeys every year so we now have 2 BIG birds in the freezer. So that meal will have to happen at some point. LOL I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and I “ditto” what you said . . . SO thankful for you and these other ladies here as well. :smile: :smile:

    Thank you all for being such wonderful fitness pals and friends year after year. Your encouragement and support means so much to me. I'm inspired by each one of you every day, what a gift! :wink: Enjoy your holiday if I don't see you here beforehand!


  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    I am here and hope to check in soon. I start the 2nd set of dvds tomorrow. I hope all is well and will read your posts soon.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, just a quick hello. A work from home day turned into a 12 hour work day and Wednesday turned into an all day at the malls so no workout. We have made nice progress with the kitties. We had Bella jump on the bed next to Bella and there was no reaction from either cat. Tonight all 3 cats had their night time snack in their usual spots in the same room. So thankful for this miracle!

    Laurel, wonderful combo! I really hope my muscles have good memory! LOL. We're not into big celebrations so everything we do is pretty simple.

    Tami, great workouts! Great idea to go out for BBQ on turkey day! Sounds like you'll be eating a lot of turkey. We buy a 5-6 lb turkey breast every year. This is good for DH, my two aunts and moi and we still have leftovers! LOL

    Hi Becky! I hope your back is doing better.

    Good night ladies and a vert Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi ladies - it's been a busy week and a half - 2 weeks. But, it's been good. I took the recommended week off from STS and focused on yoga and walking. I started back with STS on Wednesday (disk 13 and 14 complete) and have gotten a Tabata class along with Bikram yoga in. I really like the new round of STS (I believe it is called Meso Cycle #2). It is very different than the first 4 weeks and I see why Cathe calls it shocking the system. I really like the intensity of this round. As usual, I am sore (back, chest, legs and tush). I am also excited that I have been able to go up in weights. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it. I have also noticed that it is easier to carry our big water jugs in the house, so my strength is definitely increasing. YES!

    Thelma - It sounds like you have been very busy. Sorry to hear that you haven't been able to get your workouts in, but nice job on the ones that you have. I am glad you are still enjoying time with family. Phase 10 and UNO are great games to send back with your aunt. It is so hard to keep on track with food when family is around. November through January 1st is a giant party for my family, so these 2 months are always a struggle for me. Sounds like your cats have been keeping you busy, too.

    Tami - Nice job on your workouts. I am happy that your trip went well and that your gma's burial site is very nice. Congrats on taking 2nd place with volleyball! Nice! I haven't ordered XT, yet. I think it is the next one on my list. Right now, my mentality is to finish STS and do it again. I am not sure I want another routine right now. :)

    Laurel - I completely understand what you wrote about that day of NOT wanting to workout at all. That week off of STS kind of put me in a mood of not wanting to start up again. About 20 minutes into disk 13, I was so glad I made myself do it. Great job on getting your workouts in and Christmas decorating. I need to start my decorating. You are correct in Meso #1 in that it is upper, upper, then lower. I prefer what you said and see that she has done upper, lower, upper for Meso #2. When I do Meso #1 again, I think I will make that change.

    Laurie - Nice job on your workouts and continuing P90X. Also, great job getting yoga in. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a nice, quiet one. On Thursday I did ICE Metabolic Total Body and today I did my usual spinning. The cats are still having issues. We had a big set back today which is sad but at least we know that the cats can't be left alone. My aunts go back home at the end of the week. That is always so sad.

    You all have been doing great with your workouts! Great job!
    Have a wonderful week!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We enjoyed a nice day with my in-laws. Quiet and simple with good food and family. Can't ask for more than that! DH actually enjoyed a pretty low-key weekend after. On Friday, we did some shopping :o , but we were just browsing so it was no-stress. Saturday we decorated the outside of the house for Christmas. Sunday, after a month off, we finally got to golf! It felt wonderful.

    I stuck to my workouts throughout, with Saturday being my only day off. The only X2 workout I skipped was Thursday's scheduled yoga routine. I opted for a long cardio session instead.....for the calorie burn. Felt that was wise given Thanksgiving dinner! Yesterday I started the last week of the second phase of X2 with STS Disk 13 warm-up and chest into X2 V Sculpt, and, for cardio, my favorite Shock Cardio HiiT Trifecta. Just one day of Thanksgiving had me feeling fat and sluggish, and this was a good way of trying to break that down. Today's workout was similar in intensity. I started with STS Disk 13/Shoulders. For cardio, I did Insanity Max 30 Sweat Intervals into Plyocide. Good, tough stuff!

    Tami, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family. Sounds like that BC class last week was more traditional in BC format. Sounds like it was good.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the set back with the kitties. Sounds like they were making good progress too. Maybe they just need a little more time. Hopefully you will be able to leave them at some point! I can't believe you are already into the last week with your aunts. How sad! That just flew by!

    Becky, glad to hear you are enjoying Meso 2. It is so good! Probably my favorite of the three phases. I understand the lack of motivation in getting back to it, though. Sometimes I whine inside my head about having a 'routine' to follow......but in the back of my mind, I know it is for that reason (that I too often want to talk myself out of it) that I have a routine! Congratulations on the strength gains!! That has to feel good.

    Laurie, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sounds like everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, that is wonderful! We had a nice time with the in-laws and my Brother-in-law, his girlfriend ended up with her daughter and granddaughter (understandable) so it was the 5 of us. DH did all the cooking as promised; I just made the salad and helped with clean-up. BBQ is an easier way to go forsure, clean-up is not bad at all. I was able to get in my workout in the am. While DH did some house cleaning as well. I was shocked. HE said he feels bad that every time he invites people over I am doing all the work. Really?! I couldn’t believe he recognized that. So it was a nice break and at first I felt guilty and that quickly went away. :blush: He's gone so much that it was nice he noticed.

    So my workouts were Total Body Tri-Sets on Thanksgiving a.m., Friday was right back to work and I did NOT feel like going. But we did get to leave early (3:00) so that was nice. No workout however; the gym didn’t have classes and DH was heavily into Football when I got home. Saturday was back at it and I did ICE Total Body BootCamp + Blizzard Blast; yesterday was STS Meso #3 Chest/Back followed by Chisel Abs. Today is STS Plyo Legs (#32) which is one of my favorites! I only have a few more weeks left of my rotation with this STS Undulating/X10. Can't believe it! Should be finishing up about the time the new set gets here, maybe?!?! Right about Christmas.

    I also took Emma in on Saturday a.m. for her stitches and staples to be removed. She was in and out of there and all looked good he said. So sweet and so good; she just sat there like it was nothing. It was clear skies (cold) but pretty on Saturday so I also took Bernie for a walk; he loved it.

    Becky: Good to hear from you and sounds like taking a week off from STS agreed with you! The program is doing its magic if you are feeling those DOM’s and wanting a break! Good stuff forsure. Congrats on going up in weights. You will really learn as you go that you are stronger than you think sometimes and able to really lift heavy. Great work!

    Thelma: Awesome choice on the ICE workout Thursday! I obviously was feeling a total body workout was necessary as well. After 90 minutes I decided I needed to start getting ready for company or I would have added on some cardio as well! LOL

    Laurel: Sounds like a wonderful time with your in-laws and getting to golf again. Can’t even imagine that kind of weather right now; we are getting the cold temps and lots of snow in the mtns. A skiff on the ground this a.m. but it is supposedly on its way. Fabulous job with your workouts (as always). Love that “Laurel HiiT Trifecta” you do.

    Laurie: Hope your Thanksgiving was amazing!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, I did Cardio Supersets which I hadn't done in a very long time. Great workout! I'm glad you ladies had a good turkey/BBQ day!

    Laurel, great job for keeping up with your workouts! I feel soo fat these days. I'm not prepared with a rotation for next week. I think I'll do Hammer & Chisel which is what I was planning to do during my aunts visit which I didn't to. Their time here really flew by. It will be so sad and empty around here on Friday!

    I've been shopping every day! This is so exhausting! I always tell my aunts that I only go to the stores when they're here. Otherwise ; I shop online. So much easier!
    It will be a long time before these cats are back to normal if ever. I have made an appointment for the other cat to go for a physical. I had a cat that got violent with my other cat and it turned out that she had hyperthyroidism. Once her thyroid got zapped she went back to normal. I actually hope this is the case here and it not our next step is the behaviorist.

    Tami, awesome job with those workouts! What a nice surprise from your DH to recognize the work that you do in order to get ready for company and the the best part is that he helped with the cleaning! SWEEETT!!!
    I am glad Emma is doing good and got her stitches removed!
    I feel I need to do total body workouts these days.

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Took the workout intensity down a notch today, but it was still a good workout. One of my complaints about X2 is there is virtually no leg work. So since today was off from X2, I started with a tough leg workout--STS Disc 14, which is the leg workout in the first week of Meso 2. Felt fantastic...but I think I am going to be sore tomorrow! For cardio, I did Kick, Punch and Crunch. <3

    Tami, sounds like a nice Thanksgiving. How nice your DH recognized that having people over isn't always easy and did the cleaning and cooking!! That's very thoughtful...especially since you were back at work on Friday. Glad to hear Emma handled getting her stitches out so well. She sounds like such a sweet pup. We have had a very nice 'autumn' (for Florida) this year....but we are supposed to be pretty hot (mid-80s) this week. But after last year spending most of the month of November in the 90's......mid-80s are just fine. Great workouts, as always!! Our X2 rotation ends at Christmas as well. I am feeling a group rotation coming in the New Year. :D

    Thelma, I love that Cardio Supersets workout. Glad you enjoyed it. I hear you on the 'fat' feeling. I finally weighed myself today just to see if I am as fat as I feel.....and I am not. I think my body just doesn't like being off my usual eating/workout pattern anymore. And this was only for a few days!!! Has me trying to do some early planning for Christmas when I have DH home for 2 1/2 weeks AND we are going away for a few days. I want to enjoy it, but I want to prevent this 'ugh!' feeling too! Sorry to hear about the kitties. I really hope you can find some solution for them.....and you.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ STS Legs (Plyo) was a great workout last night! Today is cardio so I am going to head to Katy’s Insane-X class after work; no workout this a.m.

    Thelma: Excellent work getting in Supersets last night! Always a fun one. Very fun that you have been able to do a bunch of shopping, but yes ….. this time of year it can be exhausting. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone for their visit and already leaving Friday. I am sure it will be a sad good bye but fun to plan for next year again! Thanks for the kudos on the workouts. I am sorry to hear about your cats. Hopefully an answer will come soon and all can be back to normal there.

    Laurel: What a great combo! Can never go wrong with an STS Leg workout to get in there. I agree on XT. So many great workouts but not much for lower body. Love KPC! Has been a long time since I did that one. It was a nice holiday …… I think one of my favorite parts was DH recognizing and helping so much! Your warm weather sounds wonderful about now for me. :smile: I would LOVE the idea of a group rotation in 2017!!! WooHoo, that would be awesome.

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ until tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,626 Member
    Hi Ladies, just a quick hello. I didn't have time for a workout tonight. It was another busy day with my aunts.

    Laurel, great workout combo today!
    I feel fat cause I've gained 3 lbs in 3 weeks. Not a good feeling! That's how much I've been eating and of course not working out is not helping me! You're very wise by prepping your body for your body for the Christmas holidays. Thanks for your nice words on the issue with my cats!.

    Tami, great workouts! The time with my aunts has gone by way too fast. We packed and weighed their suitcases today to make sure they weight no more than 50 lbs ea. Thanks to you as well for your thoughts about my kitties. I really hope we can figure this out soon.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited November 2016
    Morning Ladies,

    When I think that I have time to breath around here, every morning starts out with some type of issue. So far this morning no one has come in to bother me. :D I have kept up with my workouts, missed a few during the holidays because we went to visit with my family. I'm not to heartbroken about missing those workouts. ;) I was even able to get in a couple of running days, we have been having some nice weather. So Sunday was the last Chest, Back & Balance, Monday I did 30MTF Cardio Blast Step in the morning and Plyocide in the evening. Yesterday morning I did 30MTF Lean Body Circuit workout 1, and the evening workout was Shoulders & Arms. This morning I did the warm up and 1 round of Kickbox Burn. I will not be doing a workout after work, because I'm going to get my hair colored and cut by my dd.

    DH and I have been busy at home also, we are getting new carpeting installed today in the family/living rooms. And tomorrow they will replace the carpet in the dining room. Rocket is out of the house and at daycare for the next two days, so he was really excited this morning. Guess what I just had to get out an emergency order as I'm typing here, good thing it was taken care of in a matter of minutes. DH's dad went into the hospital yesterday, just for observation, because he fell. My MIL has been having problems also, and we found out yesterday that she has a mass in her stomach. It is not cancerous, but will need to be watched.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and keeping up with them. As I stated above I skipped a few of them over the Thanksgiving weekend. I was just happy that I was able to do that workout on Sunday, since I was super tired. DH and I hauled all the furniture out of the two rooms. Very nice that you and your DH got in a round of golf too. I changed up my day for the Shoulder & Arm workout, because of my hair appt. tonight. It seems to work out okay to do that. Kind of glad that they give you a rest day in the middle of the week so it is easy to adjust.

    Tami, Awesome job on the workouts, how much longer do you have on this current rotation? What a nice thing for your DH to do with handling the food on Thanksgiving. I really didn't have to do anything but the stuffing, salad and some pies. My BIL/SIL hosted the event this year, so it was a nice not to have to do to much.

    Becky, Glad to hear that you are doing so well with the STS workout. I think that Phase 2 is my favorite workouts of the bunch. By the Phase 3 you will be impressed with the amount of weight you will be able to lift. I had to invest in some additional weights because of STS. :D

    Thelma, I hear you on the weight gain, my Mom's cooking is just to good to pass up. She made PIE's <3 DH and I went shopping on Black Friday, because I needed to get a 9ft tree for church. Couldn't pass up the deal that we got. You are a trooper for doing all this shopping with your Aunts. I like online shopping, the packages just show up on your doorstep. So sorry to hear about your cats, I hope that you find a solution.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with the warm-up and back work from STS Disc 15, then right into X2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (the bonus workout for this phase). For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT One Doubled. I was going to do core after, but our power went out on my very last move of cardio :o . It was out for about an hour.....and now I am not in the mood for ab work. So.....maybe tomorrow.

    Tami, great workouts!! At least you have Mexico to look forward to during your cold weather periods. Maybe we can plan a group rotation for after your trip?!? Maybe that would give us all time to review the new workouts, and let Becky finish her first time through with STS. Can't believe I am already thinking about workouts two months from now! :#

    Thelma, don't stress over the three pounds. I bet they drop off pretty easily once you get back into your routine. Believe me, I understand the frustration over the gain because it seems it happen so quickly, though. So frustrating!

    Laurie, good to see you!! I am so sorry to hear about your in-laws. I hope your FIL is okay from the fall. That is scary. I completely understand what you are saying about the workouts during this phase and not minding missing them. As you can see, I switched to the bonus workouts when I promised myself I wouldn't. But I MUCH prefer the bonus workouts and I felt if I didn't switch.....I would probably walk away from the rotation. I didn't want to do that! Next week, though, I will be back to doing all the same workouts as you.

    Becky, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Insane-X class was a station-to-station like we have done before but with the usual Katy intensity for her Tuesday night class. Box Jumps, Burpees, Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, running stairs, wall ball throws, lunges. You guys get the picture. 4 rounds of everything. This a.m. was STS Chest/Shoulders/Tris and tonight will be Spinning.

    Did you ladies see the new clips for the Strong & Sweaty Series!!!!! They look great. I’m excited for them even more now. LOL

    Thelma: I know how you feel on the lbs and it is very frustrating. But as soon as you get back into your normal eating and drinking water, exercising they will come right off. Don’t you worry!

    Laurie: Good to hear from you! Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and fun that you were the visitor vs. the hostess! YUM on the freshly baked pies. Great job keeping up with your workouts and it sounds like work is crazy busy for you as well, so again good job! That new carpet will be so nice. Always makes for such a clean feeling, will probably inspire another house project. Usually does that for me. I have I think 3 or 4 more weeks on this rotation. Crazy as always how fast it goes.

    Laurel: Fabulous job on your workouts this a.m.! Weird about the power going out, glad it was short lived for you. You are exactly right on the looking forward to Mexico. It will come at a perfect time of year for us here. We are both excited about that forsure. That would be absolutely perfect to start when I get back. That will give us all some time to preview/sample the new ones! I know I will be dying to get into a rotation when I get home and having our group would be fun. Look at those clips if you haven’t yet, I will be interested to hear what you think as well.

    Hi Becky :smiley:

    Have a good evening ladies ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a really nice time visiting and getting my head pampered by my dd. She gives me a discount, because I'm family. Now that is really nice, and my hair looks great. This morning was Chirs Freytag's Ace HiiT Yoga. The carpeting looks great, you always think that your choice might not be correct with those little samples that they give you. Both DH and I are really happy.

    Laurel, Great job getting all those workouts done before the power went out. I have had my computer shut off right in the middle of a Cathe Live workout, and that was very frustrating. Speaking of the live, she has a awesome barbell upper body workout that I did, and I think it would be a great compliment to the next phase. I will have to go though the PAP workouts first, but this one left me with DOMS for a few days. I don't blame you one bit for changing up these workouts, I am really happy that I have one more workout of this phase.

    Tami, Nice job on the workout and you Katy class. I have been pouring over the clips of the workouts, and really liking what I have seen so far. I like that she is using heavy weights in the PHA clip. I am just about done with other people wanting my time for their projects that they need to get done by the end of the year. My other responsibilities get put on the back burner. That can cause problems when I don't get part orders out. :o I'm ready for my vacation at the end of the year. I'm sure that you will be really happy to go on your vacation after the busy time you have had with your job also. Wow that time has gone fast on your rotation also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,877 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was supposed to be yoga day, but I just wasn't in the mood for it. :/ I think it being Dec 1 has me thinking about what I need to do for Christmas so I just didn't have the mental patience for yoga. So, instead, I opted to work my legs. :) So I started today's workout with LIS Lower Body Trisets, then went into the bicep work from STS Disc 15, into the core work from Cardio and Weights. Good stuff! For cardio, I did Rhythmic Step which just flew by today.

    Tami, sounds like a good Katy class.....if you like tough! :D I haven't looked at any of the clips yet! I have seen them posted on Facebook but every time I see one, I don't seem to have time to watch. But I will look at them this afternoon. I was very excited by the look of the premixes on this series. Very excited to get them!

    Laurie, glad you like your new carpeting! Our carpeting is only two years old, and I want to replace it already. I don't think I will be able to talk DH into that for years, especially since the only place in the house it shows any wear is my workout room. :o But if we do live here long enough to replace it, I will definitely be looking for something more durable. We even upgraded the carpeting choices when we built, but.......just not good. Anyhow, I am definitely going to be complementing the next phase with some additional strength training. Right now, I am planning on adding at least one full leg workout and one total upper body workout each week in those day in between PAP workouts. I will probably try to add more than that on the PAP days but need to figure out the length of the workouts again before deciding what. But since the PAP workouts aren't really strength workouts......I know I will want something else.

    Becky and Thelma, hope you are well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ “REST” day for me. I did have a nice day at work, today is my 2 Year Anniversary with the company! Felt really nice to be recognized and received many nice messages from my co-workers. Can’t believe how fast 2 years have gone by.

    Laurie: Yay on the pampering and getting a nice fresh hair-do! Always feels good and a discount too, that’s awesome! Yay on the carpeting and that you both love it. Your right, sometimes you just hope it will be what you are thinking it will look like, so I am glad it looks so nice. Thanks for the kudos on the workouts! Yes, that PHA clip looks great for a strength workout! I think that was the one she uses a barbell in quite a bit if I remember from my quick preview the other night.

    Laurel: I’m glad that every once in a while you don’t have the mental patience for Yoga either. It happens to me most all the time. I love the stretching and how I feel afterwards, but getting myself to do it is tough. LOL Great job with your combo of workouts again today! I liked what I saw as well the other day on those new ones. Some moves she has done before that I really like and the strength training in PHA looks great!

    Hi Thelma & Becky :smile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was yoga, so I opted for Bob's Yoga for the Warrior. Such a great workout, and it felt great. This morning I did a short cardio workout with XTFMAX Endurance Cardio.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and totally understand the not doing yoga. I had a hard time getting into the workout after another day of work that was crazy busy, but Bob had me working hard so I loved it. Thanks for letting me know about the PAP workouts, since I have not looked at them yet. Then I will be looking for a lower body live workout, that will be fun to try. Our carpeting has been in our house since we built it in '96, so it really needed to be changed out. I'm hoping that this will last for a while. I don't workout on the carpet, but we will see about those more walked on areas. We still have to do the stairs and upstairs, but that may not happen for quite a while yet. Tonight we are looking at paint samples for the dinning room. Here is a pic, hopefully you can see what the carpet looks like. Kind of a short shag, with mixed browns. And of course Rocket, looking lost. :Depe7gjlfd3gy.jpg

    Tami, Nice that you gave yourself a rest day! Congrats on your 2yr anniversary, that is really nice that your co-workers recognized that. Nothing happens around here, until you have about 10yrs in the company. I'm getting anxious to receive the new workouts, and it sounds like they will be ready pretty soon.

    Thelma & Becky, hope your day is going well.

    Have a great weekend!