Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all yesterday. Monday night was a good BootCamp class, not overly exhausting, but a great workout. Pretty much total body workout w/ cardio and abs added in. So yesterday I wasn’t able to get in a workout so I did BULK Legs this a.m. and will go to Spinning tonight after work.

    Thelma: Good job getting in a little cardio so you could move and stretch your body! Congrats to your DH’s hard work paying off! I bet that felt great for him. Fingers still crossed on smooth loan approval for you guys. I know it is going to happen. It is just the Point A to Point B process that is stressful!

    Laurie: Excellent workouts! Way to dig into those Fit|Split workouts, that abwork is great isn’t it?!?!? I’m with you on the F|S workouts by themselves as a rotation. Mixing in with others is a great way to go. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts over the weekend. Luckily DH is doing better and went back to his Physical Therapist, so with that being said I am hoping they will encourage him to come in and ride their bikes like they have done before. No charge, just go in whenever they say to help rehab when his knee was bad and now with his back. So hopefully he will have that offer and take them up on it. Fingers/toes and everything crossed. I just want him to FEEL better and his back and body to follow suit. Hope you have a nice going away party for your boss and last day of work this year!!!!

    Laurel: Excellent job with the BULK workouts and cardio add-ons! I am absolutely looking at the tree not going up just like you said ….. at least we don’t have to take everything down and put it away! My new blinds/shutters arrived this week and have been installed. They look so good. I am thrilled we finally bit the bullet and did it. I told DH that this is my Christmas gift. He is slowly agreeing but he will probably get me a little something he said. I’m with you on weights before Cardio as you mentioned to Laurie. Just feel way more warmed up. Sounds like despite your struggle this a.m. you put together an awesome couple of workouts! Way to go!!

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, today too was my last workday of 2018!! It was a busy, long day and I'm glad the day is over!
    I spoke with the underwriter today and she told me the loan has been approved for days. The reason they haven't sent the official approval notice yet is that their own appraiser hadn't turned the report in. They got the report at the end of the day today so hopefully, the official approval will be sent soon. We have our walkthrough scheduled for the 28th at 2 PM and then we'll follow the agent to the closing location which is at 3 PM.
    Tonight I did cardio and I did a couple of bicep and tricep sets on my own.

    Laurie, great workouts! I hope you guys had a great time at your boss' party! Are you guys going anywhere for Xmas? Who is hosting Xmas this year?
    I'm glad you did some of the exercises low impact! I hope you enjoy the FitSplit workouts.

    Laurel, you always do such wonderful workout combos! Great job! Does Cathe Live have a lot of spinning workouts? Sounds like you guys lucked out with your neighbors. Such wonderful Southern hospitality! I'll hang out by the fire pit so I can watch the neighbors drive by! That will be the best way to meet them! LOL
    Great idea to bake cookies for your neighbors!!

    Tami, great workouts! Glad you enjoyed your BC class.
    Thanks on congratulating DH for his work. He really killed himself working last weekend. Are you going to be taking any time off for Christmas? How are your DH and Bernie doing?

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Bulk Arms, which I love. I followed it by working out with Cathe live today. She did a fun Christmas Calorie Crush workout which was a metabolic workout with some HiiT cardio elements. She had on the cutest outfit this morning too! I followed it with the stability ball ab work from the Butts and Guts DVD.

    Thelma, I am so excited for you and your new house! If you are anything like me, you will walk in next week and have such a sense of disbelief that that beautiful house is your home. I say it every single day right now. I am so happy for you. Hope you get some time to relax and reset over the holiday. You need this break! And you are right about southern hospitality. People really are friendly here. Cathe does have quite a few spin workouts on Cathe Live. I would say over a dozen because I know when I started spinning last year, I was able to go a few months without repeating spin workouts between Live and DVD doing spinning once a week. Without the variety, I probably never would have stuck with spinning. But I love it!

    Tami, great workouts! I am glad your DHs back is doing better. I hope he does get offered the use of the equipment at the PTs as well. Yay for the new blinds! I bet that really changes the feel of your home. DH and I agreed not to exchange gifts this year because, well, we are living in our gift. :) But on Tuesday, a box arrived on the doorstep. When DH worked in the Pentagon (way back when) they had the best chocolate shop in there (sounds strange, I know). Well, he surprised me with a box of chocolates from that chocolatier. :o Such a sweetheart to remember after all these years. But now I don’t know what to get him!

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying your time off.

    Until tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,571 Member
    edited December 2018
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a good send off for our bosses new job, everyone in our department was there. I'm very happy that it is now officially vacation for me. DH took Rocket to doggy daycare for me this morning, so I will pick him up this afternoon. I just got done with a Jillian workout on the elliptical, and it was a good one. I think that I will be on the elliptical every time that there is a spin workout. It was a nice change of pace.

    Laurel, Awesome workouts, and I like that since you where not feeling the workouts. Good thing that the cardio work was low impact, I'm sure that your body was happy. I agree with you on subbing the XTrain weight workouts for STS Meso 1. I like that the XTrain workouts don't incorporate all the gear, I think that is one things about Meso 1 that I don't like. Of course I don't enjoy the pull ups either, since I know that I will NEVER actually accomplish doing one. :D Not one of my goals. I don't feel that the sub of using the band actually is effective either. I'm with you on that STS rotation, I would like to do some good weight work before going to the road trip.

    Tami, Great workout, and glad that the bootcamp class was good. I hope that your DH takes advantage of the bikes also, I'm trying very hard to get DH to at least spend 10 min. on the elliptical. He is still walking with me in the mornings even though it is cold out. It has been a great time for us to just talk. I knew that if I just dedicated myself to the F/S workouts it wouldn't be something that I wanted to continue, so looked for a rotation that I knew I could enjoy. I will see how it goes when I get to Tabatasize. I know that I will have to take that one down a notch for sure.

    Thelma, Congratulations on your loan approval! Nice job on getting in your own Bi & Tri work also. Hope that you enjoy your time off until the new year starts. I also hope everything goes smoothly with the closing, it is all very exciting. We will be heading up to my parents after Christmas day. We will have the girls, Son-IL, and youngest dd's boyfriend over on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day we will be heading over to DH's brothers house to celebrate with his family. It will be a busy time until New Years Eve, the we are hosting our annual party with our friends.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night. We had Katy and she did “Rolling Hill Tabatas”.
    This a.m. was BULK Shoulders.

    Thelma: Congrats on your last work day for the year!!! Excellent work getting in some cardio and bis/tris. I am so excited for you and your DH with the new home and nearing the end of the loan processs. I am taking some days off after Christmas actually … looking forward to that. So Christmas Eve we only work a half day and then Christmas off of course. Day after will be really casual/low key and then I have the 27th – 31st off! DH is doing good, his back was causing him some pain but way better every day now. Bernard is great! Just love him so much. A joy to see each evening and he hangs out with me in the mornings like my shadow.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with your workout combo! “CCC” just sounds fun and tough!!! Great way to end the workout too with your ab work from B&G. It absolutely changes the look of our home with the new blinds. Wondered why I waited soooooooooooooo long to do it. That is so sweet of your DH to do that with the chocolates. Very thoughtful. I found out that my DH “despite no gifts” is buying his mom and I a spa day so we can just spend time together and he knows his mom will never do it unless I go with her.

    Laurie: Glad to hear the send off was a good one and everyone showed up! YAHOO on vacation for you now!! Enjoy every moment because as we all know it goes so fast. Great job with the JM workout on elliptical.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ we are having an Ugly Christmas Sweater Day tomorrow. LOL One of the ladies are gong to borrow my t-shirt from the volleyball tourney that looks like Santa Claus so she can wear something festive.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I finally had time and energy for a proper workout! I did Bulk Back followed by a JS cardio workout and stretching. It felt great! Hair cut tomorrow. I'm thinking it's time to gradually start to go shorter. The official approval hasn't come yet. Maybe tomorrow.

    Laurel, fabulous combo today!
    Thanks so much for being excited for us and our new house. I think I'm going to cry when we finally walk into that house as the owners. It will definitely be a sureal experience. I may have to get a part-time somewhere in town that will allow me to meet people. How do you access the workouts? Do go to her website or do you have that Roku thing? It's good to know that Cathe has a bunch of spinning workouts! I am going to relax during this time off.
    How sweet of your DH to send you those wonderful chocolates! I hoope you find something for him.
    We don't exchange gifts. A lot time ago we agreed that our gifts would be our vacation trips and clearly this Xmas we're going big with the new house.

    Laurie, glad your boss had a good turn out for his send off party. Do you know who your new boss will be? I bet the elliptical felt good! I wish I had one elliptical instead of the treadmill. Maybe when we move I can do the exchange!
    Wow, you are going to be quite busy during the holidays! Did you finish your baking? Enjoy your time off!

    Tami, nice workouts! I'm so happy to not be at work! So glad you will be taking time off next week too and that your DH is doing better! OMG, Bernie sounds like a sweetie! I can't wait till we move so we can get a dog too. Have fun at the office Ugly Christmas Sweater Day tomrrow!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another day I had to talk myself into working out, but I ended up with a good one. I started with Cathe Live Oh My Glutes, and this is a deceptively brutal workout. :) All standing work, little rest in between moves, lots and lots of reps, and nearly an hour in length. I felt like lying down afterwards :p so I grabbed my mat and did some core work from another Live workout. And then, for cardio, I did Cathe Live Cardio Fusion.

    Tami, sounds like a great spin workout! That spa day with your MIL sounds nice. I have never done anything like that and, like your MIL, would need some encouragement to try. But I bet I’d love it! Hope you enjoy. I am glad you like the new blinds. I think one of the few benefits of moving so often is it forces me to look at each of our homes more often. But even then I find myself upon leaving a house always wondering why I chose to live with something for so long!

    Thelma, yay for the workout! I bet that felt good. I have thought about finding a job as well, but I may just end up volunteering or doing something with our HOA (which has a lot of boards) to meet people. But I am still waiting for life to settle down a bit before I do that. I access Cathe’s workouts from her app for the iPad. It works great.

    Laurie, glad the send off went well. It is always nice to get a good turn out for those. It means that was a good boss. Glad you enjoyed the elliptical as well. I am with you on the pull-ups. I do use my Fit Tower for them but, anymore, I do the absolute easiest version of them possible. :# I still feel it is more effective than the band, but it doesn’t put any strain on my already wonky shoulders. Yay for joining in on STS!! We will definitely plan a substitute for Meso 1 then. Thank you!! Like you, I want a good solid strength training rotation before going into the road trip. I am hoping we get the new workouts soon so I can do those for a couple/few weeks before starting STS. And I want to finish two more weeks of Bulk workouts. So I don’t have a start date yet. But if you have something in mind for when you want to start, I can and will adjust.

    I probably won’t be back until Wednesday since DH has the next four days off. So I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday and Happy Last minute prepping time for Christmas! This a.m. was BULK Arms and I will head to Spinning tonight after work. Should be fun but a good workout. Going to try and get up early early before my 8 AM Hair Appt. (2nd Legs workout is the plan).

    Thelma: Great to hear you had both the time and energy for your workouts last night!! YAY. Great job. Funny, getting my hair prettied tomorrow. I am too scared to go shorter (as I have mentioned before) because my hair grows sooooooooooo slooooooooooooooow. It’s not one of those, oh well it will grow back. It will take forever. So many cuts I like but just too nervous. Probably just my normal color and shaping. Yes, Bernie is a sweetie forsure. DH keeps talking about getting another dog but then agrees Bernie should just be spoiled by himself in these last years we have with him.

    Laurel: How you pull those combos out of yourself after talking yourself into a workout is beyond me! WAY to WORK lady! Hopefully the spa will be fun, it is not at all what I had mentioned to him for doing as a gift so that was a surprise. I think it will be very nice too. Not my expertise but the few I have done have been enjoyable. I will also join you ladies on STS when you start!! Just keep me posted again on the dates and changes forsure to XT instead of Meso #1. Since I won’t get to chat with you, enjoy your time off and have a very Merry Christmas Laurel.

    I will check in and see who is here on Monday ~ Merry Christmas if you are all off celebrating!!


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Just stopping by to say "Hi" and hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

    Working today and going to head to Spinning tonight after work ..... didn't get in a workout yesterday. I am OFF until the 1st after today so I may be absent for a few days. Have a great rest of your holidays and Happy New Year!

    p.s. Santa brought me an InstaPot :):)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I wanted to say a quick hello and I hope you all had very Merry Christmas.
    Ours was quiet just the way we like it.

    I've been keeping up with my workouts which is wonderful!
    I can't wait till we get Cathe's new workouts!
    We leave for GA tomorrow and the closing is on Friday at 3 PM. It will be very hard to come back to MA!

    Hi Tami! Congrats on the new Instant Pot! You'll love it!

    Happy New Year ladies! Can you believe this is the end of the year?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the holiday. Ours was quiet but very nice. But I must admit that the minute midnight struck on Christmas night, I was ready for Christmas to be over. B) So yesterday was spent taking everything down, putting it away and.....finally!.....getting my house ‘normal’. I think I was just very anxious to see what our house was actually going to look like 11 months out of the year. I think DH was a little disappointed I took the decorations down so early, but I am glad it is done.

    I have worked out each day since Friday with Saturday being a yoga/stretch day. Other than that, it has been Sagi each day and some form of cardio. This week I finally feel like my strength is getting back where it was before the move. It always surprises me how quickly it comes back.

    Tami, I hope you enjoy your time off!

    Thelma, I hope everything goes well for your closing. Such a special time for you right now. Enjoy!!

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying your vacation.

    If I don’t check in before Tuesday.....Happy New Year!!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice Christmas holiday. Ours was also quiet and nice.
    Our closing went well and we met the sellers. Great couple and they've shared with us all kinds of info on the house. They even went back to the house with us after the closing to tell us more history about the house. This couple was deeply involved in the construction and design of the house and we couldn't be happier with the choices they made.

    We've decided that we will get rid of 95% of our current furniture because what the new house comes with is perfect for us. Funny thing, the king size bed in the master is pretty high and I'm so short that it takes a little work to get on that bed! LOL. DH says I look like I little kid on that bed. Then the fancy sink sitting on top of the vanity is also quite high for me. I'm going to need a little step stool to feel comfortable.
    It will be easy to clean that house and I think it's because of the open concept.

    When we arrived in GA it was raining like crazy. On Friday morning it was still raining. We decided to go to the house a couple of hours before the walkthrough to see if we could find it on our own. We found it!
    As we got there the sky cleared up and we were able to see some pretty amazing mountain views from our deck. The sellers told us that on the left we see the Cohutta mountains of GA, straight ahead TN mountains and on the right side NC mountains! We had no idea we had such an amazing view until we got there on Friday. When we saw the house in November it was also cloudy so could only see a very distant mountain outline. You can see the views from every room of the house on the deck side, on both the upper and lower levels.

    One of the best things about the new house is to see how happy DH is. We are both super happy but to see him so happy brings joy to my heart. Now we just need to move ASAP. DH thinks I should move first with the cats. I'm not sure how I feel about this because I'll be isolated and that scares me. I'm only 1.5 mls from downtown but I'm afraid about spending nights there by myself in that darkness. No street lights in that rural area. The house has an alarm system which can be engaged when we're inside the house but I would still be scared. Decisions, decisions!

    We came back Saturday night so today I went back to my Sagi workouts and a little low impact cardio. Any news on Cathe's new workouts?

    Laurel, glad you had a nice holiday too! Great job putting all your Christmas decorations away and for keeping up with your workouts!

    Happy New Year my friends!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,571 Member
    edited January 2019
    Morning Ladies,

    I had a great Christmas and New Years. We traveled to see my parents after Christmas and had our friends over for New Years. I made prime rib, and it was delicious. I do have a new boss, and I he is going to be great. I'm very excited for this change.

    My workouts for the week of Christmas was only a Monday workout, but I was okay with that. I started up again on Sunday with Jillian's 30 Day Shred Level 1 & XTrain Cardio Leg Blast, Monday 30 Day Shred Level 1 & FitlSplit Pull Day, Tuesday Killer Cardio Level 1 & 7 Min. Cardio Workout on her app (this is free) and this morning was 30 Day Shred Level 1 & 7 Min. Ab workout on the app. Took a little bit of convincing for me to get my butt out of bed this morning, so my workout was a short one. I'm hoping that I can get in my Push Day after work.

    Laurel, Sounds like you have been doing well with your workouts, and I'm glad that I'm back on track. It is amazing how I missed it for that week. I will only be doing the weight work for STS, and doing other options for cardio. I can start at anytime, so will go by what you and Tami decide. I'm going to be checking out the new workouts when they arrive, but am open to starting anytime.

    Tami, Awesome news on the Instant Pot, I used mine on NYE, it is so nice to have. Nice work on all your workouts too. It sure is hard to get back to work once you have been off like I have, but it is only for three days. :D

    Thelma, How awesome! Now the moving process has to go into effect. I'm glad to hear that your DH is so happy. How nice that you have such awesome views, I'm going to guess that will be the most calming thing in your day to just look at the views you have available. Glad that you are back working with Sagi. The only news that I have heard on the Cathe workouts, is that they are looking at shipping possibly on the 10th of January.

    I have to get going with my workload,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    Happy New Year Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the holiday. Ours was nice. Quiet and busy at the same time, but very enjoyable. I have stuck with my workouts throughout, including Saturday yoga with Bob Harper, which felt so good. So happy to be back to Saturday yoga again. Other than that, it has been Sagi and cardio every day. Today was Bulk Shoulders followed by Cathe’s IMAX2.

    Thelma, I am SO happy for you. I am glad the closing went smoothly and the previous owners were willing to show you the house and share its story with you. That makes it so special. And I can only imagine the bed!!! The mental image made me smile, that’s for sure. I understand being concerned moving to a new location by yourself. While I have never moved alone, my DH has had an annoying habit of having to leave places a week after we get there. It is, no doubt, a challenge. But I will say this about forced me to learn about my home and my surroundings in ways I might not have done. So that is a positive. As for the darkness and isolation......I think that might take some getting used to. I have only lived in one house where we didn’t really have neighbors, but that was in Colorado Springs and on the Air Force Academy, so I felt safe. But hopefully you can find a good solution that makes you both comfortable. I am so happy to hear your DH is happy with this. That goes a very long way. Great job getting back to your workouts!

    Laurie, glad to hear you enjoyed your holidays and the prime rib was a success! I have never made it and would, no doubt, over cook it. :/ It is a thing for me with cooking beef that just isn’t good. :# Sounds like you hit the ground running again after your few days off with the workouts! I hear you in not liking those long breaks anymore. In all of last year, I had only one two day break from working out, and that was two days on the drive down here where it just wasn’t possible to do anything. But, anymore, I don’t care if I just have 15 body just feels so much better if I have moved it even a little.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your holiday and break from work!

    So, about the new rotation, I was thinking about it over the weekend and think I have a plan. I don’t work so this plan will probably need to be adjusted to accommodate early or late hours working out and time crunches and all that. But my initial thought is to start it two weeks from Sunday (January 20). That would give me one more week with Body Beast and then a week transition where I was hoping to get at least a peak at Cathe’s new workouts. But I am more than happy to move this up a week to January 13. Starting on the 20th has it ending a week before the Cathe Road Trip.

    So my plan going into the first month is to do the ‘split sessions’ format I posted before we moved from Alaska. So the first four weeks would look like:

    Sunday-lower body of choice
    Monday-XT Disc 1
    Tuesday-lower body of choice
    Wednesday-XT Disc 2
    Thursday-Cardio and stretch
    Friday-Metabolic or Total Body workout (or upper body only if the lower body is too taxed)

    In looking at the Lite workouts, I think the weight workouts from the new series may work perfectly for those Friday workouts.....even including the travel workout she is doing. So I am hoping to incorporate those that first month. Because I am going to be pushing the number of weight sessions per week (and the length of those sessions) up a notch, I am planning on taking a recovery week before starting Meso 2. Right now my mindset is to do the same format for both Meso 2 and Meso 3 as I have posted here, but I want to see if it is too much on my body before committing to that completely. I am hoping that a recovery week will allow for it though.

    As far as leg workouts during this first month, I think I will focus on high rep leg workouts or cardio and leg workouts like XT Cardio Leg Blast, LIHI Legs, ICE Lower Body Blast (for the cardio legs) and Lower Body Blast, LIC Lower Body Trisets, Butts and Guts, Legs and Glutes, Lean Legs and Abs, Great Glutes, etc for the high rep work. I toyed with doing Meso 1 legs, but I just can’t get myself worked into any enthusiasm for one legged sit and stands right now so I think I will skip Meso 1 work completely.

    Anyhow, that’s some thoughts. Let me know what you think.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies and Happy 2019!!! I know this will be a better year but so far only 2 days in I haven’t seen that glimmer of light. :| DH came down with Bronchitis, Sinus infection day after Christmas and then into the New Year with INFLUENZA A &B! WHAT the what?!?! Can’t even believe it. Despite him being sick I did enjoy my days off a little bit. Was able to get together with my girlfriends, got in all my workouts and loving BULK by the way. This heavy lifting feels great right now. Mostly the feeling of being excited for my workouts again makes me very happy. Back to "me" . . . finally. ;)

    So Sunday was BULK Chest & Back, which I love doing together especially having the time, Monday was BULK Legs and yesterday just as I finished BULK Shoulders DH said we needed to go to the doctor. . . .yesterday was the diagnosis of the terrible flu. No workout this a.m., he was asleep on the couch but I will go to Spinning tonight after work. It feels good to be back at work actually.

    Thelma: I am so happy for you and your DH!!! Sounds like you are both beyond words excited for the new home and the past owners sound like they truly loved that house. So it is nice you are picking up where they left off. YAY. A little step stool sounds like it will be needed in a couple rooms. That’s ok. Great job with your workouts and keeping up with them through the trip, closing, etc.

    Laurie: Sounds like your holidays were lots of fun! That is so great. Happy to hear you are going to like your new boss and excited for the change, what a wonderful thing when it could be the opposite forsure. YAY for you too so far into 2019!! Great job with your workouts. . . even if it was a short one this a.m. you got it done! I have already made 3 different things so far in my Instant Pot. Just trying to get used to how it works before I try something to complicated and ruin it. LOL Hope you are right on the ship date for the new workouts! Looking forward to them.

    Laurel: Fantastic job with all your workouts ….. including the Yoga! Still a goal in the back of my mind to get more in. Maybe 2019 it will really happen. It’s up to me I know. Just happy to have my enthusiasm and drive back for the workouts again. I’ve turned a corner there mentally and that feels good. Thank you for being in this rotation with me. So I think this upcoming rotation looks great!!! YAY. I leave for my BIG trip on January 31st so I will join you guys for a while and then see where everyone is and/or pick up accordingly when I return. I’m in!! Love the idea of how it will incorporate the NEW Lite Workouts too. Thank you for putting this together and all your thoughts on it, truly a great one looks like to me. :)

    Happy 2019 ladies . . . lets make it a good year – WAIT, GREAT Year!
    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I just wanted to say a quick hello and wish you a happy new year. I did BB Bulk Back tonight.
    Thanks so much for those nice words about our house, our future and for being happy for us.
    I resigned today and my last day will be Jan 18.

    I fell asleep and don't have time to write more but will do so tomorrow.

    Great job with your workouts ladies!
    Good night!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,571 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did 30 Day Shred Level 1 & FitlSplit Push Day. So as you can see I never got that workout done last night, but it fit just fine in my morning routine. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! Glad that you where able to enjoy your yoga again, and of course with Bob. ;) This was my first time cooking prime rib, but the recipe that I used was super easy and got compliments. So it will be something that I will try again in the future. I just wish that I had an oven that used the temp probe, any new one that I get will have that. Looks like the rotation is well set up, so the 20th it is. ;) I'm going to do these FitlSplit weight workouts until then instead of adding in the XTrain also. At least I have my base weights set, and can progress from there. We where running around so much during the week of Christmas, that I just decided to do the no workout option instead of worrying about it. No way could I do anything while we where up at my parents anyway, there just isn't any room. :D

    Tami, Awesome job with the workouts! I'm so sorry to hear about your DH. He is probably more susceptible to getting sick like that after experiencing pneumonia. I know that DH gets bronchitis every time he has a severe cold or flu. I hope that you are able to avoid any form of the flu. That is the thing with the Instant pot is getting used to using it. There are so many recipes that I still want to try out.

    Thelma, Nice job on the workout. I'm sure that was a very stressful day having to put your notice in. Once you are in that new house, it will be well worth it though.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Bulk Arms followed by Cathe’s live workout today which was called 25 Live. It was actually 26 random exercises done back-to-back and was a great metabolic/cardio workout. Since it was relatively short, I added the ICE Metabolic Total Body Blizzard Blast at the end, which felt great.

    Thelma, OMG!!! I have no doubt the next few weeks will be filled with a roller coaster of emotions. I remember when I quit working, I was a mess of excitement, anxiety, relief, disappointment, hope.....and everything in between. But through it all, the excitement, relief and hope prevailed. I hope it will with you as well. I am excited for you!

    Tami, I am so sorry to hear about your DH. I hope he recovers quickly. After last year, I have no doubt this was not how either of you wanted to start the new year. But I am so happy you are enjoying Body Beast and feeling like you are back in the groove with workouts. I feel the same way right now! Love having some energy and enthusiasm back after two+ years of feeling like I was just going through the motions. Can’t believe your trip to Hawaii is coming up so quickly!

    Laurie, great workout! Yay for the 20th! Since it has been awhile since I have done the XTrain workouts, I want to take some time over the next two weeks to look at them again and try to figure out my weights. I feel like I completely wasted one week of these Bulk workouts because I really had no idea where to start with my weights since it had been so long since I had lifted anything heavy. I don’t want to do the same with XTrain....and I am prone to with those workouts since I have a tendency to just go with whatever Cathe is lifting. Sometimes she is too heavy.....and sometimes she is too light. :) I would rather it be just right for me. :) So looking forward to doing this!

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ We had a pretty good Spin class last night despite Katy being gone. Found out she also has the flu. Really going around our area. YIKES. This a.m. was BULK Arms and most likely no workout tonight. There is a new Thursday evening class just starting but I just found out about it, maybe next week. It is a Ballet Barre class. My friend is going tonight so I will maybe try it next week.

    Thelma: I bet it felt fantastic to give your notice! For many reasons but mostly because it is the next step to your new life without stress of your job and living in your beautiful home. Hope your time goes quickly for you.

    Laurie: Way to go with the Shred Level 1 & FS Push. I know how that is when you travel and just can’t find a spot for a workout. That’s how it always was when I would go visit my mom. Shopping and walking was our workout. lol I did find out the resort in Hawaii has a beautiful workout room with lots of equipment and my girlfriend who is going wants to go in the a.m.’s with me. YAY.

    Laurel: Cathe’s 25 Live sounds like a great one! Excellent job on the combo you put together this a.m. You’re right on the money when you say that about how DH and I have started out the new year. However, yes I am very happy to report to you all how much better my workouts and motivation are vs. just pushing play and pushing myself to do whatever I can. This feels like how it used to feel and love my workouts again vs. glad that I got it done. So the 20th it is sounds like. Very fun! In the meantime, doing BULK and getting my strength back is wonderful.

    Have you ladies seen clips yet or are they posted of Cathe’s NEW Lite Series?

    Have a great afternoon ladies! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, long day at work so I only got a little low impact cardio in. I thought resigning was going to be a happy and excited time but nooooo. I am scared, overwhelmed and almost at a point where I'll start having panic attacks.
    Obvioulsy, I never saw the possibility of having to move first coming. This is seriously freaking me out.
    We are hoping to make moving trip part I to GA in early Feb. DH is going to rent a truck and we'll load it up on a Friday and will drive out early on a Saturday. He claims he can do the drive in one day. I honestly don't know if I can drive a truck. The biggest vehicle I've ever driven is my Jeep Grand Cherokee and that felt like a tank at first.

    Laurie, I'm so glad you had a great Christmas and New Years and that you like your new boss!

    Great job with those workouts!!!
    Our moving process has to go into effect and a heck of a lot sooner than I ever dreamed of! The views have such a calming effect! We both always feel so relaxed when we're in Blue Ridge.
    I also read that Cathe was going to start shipping out the workouts next week. It's about time! I feel like we've been waiting forever!

    Laurel, I'm so happy you also had a nice Christmas/New Years holiday. You are always such an inspiration with your workouts! Great job lady!
    Thanks for posting that rotation idea because I've lost track of where we were with the rotation. I love your suggestions and for me, starting the 20th is better cause I'll be a free woman then.

    It was really special to be at the closing and to be able to talk with the sellers. They bought the house when it was just the foundation. They made the builder widen the foundation so that it could only be 2 stories instead of 3 as he had planned. This allowed for a Master facing the view which is exactly what he had dreamed of!
    That bed is ginormous! LOL. I have no reason to feel unsafe at the new house except for the fact that I've never lived alone in the middle of the woods in a place where I only know the realtor! I feel like I'm going to be afraid to even leave the house. I already told DH I want an outdoor security camera with two way audio so I don't have to open the door and can talk to anyone outside through my cell phone. It will definitely take some getting used to it. I'll just have to man up. I can just see myself spending sleepless nights at first.
    I can't believe how emotional I am about my job. I just didn't see it coming. When I told my team I was leaving tears just started rolling down my face. I almost made a couple of them cry. I'm in that emotional roller coaster you describe. I was excited when we bought the house but once I gave my notice the excitment part seems to have died.

    Tami, OMG with your husband getting so sick over the holidays!! It's like he had the entire alphabet! Yikes! I'm glad you managed to enjoy your days off and your workouts. Send me some of that excitement for workouts because I'm feeling so out of shape and not excited about working out. I hope that excitement returns once I stop working because I won't be so tired all the time.
    I'm sure going back to work felt good after having to be home with a very sick DH! Great workouts!

    The previous owners really loved that house. They wanted to make sure we knew they were not selling the house because something was wrong with it but because they're at a point in their lives where they don't have time to enjoy it. They own all kinds of properties apparently.
    Funny thing is that I already own a bunch a step stools because we have a kitchen dining set that is bar height so short me needs a foot rest under the table! Of course when my aunts are here they need their little stools too! So we have 3 stools under the table! LOL.
    I thought giving my notice would've felt great but all I want to do is cry. I am so emotional. The fact that people are saying such nice things like you'll be missed, who is going to fill your shoes? A lady told me I was a ray of sunshine in that place. I couldn't believe my ears! She definitely made me cry! It's a good thing we were in the ladies room!
    I hope your DH is feeling a little better. The flu though, takes a lot of rest in order to get rid of.

    God night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,571 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This first week back at work has been really slow, kind of waiting for the shoe to drop when everyone gets back to work here. :D This morning was KCM RAW Just Step & Jillian's Yoga Meltdown Level 1.

    Laurel, Sounds like a really fun workout, and getting to add on that blizzard blast. It is so easy to fall into the habit of lifting the same weight as Cathe, I found that I just couldn't do that in some cases recently. That lady can really lift a lot for her shoulders. I know what you are talking about though. I will be increasing the weight in small increments. I have the upper body workouts all set in my calendar, but so far have not decided on the lower body workouts. I think that I want to incorporate the leg workout from Walk Strong 3 into this. Would that one be best in Meso 1 do you think? I really do enjoy that one a lot, and have not done it in a while so it would be a good second lower body workout.

    Tami, Great job with the workout and your class. Dang on that flu, it can be very hard to avoid when it is moving around your area like it appears to be. Nice that you will have that workout option when you head to Hawaii! I love that your friend is all into working out with you also. That barre class sounds like it would probably be a good one, just another way to work that lower body.

    Thelma, Great job on getting in your workout. I can't even imagine what you are going through at work now that you have officially resigned. I'm sure that there are people trying to pick your brain. They guys I work with say that they will need to download all my contacts before I retire. :D I'm sure you will do fine with driving a truck, it is just a matter of getting used to it. You both will be moving this along fast, but once you don't have to go to work anymore it will get better.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a pretty tough one. I did one of Cathe’s earliest Live workouts, which was a 70 minute workout called All About Legs. And Cathe threw everything but the kitchen sink into this workout. So there were plyo moves, weighted moves, moves with a fire walker band, gliding tool moves, barre moves and stability ball moves, :o In other words, it was pretty thorough. :p It had two saving graces, though. First, since this was one of her first Live workouts, they hadn’t quite figured out about having all the equipment ready, so there were some longer breaks to get equipment. The second.....the weight used was light. But it was tough. I took a break before cardio, trying to figure out what to do and settled in Cathe Live HiiT It, Strike It and Crunch It. It felt pretty tough today, to be honest.

    Tami, yikes on the flu! I hope you are able to avoid it. Sounds like a great plan for working out in Hawaii!! If you don’t mind sharing.....where are you going in Hawaii? I am just curious. Like I said before, DH and I are hoping to use our airline tickets from our cancelled Hawaii trip last autumn to go there next autumn. But we have only been to Oahu, and have been planning to go back because of a familiarity/cost thing. So I am curious where you are going and your impression. No matter where you will LOVE it! The air is so soft...... B) . Cathe posted quite a few videos of the new workouts a couple of weeks ago. You can probably find them in YouTube searching for Cathe and LITE series or something like that. They look pretty good. They definitely look less intense than some of her other workouts, but that can be deceptive when just watching a video clip. I am definitely looking forward to trying them though.

    Laurie, hope next week at work doesn’t go too crazy! :o But at least you have a good new boss, so that must help. Great workouts. I think the Walk Strong 3 Lower Body workout would be perfect for this first month. Actually.....thank you for reminding me about it! I want to do it again, and I think this will be a great opportunity. I am with you on Cathe and her shoulders. Like I have said before, I can only do 20lbs overhead presses if the reps are slow and few. Cathe definitely has me beat there.....and in most areas actually! :D Booked my room for the Road Trip last night so one step closer!!

    Thelma, huge hugs my friend!! I so empathize with what you are going through. You have invested so much of yourself into your job that, no doubt, you feel like you are losing a part of yourself in leaving. Add the stress of a move.....and a move alone....on top of that and that is just so much to take in. I will tell you that with every matter how excited I might be for it.....there is always some doubt and some concern because it is jumping into an unknown. So don’t worry that your excitement for the new house isn’t there right now. That you had it in the first place means it is real. It has just been washed over right now with other stuff like leaving your job and the details of your move. We have, unfortunately all too often, moved on short notice like you are, and it leaves little time to process what is happening and to weigh everything with some sense of proportion or perspective. No doubt you will find yourself in Georgia more than once saying ‘what the heck just happened?’. But once the dust settles, I have no doubt you will look around your new home, enjoy the new peace in your life and say ‘This is right’. It will be a journey to get there though, but so worth it. Okay....anyhow.....just a thought on the driving the truck and such in one day. Can I ask what kind of truck? The only reason is because, as you know, we did the whole two trips with u-Hauls across the country thing when we moved from CO to FL. And the size trucks my DH drove (26’ and 20’) were too slow and too uncomfortable to drive 1000 miles in a day. Stopping for gas alone added hours to our trip. And there is no way on this earth I could have driven either of those trucks down the driveway much less on the highway. Hopefully you will be renting something smaller, but I just wanted to throw that out there as a caution for you. And, Thelma, if you need help with anything or just a break from being alone, I know we have never met in person, but I can be (and would be if you wanted) there in just a few hours. And I am serious about that.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a nice one and did some packing. Getting ready for a cold day tomorrow!
    On Friday I did BB Bulk Shoulders and a little cardio. On Saturday I did one of Jessica's fusion workouts and today, BB Bulk Legs and lite cardio.

    I am feeling a lot better about the move to GA. I hope this good feeling continues. I am feeling like I can do it. I'm also feeling OK about work. My boss apparently agreed to pay for a lunch party for me. Not sure when it will be yet though.

    Laurie, I hope you enjoyed the slow time at work last week! Great job with your workouts!

    Thankfully, I am in a much better place mentally when it comes to work and the move. I am trying to document things so people know what to do at work. I don't even know if DH will let me drive the truck but I will certainly offer to help.

    Laurel, wow that All About Legs workout sounds amazing! Hard but amazingly good! Great workout combo!! Glad you booked your hotel room for the Road Trip!!

    I definitely felt like I was losing a part of myself when I resigned. As the stress has lifted off my shoulders though I'm starting to feel calm about it which is good.
    I hope the excitement about the move will return once I'm in Blue Ridge and find my way around. The fear of the unknown is definitely what I'm dealing with but seem to be OK for now. I know that as the time of the move gets closer I'll start freaking out. The good news is that DH will stay a week with me to make sure I'll be OK. Now I have him worrying about me.
    I think that once I get used to being there alone at night, and I can sleep through the night I will be better.

    DH will be renting a much smaller truck than you guys had. He said he'll rent a 17' u-Hall truck.

    You are the sweetest for offering to come to my place if I needed you to. You just made me cry! Thanks so much for offering.

    Tami, I hope you and your DH are OK.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,571 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very nice weekend. On Saturday I didn't workout. I had a party for the Altar Guild that I'm in charge of, and that was really great to just chat. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. On Sunday I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred Level 1 & Body Design Light Dumbbell Cardio Sculpting & Stronger/Leaner Lower. This morning was Jillian's 30 Day Shred L1 & Body Design Weighted Kickboxing & Upper Body Strength.

    Laurel, Sounds like a really tough workout, and glad to hear that you got through it. There is a reason that I have a new boss, he is finding out that the previous one had to many pots not finished that should have been. The mess is pretty severe, but this guy knows how to delegate. This may mean that I have additional job responsibilities, but at least then it is my process that I live and die by. ;) Everyone in the office is happy, well except maybe one guy. He may be moving onto something else also. :| I still have to book my room, probably should do that soon.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! I'm glad to hear that they are going to have a lunch party for you. I'm also very glad to hear that you are starting to feel better about your job and move. I'm sure that your DH will be driving all the way, but offering is very nice.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. We had a beautiful weekend here with blue skies and temps near 60. Made for such a nice change from all the rain we have been having. DH and I took the opportunity to explore some of the paths and trails near our home. We can easily walk for miles from our front door, and I love that! I was also happy to get DH out and doing something active. Hopefully we can make this a habit.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did Jessica Smith Relax and Restore. Yesterday was Bulk Chest followed by To The Max Extreme. And today was Bulk Back followed by a fun cardio combo of Cathe Live Move It into Cathe Live Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre. Since the first workout was a HiiT-type workout, it made for a good trifecta of different workout styles which, thankfully, makes the time go faster for me. :)

    Thelma, so glad to hear you are doing better with the move. I am glad you are going to be celebrated by your co-workers before you go. You deserve it! Great job with the workouts as well. And just know the offer to come help you or just alleviate the loneliness is sincere.

    Laurie, great workouts. Glad you got to enjoy some time with good people on Saturday. I am glad your new boss is cleaning some things up. It’s sad he has to do that, but at least he is the kind of person who can. Hopefully in the long run everybody is better off for it.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend and DH is improving.

    See you tomorrow.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday. Weekend was very quiet but that was ok. DH is feeling slightly better. Yes only slightly. He did admit yesterday “at least it is better”. But he tried to leave the house for a little bit this a.m. and had to go back. Just too weak and tired. Poor guy. I think he will get there. Just taking time. The sore throat and cough are still full on, which is miserable. :/

    Workouts were good! So Friday was Spinning after work with a great “newer” instructor because Katy is still sick. Then Saturday I did a Total Body workout called: Tracie Long Stronger|Longer Vol #1, which was a nice lower impact workout with great warm-up and stretch. Gives a lot of core moves and opening up your hips style of stretches; light weights with cardio bursts throughout. I had bought this on a “Black Friday Special” to try. I used to enjoy her workouts when she did THE FIRM. (OY! Dating myself aren’t I? … lol) Yesterday was BULK Chest & BULK Back. Today will be BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: I am glad to hear you are feeling a little bit better after the weekend. Moving and a life change can always be scary. So many unknowns, but I know it is going to all come together and work out beautifully for you both. Wanting to be in one place and having to stay in another is very stressful. Once you are finished with work that layer of worry and anxiety will fall off. Think of driving that truck as an adventure! Great job with you workouts throughout this time, despite the lack of motivation. I think for me it was just pushing through and doing workouts that made me feel good or not doing one on a certain day. Giving myself the time it needed vs ignoring how I was feeling. Luckily that “good’ feeling has come back for the workouts and Sagi has helped too. LOL

    Laurie: Way to go with your workouts and getting back into the work schedule too! This a.m. I was thinking ……. Ugh a FULL week of work ahead, so spoiled after the last couple short weeks I had. Sounds like you have a nice plan in place for the upcoming rotation! I need to plug in my plan as well at least for those first couple of weeks and then join back up when I return from Hawaii! It’s fun that my friend has been wanting to go to Spinning together again. A long time ago we went several Saturdays together. She had to cxl on my last Saturday but maybe this week. I am going to try that Barre class this Thursday. The lady teaching it is not my favorite but I did hear it was good, so maybe this is more her niche.

    Laurel: That LEG workout sounds crazy!! I bet it was tough but I am sure you felt very accomplished when you were done. So far so good with me avoiding the sickies despite DH and every other person at work being sick. WOWSA. Knocking on wood {again} as I say that to you. LOL So we are going to Maui and I believe it is the Westin we are staying at. A 2 bdrm condo with our friends. I seriously CANNOT wait! I have heard that about HAWAII. There is nothing to not like and my BFF said the smells are amazing, plus your skin feels amazing from the air and moisture. Sounds perfect to me!!! I will give you a full report! Oahu I heard is absolutely amazing too. A little more quiet than Maui maybe? I did get an e-mail today saying my DVD’s are being shipped on Thursday! WOOHOO. The clips were listed too. Thank you for answering me about that. I will have to check them out.

    Have a great evening ladies! Talk to you tomorrow.
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,707 Member
    Hi Ladies, I didn't workout tonight. Long day at work, and DH has a cold that he has shared with me. I feel something brewing in my chest and my throat hurts.
    I also received an email from Cathe's team that my DVD's will be shipped on the 10th! So exciting!!!!

    Laurie, glad you had a nice weekend and fun at the Altar Guild party. Great workouts!

    It is really nice that I will have a little lunch party from my co-workers. I am also relieved that I'm feeling better about the move. The fact that DH will be with us the first week in GA helps me a lot. Thank God DH decided to do the trip in two days instead of one.

    Laurel, so glad you had an enjoyable weekend with beautiful temps! How nice that you were able to explore the nearby trails with your DH! I hope to be able to do that with DH some day too!

    You really did some really good workouts!!!
    I am glad about the little lunch party too. Things are happening at work that are making me realize that I couldn't have picked a better time to leave that job.
    Thank you so very much for your kind offer to come help me alleviate my loneliness. You are just too kind!

    Tami, so glad you didn't get sick!! So sorry your DH isn't feeling well yet though.

    I can't believe you did a Tracie Long workout! Some of her workouts are good for sure. The Firm workouts were pretty good. I am dating myself too! LOL. Great workouts!
    OMG! You're going to Hawaii!!! So happy for you! When are you going?

    I am glad I'm feeling less scared. I am starting to feel like I will be OK for a few months by myself. I hope to regain my motivation once I stop working!! Send motivation vibes my way please!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,571 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was RAW Boxing & Drills and Jillian's Killer Cardio Level 1. This is a new RAW workout, and boy was it fun. She did boxing and then cardio on the step. Super simple athletic moves, and got the hr up.

    Laurel, Great job with all the workouts. Nice that your cardio flew by with all the variety in it. I so enjoy workouts that are like that. Have to say that the Boxing & Drills workout is now up on one of my favorites. Like your live workouts they are fun to have, and they are always different. I have that same feeling about the morning walks with my DH, he is getting out and moving. He is on a mission this year to lose some weight, so we will see how it goes.

    Tami, Awesome job on all your workouts, and your TL workout seems to be a nice way to revisit a good instructor. Sometimes we have to pull out these instructors workouts every once in a while. Glad to hear that your DH is feeling slightly better, so hopefully he progresses to full recovery soon. I hear you on the full week of work, this morning felt like it should be Wednesday. :D I hope your friend gets back into the spinning. Crossing my fingers that your barre class is a good one. Like Jillian says in her workouts. You can always use a good ---"lower body" workout in your life. Jillian usually says chest work, but I always adapt that to what I feel my body needs. Awesome that you will be joining in on the rotation after your wonderful vacation. Still one of the places that I would love to go to.

    Thelma, Dang on the possibility of a cold, dang on that sharing thing. That is one type of sharing that isn't fun. I also received my notice. Found it interesting that the shipping notification came out before it actually is shipped on the 10th. So that will mean that I get mine sometime next week, and then the previewing will begin. I'm looking forward to them. The Pyramid type workout looks interesting. She has not done a true pyramid workout for a very long time. To bad that it has those dang step ups in them. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a toughie. I started with Bulk Legs and upped the weights as I have on all the Bulk workouts this week. Then I followed it with a Cathe Live spin class called Pedal to the Metal. This is one tough spin class! I had DH install a ceiling fan in my spin room this weekend and even with that, the windows open and temps in the 50s.....I was drenched! Of course.....I loved it. :)

    Tami, glad to hear your DH is improving, even if it is slowly. Hope he continues to rest and lets himself fully recover. Great job getting your workouts in. I will be curious to hear your impressions of the Barre class. I remember when the first Firm workout came out (with Susan Harris)! I did that one faithfully for years. I suppose I credit The Firm for putting me on the path to Cathe.....because, as much as I hate to admit it, before The Firm, I worked out with Jane Fonda. B) Now that is really dating myself! Oh I think you are so going to love that trip to Maui! I have heard nothing but fantastic things about that island. We have always gone to Oahu (which is actually busier because of Honolulu) because there is a resort on the North Shore that has great military rates.....and we just can’t pass them up. But I so want to go to Maui. I will anxious to hear your impressions. And just FYI, I am toying with this being my last week of Bulk so I can do the new workouts when they come in next week. But I haven’t really decided on that yet because I am still loving them! But just in case I veer off on Sunday.....I just wanted you to know.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about the cold! Take care of yourself and hopefully you will feel better soon. I definitely think it is better that you are going to make the trip to Georgia in two days. I think you will both be that much more comfortable with it. The fantastic thing about the trails around here is they are safe. I wondered about it, but we saw plenty of single women on both paths we took, which made me feel good about exploring on my own this spring. I hope you find the same thing around you.

    Laurie, love the sound of that workout. Cathe Live is worth every cent I spend on it for the variety it offers. I have no doubt you feel the same way about RAW. My DH is determined to lose weight this year as well. He refuses to try to do it on his own, so he is back on Nutrisystems. I would prefer he opted for something else, but this is what he feels comfortable with. And if he could lose about 30lbs, I think he would feel so much better. I am trying to encourage him every way I can, so while he is doing his 10 day ‘start up’ plan right now, I am right there with him.....but eating my own food. After just a week, I feel so much better. I am so ready to get off this Alaska/move/holiday ‘fluff’ :) I gained!

    See you tomorrow.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was a good class last night (as usual). Katy was back and participated but stopped a few times just due to fatigue from having the flu. We did 1 minute rounds of HEAVY weights followed by a minute of cardio. So back-to-back exercises 4 X then onto a new type of exercise. Squats, lunges, burpees, box jumps, shoulder snatches, upright rows, abs, etc. It was tiring but a great workout. This a.m. was BULK Legs. DH had a good afternoon yesterday, I think the corner was rounded that he felt better. Thank goodness. :)

    Thelma: I am sorry you caught your DH’s cold. Darn it. I hope you heal up quickly. Good that you opted out of the workout and let your body get some rest. Glad you are feeling better about the move and a lunch party is much deserved!! YAY that they are doing that. Yes, HAWAII here we come. We are going with the couple we went to Mexico with a couple years ago …. They have a timeshare and invited us to go with them to Maui. We leave on Jan 31st!

    Laurie: Way to go with the RAW Boxing & Drills along with Killer Cardio Level 1. I am glad you enjoyed the RAW Boxing and Drills so much …. Always love when a workout is fun and one of your favorites. That’s great that your DH is on a mission this year to be healthier and lose some weight. I know through my DH being so sick and the year he had I said to him “maybe this year should be your year to just be healthier” it’s not saying to go on a diet or workout or anything, just choose to be healthier so it is left up to him to choose how that happens. He agreed and I know the wheels are spinning, he just wants to feel good again. Thank you for the kudos on my workouts. Did I see “step ups” in your sentence to Thelma! I am that crazy woman that enjoys those. LOL Bulgarian Split Squats, not so much … step ups – yes!

    Laurel: When you say a TOUGHIE I already feel tired. LOL I bet that leg workout was amazing and then right into Pedal to the Metal, Yaas! Way to work. Nice that you have a ceiling fan. I remember years ago when we had my treadmill and it was in the spare bdrm that is tiny. Well the windows would fog up in like 10 minutes. A ceiling fan would have been way better. I am excited to try that class Thursday. Thank you for the FYI on our BULK rotation and that is a great idea to be able to sample out the new ones.

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami